Every Sub Battle Is Worse Than The Last One

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come on what are you doing what oh oh my gosh oh my gosh all right uh why  don't i respect uh well who don't play v3   with the white piece so this is pretty  standard so far this is pretty normal   but coulomb's playing black so what does  it feel like to play his own defenses all right i think 97 probably bishop d6 maybe  castles or something maybe works the eight maybe   b5 pretty normal right pretty standard so far this  is pretty standard uh george is on my team so i'll   look at it from his perspective right and then  i will switch it over to you know team by team   hippo where exactly am i gonna be in venice beach  well i'm not 100 sure i'm going but there are some   friends of mine who i know who are in town so  i probably will be headed that way but i can't   tell you guys where i'm going to be exactly  like let's be serious that would just be weird   oh they have to track you down that would just be  weird um you should do this they say they don't   see the names by the way lobby so um yeah the  board is too big are the names too small well   the names aren't showing up below and above the  board oh that's because they're on the right side   right next to the board oh sorry you're right  this is this is yeah by the way you guys levy   is doing a re-stream so that's why you  see the names they're under our webcams   that's why uh actually chad do you want me to  change that layout or not do you prefer the   names below and above the border you prefer them  on the side i could do we could do a pull it's   either or because i am on the hikaru channel so  you are the majority yeah side yeah we should do a   pull pull is the best way to do it um yeah let's  do a pull you could do that not a problem yeah okay oh man this is going to be fine i  wonder if this is going to be hotly debated above let's see okay all right let's see okay i'm doing a  pull all right let's let's see what they   what what's going on all right so in the  meantime d4 good move it stops e5 right   and also can get the eval bar action to levy  yeah let me you know what i'm i'm just gonna   this is not me tilting everybody this is me uh  just gonna i'm just gonna adjust it so that we   have it i feel like your your channel is used  to it and i will you know it's like one in rome   wow okay my yeah they like what they like what i  do why isn't from behind an option okay thank you   for that um all right okay uh uh yeah what i'm  gonna make some some further adjustments here   let's let's let's make it okay okay um all right  okay anyway okay uh oh these four guys are gonna   get tour gonna get they're gonna get the tours  okay so this is pretty balanced with so far right   it's it's it's it's pretty balanced yeah  let's put let's put chezz.com right here   and okay so above and below wins okay that's good  that's good and yeah you guys we're gonna have a   little bit of tours for for a little bit it's  good though that looks that looks wow that is   looking nice we were not we were not ready for  the restream but we're doing this on the fly   all right i think that looks good it looks good  yeah again you guys we're doing the re-stream so   that's why um that's why we're doing it on the  fly so apologies if it's not it's not perfect   um but but then thank you again thank you  so much for all of the support you guys are   amazing sorry if it's a little bit a little  bit off all right um this looks good now   um um so what's so white is  doing well here probably f4   white's got this king side kind of attack going  so coulomb really needs to find some good moves george's clutch george finds ways to get it done yeah this is a very messy position i i don't i  don't like this my webcam held up today yeah i   know of course you guys like i i had a  feeling like it's gonna be the one time   thing that randomly it doesn't it doesn't  hold up like it's just that the freak one   time it just has to be at literally  the most inopportune time but again   it doesn't matter because i won the match today  and i should have lost it so it's all good   what are you eating levy a banana  oh okay yeah nothing complicated   okay you think your name is uh samuel shanklin  is that what shanklin does yeah he takes bananas   to the board all the time wow yeah he like  when he when sam's played in the olympia he   always has uh he always has a banana one or  two bananas um at the chessboard always nice   um yeah the thing is i couldn't make anything  complicated i really want a burger that's what   i want right now i feel like when this stream ends  yeah i do too i do too i'll probably get like um   umami burger i guess because in and out's not an  ubereats or doordash uh knight h6 knight f7 oh   what was that nh6 knight f7 hello  hello hello what was resigned off to hello good start okay coulomb  has been very very good generally   um that is very uh disappointing  shall we say very disappointed only mildly disappointed h6 uh man  we haven't seen an eval bar this high   in a while uh since icarus  went over magnus in the blitz oh wait how high did the bar  get did it get really high oh it yeah yeah this is um yeah this is just game over  unfortunately yikes yikes yikes i feel bad because   the 2200s go first i am from bosnia and i am  ashamed of kulu oh it's cool from bosnia oh he   is yeah oh wow that's very that's very tough this  country his countrymen okay but coulomb's trying   to fight back a little bit now he's he's going to  win at least a rook right he's going to get mated   possibly possibly but he said don't say any  moves out loud i haven't said a single move   what no one said anything coulomb single-handedly  lost the game himself not to worry   but i feel like we're on the street you guys  are up either 4-2 and he hung mate in one right on cue no bueno no bueno that was  not good no that was really not good okay unfollow yeah and let's follow i'm gonna follow your right that makes sense for  my my my point of view right   okay so next thing i'm coming up okay min  crayabile or no it's min kroy sorry min okay whatever um all right  we have a nidorf here so rook g1 this is uh who was it was it yan was  it was the wild man himself who played rook g1   it was actually i have a question if i if  i constantly alternate our players on on   which perspective then we will always have the  same color but maybe it's better to flip like   white black white black white black okay sure  sure whatever where are you guys it's all good   man you know what you know what whoa h5 what is h5   let's look at it from um let's look at it from  gm hikar's team perspective incredible it's   unbelievable in english i know what incredible  means you guys i just i i prefer speaking a   more like proper language right like french  than like some weird language like american   i mean come on let's be serious incredible  incredible sounds so much better so alex   like you know different engine really isn't  happy uh and the open h file here yeah yeah   so maybe f3 or bishop b2 i think white's doing  very well though because white can still castle   queen side right you can move the queen and castle  the other way so it's very complicated position um this is complicated and i deep think here from white bishop e2 king  there would have been better what's that said   king e2 would have been slightly better perhaps  i didn't get to i got king f7 though right in   my game against magnus the final one uh king  f7 yes yes by the way your your guy missed a   really nice tactic there that all he did he  did he did i mean that's what you always do   yeah he could have taken on g4 and then taken  and got rook h1 check to win the win the queen   well you always need to scan for captures there  was instead of b5 there was capture capture   scriptures captures captures capture h1 just  kidding i just really you don't you don't take the   second time on g4 but i really wanted to go full  of god mature never go full of god mature yeah did you see the um a god mature  celebratory stream where one of his   uh dudes uh i don't know who it  is but maybe his like graphics guy   said captures captures a hundred thousand times  no i did not um that's kind of random and weird   it is very weird greg shahadi said this  is the most psychotic thing i've ever seen okay that's pretty funny yeah e5 okay this is pretty bad for white but  why well we can't well i know why it's bad but   i i can't say it's pretty bad yeah you guys i  played magnus today i won the match i'm up 2-1   um still it's the best of seven so there  are potentially four more days but we play   every single day so i will be playing again  tomorrow not bad it's a week week of chess   and we keep getting debated we keep getting to the  last blitz game but no armageddon well i mean our   megadon is certainly um very very messy it's a bit  of oh rick h2 is such a beautiful move by black   i didn't even see it that's a fantastic he's  on my team yeah i know but i mean it's a   fantastic move but what i would say again  is like it's a bit of a clown fiesta like   in in armageddon like you don't never really  know what to expect so um so it's it's messy   which is a beautiful move and it's it's  very close to being completely lost uh   i'm i'm amazed that that folks are where did  first of all i'm amazed that folks are playing   the night off at this level but why oh by the  way chad bishop b5 did not work so after pawn   takes bishop between his shooters knight takes  f3 with the uh fork the king and the queen so   bishop b5 is a nice idea it's just after black  takes place there's knight f3 and you got four   oops oops to daisies we take on b4 b7 is hanging  uh i was gonna say why's this called the freak   attack yeah by the way if someone in my chat is a  stream with a delay so you can talk about possible   tactics without worrying about stream sniping  you guys are taking this way too seriously like   way too seriously sub battles needing a delay  like i mean 15 year delay for sub battles are   you for real seriously come on come on come on  let's be serious 15 did you say 15 year delay   oh no you don't you don't know the mean oh okay oh  oh no what's this there's an xqc meme on it oh oh   oh oh knight e3 yeah very nice yeah yeah they're  gonna grow up and have a kid exactly yeah   exactly oh man yeah yeah anyway this is  uh yeah this is just winning for black   so you're gonna about to go up to 2-0 your  your top guys are playing very well to start   they are playing very well but somehow that never  helps well usually at the end my players seem to   be stronger like the the weaker players they seem  to seem to they my guys seem to have more like   inspiration they they feel more honored like more  yes yes representing uh the you know the warlord   your folks step it up right at the end it's force  mate in seven apparently all right queen a5 will   allow we'll we'll seal it right yeah  this will be a checkmate very soon   where is the fastest mate it says maiden  too i didn't see it what was made in two   dude it's pretty obvious how  do you not see it it's king d34   ah well i meant with queen e5 there is no more  mate right because 94 but oh queen c5 or queen b6   rock uh yeah queen c5 wow i guess yeah queen e5 is  not but anyway same difference drop 2-0 yeah for   now it doesn't help yeah lower rated people or are  we are we betting subs again yeah we'll okay 10   yeah i mean you're up to nothing so don't don't  try don't try to make it big don't try to cheat   well all i was gonna say was oh yeah let's  just let's just make it a hundred hmm i mean   we're you know we're too many matches away from  winning 140 000 so um you know oh what are you   wait are you saying i'm being cheap what maybe  wait what okay fine let's make it 20 though   all right let's make it let's make it 20. somebody  in my chest is 200 subs well you guys are up to   nothing that is if my guy wins this one then then  i'm willing to make it more than 20 how's that   okay wow it's two to one i'll i'll give i'll give  you the odds okay if you your guy wins or if my   guy wins we'll make it 50 okay you know on on a  serious note it's like but what really sucks is   that people um for sure this will happen like i'm  sure there's always going to be fair play concerns   even if people aren't the ones winning the  money this is like the craziest thing it's like   it'll be moving through and you'll just not  know because you see some of these games played   sometimes with the people who are like 5 600 and  you're just like come on how's this happening like   they're playing better than right right you know  good point yeah so uh no i mean obviously higher   higher stakes is good but then obviously afterward  you have to be like uh why did that 500 score 98.7   caps right and by the way some of my chat asks  are we updating score yeah we're very lucky one   of the mods of both of our channels i think nathan  f uh he actually went into excel he made a really   user-friendly spreadsheet which we can update very  easily to um to get scores uh and then get also   to start the game so he's the complete wizard  and big shout out to nathan off yeah we're not   we're not excel wizards by any stretch of the  imagination but both he and thrashing found a   way to write a script that you can sign up in a  discord channel it links to the spreadsheet it   auto fills the channel and then in excel once  the username is populated it makes a command for   chessbayer you know i i believe chessboard starts  the games to just go into live chess and start it   yeah yeah it's pretty pretty pretty amazing  pretty amazing and that's why twitch is awesome   all these talented people from like all sorts of  backgrounds that you come across i mean i i don't   know i probably never never even know of him if  not for twitch and what a wizard um so big shout   out to nathan a big shout out to um thrash nyx  as well also shout out to chesapeake it's just   it's it's a lot harder than it looks you guys  it's a it's a really professionally done thing   it's not something where we just like we we  we don't half ass let's let's leave it at that queen e7 wow knight g2 that's an ugly move that is an ugly ugly move yeah not pleasant okay you guys relax take a deep breath take a deep  breath i know we've all been locked up for a long   time but let's let's try to act like adults  here and not like 15 year olds please um okay   it's a pretty pretty balanced position i  guess i mean black white white's a little   bit better i like c5 they're trying to  open up the uh the center of the board   um yeah this could get very  bad very quickly for mr thunder black player uh chad i don't know  if ludwig watched my games against   magnus i would assume he doesn't but i  i honestly don't know um i i don't know okay so d5 so i guess black should play  what i know about what i would play but   i'm not gonna say it of course um you know what  i would play right levy yes for sure yeah yeah but dude this is 3-0 you got to move kitkat  picture of wesley though no that's a picture   of him i think oh oh my god oh my gosh  should i really just stay that oh geez   oh my god assuming it's a picture  of him and not a random person yeah i'm sorry i i i i mean i need glass that  just looked like wesley's so smiling   it did it does look like wesley's code doesn't it  doesn't have from a distance yes he does have a   very wholesome smile yes okay anyway sorry  guys carl who's got the best smile of the   top gm's pop gm's um who would you put on like an  advertisement i'm trying who's got the best smile i mean i i would say um yeah i'm not gonna say  myself i would say maybe um i'm kind of a fan of   anish i think his smile is kind of kind of good  with with teeth or when he does his little like   duck face where he's like wait levy be careful  don't like don't don't don't don't be insulting   on each i i i'm serious he's got like this hold  up i'm gonna pull up a picture how about that   i've got i've had to put up the thumbnails  of of mr geary hold on a second oh wait am i   authorized to do that can i can i pull up  a nice picture of a niche on your stream   why wouldn't you yeah of course you can't i mean  you mean it like a yeah okay i'm gonna i'm gonna   i'm gonna show you that i i'm it's it's it's nice  it's wholesome wasn't strong i was not trolling   that does not look like a good move there's a  good move for white here but i don't know um yeah i i i don't know what uh what what white's  gonna play here there's a very good move   i'm gonna rue the day you doubted wow he  found it that's amazing that's a great move okay and uh in a few seconds we'll also  get a niche joining us on the broadcast and uh there he is that's this  is what i was talking about   yeah look at that that is nice what i said yeah  yeah yeah i wasn't kidding you got the whole okay my god my dude is way down on  the clock though so i think we're   gonna keep it at 20 subs because my my  guy's just way too slow he's gonna lose all right let's maybe not there's a trick here can you find the  trick come on you gotta move white is playing   well now black's just very very powerful one last  trick here that he's gotta find one last trick but yeah we're not moving it past 20  because you guys are about to be up 3-0   yeah that will be crazy but then we  can also blow it like the yankees so   you have no idea or the um who else lost 3-0  was it the was it the bruins or the flyers um   hockey series no that was the flyers they blew  it through a lead against the bruins i think   and it happened somewhere else more recently  in the nhl playoffs i forgot who it was   um who who else blew it 3-0 golden state was  3-1 not 3-0 yeah in hockey there were two times   that happened recently the flyers blew it against  the bruins i believe and there was one other one   um there's one other 3-0 i thought in like the  last decade that occurred the leafs leaps did   they blow a 3-0 against them or they won 3-0 are  they no i think they were dead they were up 3-0   okay okay the leafs blew it against boston okay  no canucks canucks didn't blow 3-0 they went they   went to seven against the blackhawks but they they  won game seven um when the canucks were really   good for like two seasons in a row right more  than that or like five to six but but yeah i mean   that was that period one the canucks were  good the blackhawks were also very very good   by the way how does your guy not winning i  don't know i i i don't know now he's gonna   win again though because king f8 was a bad move  yeah you had to be more active there all right   buddy come on you could do this you could  do this king oh yes kings kings it was los   angeles kings against the san jose sharks  exactly yes that's that's who it was yeah he's really thinking about it here still again well hide the eval bar it's still it's still a  game this is the bar really spoils some surprises oh no sorry i saw i thought the king went  to g8 i'm i saw the king on the wrong square   i thought it was king g8p seven which  allowed work v6 winning but now it's just   yeah yeah brooks the eighth coming yeah yep this is it she wrote wow oh man guys i  thought you would be inspired watching hikaru   v magnus today and this is not well i've been  waiting for the first like you know blowout sub   battle for a while i just assumed it would be  us losing like by a lot thank you for that levy   hey you're still up in the overall match right uh  i think so but i'm not not 100 sure you guys are   up five three or four two or maybe even five two  i think you guys might i think it's five two right   yeah you're up five to two yeah really really  not great okay but it's three nothing okay okay now i have to follow i want enough  today yeah i didn't win anything today you   guys i didn't want anything so i don't  know what you guys are talking about he's from where brasilia right yeah that's at 13 not over yet yeah but i mean that   means what first to seven so you  guys are up three zero yeah yep bishop d3 your thoughts on this this guy has  been watching too much of my chest i'm going   to be honest he's been watching way too much  because this is what i like to play occasionally   with c3 bishop c2 and d4 um zero six comeback  i don't think so no one can come back from   zero down not even like cloud9  i feel like b4 it takes me to e5   um this is pretty standard protocol i'm i'm  looking i think i'm going to get a burger i'm going to get a break um yeah  actually i don't know who who who uh   i wasn't i wasn't watching closely in valor and  who i'm who won that invitational do you know levy invitational okay never mind the valor there  was a valerian invitational tournament last   night i think phase days was like running  it dude i gotta i gotta catch myself   up like up to date oh yes i'm  one oh awesome tsm one nice oh did anish tweet something oh i'm sorry i  gotta run over to twitter anish apparently   tweeted something i saw a few people say that um  uh oh what did he say i'm just a bit afraid these   victories may distract picardo for oh no but he  didn't he didn't he didn't talk about he didn't   talk about like about uh showing his beautiful  face on our stream oh he tweets he just made   some generic tweet oh that's so disappointing he  just made a generic tweet oh that's disappointing yeah it was it was just a nice you know i yeah i was just waiting for the tweet  about how like we showed his beautiful   face on our stream but it's just like uh it's  just some random like tweets that's so difficult   i i'm disappointed i'm not gonna lie meanwhile a pretty balanced  position right again out of   the opening white's maybe a little bit  better here i guess because d6 is sweet yeah she didn't tweet about  his beautiful smile yeah guys why are you all telling me that i have to  buy bitcoin when it's 11.8 and it's at its peak   in like three years or something you don't i mean  you know actually i don't i don't really want to   talk about finance much much but i will what i  will say is recently i i did actually think about   that i was thinking like i might actually buy  some bitcoin because i really don't believe in   the system at the moment but that's that's that's  that's such a tease you have to you have to tweet   out a screenshot of you transferring like you know  six figures to your coinbase account or something   yes thank you for that i was i was pretty  bummed because when i was trying to put down   an application for this uh for this place  uh i i i was trying to compile like you know   all assets and i what i sold some ethereum to  transfer to my bank account and like within   the next week or two it went up like 40 to  50 percent oh wow okay so i got burned but   yeah ethereum yeah well i mean it's what it is  well by the way you guys when i talk about the   system i i'm not saying like the system is broken  but like the federal reserve is uh they're they're   like just the the fiat currency the way they're  just pumping up the system to prevent the crash   that should happen from happening that's like what  i mean when i say i don't believe this um okay   yeah 94 maybe but should be three night  of six coming white's doing well here are we gonna win it no sergio's on  your team we're cheering for sergey   why are you why are you trying to  speak spanish uh we're we're here   we're here in america man all right i'm sorry  i think the right language dude sergio chain maybe bishop i don't want to say the move sorry  no i sort of i highlight it then i unhighlight   oh you guys don't see my highlights ah you don't  see my highlight so you don't see it all right   because we're on the restraint yes i i made a  highlight and i undid it but the guy didn't see it   can't see it so and by the way they speak uh  portuguese and uh in brazil not yes spanish yes   and then and then um h is r right like uh  like uh if the if there's a letter h or if   there's a letter r it's pronounced  like the letter h did you know that   give me an example like it's  not rio de janeiro it's like   like you say like the letter h and if it like  uh mauricio shogun rua it's not rua it's hua   like he was the ufc champion do you not know this  wow but sometimes everybody's sometimes everybody   has said rio to me not kio or whatever you're  trying to say it is no the the people putting   uh question marks are just putting question marks  because everybody else is putting question marks   um yeah anyway yeah i actually didn't watch  ufc last night my guy is about to just   fork your guy pretty badly here all right all  right let's not be let's not be x-rated huh he's i still haven't ordered food man i'm i'm  like in the process of like maybe getting my phone   okay okay um yeah we're still putting question  marks what are we what are we putting question   marks for is it it's not oh right oh right  lovey yeah people are saying you're wrong   because the guy's name is ronaldo it's not ronaldo  uh that's actually how you would pronounce it yes   no that's not what chad is saying  it's ronaldo i mean not ronaldo   the like seven brazilians in the chat  are like no he's a ride he's a ride   you know like all right my brazilian oh my  gosh my guy found it he found knight takes pawn   oh man he's about to through b31 at  least wow uh i'm brazilian levy's correct he's full of something from fellow portuguese okay   how are okay now the brazilians in the chat  are fighting each other all right i mean   now it really looks like i got that at  least fortunately so we get a checkmate here   um i i mean i don't i don't actually know a  lot about brazil but like are there different   dialects like is it possible it's pronounced  differently i have no idea all i know is that   from what i know experience brazilians especially  in the ufc that is that yes okay um also we gotta get a niche here come  on what we gotta get a niche   what what happened chesapeake did her best  to let him know that uh that he was featured   prominently on our programming ah yes yes true  come on a niche did we like it did we like a   niche what is with this beautiful face hd niche  okay um we need to update the scoreboard i'm   going to follow pawn island's it's four to  one uh three to one oh and right cristiano   ronaldo that's right he's not from brazil he's  from portugal that's true i forgot about that yeah all right um what's going  on here so it's three one right yes it's three to one let's  not go full golden state   right that's true i guess it's yeah that that is  the difference between brazilian and uh european   but guys don't don't start saying my name with the  ark because like if i'm talking about japanese the   the r is supposed to be instead of the l sound  that's the difference like japanese it's the owl   i love you so much right is another thing i feel  like i feel like i can say that i'm japanese like   yeah like i'm a white guy in america that's  very dangerous for me to comment on this subject i will be refraining this is bait i'm being  baited right now that's what's happening not touching that no no no  yeah all right all right   yeah yeah i'm japanese i can say  it i gotta say whatever i wanna say   god right oh c5 is a very good move opening  getting rid of the bad pawn um and it's all good uh i do this is it like this how do  you do what oh there we go i fixed this   b5 these guys for for their ratings are showing a  lot of good understanding like b5 a4a5 trying to   create the cons on the queen side is very very  good but that i i hit a check box scoreboard   it auto fills the colors of the of the correct  results oh this is great this is good um i still have not ordered my  food and just give me a second   get my get my burger and i'm  gonna get sweet potato fries oh nice want some sweet potato fries i don't  know what i'm gonna order i haven't died yet   over the last like six months this local burger  spot uh raised the price of their burger by like   10 20 30 now like 35 wow solid you got to do what  you got to do to stick around i got to tell you um   it's it's kind of crazy watching uh so many  businesses fall apart like in new york city   differently it's just very serious now and  then all these reports that new york city   might not recover there are neighborhoods  where uh family-owned businesses have been   around for three to four generations  but uh new york city businesses i mean   tattoo parlors nail and hair salons and pop shops  small grocery places they're all they are all gone   well i'll be political for five seconds and what i  will say on that top because you know it's amazing   that we can't support support the people who  need who need to help the most and we can just   give you know companies trillions and trillions of  dollars um and keep the stock market at all-time   highs um and we can't help the people who actually  need it so that that that's that's my five cents yeah my five cents is that pawn islands is  completely winning but ikaro is uh right yeah   so anyway um yeah let's let's see what happens  here shout out this is not it's not it's not   about trump i would say i would say that that's  that's what's unreal about the whole thing because   like honestly there are a lot of people in the  middle of america who who probably voted for trump   and they're not they're not getting bailed  out they're not getting bailed out at all   you know they're actually the ones who  basically are getting screwed by all of this very complicated position here um i  mean white is much better objectively oh g3 are you for real are you for real that  i mean that was hope chess that was that   was a little bit of hope chess yeah okay  now it's a buffet of what you want to take   obviously the best move here is queen f5  setting up queen takes f7 checkmate uh that is a okay let's see what happens maybe king g2  maybe king up one here very messy right   yeah now queenie four is really good triple  forking the the king the queen and the rook i'm gonna add one more political thing very  briefly just because i i feel like it just   um i really like i don't really want to hear  from people who start talking to me about like   about liberals or republicans or this or that you  know at the end of the day the us is one country   and it's really a shame that on both sides you  have politicians kind of intentionally fading and   trying to get people to hate each other um so i to  me it's very disappointing i say that because i do   do have relatives who are completely on the  other side who are very conservative and   are republican um so i really like i  i don't want i don't want to hear it   i think what what uh what has made singapore so  successful is the fact that they don't buy into   this whole uh tribalism mentality they they  test things uh in a way where they figure   out what works and what doesn't having said  that they also you know if you chew gum you   like go to jail or something so i'm not sure  we can true anyway your guys have two pieces   here right so it's pretty uh pretty bad yeah so  we're talking about singapore but have you uh   have you been uh i've been through the airport  i i haven't actually um i haven't been there   um i have and and also you guys i'm not gonna  say who but i do have relatives who basically   um i do have relatives who basically think the  whole this whole thing with covet is a hoax and   all this or that so like i i know i i've i have  relatives and family members literally on both   sides of both sides um of the aisle huh my uh  maybe king ju1 here it's still complicated right   ah yeah i think it is still complicated  uh but i i also have relatives who are very very republican and yet you know are like  terrified of of covid and listen to all the   science and then so i'm just like it's like so  weird how they reconcile those two things but   yeah anyway whatever that's just my spiel because  i felt like it i i i felt breed talk a little bit   anyway let's let's keep going so position your  guys up to pieces but he's got 14 seconds time   is running out right time is running out  time is running out he's gonna lose on time   well it's two second bonus oh that's  unfortunate yeah that's unfortunate   but maybe maybe he'll still run out of time ah that's a bad move why is he  trading queens he's down two bishops   do b shops you can't do this maybe h5  or maybe rook c2 i don't know whatever   okay okay come on he gave it to you  on a silver platter play the move yes   yes yes uh-oh yeah uh-oh i don't i hope he  wasn't listening i don't know i don't think   oh whoa whoa what just happened wait  whoa what just happened okay it's game   on game on where are your pieces of dude okay  please oh my god yes yes come on come on no he still didn't find it he didn't  find it i mean i know still all right now king h6 activates again okay get checkmated here get checked yeah  this is good he actually might made himself   very hard to see for 1700 though the right  technique here right that was not a good move   okay but it's still a game more hyped for this  in my match against magnus of course i am this is   much more interesting oh my god yes come on yeah  come on here we go here we go it's getting better   this would be the biggest throw in the  history of throws i think up two pieces slowly good very good come on uh  yes yes yes yes what a great win what this might be the greatest  game of trust i've ever seen i i want to cry that is perfect dj blunders  really brought it home there down two pieces   completely lost the whole game and he brought  that back lately what what a life what a legend   that that that's that's how you win  sub battles is when your guys come   from behind when they're down material and  they just find a way to come all the way   back uh dj of wonders lived up to his name  he made some blunders but then he recovered oh what's that score by the way it's three to two   three two you guys do you want to up it  to 50 subs just what the what what is   what is this what is no no i don't want  to hop into 50 seconds right yeah okay as soon as you see the opening it's like no there is no doubt in my mind that  your 400s are gonna just stop my 400s   okay it happens every week and and it's  just like a foregone conclusion that i start   you know losing three games at least  or ending losing three games so   oh he meant g6 probably but anyway yeah  maybe not maybe look at the eval bar is like this is good oh my god no why is it so bad  buddy i know the computer says bad i don't know   why it's so bad that was a terrible move  but oh i i assumed d e and then f5 but   okay yeah because he had to take and then yeah i  know this is still very unclear okay since since   you got the dark squared bishop but instead  of that probably just d five b five and f   no apparently engine doesn't hate that either  but optically it's really difficult yeah   well this is very messy very messy position  both players have some trumps here there are   some things that are good for white some things  that are better for black uh someone in your chat   is screaming last game gotham guy one that is  literally not true whatsoever um that couldn't   be further from the truth we literally did not win  the last game true true okay why is white thinking i don't know okay now i think white should   be winning objectively but  it's very very tricky to play well what's up lavi you're shaking i'm i i'm   i'm just i'm i'm just i'm devastated i just need  a i need a burger and it better be here soon oh my   god oh right i should i should order i shorter  burp from a mommy as well or i should get like   dave's hot chicken maybe that would be really  bad that'd be really bad oh thankfully he didn't   what happened oh my god yes excellent move yeah  excellent move f6 was a perfect move by black   what a great move yep and come on bring  it home bring it home bring it home good okay it's still not easy lovey you're acting  like it's game over it's still not obvious it   is it it is it nope no it's still not trivial  it is winning but it's still not trippy well   he should he shouldn't have traded the  oh boy yeah the trade it's still unclear   okay oh this is great thank you oh my yeah  that's okay build game on come on don't trade   the rooks do not trade the rooks straight  right that's really good good decision yes   i feel like both of them should lose i could  not agree more i feel like they should honestly   just both lose like just everybody no one  gets a point for this game yeah i i agree   all right vicar let's see if black can win  this oh my god he's going to take it isn't he   yes and it's going to be a draw maybe i don't  know you can hope you can hope with the draw i   don't know opposite color bishops guys come on i  mean black should probably play this for a win but   oh black should play this for a win whether or not  black actually wins this is a different story but wow this is crazy um the eval bar is gonna  get motion sickness from this game and he   just gives the point and he just gets the fun  excellent excellent perfect i mean the bishop look how fast he played this move he played this  move so fast he didn't lose a second of his clock   time i just gave the pawn away yeah chad i'm  not sweetie i'm looking i'm looking at burgers   i'm looking at food but i don't know what i'm  ordering there we go let's get a cheeseburger   a royale with cheese very nice oh right what what  are you what do you eat what do you eat lovey   what kind of burgers do you eat i just eat you get  like cheeseburger you got like bacon cheeseburger   yeah i gotta go bacon cheeseburger ketchup  mayo oh are you even are you even allowed to   do that isn't that like not kosher or something  i am the least jewy jew you will ever find like   i mean okay listen i had a bar mitzvah but  i made them exclusive oh my god what is that   just take it it's still a draw but like okay now come on no whoa no someone's gonna he's  gonna find a way to lose this yep gonna find a   way yes there it is i i he doesn't even see it  i'm not even sure he knows that he's winning   no i mean he does i'm not hikara i'm not  convinced i am this he's about to promote a   knight thinking he can flex and then not win the  game yeah i'm gonna get a sweet potato fries to   do it well very nice no i yeah i had a i had a  a bar mitzvah but i made them exclude the fact   that i could not eat bacon in the future i was  like no i listen i'll say all this prayer but   i'm keeping bacon as part of my diet yeah bacon is  good bacon is like as american as a cat you can't   be more american than a bacon cheeseburger vegan  cheeseburger or like spaghetti with meatballs   although that maybe is more new york thing  than an american thing craft mac and cheese raft mac and cheese icaru yes yeah kraft mac  and cheese is very american i agree with that subs now levy no no no no no  you're at 4-2 i know but no what i i just i i don't trust my lower rated  subs and i would not trust them with 200 70   to 80 minutes what the frick what wow no it's a  lot of that that's a lot of leads yeah 70 to 80   minutes that's crazy maybe i'll just get mexican  better mexican food here than um than uh there is   wait just get the food why  you gotta insult my my city   just get the food what i mean it's true new  york just doesn't have great mexican food   what dude like the place down the street that i  can't name because that would be doxxing myself   would disagree wait i think okay chad spaghetti  and meatballs fun fact is not something that   they actually eat in italy like it is an italian  dish but they don't eat it in in italy all right   entertain i'm gonna go get my food okay cool  all right okay you guys what am i gonna order   let me see dave's hot chicken maybe that  sounds good maybe popeye's what should i get man i can't even wear that it's not open  unfortunate okay um i know spaghetti   meatballs is italian you guys but they don't  actually eat that dish in italy um okay so   blackstone castle here probably like rick's  theater a6 and b5 here okay i'll get popeyes okay i think it's the samurai for the for the three months thank you so much to  brain raves as well for the prime appreciate it   popeyes is okay i don't i don't mind popeyes um anyway let's see maybe like a6 and d5 here   the cajun fries are awesome i i agree with that  yeah maybe 95 maybe like some maybe castles   um i had kaipotal yesterday so i  don't want to get kai photo again   um yeah okay it takes 97 takes an  85 or cd5 maybe 979 here is fine   um i'm not getting five i'm not getting five guys  um okay yeah i'm not doing five guys those burgers   have like 20 2 000 calories like it's just really  bad really really bad okay let's see maybe bishop   takes e4 that would be a good move here for  black um okay black is much better objectively two thousand really good  calories uh yeah okay guys come on somebody's got to live in l.a some someone  should have a good uh good suggestion poke balls   somewhere i didn't think about pokemon so is  pokeball primarily uh seafood pokeball normally   yeah normally it's like you have sushi but then  you just mix in a ton of different stuff um what do they have oh maybe there's something in  sawtell i didn't think about that   okay i got my batch of sweet potato fries here and and don't fall over what else do you have here comes the burger oh yeah get like a kebab get like a mediterranean  hip-hop kid bob i have i actually i haven't had   any hassan food in a long time i'm not gonna  lie oh he love you gotta show the streamer food   yeah i haven't taken a bite yet don't worry um  trying to take this out and not drop it i feel   bad what's going on just just an equal fight  like it's like the best game so far we've had   and we're not even talking about it all right look  at this the burger oh not bad nice that actually   looks that looks pretty good that was really  good it's uh i'm gonna i'm gonna eat it now so oh mr cheer thank you nicole i missed  some primes i'm uh i'm sorry folks um all right but five guys  is the best burger chain and it's not up for debate you disagree yeah i don't agree at all  i'm sorry you're you're you're you're   insane what do you think it is do you  think it's i want a burger what burger   whataburger hashtag texas oh we mean whataburger  yeah whataburger no no i i um what whatever i   haven't actually ever had whataburger no i like  i like california stuff like like um well shake   shack is good i like shake shack i like um i  like in and out i just like more class stuff i think in and out is over hyped okay i i mean i  can understand that yeah i don't like five i mean   not five guys sorry yeah five guys i don't  really like five guys that much just what   are your thoughts on shake shack shake shack is  good i like shake shack i like in and out because   i mean i'm just california guy now um it's sort  of yeah it's actually by the way shop funny funny   oddly enough when i was driving through texas i  saw some um i saw some uh i saw some some in and   out from texas outside of dallas which kind of was  shocking i didn't expect that i mean that was just   that was surprising by the way again thank you to  everybody for all of us for you guys are amazing i   think we have something like 650 subs today thank  you so much you guys appreciate thanks for all   the subs thanks for all the followers you guys are  amazing peace and love you guys thank you so much   um uh there's in and out all over  texas since the last four years okay   by the way levy have you ever been to bucky  that's like his american success for like just   a random thing out there do you know what bucky's  is i thought uh cracker barrel was like the most   american thing isn't that like the the southern  uh oh maybe yeah cracker yeah i had cracker   barrel when i was in texas but bucky's is like  as um is as like texas and americans yes for me   i have not been unfortunately have you been to  cracker barrels i've been to cracker barrels   but yeah in nashville i think it's in nashville  they have they have one by the by the nationals   oh good he must work c4 good okay  now it's game on again okay good   no no no no no no queen f2 is a i mean it's not  an unreasonable move right you just attack stuff   yeah but i mean now you get potential ice skaters how much do i have in amazon stocks um zero zero  i i missed i missed the wave i just talked about   it there's actually a shake shack not far  from me i like to order from there's shake   shack and five guys but i'll go with something  else oh that would have been a big big moment   oh he missed a checkmate yeah uh a j3 sucker  i should come to seattle sometime now i'm on   the west coast i lived in seattle um for a  year in 2010 i lived in the green lake area   just outside of downtown um i did i did spend many  a night eating eating those uh those burgers over   at dick's at like you know like one a.m middle  morning um bean to a6 that's a bad move yeah   uh levi's chair you here yeah dick's driving yeah  yeah chat don't don't be weird don't be weird   don't be weird about it it's um have you been  to end not yet in l.a no i don't really and not   is that knocking michelin star you guys and  super potato bros yes i i've done the 12 i   did the 12 egg omelet challenge at best cafe  um but they had stopped giving out shirts by   that point but i completed it in the like  15 minutes or whatever that time limit was   uh meanwhile your guy just lost it's four  to three love you want to make it 50 subs no you're really pressuring me and i will make  i'll meet you halfway i'll meet you at 25.   2025 okay i can guarantee i guarantee in the  words of charles barkley um that your lower   rateds are just gonna are just gonna blow us off  the board we're gonna make 25. okay fair enough   yeah yeah yeah anyway um all right so we keep  going oh that's not halfway from 20 to 50. all   right 35 whatever oh that's right that's well  25 is a good nice round even number i like 25.   middle 20 and 50. okay let's make it 25. anyway  let's keep going let's keep watching um so   next game should be starting in a second right  yeah uh levy's chair don't let me down buddy   true wow we have i blundered craygasm versus  levy's chair two two meme lords uh going at   it yeah four to three it's gonna be close i've  played levy's chair like 30 times like this guy   has played me a lot so hopefully he's picked  up on something and okay he he plays the way   i would play against london hey castles oh am  i falling i thought i was um wait i blundered uh yeah chad i've had denny's many many a  night at like 1am as well it's a good place   to go after you've been out all night um so  i've been i've been to denny's a couple times   there was one in florida near me that i went to  there was also one in um one in in dallas that   i went to a couple of times as well okay  it looks like we got a london here right yeah we have a london yeah we have like we have  like this spot where every london player doesn't   know what to do anymore right i've never been a  waffle house ever in my life i don't know i i i   always went to i i i i hope or no ihop sorry i i  hop um when uh when it was late at night chatting   about writing weird stuff like you don't go there  to get stabbed at 3am like seriously what is wrong   with you guys like seriously please stop stop  to danny's like yeah well i mean no they're like   the waffle house or ihop or whatever they're  saying like you go there to get stabbed   it's like yesterday i'm like i'm gonna go to i  i said i was gonna go to trader joe's and you   know people that were like they're like you  go to trader joe's to like become a hostage   or something so there was some like hold  up at a trader joe's in l.a like a year ago   just let the man do his damn groceries my lord kazuki kukai ramen no i haven't but it's so hot  in l.a right now it's um it's uh it's like it's   like 100 degrees in l.a so it's pretty hot so ram  doesn't sound like a good type of food for today also didn't tr didn't uh ihop try  to make um burgers for a while   i'm sorry people are just like  going through the roof with their um   with their like ihop and the waffle house and then  denny's food poisoning all this other stuff like   these i don't you guys i don't have any more home  videos um uh my mom when she goes back to new york   at some point in a few months or maybe in a year  um she'll probably try to take some of the footage   i have and put it on on some dvds so we can watch  my appearance on regis and kathie lee from 1998 i   believe it was but that's the only thing that i'm  that i have possibly that i could show on stream there's a lot of really good diners that are  24-hour always good oh yeah yeah yeah totally   totally yeah but he knows that the best thing  to eat at 2 a.m is breakfast food of course anyway if there are people who are in l.a  please give me some suggestions for food to   get that are not ramen like maybe pokey or like  a pokeball or um or uh or um a burger joint one   of those two probably those are my top two like  the whole videos are not against eos you guys   they're definitely not tos um sugar fish i've  been to the sugar fish in santa monica that's   pretty good actually sugar fish is pretty good  um but sugar fish oh my god levy please don't   don't even talk to me ever again did you really  just say that you don't know what sugar fish is   sugar fish by nozawa are you for real  dude i've never been to la really so when i was eight but it probably didn't exist  yet ally didn't exist when you were eight right   correct yeah that sounds like something like  wait you shouldn't even tell me what is it   it's a sushi joint it's like in between it's  like it's high-end but it's not like crate it's   expensive but it's not crazy expensive um and wait  there actually there is a sugar fish in new york   isn't there someone in chat said i think they're  right isn't there well i don't i think there i   think there is a sugar fish in new york there  definitely is there definitely is a sugar fish   in uh in new york i'm almost third um okay why  does your guy have past pawns on the king side   i don't like this he's got like two pass bombs  here um but you don't play the london because   you don't actually know how to play chess if you  play london did you just insult insult magnus or maybe you're trying to insult god at camps  against that or maybe you're trying to insult   him on hamilton i don't know yeah those three  belong on their own mount rushmore of chess so   two of those names don't belong with  the other one let's put it that way   right because only one of them had purple hair so   it would look better with purple hair gotta calm  skier magnus um i think since since god has got   like the he he did he did one of those procedures  i think where he had like hair transplant or   something um i think god it was like the flowing  purple hair would look a lot better than mac   because he's got like he's got the flowing hair  now he's got like the long hair like the long   hair being purple that would make him look really  really good he'd look a lot better than that look   he looked like a like a you know one of these  rolling stones or something totally yeah yeah   rockstar okay meanwhile your guy is just crushing  my guy he's got these past pawns on the queen side   i mean just like v3 and e2 is winning here oh oh  but it's still oh it's still okay for your guy   yeah yikes chad i'm not bashing magnus it actually  was that levi's the one bashing that it's not me   yeah relax is that called like a clip  monkey or something someone's trying to   okay meanwhile what's happening you're  a 4-2 you're going to win again i think   yay let me see what else i can find  on my food because i still haven't   actually ordered anything so i just  kind of ordered something probably z so contra and j temper we need uh we need you  guys you guys here i don't know why you guys   would sign up and then leave put in uh why don't  i prepare for tomorrow oh sorry lovey go ahead and   finish no that's all if they're here just tell us  because we're gonna we're gonna replace you yeah   yeah what i was gonna say you guys is i will  do my preparation later tonight you guys   don't realize there are a lot of hours in  the day if you aren't if you aren't lazy   there's a lot that you can accomplish  in those hours meanwhile my guys just   decommitted here so this is not going  well it's gonna be five two in a second so again you guys you're acting like i have no  time to prepare like i i'm not doing a 24 hour   stream right now so i will have time to prepare  later there are a lot of hours you guys are 24   hours in the day you just have to prioritize  and use those hours in the best way possible how much do you sleep for this tournament probably  like 89 hours oh i mean i go to bed at like eight   pm if i can eight to nine pm and you just lay  there until you fall asleep well i sometimes   take sleeping pills also if i really need to sleep  ah my god that is like that is really impressive   but you feel good after eight nine hours  right oh i feel fantastic yeah of course   i'm not someone who generally can function  very well if i sleep um if i sleep like five   hours or something i just i don't function  all right next game is uh between davai yes thank you dare to be dangerous do i have any  time left for pokey thank you so much thank you um uh why so early because i have to be up at 5 00  a.m every day you guys do some studying before   the game and then um and then uh yeah i do some  studying before and then that's how it goes so very nice davai yeah divide go dubai right he's  the next guy up right i think he's the next guy up   yeah very nice go those who do not speak speak  uh speak the soviet language devise like go in in   russian i believe right kind of yes yes i actually  well you know what i this isn't an idea i have   anymore but back when i was in college i wanted  to make like a like a travel and experiences app   and i wanted to name it davai but if anybody  wants that it's not patented go right ahead there you go oh in this position queen f3 was  a cool move it still is a messy position here   devi is not a swedish word you guys it's russian   am i a fan of cat's deli nah more overhyped  stuff pastrami sandwiches are okay but   but yeah seriously you guys i just prioritize  my hours every day so like i i mean i just   i'll probably once this ends i'll probably  i'll probably stop the stream i'll go relax   like two to three hours and i'll get back  on the horse and start studying chess and   then go to bed at 8pm um and wake five and we  do this every day for the next like next week very tame position yeah pretty dry  yeah pretty dry but black should be   fine here but while you're streaming magnus  is preparing you guys i've said this before   it's not about the hours that you prepare  it's about knowing how to do smart studying   versus versus like just studying just because  like levy could study 10 hours but that doesn't   necessarily mean he's going to get the maximum  improvement or the best result out of studying   10 hours whereas if he focuses on studies like  two to three or four hours he might get a lot   more out of it so it's very it's not it's not  just about the pure quantity or if i study zero   then i maximize my input because  it works in reverse order oh levy uh what's up with the microphone  you guys we're on zoom so that's why the   microphones are a little bit  different than usual usually   yeah and also uh earlier today my my computer  decided that it was going to desync my camera   with my microphone which was interesting that was  a fun experience that is a very dangerous move   that is a very nice hair is turning me insane  oh i'm sorry i'm sorry you guys apologies okay that should be better you got it  that should be that should be better   um all right okay you go down one  one octave higher with the voice i'm just left let me just see my my hair is the  same no matter what i do uh which is good and bad it's worse now yes it's even worse now  right you guys yeah thank you for that   um all right so the score is pretty  pretty ugly it's five right or sports this is looking good for you guys man  this is not i don't like this not really you don't think so i don't know by the way  you guys i will uh i will be getting um i will   probably get some new headphones pretty soon so  make sure to tune in for that um as well sponsored   oh e4 is a great move perfect  move levy i think levy levy   oh no oh no that he had one two that was  attacking the pawn yeah that was a counting   issue he he just did not see that the knight  and the bishop were attacking at the time ah by the way you guys also apparently i was told  that the fact that everything i have here is like   all this stuff is black and everything that it's  really weird that i've got these gray headphones   so i need to get like some proper black headphones  oh so that it really looks out of like thing   i mean i i i like it i don't want i like it  but if you if you switch it i'll still support   i don't think anyone's gonna unsub  because you change your headphones they are the sony 1000 mx3 i think i i  always get the order confused but they're   they're sony headphones oh that's funny they  look comfortable and chat hyperx i mean i'm   i'm a logitech guy personally i've always liked  logitech so logitech is my thing not not hyperx but i'm not sponsored by logitech so let's be  clear i got the buyer dynamics and i like them but the next sponsor that i have to chase is  definitelynuts.com ah nuts.com yeah nice nice   i like it i like it yeah wholesale health uh  healthy food that you can eat live on stream   uh by the way chad i also my i mean my  webcam for now is logitech it's not so   wait what'd you say i missed that  you just started to make a weird look   nothing i was i was making a smile at the  camera for when i send this to nuts.com   oh okay okay yeah yeah no i got it oh we also met  a nuts.com insider what do you mean like someone   who like has worked with people at nuts.com  oh nice nice uh my microphone you guys you can   you can type x clam something i forget what  the command is to see what my what my attack is   um but it's it's it's a sure shuri um that that's  my microphone that bishop on h2 is a dead forever   as we know we've known this for the last like  90 years ever since the great capital block game   against janovsky i think it was um in like 1921  or whatever the year was when you get this bishop   with a wall of pawns around it the position is  lost i think it was janovsky right or am i wrong   i don't know but i'm sure he did the suit to a  lot oh man and now you're trading off the active   people you have remaining let's see am i right  i know we do have bigwords.com everybody yes i think bigwords.com is up and running yeah yeah exactly you guys compare textbook  prices from all the best online stores and we have to crash it again yeah okay um all right so position is  is good for black black's doing very   very well my god's gonna win and he not i  would really appreciate it didn't because where is that game someone in chat can tell me  i don't remember what the game is but um someone   tell me where the bishop gets trapped in the  corner i just don't remember which game it was   did we crash it again oh my god  how many users can can even that's that's crazy they got they got to up their servers  man i mean we no no okay but maybe they're still   king yes yes yes rick takes off six fabulous  move fabulous move okay great that's great   okay now it's just winning excellent okay  it's getting close again levy getting close how did he move two to the right  two to the right instead of two up   is that gonna be part of your  next pog champs less than lefty i i don't know i don't know oh yeah come on  come on come on no fork him or cam oh oh no nice   all right um yes keep making moves that  don't make any sense yes no what is he doing   yes please oh he's not going to see his rook is  hanging oh he saw his rook oh my goodness what is   that move alright his knight's under attack good  face the knight move he's going to keep moving   the night yes keep moving the night keep attacking  the knight just push the pawn oh my god what is he oh what is my guy take the pawn maybe oh okay now he's gonna win oh my god oh i got  scared for a second that was very close okay   will you see it backwards diagonals no okay finally finally it's gonna win uh i i don't i  feel like there's plot twists to be had maybe not this is close okay yeah i think i think he's gonna  win now he should win he should win great well still two queens you don't always  check me with the two queen okay but he's   gonna make the zigzag as loia will call it right  cuz you're gonna make the zigzag or the zigzag there we go very nice win by mr dubai very good congrats 5'4 it's getting close  lovey it's getting closer and closer team we need to have a meeting your team needs  to lose that's what they need no no they need   they need to dude what is your guy doing by the  way why is he bringing his school what is my guy   doing because he's trying he's trying to put  like daniel dubob daniel is clearly his hero   you bring your queen out early look  at this this evil bar is playing the   accordion is what it's doing okay nice  let's just yeah exactly up and down   up and down all over the place yeah okay this  could get very bad very quickly this could get   very bad very quickly it'd get very bad very  quickly for your guy you mean right uh for you   no no now white is just much better just  castle the king and white is winning yes come on let's do this do these  games get me stressed no not at all um   no definitely guys we have a one game lead  and we have four games to go i'm not even mad   i'm just disappointed all right okay good this is  good yes good for white yeah white's doing well oh   by the way just for my chat i did end up ordering  from umami so it's going to take 80 minutes so   uh we're going to be here for the long haul maybe 193 oh sorry i shouldn't  say apologies i shouldn't say move personally i like queen d4 i think that's really  the move here centralized 80 minutes for a burger   i know it happens i'm sorry you guys have  happened yeah g4 is a great move i like g4   um whatever yeah okay who orders 80  minutes in advance i know well it's   just at 80 minutes probably because it's like  on the other side of the 405 and there's like   it's probably the other side of the 405 and  there's like a ton of traffic undoubtedly   uh chat no no fall guys right  now maybe later maybe later   how are you enjoying fall guys i'm loving fall  guys i'm gonna i'm gonna play it a lot for sure   it's easy right i mean it's you know what it is  it's like i like games that like the controls   like sort of the controls are very easy like there  isn't much to it but actually getting good at it   is not um is not trivial i've always liked games  like that where it's like the controls are very   big b5 is a great move by the way your guys gonna  lose um uh yeah so so like i i like i like fall   guys um because it's just it's got the simple  controls but it's hard to master i've always   liked games like that uh among us is another game  i want to play i totally want to play among us   with uh with xqc um and that whole crowd at some  point so i'd love to play among uh among us or   with or with um i i would pl i would play i'd play  with ludwig as well of course gotham chess yeah   yeah that'd be that'd be great man that's awesome so did i give a fake name when i ordered  no you guys i'm i'm just a chess player   nobody knows who i am let's be serious  um maybe not with xcc he'll rage at you   um oh and of course i'll play among us with  levy too obviously what are you doing dude yeah i mean i i'd obviously  play with lobby too of course   i went on youtube to watch some uh  ball guys tutorials yesterday and um   i have to i have to get good at that game it's  it's the controls are too easy for me like fps   i can't aim at anybody there there are certain  levels though that i'm like i'll always qualify   and be good at already but there's some that i  don't like there's a one level where um where   you have to grab the tail or keep your tail which  i'm terrible at i i i don't understand that level   at all um but a lot there are a couple levels  i'm just really that like i'll always qualify on yeah i asked uh if scissors would teach me  in fall guys but i feel like he's too busy   just winning everything in in in fall guys  i've only recently started playing overwatch   and it's it's pretty fun on stream or watching  yeah i'm good at the i'm good at the uh the one   with the doors that fall down i'm also good at the  one where it's a spinning wheel around and around   uh those are probably my two the two that i'm best  at but the problem with the spinning wheels that   i've had trouble because the mouse the the  view gets messed up so i'm actually looking   at it backwards um naka playing fall guys  during the final savage level 1000 yeah i   mean i like fall guys it's not all about tesla  there are other things you have to do in life   um so yeah okay let's see 97 white's much  better here but white's down on the clock yeah a4 very straightforward black does not have  a lot of pieces i love how the chat's like oh   magnus lost to a fall guy streamer you guys are  hilarious yeah they called you a valerian streamer   as well which one would you rather be fall guys  or valerian streamer or variety just variety ready position's getting messy here though a little bit  okay rook c5 is is a pretty good move um um yeah   let's see what's going on here so  i mean white's just much better   objective there's still a lot of a lot  of complications potentially in the position okay rook c7 is a good  move here hits the bishop on b7 yeah that's a really good move a really good  move for rook c7 ah the opening was good but afterward yeah only it's about to be five  five levy you you wanna double it double   or nothing for 50 subs uh no no as a matter  of fact i already know what's gonna happen   no confidence levy no confidence  in your team i'm so disappointed   i well listen uh i have a i got a stats  degree the last five or six sub battles   stats are just not on our side this is that's a  fair point yeah i know that that's actually true   yeah we just don't win when it comes to the last  three i don't know what it is but mm-hmm yeah   if we win this game i mean i i cry  of happiness or something like i how do we win this how do we we we don't i don't  know i don't know i mean you're not gonna win this   game so it's gonna be five five and the last  game is gonna be really critical here so it's   gonna be a very interesting finish gonna be five  five as we head into the last three games right   yeah and what is the tiebreaker we  haven't had a tied match yet have we   have we even had a draw yet we haven't  even had a draw at all not today no today okay but i guess it's still a game the guys rook is gone it's still a game  though because they're two connected past pawn   he will lose i promise he's gonna take  me here perfect and lose yes come on okay dude okay wow that man is pretty that  man is projecting a little bit extreme just   a little bit extreme but okay okay oh my gosh oh  my god oh my god oh my gosh what are you doing   take the freaking paws on the  queen's king side oh my god oh my god oh my god this we're headed for   bishop tonight against bishop  right oh my god no oh my god oh my god oh is he gonna get fork yes he's  not gonna get flagged but it's gonna be a draw though first draw  or not no he's gonna hang the bishop   and that pawn's going to become  a queen that's the ultimate plot   i mean there is a very legitimate chance  that happens i doubt that i doubt that here it comes king d5 oh he avoided it  93 and he's gonna lose his bishop 93   is gonna lose [ __ ] no oh that's okay that  is professional wow wowie wowie wowie crazy   that's insane that's just insane insane  okay so you keep the lead five and a half   four and a half last three games you sure you  don't want to double to 50 levy i i'm i'm i'm   i'm really good i'm okay i think after this i'm  gonna have to take a hot shower and just sleep   for like 18 hours or something i am but levi  you're doing commentary tomorrow yeah whatever   it's not 18 hours but yeah whatever it is until  then this is more than i can handle emotionally   true true thank you zombie songs for the  500 bit thank you so much appreciate it wow yeah so i mean pretty um oh  whoa that's not right at all so if you guys win it's over right or not no it's  not over right because we could win the last two   so it's not it's not a clincher even  if you guys win correct yeah yes okay um yeah very very wild stuff though  i can't believe that last night was insane   there was a lot of oh my gods yeah a  lot of oh my god god god was summoned   yeah and also also as my chat said it is  better to lower rate of players at the end   for sure because when there's more drama  and so the blunders get magnified a lot yeah and then we yell oh my god very loudly  yeah of course why not that is the way to do it okay what's gonna happen okay what is  slightly better but does he see why chad i would say just to since someone asked  me about bad positions and tournaments i   think when you're playing the game of chess  the main thing you should always try to do   is not have external thoughts you know i still don't even  want to double or nothing that's yeah so as i was saying you just try  to focus on the gaming on individual   moves and not have these these extra thoughts  outside outside kind of you just try to focus   on just finding the best move and not worrying  about what the result is going to be yeah yep i don't even feel good about this like that's  the thing i feel i fee i feel like some of these   games were so undeserving of of of the points  but we we we somehow found a way to get it done   yeah i don't know what well it's just however  it could still be a tie right yeah and if it's   a tie then everyone's a winner and yeah and  we'll yeah if that happened we'll see we'll see we'll see what happens it's still  not over though it's only one piece   it is only one piece there is a way to  get this done and then there's a way to   really not get this done let's  see which way white plays   and the other way is anything else what is  the overall score level it's five two right   yeah i think you guys are up five two and  uh just all new subs i see you mad love uh i   just i mean i very appreciative but i  am trying to focus and provide top level   commentary instructive commentary where we don't  just scream at the people yeah bane over tilt over dame wow bishop c5 is a professional move very  very professional move um putting the bishop on   a very nice square and now your guy probably can  finish the game yeah very nice move uh is it four   two or five two it's five two right overall yes  i think so i think it's five two i know it was   starting to get wide the margin was getting  wide so five two i think i think it's five   two and you're gonna win this one so it'll be  five three not so fast and i'm pretty confident   i mean we'll see as soon as i say that your  guy's gonna like hang a queen or something insane   maybe maybe i don't know i mean we'll it's  possible hey 95 is already a good step in the   i predict take six queen g5 f4 queen g that's  what i predict i don't predict that at all   i think like you this is the problem you're  projecting on your team it's like you're   expecting bad moves you're expecting the blunder  and like this is the problem they get nervous and   they're like oh levy doesn't believe in us like  he expects us to blunder you're not you're not   being like a good team player okay f4 would be a  great move here of course by white honda a four   you're right but they also should  have me muted also true also true so you have to have us muted all right that's  a good move too okay that's a very good move very very good move they can fill the log yeah   yeah f4 was meeting one you guys but i  want my guy to win that's why i set up four   okay i think i i think there's it's still  yeah it's anybody's game here i totally agree okay that's uh isn't it kind of funny that he  played their lovely because the other one which   looks really good force is the only move and the  queen's come off yeah but yeah i don't know why he come on dude finish the game in style let's go  come on come on finish him off finish him come on how does this happen i was how does it happen  man i mean you just worked so hard to cover up   your king and the second you got out the  house you just you burned it all to the   ground over to be fair but it's over because  at this level yeah you're just going to take   a pawn like you're not think yeah and he  just i mean and there goes the rook yeah   yeah the stabilizing element of it is is  too complicated whereas the queen is just   going to take everything all right yeah  that's a good point yeah true i'm going   to have to find a religious center of worship  and just talk to someone i don't care i mean   mosque synagogue church i mean i don't we are  going to go in love it's a lot over he's got   just a couple more pawns and it is most certainly  not a game it's most certainly a game again yeah   okay certainly a game yep just move  just move don't think too long just move okay great oh oh my god do not push the pawn do  not push the pawn hey can't tell him what to do i don't think he understood  what i'm not he's not hun you are on a you're on a you speak  a different language you know   um oh great that's that's gonna really that  is that is a good move oh boy oh boy do not   do it do not do it please don't do it oh okay  i thought i thought he might go the other one there's still a chance that  yeah it's still not over it is very much losing was it was m5 there  for a moment that is not a good move uh you   should really be trying to give him something it  was a really bad because now the king is saved   oh my god is he trying to win he's trying to  use the king and checkmate yeah jesus that is   listen good credit for bravery minus 26.   this is gangster chess at its finest rook b2 oh  wow they're just taking pawns now that's good okay   i could see a draw but i hope not oh my god  what is rookie too oh my god there's like no   checks either basically i mean no checks for  anybody here i'm so scared i'm so scared like   i'm oh my god i'm so scared well somebody's gonna  blunder i just don't know who oh i'm so scared   oh i'm so scared for everybody i'm scared  for the spectators oh my gosh oh my oh my   i'm gonna barf i'm gonna barf i'm gonna barf i'm  gonna barf it's still not over levy why are you   losing your your mind i mean it's that's the whole  point no now we're gonna get even more plot twists   this is great this is how you know  it's a fair game no one's cheating   oh yes come on come on come on yes come on oh boy i really thought we had a chance oh i really thought we had a chance yeah now  now black doesn't have to do anything or moves   the queen for some reason all right all right  okay all right that does not stop the pawn that   did not stomp the pawn that pawn isn't going  anywhere okay it takes for some reason that's fine white's best chance might be just sacrificing  yeah totally you should stack the bishop here   yeah but i think the two bishop the two queens  there's just you put the yeah he sees it i think   yeah he sees it the zigzag here comes the zigzag wow oh that was crazy okay five and  a half all right so two more to go   and um and stop wagering me subs because  now i'm not waiting i'm afraid for you   now i'm actually afraid for you lefty here  comes the patented three gotham losses at   the end i mean it's right on cue prove me wrong  god bless you subs i believe in you i mean do   your thing but if you lose i you know i can't  say i didn't expect it yeah true true true true all right javier let's go oh javier all right close sicilian contra vz sorry i wasn't falling okay here we go okay close  to still in pretty standard okay d3 what is h6   that's a weird move all these moves  are weird but the eval bar is going   i don't know what's going on that  looks like some sort of glitch wow crazy okay i mean it's it's pretty normal  though isn't it i would say it's pretty normal   so far yeah yeah solid position yeah all right  see what's contra got wow mega solid i mean who's   his coach is it you no i don't i thought it was  you lovey like you're you're speaking so like so   so so well about him i'm sure i mean i'm  sure that javier is on my team you know   uh contra is on yours i have to cheer for  contra i mean wow wait what what'd you say i i i   it was a freudian slip where i just  openly admitted to cheering for your sub   it's been a long day a long day but  my true emotions are coming out now   all right oh good yeah now black is  out of ideas because the queen v6   queen b2 didn't work i just go back to  it's not a bad move at all no it's not okay let's see okay that's a good move a6 yeah let me update the sport by the way  to five and a half ball oh yeah you you guys   do get credit for your victory some kind of  victory i don't know what it was but it was   some kind of victory let's let's leave it at  that correct uh this is the current game oh also uh a few minutes ago golfing helmet was my last sub said that he hasn't  slept in 48 hours okay that's not good that's not   no it's not even a joke like what the hell is what  are you doing go to sleep yeah 48 hours is no good   that's no good 24 hours is bad enough as you guys  know since we crossed 500 000 followers i will be   doing a 24 hour stream soon um my guess is i'll  be doing it after pog champs or on one of the   days when i'm not doing commentary on pog champs  so that is coming up probably after is better   september's relatively no it's not because  i have the saint louis event right away   it's true september is not is october  relatively relaxed hopefully i don't even   know at this point but yeah somebody  organized something and that way we   know we never get any days off night before a  fascinating move which does absolutely nothing ah just just a brilliant move that is good  he's just gonna go back he's just this   absolute genius in making repetitive moves okay  this is it's still still i mean messy position there we go for help i advise against  it but i support you anyway i've done   a 24 hour stream before you guys i did one  in march and um and i'll do another one uh   pretty soon thank you again to everybody  for the 500k followers thank you so much   uh once again it's been an incredible  ride and let's just keep it rolling let's just keep it rolling indeed contra  vz playing e5 that is going to get things   wild in this position yeah this is i mean  he's got the triple stack but he's got the   queen in front normally you want the  rooks and the queen behind for max power you know i think you have  to take on e5 unless i'm mistaken 500 hour stream for 500 i think that's eos you  guys secondly i would die if i tried to do that   i think how long i think 500 hours i think i  think the longest you can stay awake before you   start hallucinating somewhere in the range  of like 72 to 80. um yeah i think beyond   like a hundred i think it's probably because  it's self-harm you guys that's why it's kos bishop h2 was an extremely good move very  very classy movement now b-5 does nothing   because there's bishop d5 my guy's doing great  one is a trampoline stream i'm still working on   that you guys but i have not forgotten about it  um so let's see okay terrible move by the way   giving up the uh the dragon bishop on g7 it's  looking pretty dire for you yeah this is not   you don't put a bishop on g7 to trade it for some  nonsense in the center but yeah taking on e5 is hey i mean trade it probably i don't know streaming uh sleeping on stream is not to s as  long as you're not in a streaming category okay   carlo just sleeping just chatting it'll be  great well xcc did a sleep sleeping stream   i think once i'm not mistaken i i think he did  didn't he do like a nine hour he did as part   of like 24 hour stream or something i think  he did a sleeping stream right my crazy chat   you guys tell me they should do a category  like just snoozing just snoozing it's just kidding me it's going to be hilarious literally  everyone's going to go through it snoozing i like   it i like it it might be the next big thing no  but actually like i feel as though all the big   channels would give it at least one shot your  guys aren't in bad shape by the way i don't   want to talk about it i don't care i mean i should  have taken with the bishop so it's still unclear this is what it is man and twitch staff i mean  some someone can can ring up the big bosses   and and let them know we're coming up with ideas   oh boy this is yes yes rookie southern  class although actually there's not   there's not an easy way to win here is  there a lot oh no there is there is okay of now he's okay that's not okay so a game though  well promise your guys no time that's actually oh that's not a sub optimal decision to say the  least yeah why did i hold the coffee mug by the   handle you guys i can hold it by the handle i can  also just hold it like this it's all the same oh   no what what what happened i look away for five  seconds and something bad happened something bad   just happened what just happened what just what's  just happened nothing just happened you guys are   going to win he blundered the bishop dude doesn't  matter okay yeah now it doesn't matter right   as just saying excuse me sir can you please  take all my pawns and that's about to happen yeah i thought he didn't  need the spare bishop i agree okay at f6 nine eight seven six five four  three two one ding ding ding ding ding   we have a winner yes come on i'm sorry  i love you i feel bad i i yeah i like   how they both just said gg to each other  like the guy playing with the black pieces   just had the time to write gg but didn't  have the time to make a move in 20 seconds uh we haven't won in five games since my chair  one we haven't won listen i mean this is why   this is why i don't i don't  do these wagers because i   i don't know man i what do i what do i say wow  yeah four in a row that's pretty rough okay but   you have a chance we're gonna get the scotch  opening played by xqc so you got one last shot   all right golfing helmet we gotta look  at it from your perspective buddy um   white is already winning but does he know that  i mean it's hard it's hard to see the wind   okay what's at stake you guys is  25 subs 25 big one 25 subs and so   much pride we're gonna go down six to  two but at least we're not barcelona   well this isn't over though that i mean it's not  over at all oh it's a picture of e-rob actually   golfing helmet oh it's like he's insulting e-rob i  didn't even notice that that's like e-rod isn't it   i that's e-rod yeah i don't know but um your uh  your your thoughts on the the bayern game match   oh i don't i don't i don't i don't watch soccer  i i know you're i know you're you're you're a   pure-blooded american but barcelona lost eight to  two recently yeah i know i know they lost eight to   two but i didn't even watch it i i don't i don't  know anything about it you know when i played   soccer when i was younger we were on a travel  team this was back when i was athletic when i   was like eight and we were beating a team eight  to zero and the referees asked us to stop scoring   as a sign of respect because okay okay so i  wonder if the referees asked bayern to stop   scoring like well but is there is there a home in  a way is it home in a way or is it just one game   uh and in champions league it's two it's two okay  so i mean because the thing is but didn't paris   saw germain didn't they collapse against barcelona  one time like they they won like 5-1 and collapsed   correct yes there was but they they say  it's only one game so it doesn't matter   i just remember when there was a home and away  like there there's something like paris paris   beat barcelona like five to one at home but then  somehow they lost like six to one or something   in barcelona which was insane so that's what  i was gonna say about like scoring too much   if it's home in a way then then you shun  but yeah one game doesn't matter you should   probably just show some respect but whatever well  we were asked to not score and um oh wow wait what   that's a bad move but not for the obvious reason  wait why is that a bad oh now i see it okay yeah   yeah yeah i mean queen b4 was queen before and  bishop c5 was winning but that's just way too dang   before with the threat of bishop c5 and the pin oh it's four nothing first  game one to six yeah okay what wasn't that a free bishop honorable  honorable player yeah that was that wasn't yep we should probably just add ties to  the counter of some sort like it will   be six and a half be five and a half two  and a half in our sub battle count right   right well but i mean you still need some help  here yeah we need to win this game so yeah oh oh that was not a good move ooh that  was not a good move by the way yeah didn't   liverpool beat barcelona after losing 0-3 and then  winning 4-0 was that against barcelona i don't   i don't follow soccer man i mean i know a  little bit about it but i don't follow it   all i know is that i think messi  and ronaldo are probably operated   that's true i i don't who's the who's the third  most famous footballer on planet earth it's   probably is it lewandowski maybe is it is that  who it is is it him or is it like one of these   is it is it newmar nate or sorry name our name no  it's numer it's yeah neymar his name on the third   name are the neymar the junior right yeah okay  messy position here or is it a ronaldo position oh there's zlatan i forgot about  zlatan but he's in america he's   still playing in america i think or maybe  he went back to europe i don't remember yeah the latin is probably the most  famous yeah the team is the unknown   isn't zlatan yeah he's on ac milan uh pronunciation it's nema no it's neymar neymar  or no it's neymar because whoa what is rick d4   levy what is rifty for what is with your  guys do they like did somebody like spike   the water or something like what is rook d4  the guy just captured knight he goes rook d4 i don't know man i don't know it's the 48 hours  of no sleep i'm in a different i'm i'm on a i'm   on a different monitor entirely right now  i couldn't i used to stop watching yeah   i was trying to find which retired uh football  superstars went to the mls well there's latin   there was david beckham i don't know if there  were any others oh there was that italian dude   right what's his name hiro hiro hirlo pierlo yeah  pirolo yeah yeah he went to the us yeah rooney did   yeah i know rooney did yeah mls just chill in  the u.s and yeah and ball out oh tyrion also i   forgot about him yeah he also came to the us too  that's the famous hand ball right that was the   oh did he have a handball i i yeah i don't  know yes and then he like scored or something   i think that's what happens i thought  that was maradona but anyway whatever okay   they all did okay so your guy's down two  bishops here he's in bad shape yup i've got no no oh i can't even tell you guys are  moving way too fast i'm sorry i will stop   saying anything that i know about this  sport because i really don't know that much i don't i i see some random guy  yelling at frank lampard i don't even   come on finish it off baby just finish  it off i don't even know what i'm saying i need to start rolling my r what did i do   rolling my rs what do you mean like  uh what name i'm not sure maradona i don't i don't know okay mate in eight fantastic does this after  this we need to we need to go get some sleep   you don't seem a muse i'm sorry here no no  no uh it's you know it's that i predicted   it would happen but i'm not happy you know  it's not over my guy only has 13 seconds   oh well that's not going to get it done  uh-oh okay it's not over it's not over come on you got to move come on  oh hey gotta move free horsey   just make him move just move dude  what's he thinking about just move oh checkmate come on oh come on what are you doing what oh my gosh oh my gosh it's still going on let me it's not over man gotta move what's he doing checkers guys just checkers oh my gosh wait is black gonna lose on time  by the way that's what i'm saying like he's   thinking too long oh my oh my gosh let's  move wait this is actually crazy this is so crazy that was the stupidest thing  i've ever seen in my life that   i i have no words for that i have no words i yeah wow hikaru i think you need to not look at  a chess board for like two hours because   i mean all you're going to think about is this it  might interfere with your play tomorrow like just   oh i don't think so just  detox and oh my oh my gosh i slid down my chair and i slammed my foot into  my computer tower are you okay well watching this   hurt far more than that so okay okay okay yeah um  yeah so i think we just call it a draw then right   i'm happy to do that i'm okay it's it's five and  a half two and a half in the overall um oh this is   this was this was fun so you um i think  we're we're going to call it a stream   yeah yeah and um so you'll be back tomorrow  to cover this at 10 a.m eastern right   yes 7 a.m eastern yeah i think i'll i'll relax for  the rest of the day just crossed seven hours and   yeah yeah so we'll be back tomorrow you guys i  think that's that's basically it we don't need any   more of a sign off yeah just one last thing just  again thank you everybody thanks for the following   thanks for the subs 500k uh once again we  appreciate it thank you so much you guys and we'll   we'll be back tomorrow at 10 a.m eastern levien  and we'll be doing commentary we're going to set   the rate on the rate over to xbc and we'll see  you guys all tomorrow night see you bye everybody   you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 922,745
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru and Levy sub battle, Hikaru sub battle, Hikaru and gotham sub battle, hikaru, chess, Hikaru Nakamura, grandmaster, super-grandmaster, master chess, chess commentary, nakamura, chessbrah, speedrun, speedchess, magnus, carlsen, fide, event, chesscom, tournament, best channel, best video ever, best video, Hikaru commentates, Bromance, hikaru nakamura, hikaru sub battle, gm hikaru, hikaru vs gotham, hikaru and levy, hikaru vs levy, hikaru gothamchess, gmhikaru sub battle, hikaru reacts
Id: efiToQKhtRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 16sec (6796 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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