Bear In An Abandoned Mine

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making an early trip this season obviously has its downsides as you can see but it is pretty on the way in would you say 40 minutes added to the trip because 40 minute delay due to the trucks merging back onto the freeway gotcha once they put the chains on yeah this is what donor pass looks like in a snowstorm in the winter [Music] the lake is uh down there and you can see the uh old railroad tunnels or the snow sheds i should say over there all right here's a view of donner lake this is worth stopping for pretty dramatic change in scenery from the snow-covered mountains to this but we're getting closer than mine now we're not to the mine yet but we're getting close stop here just for a minute to show you this mill or the remains of this mill in front of us a pretty impressive structure at one time obviously there's uh some more stuff up around the side of that hill right there but i think you get the general idea here good view of the valley here for some reason my friend didn't want to take his truck through this so unfortunately it means we're walking now people these days you've got no courage hey hiking up to the mine good view of the scenery here hasn't been too bad so far i think it's just a couple miles of hiking on this so unless it gets really steep at the end this isn't too bad we've just hiked up the canyon from there and i've come to first real structure close to the mine which is this orb in here it's actually in pretty good shape considering the harsh conditions of the desert something kind of cool they've got these twin sheets coming down right there and then the walkway coming out right there and it's hard to tell in this light but there's a little ladder leading up the walkway there and we're assuming that they could open and close the gates of the shoots from that walkway the inside of the bin is line of the metal as you can see so that's probably why this is still standing we just hiked up from down there you can see there's another worksheet right there this is a trestle coming out from the portal which is right behind me see it runs around there across over to that where the other war bin is over there see the track in front of me here and i've pulled out the main camera because look at this portal right here about to hit in there and there's more stuff up there we'll check out this lower one first i will join you inside we just made an entry through there first look inside doesn't look very promising because of that but peaks inside scattered head and we can't get past that there is some lagging here you can see somebody pulled out a couple samples there got the rail running ahead and some interesting rock right in the beginning here right near the portal and then of course it runs up this way because all this has come down but we can go over this and drop down the other side just climbed up from there and this little chamber here that was created by this material caving in you see we can drop down through there and keep going just drop down from there see we've come into some interesting mineralization in here all around me looking ahead something somewhat unusual in nevada mines which is a fair amount of water looks cold and clear but fortunately we're wearing the waders prepared properly for this so get into it see where this goes well i can assure you this water is very cold another cave section up ahead hopefully we haven't come this far just to be blocked by that obviously the ground in here is not great given all these collapses the tumbleweeds in here would suggest that this tie is in the surface somehow because i don't see those blowing in the way we came that would have been pretty rough yeah looks like it goes straight ahead hopefully we can get past that section if nothing else it's pretty colorful in here brief pretty sure i feel some airflow okay good looks like we drop down again definitely feeling airflow now yeah more water down there keeps going through there uh got some bats in here that's what those spots are pretty cold for them i'm kind of surprised they're able to uh hibernate comfortably in here there's a lot of cold air coming from outside dropping down from there and it keeps going decent distance ahead as you can see a fair number of bats in here i don't want to bother them it's going to make my way past along this rail here you say you saw some dead bats back there yeah the water was like four of the water really stayed in a deep competition i did think it was cold in here for them to be hibernating that runs back away uh if you can't really see that on camera at least the way it looks on my screen but it runs back as far as i can see yeah oh yeah dead ground squirrel or something like that the water's so cold i keep thinking i have a room for my waders but i don't think i do i think i have a hole in my right leg but i'm not sure you know what i was thinking the same thing but the water is so cold it kind of creates that sensation but i don't think i actually do i sure hope i don't yeah a little closer now definitely going off the left as you can see that keeps going straight see the junction here the rail we both have rail kind of tempted to see what's off the left that keeps running back for as far as i can see little pepsi can right there i think i'll go off the left maybe knock this one out really if we're heading straight back doing the left hand roll on this one got some old track ties here i think those are track ties sulfur reaction right there see those [Music] yellows come out of the water no complaint for me on that this one keeps running back a fair way detail gets pretty wet back here though well i thought this might be a quick little side drift but this is more substantial really interesting mineralization in here as you can see see how rusted the rail is obviously this spends a lot of time being damp which probably helps the formation of all those crystals almost looks like granite right here you see a small vein running through right there and then this wood that's out of the water look how fresh that looks it's pretty extraordinary all right i can't tell if that bends up here yeah it looks like it bends got another junction wow that's when you can see better because it's out of the water got something running back that way a shelf system right there and this keeps running that way stick with the left hand roll how many others they're slow they're looking at best okay well they'll figure out the left hand rule things okay i've got toad tojo i don't know what that says faults hitler oh yeah this is very timely i think that hitler and tojo faults this was a tungsten mine active during world war ii dynamite box right there yeah little diamondbacks right there so that is a jab at the axis powers during world war ii this is a little sporty right here looks like it gets possibly better after that but i'm gonna turn the camera off and take a closer look at this just crawled through there another buddy went ahead to scout things out looks like he's making his way back now looks interesting up here all right yeah it's pretty cool it's worth it okay you see up to the next level oh nice is this do you think the room all right the wooden floor see the rail has been removed a lot more spacious obviously a lot dustier back here obviously doesn't get wet back here so there may be some artifacts back here looking up there's a platform here looks like there might have been an ore suit here at one time but it's been blocked off uh yeah it looks like there is the remains of a stop up there and i think that dead ends in front of us see looks like a blasting captain on the left right there see the dots right there where the tractor work our load so that probably was for the stoke that was behind us i have not seen that brand before have you guys seen this brand before no it's standard oil of california which is chevron now but cowboy cow some keystone it's just dead ends here and stops overhead as i look back and then of course it keeps going to the left very dusty in here now there's some pretty serious drills back here as you can see from those drill holes got some rail back sticking out right there that is really substantial that's worshipping right there or pass i mean that is huge yeah wow yeah i thought this doesn't work it's got the shape of an overshoot but actually it's actually pretty unusual i haven't seen one like this before obviously another level up there they would drop the ore down it would sort of skip and slide down this and drop down to where i'm standing now that's really interesting i do this from up there then did you look back here yet yeah okay so it runs back and faces out right there so obviously this was just for this order pass above me of cable or rope as the miners call it let's try to look at the yeah i see it says rope on the right there trying to make out the manufacturer but not very successfully we got some starch right there not sure what that would be used for but it's there it looks like they backfilled some of this too this rock didn't just fall down and put it here so i think the highlight at least on this drift is this right here i really can't think when i've seen an orpas set up like this before that's pretty interesting the hitler and tojo faults are down that direction this is the next one to check out this is the next left run back that way my friends went i can't make what that says but i see 42 distinctly down at the bottom and that coincides with my understanding of the dates this miles worked so i'm going to accept that as legitimate pretty decent timbering up here you should jam the wedges in there pretty good job of that like i said nice and dry back here so you still see the track and track ties pretty clearly they were correct in shoring up the correct spots in the mind that makes sense what i'm trying to say is they did a good job of knowing where to shore things up because all the spots really timbered up are pretty rough in terms of stuff coming down so they knew what they were doing that's what i'm trying to say that notch carved out right there probably to allow the work hearts to go by the upper edge of the work car i'll be my guess bending around getting a bit damp again does it face out check out that uh horseshoe horseshoe it's pretty cool a little side pocket right here big is it cave or is that oh that's caved huge or shoot right here this looks like it was just left behind it didn't come down from anywhere massive or shoot right here with i don't know what kind of animal that is it looks like a dog or a big ass coyote yeah what the hell yeah that's insane i don't think it made it i mean do you think that the the animal was killed in the collapse because it's all jammed in the rocks you see what i'm saying yeah i i don't think it was trying to crawl through to get no no no that's probably went in one of the apparatus and fell down fell through yeah but it seems like it i don't know yeah i see what you're saying might have fallen down the rocks fell on top of it right but uh wow that is well insane i think that's the worst sheet of death is right there and i've come a section i thought it was cave but it's not it's just uh it started to raise right here as you can see and then it just ends um they started up and stopped obviously didn't assay out too well we see the ladder going up that's it for this section so we'll head back to the main haulage at it and see where it keeps going all right we just finished checking out this drift off the left which is a lot bigger than i expected back at main hall again just running off that direction let's go see what's up here if i don't trip over track time rock back here is a lot darker more reddish as you can see it looks like coming out of the water right here which i'm not sorry about it all looks like there's an ore sheet up there as well that's some nice timber in here got some sparkly ribs so they added here might even be some of the ore right there that's a little bit a little bit damp back here still but it's mostly uh out of the water looks like there's something going off to the right i think that's the end right there and an ore sheet right there i'll dip down there in a second there is that might be the end right there too actually and that is certainly interesting you don't see them fancy signs like that that often i think that's the end um as long as i'm here look at this metal gate on it all right it's really unusual as well especially since it's still intact you see a fair amount of materials come down they've hacked away at this chute fair amount obviously to make room for the ore cars there looks like there's a man way running up there check that out in a minute i just want to look down the strip to the right first real quick you see they're tracking all the ore car loads here which are a fair number so it must be decent sized stoves levels ahead i don't know what that was so obviously overshoot up here got some ladders running up presumably to a stop there unfortunately my hand is messed up right now i've got a fractured hand so i'm somewhat limited in how sporty i can be that just ends right there that's plugged as you can see pretty sure that man way i just passed runs up to the stove but like i said it hurts just pulling the flashlight let alone climbing ladders so it's kind of punk rock to even be out here at all the broken hands so give me some credit for that and this just terminates right here there are other levels above us that you know with different portals that we can access so i'm not too concerned about getting up that ladder because i know we're gonna be at the upper levels anyway go take a look at the other worksheet and just confirm it does in fact end as expected because like i said you always have to check many times i've been surprised because something ended and it wasn't that's i love that sign i didn't even see that graffiti up there see howard can you make out any more of it maybe vr can't tell oh cool he's going up i'm glad somebody can climb ladders pretty stable alex is headed up how's that one checking things out is that one good too this is good i can't believe i'm doing hard rock something on this side i'm sorry oh yeah hard rock w i don't know where this goes though goes up dude what do you mean you don't know where it goes obviously it goes up while he's doing that i'll just confirm this ends here like it tossed a bunch of junk back here pipes and boards and other cast offs yeah that's it and yeah that is granite i don't normally see granite that's part of nevada but there's granite all right somebody else is going up yeah i wish i could climb ladders right now all right so alex went up the ladder the eyes are still poking around up there or what's up the ladder so there are four sections of ladder each are about 10 feet uh per section and it basically parallels this or shoot right here this ore pass and then apparently there's a very narrow beam that goes across the horseshoe itself and it's just it's too unstable for us to cross it but uh what's really cool what i thought was really neat about it is that there's a wiring that comes down and there's like a makeshift light socket that's awesome that they put on there yeah so that's that's pretty cool it's yeah as dark and damp as in here now it's crazy think of having electric lights in here but obviously it did yeah but the ladders themselves super solid uh you know the the the actual man way itself the walls it's super hard right it's not going anywhere coming down as well um i was taking a closer look at this i noticed the 1952 underneath so all the wood work in here yeah that's at least that's dry is in good shape and of course that explains the ease at which they put in electric lights and such so this one's wrapped up let's go check out those upper levels
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 80,943
Rating: 4.8869381 out of 5
Keywords: Bear In An Abandoned Mine, Bear In A Mine, Bear Underground, Running Into A Bear Underground, Meeting A Bear Underground, Cave Bear, Bear In A Cave, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Mine Exploring, Abandoned Mine, Underground Mine Exploring, Tungsten Mine, Tungsten, Adit, Stope, Winze, Ore Chute, TVR, Black Bear, Ghost Town
Id: JC1DSznUz6w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 33sec (1473 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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