Roping Into The Unknown Beneath Tombstone, Arizona

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all right we are back the next day i should say the next day for me this will be a long series of videos back but we're dropping down to the lower levels via a different route this time this is the shaft or look down the shaft that we're going to be going down but we're not going to have to do that fortunately because just over here is a man way that's still in very good shape despite this being from the 1880s this is still in great shape you see how rough the wood is you know very old milling work but it's still intact the nails have been some of the nails have been replaced so so you have the round nails but all the wood is original to the 1880s which is really cool uh haven't looked up yet a quick view up yeah it's just a series of platforms so it's not like there's a dramatic view but we're gonna be working our way down through this so pretty cool just came out of the man way there down on the next level and this level takes off that direction which is gonna be a little crawl through there which isn't going to be much fun but this is a different route to drop down to that point we talked about yesterday and uh i want to try and see some new things so going different way we've got bigger crew with us today some others have joined us from out of town so you'll see some familiar faces today it'd be fun having this group all right there's what we have to go through to crawl through that section he doesn't even have any knee pads so i'm sure he's loving that oh how hard yeah you can hear him loving it yeah you can hear the you hear the joy in his voice yes all right i'll go through and pick up on the other side guys we just punched out right behind where andrew is and we're in the 300 300 sub-level stokes so just about just below the 300 actually okay like 325 330. all right so we're in some sub-level stops this is a archway right there and then we're yeah use the rope you guys need to see it's anchored very securely see our crew dropping down through there and we're dropping down to the 400. we're still making our way through these stops here and something just strained right there is you can still see the platforms resting on the stoves you don't see that very often usually just see the stoves but that's what the myers we're working off of or using to travel through oh look at the bulkhead up there wow oh wow way up there there's a there's another level up there too holy crap i don't know if you guys can see that but right there wow that's way up there that's probably a good 60 70 feet up yeah we're still working through these stops and we found a food wrapper that we're very puzzled by it says patsy malted milk and then here's the kicker it says sliced so yeah i've got a decent sized audience and some of you guys are pretty clever i'd love to have someone explain sliced milk to us because that was a first for every one of us so i know somebody out there knows about this so please let us know we just dropped off the stop right there and hit another sub level and there's something pretty cool here or car right there [Music] it's actually in pretty good shape hard to imagine them pushing that through here given how low we are right now but yeah i see all the hardware still intact on that empty of course and then the drift keeps running back that way i see an overshoot right there so we'll pick up somewhere over there we had to roll that or car aside to get by it now come on to another chamber here there's a drift running off that way and then jeremy just stuck his head over there you can see a little trestle over there i'll shoot down this way since he's looking at that uh an old turpentine steam distilled wood turpentine i'm sure that was repurposed for something i've got some carbide cans here this actually looks like it remains from an ore car in front of us it's missing the wheels and such but i think that's what that was actually a wooden one yeah that's wild pretty sure that's what that was yeah look because here's the door in front i'm gonna force it but uh yeah that's crazy yeah i'll get excited even over a half a wooden or a car because they're so rare that's pretty neat looks like that might be the remains of a flat car a wooden flat car there too yeah see the right there you see that's where the axles were that's pretty exciting the drift bends around that way this is really low so that's my backpack you're dragging on this top of the at it or the drift i mean okay that runs back and i can see it's backfilled this bends around oh wow that cool worksheet right there i don't think it's plugged either uh i see a carbide can right there and stove up there let's go look at that trestle that jeremy was checking out huh all right i'll backtrack and go pick up that trestle we just looked down that drift there that's where the remains of the wood nor car are and we've got see a little classifier screen right there we've got this drift over here with a little trestle right there it looks pretty cool and it runs off around the bend somewhere my back's not gonna be happy doing this one got some interesting rocks somebody put right there that color in there that's pretty cool and then here's a good view looking down this trestle here so i'll pick up around the bend there just came off the trestle there see a good amount of gobbing here and the tracks continue that direction an old unmilled timber right there the ore dots are the dots there track on the or car loads coming out little rays coming up here so i'm not sure if those dots are a reference to what came from there because it looks like something drops off here so it could have been from here as well but probably a little raised to the left little mini pocket stove right there the tracks disappear here and looks like the stove disappears down here as well yeah that's the end of the stove see it terminates there up there and then so the sparkly sparkly action of the rock the stove just ends here as well so we'll keep dropping down we just looked down that drift for the trestle is right there and if you'll remember i passed this ladder on the way in which is in remarkably good shape so we'll go see what's up there just came up the ladder from down there where my buddy austin's coming up and it's an old old wheelbarrow up here which is really cool see it's been patched i believe that's what that is a patch right there that's worn through or rusted through i don't know old wheelbarrow is well enough to date this one but i know they sure don't look like that now so yeah would you say that's a patch in the middle right there oh yeah this little uh sub level up here as well our buddy jeremy's just scoping it out real quick see if there's anything worth uh filming down there otherwise we got to keep dropping down otherwise when i get too distracted i keep dropping down for the primary mission of today so actually i have anything really good back there i'll show you otherwise we're just gonna force ourselves to keep dropping down and trying to get distracted but i'm glad i came up here just for that wheelbarrow we just dropped down that ladder there we're continuing our descent to the 400. jeremy's already headed down she's working his way down that ladder there and the remains of an ore car directly below us here and it looks like they were dumping stuff down here at one point based on that sheet right there but that's been plugged up subsequently as you can see and there's just a little sub level here that we're on that's our gear right there and that just runs back there pinches out but those are gotten some stuff out of there and this level would have seen some traffic you can tell because there's a primitive blacksmithing operation here that old stamp shoe would have served as the anvil and then you can see the coal and slag and such here they're doing the blacksmithing pretty interesting stuff so we'll keep dropping down and eventually get to 400 and pick up down there all right as promised yesterday which would have been multiple videos back we've returned to drop down this ore pass here and we're expecting good things down there getting that rigged up and i'll lean out we're gonna be dropping down there so we'll pick up somewhere down there we have just dropped down into what i can only describe as an absolutely extraordinary level there are just things everywhere here up by that pillar there's just an amazing amount of stuff we'll get to that in a minute i'll start with who's right here next to me not just one or car and some explosives boxes not just two ore cars three ore cars all lined up here this one is obviously homemade patched together from dynamite boxes look at that and then this another homemade or car a barrel strap onto a flat car incredible got something running off that way i've never seen anything like this before though these ore cars here this is amazing obviously that's an industrial factory one right there but these my that was my buddy just checking out the war sheet right here wow these are something special i can only imagine the use you saw see it's got a wooden bottom there and they attach some sheet metal right there help support it man what an amazing sight obviously that uh chain right there for pulling it this is really just like a time capsule this section here somebody's old glove right there the powder boxes man there's a piece of a windlass here on the ground next to me see the crank right there so there's probably some uh obvious some winses and things like that dropping off of here i don't know if they found anything down there or not wow it's tough to know where to even begin with this one i'll show you some of what's up here before i start dropping down those those drifts going off to the side got a bunch of drill steel here uh let's see if there's a hole in it does not have a hole in the end of it as you can see on the camera i wish i can't focus on that there we go see no hole in the end that tells you that's really old got some single jacking drill bits here more drill steel uh there's stuff everywhere up here some carbide cans i see some of this uh stuff is slabbing off from the back here almost has a dome shape that's that pillar i pointed out earlier this is a pristine union carbide lid i've never seen one in such good shape wow i got a head of a pickaxe right there obviously had a blacksmithing operation here you see the sit on top of the or the back i think as myers call it have this uh stoke chamber here you see where they were heating up the coal and such obviously there would have been some kind of weight like an anvil or something maybe uh given what else we've seen this mine might have been a stamp shoe for my stamp mill but obviously that's what that was there's so many artifacts scattered around here all right there's the back side of those ore cars again and a bunch of gobbing right here actually pretty high quality gobbing and this drift is low drift runs back this way to my friends already went down there go catch up and see what they might have seen something dropping down there there's a range of a shovel right there and a side little drift right there and we're gonna keep going ahead oh wow there's a little bottle right there i don't know why the camera will not focus on stuff close by today there we go that's an old one got a neat little trestle right there in front of me and carbide can some unidentified barrel wrapping around so this is really low i guess they would have had those little ore cards again or something like this because that factory made or car would never fit under that yeah horseshoe dropping down there that might tie into that one back uh by the ore car i'll duck under this and pick up over there i just ducked under there and you can really tell hardly anyone's been down here because it hasn't been looted i mean everywhere i look i'm seeing artifacts had a hills brother coffee container right there this glass jug wrapped in burlap pipes right there there's just tools and equipment tossed everywhere and and i'm unfortunately in the mind that gets a lot of visitors people just steal all this stuff there must be an ore bucket right there there's a ladder there but it doesn't drop down anywhere just to there this trestle is really cool looking and uh it might be another car right there actually there's something going off the left as well just slide under that timber gobbing on the left yeah that is the bottom of another or car right there just jammed in there like that had a close look at that ore car you can see where it would pivot there on his base that drift so he just faces out right there and the track and such is going this way so i'll continue down this way i'm breathing hard because it's actually really low so it's awkward carrying all the camera equipment everything through these low these low drifts but that was not a complaint it's definitely worth it it is amazing to see this i was just shooting from back there and i think we found the bottom the frame of that work car back there i don't know why i was disassembled and just tossed here but that's got to be connected to the other or the the tub back there this frame has to be connected to that tub as i'm trying to say it's like there's a little sub level down here from the look of things see the broom right there and there's an old lard container there i think i said this in another video but the miners weren't using lard down here that was something they would use at home and then take the work to carry their lunch in or carry drill bits in or whatever and i just left it down here i just came off of there and that broom is right here this piece of wood here says identification identification ticket on that i'd love to know what that was for this just faces out right there i feel like i'm standing on a false floor which i think there was a stop under me one time and it looks like it's just been filled in see what i mean now my friends are not back and it looks like this just ends here and that other one looks like it ended as well but obviously one of these three does not end so as long as i'm here i'll peek down this one see how it goes anywhere if not look down that stop and if that doesn't go anywhere obviously that third one that i thought ended goes somewhere so i'll pick up over there just came from around the bend there a little chamber here that that's a colorful rock that's pretty cool uh this chamber ends right there it looks like something might be leading up so i've got to stick my head in there and see what the deal is unfortunately this is a stomach crawl through this right here so i will definitely turn the camera off again for that one i just climbed up from there and indeed there is some stuff running up here that might tie into that other section we look down find out in a minute there is something that runs back there and stops there's a large container here that one was obviously used for grease look inside some fuse right there i'm gonna scout this out a little bit and make sure that uh what's behind me is actually a dead end and assuming it is i'll pick up there i just climbed up from down there and this is just stoke chamber on top of stoke chamber uh there's a common feature in these older mines all this uh labyrinth of stops you see there's a classifier right there and it shoots off to the side there and then behind me the stop dips down there there's a shoot a primitive chute right here i'm on the top of as you can see um there's something dipping down there i think that goes to that level i thought ended which it still might and there's stuff running up that way i think the best thing for me to do is to climb up to that point and that way i can get a better look at this and i might be able to drop down there to get back so i'll pick up there that's that shoot behind me there and yeah no question there's a level down there i think that's the one i looked down before looking over this way past that lard container his stop extends well over there and that might actually lead somewhere um i just can't tell right now and yeah doesn't go anywhere up there right now i'm really curious about this level behind me and my elbows are really not happy with me right now so i think i'm gonna take a a break we'll break in quotation marks but a little break and look down that way and see how that looks and i can always come back up here there's the bottom of the ore chute there and this is definitely that other level i look down because there's the the ore car on its end right there now what's interesting here that this doesn't stop right here there's a little crevice dipping down there and there is air just blasting through there you may even be able to hear on the camera so that goes somewhere as horrible as that is that's 18 inches i might just slide down there and see what the deal is that definitely goes somewhere this is horrible to get through but i just dropped down from there into i don't even know like a crawl space size space that drops off this way i think i heard my friends voices or two of my friends voices up ahead uh airflow is continuing uh i'm gonna crawl through this and i'll pick up over there a little bit of myography right there but it's just some squiggly line this doesn't it's into a pattern or anything so like i said i'll bomb over there and pick up there we just climb down from up there there's a big hemp rope right there and we are in truly virgin ground there are about two inches of dust everywhere and no footprints at all this is true mine exploring holy grail action right here uh i get my reflect my wits as you see there's no canteen here it's been there for a long time there was obviously a blacksmith operation here at forge here you can see the anvil stand right there and the soot on the top of the attic there's some kind of platform here i see the supports for it but that's gone for whatever reason i probably got taken and ripped up for timber support somewhere this is interesting standing on this stand there's ladies choice table syrup obviously repurposed for something this one on the left had some kind of oil or lubricant in it i guess oil is a lubricant you know what i mean um it looks like they strung up that string to make it easier to carry which is really interesting looking down here my friend stuck his head back there and said that just leads to a failed raise uh with no artifacts or anything back there so we'll bypass that for now look down this one where the air is coming from that's andrew up ahead the hills brother coffee can here and yeah the only footprints in here right now are ours this is true virgin territory wow hey mine explorers dream about this kind of thing and you can tell from all the artifacts here that nobody's been here in a long time might be a war pass or something dropping down there i don't feel any air flow out of there got a real spike right there a ladder very rotted ladder here leading up to a stop up there yeah that will pick up the track again track picked up there not bend and twist towards this mess right here i'm not going through that are we i don't know if that's failed or intentional there's looks like we're past dropping down that way and i guess that's a stop above you huh good thing about the hand line because there's air coming out of there can you feel [Music] no it just stands oh it just ends down there huh where's the airflow coming from then i think it's coming from above us now if you heard that he's speculating that the air flow is coming from above us so we'll go back and take a closer look at things back there i forget what i said last but we're still at that little pit right here we've been talking and we think that this is a failed stop right here which probably failed relatively recently because that rock looks newer than the surrounding rock and it's not covered in dust our friend jeremy's running about to get a hand line because i didn't realize that was coming through but they actually climbed this ladder here and it runs up into another sub level which connects to an overpass you said connection overpass they're going to try roping down we'll see if that's successful or not meanwhile we're waiting i was just kind of looking around and i noticed this little gem up here which is sweating dynamite with a couple of blasting caps up there and in fact that's fuse cord running now it looks like the fuse cord may be attached to a blasting cap which was stuffed into the dynamite that's interesting i wouldn't want to bang on that or anything i'm just gonna leave that alone that dynamite is just to the right there and we've been more curious about these little shelves and ledges since that discovery and andrew just found something cool what do you have there that's a flint roller from a carbide lamp and it still turns yeah so you'd flick that would flick against the flint which would be up inside this on the lamp and that would light the flight the actual burner on the lamp that's really cool yeah that's neat i've never found one i was just gonna say i've never seen one of those before either that's that's pretty neat my face glove not some lost miners gloves so like i said we're just waiting for our friend to come back with a hand line to investigate this area in fact i didn't notice it because i was narrating such but we can feel the airflow coming from up there which is why we're going to drop that pass jeremy's climbing up there to investigate that's the spot we're talking about off in the right just like that we just climbed up the ladder from there we're pulling the rope up now a little chamber up here uh not in the best shape kind of interesting um looks like there might have been an ore sheet right there so let's start to dump down looks like somebody's scraping away at it see what i mean through here like somebody scraped away a layer then a fresh layer came down and somebody scraped away it again you know strange and then where we're going to drop see that's looking down where where before you see the twin rails right there and then the area we're going to drop is just over here where they're setting up we've got in just a second i want to show you looking back on that section look like it was scraped away right there which is right there see a ton of stuff has come down here filled everything in and right there it's not the best ground back here as you can see that's slabbed off and obviously a lot of things have slept off and a lot of ground fall a little rusted cans artifacts here right there and then this is what we're going to drop [Music] still running down still got weight on we're anchored back there and jeremy's going to start dropping down exactly let's see what we see he waited yeah that's right right now okay how's your body doing right okay yeah now he's waiting yeah this platform is pretty solid okay now you might be able to reblade to it yeah so see what it looks like although that that that corner air is going to take a lot of your a lot of your weight off so okay you ready go for it wait on it that's full weight okay oh yeah you're gonna get anything underneath that um my glove yeah okay are you on that ledge now yeah he's actually he's dropping down yeah seeing it's just it's allowing it to slip but he's dropping down under the platform so there he goes doing a meat anchor on this one and by that i see austin waving back there we've got a loop through him and he is providing the anchor that just goes back there and stops there so jeremy's dropping pretty quickly wait to hear the report he looks funny but it works there's austin as a meat anchor what's up it works all right so let's drop down from there coming down ah we got a breeze coming from down there let's see what we got yeah buddy ah drift headed that way collapsed or shoot something there i'm going back this way so oh all right i gotta head back on a time restraint we'll be back see it it's ringtail what's up dude what are you doing you're okay i feel bad for a little guy so you'll get some food that's where i came in collapse yeah that guy definitely doesn't go anywhere i got my head okay so i'm gonna split back to be continued
Channel: TVR Exploring
Views: 1,020,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roping Into The Unknown Beneath Tombstone Arizona, Tombstone, Girard Mine, Mine Exploration, TVR, Abandoned Mine, Abandoned Mines, Exploring Abandoned Mines, Mines of the West, Tombstone Arizona, Mining History, Arizona Mining History, Mine Shaft, Minecraft
Id: P7P45ZNCmdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 20sec (2360 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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