Storm God Sorcerer Build Guide Baldur's Gate 3

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[Music] one and only firespark81 with your daily dose so video goodness and today I'm going to show you how to become an absolute insane force of nature in Baldur's Gate 3. let's get to it let's start off with talking about race so obviously you can pick whatever race you want to be it's not going to make the biggest difference in the world however you are best in slot for this build is going to be a tiefling and that is because we get the hellish resistance and later on we will also get resistance to lightning as well as Thunder damage meaning that we will have three total resistances which is just going to help us a lot with survivability however if you're not worried about having fire resistance then just pick whatever race you want if you do go with the tiefling I would go with the asmodeus tiefling that is also going to get us the darkness ability later on or the darkness spell you only get to use it once per long rest however having it can be extremely handy going as bodies tiefling also gets us to produce flame can trip so we can skip that when we select our cantrips for our class we're going to start off with cleric and you want to go with the Tempest cleric that is going to get us the Thunder Wave and the fog Cloud spells as well as Wrath of the storm which states strike back at an attacking creature potentially dealing 2 to 16 lightning damage while unveiled saving throws you deal half of a 2 to 16 Thunder damage roll for your initial starting cantrips you're gonna go with sacred flame guidance and light now if you did not go with the tiefling setup that I suggest here you will not have produced flame and I would go with produce flame over going with light but since we are going with the asmodeus tiefling we are going to go with light over produce flame because we already have produced flame due to the fact that it is a racial ability if you're going to make this character the face of your party I don't recommend doing that because it's not really a face of the party build but if you are going to do that I would go with thamaturgy over light because thumbaturchi is going to allow you to gain advantage on intimidation and performance checks and you will run into a good chunk of intimidation checks so having that could be really helpful your deity doesn't really matter pick whichever deity you want it has no influence on the build for the background I would go with sage background but honestly you can pick whichever background you want here for whatever type of character you are going with but we are playing a Caster here in the end so having Arcana and history just kind of makes sense for the theme for your abilities you want to go 10 inch strength 12 in dexterity 14 in Constitution 10 into intelligence 14 into wisdom and 16 into Charisma the reason we have this entire spread like we do here will make much more sense when we get further into the build but we want at least 10 into strength that way our strength checks are just a flat zero based on whatever we roll if we went lower than that we would actually end up with negative one and we would prefer to have those at zero or higher so we put 10 into strength 12 index dirty that's going to help us a little bit with initiative as well as armor 14 into Constitution because there's no such thing as too much health 10 into intelligence once again so we have a zero to our checks there 14 into wisdom because that's going to allow us to have up to three of our cleric spells activate any given point of time so we definitely want 14 into there and 16 into Charisma because we are eventually going to spec into a Charisma class for your first three prepared spells that you are going to run I would go with Sanctuary command and cure wounds these are going to be really handy early games for level two you are going to go cleric level two that is going to get you a new subclass feature called destructive wrath this states that when you roll thunder or lightning damage you can use your channel Divinity to deal maximum damage instead so it just straight does the max role of whatever the max role can be for whatever spell you are casting that is thunder or lightning related now we are only going to ever have one of these to use during a combat scenario because we are only ever going to have one channel Divinity charge however Channel Divinity charges are regenerated on short and long rest so every time you finish a combat you do a short rest you get your channel Divinity charge back and then you can use this ability again on your next battle moving on to level three this is where we are are going to spec out of cleric and into sorcerer for your cantrips you are going to take Ray of frost shocking grass fire bolts and Bone chill or your first two spells you are going to take chromatic orb definitely because this allows us to cast either thunder or lightning damage whenever we need it and you are going to take magic Missile because it's super handy for shooting around corners or your subclass you are going to choose the storm sorcery I know most people are like go draconic bloodline it's so op but the first ability that you get in storm sorcery is actually a really helpful ability the temptuous magic reads that after you cast a level 1 spell or higher you can fly as a bonus action until the end of your turn without receiving attacks of opportunity this is basically a free Misty step you cast a spell and you get a free Misti step because it does more or less the same thing I don't think its range is quite what Misty step is but it's still insanely handy for repositioning yourself on the battlefield when you need to at level 4 we are going to continue to pick kick sorcerer for our spells you got two options here basically you can go which bolt although I don't really like which bolt that much it's a concentration spell and allows you to do damage to a Target lightning damage to a Target every turn so it's on brand with the build so if you want to do that if you like the spell go with that spell I find Shield a little bit better here because this can really save your butt in some situations so that one's completely up to you pick whichever one of those you want to go with I'm going to go with Shield here for your class passives pick distance spell and twin spell moving on to a level five that is gonna put us at sorcery level three at this point you are going to pick shatter this is one of our very few Thunder spell options and then for your class passive you want quickened spell this is going to allow you to cast two spells a turn because you get to use another spell as a bonus action for three sorcery points and if you chose to go with the tiefling that I suggested at the beginning of the video you will also unlock the darkness spell which you can use once per long rest at level 6 we are are going to once again continue on with sorcery you get to pick a new cantrip as well as spells for the can trip I would go with the poison spray as out of all of these it's the one that deals the most damage and if you run into something that's weak to poison that would be super handy to have when it comes to Spells at this point this is a point in the build where you just pick whichever spell you like the best there's a lot of really good ones to select from here I'm not really the biggest fan of concentration spells because concentration can get broken relatively easily and it's kind of a pain in the butt we do have 14 and 2 Constitution which can help from that but still it's annoying so I would go scorching right here if you want to lean towards the more damage dealing side of things I mean this build is already going to do Insane damage with thunder or lightning spells but if you want to just kind of mix it up and have a variety you can go with scorching Ray if you want to go a little bit more supporting for those times where you need to support your other characters blindness is another good option it does not take concentration and we can twin spell that really easy to Blind two creatures for 10 turns giving who whoever is attacking them advantage on attacking them and giving them disadvantage on attacks so that's also a very super handy spell to have although that one's a little more on the supporty side so whichever one you want to go with here I'm going to go with the scorching Ray in this video we also get to pick our first feat for that you're gonna go with ability improvements and you are going to bump Charisma up to 18. moving on to a level 7 and sorcery level five this level doesn't have too much going on other than the fact that we get one of our most OP spells and that is lightning bolt lightning bolt is essentially Fireball except for it's in a straight line and Fireball is a circular AOE but I would even wager to say that lightning bolt has the potential to damage way more enemies than Fireball does but they both have equal damage dealing 8 to 48 damage and we have the capability to force this thing to deal 48 damage once per short rest at level 8 sorcery level 6 is where this build starts to become absolutely nutty for multiple reasons we get new subclass features which include include a heart of the storm and heart of the storm resistance part of the storm resistance makes us resistant to lightning and thunder damage so if you chose tiefling you are now resistant to three different types of damaged fire lightning and thunder part of the storm reads that when you cast a spell of level 1 or higher that deals lightning or thunder damage you cause a small local storm all enemies within 6 meters take three lightning damage or three Thunder damage depending on which type of spell you cast you also get a whole host of new spells including call lightning which deals 3 to 30 damage it is a concentration spell you cast it to call down lightning in an area then for 10 turns after that you can cast it in a new location without expending a spell slot you get sleet storm which is pretty handy but where you don't really care about it we're going to be casting thunder and lightning spells gusts of wind once again don't really care about it because we're going to be casting thunder and lightning spells and because we chose cleric and our choice of subclassing cleric we already have to create and Destroy water as well as Thunder Wave so unfortunately we're doubling up on these but it doesn't really matter and for our spells we grab haste because haste is insanely busted not only can we cast it twice because we can twin spell it and cast it on ourselves and an ally that will immediately give us another attack that turn allowing us to do whatever we want damage wise then we can cast Sanctuary on ourselves to help prevent ourselves from being attacked that way we can ensure that we hold haste's concentration until our next turn on our next turn we can cast lightning bolt three times yes three times and one of those times we can ensure that it does Max damage this is devastating to large groups of enemies and it is really not that hard to group them up or line them up to damage large chunks of them with lightning bolts on top of that we also deal additional damage due to Heart of the storm because if we cast a lightning spell we will deal an additional three lightning damage to everything in the area of that lightning spell lightning bolt has a really long range to it and on each side of that six meters out we'll take three lightning damage on top of everything that is caught in the lightning bolt meaning that you can cause your lightning bolt to deal 51 damage granted you can only do this once per short rest however when you need to bust out an insane amount of damage and Nuka Battlefield you can do so at level 10 you will get to pick a new feat and for that feat I would go with elemental adapt and choose lightning this is going to cause your lightning spells to ignore resistances and you can't roll A1 you'll also get to choose your next metamagic at this level and I would go with careful spell this is just in case that your allies are in line with your lightning bolt they'll still take some damage but they won't take Max damage other than that in level 8 the build is more or less complete so just pick whichever spells you want to pick from this point on and continue to level in sorcery until you are max level hitting level 12 should put you at cleric level 2 and sorcery level 10. alright and that is going to wrap it for this one hopefully you found this video helpful and informational if you did consider hitting the Subscribe button and notification Bell so you'll be notified when I upload other videos and if you're looking for some more balder's Gate 3 content you can find a link to another one of my videos on the screen right now I want to give an absolute massive shout out and thank you to all of my channel supporters for helping to keep these videos sponsor free you all are absolutely amazing people if 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Channel: FireSpark81
Views: 163,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firespark81, firespark, Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 guide, Balder's Gate, Baldar's Gate, Baldor's Gate, Balder's Gate 3, Baldar's Gate 3, Baldor's Gate 3, Baldurs Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 guides, baldur's gate 3 build guide, bg3, baldur's gate 3 sorcerer build, baldur's gate sorcerer build
Id: _XY7em8_1co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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