THE BLADESINGER Baldur's Gate 3 Battle Mage Build Guide

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what's up everybody welcome back to another Baldur's Gate 3 video in today's video we are going to be going over a comprehensive build guide to a build I like to call the blade singer now the blade singer is a subclass in DND 5e but is not in Baldur's Gate 3 so I made my own build your own kind of Blade singing class so that way you can have fun and if you want to play like a battle mage type character but you don't want to go like Paladin and Warlock and that type of stereotypical route then this video is for you so without further Ado let's Jump Right In All right so now that we're in game what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take you through every single level the whole progression route everything is like I said it's going to be a comprehensive guide so that way you know how to play this build from Level 1 to level 12 there will also be time stamps below so that we can skip ahead and really quick before we get started I just want to say thank you guys so much for all the feedback on my last video if you didn't see it then there'll be a link down in the description as well as the end of the video there's a little you know section that you can click on that but this is going to be taking some of that advice that you guys gave me to help it may be more comprehensive and we're just gonna be focusing on one build for this video so the first thing we're going to do I'm in a way to change class I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't got there but there's a way that you can respect basically so that's what I'm going to be doing right now this character is level 11 they're not level 12 so I won't be go I will be going over the level 12 but I won't be able to show you the level 12. this is just going to go over kind of the the main build so that way you'll still be able to get the information so starting at level one what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to pick fighter okay so the main reason why we want to go Fighter for this build is because especially at level one is because you get all the the weapon and armor proficiencies which is really really nice and also for the early game levels we are going to be going levels one through three in fighter and so pick going fighter first I feel like makes this build a lot easier to work with and it's a lot easier to get through the early levels because fire is really front loaded I prefer to go for three levels in fighter and then the rest into wizard for this build okay so go on fire level one fighting style you do get a fighting style now there's a couple different options you can pick thick this build is pretty Universal I'm going to go over the main way that I would play this build and then I will point out if there's any other variations while we're going through this build just if you want to try something else so for this build the things that we are going to be doing is we are going to be intelligence in deck space and we want to have a really high AC as well as a good amount of either buff damage or utility spells right so we really want to Encompass like trying to get as close to like a blade singer in Baldur's Gate 3 as we possibly can and one of the things that they focus on is they're kind of like a tank actually I know it sounds weird to have like a wizard especially when it's just levels and wizard as like a tank but there are tank through their incredibly High AC and not through like their raw hit points so for me personally that means that when we're going to pick a fighting style there is two fighting styles that you can go with the choice is up to you and if you want to change this later depending on where you're at in your progression then you can so the most obvious one in terms of fulfilling that theme of having like a really really high AC be incredibly hard to hit is defense because it's like if you don't know what to go then in terms of a fighting style you're not sure which like what you want to play or what weapons you want to use then defense is like the best one to go because it like will always benefit you no matter what I'm I personally go defense you just get a plus one bonus to your armor class while wearing armor again fits that high AC so that's where we're gonna go now abilities this is probably one of the hardest parts about the build unfortunately because of the fact that like we don't have actual blade singing and we don't have a way in Baldur's Gate 3 to add our intelligence modifier to our attack rolls like we do in paper so what we do is we're going to dump most of our stats again this is for Min maxing this is if you really want them in Max you can allocate these as you see fit if you don't want to have negatives in anything but personally what I would do is I would put my plus two in dexterity and then a plus one in intelligence and then we'll bump dexterity up to 17 and then we're gonna bump intelligence up to 15 and then the rest of these can you can kind of float when we get our first ability score Improvement we are going to bump both of these up terms of skill proficiencies this is going to be personal preference on what you want to pick but this is what level one is going to look like for you it's a level two not much to say you're going to increase in level and then you're going to get action search which is really really important and one of the biggest parts of this build is the access to action search and allow you to do some pretty insane things and it's useful for any class so it's really really good let's move on up to level three now so level three and I will shout out that there it you can if you want to with this build only go two levels of fire just to get action surgeons and the proficiencies and then go straight wizard however I feel like going to level three with fighter for this specifically and getting like your subclass helps a little bit more because all you really get as a wizard and we're gonna be going evocation wizard by the way yeah just like as a heads up but all you really get if you get have that extra level in Wizard is you get one more additional uh spell slot for the highest levels you can cast which says I believe is level four or maybe it's level five but you go you go from one stat two which is nice like you can use that but again we're we are more focused on melee so those spell slots aren't as important but they are nice to have and then for evocation Wizards you can add your int modifier to whatever like damaging spells are evocation based which is also nice but I don't think it gives you as much as getting like an actual subclass and then and a little bit extra health for having one more level in fighter and the subclass we're going to go is actually right here it's the Battle Master now the reason why we go with the Battle Master is because it gives us more options in melee combat and if you know anything about ballot Masters Battle Masters are insanely good they're Maneuvers and what makes a Battle Master like unique to make them really really insane because the Maneuvers are really really good and at level three you have four superiority dice which are all d8s so you have a lot of options so there is a lot of Maneuvers that you can pick you can pick whatever ones you want but these are the ones that I would personally take okay so the first die that I would personally take or the first maneuver that I would personally take is going to be repost I really like repost because what this basically means is it gives you a reaction and then whenever a hostile creature misses you with a melee attack which we're gonna have a really high AC so that will be happening quite a bit you can expend the superiority die to retaliate with the powerful strike that deals an additional 1d8 damage so this is going to allow you to per round output a lot more damage and if you want to use all of your superiority die on just this reaction then you're still going to get really good damage out of it and it allows you to be more of a menace in melee combat again especially because we're gonna have such high AC so people are going to be missing a lot the second one that I like to take is trip attack I like trip attack a lot because of the fact that like you can knock like it's not a guarantee but it has range or a melee version and you can knock the target prone as well as dealing that additional 1d8 damage and this is really nice because when you do knock an enemy Pro and you do gain Advantage so they're a lot easier to hit they have to pick themselves back up so it uses some of their movement speed and knocking things prone in general in Ballers Gate 3 is always advantageous for you so I like taking this it gives you a little bit more utility and a little bit more things to be able to do in melee combat and it's always nice to have those options okay so the third maneuver that we are going to take is goating Attack goading Attack deals an additional 1d8 and you attempt to go the target into attacking you and then the target receipts disadvantage on attacking any other creature again because a blade singer is kind of like this front line a c tank and we are going to have a really high AC then opposing disadvantage and making it so like you're more the focus is really helpful for the rest of the parts that way they can keep doing it and they don't have to worry about like their concentration spells being broken by being attacked and everything and opposing that disadvantage onto like a Target like a key Target like a boss or something like that is super super helpful and again we don't mind putting all the aggro on us because we have such a high AC and that's what we're supposed to be doing is as a front line kind of battle mage type build anyway that this for me is what is like my main option for picking as well so these are the three options that I like to go with the goading attack the repos and the trip attack again if you see any others that you like or you want to try out feel free these are just my personal ones that I like using and the ones that I've had the most success with all right so moving on to level four this is where we are going to start picking up our levels in Wizard so we're gonna go Wizard and in terms of race I forgot to mention this earlier but in terms of racing can go whatever race you want I personally think the best race to go for this build is the high half elf and the reason why is because you do get that free can trip at the beginning so that does give you a little bit of your spell casting just right at the beginning as you're getting your first three levels in the fighter in terms of that can trip it can be whatever you want my two favorite ones to pick especially depending on the situation you're going to find myself in is going to be either Firebolt or shocking grass and if you don't have a character in your party that has friends I would highly recommend you take friends because getting that advantage on Charisma checks and being able to add that helps a lot with like things outside of combat however if you do have that then your third one can be really whatever you want whichever one of these that you feel like you need so in terms of spells now that we're level four the main spells I'm just gonna take all these off but the main spells that I want to focus on is going to be shield shield is your best spell especially in the early game but this is what you're going to be using most of your spell slots on and the reason why is because Shield is pretty Cornerstone to making this build work so this is when you're about to be hit by an enemy you increase your armor class by five and you take no damage from magic Missile which is also a nice benefit but the main thing is increasing that Armor class by five and why that is so important is because like I said before we are in AC tank we are like you know like a battle mage and we're in there we're in melee combat and we have access to spells but we want to focus on having our AC as high as possible so Shield is huge and you will use this a lot because this really really helps in making sure that you do not get hit and you can avoid as much damage as possible so the next spell that I like to take personally is I do like to take Thunder Wave and because you're going to be in melee combat a lot sometimes you are going to get surrounded so it is nice to have an AOE option though I like taking Thunder Wave you can also take burning hands if you want but what I really like about Thunder Wave is it also offers utility like for example if you're fighting on a cliff then you can push enemies away and you can sometimes just instant chaos certain enemies by knocking him off like a tall enough clip this also helps like if you're getting really surrounded then this helps get things away from you so you can either like reposition and not provoke a tax of opportunity as well as just again having a really nice solid AOE damage option for that close melee combat so I really do like Thunder Wave and I do think that especially in the early levels it tends to help out quite a bit all right for our next spell we are going to take a range option we're going to take chromatic orb chromatic orb in my opinion is just the the straight up best like level one range spell in the game it has so many different options it has a lot of utility because of the fact that you can choose really different effects depending on what you want so the default one is thunder and it does and it doesn't leave like a pool of anything on the ground like the other ones do but it does have an extra die on top of it so it is like the highest damage if you just need like that nuke potential but then there's also like acid fire whatever so it does help with utility as well as setting up other things so this is just nice to have if you need like a a long range spell to do a good amount of damage than chromatic orb is there for you especially if you can't get into melee combat or you just need to pick up it pick off an enemy from a distance alright so next one is going to be enhanced leap and I will put it up on the screen but like tripling your your jump distance is absolutely insane so when you triple your jump distance especially with the class that wants to get into melee combat then this really helps you get in the enemy's faces and just do an insane amount of things so I love enhanced sleep and I a lot of people don't really talk about it I think personally it's super underrated and I really like it and find a lot of success with it now in terms of your last two spells they can really be whatever you want prepared spells these are going to be at this level the prepared spells that I would personally go with Shield always and then Thunder Wave for like I said like that utility and because you're going to be in melee combat a lot it's nice to have that AOE damaging spell and as well as like being able to push enemies it's a lot of utility it's a lot of fun to use honestly and then I would take chromatic orb just so you do have that range option as well all right really quick before we continue with the video if you are enjoying this video then I would just like to invite you to hit the like button if you are enjoying the video like I said and if you want to see more Baldur's Gate 3 builds and other guides then make sure to hit the Subscribe Button as well and hit that Bell alright so moving on to level five we are going to take again another point in Wizard because we're just gonna go wizard for the rest of the levels and the one that I would go personally is going to be evocation now you can go some of the other classes you can have fun with like necromancy or even like like a divination Wizard's always really good enchantment whatever but I personally prefer evocation one it's a really easy subclass to use the evocation uh class ability of sculpt spells what this does is that you create pockets of safety within your evocation spells so allies automatically succeed their saving throws against these spells and take no damage from them which is really nice because it's just something that you don't have to worry about you do not have to worry about damaging your allies with your spell so if you are using any AOE spells like thunderway for example and you have another Ally melee combat then you don't have to worry about hitting them so I really like that because it just takes one more thing out of combat that you do not have to focus on you do not have to worry about hurting your allies especially when you get layer levels you want to drop a giant Fireball you don't have to worry about hitting your allies with your spell so I like evocation personally however you can go whatever else that you want or if you do prefer any one of these other ones but for me personally for this build I'm going to take evocation and then you get to pick two more spells these spells can be whatever you want to be at this point again these are just like whatever you want it's personal preference because again like you only have four prepared spell slots so at this point the next spell that I would take in this build is going to be that enhanced leap again you can take whatever you want I prefer the enhanced sleep because this is going to help us achieve what we want to do which is get into that melee combat and just really start going to town so enhanced sleep does help with that and as you soften a little clip that I put on the screen enhanced sleep can really send you flying into combat with no issue whatsoever and it again it's so much fun to use plus also has some exploration utility all right so we are now level six which means we are three levels and fire three levels in Wizard and what you're gonna do is you're just gonna get a little bit more health and then you're gonna get level two spells which is huge as well as another level one spell slot so this is where you're gonna be able to pick your level two spells and there is a couple that I want to shout out the one that I want to shout out first is mirror image and again sticking with our theme of having a really high AC mirror image is really really dope because what it does is you create three illusionary duplicates of yourself that distract enemy attackers and each duplicate increases your armor class by three so when you use this you're going to be damn near impossible to hit now another one that's in the same vein and you can take this one too but uh blur attackers have to manage on attack rolls against you this is also really really good you can pick between which ones that uh you want the only thing about this one about blur over mirror images blurs concentration so if there's another spell that you want to concentrate on then uh you can't have them both going at the same time but on the bright side if you do maintain in concentration blur lasts more than three hits which is the downside of your image so you can pick which one you uh want which one you prefer if you have another spell that you know you're going to want to concentrate on the go mirror image on the flip side if you don't really have another spell that you want to concentrate on then you can go blur and be just fine and the other second level spell that I would take at this point in time is Misty step and what Misty step does is it's a Teleport you can teleport up to 60 feet and it takes a bonus action which is really nice this helps us get into combat and this is also really nice because what you can do is you can now take out your enhanced leap and you can replace it with Misti steps so I would replace enhanced sleep with Misty step personally but again if you want both you can't have both but it seems a little redundant and then I would take out grease or whatever other spell and then I would put that mirror image in as well so that way you can or blur so that way you can really start just protecting yourself from the front lines and making you damn near impossible to kill all right so moving on to level seven we are now wizard level four and this is super important because not only do we get another can trip we get marshmallow Wells but we also get a feat so can Trips Again you can take whatever you want here it doesn't really matter now you get to pick two more spells and the Spells that I would like to shout out from that you can take and again these aren't too important because even though you'll have a lot of spell slots and a lot of options for spells uh most of your spell slots like I said before will be used for more of the defense like shield and stuff so I like flaming spear I this is what I like to concentrate on personally in this build all right and then the other spell that I do want to shout out here is Blindness I do like blindness because you limit fo sight range and it makes it easier to hit them and the creature will miss more often and then in terms of your prepared spells you can go ahead and swap these around as you see fit this is what I would do personally and then you have like these other options if you do want to prepare different spells but this is personally the spells that I would have set up now in terms of feet there's a couple different Feats that you can take here personally for the first time that you are going to get a fee I like the ability score Improvement because I do like getting bumping art decks in our up to that next level I'm gonna take the LD score Improvement and so what we do here is we just put one into our dexterity so that way we get to the next level of dexterity as well as intelligence that way we have an increase on that so right now as you can see since we're bumping until 16 now we have a plus three before we add a plus two so that helps with that and then dexterity goes to a plus uh four from a plus three so both of those I think are really nice all right so now we are level eight and we are wizard level five and then of course again only those three levels in fighter and in this you just get you get level three spell slots which is really really nice and then you gain two spells so level three spells are absolutely insane in Baldur's Gate and there is a lot of good options here but I'm going to point out a few that I really really like alright so the best third level spell that I really like taking for this build specifically actually isn't Fireball contrary to uh popular belief in what most people would be thinking but I actually really like haste here haste is super super nice for melee combat because what you do is you target yourself or now if you want to but you're going to be targeting your yourself with this build to become hastened and what you do is you gain an action you become faster and you become harder to hit now when the condition does end you do become lethargic what this does is you can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions and I believe that this lasts for uh one turn you can correct me in the comments if I'm wrong but for one turn you basically won't be able to do anything so that's kind of the downside and is the concentration so you can be broken out of it but the benefits that you get especially because we do as a fighter we do have constant Constitution saving throw proficiency uh it shouldn't be too hard and with your incredibly High AC it shouldn't be too hard to maintain your concentration and then another one is a fireball I am going to shout out Fireball because of the fact that fireball's Fireball Fireball is just a giant nuke and sometimes you just need to Nuke enemies or to start a combat like if you're walking up on a combat encounter then you can just start off by throwing a fireball in there and killing like half the enemies so Fireball is absolutely insane everyone knows Fireball is insane and then when we go to our prepared spells we are going to take out flaming Spear and we are going to put in haste and then we can take out burning hands or whatever else you had there and you can put in Fireball all right so moving on to level nine we are going to get another another level three spell slot which super nice but then we also get the subclass feature potent can trip so what this does your kendrix become hard to evade entirely when a creature succeeds at saving throw against one of your cantrips it still takes a half the cantrip's damage but suffers no additional effects in terms of spells here honestly you can take whatever you want at this point like you have like your core spells really you're going to be using so I won't go over this too much you can really pick just whatever suits your your build or whatever else that you are trying to do once we get to level 10 and we are wizard level seven this is just going to give you access to level four spells which is a huge huge huge boost in power because level 4 spells are really really powerful and then you're also gonna have more prepared spells so for spells for this build personally the one that I would take in the most important one in my opinion for this build in particular is fire Shield fire Shield is really really awesome because what this does is you breather body and Flames that should uh light into a 10 foot radius which is nice but you do get resistance to fire or cold damage and it does retaliate against melee attack so fire Shield is really good and then the other fourth level spell that I was shot out is greater invisibility this is a concentration spell but one of the things that this does is unlike regular invisibility you can attack and take actions with this and it won't break your visibility those are the two that I would like to shout out and the two that I think are the best ones to take all right level 11. we are almost done you get more access to your fourth level spell here you can take really whatever you want and then you get another feat or ability score Improvement so you can improve your ability scores and get one up to 20. if you want to to get that plus five however what I would personally do is I would either take a defensive duelist or I would take or caster to gain advantage on saving throws and maintain our concentration on a spell so that way we don't lose our concentration because we do have a couple spells that we do like to concentrate on that are really good so you can take whatever you want so whichever one you want to pick you you can go ahead and pick all right and now in terms of level 12 my character is only level 11 so I can't show you in game level 12. however there is not really much to cover in level 12 for this build the main thing you're going to do is uh we're on the wiki right now so once you hit Level 12 you're going to be a level 9 Wizard and what that's going to do is obviously it's going to give you another level four spell slot which is nice because that means more haste and everything but you're gonna get one level five spell slot and if we go down to the level 5 spells personally because our build is focused on like melee combat what I like to take is I like to take cone of cold this is basically like super burning hands but you're using ice instead of fire so you make a flurry Frost crisp air and condensed snow crystals are up from your hands so very similar to burning hands but instead you are doing cold damage and it's a lot higher because you can see it's eight d8 damage so that's like the level five spell that I would personally take all right and that is the build so just to recap everything that we went over with this build you were going to have a incredibly High AC especially if you're wielding a shield it's going to be out of least 21 which is really really nice and it's going to be really really hard to hit you you're going to have a lot of damage between your Maneuvers as well as your spells whether you're in range or melee combat you will have a lot of options and you'll be outputting an insane amount of damage per turn and with that you do have a lot of Versatility with this build even though you are primarily focused on melee combat if you can't get in the melee combat for whatever reason you still have access to things like Fireball as well as a couple other spells to help you with range combat as well and finally I think one of the things that we really did succeed with this build is fulfilling that Bell Mage or spellblade type fill as well as staying true to a blade singer fantasy as much as we possibly could in baller skate 3. so that is the build thank you guys so much for watching this video let me know if there's any other specific builds that you want me to cover down in the comment section down below and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Senpai Ziah
Views: 130,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3, bg3
Id: uxh0a4ZfrIc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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