What's The Best Queso?

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Welcome to Good Mythical More. What is the best store-bought queso? We're gonna find out, Sport has weighed in. Uhp. Are we going to agree? Uhp? Well let's find out? But first, what's the word? What's the word? What is the definition of supernumerary? Supernumerary. Supernumerary. So it's like above being just a number. This is people, you know, people who are supernumerary, people who talk about numbers too much like accountants, and they do it to like an annoying degree. This is when somebody, you're so supernumerary. I love everything about you, Craig. I think it's- Except the fact that you're so supernumerary. Shut up about your numbers, Craig. I think it's- And do my taxes. I think it's something that's, it's referring to something that's too much to be counted. That's a better answer. A number so high that the human mind cannot comprehend it. No, it's any situation where it's like, well, that's supernumerary. Extra. Oh. The guac was- supernumerary. All right. Fine. Rhett, I just can't help but notice that you've got a snazzy t-shirt, and that looks like me as a dinosaur. Wait that's you as a dinosaur. It's the Tyrannosaurus Rhett- What? and Link tee. Look at this. Mesozoic mates. A Cretaceous crew. Ha ha ha, yes. There's lots of puns that you can have, and lots of fun that you can have with this prehistoric friendship shirt. I mean, look at this. They're doing, do you notice they're doing what- As far as a Tyrannosaurus rex can do it, they're doing the prom pose. Yep. Yep that's cool. How would I get one of these? It says "mythical" right there. Oh, well you can have, do you want this one? No. I'll take it right off. I'll take the shirt off my back for you, man. It's a little too big. A little too big? I'll take the shirt off your back after you've shrunk it while washing it. I will wash it, dry it, and give it to you, but you can go get yourself one at mythical.com. We wash and dry and wear every single shirt before you buy it. Yes, we do. Jordan. Come on in. So Jordan is Hello. amongst the illustrious team over at sport.com. Hey, Hey. Hello. Doing the important work of helping us all figure out, what's the best stuff we should buy at the grocery store? I'm a believer. I'm a believer too. I'm a believer in the grocery store. Me too. I'm a believer in buying things. I mean, we got so much variety. Even look at this. Yeah. Even look at this. You go and you're like, I need a queso. And you're just getting the first one you see. But which queso should you eat up? Yeah, one of these, one of these. These were our top five. Okay. So how many quesos did you taste to get to these five? Oh geez. You know, probably 15 to 20. Oh wow. Really? We taste a lot of them. That's important work. It is. And you know what? I'll tell you. It's a division of Mythical where they do the most important work. Thank you. I think so too. I feel very political when I talk about it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You should do this then. Yeah. Oh yeah. I do think a lot of what, at least I previously have purchased at the grocery store before I started working here, was bad. Really? Yeah. I'm shocked to find that out. So what do you think it was based on? What do you think most people make their decisions on? Is it just like, oh, the packaging's pretty? Product aesthetic. Product aesthetic. Yeah. Don't fall for it. And it shouldn't be about that. It should be about mouth. Mouth. Athletic. Athletic. Yes. That's what I was thinking. Right. It should be about how it feels in your mouth. Yeah. Now these are your top five, but we don't know what you scored these. We're going to see- They're in a random order. if we agree with your taste, And I want to see if I was right about that Qdoba queso tasting light Tostitos, Great because I made that claim. Well, we have that. We'll pull it up. I could be wrong. Okay. So what is this first one here? This is her Herdez. Air dez? Oh no. Herdez. Herdez, right? Herdez. And what are the chips that you have us using here? Because these are- Juanita's. Oh! One of our favorite brands of tortilla chips. Juanita. They're really crunchy. Very good. It's got a rounded edge, which I like. Didn't we have a church secretary that was named Juanita at First Baptist? Juanita. Juanita? Church secretary? Yeah. Juanita Upchurch. No, Buzzard. Juanita Buzzard. What a name! I've already tasted. You need a Buzzard? Sure. Yeah. I've already tasted all of these, but I would like to again, because I'm hungry. We don't mind your reach. Thank you. Sorry. That's a nice, consistent queso. It's just, there's nothing floating in it. Mm Hmm. Yeah. Especially hairs. This reminds me. Doesn't get worse than that. This is like, it takes me out to the ballgame. You know what I'm saying? Sure. This is like a better version that what you would get at Dodger Stadium. Nothing against Dodger Stadium, I love going to the games. Okay. But the consistency of a nacho cheese, the way it kind of forms like a little poop emoji and stays there. Okay? This is like a similar taste profile, but a much better consistency. Yes. I think. I love how Jordan's acknowledging everything you're saying. There's zero judgment. There's no judgment. Thank you, Jordan, for not judging. Leave that to me. Okay? Yeah, I want them to feel very seen today. I do. My favorite thing is being seen. Good. That's why we have an internet show. I- Love being seen. I think it has a, I'm the opposite. It has a consistency of nacho cheese, but it has a much better taste. Oh well I said it was definitely better. Definitely better. So I gotta have something to compare it to before I say what it is. Let's move to the Tostitos. It's got green bits, orange bits, and red bits in it. Yeah. This isn't the classic. As you'll notice, this is their queso blanco. Their classic did not make our list. This is different than their classic. Mm hmm. And tastes better than their classic. Absolutely. Their classic tastes more like the Qdoba, and this has something else, like a- It's a little spice. It's a little spicy. A little bit of heat, but it's just like, I gotta say between these two, I like this classic straight up yellow-orange. Mm, okay. Okay, Rhett. Without saying the location of the place I'm going to talk about, the place that you go that is near my house, because there's golf there, there's also baseball fields there. And Cassie has discovered that there are like food stands, these are like high school, maybe middle school baseball games. Does Cassie go to the games? No, well. Just to get the queso. Okay. That's what she's proposing to me. I wanted to take your temperature on it. She proposed that perhaps we should go up. Can you do it rectally? Huh? Can you do it rectally? Rectally? I only take temperature rectally. You said you wanna take his temperature? I thought you meant could he eat the queso rectally? Yeah. Oh, gross. I don't know. I'm saying if you take my temperature, it has to be rectally because I want it to be accurate. That's the only thing. No. But I'll do it myself. You can hand me the thermometer. I'll go behind a sheet or something. I'll go into the bathroom. Cassie wants to go- If you want to hold onto a output that's there's a wire that goes to the bathroom, so you can trust it. I don't want to stick a thermometer up your bum. Yeah I'll do that part. I'm saying I'll do that part, but you're going But you're goin to be holding a readout holding onto something that's touching the inside of his butt. You know what? We'll do it wirelessly. We'll do it wirelessly. You're saying that Cassie wouldn't go. Okay, well I need to think about that. I need to think about it a little bit, because I didn't think that I'd be like wirelessly connected to your ass any point in my life. And I just need to process. You knew eventually it would happen to CP. I mean, it was Yeah. Of the things that could happen that was probably one of them. Hold on. I think she had a question. What is the question? You, me, and Cassie gonna go to a game together? Yes. No. My question is like, how do you feel about the general idea of like two just random lesbians showing up at your like middle school baseball game to get the nachos? Hey, when I was in middle school, if two lesbians showed up, I would've hit a grand slam. I mean, I'm gonna show these lesbians what it's all about. Why? Bam! Can you get into mechanics of that? I think, I don't know what it is. There's something deep in my personality that is always trying to impress lesbians. Okay. I think that's why me and Stevie have such a good dynamic. Do you know I'm a lesbian? Yeah. Okay. I'm trying to impress you right now. Oh. Okay. All right. I just didn't, I hadn't gotten that energy from you in our time knowing each other yet. And I thought maybe he doesn't know I'm a lesbian? Well, I start slow. I start slow. Okay. Next thing you know, you'll be taking my temperature. All right. Well, Jordan, as a lesbian, how do you feel about this proposition? So, sorry. It's weird. No? Rectally taking Rhett's temperature? Or going to a baseball game for children with Rhett and your partner? Just- I will do either one. Oh, Okay. I take my job very seriously. I will do either one of them happily. Okay. So Jordan's gonna do either one. I would like to keep working here. I think Stevie is only interested in the baseball game. Oh, I would love to go to a baseball game. I don't think. No, no, no. Oh. You should do it because it's because it's walkable. Yes. If it's walkable, if you can walk to like a high school game, a middle school game, that's in your neighborhood, it's not weird. But if you have to drive, then we start asking questions. It's a steep hill. But I- It's a good walk. I think it could be a good walk. Yeah, I've only walked it once. There's gotta be better things you can do. I mean, just get the nachos and then turn around and come back. You don't have to stay at the game. I believe that's her thought. Yeah. You don't have to stay at the game. Yeah. I love lesbians. Okay. Thank you. But I don't feel the need to impress them. Okay. I'm always trying to impress 'em. Wow. This. I can't decide which one is more charming. Talk about impressive though. Okay. Have you gone in on this? Whoa. On the border? Is this, this is the sit down restaurant On the Border, right? Shockingly, yes. This is like a sit down Mexican chain restaurant. Yeah. There was one in Carrie. Yeah. Remember back in the day? In Carrie. I've never been, they don't have them in California. They're pretty limited in their regionality it seems like, but- This has everything you want in a queso. I agree. What- It's got, it's balanced. It's got the right kind of spice. There's, both of these have a little bit of something that you're like, "I can kind of tell-" That you tolerate. "I can kind of tell that's from a jar." Absolutely. This doesn't taste as chemically. Exactly. Yeah. This is like pure cheese. Let, now this is scary. It's forming a film on top. Fritos Jalapeno Cheddar. Let me dig. Yeah break the seal. I'm gonna break the seal and kind of, carve out I like that. some of the film on top, so you can get to the meat of it. I like a cheese film. Okay. Now that- Well, okay. I mean- Let me form it back over. This looks very much- And you can have just the cheese film. This looks very much like a ballpark situation. To me, this is ballpark. The jalapeno is nice. When you don't know that something is jalapeno, you may misinterpret that pepper flavor sometimes. As vomit? What? Okay. You think jalapeno tastes like vomit? Like what is that? It's jalapeno. And once you rectify it in your brain, This isn't bad. It becomes very good. Stop saying rectify. Why are you on it? I'm sending little signals. These chips are great by the way. Yes, I- Juanita. I'll show them again. Juanita's. Do you think Juanita Buzzard got involved in chip making? I mean- I wish she did. Again, this is, all right. This is not a standout for me. It's better than the similar one. Should we start moving these? We know- This one is by far the best. We know that this one is the best so far. And then- You liked- And this one was- this one better than that one. This one was plain Jane. And I don't know how I feel about that yet. I mean, I actually, I'm not, I don't like this one. At all? I don't really like that one, so I would move this one down, but I kind of like a- I like it to be, I don't know. I just think the blanco part of it is just, something about it is not good for me. You're missing the food dye. It's super tangy. It's super tangy, man. I think there's a tang to this, that because, right, you're gravitating towards these two, which are to me a little too close to ballpark. But I think that this one is better than this one. Well, we got one more, so let's let's part the- Oh, here Oh my gosh, look at that. Let me- That's a thick film. It's like a scab. You could walk on that. That is a thick film. Ew, gross. Now what I'll say about this one is this is not the exact one we tried. This is a different flavor from the same brand. Oh gosh. Get it, get it, Rhett. I got it. Look at that. Saved by the bell. Perfect. Okay, but it tastes similar to the one we tried. It is strange. It tastes like a- Cheese ball. It tastes like a dip. It tastes like- It's not cheesy first, it's something else first. It's got a bunch of chili powder in it. It tastes like cumin to me. Salsa picante. Human? Cumin. Oh! You're not trying human over there, are you? Better. Yeah. Human's next week. It's got a nice kick, but- That's not a crowd pleaser, I don't believe. I don't love it. It's weird. Okay. But there's something special about it. Like I keep wanting to go back because it's so unique. Sure. But I think that some people might be, I think, I don't know if it would be a crowd pleaser as much as these. Okay. I think this is probably polarizing. I think it's safely in that space. Let's leave it here. Let's leave this and I'll leave this up to you. But it seems like the two of us are in agreement. This is definitely the best. We're about to lock in our votes, and you're gonna tell us where you and the Sport team with other crew giving input, right? Yeah. KG came in for this. KG came in. KG came through. Pull up. All right. I think this is better than the Fritos. I think they're in the right order. The question is where this goes. Bring out the Qdoba. Bring the Qdoba over? So we have the Qdoba here. Are we going to take a looky looky looky? It doesn't taste as much like it, because this one tastes more like the original Tostitos. This one has so much stuff in it. It looks like when you buy, like baked potato soup at Panera and then you leave it for half a day. It tastes like clam chowder to me a little bit. If you put poblano peppers in a clam chowder base instead of clams. Ha ha! So it's not bad. I think it tastes good. Yeah. Okay? Well, it is- My vote would be- That's not a bad description, honestly. My vote would be to put this in second place. I'm fine with that. Because I am really on board with this. I am On the Border. I'm straddling the border. I got a leg on either side. Jordan. Okay? Now we know you liked all of these, but which one did you like the most? On the Border. Ho! Oh yay! Ho ooh ooh ooh ooh. It's perfect. It's perfectly salty. Yeah, it's a good sauce. It's perfectly spicy. It tastes like it's homemade. It tastes like it's from a restaurant. In a way it is. And now you want to out and get this. And you know what? We stand behind it. Independently certified by Rhett and Link, Jordan and the Sport survey team. Go to sport.com and see the writings up of these rankings. And also, so the stuff that we've ranked on the show is being populated into the site. Yeah, absolutely. We're compiling everything. Over time. So yeah, I'm becoming more and more a part of sport. Yeah. I also think it's nice I love that. because people can cross reference and they can learn our tastes. They know your taste. See, hey in general, who do I agree with more? Well maybe instead of revealing how the rest of these panned out, people can go over to sport.com and see that. That's a good teaser. That's a good teaser. And you could just tell us after the camera goes off. Perfect. I love a secret. But tell me this one though. I mean, was this bad? This is number five. Ha! Okay, all right. What I'll say about this is Hawt. there are some that are much worse. Like a lot of store-bought quesos are very, very bad. So this was not bad, but it has an interesting flavor that KG was saying her family uses this to cook sometimes. They'll put it over like chicken and rice, which really made us think about it in a different way. Oh! Which I thought was cool. I don't know if I would dip chips in this over one of these. Okay. But I think this could be cool, you know, over a smothered burrito, or something. Okay. Well let's go take my temperature at a middle school baseball game. Perfect. Mythical, Since 1984 BC. Get the Tyrannosaurus Rhett and Link tee available now at mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 782,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test
Id: eqmY3_tuQpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2022
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