Worst Easter Candy Taste Test

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I like circuits peanuts too. I realize I’m wrong, but I swear it must be a texture thing. I like chewy stuff. And marshmallows.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ChwatBot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kinda weaksauce. Cadbury eggs, Peeps, Robin Eggs, the Marshmallow chicks...Those are all good candies to me

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Smashmaster12 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why did link sneeze on the egg in More?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SwaggiiP πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

ah, so this is the march madness for this year.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deadmallsanita πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ok. I’ve been watching GMM for about a year now and they’ve had a bunch where they survey the Mythical Beasts. I’ve never seen this. Where can I get my opinion in on these episodes?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SirBlantzALot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 02 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

My wife's favorite candies: candy corn, peeps, and the chicks/bunnies. Needless to say we never have a problem getting cheap candy to stock up on after the holiday...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Semper-Fido πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I like the mini Robin's eggs.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Interesting-Star-684 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- What's the worst Easter candy to hoppity-hop into your mouth? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat electronic music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Quick reminder that, starting this Monday, we're gonna be taking a very quick two-week spring vacation, but we're going to be back before you even realize we were gone, returning April 19th with new episodes every Monday through Friday, just like you like it. - Mm-hmm. Halloween, it has an opposite, and it ain't Christmas. It's Easter. - That's right. You see, kids get free candy during Halloween by dressing up in cool costumes and bothering their neighbors, but for Easter, kids just have to dress up in their Sunday best and then literally hunt for candy like some kind of desperate sugar forager. - Yeah, and then, after all that hunting, you end up with some kind of weird egg with something gross in the middle, or a big chocolate bunny with nothing in the middle except hollowed out lies. - So, introducing the first ever, one-day premiere bracket competition to name the most awful, terrible, disgusting, no good Easter candy of all time. It's a shameful sugary showdown, a hopeless hoppity hunt, and the crappiest collection of confectionary creations ever. It's time for No Bunny Wanna Eat This! Worst Easter Candy Tournament. - Wow, he's gonna blow a fuse. We posted a list of the most vile Easter candies on the shelves, and you voted on which one you thought was the worst. In fact, 23,684 of you voted. - Wow! These votes determined the seeds in the first ever Easter basket bracket. The contenders are Marshmallow Peeps. - [Link] Cadbury Creme Eggs. - [Rhett] Russell Stover Milk Chocolate Coconut Nest. - [Link] Russell Stover Solid Milk Chocolate Rabbit. - [Rhett] Whoppers Robin Eggs. - [Link] Brach's Marshmallow Chicks and Rabbits. - [Rhett] Brach's Classic Jelly Bird Egg. - [Link] And Brach's Marshmallow Easter Hunt Eggs. - In each matchup, we'll decide which Easter candy is nastier, and whichever candy does not move on in the tournament will be subjected to the Easter Egg Punt, in which we punt that candy right into the Easter basket behind us using our lucky giants rabbit foots. - Giants, it's a giants rabbits. - It's a giants rabbits. - All right, and then we'll just eat those later, even though they suck. In the end, we will officially name the worst Easter candy that exists, and thus deposit it into the little bunny barf bag, right where it belongs. Let's get ready to grumble. (dynamic sports music) Alright, thanks to you, we have our number one seed, which are our Marshmallow Peeps versus our number eight seed, Cadbury Creme Eggs. I love Cadbury Creme Eggs. - Me too. Well, I like Peeps, but I love Cadbury Creme Eggs. - I mean, John Oliver joked on his show that they taste like mermaid placenta covered in candle wax, and are only sold in stores to benefit an Illuminati elite class. Sometimes it's hard to peel these things, and you might get a little bit of residual foil. - That's good, man. I like mermaid placenta. Number one seed right here. They're very ubiquitous. I will say, 55 million of these are made every freaking day. - I don't know if I've ever eaten a Peep, and I don't need to eat one in this round, because it has to move on. We both like this. - Take a little bite, Neal. You got, I mean, you've gotta take a little bit of a bite. - I'll eat it eventually, when it's not a clear choice. - [Stevie] You're been a Peep. - [Rhett] It was a little scary. - And every time people see it on the internet, it scars them, and I'm sorry. - So we're saying that the Cadbury Creme Egg, it's better, which means we have to punt it using the rabbit's foot. You want to give a go at that? I mean... - I got my rabbit's foot right here. - Okay, toss it to yourself I guess. Okay, that was, this is gonna be difficult. (dynamic sports music) - Now we've got Russell Stover Milk Chocolate Coconut Nest versus Russell Stover Solid Milk Chocolate Rabbit. Russell Stover versus Russell Stover. Russell Stover's gonna lose. - Let's start with these rabbits. Grab yourself one of these here. Now, just a little pagan fact here, the Easter bunny was originally a pagan symbol of fertility and the coming of spring, and was eventually adopted into Easter traditions. And it just so happens that these bunnies that we bought off Amazon cost $6.66 each. - And I just ate the ears. - How does it taste? - I think that there's a universal chocolate bunny chocolate taste that is kind of waxy, and doesn't taste as good as like a chocolate bar. - It's not great. - It's just sort of like- - It's bad. - It's the kind of chocolate that can fill a mold very well. - I was making fun of the hollow bunnies earlier, but I actually miss the sensation of biting into the bigger hollow bunny. - And the little eyeballs on a hollow bunny. - Yes, if they were solid, it would it break your teeth. It's like biting into a brick. They gotta make it hollow. - I've never heard of these. - Me neither. - The Milk Chocolate Coconut Nest. I will say I do happen to agree with my favorite candy website, candywrappermuseum.com, who said, "This looks less like a nest and more like a dainty cow patty." - It kind of has the consistency of a Nestle Crunch. I don't love coconut, but the more I eat it on the show with chocolate, the more I like it. - This is good. We should feed him more weird stuff on this show. - I thought the bunny was gonna be better, 'cause it's just chocolate, but the bunny sucks. - This is actually very tasty. - You're too good. We gotta get rid of you. - Oh! - Look at him, really trying. - Oh! - You got one more shot. - One more shot! It's gonna happen. - Whatever. - It's gonna happen. (dynamic sports music) Before we get into this, we are very excited about this quarter's Mythical Society Collectible! - Yes, if you are a familiarizer of Lionel Richie, you know, this is his debut album on vinyl, with the most amazing centerfold pose in history, and if you're a student of Rhett and Link history, you know that this album is extremely important to us. This one in particular used to be on our set back there, and in a lot of videos. - So we have created the Rhett and Link Sing Lionel record. Yes, we completely recreated the cover. - [Link] Yeah, we did. - (laughs) Look at that. It makes sense both ways. - Yeah, you're gonna have to figure out how you want to display this thing. - Oh, and by the way- - [Link] And participate in Project Lionel like we did in college. - We sang two of the tracks from this album, "Round and Round" and "You Are", a total like professional recording. I mean, we sounded as professional as we possibly can. - It's like a totally professional recording. - I mean, it isn't like just two guys and a guitar. We did like a complete recreation of the track. We're very excited about it. - Is the vinyl in there? - The vinyl is in here. Is the vinyl in here? Yes, it is. - Don't break it. Yeah, see. Is the vinyl in here? So again, go to Mythical Society. Oh, let's see, it looks the same. - It looks the same, and then look on the back. We're on the back, facing the other way. We like to do that. - 'Cause that's what we do. - That's something kind of cute that we like to do. - To get that, join the Third Degree Monthly by April 30th or Third Degree Quarterly or Annual plans by June 30th. Visit mythicalsociety.com for details. - Okay. - All right, we got Whoppers Robin Eggs as seed number three versus Brach's Marshmallow Chicks and Rabbits. - Let me tell you a little bit about these Robin Eggs, which I don't think I've had. It's essentially just a Whopper with a candy coating. Each Robins Egg's specks are handcrafted. I have trouble believing that. Also, this sounds like science fiction, but each one of these eggs gets their shape by way of a top secret process involving a vacuum. - I got to see the "How It's Made" on this one, y'all. And you know what? They taste really good. - It's like a malt ball. - It's got a maltiness and it's got just enough chocolate, and each one is special, but there is, there's a coating of sadness. - It gets bad. - No, not to me. - Here's what gets bad, you're eating little robin babies. - [Rhett] Hold on, did you eat a whole one? - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah, I did. - I liked it. Now, these things- - I've never even heard of these. - I mean, does this look familiar to you? Here is a rabbit. Kinda looks like a circus peanut. - It tastes, it is a circus peanut. - Yeah, it's a freaking circus peanut. - [Rhett] That's awful. - Masquerading as something for Easter. - I'm not even gonna finish that. That's horrible. All right, Link. - Ugh, these. - We're all on the same page. - They're so good, they gotta move on. - Get your mitt out, and let's just both go until we get one in there. - Maybe I shouldn't backhand it. - Yeah! Okay, that may have happened faster than it should have. (dynamic sports music) And now we've got Brach's Classic Jelly Bird Eggs and Brach's Marshmallow Easter Hunt Eggs. - Yes, so Jelly Bird Eggs are just- - Just jelly beans. - Just jelly beans, right? - But slightly bigger than a regular jelly bean. Also, they are the number two selling jelly bean in springtime. - Over here, we got the Marshmallow Easter Eggs. What color do you want? You want a white one? - No, give me green. Now, Mama Nell, my grandma. - [Link] Yeah? - She used to have these. - So it's marshmallow. - I like everything, but I recognize that this is really bad. It's like, I'm not attracted to men, but I can tell when a man is good-looking, you know what I'm saying? And be like, that's a good-looking guy. That's how I feel about this. I don't like it, but I kind of do, 'cause I kinda like everything. - It tastes like it's made of crushed teeth. Yeah, I mean, why are you even talking if you like everything? I think this is nasty. - Well, it reminds me of my grandmother. - Is it marshmallow in the middle? It's not. - No, it's not. It's just whiteness. - It meets no expectations. - These are moving on. - They suck. - These are going in the basket. - Don't make me get in on this. - Get it on it. - Yeah, I got one! (dynamic sports music) - Our first semi-finalists are Marshmallow Peeps versus Russell Stover Solid Milk Chocolate Rabbit. - Take a Peep, my friend. - I'm sure I've had these on the show, but like in my normal life, nuh-uh. I can't make sense of it. - They used to have wings. Until 1955, they had wings. These originally, back in the day, it was a 27-hour hand-making process using pastry tubes that would make these things. But then, when Sam Born purchased the company back in the day, he automated the process with a machine dubbed the depositor, and now it only takes six minutes to make a Peep, but it only takes six seconds to eat it. - But this is just chocolate. Even if the chocolate itself is not bad. - There's not a lot. I just, I understand why people don't like Peeps, but I kinda like it. - This chocolate is not good, but it's still chocolate. I mean, come on, come on. - It is good. It is kind of good, especially after eating those. - The artwork is really nice. The artwork on this thing is terribly inconsistent, and they don't look like Peeps, man. - Okay, the number one seed is going to the finals. That means that we've got to punt. - Kick it to the curb. We only got two chances. - Ugh! - So close. - Oh, (laughs) that was so weak. - We'll leave those there for a year. (dynamic sports music) - All right, this semifinal round is between Brach's Marshmallow Chicks and Rabbits and Brach's Marshmallow Easter Hunt Eggs. Now listen, some people were so passionate about these Easter Hunt Eggs that they wrote them in, even though they were already a choice. And then, one user, we don't know who it was 'cause it was anonymous, wrote, "Those Brach's Marshmallow Easter Hunt Eggs, "oh my god, oh my god. They are so gross. For years, I thought it was just whipped sugar that had gone stale after sitting on the shelves in the store for so long. They are lying to you. It's not marshmallow. Marshmallow is fun and fluffy and a delight to eat. Marshmallow is for roasting over a campfire, perhaps with some chocolate and graham crackers, not stuffed into the darkness of a thick sugary coating, only to be forgotten about and given to some unsuspecting child on Easter morning." You got one yet. - No, seriously. - I think what you gotta do, Link, you gotta pull, then push. - Pull, then double pull. - Oh, the orange is kind of nice. - It's kind of like those big balls of bubble gum that are really sugary on the outside, and then nothing on the inside. - And then you keep thinking you gotta chew. - Just like that comment you read, there's nothing marshmallowy about this. It's chock-full of lies. It really is. - [Rhett] But this son, man, this is so awful. - [Link] But you know the difference? - It's definitively horrible. - The flavor. Circus peanuts are banana-flavored. This tastes like an edible piece of gum. I mean, I got gum on the mind. - Are there different flavors? - I'm just saying, they're not as bad as a circus peanut, and you get some chicks and you get some rabbits. Can you still say chicks? - If you're referring to baby chickens, yes. - So, I hate, I hate these, and I hate the these. - I hate these. - But I hate these a little more than I hate these. - I hate these a little bit more. - Well, we need a tie breaker. - Oh, well, let's call in the Chase-ter Bunny. - He's back! (playful music) I'm glad, I'm glad we don't agree, because- - I don't know exactly how this works. I think he's gonna lay an egg that's got his answer in there. - Do you need to eat it first? Take a taste. You can eat yourself. Yeah, don't be afraid. - He's timid. He's timid like a little bunny. He eats like he's eating like a little carrot or something. Look at him. - I got a really close up view of how he eats. - I'm trying not to look directly at him. - [Link] Oh, look at that. Okay, he's gonna eat the whole thing. - Just push it right into your little rabbit mouth. - Just gnaw on it. - It's just like feeding a rabbit. It's like going to the petting zoo. - He doesn't seem to like, see, this is the face of an Easter Bunny being lied to. The only way we're gonna know which one he hates less is by seeing what he lays. - So, he's, oh, wow. So, he's laying the one he likes more. - Are you laying the one you like more? (Rhett laughs) - He's like, I had to think about that. Which one does he like more? Oh, he likes, he likes the circus peanuts more. - The Easter circus peanuts. - So he agrees with you. - Yes! - That means that the peanuts are gonna be punted, and the eggs are going on. Let's just go for rapid fire here. Oh, you got one. - One went in there. Six missed. (dynamic sports music) It all comes down to this. Our final matchup, Marshmallow Peeps versus Brach's Marshmallow Easter Hunt Eggs. - Now, I haven't had the white ones yet. Let's see if we can, if these things can redeem themselves. - We've learned how to open them, but I mean, it's so hard. - Now, marshmallow made- - It's like it's got shellac. It's freaking shellac. - It's like it's polished. Now, marshmallow-flavored things made it to the end, but these are actually marshmallow. - Yeah, yeah, I got to give it that. It's got a marshmallow give. It's got, it's got, that's about it. It's got a sugary coating and it's got eyeballs. - These are not very popular, I understand. - They're the number one seed, but they're understandable. And they don't lie to you. - I thought the circus peanuts were even worse, but this is, this is trying so hard to be good for Easter time, but like Link said, it's shellac. It's bad. - [Link] So, these are slightly better. - Yeah. Oh, nice. - Let's just go for it. - That means that we're going to say, officially, that Brach's Marshmallow Easter Hunt Eggs are definitively, according to Good Mythical Morning, the worst Easter candy that you can get, and that means we're gonna put them in the little bunny barf bag. (playful music) - Uh, sorry. (crew laughs) (basket crunches) Wait, wait, let me help you. All right, all right, it's in there. Bye. - I thought you were going to give him a high five. - I think he did, too. I don't know where his hands have been. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. (laughs) - I'm Bethany. - And I'm Jenny. - And we're from. - [Both] Brookings, South Dakota. - We're trying to Zero bar for the first time. - And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - There are people in South Dakota. - And they have Zero bars, apparently. - Yeah, they do. - Hard to find both. - Click the top link to watch us discover the weird array of real Peeps products in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] To get the Rhett and Link Sing Lionel vinyl release, join Third Degree Monthly by April 30th or Third Degree Quarterly or Annual by June 30th. Visit mythicalsociety.com for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,857,145
Rating: 4.9233913 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: WZ-res5HhAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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