Cooked From Thawed vs Frozen Taste Test

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Is thawing meat for suckers? Let's talk about that. Good Mythical Morning! You know, waiting for frozen food to thaw is like watching paint dry. Yeah, it takes forever and when it's finally done, you've already filled up on snacking on chips because you've been so freaking hungry. Okay, what Link has just admitted is that he eats paint chips. Okay. And everything I've witnessed him do since first grade makes a whole lot of sense. Having to thaw frozen food before cooking it is time consuming, it's kind of annoying, honestly, it is the only reason that I don't cook. Right. So what if we threw out the thaw step entirely and just got straight to the cooking? What would happen? We should find out. Yeah. It's time for, One Was Thawed And The Other Was Frozen, Which One Tastes Best? Also, do these Lederhosen go with this vest? Frozen... That was a little bit of a stretch. And I'm not actually wearing... If I was wearing Lederhosen right now. Yeah. Get the Lederhosen! All right, we're gonna slap on our blindfolds in a second and taste a series of frozen foods that have been thawed before cooking, and also ones that have been cooked directly from that frozen state and then we're gonna see if we can tell the difference based purely on tasting them. Okay. The person who guesses the most right will, you know what, win! And the loser will have to sit on a big bag of frozen corn throughout all of "Good Mythical More." Let's get defrosted. As you can see, we can't. Now it is typically recommended that you do not cook things from frozen, right? Especially when you're dealing with something like chicken, but we checked and it turns out if you go to, or you consult the USDA, you will find that you can safely cook chicken from frozen, you just cook it a little bit lower and a little bit longer, as long as it gets to 165 degrees fahrenheit at the end, you're safe, man. Come on now. Let's taste both. Our goal is to independently... That's a spoon. Identify the thawed chicken. So I'm going on the assumption that the cooked from thawed is going to taste better. So yes, there is a chicken breast set in front of you that was thawed in the refrigerator over night, and then baked in the oven for eight minutes 30 seconds, and then there's also a chicken breast set that was baked from frozen for nine minutes and 55 seconds. Okay, I'm sorry I'm not gonna tell you what I think about that, but it tastes like chicken. Well, I must say it's a little bit rubbery. I'm coming over here with my fork, so just be ready, Teddy. It doesn't tastes great. Did I hit a plate? Now Link has dropped the other piece, you have to go further off the plate now onto his... Yeah, yeah. Hey. Did that first one taste more rubbery to you? Rubber, schnubber, chicken licking. I don't know, man. I don't like giving you hints, man. I definitely know one of them tasted less rubbery and a lot better. But all you gotta do is point, 'cause I got blindfolds on. Which one do you think was more rubbery. I mean, you know. Which one do you think tastes better? All right, I'm ready. Oh, which one was more rubbery, oh? Yeah, okay. Okay, you're gonna put your hand over the one you think is thawed in three, two, one. Yeah, we agree, there's a stark difference. So yeah, I mean, this one was just rubbery. Is that your experience? Yeah, it was very rubbery, but I didn't wanna say it, because then it would be no fun. Were we right? You are both correct. Okay, well- This is not a subtle difference. Yeah, that wasn't even good. As far as time- The time difference was what? Like a minute 30 basically, not that much time. But the prep time, you had to add over night and thawing and stuff, it's like . It's crazy that just like a minute and a half. But yes. A minute and a half more in the oven caused it to get to the right temperature, but it feels over cooked, it tastes over cooked. Yeah, you gotta be a thaw daddy. Okay guys, in front of you you have two sets of skirt steaks, one was sealed in a plastic bag and thawed in cold water for three hours, and then seared for seven minutes and 45 seconds, and the other was seared from frozen for eight minutes and 50 seconds. This is a nice medium rare. I'm just gonna use my hands, excuse me. That's a little chewy. Give me a second. One of them definitely has a better taste, I think. Really? I think there's a far superior taste happening on one side versus the other. And the chewiness. There is a chewiness discrepancy, and there is a taste discrepancy and it is intense. Oh yeah. It is intense. This seems obvs. Okay, hand over the thawed steak in three, two, one. It's gotta be this one. Are you not over here? No. The thawed steak is on Rhett's side. Yeah man, that tasted like crap, dude. Well, my half tasted better over here. Really? It was super tough. Like, I couldn't chew this one, and I couldn't even bite that one. Oh, yeah, but I thought this one tasted better. I think I got some more fat and that tasted good. I don't know which one's mine, but no, I thought that this was more tender. This is a tough cut of steak just to begin with, the skirt steak is kind of tough, usually you wanna slice this kind of thin, you know, and put it on a taco or something. But I gotta say, for me there was a stark difference. I guess it's a toss up. For Link, there was also a stark difference, but it was in the opposite direction. What does that tell you? You know, over at the Mythical Society, there is all kinds of things happening and one of those things is as Chase just described it, the best podcast offered by Mythical. It's the Mythical Crew podcast, because it's hosted by Chase. You can only listen to it if you're a Mythical Society member. Right, and the episode that is out now is our special Pride episode featuring Stevie, Kiko, and Chris, so go over there and check that out. Oh, what's before us? You have sets of Impossible Burgers before you. One set of patties was thawed for 24 hours in the fridge and then grilled for seven minutes and 55 seconds, and one was frozen and placed directly onto a griddle for 11 minutes and 15 seconds. What's the time difference? Thaw time, I'm not interested in. Thawed time was seven minutes and 55 seconds and then frozen was 11 minutes and 15 seconds. Okay, so a little bit longer. Okay, again, immediate difference. I'm holding both my patties. A meaty? A meat-diate difference? There's no meat. I have an opinion about which one I like and I think it's probably not the one that was thawed. One of them, the meat is looser. I call one of them loose meat. I call one of them tight meat. That is good. It's so good. Yeah, the taste is the same to me. Who needs meat, man? The impossible has been achieved. All right. You ready? Put your hand over the thawed in three, two, one. Oh, there we go. So we agree. You're voting on the loose meat. Now this one is better to me 'cause it's crispy on the outside, but this one's the one that was thawed. Yep, I agree. Because it's not as dry. I totally agree, we're on the same page. You are both incorrect. No! You know what? I like the one that was thawed, but it's crispier. Isn't it? Well, it's crispier and it's tighter meat. It's got the tight meat. So you're saying that when you thaw it in the fridge the meat tightens up, but when you freeze it, it stays loose. That's the opposite of what we think. To be clear, we're not saying that. I believe Link is saying that. If you like loose meat, then prepare it from... And it's not meat. If you don't like meat, but you like loose meat, then you need to not thaw it, I think? But there is a time for tight meat. There's a time for tight meat, there's a time for loose meat. It depends on what mood you're in and it depends on how late it is. But there's no meat. But there's no meat. Before you is corn. Corn time! Piles of corn. Much like meat, you should avoid thawing much vegetables at just room temperature, so one batch of frozen corn was sealed in the plastic bag and thawed in cold water for about 45 minutes before being boiled for one minute and 30 seconds, and one was just boiled from frozen at two minutes and 15 seconds. This definitely seems like something you could just do from frozen. I mean, you don't got to worry about vegetable diseases. Vegetables aren't carrying around diseases. And reaching a target temperature and stuff. Ow, my finger. My hand. Is it one corn pile or two? It's just one big corn pile on each plate. On each plate. So there's two total corn piles? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Corn pile! Corn piles R us, step right up, see a corn pile! The people who are watching see two corn piles. What if I do this? Well, now there's some miniature piles that have formed. Did I make two piles on this side? So now we have three piles. More or less, yeah. How many piles do we have now? I just whipped the corn pile entirely. I feel like this is what you two are gonna be like when you start going to cafeterias as your main restaurant. Oh, we've already started. All right, I can tell you right now, crap shoot, no difference. These are so close, man. If you've seen one corn pile, you've seen them all. Hold on. Smiles for miles at our two corn piles. No vote. Okay. Line up at the turn style to see the corn piles. I've got a guess. Three, two, one. I have no clue. This one has a, I feel like, maybe it's all in my mind, I feel like it has a slight, teeny bit more flavor. The thawed corn is on Link's side. Yeah, look at me, getting lucky. Those are extremely close. Step right up, watch Link get lucky between the corn piles. Now I will say if you've got a corn pile at home, whether it's frozen or thawed, I think you can just move forward with confidence. Yeah. Never thaw your corn again. Yeah. Now nothing against White Castle, because I consider myself a fan, but when you don't know exactly what it is and you just smell, it kind of smells like somebody with body odor might've just passed you. I think it's better that you have blindfolds on, really. Wow, you're right. Thank you, Rhett. You know when sometimes you're like, man- Body odor burger. Yeah. That guy in the gym smells like bologna. Okay, so one of these was thawed like the directions saw over night and then microwaved for 45 seconds, and then one was microwaved from frozen for 80 seconds. I think that you can do either, and we've done both. I mean, if you've got to thaw this stuff over night. I mean, if you're eating White Castle do you really plan 12 hours ahead, I mean, really? Yeah. Yeah, those two decisions, the Venn diagram- Doesn't add up. Somebody getting White Castle from the grocery store and planning ahead, I mean there's no cross over, there's a large gap between those two. Is there cheese on this? I can't even tell. Yeah. Which one did I just bite? I don't know which one I just bought. Bit. I bought both of them. I think one of them is a little soggier in the middle than the other one. The bottom's a little soggier. The bottom's kind of soggy on both of them. But it's more soggy with one of them than the other one. Are you gonna eat both burgers completely? No. I almost have. I keep almost biting them both at the same time like I did with the corn in the last round and that doesn't make this easy. Okay, I'm ready to vote. Okay. Three, two, one. Oh, you're split. Oh okay, so it comes down to- It comes down to this. The thawed White Castle cheeseburger sliders are on Rhett's side. You didn't think it was more soggy? Well, I ate both of them completely. Look how much I have left. I thought this side was more soggy. No. The bottom side was soggier to me. That's why I went over here. But they were actually pretty close. Yeah, so I think it's a toss up. You have- Lost. No, you won. No, you won, Link. No, you won, this is your side. Oh, I was right? Yeah. Yeah, you said it was thawed and you were right. I thought your reaction was a little bit weird. Celebrate, man! Yay! They really taste the same, so I don't feel like much of a winner. But you need to sit on some frozen corn, because I earned it. This is a punishment? Okay, whatever. Takes me back to my vasectomy days. Get those cold corn buns. All right, you learned some stuff, right? You can save a little time, and almost poke yourself in the eye with your glasses. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. You know what time it is. I'm Jason from Paisley in Scotland, that's my cat Ripley from Paisley in Scotland, I just got in my Mythical patch and pin badge, and it is time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. Time. Nice spread. Oh yeah, I like it. Repping it over there in what I once thought was my homeland. Click the top link to find out if we can identify frozen foods just by sniffing them in "Good Mythical More." And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. The guy that I dated my senior year of high school, when I broke up with him, 'cause he was like coming over to my house all the time, and I was like, dude, I don't wanna actually see you. He thought I was a lesbian, and I was like, well, that's ridiculous.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,020,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: KbpPNF7L-N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 11 2021
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