Store Bought Restaurant Food Taste Test

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- Do restaurant brands taste the same at the grocery store? - Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning! - Some restaurants know that their signature dishes are so popular, people might go to the grocery stores to buy them, if they could. - But would you buy them from the grocery and never go to the restaurant again? - Well, it depends on how much like the original they are and whether or not I'm willing to get outta my pajamas. - Oh, exactly. So, how do the taste of iconic restaurant dishes translate to their make-at-home versions? Because they do make those and then you can make them at home and can we tell the difference and why aren't we currently in pajamas? It's time for These Dishes Both Share the Exact Same Name Brand But One's from the Restaurant and One's from a Can or a Bag or a Box or Plastic Wrap. You Get It. (words whooshing) As you can see, we can't. - [Stevie] Okay, you guys know how this works. You're gonna have two dishes in front of you. One is the restaurant version. The other one we got from the grocery store and is that restaurant's version and you're going to taste both and then you're gonna put your credit card in the little stand thingy. - Oh. - Next to the one that you think is from the actual restaurant. - Whenever I stay at home to make a dish from a restaurant, I use the Mythical credit card, available to no one. Well, I think there's a few people that have a a company card. - Well, yeah. These are chips. - [Stevie] Okay. So yeah. So your first dish is spinach artichoke dip from TGI Friday's. - Oh, Friday's. I was like, how is this gonna be? - [Stevie] And you're concentrating on the dip. - [Rhett] Yeah. I can't find it. - I found it. - Is it close to me? - Okay. - Go ahead and dip. Where, where, where? Oh, there it is. Who knew that I could love artichokes? - It's not the artichokes that you love. It's the dip. - That's right, man. - Oh, whoop. - But you know what? - I had a chip casualty. - That's the way. I have one of those, too. That's the way to sneak some, I mean, lots of nutrients into your cheese dips. Just throw some artichokes in there. Going over here to the second one. Did you like that? Did you like it? - I liked it. I did. And I couldn't tell. I mean, this is tough because how do I know if it's been in a microwave or straight from the restaurant? I don't know. I feel like I have a lot. Oh, gosh. I felt that on my thigh. - On your thigh? You did a little drippy drip? You notice a difference in the taste because the consistency's a lot thinner over here on my side. - I mean, I do. Was that your elbow? - Uh-huh. - Was that your face? (crew laughing) What was that? - I'm ready to vote. - I'm not. Hold on. (Link grunting) One of them tastes better, but I make it makes me think that they put more salt and stuff in it because you were gonna make it at home. - Oh, you're doing the reverse psychology. - I think I'm gonna reverse reverse psychology. - One is definitely better. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - And I'm gonna vote for that one. Oh we disagree? (crew laughing) - Yeah. - [Stevie] Okay. You can just. Yeah, well, no. No. All right. - I think that this one might be the- - [Stevie] You can take your blindfold off. - Look at that. Look at that. (crew laughing) - Whenever I get a stain on my thigh, I use the Mythical credit card. - Can you scrape it? Scrape it with your card. - To scrape it off. - [Stevie] Okay, so before I reveal what's what- - So we disagreed - [Stevie] You disagree on what tastes better or you agree- - I think this is actually from the restaurant now that I see it, but again, I think my reasoning for liking this better is because they put some preservatives in it and it made it taste cheesier and saltier. - [Stevie] Well, the one from the restaurant is actually on Link's side. - Oh, okay. So I did like it better. (bell ringing) - [Stevie] And the store bought one cost $4.99. The one from the restaurant costs $13.69, so there's quite a large price difference. - Wow. - It tastes like five times is good to me. - Not to me. So there you have it. - If you like something that doesn't taste good, hang out with Link. (words whooshing) - [Stevie] Okay guys, I forgot to tell you what's up for grabs this game. Whoever wins gets to be the manager of Good Mythical More after this, so there's a lot on the line. - Oh. - Who's been the manager? - [Stevie] You're sticking your forks into PF Chang's chicken fried rice this round. - And we're not wearing our blindfolds because- - They look the same. - Yeah. But they also kind of don't. There's a couple of distinctive differences. - Let's see if I can tell what those are. I don't know. Maybe there's there's a little bit of egg in that one. I don't know. It's dry. It's a little disappointing. - That's pretty good. - But I keep eating it. This one has like, what is that? Edamame in it? Peas? - I think peas and edamame. That one has a lot more green stuff in it. - The chicken is smaller. - But way more way more green stuff. - Wow. This is... - I think they taste drastically different and one tastes a whole lot better than the other. - Okay, yeah. All right. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - It's gotta be over here. - Yeah. There we go. - [Stevie] Yeah, you're both correct. That is the restaurant version. - No, I'm gonna pay. No, I've got this one. - Can you split it? Just split it. - [Stevie] So does it taste just way better? - This one tastes like- - [Link] Yeah. - [Rhett] There's a little bit of a taste that something has been frozen and unfrozen. - Yeah. It's not horrible, but it's not great. - And then when they package things, they like them to be more uniform, but that actually, the visual difference is not what did it for me, even though these carrots are longer than those. The taste, this is just tastes fresh. - [Link] Yeah. - [Stevie] So when you get it from the restaurant, it's $15. When you buy it at the store, it's $7.99. - I would say for store bought chicken fried rice, it's not bad. - If I didn't know this existed. - I would say that the chicken fried rice at the store is also not great. - [Stevie] Restaurant. - At the restaurant. - Yeah. You call the restaurant at the store? - Yeah. - Take me to the store where they serve food. - I wanna sit down. (gentle upbeat music) - [Stevie] Okay, so the Cheesecake Factory's famous brown bread actually just comes free to your table, but you can also buy it in grocery stores, so that's what you're testing. - What's the price difference? - [Stevie] Store bought is $4.69 and restaurant is free. - Yeah. It's free, man. That's part of the great thing about it. - $4.69 is the price difference. I did the math. - And is it just fresh when you buy it at the grocery store? It's just like, in a thing that you would get fresh bread in? - [Nicole] You have to put it in the oven for five minutes. - Okay. - So just to warm it up. - [Nicole] Just to warm it up. Yeah. - What kind of bread is it? Nicole? - [Nicole] I call it brown bread. (crew laughing) - Yeah, but. - [Nicole] I've called it tht my whole life. - But it. Is it wheat? It's got oats on it. - [Nicole] Yeah, for sure. (crew laughing) - There is a taste difference. - This one's a lot softer. - It has a. What is a bread flavor? It has more bread flavor. I don't know what. - Yeaty-ness? - Yeasty? Is there a yeasty-ness to it? - When I tasted this, having not tasted this one, I was a little disappointed. And then when I tasted this, I know I'm giving it away, but you already know what's up. It it's so different, right? - But coming back to this one. - This one is like, oh, there we go. - I'm still liking this one, though. - I think it's probably baked and made it the exact same place. Did they do something to heat it up at the Cheesecake Factory that's the same as what you do at home? - This is pretty dang good. - That's my theory. - All right. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - It's gotta be this, though. - This one has a stronger flavor on this side. - It has like, a- - And it's softer. - It has a freshness. - So it feels like it hasn't been, like- - Fresher-ness. - Shipped and baked - [Stevie] Guys, your minds are about to be blown because the restaurant bread is on Rhett's side. - Okay, so- (buzzer dinging) - My mind is blown. (crew laughing) I've lost all cognitive function. Really? - See, first of all, once you said the thing about putting in the oven, this thing has been a little bit more browned, but I guess that just happened the first time it was brought out at Cheesecake. - I'm really missing the butter. That's what really puts this over the top for me. - The store bought stuff's good. - Get you some famous brown bread. (gentle upbeat music) Something's got a strong smell. - [Stevie] Okay, it's pizza time. - Oh, yeah. Pizza. - [Stevie] You have roasted garlic chicken pizza from California Pizza Kitchen - CPK? - [Stevie] CPK. - The one and only? - I remember when they put a CPK. Oh, that's garlicky! At the South Point Mall in Durham and we were flocking over there to Durham, man. So it's garlic and what? - [Stevie] Roasted garlic chicken. - Okay. I've never had that. I always get the barbecue chicken pizza. It's like, it's nice. This one feels floppy. - [Rhett] Yeah, it does. - The garlic is real hitting over here. - The garlic is like, tastes like browned garlic. - That's a good taste of garlic, man. We're gonna be reeking! I'm going back. - This is not immediately obvious. - They're both good. But one of them, the garlic is really, really pumping. Apparently, they look different because we're not looking at anything. - [Stevie] Big price difference, too. Store bought is $7.69 and restaurant is $18.99. - Well, you're paying for the experience, Stevie, of being in a California Pizza Kitchen. (crew laughing) It's absolutely amazing. - This is not easy. - They have booths. They have tables. - This is not easy, man. I have two reasons to believe, two different reasons to believe, that each one is from the restaurant. - You have two different beliefs? - I have two different beliefs about this. - Are you harboring two different belief systems in your body right now? - Yeah, I have a high level of cognitive dissonance. - Yeah. Feeling the cognitive dissonance. - Okay. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - He's got, I gotta... - I'm going out a limb and going on this side because of the crust. Now that I see the size of it, I know I'm wrong. - [Stevie] Yeah, the one from restaurant's on Link's side. - Yeah. - Oh, I gotta start ordering this. There's no sauce on it. So no burbs. Well, garlic burps. - [Stevie] That was really interesting to watch, though, because aesthetically, they look very different, but you both were super torn on the taste. - Apparently. - Yeah, I went with the crust because the crust on the one from the restaurant was a little tougher, but I think it might just been bigger pieces. - That garlic is a treat. (gentle music) - This week on the finale episode of Inside Eats, we wanted to know how Beyond Meat gets their plant-based food to eat like real meat. - Did you get a cracker? - I got two crackers. - So did I. - [Voiceover] You get to try both samples. - How much do you like or dislike the appearance of your sample? - I like it very much. - You don't say your answers out loud! - Well, don't listen to me saying them out loud. - Well, you said it at a normal volume. - We get to sniff it. - Am I gonna get to answer questions about the cracker? - The cracker is optional. It's to cleanse your pallet. - How much do you like or dislike the flavor? What was your answer? - I've got strong opinions, but the only one I'm sharing with you out loud is the one about the cracker. I enjoyed it extremely. - How would you describe umami? - She's a sweet, southern woman. - Not you mommy. Umami. - Oh. - Be sure to watch this all new episode of our television show, Inside Eats with Rhett and Link, this Sunday at 10:30 PM on Food Network and for even more bonus footage in the episode, check it out on Discovery Plus. - [Stevie] It's coffee time. - Coffee time! - [Stevie] This is Starbucks Pike Place. So one's from the Bucks itself and one's from the grocery store. - Right, so this is the most common restaurant to store experience. - People do this. - Yeah, people do this all the time and you don't even think about it. (Link smacking lips) - It's pretty good. - It's pretty good. (Link smacking lips) - Is that gross? - It's percussive. - There's a difference. - Well, I mean- - I hardly ever get regular coffee from Starbucks. I get a latte. - So much is in the brewer. Were you the brewer, Nicole? - [Nicole] Yes, I was. - And you were trying your best? - [Nicole] Always. - To match a Starbucks brewer. - [Nicole] Yeah, I did the- (smacks lips) And everything. - Did you ever work as a barista? - [Nicole] I was a barista. I was a Blue Bottle trained barista when I was 19 years old. - Blue Bottle trained you? - [Nicole] Yes. - That's why it taste like Blue Bottle. - [Nicole] Is that it? Thank you. - I'm getting more confused the more I taste them. - This seems very easy to me. I'm ready. I was ready before we started. - Hold on. - I was ready on the first. - [Stevie] Three, two. - I only needed a- (lips smacking) Once. - [Stevie] One. - You're wrong. - Oh no, this is. I'm sorry. This is the one that Nicole brewed. - Too late, too late. - No, no. - Too late, too late, too late. - This is the one that Nicole brewed. - Too late. - I was thinking about the one that Nicole brewed. Not cheating. - [Stevie] Yeah, so you both picked the one from the actual Starbucks. - I just gotta tell you, Nicole, this is so much better than what you did. - [Nicole] I believe you. - I wonder why. (crew laughing) - The thing that, the deciding factor for me, is the one that I felt like. This might sound insulting, the one I could taste the water in. Do you know what I'm saying? - [Nicole] Yeah, like you could taste that there was water that was not from Starbucks. - No. It just tasted watered down. - There's like a thing that happens when you brew coffee and it happens to me every time I brew coffee, no matter what the strength. If I do it at home, I can tell that it was like, coffee beans and water. - Yeah. It didn't become one thing. - But when I get it at a real place, it's just coffee. It's a totally different thing. They do something else. - It must be that, yeah, that they make a big batch and then they like, stir it up. - It wasn't a bad taste. - Something that happens. - [Nicole] You can just say it. - It wasn't a bad taste. It just, I tasted the water and I'm sorry for the- - I bet it has to do with like, the batch size that Starbucks makes it the store. There's something going on that there's a reason why people are lining up and blocking traffic in my neighborhood. - [Stevie] Well, the price difference is pretty extreme with this one because a tall cup in the restaurant is $2.69, but the bag of whole beans that you buy is $8.69. And we did the math. That would be when, once you brew all that coffee, it'd be $0.58 per tall cup. So it's like that $0.58 versus- - You're saving a lot of money. - [Stevie] Yeah, yeah. - But you're getting coffee beans and water. which is different than coffee from the place. I mean, I don't know how. - He's exactly right. - It's like you could taste a little bit of water. - I'm with my friend. (gentle upbeat music) - [Stevie] Okay guys, it all comes down to this to see who's gonna be the manager of Good Mythical More. - Boy, that would look good right here. I don't even know what the duties are. Maybe I don't wanna be it. - [Stevie] Marie Callender's razzleberry pie. - Okay. Let's look at these together. I mean, look- - [Rhett] There's a very noticeable visual difference. - [Link] They didn't blindfold us, but let's just, we just gotta say, this is glisten-y and- - But hold on. Do they do some sort of glisten-y thing to it so that it like, survives the process? Because this is like, super flaky. - [Link] Yeah, let's see what it tastes like. - [Rhett] This kinda looks like something grandma would do. - Have you been in a Marie Callender's? - Not recently. - What is a razzleberry? - I think I dropped in there to use a bathroom one time. - Is that all Marie is to you? Just a place to take a dump? - Why are you assume it was a dump? It looked like between that and the other place I had to choose, it just looked like it might have a better bathroom. - But was I right? - Oh, yeah, I took a dump. - Yeah. - Yeah. When you really are thinking about bathroom choices. - Right. - I don't think I've ever bought anything from a Marie Callender's restaurant, but I have given them something. - That's good. - And I feel like I owe you something, Marie. Sorry. - Well, you you're paying her back right now. - That's really good. - Yeah. I mean, but we have nothing to compare it to. - [Rhett] Oh, wow. The way that flaked. - Pie is just so splendid. - If you're lefthanded, it'd be helpful. - I can be. - [Rhett] Can you be left handed on this show from here on out? - For you? No. For the sake of giving my right hand a rest, sure. - I might have to go to Marine Callender's after this, just to say thank you. - You know what? This one is not- - In my own special way. - This one's a lot prettier, but it's not as tasty. See, now I gotta use my left hand to come all the way over here. It's like, I can't even that. - Do you know the things that will happen in your brain if you start using your left hand for everything? - I'm ready to vote. (crew laughing) - That's really, really good. - There's so much happening in my brain that you don't know about. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Oh, we disagree. - They're both excellent. Oh, gosh. - Do you agree that that one tastes better? - I don't. It definitely tastes distinctly different, but I honestly can't tell you I have a preference. I like this crust more. That's what- - I like that crust more. - [Stevie] So the prettier one that's on Link's side is from the restaurant. - Oh, okay. Well. - [Stevie] Yeah. (bell dinging) - [Stevie] But the store bought one, Link, is only $5.97 and the restaurant one is $16.99, so you might as well just get the one that's cheaper from the store. - It's good. - Especially if you don't wanna run into Rhett trying to like, get to the bathroom. You know what I'm saying? All right, I'll gladly let you be manager because you gotta clean all this up in Good Mythical More. - Sorry. (crew laughing) - What did we learn, though? - We've learned that I think I might take a trip into the store this time and actually purchase something. - I think, depending on your taste buds, it's worth a shot to just go down the grocery aisle and go to all the restaurants at once in your home. - Oh. - That's my opinion. - Food court in the house. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. You know what time it is. - I'm Julia. - And I'm Andrew. - And we're in Nashville and it's time to- - [Both] Spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - It's hard to find a quiet place in Nashville! (both cheering) Click the top link to watch just discuss which chain restaurants are the best for life's special occasions in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Watch the new episode of Inside Eats with Rhett and Link this Sunday at 10:30 PM on Food Network and for even more bonus footage, check it out on Discovery Plus.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,931,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: p6r57P_U8hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Fri May 13 2022
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