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gun name roof you what is up you sexy YouTube mother lovers my name is Brandon rera and if you were watching this video that means I am definitely still either passed out hungover or lost from my New Year's endeavors so greetings from 2019 I figured I still have about 5 hours left before I go into 2020 so while I am still conscious and a sound mind and able to do so I figured I would record a gun mein review for you guys but first gotta get on the pathway to end my sobriety support the geo a full transparency if the geo a does not pay me to endorse them however I do fully believe in them and I am starting to wonder if I am missing out on a potential tax write-off got a couple unique things this episode so let's just go ahead and roll into those gun means first up on the lineup is something that is kind of weird for gun main review it's a yeah it's actually a fairly serious event that happened just a few days ago at time of recording at a church in Texas I'm sure some of you are familiar long story short for those of you who are unaware or maybe don't have the full picture there was a potential active shooter situation where a lone gunman walked into a church in Texas with the intent to do harm to innocent people lo and behold an armed citizen actually several armed citizens stood in that man's way because you know Texas and in that otherwise uneventful Sunday morning in Texas a hero emerged a hero by a name none other than Jack [ __ ] Wilson just a split second after the first shot is fired Jack Wilson stands up draws his 357 sig and domes this buckhead from like 50 feet might be a little insensitive to call him a [ __ ] but my tolerance for you as a human being drops a bow down to zero once you take your first innocent life so as soon as he did that he went from mentally deranged individual to [ __ ] but this was a fantastic case of a good guy with a gun ending a bad guy with the gun and undoubtedly saving several several innocent lives there is ZERO doubt in my mind that if it weren't for the actions of that one individual that morning in that Texas church we would be having a very very different conversation right now so before we get started into any of this hats off to you Jack Wilson your actions undoubtedly saved lives and this one is for you now of course because the nature of the situation the Instagram gun main community absolutely exploded pretty much as soon as this happened so now we've got the background all taken care of let's get into those sweet sweet gun means psycho tries to commit a mass shooting at a church in Texas armed citizens okay get in seriously out of all the places out of all the states Texas Oh a church in Texas you know the one place that conservative Texans are going to be gathered together in one place seriously we saw like seven people that were armed that responded to this situation in that room in the video alone interrupting Dorothy Ann dies Jesus time you heed your last aw boy heed his Lana's halt he did as soon as that shot was taking that deep dropped it's an excellent shot I mean I I there is no way in hell you guys have seen me shoot at hang on I could have made that shot so seriously hats off that was an excellent excellent under pressure with people screaming all around you completely unprepared I cannot commend him enough that was that was excellent bad guy scalp bad guy skull bad guy brain Jack Wilson 357 spicy boy that was the other semi miraculous event of that morning is the revival from beyond the grave of the 357 sig Jack Wilson almost single-handedly brought that caliber back to life as it was considered a dead or dying cartridge really kind of in the industry and sure the hell enough out it comes does it happened like a month or two ago I'd almost be expecting some shot show announcements still might happen the industry's pretty shameless [ __ ] reload just shoot him in the face big dick Jack Wilson I'm not usually one to comment on the size of another man's member but anything else Jack Wilson's putting off some major BDE also known as big dick energy off in the Glock er tomorrow stop and take some time to think of boomer now this is the one thing that's kind of been funny about this meme is that he's become like the boomer folk hero which I don't know boomers kind of taken on a you know the whole okay boomer meme it's really kind of taking that word to it like almost a disrespectful level like almost kind of like a shade from thing but about considering the amount of praise that we're heaping on him obviously you know everybody kind of regards him whether he regards himself as one or not we regard him as as a hero at least in that instance and I don't think the implication is negative so rock on boomer see even though it's like objectively true I'm pretty sure that's just it sounds wrong but yeah harmless I guess attempted mass shooter I'm gonna shoot up a defenseless Church boomer with a p229 in 357 sig no I don't think you will cap approves boomer tab over speaking up arsenal 6-1-6 not all boomers are okay some are awesome and this is where I will take a minute to plug Jack Wilson's brand here I know there's not a lot that people that were there could do to repay him but for somebody who just respects his actions and everything the least I can do is shout out his company here please respect his privacy on Facebook obviously the last thing he needs is to be harassed and private messages and things like that but I do want to shout out his company on target LTC and on target firearms training academy given the shockwaves that his actions have have made I highly doubt that he's gonna have any problem filling up those courses for the next couple years so if you'd like to support him it seems that those are the places to do it I did see this this is very funny if you haven't heard it Marty Robbins big irons one of the best old western-style songs ever the whole album is good gunfighter balanced awesome but somebody rewrote the lyrics for the the boomer with the big iron on his hip and it is quite wonderful so wonderful in fact we did this there was 40 feet between them when they stopped to make their play and the swiftness off boomer is still talked about it was over in a moment and the folks gather around [Music] [Music] for the record I'm already sorry about that no not really but moving on two types of men in Texas ah there you go we get a cameo from a gunman review veteran bed bait Oh Roarke and so long since he's been relevant I actually forgot his name there for a minute yes on one side of the aisle we have people that respond to mass shootings by calling to take away guns from the rightful citizens that should be protecting themselves from such situations and on the other side we have the guys that prefer to step up to put their money where their mouth is and stop those shootings before they happen I know which one I'd rather have in the Senate as for reading on this meme I'm definitely gonna have to go the obvious route and I'm gonna rape this meme 357 sig come on tell me you didn't see that coming and I think that is about all we have for the Jack Wilson means if I can just take a minute here at the end of this just to kind of reiterate something that I really shouldn't need to say but I feel like I probably should just try to keep in mind this is not something that we would be normally covering on a gun main review and event like this but at the same time this is the sort of event where the more people hear about it and the more people are exposed to this for the first time look into it and it might be changing some minds and it's good to see positive cases of an armed citizen stopping something like this before it turns into something really really atrocious and there is an unknown amount of people who are still going to be able to spend 20 20 with their loved ones because of the actions of this guy so I know it's not as I guess just slapstick funny is gonna be in review normally is I and maybe slightly inappropriate in some senses I do think that it is an overall in that positive that we talked about this and kind of get it out there because I think people need to see more events like this and less events where we're making the wrong kind of guy famous the the kind of people that are going out and committing atrocities like this but I just would like to point out remember in all of your your happy memeing that you are obliged to go out and do just remember that these are real people we're talking about and there are real people that are mourning their loved ones right now so just try to be respectful of that but on that note I still have a little bit of time left before I'm expected to go off and join some of the New Year's Eve festivities but before I do I'm gonna go through a couple more gun means because I love you guys when your girl sneaks into your phone realizes you're more likely to build IEDs and illegal machine guns than to cheat on her I don't know what I'm feeling speak for yourself there homeboy I have the licenses to build legal machine guns so that's not a thing and IEDs scare the everliving [ __ ] out of me either that or I'm a serial cheater hi mom teacher why are you smiling me nothin my mind track that's just some blank Photoshop it's actually pretty decent I mean this Photoshop goes not too bad couldn't match the colors a little bit better derailment Thomas the Tank Engine doesn't give a [ __ ] the violence has escalated Jesus Christ I know this is definitely airsoft by the way this is set up at holy [ __ ] you're actually putting rounds downrange and actually managed to dump your entire combat load out that gas tube and gas block would be pretty damn hot there be melting right through those five-dollar mechanics Bluffs still excellent me Virginia Democrats the citizens we're gonna take your guns by force Virginia sheriff's the citizens you're an Avenger now I've got to say I've really got to give it up for a lot of the rural Virginian law enforcement they are not taking that [ __ ] land out and it's really cool to see that spirit alive in Virginia the place where the first american revolution kicked off and i just realized i got put on another list by saying first american revolution [ __ ] but that has been something that is probably one of the most requested topics in all of gun may review in the last few weeks is the whole virginia Boogaloo situation kind of a crazy deal what's really heating up so maybe we'll talk about it maybe next time around next gun main review will be the Virginia Boogaloo special and remember we do these gunman reviews the first and third Thursday of every month so if you are new to the channel the first video you've seen you like the content please subscribe and hit that notification bell that way you can join the hashtag AKG notification squad that you no doubt see in the comments if you come in the first hour with something including a hashtag a kg notification squad you too could be entered to win things like t-shirts swag and all this cool stuff actually now we're not sponsored by pew pew tactical yet but we probably should be those are cool guys as well yeah All Things Considered I'm down for a Virginia blue blue special well guys that about ends thanks for my part of this gun main review but don't go yet because we have a special bonus mean segment brought to you by none other than James Reeves of tfbtv be sure to check that out if I'd be sure to check that out I mean like wait on this video for like 15 seconds as for me I'm well on my way to going out it clearly drinking too much and ringing in the New Year with a bang and I'm gonna have seven hello I'm James Reeves with tfbtv and this is the lowest point of my life gun name were you with Brandon Herrera got some means to review here let's see this one quite right I said that was a picture of a man's penis that's not me it's not me uh you're at the range with your girl and this dude walks up and start talking about this ten millimeter what you do god this one you can basically see my 10 millimeter in my pants ten millimeter that's not very big that's like one centimeter that's not I mean you guys know what I'm saying like but big that's a big penis is what I'm trying to say I'm sorry okay next one okay here we go I've seen this one I like this it's like a take on the draped mean you know the thing where he's like and then he's like anything block its me put in my hearing protection but I still got a stupid smile on my face and everything else and it's me doing my my annual Christmas list no more cult so I get that I get that hand that's basically true that's but if it's not Glock it's not sick get that weak [ __ ] out here now kidding this is an exaggeration and another terrible meme movie okay when your mother-in-law comes to visit and says diehard isn't a Christmas movie true story I was very reluctant to even post this picture because it is pretty grisly notwithstanding the comical effect from like Mike Leon head wig thing you notice that it's clearly a very shitty wait a big set of hair there and but it still looked pretty bad like it's me like point and true story this was actually taken at a Christmas party this of course the odd went up after the drink started flowing a little bit after the drink started flowing yeah I was reluctant opposed it I post it and then in tactical Chad shut up you know this guy does some pretty funny [ __ ] on the gram he posts this and then I post it and I shared my story while I'm at a stoplight on the way home you're responsible I know but a month but I post it and then I'm thinking to myself I'm like oh [ __ ] miss Debbie's gonna see that like my mother honestly to see that and she's gonna think that like literally and threatening her with murder so I had to get home and delete it and repost it because miss Debbie I love her so much she's probably watching this right now miss Debbie she checked my grandma she saw that she'd be really upset so this was actually hilarious not a [ __ ] name a very good job and I'd worn my mrs. Debbie about it oh okay this one 9mm SMG pretty sad day pretty sad day I was at Glock Glock HQ in Austria I mean I guess there are some people there mutations got lost in the mail they were upset but it was over there me and guests on we were flossing riding around in his s-class convertible powering a bra Austrian broads and shooting blogs having a good time and then everybody all the river starts the river the innuendo everybody's talking about the black 44 doesn't have a barrel and you have [ __ ] like that and so I saw and bear mine and 9mm SMG if you're watching this bare mind I had no idea who was saying what about what as relates to the Glock 44 all I saw is there were people in my comment so this wasn't directed in anybody in particular all I saw is that in my comments people like oh they're not even making a threaded barrel for it or uh you know like it's made by gypsies and sweat camps or like some [ __ ] like that it was a bunch of irrational [ __ ] that I saw in my comment and so like at that point I addressed on my Instagram I said hey look you know people are saying they don't make a threaded barrel 5 o'clock 44 here it is and next thing I know character assassination here it is character assassination when James TFE hears you saying the block 44 doesn't come with a threaded barrel and it's got me with the whatever that won't Greta Greta global warming girl the how dare you some a [ __ ] you stole my childhood and my dreams with escape next oh my god I never saw this one another one another tactical chat I don't know this guy but knock him out of the park a real man loves his woman every day of the month that's me covered in what and by blood I mean that is corn syrup and water and that was that took me literally an hour to get off just like when you love your woman every day of the month I see what's going on here I haven't hit play well hold on that's a picture of penis spin this is in my office moments ago I'm pretty sure that jacket belongs to pull Harrell oh my god dude dude don't rip on that jacket that's G start that is authentic jeez Tucker come on tell me that jacket doesn't look like it belongs to all Harold I'll go get it I'll go get it right now that was [ __ ] sweet huh give it your hand better than this one does
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 1,089,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy, guns, gun, Meme review, Gun meme review, Boomer, Jack Wilson, 357 Sig, Sig sauer, P229, Texas church, Marty Robbins, Big iron, James Reeves, TFB tv, Tfbtv, Bonus meme, NRA, Goa, Pew pew tactical, El Paso, Boogaloo, Ccw
Id: fNK4YDUeU4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 02 2020
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