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gun name review what is up you sexy YouTube mother lovers we are coming at you on the 3rd gun meme review of this month this is one of those weird months with it's 5 Thursdays and we were gonna do plastic off but I just I wasn't I didn't want to do that yet probably coming Monday unless I just feel like doing something else which case whenever I feel like it throwing in this last gun main review of the month because holy [ __ ] the world is on fire kim jeong-hoon dead and aliens are here and that's not even news anymore 2020 swak also this is due clearing out the shop a little bit more becoming a real business but I think this is where we're gonna start filming a lot more stuff so that means we need to get I think we're getting like a Gallo Tech wall in to have like a nice little backdrop be like some nice legit Iraq vet level stuff I have a desk now so I'm no longer floor gang sad to say but I have a nice empty desk which means I need to put a bunch of crap on it and it's gonna get really messy and disorganized very quick but this is the way but I know one of the first things I am gonna put on my desk is actually the sponsor of today's video no it's not it's not raid so it's ok you can go ahead and put your skipping finger down I know you kids don't realize it but sometimes daddy has to do some stuff for money sometimes ok anyhow today sponsor is actually goat guns which is exactly what I'm gonna put on this desk as soon as I finish building it except the ar-15 one they sent me an ar-15 one and yea over my desk if I'm ever actually captured and I'm under duress that'll just be like my little signal to you guys I'm gonna pull the air 15 gun out and put it on the corner then you guys know to send help yeah if you never actually played around to go guns or they're actually decent quality stuff it's the I remember them being plastic you know because it's it's fairly cheap and I wouldn't have thought it would be metal but it's actually it's diecast metal the detail they go through all the springs and stuff that works is really cool so if you ever played around with it I think they're pretty cool and I appreciate them being bold enough to sponsor gun me reviews let's go ahead and get into these memes and to help me not lose my sanity doing gun main review today's sponsor is Bulleit Bourbon they're not the sponsor they don't know we're doing this and Frank they would not approve I'm sure I'm just gonna keep going it's gonna become the running joke so I'm just gonna have a new liquor brand every time until somebody actually sponsors us and first meme up on the docket Kim dead okay so like he may or may not actually be dead but who cares that means work rate kim jeong-hoon is sick North Korean people you know the rules and so do I is Rick Astley using a 1911 god he really is a Boomer that ties right in with the the mean that's been floating around from the office with the the Japanese heart surgeon I do but you stick all of these memes about the kim jong hoon actually made me go back and re-watch the interview which was an incredible movie makes me I want to actually go down with drive tanks and recreate that scene with Katy Perry I know you [ __ ] aren't about the sim for a dictator the weeb crowd in the gun community has started to really kind of I got I don't know they're they're flat-out simple for for Kim Jong Un's sister who apparently is even more bats batshit crazy than he was so this is gonna work out interesting this is a bold strategy gotten let's see how it plays out y'all [ __ ] got a silencer I got a laudner upgrades people upgrades I think it's all the Makarov content starting to get to me but I I legitimate Lee before I assumed in there and saw that that's clearly not I thought it was a Makarov also sorry for the background noise guys we're actually filming this in the shop during work hours so there's actually work going on believe it or not I didn't think we did that here either when you're beter 8k has cast parts and it blew up in your face because you had the audacity to put 1000 rounds through it perhaps I treated you too harshly well the good news is the people who buy a gun with cast trunnions probably won't put a thousand rounds through it anyway and about half of the people who say that they did are lying which I always thought it's funny cuz do you always hear these people on the Facebook pages that you know and brag about oh I've got five thousand rounds do LaVon it hasn't exploded in my face yet so you know for the cost of half that ammo you could have actually just saved and bought a gun that you didn't have to like worry about proving to the internet wasn't a grenade when people try to argue with you that there is no difference in quality between brands but you've seen hundreds of failures over the years ninety-five percent coming from just three brands that are just is good ah just as good the battle cry of the pills it's no shits like it's a meme in the shop just any time what are those as mentions yes good when you're just wow there's a lot of blood a lot of these when you're just as good steel plates meet a 20-inch barrel five five six I'm never gonna physically recover from this this is an excellent Photoshop well done well done I don't really know much about cheap body armor but I know a lot about Poor's so let's go for that so for those of you who were butthurt that I referred to in a previous video the strai bog as the PCC for pores let me break something down being a poor is not necessarily a statement on your financial status you see being the poor is a state of mind it doesn't matter how much you make in here it doesn't matter whether or not you got Trump bucks we all understand being a college student who maybe has a lot of things going on you can't afford to buy the nicest stuff that's okay what's not okay is buying a $300 omni and parading it all over Facebook saying it is just as good it's not just as good if you have to tell people it is just as good it's not just its kind when it's luau time and your girl has done god knows what with your Hawaiian shirt where's my super suit love always wearing nods in the middle of the day in New York everyone knows you cannot boot without a Hawaiian shirt it is against God's law Quine shirts are practically the only way we'd avoid friendly fire accidents when your instructor shows up with a Serpa holsters presented without comment but feel free to help other people out in the comments if they can't figure that out all geez I feel like I've hooked up with this chick before really James I thought you had better taste for those who don't know that is California Senator Dianne Feinstein she's a clearly dangerous woman as you can see here she is holding an assault under folder ak-47 with a 75 round drum and her finger on the trigger pointed at her peers also in the background of that photo is that [ __ ] hopper from stranger things it's just the faces I've never looked at this boat at this close like the faces in background are amazing like this chick it's just terrified the chick with the scarf she's horrified at this firearm and possibly aroused the apocalypse who wanted the apocalypse we got ya dad's in the back we're looking for the UPS truck to come in get the rest of his boot gear this almost gave me a stroke trying to read when Trump advising us to follow CDC guidelines makes liberals go out and purchase firearms you did it you crazy son of a [ __ ] you did it honestly I feel like the whole corona firm flying Panik is probably going to be in that good thing all said and done just a lot more people going out buying firearms for the first time understanding there's a process to buying firearms for the first time and you can't just show up with $40 in a paper sack and throw it on the table and just walk out with an m60 although that is an America that I would be glad to live in the Second Amendment only applies to weapons around when it was written not machine guns me loading a cannon with grapeshot very poor choice of words it's actually kind of funny cuz I get a cannon right outside we can learn a good shot I feel like the cannon doesn't get as much airtime as it should I feel like most people don't even know I have a cannon and that's a travesty because that [ __ ] flex if you guys have some ideas of what to do with cannon uh yeah go ahead and leave those in the comments well we'll figure out something to Brandon after he burns down in the National Forest with his flamethrower I don't think it's a big deal but according to the police it is see you got to think outside the bun and go somewhere where there isn't a National Forest right so that if you just burn down there's no way I could finish that sentence without it sounding like arson so I'm just gonna uh all stop I cannot talk about an ongoing investigation so that's where we're gonna end on that one p-mod keep moving this is an M lock man's neighborhood damn right what is this 2015 get the hell out of here came out red flag history so you fed [ __ ] boys I don't know why I felt the need to read that like for what is that lieutenant aldo raine but I don't know it worked it flowed well is this a school watching the boys drop their stimulus checks on enough ammo to make a Somali warlord proud real wholesome posting hours when I buy that fuel filter but I don't have a form 1 and the ATF boys show up allow us to introduce ourselves this is actually really funny I don't know if I've ever talked about this on the channel before but apparently on especially gun beam reviews they run ads like so there's automatic ads that Google runs Adsense and stuff like banner ads and stuff like that that just show up I don't even know if we get any monetization off of that but they run them anyway but what I've noticed on my videos specifically they're running ads for those wish oil filters and the what do you call those solvent traps that you can buy that are suspiciously it's a can it's a [ __ ] can people mention it on the in the comments allotted I've actually been deemed screenshots just dozens of times DM screenshots of just the oil filters being showing up as ads and following my videos so if that happened to you leave a comment and for the love of God I'm not responsible what a grown man does in his garage but don't get [ __ ] honeypotted on one of my videos well this is a tough one ok one to protect you the rest try to kill you who are you running with so we've got Reed Hendrix we've got I'm pretty sure that's Clint Smith from Thunder ranch John Lovell from warrior it and of course Paul Merrill became very interesting face well John Lowell's beard and hair gang are impeccable and I don't know a real recognizes real but I'm gonna have to go with Paul Harrell on this one we won't survive but I mean that that's a hell of a way to go that and we'll probably get a one-hour rebuttal video that's a spicy one nobody North Korea when they see a kovat 19-page yeah that seems to be working pretty well I guess this does come back to the Kim jong-un thing doesn't it you know the rules so do so I think I've said plenty questionable things for one episode of gun mean review but thank you guys so much for watching and I just want to plug again hashtag AKG notification squad if you show up in the first hour and you are one of the guys that are helping us just absolutely crush it with analytics right now users are the real MVP s and we're going to try to renew the commitment to starting that AKG notification squad back up and just giving away stuff so we can weigh merch and stuff like that I bought a bunch of my glasses the signature glasses that I want to start giving away to just cuz I think that's that's funny me this is a recently ex-member of floor gang signing off thank you guys so much and I'll see you sexy YouTube mother lovers on Monday there's a wall here good this way [Music] so for the people who were butthurt that I referred to the previous video that the sky bog was for pores that sentence was terribly worded one to protect you the rest kill you our skimming the head the rest kill you the rest try to kill you when you back that one up no no I'm not reading that one reread that and I'm like oh that's murder
Channel: Brandon Herrera
Views: 671,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon Herrera, Meme review, the ak guy, gun meme review, gun memes, PSA, poors, memes, Anderson, palmetto, Kim jong Un, the interview, Floor gang, wish, armor, oil filter, solvent trap
Id: RjJnYgw7J38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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