Stole Spaceship, Littered in Space Like a Jerk - Sol Traveler - Let's Game It Out (Global Game Jam)

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hey everybody welcome back to let's game it out I am Josh this is sole traveler so this game is part of the global game jam that happened recently and it was made and I think 48 hours each year the global Game Jam picks a unified theme that everyone makes their games around and this year it was what home means to you and I was drawn to this one because I like space games but also because it was made by samurai punk which also did rumbo the one about the murderous vacuum cleaner let's do a little exploring my understanding is we are trying to just simply get home wow those are future books alright coffee table sized glowing in the middle this probably isn't required for getting home but let's go ahead and make a mess shall we that's a space bed if ever I've seen one I call top bunk on there we are space chess wish I knew how this was played pieces don't work so this is gonna remain a mystery what do we have here does that say joke we're set an alien language well I think I know what this is for so if we just yeah that opens up and then that just goes out to whoa whoa whoa whoa oh we're not getting sucked out Oh probably kids of this big button here well let's push it right Oh so let's well could we just we just go out to Oh turns out there is gravity in space oh there goes the spaceship okay well it looks like now we are just we are in a freefall I think this is probably our life now Henry back all it required was a little restart so for the sake of continuity gonna have to throw all these books all over the ground again and I should emphasize by the way that these game jam games like this is a tall order to make a functional game looks like space lettuce space mushroom I guess we're space vegetarians ah and our space milkshake it's very important that things glow in the future otherwise how you supposed to know it's from the future hey come back here where you going does this give us more food more Soylent and what are you for oh good more space mushrooms oh just more space vegetables I see Oh turns out those curved monitors really do get popular in the future and then go ahead and add some waviness to it why not more [Music] we'll have got some good news everybody I think the replicator works and I feel very secure that it's gonna be able to make enough space milkshakes for us to find our way home like just a tiny margin I think it's gonna be okay I can't help but think I over made some milkshakes here I think we're gonna have to dispose of one bye bye space milkshake I guess I should shut the hatch shouldn't just leave that open was I born in a barn well good news you can litter in space what was I doing again who's this the mission grab a milkshake and check out the rest of the ship this appears to be the cockpit this appears to be the Death Star those appear to be milkshakes all right so we got the technical terms here we got Zam zip zorp and WHAM we got these lovely little purple things here all right milkshake I'm gonna need you close so I have a strength to go on thank you you just stay right there so what do these do if I just push this okay so Thorpe appears to have me go to the right lamb appears to sort of pivot the ship and willing to bet these take me the opposite direction yep so zip takes me to the left and Zam rotates me back around I see okay and so if I move zorb here's my immediate thought which is if we're looking at the cockpit and this is about home we're trying to get over to Planet Earth over there in order to do that we're gonna have to square up just like they did an Apollo 13 where they had to see the earth outside their window to find their way home it's just like that using it easy okay I feel like that is pretty that is pretty lined up I feel pretty good about that and I don't know if we need to rotate although I guess it doesn't hurt anything let's see where's the where's the gas pedal on this thing and then that's the milkshake so no gas pedals here space is out there I'll see all right we got two switches here we've got flange and Swiss boozled I hope I don't have to go back in there okay you must be the warp drive you certainly look like a warp drive so uh let's see we've got an engine there and an engine here what the hell is this that looks like that says garbage oh wait wait wait can we just put garbage in here no I don't know what you're for well let's try these buttons well this is definitely going now see what that's doing over here well we're definitely going into Panavision here it looks like we're getting closer yeah you know I feel pretty good about this should we fire up the other one - hang on let's test this out I'm willing to bet let's turn this off here we go let's try this one now as predicted I we're moving yep we are going in Reverse we got to turn this one off that's not what we want all right straight ahead okay so we got it let's line up a little bit here there we go look at that we're pretty much squared up with planet earth there let's go ahead and let's rotate it try to not hit this asteroid asteroids okay okay okay okay we are aligned right up this is looking great glad you could be here with me milkshake for a moment like this planets getting much closer try to think of where we're gonna crash sorry I meant land are there any preparations we need to make should we sit down oh this buttons don't do anything Oh getting closer getting ever so closer all right South America it looks like you're our new home let's do this get in so close oh oh that's the ocean well you know beggars can't be choosers I guess let's see Oh okay uh am i well we're probably dead now I bet it's just leaving it up to our interpretation so that was it that was sold traveller we did it it was obviously a very simple premise really lovely space music I personally think this is a lovely little game jam game and honestly with the talented folks over at samurai punk I expect no less so I hope you enjoyed this relaxing space journey full of space food and space milkshakes before we landed back on planet earth what do you suppose happens when we hit planet Earth there you think we get rescued do you think we find our way home where's the whole goal just the journey of getting home and what home means to us you've got some wild ideas of your own I'd love to hear about them in the comments there's thousands of entries you could check out so if you want to check this out or many many other games head on over to their website I'll put a link in the description so that's gonna do it for this episode of let's game it out as always I am Josh thank you so much for joining me and I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Let's Game It Out
Views: 2,497,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sol traveler, sol traveler game, sol traveler samurai punk, samurai punk, global game jam, global game jam 2019, global game jam 19, ggj19, let's game it out, lets game it out, lgio, lgio josh, josh lgio, litter in space, did you know you can litter in space, stole spaceship, littered in space, sol
Id: BJvvLh85LB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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