I Broke Minecraft With Your Physics Ideas... AGAIN!

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ah Sky Block one of the most relaxing game modes wait wait wait come back well I'm never getting that back welcome back to Minecraft physics and I'm totally not making this video because the last one got 1.1 million views at all but this time I'm going to try and make your dumb physics ideas and see if they work starting with see if a 3X3 slime Cube bounces when it falls or just play around with slime blocks all right now the key ingredient Okie do now let's see if it works here it comes here it comes but the the hell just happened hold on let me let me try that again hold on hold on we're going to we're going to try that again hold on there we go let's see what happens uh wow it does yo that's sick so yeah yeah it does counts like like once I I expected it to do more all right so now if I put this command no hold on wait wait if I put this command in we should have lots of fun now uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh what the hell yo why are they in syn yo why are they in syn like that oh that's awesome all right well there you go slime blocks lots of fun if you put the thing in the thing the thing will do the the thing and make happen the thing which will lead to the thing I think did you have a stroke writing that cuz I had a stroke reading it make a snowman rolling of a slide nothing would make me happier to make a snowman rolling of a slide all right hopefully this goes well oh no oh no it landed on top actually you know what that's not a terrible thing we can just extend it longer slide and if I learned anything from the last video it's to put walls on these things all right now for warning I have absolutely no idea if mobs still form if you have physics added to them but we're going to find out they do okay get out of here well I see one other way to do it oh now it's the other side hi buddy all right so now we're going to try this and we're going to see how it works and face first and oh he slides down like normal oh I don't think the the surface is slick enough now that I think about it concrete is like a very I I don't think a a concrete slide sounds very appeasing maybe maybe you know what no no no no no maybe the angle isn't aggressive enough maybe I need to up the angle drop the slide down a couple inches oh there it goes hello oh you're oh okay I think the physics engine's just having a stroke right now okay you are you're just stuck like that okay um he's face down sliding down to concrete hill now if I stand on you you break my physics oh he's rolling there he goes he made it to to the bottom how you feeling buddy fantastic all right we're going to get rid of you now and watch the slider will now disappear oh where'd it go all right so that is possible make a swinging boat that's actually pretty easy Hing chair ship Creator and all done all right so now I can just sit down oh there we go there's the boat and then oh that might have been a bit too heavy oh it's tripping out the hinge now oh no oh oh no okay well there's your there's The Swinging boat it's just very broken very broken all right we're going to let that swing in the background all right next idea what the I do you mind I'm trying to record make a tooth fall out of a child's mouth I'm kidding I would never ever Billy this is Billy Billy W say hi my name is Billy bil he Billy Billy got buck tooth he Billy and he has buck too this Billy and he got a bottom buck tooth what's this Billy Billy you've got a cavity man all right you're in the way get out the way Jesus you're hard to hit get out the way there we go free lead I'll lead you away and you can't run you're stuck here with me now it's your turn all right all done hello I'm getting really scared here oh my god oh oh it's like we we remade one of those rides oh oh oh no oh let me get back on I'm going I'm going so what are we doing just stay there you keep enjoying your boat you having fun with your boat hey what have you having fun with your boat yep really a oh my God it's like a massive Anvil it flipped upside down it's kind of broken now I broke your bat I'll flip it back [Music] over what is happening yeah where am I guys I can't wait for July where we're going to meet up oh yeah we're meeting up in July anyways stand right here okay all right well vix didn't want to be a part of this so I just I just sent cake flying into Greg's face at Mock a billion he really does not want physics try and make a giant seesaw and ride it with a friend see who flies higher well vix isn't here anymore great Okie doie and now I'm just going to put oh uhoh I didn't think this through going put Greg there what the oh right because technically the block is at like minus a billion okay you're walking is going to be an issue all right well I'm going to have to do what I did ages ago with the the old Greg which was barrier blocks and Greg goes right there I guess there's a tiger wherever the blocks physically are let's get my mic a little closer to me hello oh yes the barrier blocks are ever so slightly heavier okay so okay well Greg's up there now bye Greg oh right crystals don't work on here oh I was going to try and send him to the moon but whatever so seesaw would work it's just you know I can't move my legs oh Greg can though oh come on man I was hyping you up that was sick man you always got to ruin it eh I hope I won't be late but please do elevator falling from the 15th floor ignore ignore merely she's she's working on on mods for sure welcome to the 15th floor and there is 14 others but anyway I can just sit in here and put in this command and we fall oh this this is actually scary oh I didn't like that I didn't I did not like that yeah that was that was pretty anticlimactic for uh for an elevator crash all right so I modified it a little bit for this time and what I did is I basically threw a bunch of slime blocks down here to see if I can get it to bounce back up maybe to a lower floor I don't think it's going to keep all of its kinetic energy so it's not it's not going to come back to the 15th or even higher so but uh we're going to find out okay let's see let's see let's see no it it just it just lands it it just lands well that um was kind of anticlimactic too I was I was expecting mely's doing things I was expecting something a lot more Grand but this was uh merely this was a good idea nonetheless thank you and now finally oh God damn it and now finally I'm going to let you guys know what the mod is it's not like I haven't tell it's not like I haven't told you guys a million times but it is called Valkyrie and skies Valkyrie and skies I've told you a million times Google it Google Valkyrie guys and you can download it for yourself on either Forge or fabric it works with both and yeah that's it bye-bye
Channel: SocksApollo
Views: 126,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fePie2XNbAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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