Evolving The Most Expensive Upgrades To Destroy Everything

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these could make a difference three starting tentacles plus an extra lap slot plus retaliation damages enemies when you get hit plus starting with three lives and that's going to give me an extra hit point and then we get to work towards things like black mamba dna and dragon dna because look how expensive those are so now i can use these beautiful evolutions to carry me to new heights and it all starts with caressing these submarines deep under the ocean they're moving so slow it's almost like they want to be touched now the biggest thing for me is finding the right upgrades after we finish the first level so if we don't really find anything we like we'll just add a tentacle and hope for better next time pretty sure i can get by as half an octopus though i kind of forgot we can't reach the chests if we just have these tentacles so that's kind of working against me ow all tentacles on level two is maybe a little bit dangerous but we can make this work but let's face it you're not here for high level gameplay anyway all right we got more crap so i've wisely restarted and we're gonna get us a goldfish and that's gonna go over there and that's gonna help us get the start we needed then we're maybe gonna add a crab leg up over here just for extra damage this is what we've been after but i've got the goldfish already that's a really good investment and we're gonna start to get the stronger enemies which is why i got the crab still don't have any ranged attacks which kind of hurts right now because look at all the treasure chests got him though got one two come on one more time three well we got some money out of that so that's whatever that is almost 500 so we're gonna get a tentacle we're gonna add a goldfish for now it probably won't last a long time but we're gonna have one then we're gonna get a snake over here the longer i can survive with two goldfish for now the better off we're gonna be but i got a little bit of ranged attack now so i feel better could you be a little bit slower getting to me thank you this is going to be a pretty slow fight considering what we've got to work with so far but we're going to have lots of money so after defeating the big idiot very easily we have 900 to spend on maybe another goldfish well for now we're going to add an extra tentacle for sure we're going to put that in maybe right here to break up this dead spot then we're going to add a goldfish here this is very risky but we're also going to add an extra life to help compensate for all the damage we're about to take because this ladies and gentlemen is what's called a really bad idea this is either going to pay for itself with a risk or it's going to kill us there is a treasure chest already so if we could go ahead and get that busted open that would make me feel better because that's going to be worth a lot of money thanks to all these goldfish there's some extra health and that's a lot of piranhas so let's deal with these quick as we can okay we're going to claw those ones then we can get rid of the other ones here this is super dangerous i think this was a really bad idea okay now we gotta get away from all those we gotta grab something shoot him we're gonna get away from these guys just a little bit i think i can take care of piranhas and this building at the same time yeah that's kind of working okay here comes a big wave of enemies so we're gonna have to systematically go through these with some kind of controlled measure i think i'm gonna have to take a hit here because i just do not have the firepower to deal with all that that's worth it though because we can get that health back so far so good though that's a lot of everything else really hoping i can just take down his building and maybe get hit once along the way i would be happy with that result if possible oh we haven't actually got hit yet we got away without getting hit somehow so here's my next really risky stupid play we're gonna replace this head with a lobster handle by another extra life i'm hoping i can get one more level done i think that's going to be worth it because this lobster hand is going to help us tear through buildings really quick which is going to help us move on to other areas and get past the piranhas which are always going to be super annoying at this stage of the game because there it just really annoying to deal with there we go so far it's working pretty good got a lot of piranhas coming in so this probably isn't going to go super well but i'm going to try and get them all in one direction that way i can just kill them as they come toward me that might actually work and we also need to avoid those really badly then i'm just going to try and tear down this building really quick using my big damage and hopefully we can roll out of the way of that missile which is probably going to land pretty near ascii and we're good i really hope those goldfish are worth it in the end we're back up to 875 but this isn't gonna get any easier this is definitely gonna get difficult because we got the fast flying planes coming in now and they're a nightmare to deal with but we're gonna pinch that thing and we're gonna take a hit because of that but now we gotta fight the butcher and i think i can handle this without problem at least i hope i can uh we gotta pinch that we're okay for a sec the important thing was we just got a fortune for killing that whether or not we survived to the end doesn't matter because we have money for an upgrade we have the extra lives to be able to carry us through and pinch him gonna keep destroying the tower as quick as i can gonna use that i think we'll be okay here actually surprisingly because that's gonna destroy those two and got him so that leaves us with twenty five hundred dollars to spend unfortunately our choices aren't really great but we can get an extra tentacle that we're gonna put right there which i think can be another lobster hand now we just can't get hit a single time but a lobster hand on other side is gonna help keep us very safe luckily in this level the enemies are pretty straightforward they kind of slowly drift toward me which is perfect for lobster claws okay this is where things are gonna get difficult where we're starting to get multiple waves of fast enemies hit them with the claw the claws are so slow sometimes that's so frustrating and the upgrades it's giving us a pretty weak so far but we do have sixteen hundred dollars we'll keep stacking up our fortune yeah we're definitely gonna need more attacks for more angles because we're scraping by on this but i have three thousand dollars so i can get a king cobra now which is gonna make a world of difference because look at all that attack speed this should be able to carry us through to quite a ways hopefully though things are coming in pretty hard that was my own fault lobster claws go to work this is going to get a little bit difficult hopefully i can kind of get all these yup and then we can pinch him and him this game just really is doesn't want to give us the right upgrades i guess they do have two lobster and a super cobra so i guess i really shouldn't complain that was really close can you pinch them please we're in trouble but by the end of this we might be able to afford ourselves another tentacle especially because we're gonna fight the megapede which hasn't historically been very challenging kind of stupid yeah how does it feel to be stupid should i cut it in half i don't know if it's a good idea then i just have more things to fight i did it anyway just because i figured something's gonna walk into my claws anyway and then it's gonna get super hurt okay that idiot is dead wasn't particularly challenging or up to 3 500 and still no really good upgrades so we're just gonna keep on pushing our luck hoping we get away with this which we probably won't but if the enemies are all like this we have a decent chance because when they're this slow and this predictable uh i can really just do whatever i want and get away with it and now we just gotta destroy the final building which doesn't take long thanks to lobster claw then we just avoid everything for a second we're good still didn't get the five thousand dollars i need for an extra tentacle but there's not really a lot of great upgrades anyway so we'll get away with one more probably these levels really does more the same taking care of the piranhas first taking care of those even getting some of our life back and who would have thought that taking more a patient approach to things would actually work out better i'm gonna have to destroy these and abandon the patient approach a little bit here because i need this building to go down while also destroying both of these then we're gonna roll back and give these guys a little pinch then it's time for a big wave of enemies which shouldn't be too bad as long as they'll stay in front of me the ones that do show up behind me i can take care of when i need to i think okay the upgrades still aren't that great but we can get a tentacle for five grand uh we're gonna stick that over here to break up the goldfish party and then i guess i'll take a chicken that's gonna fire kind of opposite my cobra that's not really because i want one it's just kind of the best of the choices available and it can be pretty handy for things that are way far away like these because we can take care of the piranhas much easier now but then we cannot forget to still use the other things like i'm forgetting to do i think the trick for this at least for now is gonna be to forget that i have the chicken entirely it's gonna do some damage all on its own i need to focus on the cobra and the lobsters like in this little spot uh just gonna be okay not really okay we gotta get out of here that's gonna take care of those he'll take care of those we're gonna pinch that way i maybe should have uh swapped out the bill just a little bit there's a better way of doing this this is still gonna work but not as good as i might have liked there's a treasure chest up there we're also gonna get that because i'm really greedy this is gonna get chaotic quickly so we'll take care of you and you then you guys then you guys are getting chickened which is enough to blow you up and then it's time for the kangaroo already we've made another two grand also we're making lots of money this time thanks to all these little goldfish that wasn't reasonably close this cobra can almost always be hitting this thing so this will be a pretty easy fight not that is normally particularly challenging but we can make it easier and we're gonna get both the lobster claw and the uh poison thing on this one but sometimes these things just happen when you're stupid i feel like you should always jump toward it that way i go cleanly under it kind of like that then it can land we'll destroy its little kangaroo baby because not even the babies are safe for me then he'll jump toward me hitting my eggs and we just roll into ow and give him one of these and he's dead then we make money off of his corpse and be on our way then we tear the sydney opera house down in no time at all i don't know if the plane's even gonna make it to me in time i think we're done okay so at this point i'm kind of thinking instead of the chicken will at least put a cobra in then i think i'm gonna take a goldfish out now for another lobster claw just because i can't really afford any more of those we will still make really good money just not as much as we were before and that's perfectly okay right now this is gonna get annoying because i'm gonna have to use my lobster claws a lot i can't even see when those things are coming towards me right now but good news i got some life back and good we get a double wave it's so hard to turn and face those in time everything's so quick suddenly stop i know that looked like i meant to do that but that was completely unintentional everything there okay so far so good though we are actually making up health suddenly oh don't get that and we got him and we got him and we got those the sharks really aren't that bad i think my lobster claws mostly take care of them especially while i'm spinning around trying to get other things yeah we made it to the end great okay we finally got something a little more versatile too we got a porcupine i think i'm gonna go ahead and add that over here and luckily the porcupine has a little more range so now i'm dangerous up close and from quite far away starting to get some of this stronger enemies but between all my different types of damage they should die and we do have another treasure chest and we're going to double claw it yeah that treasure chest died quick oh look extra lives uh health rather yeah i really like having this porcupine next to the super speed shooter because it feels just kind of like a high-powered high-speed shotgun at this point which enemies really have trouble getting through all right then we'll uh get this guy great we have another king cobra to replace the cobra and this side with so we know of a lot of high powered upgrades that the enemies are gonna have trouble penetrating and we're back to another boss already so we're pretty much just gonna hit them continually with these while trying to avoid getting hit by those that's a really unfortunate timing one so we're gonna kind of inch around all of these while hopefully hitting the enemy at some point i can't hit him with the lobster claws though i didn't know i could this is mostly just about not getting touched by the fireballs and uh as i'm doing that he's slowly taking damage i'm not even paying attention really to whether or not i'm hitting him okay well idiot is dead we did lose some health that's whatever i really kind of just want my ten thousand dollar tentacle now but i suspect this is going to be a pretty decent build for this area there's a lot of planes and stuff coming my way but i've got a lot of porcupines and a high speed range to fight everything with in fact i have so much it's kind of hard to keep an eye on but i was hoping i could go like this that way the porcupine's kind of covering the back up left while my claws are working on whatever's ahead of me because there's going to be a lot of things in my way throughout this level this is a bad spot to be in but i got health out of the deal we'll call that a draw okay so we're gonna try and focus never mind on the building for a second i need to remember that this far in i cannot focus on buildings i've got to protect myself from those things then once everything's dead i can put both my claws onto the buildings and then get back to clearing some space for myself to work with i do think i balanced out the uh snakeheads pretty nicely because usually when i'm firing on one side i'm also firing out the other which keeps me nice and safe sort of okay i think this is the final building so hopefully we can take it out nice and quick without too much issue but we're gonna clear a little bit of space again for myself okay just gotta avoid the fireball when it comes down and then gotta kill these two should be one more hit then we need to avoid all of these big guys but shouldn't actually be that bad because i've got a lot of lobster claws and these kill these guys two hits then it's just the final building these don't have a lot of health so it's already dead now we just got to survive for a second honestly right now it's tempting to replace the goldfish with another lobster claw but i think it's unnecessary and i even managed to get a bit of health back i do kind of like this build where you rock back and forth uh because it feels like i have a bit more freedom to work with in a lot of ways that also means i'm probably gonna have to be careful though uh once i add more tentacles because i need to make sure i kind of maintain this uh geometry anyways i think we're making nice progress so so far so good just need to avoid some of that stuff and we're about to face a nuclear wave which really isn't that bad actually i can have three different attachments uh attacking buildings i don't really know that before or maybe i didn't i forgot whatever the case nuclear wave shouldn't really be that bad depending on what i hit them with see i think we're basically already done we're going to pinch pinch him then we're going to be on our way to bigger and better things these levels do start to throw lots of enemies at you which is fine because i'm pretty sure that this means more money then just be a second to finish off this building and it's that easy look how many shells we're getting too 260 so far i did get another king cobra so i think i'm probably gonna take over the porcupine spot i really don't know if that was wise but we are gonna get more health right away so that's something then i'm gonna have to keep rolling to get away from these i think this is gonna work out okay because i'm kind of like a rolling ball of death even rolling now i'm gonna take out most of the things around me then if i rock back and forth i pretty much shoot things in all directions and keep myself very safe but for now let's see if we can take down this building in a big hurry which yup we sure can and we're gonna take on these guys for a second then we need to focus on all of these this used to seem really hard and scary but now it's not so bad it's really just about kind of learning where the things are going to be and exactly the size of the hip boxes then you just relax and destroy everything along your way even if it's innocent people on the ground now we get to fight stompatron that sounds like the kind of thing i want close to me yup give me your stompers do we get under there and bite them i think we got to get under there and bite them in the eyeball great i got a perfect thing for this we're going to get two lobster claws on your eye oh do we get out i don't know what that does okay i think i see all right let's get in there and pinch his eyeballs with a couple lobster claws this had hurt a lot in real life is he gonna do it again no he's not gonna do it all right well we can keep spinning then give him all the lobster claws he wants so far it's a pretty predictable pattern and as long as i can unlike this and get both those lobster claws on him we're definitely doing some damage yeah he'll die pretty quick this way even with just the cobras on him it does a lot of damage uh okay we're going to have to there we are we're free then as soon as that rises we'll just crawl right on under there we're just gonna go straight for him yeah he's dead so is everything else do i get a big reward for that it's like 500 no matter what the boss is this shouldn't take more than a moment and i'm pretty sure everything will just die as it gets close to us anyway i don't even have to move oh okay that's what it is it's an angler dna reveals cloaked enemies i'm actually really sad i got that because that tells me there's probably going to be cloaked enemies press left and right to stun all enemies i'm good for now thank you so yeah we're definitely getting cloaked enemies so i'm glad i brought him along so i'm just going to spin in circles because i think that's the best way to take care of everything the circle technique and we fire so many bullets out that i think anything that gets close is going to die hopefully i mean i'm pretty sure i can see those cloaked enemies anyway oh maybe they hit him though you got to be able to you know see them yeah this is gonna get a little bit difficult just based on what we're up against because these things are tough and here comes a huge wave so we're gonna do our best to get our claws on them without the yeah i don't know how i supposed to do that without getting a hit lots of cool stuff we still have lots of lives so we're not gonna buy an extra one we're gonna save up for that tentacle these are new sharks so i assume they're gonna do the same thing as the old sharks they're just gonna be a little bit tougher i've got lobster claws i'm not worried well the best part about these sharks is though they seem to give me lots of golden shells for upgrades so i'm pretty happy about that parts like this start to get a little bit stressful when they start closing in but those lobster claws around all sides really work wonders but now i get to try and deal with the huge wave and once again like i can't i don't think i could put out enough damage to deal with all these at once oh unless we hit that thing oh a new boss he looks just like me when i started but made out of metal and stupider can you walk into my lobster claws please i don't really want to have to come all the way over there to get you okay i'm just gonna hit you with this for a while and he's gonna fire those at me which is pretty annoying this part just feels kind of needlessly slow can i just hit your thoughts of these and that kills you really quick it never gets close enough with the lobster claws and it's super annoying okay and now he's turned into a whirling chainsaw which i'm a little bit worried about because i'm not really sure what i'm supposed to do here i guess just keep hitting him does that keep him back if it does i can just keep firing at him i guess never mind he's back he just comes randomly from a different side which is pretty stressful because if i get hit once i'm going to die and have to restart the whole damn fight okay for this for a minute i'm going to put on something like a starfish that way the starfish can do some of the work for me i didn't realize you could just add a starfish without taking up a slot i would have done that years ago so the starfish is gonna do that which is gonna take out a lot of enemies which is gonna be really great for me and then i'm gonna start paying attention again he does take a little while to recharge but that's okay because he seems actually a little bit overpowered and now we're gonna get a nuclear wave of all the many things going wrong right now didn't really see that gonna spin in circles and i think we're okay okay the starfish is in fact back and ready to attack so he only hits the boss once he hits five enemies but he'll hit one enemy once okay the stage one of the boss is over so far they starfish micah and andy for these piranhas should i get into a jam stage two is done so now he's going back into chainsaw mode so i'm gonna try and keep both my uh shooters going at him and then he can stay away then when he disappears i'll be ready with my starfish to repel him should he return so far so good i don't know where he's coming from found him then we're going to use that to do nothing except distract me good job starfish anyways he's dead which means easy money for us plus a bunch of shells golden at the end 350. so let's add a new tentacle um we're gonna put that maybe over here then for now i'm probably just gonna add a frog on there because i don't know what else to do so there's cloaked enemies here too which is actually really really really annoying because i can't actually hurt those until i reveal them but i should be able to do mega damage to building thanks to all my close attacks the frog here probably isn't gonna do much of anything but i gotta add something there at least until we find something better uh and to be fair i think the frog does one shot a lot of things so when a little bit it does hit we can use it to get out of a jam just got hit by something i'm not even sure what it was because there was so much going on but we're just going to keep cruising along into paris and good news we get to deal with a double wave so we're going to reveal whatever we can and we're going to put our lobster claws onto the building i might just try and roll to the end right now there's a lot to deal with but none of it's really never mind not bad whatever i'm just rolling to the end right now and we made it to another building i just don't really feel like dealing with a double wave right now everything here is so annoying i just want to get it over with so instead of the frog let's go with the porcupine all right you baguettes get out of the way the porcupine's gonna help me more easily hit things what is that big thing okay so that's like a big missile launcher that might hit us nope we're good never mind a little bit low on health right now so i don't know how this is gonna go might have to rely on a starfish to save me once or twice but we're gonna make lots of money and destroy a lot of things doing it we got another one of these guys coming up let's double claw him then we're gonna send the starfish out perfect uh-oh can we survive this yeah we're good i really gotta remember to use the starfish more i kind of forget i have them a lot but we'll probably once again forget it's whatever though that's a lot of many things so we're gonna sit there and shoot them with the purple snakes for a minute i think we'll actually get away with this because the lobster claws can take care of most of the sharks hopefully yeah we're okay and then we're gonna send him out to take care of most of everything else yeah we're good then we all these guys are gonna take care of the building we did this entire level without getting hit there's a lot of crap to hit us here i guess we have the max number of tentacles because it's not offering us any more now another life cost 8 400 none of these upgrades are worth it but now we have to fight the king of paris who might actually be this mime over here i got in a bad spot there you know what i think the king cobras are better than a porcupine so i'm not entirely sure but i'm gonna do that i think they just have a faster attack rate so that just means kind of more protection for me on all sides and this way i can also just be a lot lazier and go like this and tear through buildings and stuff quick without really having to do much of anything uh we got more help there so that was a lucky find we're gonna scoot under that we're gonna try and destroy that and we're gonna roll straight through these guys because we can right into this this building full of innocent people stands no chance and then i gotta roll into that hopefully with both claws perfect giganto mime we are gonna fight a mime the king of paris this is what he looks like do i do i get right in there like this do i cause here i can hit him with many things i don't know what i'm supposed to do but he seems to be hurting him a lot is he supposed to be doing something to like fight back oh he fired those finally so that's something uh so that's new okay we're okay though because we've taken off two-thirds of his health and he hasn't really done how done much of anything yet ow are we supposed to be not touching that i don't know what's happening well he blew up uh we're down to one piece of health so that was a little bit tense but we did it now to destroy whatever this thing is okay we also have elephant dna because the greatest of all the sea creatures is an elephant which pushes things back oh now we're after the white house and we seem to be fighting electric jellyfish along the way we even have like miniature boss fights uh during one of the waves how do i what do i what do the jellyfish do oh okay they kill me because i'm not really sure how to hurt the jellyfish uh okay does the starfish hurt them or are they just something we're supposed to avoid through a movement because that's hard uh right oh they just stun me they can be somewhat avoided through movement but they stun me which kind of hurts okay this stuff was so frustratingly annoying that i don't even want to do it anymore but we've got more things to unlock so i can't give up now oh good we're going to get more okay you know what starfish they're not the herd there we go ow i didn't even see that the lobster claws are pretty useless on this level so that's kind of working against me right now that is a lot of submarines but if we spin in circles yeah we're good i think sometimes there's just going to be unavoidable attacks here because the jellyfish will stun you and there will be a fireball waiting for you so i can be hit one more time and i've gotta deal with all this i'm gonna send a starfish out on a little adventure and that makes me feel better the fact that there's a uh yeah fireball in the jellyfish kind of worries me you know what i'm not going to replay that level right now that's just way too much work and takes too long
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 673,796
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 06 2021
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