a mod with mobs you've never seen before

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- [Skip The Tutorial] These mobs do not exist, in Minecraft, nor in real life. And today we're discovering all of these new creatures you've never seen before. And hey, YouTube tells me that the fastest anyone's ever subscribed to the channel is one and a half seconds, which is pretty slow. So I'll race you to the finish line and we'll see which one of us can reach that Subscribe button first. Ready, go. (car engine roaring) And even if you subscribed after, thanks, it helps out a ton. - [JayMoji] Did you just get back from vacation or you- - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh yeah, sorry. I was doing my "Miami Vice" guest star. I got called in 'cause we had to investigate these mobs, like the florat. - [JayMoji] Whoa! - [Skip The Tutorial] Their flowers can be sheared. - [JayMoji] Say less. Let me get my shears. That's not shears- - Oh, God, that's not shears. - [JayMoji] That's flint and steel. - [Failboat] Now why would you do that? I guess it will remove the flowers all the same. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yep. - [Failboat] Look, I need to see this guy from like a lower angle. Like what is, oh, he's like a dude in a shell. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah, man, he's a little hermit crab. - [JayMoji] Are you playing a version of the game that doesn't have shears? - [Skip The Tutorial] What are you talking about? - [Failboat] Can we add a little circle? - [JayMoji] Oh, they're right there. - [Failboat] Get a little circle for shears? (JayMoji laughing) - [JayMoji] Okay, oh, flowers! - [Skip The Tutorial] Ah, mazel tov! Let's go on to our next spot. He could just hang out, I don't need to kill him immediately. - [JayMoji] Yeah, he's not threatening anybody yet. - [Skip The Tutorial] The grandine. - [Failboat] Oh, he ain't going far. - [JayMoji] Is that just a ball and chain? Okay. Which one is the ball and chain? (Failboat screams) - [Skip The Tutorial] They are the defense system for piglins. - [JayMoji] What the what? - [Skip The Tutorial] Go for him, yeah! Oh, my gosh, look at him go! - [JayMoji] He swings his ball and chain. (Skip laughs) - [Failboat] Unfortunately, it's no good at it. No ball nor chain. - [JayMoji] Oh yeah, he's very weak. Also, this piglin doesn't appreciate flying pottery. - [Skip The Tutorial] I just like their like printer sounds. - [JayMoji] Yeah, but they spawn, and they start to swinging the chain around when they're walking towards him. - [Skip The Tutorial] That's how I start conversations at a party. If I approach you doing this, you better run. - [Failboat] That's awesome. - [JayMoji] What if I become their nemesis. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, Jay! - [JayMoji] Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, my God. Look at it, he's swinging it like crazy. Whoa! - [Failboat] We just look at Jay's head, there's a big dent in it. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah. - [JayMoji] This is sure to give you more than a concussion. I'm a- Oh, my God! (Skip laughs) Yeah, good solution, Skip. It really saved me. - [Skip The Tutorial] This is the pupil! - [JayMoji] Okay. (Skip laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] So these guys are innocent. - [Failboat] Not according to the law! - [JayMoji] Until proven guilty, like? - [Failboat] We'll decide that. Yeah. - [Skip The Tutorial] They just watch you. Oh, they teleport away when you hit them. We do wanna try to kill one, though. (JayMoji grunts) - [JayMoji] Oh, okay. What was that, just like, methodical bonk. (dodgeball bounce) - [Skip The Tutorial] This is like when you go after someone with Google Glass. - [JayMoji] Oh, you got him, pupil eye. - [Skip The Tutorial] Where'd it go? - [JayMoji] Oh, where did I go is the question. - [Skip The Tutorial] Okay. - [JayMoji] Yeah, you have no idea. - [Skip The Tutorial] So when you use this, it makes you invisible. - [JayMoji] Wow. - [Skip The Tutorial] No particles either, pretty nice. - [JayMoji] Well, you do have like a weird puff effect left behind. And what? What is this? (Failboat laughs) - [Failboat] What do you mean? They're happy. - [JayMoji] This is a smile? - [Failboat] I made a big smiley face. - [Skip The Tutorial] Dude, it looks like they have bags under their eyes. (Failboat laughs) They've seen so much. All right, how about the submaryme? - [JayMoji] What? Oh, is he okay? - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, God. (JayMoji laughs) Let's get some water. This is the submaryme. - [Failboat] Oh, he's a sub- oh, his eye! - [JayMoji] Submarine guy. - [Skip The Tutorial] He's a living submarine. - [JayMoji] Oh, that's excellent. - [Skip The Tutorial] So, when you attack it, let's give that a shot. Whoa, oh, my God! That is torpedo fish! - [JayMoji] It throws torpedoes, what? - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah, so that's one of its new symbiotes is, - No way! - Torpedo fish. Boom. - [JayMoji] It kills you immediately! Oh, that's excellent. - [Skip The Tutorial] All right, when killed, they drop whale oil. Thar she blows! - [JayMoji] That sounds gross. - [Skip The Tutorial] So with this, you can craft the buoy chestplate. I just float now. I have a buoy as a chestplate. - [JayMoji] Whoa. - [Failboat] Oh, buoy! - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah, buoy! I got a torpedo launcher, but I don't have torpedoes so I don't know how to launch out of it. - [Failboat] Ew, is that like a fleshy torpedo launcher? - [Skip The Tutorial] Excuse me? - [JayMoji] Whoa! - [Failboat] I mean- - [JayMoji] Oh, whoa! Give me it, give me it now. - [Skip The Tutorial] There you go. - [JayMoji] Oh, oh my God. Let me use- (JayMoji laughs) - [Failboat] Oh, ow, ow, ow, ow. Stop it. - [Skip The Tutorial] So I think to do this, you need a bucket of torpedo fish. - [JayMoji] Of course, naturally. - [Skip The Tutorial] Look at his little smile. He's got a doofy teeth. - [JayMoji] He's got a doofy teeth? (JayMoji laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah. - [JayMoji] How far does he go? Does he go up infinitely, oh, God, he's coming down. Look out, Skip it's coming! - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, oh, God. Let's look at the mimicer. - [JayMoji] Whoa. He just makes a cow sound? - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah. - [Failboat] Oh, 'cause he's mimicking it. - [JayMoji] Should I wipe him out? (JayMoji makes gun cocking sound) Got him! - [Skip The Tutorial] I got its voice cord. - [JayMoji] Oh, ew. That's gross. - [Skip The Tutorial] I can make a voice gun. - [JayMoji] I am a voice gun, why would you ever need that? - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah. I need a license to carry all my impressions. (Skip makes gun cocking sound) (voice gun makes sizzling creeper noise) (Skip and Failboat laugh) - [Failboat] Oh, that's pretty cool. - [Skip The Tutorial] It makes whatever sound's in my left hand. All right, that's the mimicer. Let's do the dustres? Ugh. - [JayMoji] Oh. Where does it start and where does it end? - [Skip The Tutorial] Feed it spider eyes fellas. - [JayMoji] Oh, naturally. A delicacy where it's from. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, my God! - [JayMoji] Uh, was that a good thing? - [Failboat] It like, anime powered up. - [Skip The Tutorial] What is this, an anime? (JayMoji laughs) - [JayMoji] That's crazy. - [Skip The Tutorial] Masterful gambit, sir. - [JayMoji] Thank you, thank you, thank you. I do say quite wonderful, but actually what does it do other than freak me out and give me seizures. - [Skip The Tutorial] Will burn nearby monsters. - [Failboat] Hey there buddy, hey there buddy. Come here, come here, come here. (Failboat calls cat) (Skip laughs) - [JayMoji] Oh, he does! He incinerates them. - [Skip The Tutorial] That's awesome. - [JayMoji] Nice. And then that's when I come in and finish the job. (Skip laughs) - [Failboat] Well, and this is when Jay comes in and finishes the job. - [JayMoji] Yeah. - [Failboat] And this is when Jay comes in and finishes the job. Good job, Jay. - [JayMoji] Thanks, no problem. - [Skip The Tutorial] What about the toxiguano? - [JayMoji] Oh, he's cute. He's got a skull printed on his tail. That can't be a good sign. - [Failboat] Aw, this is a Pokémon. - [Skip The Tutorial] I think it needs to be guana, because guano is poop. - [JayMoji] Toxic guano, toxic poop? (Jay laughs) - [Failboat] Ah! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. What's happening to me? Laugh at the name all you want. Punch one of these bad boys. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, my gosh. It does five hearts immediately when I kill- When I punch it. - [Failboat] No, no, no. Not just that, but you can't recover it. - [Skip The Tutorial] Get this guy out of here, I'm sick of it. I don't want this guy limiting me. - [JayMoji] Yeah, get rid of this guy. - [Skip The Tutorial] Don't clip my wax wings, get out of here. I hope you guys like music, this is the weezer whale. (JayMoji laughs) - [Failboat] Oh, whoa. Where's he going? - [JayMoji] He's, yeah. Is the river scene really necessary? I think he's fine without it. - [Skip The Tutorial] I guess not. - [Failboat] Hey, buddy. You're really gross. - [JayMoji] I hate the barnacles on him. I hate them so much. - [Skip The Tutorial] So the barnacles are actually their own separate thing, so kill the barnacles. - [JayMoji] Oh, God, okay, if I have to. - [Failboat] Cure him? - [Skip The Tutorial] He's giving it blood and they will explode when taken off. - [Failboat] Oh, that's- - [Skip The Tutorial] See? - [JayMoji] Oh, like that? Oh, there they are. - [Failboat] And a bunch of pus falls out. - [JayMoji] What a disgusting, this is awful. - [Skip The Tutorial] This is nightmarish. - [Failboat] I don't like this. I'm gonna face this way and let you finish at this point. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah, fair, honestly, dude. Ew. What's the poison that they have? Just barnacle eggs? - [JayMoji] Barnacles! - [Skip The Tutorial] Barnacles! - Using the eggs of barnacles. one may brew a poison three potion. - [JayMoji] Whoa. That's pretty good. - [Failboat] Is it done? - [Skip The Tutorial] It's done, Dan. - [JayMoji] It's done. - [Skip The Tutorial] You can come back down. - [Failboat] Whee! - [Skip The Tutorial] What about the, Jay, just for safety. - [JayMoji] Yeah, why don't I. (Skip and JayMoji laugh) The Nintendo Generation spawn egg. - [Skip The Tutorial] Hey, look at him. - [JayMoji] Where does, where, what's his face? - [Skip The Tutorial] A cryptid with a cute face is literally the first description. - [Failboat] Oh, look at his little run! - [JayMoji] Oh, he's got like a handle on the back. - [Failboat] Run. - [JayMoji] He's got a proper butt as well. - [Skip The Tutorial] When they go between water or land, they might drop their skin. - [JayMoji] Me too, I guess. - [Failboat] Why is he caked up like that? - [JayMoji] I guess he's caked up for no reason, he's got like y as a tail, like a wishbone. - [Failboat] He struts! - [Skip The Tutorial] Look, look at him swimming! - [JayMoji] Get in the water. - [Failboat] Oh! - [JayMoji] He becomes a dolphin, oh! - [Skip The Tutorial] Whoa. - [JayMoji] I get it. - [Failboat] That's cool. - [Skip The Tutorial] That's so cool. - [JayMoji] Is it? Is it, though? Look at it and tell me that that's cool. Look at his face. Well, now I can actually see his face. Nevermind, he's chill. - [Skip The Tutorial] The Ninjago skin can make the snow gun. - [Failboat] Wait, do you have a spawn egg for one of those guys? - [Skip The Tutorial] I do, ta-da. - [Failboat] Does he swim in everything? - [Skip The Tutorial] Uh oh. (Skip laughs) - [JayMoji] No. - [Skip The Tutorial] What about if I give him the snow gun? - [JayMoji] Oh, my God. - [Failboat] Whoa. - [JayMoji] How is that any different than just throwing a snowball? - [Skip The Tutorial] Literally not. (Skip laughs) - [JayMoji] It's the same exact thing. - [Skip The Tutorial] That is cool. The winkfis. - [JayMoji] Okay, so I have a couple questions. That's a bit of my questions answered. (JayMoji laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] If you kill it, you can get bonecrust. - [JayMoji] What if he swims freely? - [Failboat] Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Look at his eyes! He has like the parallax eyes or whatever it's called. - [JayMoji] Oh. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh. Look at that! - [JayMoji] They follow you wherever you go, oh. - [Failboat] Yeah, he's always looking at you. I'll be straightforward with you, this is like some of the coolest, like animations, models, and just general visual complexity of like most creature mods that I've ever seen. - [JayMoji] It is, it is very cool. - [Failboat] But this is really cool. I genuinely love this. - [Skip The Tutorial] What about the goat sucker? - [Failboat] I'm sorry, what'd you just say this was? - [JayMoji] What's this one called? - [Skip The Tutorial] It's a chupacabra, but that's what it translates to. - [Failboat] Hey there goat, you'll never guess what you're about to have today. - [JayMoji] Oh, God! (JayMoji laughs) That was relentless. That's awful. Wait, put me in coach, put me in. Ah, put me out! How do I- (Skip laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh my God, ah. - [JayMoji] You can use the goats as fodder. - [Failboat] He's gonna be a hungry boy. Who's a hungry boy? - [Skip The Tutorial] Ew, stop spitting. - [JayMoji] Stay back. I'll get him while he's distracted by you, Skip. Stay delicious and bloody. I'll get him in no time. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, God. (Skip laughs) - [JayMoji] I almost got him. Oh, I don't, he like repels me with a blood repel. - [Skip The Tutorial] I mean, that is repulsive. - [Failboat] Yeah, yeah, that pulse. - [Skip The Tutorial] I am squeamish. - [JayMoji] Oh, God. Oh, God, oh, God, oh, God, oh, God. What's your problem now? There's so many goats. (Failboat and Skip laugh) He's stuck in a hole, now's my chance. - [Skip The Tutorial] Get him. - [Failboat] Kick him down! Kick down! - [JayMoji] Yay! - [Skip The Tutorial] Yay! - [JayMoji] Aha! - [Skip The Tutorial] You got the chupacabra spine and the chupacabra teeth. (JayMoji laughs) - [JayMoji] It's just goats landing on you. (JayMoji laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] You guys care to make a sacrificial knife? - [Failboat] Of course. - [Skip The Tutorial] Swing. Whoa! - [JayMoji] Whoa. - [Failboat] He has the knife now. - [Skip The Tutorial] Dude, it does an AOE. Forget about sweeping edge, this is crazy. - [JayMoji] That's really cool. - [Skip The Tutorial] Now we just have a bunch of goats. - [JayMoji] Approximately 70 goats around. (JayMoji and Skip laugh) - [Skip The Tutorial] What about dorscale? - [JayMoji] Whoa. - [Failboat] Wow. - [Skip The Tutorial] How do you weigh a door? Dorscale. - [JayMoji] Hey, Skip. Sidebar real quick, real quick. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yep. - [JayMoji] People are gonna watch this, you know. So one more dorscale level joke, and you're out. (Skip laughs) Dan, what are you doing? This is not Home Depot. - [Failboat] Just gonna help him out a little bit. - [JayMoji] What's going on? - [Failboat] I'll bring him to his natural environment. (JayMoji laughs) - [JayMoji] You're gonna dor-scare him, dude! (Failboat laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] So if we give them the bonecrust from the winkfis, we can tame them. Ta-da! I now have a happy dorscale. - [Failboat] Oh, he is happy! - [Skip The Tutorial] Look, he has happy eyes. - [JayMoji] He does have a cool mustache, I will say. That's pretty cool. - [Failboat] Right? - [Skip The Tutorial] They use mudballs to attack mobs like zombies and drowneds. - [Failboat] Oh, yeah. Sure enough, ocean turrets. - [Skip The Tutorial] Awesome, dude. - [JayMoji] Oh, they're actually really powerful. Look at them go! - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah, dude. You think I would tame just any old dorscale? - [JayMoji] Yeah, I do, I did. I didn't know you knew your stuff when it came to dorscale. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah, I'm a dorscale dork. - [JayMoji] A dork-scale? - [Skip The Tutorial] A dork-scale. This is the fungla. - [JayMoji] Okay, you can't just spawn that on top of me. (Skip laughs) - [Failboat] Oh! - [Skip The Tutorial] If right clicked with a rocket on hand, it'll become a fungal rocket. (Failboat laughs) - [JayMoji] Whoa! - [Failboat] Dude that goat said, what was that thing? - [Skip The Tutorial] So look, if you give it a rocket, you can get the fungal rocket. - [Failboat] Oh, there it goes. What makes it fungal? - [JayMoji] Some mushrooms fall on us. (JayMoji sputters) Oh, man. - [Skip The Tutorial] All right, what about the five-lined construction, constellation fish? - [JayMoji] What? There's gotta be a simpler name for that, okay. - [Skip The Tutorial] Look at it bounce. (Skip laughs) - [JayMoji] Is he hap- oh, God, Skip, you maniac! What are you doing? - [Skip The Tutorial] Look, you got him. He's fine. - [JayMoji] What do you mean, I got him? - [Skip The Tutorial] You got him, he's in your inventory. Whoa! They're like a different color underground. - [JayMoji] I can eat him. I don't feel good about that. - [Skip The Tutorial] Glow-paint fish, which can be made into bioluminescence light. That's like calling it ATM machine. So they give you little fish lights. - [JayMoji] That's nice. - [Skip The Tutorial] Thanks for the constellations, guys. Cave lizard. - [JayMoji] Whoa! - [Failboat] Oh, oh, oh. It's blind, probably. Oh, okay, bye. (JayMoji laughs) See you guys, I found a new friend. - [Skip The Tutorial] I want my own. - [Failboat] Whee! - Whee! - [Skip The Tutorial] Weird. What about the wastebug? - [JayMoji] Whoa! It's a big, that looks like something you'd see in the bayou. - [Skip The Tutorial] When killed, they will drop wastepods. - [JayMoji] All right, challenge accepted. (JayMoji makes gun cocking sound) I got them. - [Skip The Tutorial] Did you get a nice big wastepod? - [JayMoji] I did. (wastebugs buzzing franticly) - [Failboat] Whoa! - [Skip The Tutorial] My favorite sound. - [JayMoji] Should we be concerned about that? - [Skip The Tutorial] Dan has like a pigpen style dust cloud around him. - [Failboat] Guys, I promise I shower every day. Ah, what are you doing? What you doing? - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, dude. - [Failboat] What you doing? - [JayMoji] Oh, no. - [Skip The Tutorial] It's like a nauseous vial. These are wastepods. - [Failboat] Oh, I see what you mean. - [JayMoji] What have I done? - [Failboat] Speaking of that. - [JayMoji] What have I done? Help me, stop, I can't stop it! Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. It's like the object. (JayMoji laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh. If you land it on your head, you just get like- Oh dude, the blood rune's rising once again. (Failboat yells) - [Skip The Tutorial] What about the untouchable bathysphere fish? - [Failboat] The what? - [JayMoji] What? - [Skip The Tutorial] He's touchable. - [JayMoji] Let's not hit, Dan are you insane? - [Skip The Tutorial] Jay, set it to water. Hey, look at him. - [JayMoji] I thought, he's upside down. - [Skip The Tutorial] I like his little chin strap. - [Failboat] He's a bicycle. (JayMoji laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] Upon death, they will drop both their antennas. Okay, Maybe they do kill me. - [JayMoji] This looks like a wet bowl of pretzel sticks. - [Failboat] So like, I wanna know genetically, what's the purpose of those, like angler fish looking things? - [Skip The Tutorial] So with the antenna, we can craft something that can help us locate other mobs. Right click. Oh, I found them. - [JayMoji] Oh, it gave me. - Over here. - [JayMoji] I can see them, it gave them the glow effect. Now I can see them. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, whoa. Look at that. - [JayMoji] Now I can find the squid. - [Skip The Tutorial] What about the void jelly? - [JayMoji] Oh, he is kind of cute. (Jaymoji retches) - [Skip The Tutorial] I like it. (Skip and JayMoji laugh) - [Failboat] Oh, oh! - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh it let's out lesser void jellies. - [JayMoji] Mrs. void jelly. (JayMoji laughs) - [Failboat] Nice. Oh, I can wait. - [JayMoji] Whoa. Parkour. - [Skip The Tutorial] Is this the new elevator? Forget about redstone. - [JayMoji] I think so. - [Failboat] Stand on the babies? - [Skip The Tutorial] Well you could, you sicko. In attack they will fly up in the air and leave jelly remains behind. These remains can be bottled and use as a weapon. - [JayMoji] Whoa. I want to do that. Take me away, Dan. Oh, okay. What's happening? - [Skip The Tutorial] That's a jelly bomb, dude. - [JayMoji] Oh, you get levitation from the jelly bomb? - [Failboat] Yeah. - [JayMoji] That's what it does. - [Failboat] Oh, cool. - [Skip The Tutorial] If you give them popped corus fruit, they'll become a platform. - [JayMoji] Whoa. Really? - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah they stay in place. (JayMoji laughs) - [JayMoji] What? Parkour. - [Failboat] Oh, that's quite cool. - [JayMoji] That's actually really cool. - [Skip The Tutorial] That is sick, dude. - [JayMoji] Weee. Oh, I love these. They're not as disgusting and wretched as I thought they were as much. This is really cool. - [Skip The Tutorial] Whoa. This is a little nightmarish though. Seeing all these, these purple and green things. (JayMoji laughs) - [JayMoji] Scary yeah, it's a little scary. - [Skip The Tutorial] Celsius toad. - [Failboat] Oh, I prefer Fahrenheit. What is toad? - [Skip The Tutorial] If given planks, they will turn them into burnt planks. - Whoa. Beef jerky. - Burnt planks. - [JayMoji] Oh, it's actually just burnt planks. - [Failboat] Oh, there goes. - [JayMoji] What is that? What can I do with them? Make burnt wood? - [Skip The Tutorial] Yes. Burnt planks. - [JayMoji] Oh. (JayMoji and Failboat laugh) - [JayMoji] Okay. - [Skip The Tutorial] Burnt planks, cracked burnt planks, or almost destroyed burnt planks. - [JayMoji] Wow. You can build a house fire. How excellent. - [Failboat] The options runneth over. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, they break when you step on 'em. - [JayMoji] Really? - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah, look. - [JayMoji] Wait, that's cool. - [Skip The Tutorial] Dude it's a Mario brick. Whoa. - [JayMoji] Oh, that's cool. Hang on. Now we gotta do. Okay, little exaggerating A bit much, aren't we? - [Failboat] Buda bump bump ba bump. They aren't really breaking. - [JayMoji] Yeah, they are right behind you. - [Failboat] There they are, there they are, there they are. - [JayMoji] They're fully breaking you. - [Skip The Tutorial] That's sick. - [JayMoji] That is really cool. - [Skip The Tutorial] You guys ever hear about Moth Man? - [JayMoji] Oh, it looks like a backpack flying away. (Skip laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] That's my jam sport? - [JayMoji] Yeah. - [Failboat] They're like one of those like blackboard erasers. (JayMoji yells) - [Failboat] What's up? What's up? What's happening? - [JayMoji] Yeah, speaking of erase, it became. It's gone. I tried to kill it and it turned. - [Failboat] No way, they walk! Go into the house with me. - [Skip The Tutorial] What? (Skip screams) - [JayMoji] What kind of horrors are happening in here? Ugh. Oh, he's just a guy. This looks like the guy from Lethal Company. - [Failboat] I was just gonna say, he's the, loot bug. - [JayMoji] Uh oh. Uh oh. - [Skip The Tutorial] Dan, why are you spawning so much? Dan? Dan? Primal fear. Primal fear. - [Failboat] So, there might be a little infection in the basement. - [JayMoji] Hey Dan. You gotta pay your rent. (JayMoji retches) - [Skip The Tutorial] What about the ghostfin shark? - [JayMoji] Oh my God. Whoa. - [Skip The Tutorial] I like that he's just sunbathing. - [JayMoji] Yeah. Is he though? - [Skip The Tutorial] He's holding his hands. He's like, "Oh, I just hope that she'll think of me like. Yes, she does!" (group laughs) - [JayMoji] "We're so back boys!" - [Skip The Tutorial] "Yep. She answered. Let's go!" - [JayMoji] I like him. - [Skip The Tutorial] Ow. Ow. Oh my God. - [JayMoji] He's taking chunks outta you. They just ate Doritos for that sound effect. And I love it. - [Skip The Tutorial] Call me Doritos. So if we give them the constellation fish that we got from earlier. - [JayMoji] Oh yeah. I remember those guys. Those guys were from earlier. - [Skip The Tutorial] They're buddies. - [JayMoji] Are, are they? Oh, they're friends with you. Oh, I thought they were friends with the consolation fish. - [Failboat] Me too. I'm like they're buddies. Okay. - [JayMoji] Symbiosis is beautiful, isn't it? - [Skip The Tutorial] Weee. - [JayMoji] Look at them go. - [Skip The Tutorial] Look at them. They're so happy to be my friends. - [JayMoji] Three scary sharks in the ocean. - [Failboat] I have a potion effect on me called Ghostfin's target. I see it's working quite well. - [Skip The Tutorial] And I have Ghost fin's friend, so. - [JayMoji] I have ghost. I have Ghostfin's Walmart. - [Skip The Tutorial] Nice. (JayMoji laughs) All righty. Next is the shrimple. - [JayMoji] What? - [Skip The Tutorial] The shromple? - [Failboat] The idea is shromple. - [JayMoji] The idea is shrimp. You're telling me a shromp fried this rice. - [JayMoji] He must get like a lot of good channels with that antenna. - [Failboat] Look at this dude. I love him. - [Skip The Tutorial] We can make them into a shromple burger. - [JayMoji] Oh naturally, Delicious. - [Failboat] Oh God. - [JayMoji] I was gonna say that he's got a ginger mustache. - [Failboat] He has a little goatee. - [JayMoji] It's Failboat. (Skip laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] All right fellas. This is the jorik. - [JayMoji] Why do you always spawm them on top of me? I don't want that. - [Skip The Tutorial] Here you go. - [JayMoji] There you go. Oh, why does he get the cute one? - [Failboat] Gee, I don't know why you don't like don't like this. This is wonderful. - [JayMoji] Go figure. You spawn the cute one in front of Dan. - [Failboat] Yeah. - [JayMoji] Oh, he is cute though. - [Skip The Tutorial] So the jorik, if you give them lily pads, they dig for seeds. Ah, marvelous. This is what the sniffer should have done. (JayMoji laughs) Just one click. It instantly gives you. - [Skip The Tutorial] So we got the Fire Lily, which if you have a monster, it'll burn it. - [JayMoji] Don't fire Lily. She's a valuable asset to the company. - [Skip The Tutorial] Look, it's like a wither flower, but for fire. - [JayMoji] Wow. Oh yeah. If you step on it, it just sets you straight on fire. That's pretty cool. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh wow, it does. - [JayMoji] Yeah I mean, yeah, it does. You'd be right. Does he burn from his own fire lily? Go try it out. Oh no, don't try it out! No! - [Skip The Tutorial] Wow Jay. - [JayMoji] Well, I don't know. - [Skip The Tutorial] What's worse is that you made me try it out too. And so my mistake is on your hands. (JayMoji laughs) - [JayMoji] I don't know. I thought maybe he'd be immune to it. Dan that's, - [Failboat] Oh look, they're on fire. - [JayMoji] That's immoral at best, unethical at worst. - [Failboat] I gotta get my shromple well done for that burger. Yeah, it's like a lobster. You have to kill them while they're alive. - [JayMoji] You have to kill everything while it's alive dude. (JayMoji and Failboat laugh) - [Skip The Tutorial] Alright, what about Fumetin? - [JayMoji] What? One more time with the fumetin. - [Skip The Tutorial] Fu-meh-tin. If given apples, they will release spores. Spawn a bunch of monsters. - [JayMoji] On it. - [Failboat] Oh, sorry. Hold on. - [Skip The Tutorial] Okay. Oh, we're, we will keep eventually. (Skip laughs) Hang on. Hang on. - [Failboat] We spawned four different things. - [Skip The Tutorial] Look, it releases spores that makes the monsters fight each other. - [JayMoji] Ooh it's getting stinky up here. Wow. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, brother. - [JayMoji] Um, um, Uh oh, Uh oh. - [Failboat] So like, does it make them fight each other. You get to fight all you want skip. I'm curious. - [Skip The Tutorial] Where are they going? - [JayMoji] Um. (Skip and Failboat laugh) What's happening? - [Failboat] They found love. - [Skip The Tutorial] Are they attacking each other? - [Failboat] They might be. I think they're attacking each other. - [Skip The Tutorial] Okay. - [JayMoji] They're going to the moon. (JayMoji and Failboat laugh) - [Failboat] Wow that was awesome. - [Skip The Tutorial] What about the lickend? - [JayMoji] Oh, that's definitely poisonous. He's too bright and purple. Oh, he's got a tongue. You know what I think. - [Failboat] Oh, wait, wait, wait. No, no. Don't shoot, don't shoot them, don't. Get down Mr. Lincoln. Look, they're so cute. - [Skip The Tutorial] So we're able to craft bubble gum and then when you chew it, you can get chewed bubble gum. - [JayMoji] Wow. Can you stick it under somebody's desk? - [Skip The Tutorial] You can use it as a way to tame them. - [Failboat] Oh. - [JayMoji] Oh. I kind of like the sound they make. Weirdly satisfying. - [Failboat] They're so cute. I love them. - [JayMoji] Oh, I do. Kind of like them. - [Failboat] Oh we get a baby like that. - [JayMoji] Oh, they made a baby. It's two inches tall. It's so cute. - [Skip The Tutorial] Guys, get out of the danger zone. (Failboat laughs) - [Failboat] Oh no! Don't worry baby. I'll keep you safe. I'll keep you safe. - [JayMoji] Aw, you saved it to death. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, nicely done. - [Failboat] Well, I mean, things only die if they're living - [Skip The Tutorial] Like lobsters. - [Failboat] Like lobsters. - [Skip The Tutorial] All right. Fur bearing trout. - [JayMoji] Um, okay. (JayMoji laughs) Oh guys, are you crying? - [Failboat] I just really love, just he turns around. I'm like, yoink. - [Skip The Tutorial] It's like a seagull. Raw fur bearing trout. (Group laughs) - [Failboat] I just saw fish on land. - [Skip The Tutorial] Guys we got some delicious fur bearing trout. - [JayMoji] Ew. Something about a furry fish is gross. - [Skip The Tutorial] What about the frost tiger? - [Failboat] Oh, he's a little chilly guy. - [JayMoji] Wow. I like that he's got a perfect right angle tail. - [Failboat] So many of them look so tired. - [JayMoji] Yeah. - [Skip The Tutorial] And if we give it fur bearing trout, baby. Alright. Time to give it some fur bearing trout. Let's go. - [JayMoji] There you go. It's mine. It's mine. What it do for me? - [Skip The Tutorial] If they will attack, they will give slowness to its target. Attack. - [JayMoji] Get him, attack. - [Skip The Tutorial] Thanks. Thanks bud. No, no. Don't put yourself out for it. - [JayMoji] He looks like he's 85 years old. I'm not expecting him to do much for me. - [Failboat] He doesn't move that fast. - [JayMoji] Oh frost tiger is following. - [Skip The Tutorial] This looks like a never ending story. Hey, look at that! - [JayMoji] Hey, that's pretty cool. - [Failboat] He does. He looks exactly like the dragon. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah. - [Failboat] I love that he has like a hand crank tail. - [JayMoji] Yeah. - [Failboat] If you wanna put the windows down. - [JayMoji] Yeah. If you want to go hand powered for a little while, you can. - [Skip The Tutorial] Back in his time. That was the most modern technology dude. That's why he slows you down. 'cause he just bores you about, "Ah, remember back when I was a kid?" - [Failboat] Oh my God. Stop. Stop. Just kill me. - [Skip The Tutorial] All right. Don't ignore this Igthoris. - [JayMoji] Whoa, Oh my God! - [Failboat] What was that? - [Skip The Tutorial] What actually just happened? They cannot attack you directly, but they will possess other creatures to attack you. - [Failboat] They possess them? - [Skip The Tutorial] If they possess a passive mob, they will get healed and bone meal the ground. - [JayMoji] Oh, my own dog has is being healed. - [Failboat] Man, not gonna lie. This developer loves particles. - [JayMoji] Yeah, definitely. - [Failboat] Like, oh my God. - [JayMoji] Understandably. - [Skip The Tutorial] All right, so that zombies possessed. Oh my gosh. It does seven hearts. - [Failboat] Oh, there we go. And that's how you bring it home. That's in Incre- I mean, look at him. (Skip screams) - [JayMoji] He looks way too cool for something that disappears so quick. - [Failboat] Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. - [Skip The Tutorial] He possessed himself. - [Failboat] Don't look at his head. He's like a FNAF animatronic. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, he does have, yeah. I got him. Gross. He doesn't drop anything. This is the wormeyond. What? (JayMoji laughs) - [Failboat] Wormeyond. - [Skip The Tutorial] What is this? - [JayMoji] I understand the confusion. However, he is very cute. - [Skip The Tutorial] It flies in the empty dark voids of the end and can be used to craft lesitation potiages. - [Failboat] Dude, they're great. (JayMoji laughs) - [JayMoji] Lesitation potiages are you okay skip? - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah, lemme give another take. You can make levitation potions. - [Failboat] Hey, good for them. Good for them. - [JayMoji] Hey, hey. Hey. Knock it off. Hey, put me down. I have levitation for a minute and 30 seconds. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yep. Oh, Jason's gonna give us a aerial view. - [JayMoji] Bye. Goodbye. - [Skip The Tutorial] Here Jay, tell me what this looks like from up there. - [JayMoji] It looks like, it looks like a metronome. - [Skip The Tutorial] This is casxolotl. - [JayMoji] That was gonna be my second guess. - [Failboat] It looks like a mushroom. - [Skip The Tutorial] It can be tamed with nether sprouts. - [JayMoji] This better be a one minute segment because I am crashing down in two seconds. (Failboat laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] And if you give them twisted vines, they get stronger. - [JayMoji] Uh oh. - [Failboat] Hit me. Oh he's building up power. I see what's going on. Oh. Oh my God, oh my God. Nine hearts? - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah dude. I've made him strong with my twisted vines. You said Vine was dead. Uh try again, dude. I think you're dead. - [Failboat] Hold on, Jay. - [JayMoji] Yeah. What's up? - [Failboat] Grab my vine. - [JayMoji] Oh my God. (JayMoji laughs) I'm on my way. - [Failboat] Oh, I found you. - [JayMoji] Wow, thanks. Thanks Dan, that really helped a lot. And back down I come. I'm coming guys I'm here. Hey fella- (explosion booms in the distance) - [Skip The Tutorial] All right. This is the Coro (vine booms). The Coroka? - What? - [Skip The Tutorial] Uh, the Korok? (Group laughs) We're just gonna call it Chora Chora like the Pokemon magazine. So this guy, - [JayMoji] Is an insult to the vision of the eye. - [Skip The Tutorial] With rabbit meat, you can tame them. - [JayMoji] Oh, he looks like a chicken. He's got like yellow and he's got chicken. Ow. He's got chicken eyes and why did you sick one after me? - [Skip The Tutorial] He gives you poison, salmonella. - [JayMoji] Ow I can't run away from it. Back demon. Oh god. These french fry McDonald's creatures are gonna be the death of me. - [Failboat] Oh I get it, 'cause he is salmon-yella. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yep. (Skip laughs) This is the gongin. - [Failboat] Skip, stop making up names. - [JayMoji] You made that up for sure. Oh, it likes Dan. - [Failboat] Oh hey there little fella. - [Skip The Tutorial] You can cut their tails to craft a gongin tail soup. - [JayMoji] Mmm, sounds nutritious for me. - [Skip The Tutorial] Don't worry, the tails grow back. - [JayMoji] Oh, that's good. Will the rest of him? 'cause I killed him to get the tail. - [Skip The Tutorial] Well, this gives you regeneration. What a tasty tail. - [JayMoji] I really could have used that, but, okay. - [Skip The Tutorial] What about the vivid? - [JayMoji] What about it? Oh, he's so happy! Yay! - [Failboat] Aww, Yippy, Yippy, Yippy. - [JayMoji] Yeah, Oh. Oh. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, he wasn't that happy. Ooh, they have different colors. - [JayMoji] Whoa. It's like fruit loops. (Skip laughs) - [Failboat] No, no. This guy's actually, a cereal mascot. - [Skip The Tutorial] This is adorable. - [JayMoji] He totally is. They look like little dinosaurs in the water. - [Skip The Tutorial] Whoa! - [JayMoji] Oh my God. They're big. - [Failboat] Oh my God. - [Skip The Tutorial] If you give them a heart of the sea, they grow up and get so strong. - [JayMoji] You know what these look like, those spongy dinosaurs. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah. - [JayMoji] Yeah, Oh man. - [Skip The Tutorial] They attack guardians now. (JayMoji laughs) - [JayMoji] Yeah, they do. Geez. Give him a break. They're merciless. - [Skip The Tutorial] That's awesome. - [JayMoji] This is the coolest mob in the game so far. - [Skip The Tutorial] That's my favorite. This is the Reptoid. (Skip snickers) - [Failboat] Are you, are you kidding me? (Failboat and JayMoji laugh) - [JayMoji] He's gonna late for his jury hearing? Like what's going on? - [Skip The Tutorial] No, no. It's the idea of like powerful people being reptiles. - [JayMoji] Oh, I see. - [Skip The Tutorial] He's a lizard person. - [Failboat] Are you kidding me? I love him. - [Skip The Tutorial] You can trade with him using rubies. - [JayMoji] As long as you have enough rubies. - [Failboat] Oh, he even takes it. What a friend. - [Jaymoji] Dude, guy. What a nice guy. - [Skip The Tutorial] I'm in the reptile mafia? - [JayMoji] Is this like a crypto guy? Like what's going on? - [Skip The Tutorial] After that, they will trade weapons for you. Like landmines, bomb rockets and suits. - [JayMoji] "You know, I'm kind of saving up for a Bentley right now, so if you want to trade, we can make something work." - [Skip The Tutorial] A landmine dude? - [Failboat] He reminds me of like Gex. He's very Gex Energy. - [JayMoji] Whoa! Oh yeah, dude. These look like binkies or strawberry tarts that just explode. - [Skip The Tutorial] Bomb rocket. - [JayMoji] What? (JayMoji gasps) - [Skip The Tutorial] I don't know what the bomb rocket does. - [JayMoji] What do these even do? - [Skip The Tutorial] I don't know. How do I get my suit? - [JayMoji] These are questions I have. (Skip and Failboat laugh) - [Skip The Tutorial] Guys, my suit shrunk in the wash. (JayMoji laughs) - [JayMoji] Yeah, you look great, dude. - [Skip The Tutorial] Dan, do you think, do you think I could still wear this to jury duty? (Failboat laughs) - [Failboat] Well, probably you'll need some pants to go with it, but like. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh, I might lose my case. - [Failboat] Yeah, oh God. - [Skip The Tutorial] That's so funny. I love just that this is a conspiracy mod. What about the sabgator? - [JayMoji] Oh, what about him? The sad gator? 'cause he looks like it. - [Skip The Tutorial] They will dig in the sand and wait for their prey. - [JayMoji] Ah, look at it. (JayMoji imitates the sabgator) - [Failboat] Can I give him like something. Here you go, buddy. - [Skip The Tutorial] Ow. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. - [Failboat] Look at his dopey little walk. - [Skip The Tutorial] So if you take his scute, you can make a sand trap. - [Failboat] Oh, don't worry. I've already fulfilled the sand trap. - [Skip The Tutorial] Ow, ow, ow. Ow. - [Failboat] Nice. (Failboat and Skip laugh) - [JayMoji] Whoa! Wait, these torpedoes do explode. - [Skip The Tutorial] What, the bomb rockets? - [JayMoji] Bomb rockets Absolutely, 100% explode. - [Skip The Tutorial] How'd they explode? - [JayMoji] They eventually explode. - [Skip The Tutorial] They just give up. - [JayMoji] Don't worry about this guy. - [Skip The Tutorial] Ow. (JayMoji laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] All right. What about the bellywhisk? - [JayMoji] Whoa, okay. Once again, very nice mustache. - [Failboat] Oh, dude, he's like a mud fish. - [Skip The Tutorial] A fat oily catfish. Well, aren't the best of us. - [JayMoji] That's rude. (JayMoji laughs) - [Skip The Tutorial] Loves to feed on Blekksplash. Okay, well we gotta spawn blekksplash. Oh, it's an octopus. - [JayMoji] Oh. (JayMoji laughs) Nobody leaves the battlefield. (Failboat laughs) Oh no. They're fighting each other. No, they're what is actually happening in front of my eyes. Okay. Oh, he is covered in ink! - [Failboat] Oh, look at him. - [Skip The Tutorial] Oh dude, look, he's face hugging him. - Ew. And he gets covered in- - Ew, oh he is. - [JayMoji] Oh, he turned gray. - [Skip The Tutorial] He becomes the elder blekksplash. - [JayMoji] Whoa, that's scary. - [Failboat] Aw. - [JayMoji] This is scary gameplay right now. - [Failboat] This is actually terrifying. - [Skip The Tutorial] Using their ink sacks, it's possible to craft an upgraded version of the squirt gun that poisons their target. - [JayMoji] Whoa. - [Skip The Tutorial] And poison. This is sick. I like the ink gun. - [JayMoji] This is just Splatoon. - [Skip The Tutorial] Yeah Jay, you should be happy. (JayMoji sings the Splatoon theme) - [JayMoji] Should I? (Continues singing Splatoon theme) The Mod's gonna crash. - [Skip The Tutorial] And with that, folks, YouTube thinks that you might like this video, so see if they're right. And have a good one. All right.
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 168,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AurQKLydiuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 56sec (1676 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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