Stellaris - Trade Route Mechanics (The Spice Must Flow)

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today we're gonna be talking about a rather elusive subject one that doesn't come up very often but is still rather important to actually cover and that is of course trade routes now first of all trade routes by themselves are not the most not the most obvious spot they are not in the outlier here for instance if you navigate this bar there's nothing about trade routes here it is not there we go it's not up in here it's actually a little bit hidden it's this tiny button down the bottom now let's click this button and see with you because then we will go to the trade route map mode but the trade route map mode is basically a combination of lines that will all route back towards your capital you can see all these lines going from various places and all of those will connect back to our capital in this particular case sold now we are generating thirteen hundred and four sixty four trade value when all that trade value is being centralized into our trade capital now by itself is relatively straightforward what is not straightforward is how to a use now trade value and be how to generate that trade value and see how to defend that trade value there may be a subject D in there as well into how to route that trade value because that is also a thing but in the meantime we're gonna go and have a quick look here at how trade value is done how it's set up and of course how we can move them the trade value by itself to our capital and then turn it into something useful because trade value by itself is completely useless we need to actually assign some roles to that trade value in order to make it work for us make the economy work for us trickle it down into the population so to speak so at its base trade value is generated on planets so let's say hypothetically we have this here world this is a máquina plus it's generating a hundred and forty trade value as indicated below the planet now let me go to the planet itself we see that trade value is generated here and that's mostly generated from pup's and pop jobs of course we have a bunch of bonuses for instance a resume file which boosts trade value by 10% open markets building stability and whatnot my god that hair is out of control anyway so trade value is generated by our population in this particular case it is generated by our specialists and Oh God let's hope that this actually works properly there we go so trade value in general being generated by our specialists as well as our rulers in this particular case the rulers right here the merchants which pop up for every single 50 pups that we have due to a certain tradition that we have in place as well as certain buildings that we have on the planet so right now we have 48 being generated by decent merchants now that by itself doesn't mean all that much it means that we are generating trade value 140 like I mentioned on this planet next step is to move that trade value to our capital so let's go back towards our galactic map mode and click on to the trade route map mode once again now as you can see the trade route over here there is none where is this train going from where is it coming to etc so we can click on Bernard star now Bernard star in this particular case is listed as a star trade hub that means that we are collecting all trade value within a certain radius why are we collecting all that trade value in a certain radius or how are we doing this well right now it's 579 so if we go into the system and we click on the actual place and we go to our star based app and we can see that we have a trade hub here now the trade hub by itself it generates a range modifier for every trade hub that we have we will have a collection range which means that within a range of six jumps we will collect all trade value in this area this basically means that any any other trade hub does not need to be in this particular case further away then sicker than 12 jumps at least as long as the other one also has six trade hubs and this is course then multiplied by the optimal trading company which generates two additional trade value for every trade hub which by itself is not all that interesting it only generate twelve in total however if we go back to where the trade map map mode and we click on this here we will see that we are generating within a range of six sadly this is not really specified in here but it's currently seven five hundred and seventy nine and that of course routes back to our capital system and that right there is completely straightforward we can go back to our capital and see what trade routes are all being done and once again you do not need any more trade stations within this range because everything will be collected within six jumps so for instance everything it's Seoul Boone who does all the way back into here six jumps away and like I mentioned sadly there is no indicator at the moment on what that distance is but by right now that's basically what we're gonna get and if we want to have more from somewhere else than we're gonna need to build another trade hub for instance this trade hub over here there's straight hop over here let's quickly jump into the system sadly we can't do that by going unless we're going like this we don't actually have any trade value in here any trade modes so we're gonna have to find where our other trade hubs are that is another place regardless another trade item over here will automatically start funneling materials in from location to location so we got our trade hub in Seoul Seoul by itself is the core from our empire now you may get into situations where the following happens let's open up the outliner here you will see these little icons next to your star bases these are indicators that there are that they're a straight value to be collected here and to be sent to your capital however right now there is no those those straight networks are not set up this only happens in a scenario where you conquer a planet and you want to add it to your trade network that does not happen automatically so let's quickly pop over over here towards this area of the galaxy it's really far away and most likely nobody around is our friend that's actually not that bad but that means that normally we could just trade route back through a light space and take it from there however due to some quirks of the system or at least as it is designed we can actually funnel this value from for instance this star base over here which is only collecting 12 straight value but trade for 12 straight value by itself is still 12 trade value and it's going to go through this gateway back to the gateways back over in our in our own space most likely up here in the certain system and then followed back towards Seoul now in the meantime we should probably set up the trade routes properly now this trade route over here in resort needs to go back to earth however we could always link it to another location first where it can be collected and then send off this means that we can have like a spider web of connections going to single locations that are easily defendable and then ship it off to the next location so we have this one here and we can click the we can click over here I think it's collected anyway we can basically say okay so this trade value needs to go back to earth so we click on here and what happens is automatically a route will be generated by for this trade hub where it automatically goes over here and then it goes through the gateway back over here and then back to Seoul now that by itself is not that great so what we can do then as well we can click on the next system and we basically say it needs to go to Seoul there we go in this particular case once again through the gateway this time it takes a completely different route and that's also very interesting and of course we need to do the same thing with some of our other systems that are not connected because everything needs to go back to our capital now you may have noticed that we have zero trade value going in because well trade value is currently being gobbled up a byte piracy now piracy by itself has been in the game for quite a long time but it has been modified a couple times now to deal with the trade value system so for instance we can now see we never no longer have all these arrows here but we still have this trade value issue so we can click on our capital we can scroll down the list we see we have three systems that are not being that have no value coming in normally it would be 37 12 five so this particular system right here in the certain system which is the zoo like row so we can hit F and then look at where this actually is paisa and that's actually down in here that's fascinating so no trade value is actually moving from the xerton system down in to our capital and that can also be indicated by these little piracy icons that are on the map for instance this system over here normally it would have trade value on it but pirate due to piracy effects we currently are not generating anything here as you can see due to piracy effects we are losing 50 trade value and that by itself is a very large amount current piracy is currently set to 96 so how do we battle this piracy modifier well if we quickly pop over here and enable our military fleets we could see that we have a fleet on standby which is this one right here this one consists completely out of destroyers and then we have a secondary fleet which is right over here which consists completely out of a Corvettes now we can use these to fight piracy all over our space and now if we quickly buff back in here and we collect to select the fleet we can see okay we have this modifier up here it's piracy suppression we have 19 destroyers which means that we have 150 piracy suppression in order to battle this we can basically just fight fly our ships into this these areas and fight the piracy we can do that by using the patrol function so first of all what we do is we actually want to make sure that the fleets are gonna fly to their patrol routes so we need to start them off somewhere so in this particular case we're just gonna move them over here by right-clicking then hits a shift key hit patrol and basically say hey I want you guys to patrol over here and then all the way up here so this will now be the patrol route of this fleet and considering this is all made up out of destroyers it means that it's relatively efficient to fight piracy in this particular case it has a every single destroyer has value of eight anti-piracy while piracy suppression or anti-piracy suppression of course because that would be completely against it Corvettes however have a one to ten value smaller ships the more powered by receive suppression there is available to your fleet and that right there is something you want to really keep your eye on if you want to fly around with pirates pressure fleets you want to make sure that you're flying around nothing but there we go but Corvettes because a they are very fast they will move through the system it's a system very quickly as well as they will round up pirates very quickly as you can see we have the pyres we leave the system and immediately piracy start sticking up again so we'll just wait to the Pirates the fleet to arrive in this system piracy is now set zero and the fleet will move on now you want to make these these particular combinations of fleet patrols relatively straightforward you can either go in a circle or back and forth and these fleets will automatically patrol any areas to keep your trade value intact as you can see we're now actually generating a little bit more trade value as you can see we no longer have this piracy rate down here because all of our trade routes are being patrolled and piracy is no longer a problem I do notice however that there is a little bit of privacy piracy issues over here and I hope it is gone now yeah it is reducing very rapidly due to the locate because of our pirate anti-piracy fleets being there and like I mentioned it is reducing quite quickly and as you can see the piracy modifier it is in their base piracy suppression is 152 mainly because which is rather nice so we got all of this money what do we do with all of this money well we got fourteen hundred and sixty is fourteen hundred and twenty-three trade value in our bank what do we do with this well by itself trait value has no inherent value what it does have it has value for your economy and you can modify this on the go so we have our policies and we can go to our trade policy now right now we've got everything set to a marketplace of ideas that means that all of our trade value will be turned into for every rule of trade value we will get 0.5 energy credits as well as 0.15 units of unity and that of course goes straight in towards your unity pool especially in the late game this can be incredibly useful because we can get exorbitant amount of unity and especially if you're if you're running an empire with a large amount of trade value this is something you may want to look at other options of course is consumer benefits consumer benefits does the following it once again generates 0.5 energy but also a quite a point 25 amount of consumer goods now consumer goods of course are quite good right in this particular scenario we don't need any because we're producing enough but let's say that you're running out of consumer goods on your planet so you want to do something about it then the consumer benefits option is still good you still get a 0.5 money value out of this and you get some consumer goods out of it and especially if you have large amounts of resources like we have right now in this particular case we would get 300 consumer goods out of this that'd be kind of good and of course finally is wealth creation the wealth creation is incredibly powerful when we have large amounts of in of trade value moving from place to place so we got wealth creation it means that trade value will earn us one energy credit per trade value do not underestimate the amazing power of wealth creation I'm gonna go do this right now the month is about to take over so we're gonna keep an eye on our energy credits and there we go all of a sudden we've gone from getting 1600 to 1707 1671 normally it would be a little bit lower but of course we're running a couple of policies in tandem of this a percentage that started to kick in and of course let me get at least 200 more yeah wealth creation is great but you need to be very careful with this of course you generally don't want to run wealth creation at all times because consumer bits benefits and marketplace of ideas are great sanera you things to use as well now of course if you want to move to consumer benefits or marketplace of ideas well you've been running on wealth creation you're only like plus two in the late game then you're gonna run into serious economical problems but in this particular case we effectively have a Dyson Sphere worth of energy pumping into our economy every single month on trade a value alone so yeah that is trade value what a straight value not cover at the moment of the making of this video and that is something that I would like for the future as well is over lapping board or trade value coming in from other empires that is currently not something that is in the game it doesn't affect any material logistics or anything like that it is purely the internal economy of your empire and trade value collected locally in various areas of space and then all funneled back to your capital system so just to quickly recap trade value generated on planets as in send space collected by stations within a certain radius you can run any sort of trade trade routes through friendly space as well as gateways and wormholes and then you will get these crazy routes popping up back and forth and on top of that we have piracy which can be fought and we've got the policies of actually turning trade value into something useful now go forth have a little bit of fun with trade value try to crank that stuff up trade value is incredibly good for instance if we go to this particular planet over here trade value is being generated in vast amounts most like mostly on these residential arcologies by our clerk's that are generating trade value and of course clerks are standard workers we actually have no clerks on this planet right now because everybody was in in specialist jobs so be very careful about the amount of jobs that you have available I think a better example would be would be a capital let's quickly pop over there ignore this running a mod for planetary ring we re looking for instance at our workers our clerks are generating 24 trade value 412 clerks so overall quite nice and any clerks obviously will be huge bonuses and merchants on top of that well we're gonna wrap it up here if you have any questions about trade value trade routes and other items that are seemingly kind of in and inside the systems of the game because this button is incredibly non straightforward then I please leave a comment below I'm looking forward to hear from you and of course your ideas on how to improve trade value in general but in the meantime we're gonna go and wrap it up here thank you so much for watching and until next time take good care of yourself and as always each other you
Channel: ASpec
Views: 242,524
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, 4x, ASpec, Europa Universalis, Tutorial, how to, Advanced Government, AI, Uprising, Dangerous, Technology, Synth, Unbidden, Crisis, Syth, Synthetics, Droid, Robot, a.i., Prethoryn Scourge, Prethoryn, Scourge, Invasion, mechanics, tutorial, Terraforming, AI Uprising, psionic, Hivemind, Mechanicum, Civics, Fallen Empire, The Curators, Contingency, Corvettes, Synthetic Dawn, Cherryh, Apocalypse, Roman Empire, Learning is Fun, Learning, Fun, Happy, Le Guin, Trade
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 47sec (1127 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 29 2019
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