Stellaris | #1 | Adorable Barbaric Despoilers - Best Start EVER!

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greetings sir answer ads and welcome back to stellaris with me or a 3x and of course welcome to a true let's play of the game today we will be playing in max difficulty with the crisis strength on maximum and we are in the beta which means the game is actually running a lot better the end game is a lot smoother and the AI seems to be a little bit more competent not massively so but at least it seems to do things a little bit better so what are we going to be playing we are going to be playing around this portrait I'm going to be building the entire empire around just how adorable these little things are let's just see how cute they can be in the galaxy okay then there we go I think that's just about cute enough oh we are the blood bound and we come from corns throne which of course a tomb world after these adorable little squishy things managed to nuke themselves into a new ice age we are despoilers which means we have the ability to ride other empires and unlike the ascension perk we also have the ability to go to a special type of war which means if we win we get some minerals and energy from them we essentially ride them we are the Marauders now this didn't use to be particularly powerful but now it is far more powerful because populations are power getting the populations from our neighbors make them incredibly weak and make us incredibly strong now there are ways to make this even more powerful by having those particular populations be undesirables by purging them we can use them as forced labor which gives us loads of minerals loads of food and simply doesn't need housing I believe yeah I don't think those populations even need housing or amenities or anything else it's just free stuff which is lovely but in the early game we want to keep them around us let's call them equals even though they're not going to be equals in a real way because we want our populations to go very very high very very quickly the reason why I'm going with post-apocalypse because it turns out as someone told me this is also now a lot better than it used to be and I already loved the Civic but now rather than having a true homeworld let's go into here as you can see none of these are highlighted we actually have a tomb world homeworld setting rather than also having one of these in the background which means we have plus 60% habitability on all types of planets we are going to get loads of planets and we are going to populate them with every other Empire with our lovely little squishy things being the controllers and of course I have called our leader giggles the third because adorable is evil so then let's get into the meat of our actual civics we have fanatic xenophobe and we have militarist and I meant to say ethics so with the fanatic xenophobes right it means we can spread out into the galaxy why faster like an adorable squishy plague and our populations grow incredibly fast as well with militarist our ships are 10% stronger which is always a truly lovely thing and we will be able to use the no retreat war doctrine if we go down supremacy which of course we will be doing which means we have the lovely ability of losing all of our ships if we lose a fight but having loads of benefits into what happens death or glory when it comes to our lovely squishy things trades I'm actually not too sure about this I'm tempted even though it's not the best to go with where are you quarrelsome now this is really bad - temps at Unity for jobs obviously horrible but hear me out I want this adorable species to just be so brutal to each other whilst they giggle and gurgle they stab each other in the back of sharp implements that's how I'm kind of seeing them it's adorable species which is somehow being completely manipulated by the blood gun the only reason we don't outright kill things at least other empires is because at the very heart they are still this adorable little squishy friendly thing but then completely horribly mangled and corrupted so they are quarrelsome they fight with each other and they kill each other constantly meaning they are fleeting so this is more for a law reason this cute little Empire than actually making them more powerful I will be keeping them as rapid breeders and adapt I don't know why they just strike me as something which looks like a simple organism that can replicate very very quickly and adaptive is of course very powerful but let's be honest they're both just very powerful traits they go with everything else and I think it'll make quit fun play style and I also think it fits with the law so yeah I'm going to stick of quarrelsome even though I'd much rather have so many of these other negatives just because I think it fits better I was tempted by solitaire rather than fleeting Bert's yeah fleeting just the makasian be randomly devouring each other for no reason I think seems reasonable now I'm also making them cannibals they are also cannibals they are called the bar they just because that was one of the randomly generated names I just happen to like it so like always it sticking of that and yeah probably shouldn't go with that I'm tempted to go see the file just because of how often it would be so upset with us fighting other people very friendly creatures just imagine such happy voices almost like they don't even know what they're doing failing your breathing is so loud it's driving me insane and I didn't count to ten protocol yet one two three not working reboot reboot that kind of works okay yeah we're going with Z in a file to begin with just I think he'll be funny intelligence but I share your enthusiasm for seeking out fellow organic intelligences among the stars oh no we're at war with another Empire how could that have happened now with that flag we're going with one of the Legion Flags because I've never been able to use these before so really really love these sheep appearance let's go with I mean ma Lloyd makes sense considering Bert's what else is there maybe the avian ships I very rarely used them actually these I never use these sure let's go in that just cuz I never used those ship types and we are of course warlord giggles the third now bright red or this kind of vampire red let's just read around the edges spread around the edges yet perfect the blood bound are born ok so what we're going to do I'm tempted to perhaps use a ring galaxy just have never used that before that make things more interesting right sort of spread throughout the ring yeah sure let's do that because again it's something I've never done before Christ who strengtheneth let's have the endgame start 50 years old 25 people were very split about this last time should it be 25 or 50 years let's do 50 years because honestly I feel like we could lose with this but now be interesting I've never actually lost the game stellaris by the end which is weird I guess because it's such a long game eventually you get the hang of it even after the first game like 20 plus hours Ironman mode is going to be staying off still because again it's still a bit buggy here and there I don't want to end up ruling the game large or medium stick with medium just cause of lag oops those halves reset everything let's unrest at everything and then let's get going okay don't like advance darts and I think that's pretty much of that sorry for this me well my mind sort of breaking there for a second okay let's go and find our new world and so here we are beginning on the east side of the galaxy and instantly we are researching lasers of food and minerals everything you need for a balanced diet now our main goal is to get enough alloy production so we can instantly start warring with the first Empire we find we don't need to necessarily win a war we just need to be able to bombard one of their planets for a few minutes just get as many of their population into our empire as we can now if we're very very lucky what might happen is we can find a primitive civilization and that will allow us to have so many free populations also the ring galaxy looks really pretty I approve of that it's a doughnut of death so first building will go with this because we do need some unity evolve our negative unity modifiers then we'll just focus on alloys alloys and more alloys as soon as we win our first ward then we'll shift our focus to a more balanced science and alloy production and hopefully from there everything we find isolated virtue in aliens ooh pretty mass extinction through the ages to avoid a potential apocalypse on corns throne we must study the effects that major calamities have had on other planets the broken the burn the Chile the desolate and the noxious okay well hopefully we'll find those nice and quickly in fact we can scan for these bursts I would rather just naturally expand anyway now one thing I could do is I could get one of our science vessels to simply scout ahead rather than surveying everything because we really do need to find choke points so I think the next science vessel I get will just run ahead try to find our neighboring empires as soon as possible they're all going to hate us even though we were durable and well we'll try and block them off with guns lots of guns bastions everywhere okay so we found the first mass extinction the broken planet so it turns out it was a controlled destruction of the planets lead - this asteroid ring then over here we have the noxious planet yet both in the same system which is really helpful very efficient ahem thank you updated and with the noxious there we go routes at some point in the distant past the Freak mutation possibly deliberately introduced by sofyan beings though it is unlikely they could have predicted the result caused the native plant life to grow out of control many of these plants reproduced through pol oh yeah the entire atmosphere is just pollen death pollen that's kind and I'll grab that thank you so we have a savanna world we have an ocean world and we have an ocean world oh I just thought in adaptability do we still get that bonus which is the amount of different planets you have you get a Yuma C bonus no that's not there anymore which is a shame because of this Empire that'll be perfect essentially the old bonus before the update was for every different planet type you have you get a percentage bonus to your unity stacking up to X amount that would be fantastic this Empire sadly it doesn't seem to be there anymore or I'm simply miss remembering it which wouldn't be the first time c'mon I want that world now thank you hazardous weather natural beauty seems like a very interesting world to live on on the upside this gives a lot of energy bonus 20% yep I am making this and generator world so science world what's the crystal reef otice more mine Oh crystal mines I've never actually seen the crystal reef before that's cool so yeah this will be our science world and eventually our crystal mine this will be our energy world and this will likely be quite balanced I'd imagine not all that many districts of UCA isolated Valley is one of the weaker but more interesting of the special features yeah they'll just be whatever I want it to be probably a alloy production and not much else seems reasonable to me lots and lots of alloys let's just go out to the next appliance I want to get all of these planets inhabited as soon as possible so our population can start growing please please find a primitive civilization that will boost us so much complete so this is the aliens ooh one entire job to culture worker jobs and a low up capable of only one energy producers I mean it is unity and society research at the cost of quite a bit of consumer goods yeah it's not the most powerful of all the buildings in fact upgrading other buildings of similar roles is better but it is nice early arm I'll grab that soon but right now let's increase the rate of our people's births and giggles is also a fertility preacher plus five percent growth speed Oh who's a little Fertile thing yes that is really weird laugh Oryx the bunker bot you know I've never just allowed this to continue does it do anything special if you allow the supercomputer to be a supercomputer deciding their hundred alloys this early on is beautiful that's an extra science ship that's allowing us to expand faster it's just lovely amounts that research speed doesn't really interests me right now we have almost no research but saying that 200 influence is pretty good as well actually the influence might be better nope I you want the stuff thank you stuff might have been the wrong option that I like stuff we are going to have so many planets so quickly there'll be our third colony already and there's our fourth system survey complete and nothing special good size terrible terrible districts once again probably consumer goods or alloys maybe science eventually now I'm going down the routes of expansion I think what I'm going to eventually get for once is this mastery of nature this is really interesting now because it used to be just the clear blocker cost is reduced but now instead it also allows you to add more districts to every single planet you own we're going to have so many planets and additional two districts each it's going to be like extra planets worth of districts very quickly now of course though that's quite expensive so I don't get that first most likely we're going to go into teller Dominion so I want as many systems as possible nice and early then one where are you one vision then maybe that then I'm not sure which of these ascension perks I'm going for are we going to become psychos are we going to become cyborgs or are we going to become just genetically improved I'm tempted by cyborgs we haven't redone this route yet at least since the update not sure if I'm going to go all the way I'm a kept on synths but cyborgs are very very cool I think even gives them bonus habitability and well that's by itself good enough for me especially since again every single planet type is up for grabs complete complete making our people more suitable for that is very nice indeed and I'll grab the minerals first well we found our neighbors Marauders now this isn't as bad as it looks because the galaxy starting to look really easy to defend choke point here because that doesn't seem to be branching choke point here choke point in fact no that is even branch so we only need to choke points one here one here and all of this area can be safely guarded we might need to rush some science vessels over to here and here there in fact I'm going to make more of them and I'm going to set them to explore and get them all the way over to here and here then we can sort of survive backwards starting at the choke point that way if we need the choke point quickly I can just rush one of the construction vessels over it will hurt us in terms of influence but that is probably the better option say I can think somewhat tactically sometimes not very often mind you I'm not going to focus on science at all now watch me build this many science vessels yeah I think I'm just very nervous about neighbors because we are going to be really high today Leon and I am focusing massively on getting all of our colonies sorted now the colonies will eventually make us more powerful than you can possibly imagine but to begin with it costs a lot of alloys a lot of other resources to even get them started and then a lot of care it's a very weak start but it pays off majorly and very quickly as soon as they get past about ten populations each and then they can specialize but for now we need to make sure to find choke points we need to have bastions we need them up and running as soon as possible to make sure our little section of space is all nice and happy and we're all nice and protected hello Oh Oh No so which of the colonies is exactly hmm if we leave it for now they'll be happy but the problem is this eventually becomes a huge negative essentially people are getting high from flowers but it's in the atmosphere so you can't really avoid it it's not a choice oh yeah we need to get rid of that as soon as possible because that can be so problematic later on also in the earthquake people get high earthquakes coincidence yes but still now that's a bizarre hyper line section it just goes in a straight line so that was our Explorer um I suppose then we may as well continue exploring all the way yep go all the way back down there then explore backwards okay though looks of things that isn't going anywhere that isn't that is so that will be the new choke points we want our choke points to be as far away as possible from our capital that way we have more space to work with nice and safely if we can get a good start with this Empire but still really want to find a primitive civilization but if we can get a good start finds an enemy we can fight easily we are going to be so so steamrolling but the moment it seems like we're it's going to be a normal Empire for the time being Construction complete and construction complete complete okay so it's gonna be a our energy worldwide I'll start building that now anyway since the population is growing nice here's some alloys are free thank you expansion is finished so all planets have +1 districts we will eventually get mastery of nature but for now interstellar Dominion and to make sure we can continue to expand in fact I might make yet another construction vessel in fact I am going to okay we found the frozen planet which is a bit of a dig against global warming so yeah the dramatic climate shift may have been brought on by the unchecked emission of gaseous industrial byproducts into the atmosphere this few is confined to the scientific fringe as it is unlikely that any rice intelligent enough to achieve full industrialization would be stupid enough to accidentally wipe themselves out subtle stellaris subtle no I didn't rename my factions I would never do that the very angry chaps and the somewhat angry chaps were our natural factions ger and such where are the other empires something not done complaining we have seriously this is going all the what a weird thing oh that's still not other input that is bizarre though Oh does that go white in a ring system just go alright no doesn't because it breaks here I thought maybe there was always like a line in the center but no that is really really bizarre well we can make our room stand anywhere down here then that's a very easy section to protect for now I'll just protect it over here but yeah first Empire we find and it's a 4-1 Empire which is right now what well we are so protected I have never had such a protected start seriously the only way safely for an enemy to get to us is through this line here a single corridor which we can just put bash in after bastion there's no way around it because through here you have Marauders Isles through here you have a fallen Empire which is gonna close this borders every one and through here there is nothing that is ridiculous that is actually the most insane start I've ever seen the blood bound are truly blessed by the ruinous powers keep yourselves aliens that is just phenomenal Construction complete Thank You stellaris guards I feel like this runs going to go well even with the early start of the endgame crisis yeah even the endgame crisis is gonna have difficulty with us because we're going to be able to protect our main domains so well we could even just protect ourselves let the crisis kill everyone else and just sit here happily being adorable no Lucas cushy we are more planets excellent sending the colony ships send them in everywhere as soon as we have enough resources send them in everywhere the barren planets life on the now barren planets was sadly doomed from the start so a sample suddenly lower soil strata and the fossilized remains of the creatures that once roamed the planet show that several vital minerals needed to rejuvenate the soil ended up through their largely agricultural diet in the endoskeletons of the native beings their bones were prone to fossilize rather than decay and their very existence exhausted exhausted the fragile ecosystems they inhabited oh ok so they absorbed the nutrients from the soil they died but for whatever reason their body didn't decay thus those nutrients were lost forever imagine if trees couldn't be broken down by microbes in fact that kind of happen didn't it for a period of time in Earth's history anyway before the microbes developed a way to devour it but in this case that never happened everything went bad okay next we're going to go domination this way we can get some more materials from our workers and eventually our owned populations and our rulers will be more powerful on top of this we get more housing and more influence when it's finished seems good to me okay you can grab all of those now you're done move on once you're done with that and can we instantly yes we can lovely one more colony this is such a ridiculous start please be close by lovely a lovely lovely lovely you get there and get okay one of you are you there mr. ownest hurry up and survive the area please we need to make more colonies well we're stuck here because of two hostiles maybe that's why we haven't found anyone encroaching on our space even more protection but we definitely need more fleet power now then otherwise we're just gonna be stuck here forever in this little isolated bubble that's not what we want though we get more benefit through conflict through combat through finding people to abduct okay so I've just finished off getting all of the planets orcid which means we go lovely a bonus to our unity we found out all about the planets which have broken away the last one was simply the molten world which is this one over here very unlucky the star expanded it melted we have found the homeworld lovely minerals energy and glorious unity what a fantastic system minerals alloys we have some gas over there and even some oats yet we have everything we could possibly want from this lovely lovely little system oh yes that's what I was after Oh only ten still ten population is ten population to spread amongst our worlds oh lucky you fellows you get to enjoy a whole new life very soon meanwhile we destroy an asteroid it's very blue okay you fellas can go home more housing for all complete and we need some more food so I'm afraid you at food okay the next colony will be over here and this will be minerals hundreds in minerals yep this is a mining world so one of our worlds has migrating forests hmm so let's do the study world that takes forever we'll do that later now I'm fairly certain with the study option that will allow us to have bonus society research to the planet for now though let's focus on the fact we have a silly amounts of agricultural districts turn this into a food planet we're going to need it with so much population and so many specialized worlds very very soon we still haven't really began to specialize we're still not even reaping the benefits of all the stuff we've got didn't mean to buy that many there we go so I could just invade this planet but where's the fun in that begin the raiding parties rioting bombardment targets enemy population centers we've specialized raiding crafts that scoop up their people and bring them back to our worlds and put them to work now of course you're very weeks is still insects quite some time and as the devastation increases the rate of which we steal people increases as well will not abduct or kill the last population cool what does harvest them from time to time if primitive worlds do recoup their population I don't know really how it works a little bit of red on our ships making them look so evil it's not like we're evil or anything well least it found some kind of alien life hello there caravanners how'd you even get into our tag you can go through the Fallen Empire greetings caravanners odd you have four oh that's a lot of stuff but honestly even without a limited amount of research I would like to continue researching no plunder stirred we're okay for now we're still progressing honestly it's just things slowly upgrading themselves which is stopping us it's not really resources in any major way an upside our force is now almost strong enough to deal with these as well so I think I'll break through here so we can check this section still haven't stolen any populations yet of course the problem is athletes just so so weak there we go as soon as I said that we have a single person who is now over here welcome of course naturally or instantly owned that's fine by me new frontier is established one thing would like to check though is basic subservience yet that means absolutely no consumer goods fantastic have fun domination is now finished they could go with Imperial prerogative that help out our research now we're finally making tech world's but I think you'd better just go with technological ascendancy only one population left apparently this won't take that person and just in case it would cause it to die or something else let's return them home now it could do is just invade this planet honestly because there's no real need not so I just wanted to see how that system worked more than anything else yeah it would give us a 17 sized planet essentially for free with one worker already there sure let's make ourselves some landing forces and go and invade nice and simple gave me more energy that's fine and you have some unemployed here okay energy again please well that was easy they landed and they took over the planet so these just give housing oh good so that now automatically converts into them into the correct building type that's good our regardless we need to have at least one of these instantly over here start doing all the boss work what are you moving away Oh habitability 0% that might be why and thankfully you are just emigrating right well we can speed that up by moving you now anyway so click well done lovely so then right now with the devastation nothing's going to seem right let's just remove these research complete and continue didn't really need to remove those but it makes it more simple for me and I'm a simple person so I like simple things what next then we have expansion we have domination adaptability would be fantastic purely for that habitability bonus that will be so good considering we have so so many planets it also means we can have the one free building slot straight away which would speed up a lot of our more complex stuff which would be really really nice start converting more minerals into alloys for instance old straight away that is so tempting ok yep adaptability is next I honestly don't think that is the best choice there but I think is going to be the most fun our glorious leader has died so let's go with ship here I think monthly unity increased and ship weapons damage increased yeah yeah yes I don't have enough influence anyway how long until this happens I'm not gonna have enough influence online well then it's gonna be random I'm hoping it's that one complete hi caravanners we're sending our fleets away finally to deal with these let's see if we can find some other alien empires before the end of the video this is the weirdest start to this row oh here have some food there you go you're sluggy fellas excuse me but you're really really an hour I've commenced and we have lasers whoa and a ridiculous amount of point defense that looks insane sorry little baby amoebas kind of not really sorry at all but still oh that was painful I think is dead chaps I forgot the automatic designs just love point defense description complete I I think he's sleeping okay now scientist you can get your button here so research first then survey the other scientists should be on their way and you can do pretty much the same let's scope out this area shall we yet even more scientists fantastic all the scientists whoa double friends so who do we have we have you fellows what have you fellas okay Bo for your overwhelming that's great be so far away you probably don't care about us until it's Y you're way too light and we devour your faces oh we have pacifists and we have okay so you're gonna be way scarier you have that there sword thing okay so let's retreat for now regroup I'll let's start upgrading our stuff now we have got one of the greatest foundations I think I've ever seen so many new colonies our ability to specialize is going to be unmatched we will be able to pump out alloys science whatever he wants we can make them in ludicrous numbers if we wanted to go into the beer business we could drown the galaxy in delicious beer that is what I'm saying here and now in firstly so with that I'm afraid I am all out of time for today's video so if you have enjoyed then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future in the next episode we're about to make all of our world specialized and I am going to be focusing very heavily on the production of energy and alloys thus making us able to simply spam every ship we can which will be a silly and glorious we are going to steal their populations and use them to fuel our war efforts and probably a few blood rituals well but we're going to do it adorably I've had a lot of fun today even though it's been a weirdly pacifist first episode for the barbaric despoilers thank you for watching and good bye but seriously look how cute they are oh hello [Music] you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 145,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QjkW6BmzLAE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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