Can a Highway Engineer become a TOP 1% Freeways player?

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hello fellow engineers and what do you get if you give a highway engineer the ability to draw roads wherever he wants you get this an entire city filled with different highways and interchanges we've got realistic interchanges not so realistic and changes beautiful interchanges as well as magic roundabouts levels that nearly broke me and very deformed owls you may have to like tilt it to the side and squint a bit but that's definitely an owl it makes an owl noise but we'll be coming back to the owl later on because we've got four levels to complete first currently our world efficiency is 31 322. we're going to see how high will that go let's first off let's get into the next level which i think we're in numerical order yep 76 so we're on 77 this one so we're gonna have a road coming in from the left and a road coming in from above because all these levels they are literally length so we've got those oh we got a few more now as well as drawing efficient layouts you also need to consider how much traffic is coming from everywhere so if you click on these you'll see it draws an arrow to each place the wider the arrow the more traffic that's going to come there the thinner the array means not very much traffic so a good place to start is to do your thick arrows first so we've got a thick one over to the pink so i'll probably just go straight ahead and do that and now pink cars they come from this road and they head to there now from the pink we've also got a green one that's quite thick so i might take that straight up that's that one sorted too no there's no undo button on this so if you do up you literally have to go all the way back to the start yeah so from this road we've got to get to the light blue color 50. so i'm probably just going to go straight down across there then i can do a little bridge by pressing this button because it's a lighter color that means it's up in the air so i think everything else they're all sort of thin lines so what we can probably do now is do like a little bit of a roundabout so if we start from say here we'll go this direction we'll go into there then we'll make an arm come off go over the top of that road and back down let me come over this one back down and then i'm gonna come over here i'm gonna do a double bridge like that then we're just gonna make sure we go close to both of these then a bridge over those top two and then we've made that so all we need to do now is pretty much connect everything up so we're gonna do an arm from there and arm off there connect that on connect that off ah something i didn't consider there's it's a blooming is that a toilet paper shop or is it a coffee shop either way i can't draw a road through there so what i'm probably gonna have to do here is go round like that not ideal look at that guy do you see his back end come out looks fun to drive but it does mean it's a little bit slow it could clog up this road but anyway connect that connect that do an arm off up to there and then an arm off there you can go through signs so we'll drive straight through that one and that is the network complete that means when we click on all of these none of them are flashing anymore which means we've done all of the routes perfectly so we're gonna press the pink stopwatch it will send a load of traffic through then we'll end up with an efficiency score 563 not bad and you may have noticed because we got over 500 we've unlocked a picture now you don't get that memory levels it's only special levels you get that and the score does change but this is what we get what a treat it's a roundabout interchange in germany they're extremely common all over europe yes we call them grade separated junctions because they're like the main motorway is at one level one grade and the junction is like higher than it can you see there's like bridges going over so the junction is separated from the main carriageway in terms of grade in terms of the level so yeah great separated junction a cool looks like the germans have gone a bit mental in terms of the hatch patterns there's literally hatches everywhere a bit excessive in my opinion but anyway let's get on to the next level because that score is actually okay so you can see the next level is going to link to the right of the one we've just done and we're gonna have a road from above and then whatsoever to the right and to the bottom so as last time it could be more complicated than it looks okay it's a simple one so people from the desert highway they just want to get to the other desert highway and the people from that one just want to get down there okay well i guess a simple thing to do is i guess something like this because this only uses one bridge so it's really efficient you know bridges cost more than just road on the ground uh we also we avoid the wildlife we don't want to ruin cactuses and things so overall top job let's go on to the next level oh look at that i don't even know does it come out this side i don't think it does so it's next level we've definitely got a road coming in from the top and then i don't know what's happening to the side and the bottom oh okay so we've got three roads sort of in a triangle sort of layout and in the middle we've got a salt and pepper shop as well as mouths and mouse is a piano key shop so they sell piano keys but obviously to make it more obvious it's piano keys only and not just piano they have like the little key symbol under there anyway it looks like all the outer ones want to go to each other as well as the middle and then the middle ones just want to go to the outside i feel like this design might get messy it doesn't seem like there's a lot of space on this anyway we'll do the simple stuff first we know we definitely want to drive up into there and we definitely want to drive out of there down to here same over this side okay so we've got a little bit done next up i think we want to come down from here i want to leave a bit of space for another road and then i think i want to cut down jump over and then connect straight in like that and then off this corner i can connect in that side all right so next up i think i want to do the yellow to the blue so i think we're just going to go straight up yes i'm going to keep this sort of wide just so i have a bit of space but we're going to do that and then what we're going to do we're going to take the road from here and link it up over to there next up from this purple road i'm just gonna hop over there and connect in there and then from this purple one that's everything completed they can get everywhere from the green they still wanna get to up there and down there so i'm going to have to take a bridge from this road in the bottom left sort of around because if i were to go down the bottom then they're not going to be able to get to blue very easily so yeah i think what i'm going to have to do it's going to be a big bridge we're going to come off there we're gonna go up avoiding the other bridge and then back down to there and i think if we come up to there and then just head around and loop into that then hopefully we can do the arms to do the other maneuvers i'm not sure if this bridge is working correctly though no i think it's fine i think it's fine i think it's just a graphical issue cool right so first off coming from the piano key shop i'm going to try and just loop around like that and then i guess we're going to come off the inside here bridge up and over and down to there so now from the piano key shot they can get to yellow they just got to get to blue so that involves just doing a bridge over this so something like that not the neatest thing i've ever done those middle two are now sorted they're no longer flashing arrows we've just got to do from the top to get to the pink and the yellow so they come across this road i think all i'm gonna do i'm just gonna do a bridge over there and i could connect in there but that's gonna be a merge before a diverge it's probably best to connect in there like after that diverge so we'll come over this is so messy this design will do that and that is now complete because they can get to purple and they can get to yellow let's simulate this and see how it runs oh you can see the traffic is pulsing it's pulsing 532 decent i thought that's a reasonable score let's move on to the next level and this is the final level yes this is the last episode of freeways in case you haven't noticed very very sad times we had a lot of memories here a lot of good memories a lot of bad memories a lot of just memories so let's do the last ever level of freeways right okay we've got five roads sort of in like uh you know what i'm clicking all these none of them want to go to smith road oh there they do in there can you see under that purple flashing arrow there's a very small blue one so on this one it's basically just a four-way interchange but with a little link road off up to smith road now we've got things to avoid down the bottom we've got an irregular puzzle piece we need to avoid as well as the super wavy flappy arm man so we've got to be careful of that all right well i'm sort of thinking like an angled clover leaf and then we'll just come off one of the arms of that one to get up to there so let's put these arms in first try and make a short crossover piece for these straight through roads so that gives us nice and short bridges which are cheaper right then it's just a case of clover leafing this up so we go from this one we do a loop around like that do the same over here and we've made a very strong shape road do the same there and the same there and then we just cut the corners so it doesn't turn into a weird shaped roundabout so we do that we do that and then in order to do smith road where do they come from they come from there now all i'm worried about is i'm not going to be able to fit my my shortcut routine and connect that so i might have to connect to that and then bridge my shortcut route over thing is that traffic's so small i think i'm not sure if it's worth doing a route from this road directly or just coming off that arm because it's right there like this could work we'll try it we'll try this and we'll see what score it gets us so we could just go straight up and then with this arm we come over we do the world's shortest bridge and connecting over there so let's simulate and see how it gets on oh there's a lot of traffic there is a lot of traffic three four nine yeah it's not very good it's not very good we've got to get 400 to get the last photo right well that's a bit of a note i'm not sure if it's the blue traffic that did that i feel like the space isn't ideal for this so i'm going to try and do a different four-way interchange i'm going to try and do a diverging diamond now for a diverging diamond we want to sort of cross that over come up to this one and then cross back over again and then for the road in the opposite direction you've just got to bridge over so we do a bridge like that bring them close together and then down here bridge back over the top and then the other straight through roads are literally just straight through roads so we've got that and then i feel like i'm gonna have trouble with the bottom because i probably didn't draw this in the best spot actually damn it anyway let's just see there might there might actually be space so for the diamond we come off there head this way and then we just want to connect after that maybe i should have done these crossover things way closer that's that done then we just loop from there under there then we can go from this arm straight up to there and then we just loop that arm up to that over this side we come straight down connect onto there and then loop this one around as well oh balls no i did that wrong that's meant to leap that direction poo this is why i miss having an undo button anyway for the final arm i think i want to do from there up to smith road first and then we can just come off here do a short bridge come off there and then that is the network complete that's apparently a diverging diamond not sure what shape it actually is so we'll simulate it looks like there's a bit less traffic but there's a lot more concrete used so who knows whether it will be better and it's better what a nice score to end on nice uh we also we unlocked the final picture as well how exciting okay so what is the picture for completing the game oh that is nice actually it's a four level stack interchange in san antonio which is perfectly symmetrical that is actually lovely so yeah really cool but you'll notice as it says four level stack that bridge is like four levels in the air there's three roads beneath it so pretty expensive to build that one because you've got a lot of bridge in the middle they're all on top of each other which means all the stuff around the outside has to be high level it looks like they filled that in with like dirt so i think along there is a slope and a moving dirt is very expensive so although it looks cool not necessarily the best solution in most situations but let's head back to the map what's our school ah 32 800 837. well i feel like we should go back and try and get that up to 33 000 there's definitely a few levels we can improve like the squinty owl granted it was very close to a nice score but i mean look how inefficient that is and when you simulate there's like no traffic which means you're probably better off drawing a roundabout so 68 to beat there's literally no traffic it's so weird compared to the later levels what are we gonna get 195 wow that's actually quite an improvement uh now we need like 36 more points oh where can we get those from see what level 68 with our glasses so i sort of did this one just to show you how like a double layered roundabout works so you've got like a roundabout on bridges and the light gray you've got a roundabout ground level going the opposite direction in the dark great uh unfortunately on here not the best score in the world there's a lot of concrete going on so sadly we're gonna clear that and then we're gonna do this sort of somewhat sensibly so i think basically i'm just going to put in all the main routes so you want to go over to there you want to go over to pink you want to go down to blue you want to go to cal road power road wants to go to green and green wants to go to orange so that's all of our main routes done i think the next step is to pretty much sort of try and create a roundabout under all this because everything else is just a really thin line so let's say we start from there we're gonna have two bridges over those i'm gonna come down i think i'm gonna take this over that way and double bridge over those all right there we go now we've got our ring road roundabout so i guess we just decide whether we want it clockwise or anticlockwise i don't think there's going to be too much of a difference so let's just pick clockwise and then we'll connect it all up right and then while simulating you realize you drew the outer thing the wrong way around right there we go that that looks so much worse but we'll see how it works oh simulation it's looking pretty smooth not seeing any traffic build up so hopefully oh 538 that's pretty good and it means we've smashed 33 000 something i'm confused about though in steam it says i've only unlocked one of the two achievements and the other one is discover all interchange pictures apparently i've only got 21 out of 24. so anywhere that tells you like how you've done what's that question mark oh that just tells you the rules and stuff okay is that a button there what does that one do that's oh oh wait are we following a car i think we're following a car i wonder where he's gonna go to imagine all the places we can see he's going past the ufo shop he's oh he's gone to the ufo shop but now we get to follow another car cool okay that's actually quite interesting uh is that a button a stopwatch oh god what are we done oh few i thought i deleted all my levels for a second that just turns them all off so you can see all my all my layouts nice right apparently this level has a photo i assume it unlocks at 400 i got 398. partly because i left like a little mistake in there can you see i've got like super high bridge so let's delete all this and then this is pretty simple i think so we basically just do that and then round about into there roundabout out of there and then we simulate that and i hope this will be a little bit better i feel like i've i've learned to draw better there we go oh man did you see that we needed 450 to unlock this now that was actually pretty tight we also we nearly used a very nice amount of concrete we could just squeeze a two into there that would be very nice anyway this is what we unlocked ooh a dumbbell interchange very very very common in england because it's a very cheap bridge because it's just one bridge because you put your two roads onto it and then two little roundabouts lovely i was gonna say weirdly i've just gone through all of them and it definitely is definitely bugs because i got them all i just had another look and look i did unlock it it didn't pop up anyway i'm now in the top 1 of all players that have played this game now i do i do sort of wish there was like an overall leaderboard so i could see if i'm any good let me know in the comments am i any good how did you do if you have completed this game let me know but i think for now that was freeways had an absolute blast of this i'm i really love that you can just follow like your cars through all your designs that's really cool yeah i really hope you guys enjoyed this series uh if there's any other games similar to this you want me to play let me know in the comments i'm i'm after something new to play now we finish this but anyway i'll say peace love and freeways cheers guys bye
Channel: Real Civil Engineer
Views: 608,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: freeways game, real civil engineer mini motorways, real civil engineer freeways, freeways real civil engineer, freeways highway engineer, highway engineer freeways, free ways, free ways game, freeways realistic, realistic freeways game, highway interchange game, traffic fixing game, rce, traffic games, drawing highway junctions, drawing highways interchanges, engineering, road engineer game, efficient freeways solutions, mini motorways, freeways highest score
Id: nLpfxT5wk9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 29 2022
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