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hello everyone and welcome to the stellaris planetary management tutorial I'm your host calafate this tutorial video will cover the basics of planetary management in the base game of stellaris no DLC content is covered in this tutorial by the time you're done watching this tutorial you should have some answers to some important questions like how do I manage the planet what is the difference between a district and a building how do I provide enough houses for all my people what buildings should I prioritize when I'm building a planet how do I specialize the output of a planet my hope is that when you're done viewing this tutorial you'll have a solid understanding for the basic mechanics of how to manage your planets and how to focus their production output one other note in the description to this video down below you'll see timestamps to these specific topics this video covers if there is something particular that you want to see just click on the time stamp and go directly to it not further ado let's get into the tutorial planetary management and stellaris is all about population and jobs or pops page you'll see them referred to in other literature your goal when you're managing your planet is to construct districts and buildings so that you can provide jobs for your pops jobs allow your pops to produce resources which you will use for everything that you do in the game in addition to the districts and buildings that you're going to be constructing to provide jobs for your pops you also need to provide enough housing for all your people housing is a critical component to planetary management in stores and in this tutorial we're going to be discussing strategies for providing housing to your pops without sacrificing valuable building slots now the bulk of this tutorial video is going to be spent covering districts buildings and housing these are the big three as I like to call them but in addition to these we're also going to cover colony designations rare planetary features governors decisions blockers and unemployment in resettlement we're going to start with districts when you colonize a new planet see a screen like this districts are on the left and the buildings are in the middle notice that the building tiles are locked every five population you'll unlock a new building tile allowing you to put some kind of improvement on it until your population grows however the only thing you can construct our districts and that's why this tutorial we'll start with those there are two kinds of districts in stellaris city districts and job districts job districts come in three types mining energy and food city districts provide housing they also provide some clerk jobs or primarily they're used for housing your pops and we'll get into that later in this tutorial each planet has a maximum number of districts that can be built and seeing here on this planet that number is 15 it's important to understand that this number is the maximum number of districts that you can build on this planet your planet may actually have more available districts than this but this is the maximum number for instance this planet has 15 city districts and 17 jobs districts but it can only have a total of 15 across all four district types this brings us to the next really important thing to understand about districts and that is the jobs districts and the city districts share that same maximum district pool and that means that when you build a job district you remove the ability to build one of the city districts and vice versa they share the same pool so for instance if I decide to build this mining districts over here and put it in the bill to you you'll notice that one of the available city districts goes away if I decide to build two more now the maximum number of city districts I can build is 12 because I've invested 2/3 of the total 15 districts in mining districts alright so now that you know there are 3 different job districts in the game how should you prioritize them I'm of the opinion that all things being equal you should always prioritize mining for minerals first minerals are king in stars they are the resource that is used as the basis for everything and you can never have too many of them and even if you do have an excess of minerals you can always sell them on the market for energy credits and energy credits can always be used to buy food so my priority for the districts is mining is always number one energy credits are always number two and food should always be the last thing that you focus on the caveat to this is all things being equal and in stellaris they rarely are typically your homeworld will be the only planet that has an even distribution of districts between generator mining and food most planets are going to have an uneven distribution of districts and when they do that is the time to specialize it's time to figure out what district is the most abundant on the planet and specialize that planets output all right so how do you specialize a planets district output the first step is to figure out which a job district is the most abundant on the planet that's gonna be the job district that you want to focus on building it's fairly easy to determine a planet's most abundant district job type by looking at it from the expansion plan on using the f5 key you can see I have to colonize abodes of here the top one has an abundance of energy districts and food districts and it only has two mining districts the tomb world below that has a whole bunch of mining districts and almost no energy districts and very few food districts and some of the food districts are blocked by blockers the planet at the top would either be ideal for food or energy and the planet below it would clearly be ideally focused on mining remember our rule from earlier prioritization always prioritize minerals and mining first energy second and food last it's also fairly easy to see which job districts the planet has an abundance of when you're about ready to colonize it if you go to the individual planet you can see here on this planet clearly it has a whole slew of mining districts very few energy districts in very few food districts this is a planet that we would want to colonize and focus on my knee the second step and specialize in the district output for your planet is to select a matching and colony designation this will significantly increase the output of your focused district type so what do I mean when I say choose a colony designation to increase your output well for starters we have a colony over here that is focused entirely on generator districts and it's not doing any mining or any food over here is this button colony designation you can click this and it'll bring up this panel there are several different kinds of colony designations and they all provide certain bonuses to your world some of them are more useful than others what I find particularly useful are the colony designations for the district types because they give output bonuses if you choose a mining world for instance miner output is increased by 20% if you choose the Agra world calling the designation farmer output is increased by 20% and if we choose the generator world technicians output by 20% we have clearly a generator world because all I have created on this world are generator districts so I'm gonna select this and that's automatically gonna give all my workers over here a 20% bonus to the planets generator output this is the second step in making sure that you specialize your planets and get the most out of that specialized output the third step in specialize in your district output on the planet is to construct the specialist building for type of district you've decided to focus on each job district has a unique building that can be installed they'll give a significant bonus to that particular district type in the case of a generator world we have the energy grid which gives a plus 15% bonus to technicians for agricultural worlds there's the food processing facility it is also one per planet and gives a 15 percent bonus to farmers for a mining world there are mineral purification plants again they give a 15 percent bonus to miners all of these unique buildings can be upgraded to provide additional bonuses you can see that the mineral purification plants for instance can be upgraded to mineral purification hubs the bonus goes from 15 percent to 25 percent now all of this advice for specializing planet on a single district type works really well when a planet has a low number of total districts and one job district that is clearly gonna benefit for instance this planet has a low number of total districts it has only ten some districts need to be used for cities for housing and so I focused the remaining job districts all on mining for minerals the strategy works and it's just fun I'm able to choose a colony designation to make it a mining world and I'm able to put a mineral purification plant on there to give an additional 15 percent but sometimes a world is gonna have a lot of total districts and not a lot of individual job districts for instance on this planet Carnegie - it has a total number of districts of 18 but none of the individual job districts had a lot of possibilities for instance there were no more than six mining districts no more than six foot districts and no more than five generator districts so in that case what you really should do is split your effort and in this case on this particular planet what I did is I focused on mining and food I put down here the food processing facility to give the plus fifteen percent bonus to the farmers and I also put down the mineral purification hub to give the plus fifteen percent to the - this one has been upgraded to the plus twenty five percent so when you have a plan with a lot of total districts but not a lot of individual districts it's okay to split your effort and put both of the specialist buildings on there so you continue to get a boost and then in this case when it came down to the colony designation I can only choose one so as always the priority is mining first energy second food third so that's why this is a mining world so to summarize district building for starters prioritized mining districts first energy generator districts second and food districts third focus on a single district if possible and especially if there are an abundance of them on a planet the caveat is if a planet has a large number of Sol districts and none of the job districts are in abundance then you can feel free to split your efforts choose a matching colony designation that's going to help boost your primary job district and finally construct matching boost buildings to get the extra 15% which can later be upgraded to 25% now let's discuss buildings buildings are located in the middle portion of your planetarium management screen when you colonize a new planet you will notice that all of the building slots are locked every five pops the girl on your planet you will unlock a new building slot when you begin the game and open your home world for the first time you'll notice that the first five building slots are unlocked because your population starts at twenty four you will also notice that your home world begins with three buildings already constructed these are the three major buildings in the game and these are what you're going to focus your planets on they are an alloy foundry civilian industries and a research lab now while there are three main types of buildings and stores there are really only two kinds of worlds for you to focus on building the first kind is research worlds and the second kind is factory worlds all right so we have two world types the first is the factory world it's going to consist of alloy foundries and civilian industries second type of world is going to be the research world just gonna have research labs on it and I'm going to explain now why we break the worlds up into these two main types one of the big reasons I recommend splitting your world focus up into two types the factory worlds and the research world is because as with the district focus there are buildings that give a 15 percent bonus to the output of these two world types for the factory worlds this building is called the Ministry of production it affects both the alloy foundries and the civilian industries it gives each of them a 15 percent bonus to their production and this is why if you are focusing on making a factor world it is acceptable to put both alloy foundries and civilian industries on the same planet because the Ministry of production will affect both of them for research worlds the 15 percent bonus building is called a Research Institute and it affects only research buildings now it is for this reason that I do not recommend you mix and match world types keep factor worlds separate from research worlds and reap the benefits of the 15 percent bonuses alright so there are basically two types of worlds when it comes to buildings there's research worlds and factory ones you may be wondering how many of each world you're going to need or what you should focus on and this is my advice take it from what you will this is how I play the game I typically play on a small map on the default AI levels and what I find is that two to three research worlds is plenty and everything else becomes a factory world if you find that you're falling behind in research or if you're playing on a bigger map and you want more research you can make more research worlds but I generally find that two to three research worlds does the trick so the next thing I understand is building upgrades and their relationship to secondary resource so at some point in time all 16 buildings thoughts on your planet are going to be full your population is going to continue to grow and you're going to want to continue to provide jobs for those populations and the only way to do that is to upgrade your buildings the yellow triangle in the upper left-hand corner of a tile lets you know that that building can be upgraded so each of the three main buildings in the game provide two jobs each and they have a simple maintenance cost of four energy credits apiece these buildings can be upgraded twice the first upgrade will get you five jobs and the second upgrade will get you eight jobs however the maintenance cost for these upgrades is not strictly energy credits the first step grade for these buildings that provides the five jobs requires one unit of a special secondary resource and the second upgrade on these buildings that provides eight jobs requires two units of a secondary resource as a maintenance cost the three main secondary resources are exotic gases rare crystals in two volatile modes now these secondary resources can be mined in space using space stations in certain systems however you are never going to find the volume of these resources that you need for all the maintenance costs on all the buildings that you're going to want to upgrade one other quick thing I want to show you is that you can always check the amount of secondary resources you have by hovering over this diamond symbol along the resource bar at the top so bring up this little window it will show you how many secondary resources you have banked and how many you're earning each month you can see I have eleven thousand volatile notes for instance in the bank and I'm earning seven each month so how can you earn enough in these secondary resources to pay the maintenance costs on all upgrades you're going to want to make well the answer not surprisingly is more buildings the game provides one building for each of the secondary resource types there's exotic gas refineries synthetic crystal plants and chemical plants each one of these buildings employs one population and provides two resources also note none of these buildings can be upgraded they will only ever employ one population and they will only ever output two of the resources to construct these buildings you will first need to research the technology foremen but once they're researched you can put them on any planet you'll notice on this planet I have one of each an exotic gas refinery synthetic crystal plant a chemical plant in general this is how I recommend building out your planets with regards to secondary sources put one of each of the buildings on every single planet and you'll always have enough secondary resources to upgrade all your buildings and you can always check the top bar if you're ever running short on a particular secondary resources build one of those buildings now let's talk about other buildings the big three buildings and their associated secondary resource buildings are gonna comprise the majority of the buildings that you're gonna put on your planet however there are several other buildings that are crucial to your empire and we're gonna cover those now for starters the first building you should put on every new colonized world is the gene clinic you will learn this technology fairly early in the game you may even get on the very initial research screens if you see it grab it you can only put one on every single world put it down put it down early and allow it to grow your population a little faster another building I think you should consider putting on every world or close to every world is the Atok thin monument the attack that monument grows unity as you can see it appear on the resource bar unity is what you will use to purchase traditions traditions provide modest boosts to your empire through their effects there are seven traditions in total and each tradition provides five effects that can be unlocked in the bottom right hand corner of the tradition screen you'll also notice something called ascension perks in order to unlock an ascension perk you have to first unlock all five effects within any one of the traditions I have three ascension perks because I will unlocked all five effects within expansion supremacy and diplomacy there are some very powerful effects under the ascension perks for instance let's take a look at a couple of them defender of the galaxy is one I like it's damage to endgame crisis factions plus 50% and everyone's opinion increased by 20 another one I like is galactic contender damage to fallen empires awaken empires and gate builders plus 33% there are several more in here and they're all very powerful which is why I strongly recommend everybody put in a toxin monument on every single planet so you can grow your unity as fast as possible and unlock the ascension perks as soon as possible a third building that I highly recommend putting on every single world or at least every world that can be connected via a trade route is a commercial zone now for those of you who've seen my trade routes tutorial you know how I feel about commercial zones I feel like they're essential along trade routes because they help boost the amount of trade that you can earn considerably and they help keep your energy credit to the black if you haven't seen my trade route tutorial I recommend you go watch it I will link it down below in the description it's a big enough topic that it deserves a video of its own and that's why I'm not gonna include it here it's sufficient for me to say and for you to understand that for every planet along your trade routes you should put a commercial zone on them and really help boost the amount of money that you can earn another building that you will want to put on every single planet at some point in time are the holo theaters all the theaters like the Atacama Monument create unity but that's not the most important thing they do what's really important is that they create amenities amenities you can see up here in the top right portion of this panel and what amenities do is make your people happy and they keep the stability high my stability will provide your Empire with bonuses for instance you can see here that my effects from high stability are bonuses to resources from jobs bonuses to trade value and some bonus to immigration poll which helps your planet grow faster when your stability falls below 50% these will become negatives I find that one whole theater on every planet is usually enough to keep my stability on the plus side of 50% the last building I want to talk about is the fortress it provides some very nice benefits to your world especially when things start to get messy with Wars for starters it will spawn defense armies which can help fight off foreign invaders the second thing it does is increase your naval capacity which is why I try to put one of these on every single world that I possess and towards the late game I might put two or three of them on worlds now what I like to do is replace the gene clinic with the fortress when all my building slots are full and my plane of population is above 75 at that point in time I don't need the gene clinic anymore and the fortress is far more valuable to me which brings me to my last point that I want to make never be afraid to replace an obsolete building or a building that isn't doing you as much good with something that'll do you more good if you need it it's always okay to take a building and just replace it next up rare planetary features recall earlier in the guide when we were discussing secondary resources and the buildings that produce them exotic gas refineries synthetic crystal plants and chemical plants the game provides a second set of buildings that do these same jobs these are gas extraction wells crystal mines and mold harvesting traps now these first set of buildings can be built on any planet in any number that you want provided you have researched the technologies that make them available the second set of buildings are a different matter these can only be constructed on a planets where rare planetary resources make them available now you can see how many rare planetary features you have by hovering over this little diamond symbol over in the districts portion of your UI looking on the planetary features button will bring up all the rare planetary features for a particular planet most planets have several different kinds of rare planetary features and a lot of these will have to do with maximum districts for instance this allows one additional generator district this allows one additional mining districts what we're interested in are things like dust each one of these dust caverns allows a mote harvesting trap to be built under the building section of the plant and you can see I have to dust caverns so I have built two mote harvesting traps now you may ask the obvious question why do I care about the second row of buildings when I have the first row of buildings to create all the secondary resources I want especially when the second row of buildings is only available via rare planetary resources and the answer is the second set of buildings have a much lower maintenance cost it's for that reason alone that I recommend when you're building out a brand-new planet when you've colonized a new planet check this rare planetary features and look for things like dust caverns and see if you can build Mohar visting traps or crystal mines or gas extraction wells on those planets and if you can make it a point to build those buildings build every single one that the planet will allow you to build most planets will only let you build two or three of these special secondary resource buildings but if they allow it because of the rare planetary features then you should do it next up housing housing is something you need to take into consideration as you plan to build your worlds if you don't provide enough housing for all your people to live on then your stability will take and when it comes to job districts housing is easy every single job district whether it's a generator district or a mining district or a food district provides two jobs and two housing so jobs districts pretty much take care of themselves where housing becomes an issue it's with factories and research buildings because while they provide a lot of jobs they don't provide any housing at all now your colony capital is going to provide some housing fully upgraded it'll provide ten housing and there are other buildings like the fortresses here that provide three housing each but none of these are going to be enough to handle all your housing needs when you have a lot of factories on your planet fully upgraded that are providing eight jobs each city districts are the easiest way to take care of your housing they each provide eight housing and one clerk job I recommend building a one the city district for every single factory or research complex that you have on your planet since each Factory of our research complex can be upgraded to provide eight jobs a city pretty much takes care of it you are also going to want three or four more city districts to take care of the housing for all the other jobs that your planet will provide you'll notice here that I have 22 jobs from the other buildings on this planet we're excluding the fortresses here because they provide three jobs and three housing so they're self-contained and take care of themselves I also have seven clerk jobs because I have seven city districts that means I have 29 total jobs I'm going to need the capital plus at least three districts to take care of the housing for all those jobs sometimes you're gonna find yourself short of city districts and not able to provide enough housing this could be because either the planet doesn't provide a lot of city districts or you've spent many of the district's on jobs or you've taken the planet over from the AI after or and they have not developed the planet very well whatever the case may be you're gonna find yourself short of housing and you're gonna have to come up with an alternate housing plan this is where luxury residences and paradise domes come into play the luxury residence is a building you can construct it'll provide three housing and while that's a far cry from the eight housing it was City District it can be upgraded after you unlock the appropriate research you can turn a luxury residence into a paradise dome paradise domes provide six housing the disadvantage of using a luxury residence and paradise dome should be obvious it ties up a building slot preventing you from putting down a factory or some other useful building that can provide resources for your empire but when you are short on city districts they are the best and only alternative my personal recommendation is to shoot for somewhere between six and nine city districts depending on what your districts allow this will give you enough housing to get to the 75 pops you need to unlock all the building slots on the planet if you can get to nine city district it should provide more than enough housing for you to have close to a hundred population on your planet and fully upgraded factories and research facilities on so to keep it easy for yourself mathematically when you just start in the game as a newbie shoot for somewhere between six and nine city districts and you should be good to go so let's talk automated trades as you build your colonies up they're going to produce a lot of resources and eventually they are going to run up against the maximum that your storage allows when that happens you're gonna see this icon and it's gonna say resource storage is full here I've reached the maximum amount of consumer goods that my storage can hold now you can just click on this icon up here or any of the resources in fact and it'll take you to the trade screen and you can go to consumer goods for instance and under the sell option there are various quantities I can hit sell here and sell some of this to get myself below the maximum storage level however as your empire grows and you start to produce a significant surplus of goods you're gonna find yourself going to the screen and managing your excess a lot and that becomes very tedious so what you want to do is automate this process and to do that you simply need to set up an automatic trade you'll notice that I'm earning eight hundred and seventy nine consumer goods of surplus a month that is above and beyond what I'm consuming I'm actually producing nineteen hundred and seven consumer goods in more than I'm consuming just over a thousand this is a huge surplus and this excess doesn't really do me any good but what I can do is I can set up an automatic trade so that I turn this into energy credits at the end of every single month to create a new automated trade you need to click on the button that says add new monthly trade then click on the sell button and then click on the resource that you want to sell in our case consumer goods now I feel like me and the first time you come to the screen you may become irritated thinking that the only way you can increment or decrement this value is by clicking on this plus or minus sign and doing it one digit at a time but that's actually not correct I'm gonna show you two shortcuts first if you hold down the control key and then click on these buttons it will increment or decrement by steps of ten second if you hold the shift key down it'll do the same thing in steps of a hundred so we're gonna set this to make a monthly trade of 800 units and that's gonna sell off 800 of our surplus every single month and turn it into energy credits once you have the units set to the value that you want you just hit the add edit button and you can see it shows up under here is one of our automated monthly trades you'll notice at the end of the month when it rolls over our energy is going to become a surplus because we're finally selling off all of our excess consumer goods and look at that we're in the positive for energy credits and now our surplus is only 74 consumer goods per month now if you ever find yourself in a situation where you actually need some more of the resources because the amount of surplus you're selling off is too much you know always go back in here and click on this monthly trade and edit it for instance we could take this and remove a couple hundred off of it and then you just have to add edit button again and it automatically adjusts it one other thing I want to point you to on the screen is this second row for minimum sell price this is an optional field and you don't have to set it and I don't actually recommend sitting in what this does is it sets a minimum price for you that the market must meet before it'll sell your goods at the end of the month but I recommend leaving it blank because this automated trade is far more useful to you as a way to mitigate micromanagement so that you're not constantly having to go up here and deal with manual and selling these goods when they run up against your storage maximum so my advice is just leave this field blank sell off whatever excess goods you have at the end of the month automatically and reduce your micromanagement I find out a minute trades to be a great way to keep your empire in positive energy credits some surplus resources like consumer goods and food do you absolutely no good and you should just be selling off the excess and making sure that you stay in a positive energy balance the next thing I want to talk about is blockers blockers only affect districts they do not affect buildings and what they do is exactly what they say it lock you from building in certain districts it's a little difficult to see on the screen because they're so small but here under the agricultural districts you can see one of the little squares has red horizontal lines across that and the same thing with one of the generator districts has red horizontal lines across it because this planet has two blockers you can always also see how many in they are and and a brief description of what they are by hovering over this little icon down here it says blockers quicksand Basin - you can also click the planetary features button to bring them up in order to clear the blockers on your planet you'll have to invest in research there are several different types of blockers in the game and they all require their own unique research type for them to be cleared so for instance researching clearing blockers for dangerous wildlife will be useless for trying to clear these quicksand bases you need the quicksand Basin blocker research in order to clear these if you don't have the proper research type these buttons here will be grayed out and you won't be able to click on these if you own the technology like I have and I've already researched it then I can just click on this button and pay the energy costs it goes in the build queue and it takes a certain amount of time and then the blocker will be cleared when you've unlocked a technology for clearing blockers the game will put a little square icon up here on your outliner so this is an easy way to tell that there are clearable blockers on this planet when you clear the blockers it'll free up the district and you'll be able to build on it even if you don't want to build that particular job district type it's still a good idea to clear the blocker because it will also free up more slots for your total districts remember all three of these job districts share the total amount of districts with the city districts so even if you don't want to build on this particular job district you will be able to make use of the city district that it frees up so I recommend always clear your blockers do the research clear them they're cheap they're easy and they help alright so very briefly here I want to talk about governors and in order to talk about governors we have to talk about sectors in order to see the sectors on your map you need to click on this little button down here sectors and math mode and that will show you the layouts of your sectors you can see the lines between the different sectors every sector has a sector capital and you can tell which one the sector capital is because it has these those little extra bumps on its graphic for instance samne Vic is the capital of this sector up here this is the capital of this sector up here and this is my all-around Empire capital of this sector now the way sector geography works is wherever your sector capital it is it will reach up to four systems away to capture any planets and make them part of that sector that is unless of course it bumps up against an existing sector existing sectors take precedence now if you want to see your planets a sec or screen you can click on any planet click on this button right here planets and centers it'll bring you to this screen now there are two advantages to having sectors if you want to call them advantages the first is that sectors have their own stockpiles which are equivalent to the maximum amount of stock pilot you can have so for instance we can have up to 35,000 consumer goods stored for our whole empire if we turn a sector on until it to manage itself it can also have up to 35,000 consumer goods the problem is if you want to get some of those resources from the sector it's a bit of a micromanagement nightmare the other thing is you can go into sector settings and you can tell the sector to do something like focus on production or focus on research this is where you basically turn the sector on that so if you want your sector to basically run itself and build all the buildings on your planets in an automated fashion then you just go into Center settings and you tell it what to focus on production manufacturing research and go I personally don't do that I feel like you're much better managing every single planets design yourself you will do a far better job and the computer will do and so that is why every single one of mice ders for Auto Bild is disabled and I don't worry about their local stockpiles because I just use automated trades to manage the maximum amount of resources that I have the only thing I really care about when it comes to sectors is the governor's there are several different types of governor bonuses in the game and I try to match up the governor and its bonuses to the sector and what it's producing for instance here at Kannagi - at this sector it is producing a lot of research much more than most of my other sectors except for valorum Prime and at the moment it needs a new governor so I can go in here and click on an assigned and it'll bring me up to all the governor's that I currently have I can reassign someone if I want to or I can just go recruit a new one we're gonna do that we're gonna see that this person for instance this governor has crime - 25 if you're having particular crime in a new sector if crime is high for instance which sometimes is right after you've conquered several planets from an enemy this is a good governor under half this is food from jobs so if I have a sector that's producing a lot of food this is a good governor to put in that sector in this case where I have a sector that's producing quite a bit of research I'm gonna grab this guy he grabs he grants +10 research to each of the three research type so I'm gonna recruit him and then I'm gonna go over here and click on him and assign him and he's gonna be assigned to that sector and I can see it back here so here it is I'm producing 106 research and here's my new governor who is going to give me research bonuses to all the planets in that Center sometimes your governors are going to develop negative traits for instance this governor here has developed a negative trait that creates +25 crime he's in my food sector and so I like him because he gives plus 10% to all the food jobs but maybe I'm not so fond of this crime all you have to do is fire him and hire somebody else you can click on him and we can bring up his screen and I can say well I pretty much want to get rid of him so I'm gonna dismiss him and then I'm going to recruit somebody else and I know there's another food guy in here so I'm gonna grab this dude he's 31 he's row yelling he's gonna have a lot of time to level up and make his skill stronger so I'm gonna recruit him into that planet and there we go he's done he's the new governor of this entire system five planets over here he's gonna give me the same bonus but he's not going to have the negative treat my recommendation when it comes to governor's is to always have one in your system because I think they're little bonuses help in stellaris every little ten percent that you can get here or there from a governor or a trade or an edict or anything it's always beneficial so I try to make sure that I always have a governor active in every single system and I think you should too now let's talk about unemployment and resettlement the outliner will let you know when a planet has unemployed pops that need jobs it provides this little red icon over here on the right-hand side whenever your planet has unemployed pops you need to find jobs for them you can do that either by constructing a new districts constructing new buildings or upgrading existing buildings if you're upgrading existing buildings to provide new jobs make sure that you keep an eye on your secondary resources and that you have enough of them to provide the maintenance costs for the upgrades where unemployment gets a little bit tricky is when you start to run out of jobs on your planet but you still have population growth on it when that happens you have one or two choices first choices go to your decisions and spend 25 influence to discourage planetary growth this will not eliminate the growth but it will significantly reduce it the other thing you can do with unemployed pops if you can't provide any more jobs for them is to resettle them to a new planet that does have jobs a settlement is an option that has to be turned on for your empire in the policy screens it's right here and you can either have it as prohibited or allowed in order to resettle any of your populations forcefully from one planet to another this has to be turned on if your resettlement policy is turned on you can click on the resettlement button for a planet and then you can choose the source in the destination the source is the planet that you just clicked on you can go down here and see you have an unemployed worker then you can choose a planet this will give you a lot of different information about all the planets but you can basically look down here and find which planet has available jobs for instance this planet with a little worker with a little gold head shows that this has two free jobs so we could click on this planet and we could say send this worker into that planet this is what the game calls forced resettlement or the opposite of free movement it can affect some of the factions in your empire but factions are another tutorial for another day finally let's very briefly talk about decisions because they are an important part of the planetary management process decisions are accessed from this button in the top right portion of the planetary management panel and what decisions allow you to do is apply certain kinds of bonuses or restrictions to your planet for instance you can spend some consumer goods to give your planet a 25% boost to its amenities which will help its stability and create immigration poll of 25% which I hope the population grow faster you can also encourage planetary growth by spending a thousand food and making the pop grill speed plus 25% in fact when you colonize new worlds I recommend spending both of these two other decisions I find myself using quite often are declare martial law and discourage planetary growth declaring Martial Law can be very useful after a war when you've captured enemy planets you may find that their stability is quite low and you need to bring it up temporarily for a while until you can reorganize the planet with the proper amount of jobs buildings and housing once the stability starts to level off then you can come in here and turn Marshall off in acting martial law it requires 50 influence and when you do an icon Oh Sora over here on the planet that lets you know that martial law is in effect the important time when you're done with it you can just go down and you can end martial law [Music] discouraging planetary growth is another decision I use quite a bit they like to use it when a world has become fully populated and all the jobs have been taken up and I don't want the population to grow any more now this world has plenty of room for growth there are many buildings that can be upgraded and there's plenty of housing so this planet can continue growing up here I have a planet where I'm basically done none of these buildings can be upgraded I'm down to seven housing and I really don't want the population to grow any more so I went into the decisions and I clicked on a growth discouragement this won't totally prevent your planet from growing new populations but it will significantly slow it down all right so let's summarize planetary management number one focus on one or two district types especially if the planet has an abundance of a particular type of district if it has a lot of mining districts focus on that number to build the plus 15% buildings that help your particular districts that means building the mining purification plant the energy Nexus are the food processing facilities number three separate your research worlds from your factory worlds and then just like your districts build the plus 15% buildings that help your planet focus and that means four factor world's build the Ministry of protection and for research worlds build the research institute finally make sure you provide enough housing for all your populations so that they stay happy and your stability stays high if you do these basic things you'll ensure that your empire has enough energy credits and enough resources to take on the galaxy all right everyone that does it I'm colors fade I hope you enjoyed the video I hope you found it useful if you did find it useful hit the like button if you want to see more videos like this hit the subscribe button if you have a question or comment drop it down below I hope you enjoy stellaris as much as I do happy gaming
Channel: ColorsFade Gaming
Views: 216,009
Rating: 4.9715085 out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Tutorial, Planetary Management, 4X, Space Strategy, Strategy, Newbie
Id: GkQF_RLdLwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 2sec (2702 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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