I Successfully PRIVATIZED Galactic Peace in Stellaris

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one thing that we also need to keep in mind here is that because nobody has any fleets and because everybody needs to hire pmcs um if this fallen empire wakes up or if the crisis arrives well let's put it this way um we we generated a lot of value for shareholders in those last minutes because once the crisis shows up this galaxy is dead i saw something in the patch notes and it had to do with the wonders of privatizing military yeah you can do that through the galactic community so of course i immediately set sail for pmc holdings where private military companies will allow us to get additional mercenary enclaves and naval contractors which will do the same thing plus imperial fiefdom what are we going to do with imperial fiefdom don't worry you'll see let's dive in let's successfully privatize galactic peace now for those of you who are familiar with the athenum origin we will immediately be asked by a empire to become their thief and in this particular case it's probably a very good idea to become a military focused one the bulwark why the ball work well it's because we're going to get a bunch of technologies out of it especially specifically at destroyers and on top of that a bunch of other very cool things yeah here they are five destroyers we get them for free immediately of course we're going to ignore anything that the uh yeah the overlord wants and we're gonna strip these ships down to get all of the alloys from them because why would we ever ever help the overlord in this particular case we're gonna just go ahead and upgrade all of our ships down to nothing strip them bare of all of their resources because we're privatizing the military we're not gonna roll around with our own ships no we've got mercenaries for that now of course the first thing we're going to do is ignore all of these proposals except for maybe the embassy one because anything else is not really all that interesting unless it's from a scolarium which we know that our overlord does not have yeah they just have a bunch of basils and it's not really all that good they're also building an overlord garrison on our world but that's not all that important to us still though they're giving us all the resources that we need in order to build up ourselves and not necessarily what they want us to have also it looks like we have essentially gotten our overlord boxed in so good luck with that overlord we're just gonna go ahead and make sure that you will never get out of your corner but you may ask yourself aspect why did you go for mega corp well first of all the civics are really good plus if we are in a fiefdom we can immediately deploy all of our holdings onto our overlords planets which already has 70 plus pops on it which means that we can drop three holdings on those worlds and get all the resources that we need essentially for free so it's essentially free sailing from this moment onwards until we get habitats thankfully because we are in fact a a bulwark it means that we can get to habitats relatively quickly so let's uh continue onwards claim our world box in our overlord and just run amok because the galaxy is our oyster and whatever that oyster has in terms of military power yeah we're gonna go and privatize the ever-loving hell out of it so we've successfully transitioned into being a bulwark which essentially means that we will get ourselves a bunch of bonuses to defenses but we will not necessarily get all that much energy minerals and food plus on top of that we get access to the most important technology that we're after which is starhold cause starhold will give us access to star fortress and citadel in a long run which if you're keeping count also gives us access to something very important which is habitats because we're a megacorp we can't expand all that far but it doesn't mean that we can't just spam habitats absolutely everywhere plus any sort of ships that we had well we stripped those bare and we're not gonna run into any problems there let's uh quickly uh fill up these here uh systems so that we can get access to all of these delicious planets and start upgrading them as soon as we can weapons technology who needs any of that we're just gonna go full ahead and invest into our overall economy and try to get cruisers out as fast as possible it's very important for us to hit that 50 fleet command limit as soon as we can because if we when we do we'll have the ability to build pmcs and we can already build three of them right now and once we have them we can start hiring them out and essentially get infinite resources what is also important as i earlier mentioned is the fact that our overlord who for some bizarre reason lives on a size 30 gaia worlds that will make a fine uh addition to my collection uh has a nice little branch office that will generate us 34 energy a month if we set it up for a thousand bucks as well as 50 influence yeah i don't mind if i do ah yeah baby two whole slots immediately uh where we're gonna get the resources from well of course we're just gonna sell food because we're a mega co-op we don't need uh all of that food we're just gonna go ahead and get all the holdings that we need what kind of holdings well how about some private uh enterprises to get more science out and on top of that if we can get say i don't know some more maybe free power free power works naval capacity plus ten maybe maybe i'd rather have some more minerals at the moment we can always swap them around if needed but at least they're already boxed in and that's the most important part right now so yeah it's time for our first ascension perk and what would it be well there is only one real ascension perk we can pick let's be honest here it's lord of war y mercenary enclave capacity plus one diplomatic weight from fleet power plus 25 we're going to need that in the galactic community by the way and mercenary enclave under our patronage pay more frequent dividends yes we may not have the ability just yet to create them but having the ability to do so right now is probably a good idea because well we don't know whether or not we're going to be able to um finish another tree by the time that they become available so it's probably a good thing to have plus we're building up all of our alloys slowly but steadily as well and in addition to aisle one uh that's our capital of course aisle two is uh coming online quite nicely and aisle three is nicely blocking in our overlord who literally cannot go anywhere which is exactly where we want him and or her i'm not really one to judge but still you know there is a couple of other planets over here that we can happily put some more franchises into yes i would love to build up a franchise here what do we need consumer goods all right well let's set up a consumer good factory here yes that will do nicely you know how sometimes you roll a natural 20. well i've done the actual opposite this time around i've rolled a natural one because not only is our overlord boxed in we are also boxed in by a fallen empire and it's a military isolationist right next door to us with a wormhole that we cannot use at least a system [Laughter] oh that's great we only have really one escape route which is up here and i have no idea if there's any connections to the rest of the galaxy over here so it could be that we are literally locked inside of a phone booth in a knife fight when the emperor dies oh this should be this should be very interesting there it is there is there is the technology i wanted fleet command limit plus 20 that's the one that's the kicker that's the one we need why because then we can turn our fleets into size 30 which is exactly what we're going to do so we're gonna max this one out already and we're gonna start reinforcing these by the way all of these ships useless absolutely terrible it's fine it's gonna be okay it's gonna be okay it's gonna be 50 ships in an enclave for warfare that can be hired to have no guns no shields no armor no way of getting out of the system and they're gonna give us money it's it's it's the perfect deal i don't know whether or not has anybody noticed yet but our energy income for 2221 is completely insane we're making 300 energy from just our branch offices our capital world of our overlord is generating 104 energy a month that is ludicrous that is completely insane and i love it this is probably the most ridiculous start i have ever had uh 563 energy at the start of the game only 20 years in uh we also found an exit it's over here it's uh it's kind of blocked uh it's the only way out so um so i'm gonna pull an analogy here have you ever seen um the fast and the furious i think it's the second or third one where there is a scene where a dude is being tortured with a rat on his belly and then there is a bucket on top of it and they heat up the bucket now to complete this analogy um we are the rat this is the body and we're just in this this boxing situation is the bucket we're gonna have to tunnel through the body to get the hell out of here it's time we're gonna start off our first bmc yes we are 23 years into the game we've got ourselves 50 ships in this corvette fleet mind you they've got nothing on there which is fine and tell you what we can go ahead and create this here enclave yes yes um goodbye and uh feel free to go ahead and generate us infinite amount of money because well because we got lord of war and we'll be able to get more mercenary enclaves that way and because we are in fact drowning in money right now it means that we can essentially go ahead and say you know what those alloys i would like to have some more of those please and tell you what i'm just gonna go ahead and build another fleet because i can build three pmcs in total which is exactly what i'm going to do i'm actually going to need to cancel oh good lord oh god i need to cancel all of these because i didn't upgrade them to the right type they needed ftl drive give us a second all right let's let's try that again this time let's build uh some corvettes with ftl on them because we need to move them out of the system and into the next area because we can only have one enclave in one system which uh is is kind of important so we need to make sure how many how many signs can you give us sir how many influence do i make not enough okay so that's not something that we want the moment because we need more influence for the joys of the um yeah uh these things the the branch offices good lord i almost forgot the name of it still though one vision it's it's primo territory probably one of the best ascension perks you can pick at the start of the game and uh let's get some research output here plus some more research output i have not so far as a bulwark at all um really picked any military technologies at all except for fleet command limit uh increase at some point yeah no military technologies anywhere why because screw the overlord i've got pmc's okay there it is the first dividends i would like to point out that we got 1 000 energy and a bunch of science who is hiring these mercenaries to make sure that we can get this dividend because well you may remember that um this enclave over here had some ships sure but um last time i checked they did not have any firepower on them at all uh sure they got some destroyers now but uh yeah they're they're gonna run into some problems in the long run here but hey energy is energy who am i to say no plus our second one our second pmc will be done soon as well so that we can shower in a reign of credits even though we already make 810 a month right now 29 years into the game and look we can build yet another holding over here yes give me a corporate embassy i would love some more diplomatic weight from economy please so it's gotten to the point where i am now building resource silos on all of my space stations because i literally cannot hold of these all these energy credits i'm making 821 a month plus the joys of yet another i don't know pmc coming in very shortly i got another 50 ships over here that are going to be setting up yet another pmc uh very very quickly which will be yet another source of money yeah it's a deal give me another pmc tell you what we'll allow you to build a bigger fleet whilst we're at it because you're going to need it otherwise you're not going to be able to do anything and it's so dumb and i love everything about it we have so much money and the best part is the thief is just feeding us with resources that we don't really need because we can just buy the galaxy at this point remember that bid when i was talking about that rat under the bucket well there is no northern exit this empire is also plugged in by fallen empire it's it's it's completely locked in as well and this is not going anywhere there is only one exit and it's over here and i pray that it goes somewhere otherwise this is going to be essentially a third of the galaxy that is that's completely blocked in by two fallen empires with only two exit lanes it's just so bizarre i love it it's time to get our third one up and running yes there you go uh another mercenary enclave please yes that that'd be great you have some technology it's a deal and uh tell you what you can also have some uh some bigger fleets that you can give me more money over time i think that would be a great transaction a great deal and now it's just a case of waiting until i can get access to the galactic community somehow it looks like there is a way out okay that's good that's good hiya i would like to have a great relationship with you because i want to know what is beyond the exit what is beyond in the wider galaxy and don't tell me that you're blocked in as well because that would make me really really upset it took a little bit longer than expected but there it is habitats we'll have it in seven months time and then we can start spamming our space completely full of them all of them generating pops resources etc overall resources wise we're in a pretty darn good place we're getting a reasonable amount from our overlord both in food as well as in other varieties but i think that we're pretty self-sufficient essentially on all categories uh which is good because sooner or later and later that overlord is going to collapse and then the party begins and lets up that we're going to be ready for it with three mercenary enclaves behind us we have absolutely no fleet at all which doesn't matter because we can rally the troops just like that and then we should be good i literally have not invested anything in military technology at all aside from my enclaves it is it is bizarre how how well this is working so far it has begun apparently there's a questionable succession uh with our overlord apparently there is a issue there and before you know it uh we may actually become safe sooner rather than later or at least being released and then we'll see what happens whether or not we can actually keep all of these branch offices and try to contain ourselves war fever we're making almost a thousand energy we got a dyson sphere worth of energy coming out of our out of our branch offices yeah what can we do here oh this is crazy yeah so galactic community which we will join because we like i said want to privatize peace as fast as possible and with our economy we should be able to leverage that quite quickly let's hope that is the case though i'm i'm a little bit concerned about it i don't have any peaceful technologies here only military ones well eye on thrusters it is then because they're not going to invest in the 200 military technologies that's what the pmcs are for but i am really concerned that uh yeah profit oh no oh no oh that's oh no the the relays are forged which is a proud day sure but the empire has been broken and sure we could take charge and become the leader but i'm terrified to unpause and see what is going to happen if we still have control of all of these branch offices well we almost we almost reached greatness we almost hit a thousand energy a month we were like five short now we're just back to a measly 300 energy a month it looks like security contractors is up on the board which means there may actually be peace in our time yeah security contractors which means that we can get another mercenary enclave and more trade value add a reduction of naval capacity something we don't really use anyway plus we are an empire without a fleet and we're still already the second largest empire within the the galaxy at large which is amazing yeah um we're going to everybody in our favor uh this is going to be this is going to be a good experience sadly we've gotten to the point where we can no longer expand because these guys don't necessarily like us enough to give us a commercial pact which we need in order to deploy more of our franchises thankfully due to the magical world of trying to get ourselves some favors we can probably make that happen regardless we've got endless moats maybe we can do something here could we come to a a agreement here perhaps do we have some additional resources here that we could deploy ah yes 300 of those yeah let's do that i would like some favors please and now we should be able to leverage ah 0.6 minus 6. we're close we're close we just need a couple more years to improve our relationship with them and then we will be golden meanwhile the civil war over on the former empire is still going strong i'm not entirely sure what they're up to over there but i'm sure they're having a ball let's put it that way also my enclaves are continuously giving me resources they are growing quite rapidly at the moment and uh they could field over 10 000 fleet power which i could potentially use to kick in the door of one of the other places which let's be honest here for an empire that has exactly zero fleet power is quite an experience oh no we've been declared war upon what will we do oh no effects all branch offices owned by the pmc holdings in the platinum are closed and they will give and we have to give them a thousand energy for every closed office first of all who are you and why should i care the platinut or where are you here the palatinate kingdom of bruvon polatna you're giving me it cost me 19. is you're giving me 19 in it's nothing you're why are you even going to war over this you have absolutely zero things to do here like you've got 2300 fleet power let's just rent a fleet uh oh that's zero fleet power they have available well that's not good um how about these guys uh they do not have a fleet available at the moment that's fine how about these guys they do not have a fleet available either okay so i would like to rent a fleet off of you and apparently they are going to have no no well that's a problem it's not as good as i thought it would be okay we're gonna need to get a little bit creative here because there's watchtower uh dudes over here and for some reason we cannot hire those ships which is a little bit frustrating i would like to be able for you to uh share technology it looks like that we can't actually hire these fleets or at least give them well then okay uh we're going to need to build a fleet um it's a little bit annoying i know but thankfully we can build battleships which is very very helpful and i do have a little bit of technology to make that happen so let's just build some ships shall we uh corvettes let's uh auto complete that is it because i don't have i didn't finalize my ship designs and now they're not updating them because of that it could be well we're gonna we're gonna end this contract regardless and uh we're just gonna go ahead and build ourselves a fleet quickly and see what we can do here um and very quickly crank it out they've got how much flea power sir how much do you have you have 2 000 well they can't really do anything because i got 13 000 defenses over here and 4 000 over here they literally cannot crack me at the moment which is fine uh they literally cannot do anything against me so good luck with this war guys i'm looking forward to see what you can do with that good news everybody i managed to hire a fleet that actually has fleet power for some reason uh this particular um enclave is actually not generating any large fleets which for us is fine like it's not the end of the world but uh it doesn't really matter what it could do however is we could get some ground peru troops here so uh 15 mercenary armies for 2000 energy is great so we'll do that and we will also try to can we get a fleet from these guys and no but we can we can try it though logistical support naval capacity i don't think so however uh we now have 5000 fleet power ready to ram down the gates so to speak of uh this other empire uh so that we can actually get some control over the space plus we have a lot of new places where we can live why because well i built some habitats yes i filled in my capital system fill uh full habitats and they're now aisles six seven and eight and uh they are ready to be used which is exactly what i wanted to do trade district which generates merchants by the way and because we want mercantile which can get us all the stuff that we need oh look it's research districts let's get those ready we're actually just this is usually not a very good idea what i'm doing here right now by the way just building up districts but we have the resources to do so and those uh those slots need to be filled anyway yeah let's uh let's give these guys a bit of a visit and see what we can do all we need to do is kick down the doors and bring some fleets with us because we should be in a good spot in that regard oh there is our transport fleet yes we'll see what we can do with those all right engaging the enemy with our uh newly acquired mercenary actually that is our own fleet okay that's fine uh we have managed to uh crush them ever so slightly which is great for us let's put them on the edge of the system and then let's move forward how is the uh how is this security contractors is coming along which means that we can get another pmc very soon and then we start forcing the next step in the process by the way if we win this war um we literally get control of them as a as a vassal which is exactly what we want anyway so how many how many people do you have on the ground here 78 it's impressive very impressive stuff to have 78 troops ready on this planet uh to defend it that is amazing well it's not going to be too useful because we're about to drop about 500 of them right on top of your asses so good luck with that for an empire that actually doesn't have any fleets aside from this quick one that i had to quickly cough up um we're doing pretty well security contractors in the bag ladies and gentlemen yes we can get ourselves yet another pmc um we don't have enough fleet power in this one but uh we can easily crank up a new fleet over here and victory shall be ours yes the these guys are now a subsidiary underneath us which means that as a subsidiary essentially they have to pay us taxes plus we have a bunch of brands offices in that area as well which is going to be super useful uh it means that our influence is growing within the galaxy is large and we are now the biggest diplomatic power um foreign empire once again that has limited to no fleet that is quite impressive so we're just gonna go ahead and end this contract with this fleet because we don't need these ships anymore same things for these ones actually these security contractors are just hanging out so we'll just send them home but regardless we got ourselves a subsidiary what are the light we can place an open building slot here now we all right let's just let's just help him out a little bit aj let's let's do that because we already have private research and contractors and everything on that planet and uh it's all coming up milhouse in this particular case thankfully due to the wonders of the galactic community it is now illegal to go to war without having mercenaries hired as part of your fleets which means that our mercenaries will have plenty of work for them and that means that we can get more resources a lot quicker now all we need to do is just go all the way to corporate peacemaking and basically put an era of pure bliss and privatized galactic peace i do think i've managed to break the game a little bit um so i've continuously invested resources into this here um mercenary enclave and all of their ships are just hanging out around here but they're all individual fleets and they're not merging for some reason and there is a i literally cannot get this off my screen and it is it is a bit broken but in the meantime i've also built a interstellar assembly so i can get additional invoice which within the galactic community is actually really important i'm actually going to go ahead and assign all of my invoice to the galactic community so i can get the amazing amount of diplo weight behind things 11k thank you very much because we are trying to push galactic risk management yes that means we can get another mercenary enclave only 113 years into the game plus all the other modifiers we're going to lose basically all of our enabled capacity just like everybody else but hey they're not gonna be able to do anything about it plus all these other empires are now at war and they're not hiring mercenaries because i don't know why but they definitely should turns out that squeezing through galactic risk management bit of a challenge um i had to become the senate for this and by that i meant um getting a lot of corporate assemblies um getting a whole bunch of favors up and running from essentially everybody in the galaxy and uh we're gonna need to try to push this through as fast as possible i may actually need to build a fleet to actually offset the needs here because well we're getting fully close we're getting clear pretty close i'm looking forward to see how this is going to pan out because uh galactic risk management is going to cause some problems for some empires ah yes galactic risk management gotten through nobody's gonna have any fleets anymore because everybody needs to get mercenaries all we need to do now is get corporate peacekeeping followed by military sanctions actually if we can squeeze through military sanctions that would be very nice because uh empires that have been announced are breached of galactic law have penalties applied to them what kind of penalties are we talking about here and sir or madam hmm let's take a look here ah we're so close we're so close we're almost at corporate peacekeeping i've got a wallet full of bribes ready to get everybody on my side oh my god the enclaves just keep keep on coming in it's like hey want some money yes yes i would like some money because they've been working very hard across the galaxy to make sure that it just keeps rolling this is giving me so much science it's giving me so many resources it is it's completely ridiculous like we've got enclaves in nearly every single one of our systems this is so broken and i love it all right the last stage is on the table we just need to bribe basically everybody oh wow they they don't want that at all okay how about some exotic gases yes you would love some exotic gases wouldn't you how about you guys you guys want some exotic gases or some favors maybe i think that would be a great transaction for everybody involved maybe some zero some dark matter how does that sound ah yes they're gagging for a good for that dark matter uh yeah give me give me those favors oh yeah we're so close in three years time we will have successfully brought peace to the galaxy for our wallet almost there oh so close so close and wonderful wonderful we have maxed it out we have managed to get the galaxy completely privatized every mercenary enclave gains 50 naval capacity the mercenary dividends are more frequent we get you know the meyer hired mercenary fleets take up to 25 less naval capacity but sure they've got a higher energy upkeep we get 40 diplomatic weight with a mercenary fleet hired and well um if you don't have any mercenaries hired everything is banned so yeah we get additional trade value we get additional enclaves which you've all you've already deployed able capacity is pretty much down to zero which is why we're going to unhire these folks there you go that's that problem solved ah it feels so good it feels so good oh we don't wait what corporate peacekeeping keeping really we need to have them hired at all times really is that is that what's happening here hold on having no hired mercenaries is banned oh that is amazing i'm gonna go and get these cheaper ones there you go that should solve that problem [Laughter] oh man i literally have a fleet of mercenaries that are completely useless because i started out the game and what a way of making book ends on a wonderful wonderful way of playing it is the most ridiculous soft power scenario i've ever played with i literally did not build any fleets whatsoever sure i i have some pmcs and they're all over the shop and while that is fine everybody in the galaxy who is at war is essentially paying me dividends to hire all of my stuff i've got so many enclaves that are essentially churning out fleets after fleet after fleet and whenever i need them well i can just get the resources in addition there is one for instance so much science as well in combination starting off as a just stop is showering me with money in addition starting off as a mega corporation essentially our allowed us to leverage the initial fiefdom by getting insane amounts of money allowing us to expand quite rapidly i could have done significantly more with this i could have spammed um i could have spent outposts this in this entire area no problem whatsoever and it would have been easy to do so uh no problem to fix that and just completely fill things up in terms of getting our economy completely maxed out i it was it was wonderful i i think it is um for subsidiary one for federation no federation what what do you mean subsidy area one is left the federation that's my boy that's my protectorate still um why can we go on from this moment onwards well we could of course make sure that um there are sanctions for having um every single type of uh if you're not if you haven't hired a fleet you're basically screwed uh that is a really fun way of doing things uh basically considering now everybody has to have a fleet hired otherwise they're going to be in in breach of galactic policy which essentially is going to them at basics uh they will reduce fleet power from uh diplomatic rate from fleet power by minus 20 the naval capacity is minus 10 and they that's essentially that but if we grow all the way up to the major variety so if we go to the sanctions and we get major military sanction uh sanctions in this particular case moderate is active right now uh as far as i can see yeah so that would go into a case of that they would get minus 60 diploid from fleets and of course dip fleets are no longer a thing in the galaxy anymore nobody has the fl nobody has the power to actually field any fleets unless they have insane amounts of anchorages etc this is such a wonderful way of playing i did not lift a finger i only went to one war once and that was to because somebody thought they could take me and i just bought a temporary uh fleet from the uh from one of my pmcs and that was it you just roll over them no worries whatsoever almost no space it's completely filled up with uh enclaves and stations everywhere like it's almost impossible just to get through this all my stations are like 21 000 fleet power there's orbitals everywhere there's mega structures everywhere uh this is an insane way of playing one thing that we also need to keep in mind here is that because nobody has any fleets and because everybody needs to hire pmcs um if this fallen empire wakes up or if the crisis arrives well let's put it this way um we we generated a lot of value for shareholders in those last minutes because once the crisis shows up this galaxy is dead it's going to be very dead unless people leave the galactic community and leave all the stuff behind them and to start cranking out fleets because yeah you're not going to be able to crank up the millions of fleet powers required to fight off the the crisis or any crisis for that matter i would recommend you to go and try it out because it is very very different to leverage your soft power like this and like i said it illustrates how overpowered mega corporations are as part of an imperial fiefdom what do you think is this something you want to try out is this something you want to have feedback on let me know down in the comments below i'm very very curious how this is going to pan out for you in addition if you want to support the channel more directly and don't want to go through the hassle of setting up a patreon you can use a new system on youtube it is called the thanks button underneath every single video there is a thanks well button you can click on it and essentially give a thanks to myself or any other creator give it a consideration because it would directly support the channel we're going to wrap it up here thank you so much for watching thank you to my patrons for making this video possible and until next time take care of yourselves and oh boy play yourself some imperial thief megacorp pmc madness
Channel: ASpec
Views: 192,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Stellaris, Overlord, PMC, Private Military Contractors, Megacorps are Broken, I Successfully Privatized Galactic Peace, Privatized Peace, Peace, Mega Corporations, Naval Contractors, Fiefdom, Bullwark, Specialization, Broken, Overview, How To, Long Form, Energy, Holdings, Franchices, Vassals, Stellaris Gameplay, stellaris, paradox interactive, a_spec, Economy, Tall, Habitats, I Successfully Privatized Galactic Peace in Stellaris
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 51sec (2331 seconds)
Published: Thu May 26 2022
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