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Fallen Empires usually there are strong NPC that you only interact with in the late game but today we are gonna start as the Fallen Empire here's how we're gonna do this first we will create our fallen Empire I'm gonna be xenophile and fnatic pacifist to represent their decline State then we are gonna stop all other Empires from spawning and instead increase primitive Nations by five times that way we will be the Forerunner of every other Galactic Civilization in addition we will follow a set of rules no expansion Beyond eight contiguous systems about the same size as most Fallen Empires we are not allowed to declare Wars and we are not allowed to join the galactic Community but lastly all of these rules will be annulled by the year 2400 the same year that Fallen Empires are allowed to awaken our goal is to build whatever Alliance we can to stop a 1.5 Grand Admiral crisis some of you might think that's an easy challenge but a I'm not the best player and B there's a good chance that this will be just me fighting no Fallen Empire no water vampires nothing but my eight system Empire let's see how this goes I've created what I consider a pretty good representation of a fallen Empire and we are up here in this now currently completely empty Galaxy I picked the Finnish inspired nameless because I felt that sounds very ancient these guys live forever because they have venerable they shall be the old granddads they are all the old ones not even one year in and we apparently not the first one to the galactic stage but the we are the only ones all right first tradition and it is definitely gonna be Discovery because we have an entire empty Galaxy for the record this is completely vanilla by the way except for the tiny outlining wait first contact with aliens how oh the curators okay they still exist of course very well bubbles another encounter oh it's the Cavaliers oh God if you ever think about doing this yourself just get ready for a constant barrage of events normally discovered system survey construction complete anomaly discover technology research anomaly discovered anomaly discovered anomaly discovered anomaly discussed yes I get it what you're looking at is the final size of my Empire until 2400 Blue leader life span 10. how long do they live ages under 200 they will live to see The Awakening of this Fallen Empire Kara for free is burning up an advanced civilization of tiny made reptilians scary about in forensic activity if this is the pricky kitty this will Doom the entire project I I think this is the first time I've gotten this I'm gonna let it stay that way oh yes even more leader lifespan all these will live forever wait there's the Cricket T the lizards have broken free somehow they must have sold their time to conundrum are you no no no no no no no no no this is not happening this is not happening why are you kidding me yeah now I'm the only one that can stop him not allowed to declare war we need to stop the pricky kitty because they will destroy everyone I know I put the rule that I'm not allowed to declare war but this will literally Doom the Galaxy we're gonna have to build a fleet I haven't built a single ship I don't have the Alloys for it I need to I need my contacts right now whoa got two thousand that was just pure luck they're equivalent in tank but they are inferior in Fleet power nice is that a is that a relic well it's a ship oh yes now we're coming for you pretty now we're going I've built up as much as Skin it is literally just me and the Pretty Kitty system sir what diet wait as I said that oh the first one aside from those guys the first one to have risen up all right the expeditionary force is on its way they've traveled all this way and now it's time to declare the war what took you so long that's literally what he said I had to travel all this way that's a huge Fleet Fleet oh God quick take out that station take out that station [Music] oh they're coming on no you cannot be wait am I winning oh I won that battle repair everyone okay go quick before they repair the nanite interdictor is leading the way [Music] I would have wished some more to join no oh I should have been more careful no no I lost the nanite in Victor um we are fleeing I took it all back I'm gonna have to rebuild for 10 years and then come back oh and it happened they just declared war on the only other Galactic Empire oh that was quick I just want to emphasize the situation we're in I am the guardian of this garden and I'm cultivating the civilizations here so they can grow and that's just a big off lawnmower ruining it all this is the war in heaven this is the war in heaven they're talking about after actually inferior now it is time to go on the offensive again alright Expedition Air Force has once again arrived and this time we'll do it quickly yes look at that now we we're gaining on them they're getting swallowed by the might of the forerunners oh bubbles you've grown holy look how big it is oh my God it's massive look it's huge and we've done it we have conquered the pikiti we have saved the every civilization in the Galaxy but we're not gonna keep this territory instead here's what we're gonna do create a sector and then we are gonna release this sector we shall call it the tricky Guardians now we have created a vassal and now we shall give them every system we have and again and now we have given them all their systems back and now we're going to release them and there we now have another Empire in this galaxy we have reformed the picky Kitty to be fanatic xenophile pacifist and with that I can breathe a sigh of relief what oh my God it immediately became xenophobic I'm not mad just disappointed [Music] there is no one to contact for the the prince event called greased lightning okay well you know what I think it's time for a little military Expedition I shall go on a big spree killing all the Hostile things oh guardians of Salam I have no idea what Sanam is the valley of Sanam I don't think I've ever wait what breeding grounds of a non-native species of hairless mammalians observed engaging in advanced courtship regrettably the unintended sighting of our vessels spooked and amongst it we have found a copy of the alien travel guide A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy was that what they were guarding like a 10K Fleet guarding a breeding ground is that what the is that what the valley of Sanam is while fighting the other Drake come on there's so little left don't die on me now God we actually did lose it if the Beast has our scent we should prepare for Savage retaliation wait hold on doesn't have our scent right oh oh SpaghettiOs all right so we have a juggernauts and Bubbles is so much bigger than it okay I've lost the Dragon it's somewhere station what oh it's here oh God no there we are nice and guess what year it is it is the year 2400 for 200 years we have kept ourselves here now I'm allowed to expand again whoa there she is what holy Peter that has to be the most insane I've ever seen level 10 ruler look at that oh me Here It Comes My Level 10 Empress lived to see our first colony to the crisis 162k we can deal with that we can deal with that You and Me pricky Against 400k let's move move move move oh no it jumped in too quickly it jumped in too quickly why does it always happen to me okay how much did I lose that ton it's 400k in each of them I can't deal with that I don't have the alloys I can't oh no they came in 160k oh the preaky they're helping me I don't know why but I'll take it yeah this is not going our way they're coming with more they're joining me with more that means we might stand a chance okay maybe we could make an incursion into them okay we're actually punching through towards that oh you can't eat that we I'm gambling now ship hole points 40 armor damage go is it maybe working no it's not working it's not working me man I made an effort I actually tried God they were on my border now oh my God they're flooding in this is all I have left mining station lost I lost it all no bubbles no no no Fleet lost they're just stack or swapping oh God where is my Juggernaut there oh God it's engaging as well and there it is do I even have any I have no shipyards left well it's safe to say that I've lost considering they're now bombarding my Capital World reports from Celestial Throne informs us that a number of inhabitants have left yeah wait they took it they just took it it's the last one fortitude oh shooting at it oh God oh now they're we being bombed oh God that is a lot of occupied worlds they're opening fire what is that sound Whirlwind missiles oh yeah is the last one left out of all of this agnax is down to six pops we had like 90. wait we actually still live I have a you would a level 10 leader you are now the last one of your kind living here in Exile because you can't leave wait we can't leave experimental Subspace navigation all right jump to the pricky kitty you'll be safe there she left it's all gone we have a single World remaining with 12 Pops that are actively being killed one each month godspeed my friends the only question of can I beat the crisis no I cannot thank you so much for watching if you like this I can recommend many more videos on my channel mostly multiplayer with friends you can probably find something that you like [Music]
Channel: The Wolf with the Dragon
Views: 439,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, montage, moments, highlights, funny moments, best moments, the wolf with the dragon, gjtitanic, edited, subtitles, gameplay, let's play, funny, meme, mp, gurra, crisis, challenge, memes, fallen empire, start, prikki, prikkiki-ti, pre-ftl, primitives, galaxy
Id: UX24fvwztUI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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