Stellaris - A Flying Solar System in Gigastructures! (Ye, the modder has gone mad)

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oh this is ridiculous come on i know you can do it except they're aggressive attack all targets you can do it you're almost there here at spec labs we are always on the lookout for new updates on cool mods and today of course it is time to take a look once again at gigastructural engineering because well had a little bit of an update and as you can see we are starting off here in ring world yada yada it's not really important we're gonna need to build ourselves a bit of an empire before we can get to uh the actual new stuff that is in this thing so uh allow me to uh do this bing bang boom bob's your uncle and there's your empire now as you can see we got ourselves a nice little empire over here it's uh relatively straightforward uh what we got here is that is relatively easy really we got ourselves a nice little birch world it's only a hundred years in you know what can you do there it is oh look it's a bird world very cool and of course we got ourselves the joys of a dyson sphere because why shouldn't we have one of those and a uh orchid complex as well as a whole bunch of other shenanigans like uh i don't know the velir hyper forge because uh we should always have a hyper for to within our empire just to get those alloys up and running sadly our economy is a little bit dragging but we are also playing with the joys of uh ancient caches of technology and more events mods which means that we get all sorts of cool tech thrown in our general direction but that's not why we are here we are here for a special thing and that is a ascension perk which is called the esoteric celestial weaponization which comes with the gigastructural engineering uh setup here now in order to do this uh we are going to need to um do a couple of things because apparently using this we can build ourselves what is called a planet craft and uh in order to get a planet craft we obviously need to get through the tech tree but on top of that we need four behemoth planet crafts five attack moons and a planet with at least 100 pops which is his crew and it also has 20 shipyards on board and it has a colossus beam there um i'm on board i wish i was kidding this this is actually a thing let's go and build one shall we now thankfully we already have a behemoth planet craft right over here and of course the joys of a uh moon i put a couple of corvettes in there just so it speeds up a little bit oh look at that isn't that isn't that just glorious it's it's mommy and daddy planet craft right in there well at least uh don't talk to me uh and my son ever again uh stuff but yeah we're gonna need a couple more we need five we need four more attack moons and three more planet crafts to do this and we only have an income of what 1100 alloys and considering how expensive these are this may take a little while well with all of those shenanigans out of the way it's finally time to build the system craft construction site and we have to build it around the star apparently the construction site of a future stellar system craft has now been completed upon this scaffold we shall assemble the greatest warship this galaxy has ever seen consisting of several planet crafts and attack moons linked together this fearsome vessel will be able to defeat anything remember that it will be necessary to bring behemoth planet crafts and attack moons to the system in order to assemble the system craft so it begins as they're all nicely arriving in system the first system crafts are in fact here we're waiting on the rest of the moons to arrive as well but also when you're going to need to put a planet here as well or at least find a planet so that we can a man this here behemoth oh boy and just the stars unusual sunspots well that's always always curious when that one happens and also you know kugelblitz containments oh god it's gonna cost us a hundred thousand alloys fun times system crafts solar compress oh my god it's ridiculous ah this is wonderful i love it i love everything about it it's um that right there is definitely a thing and uh with all of this combined we're just gonna power this behemoth into something amazing we're gonna slap a bunch of planets on there and make it fly with the power of a star of course you may wonder what does a system craft actually look like in mid construction well you're in luck because today we are looking at the infancy of a system craft right here because well we put a behemoth planet craft on there as well as two war moons on top of the star yes this is a system craft in its infancy and i am terrified already also how big is this planet compared to the star how does this make any sense that right there is a fusion reactor and a half i love it it's crazy it's it's so very gigastructures as more and more ships come towards the system craft ready to go another one just jumped in always nice to see more of this sort of thing coming along i don't even want to know how many alloys that has been spent on this here insanity it's it's completely bat crap insane oh i need two more attack moons for the next stage how fun also uh this is costing me my 8 000 energy a month joy this is definitely going to bankrupt me whilst the planet craft are holding in orbit of the system craft ready to be integrated into this massive endeavor oh my lord this is absolute insanity like i don't even know what kind of economy you need to have or completely bad crap insane in order to even support the economy of this look it's even taking me like minutes to pan out that's how big it is it's utter insanity i love it i absolutely love it look at those guns as well that is that is just delightful so we're at the next stage here and we added a couple more guns to our to our thing and apparently we're gonna have another another plan of being attached to the front here just one small problem though uh if i go into my ship designing here and i scroll all the way down to uh the the system craft you may have noticed uh that uh it it doesn't really fit so i'm actually gonna need to go and install a mod so i actually can fit this ship also a large amoeba weapon are you completely out of your mind i need something better here i got all these acot weapons i i need something good here well i had to install a brand new mod because as you can see the ui is very different from what you're used to on the streams here anyway let's take a quick look here at a ship design my god hello winnie what have you done even though i downloaded a mod specifically for this uh it looks like uh its awesomeness cannot be contained oh my god large amoeba weapon why would i even want that oh okay well now we're gonna need to just add a ton of weapons in here just to make sure that we can get a maximum usage of this here ship there grand stellar hangers look at that what kind of spacecraft can we hear there uh bombers yeah let's just put some bombers in here again i'm playing with the um uh with a rather special mod which is the ancient caches of technology so that's the thing and then of course we're just gonna need to put some apocalypse artillery in here because uh as everybody else got it it does not fit oh ray of doom what's up 15 000 damage how much does he do 8 000 damage well guess what's gonna it's gonna happen here just raise of doom across the shop and uh point defense uh inferno point defense or whatever maybe some some flag just in case oh we don't have enough power [Music] um what is this uh what i can put i can put buildings on here munition plants oh god like a bachelor raise on a farm a capacitor okay then um well first we need to get the power out of the way and then we could probably build something else i think i've managed to do it by adding more and more crap to it sadly i could not fit the existential erasure beam on there oh my god that's a lot of damage oh boy it um it does 100 million damage per shot that is delightful sadly i couldn't fit it on there anyway so this will have to do the punin class as we call this so we'll just uh make sure that this one has been and actually use this one instead because it's absolutely insane ah man do you just love it when you have to download a separate mod to make something happen here anyway here we are it's our ship it's uh it's ready to be completed i guess what do we what what do we need next we need one behemoth craft and one attack boom in the system and we need to acquire 100 pups via a decision to serve as a crew now let me let me quickly check here do i have another planet craft yes i do and i have another attack moon as well perfect they're both on their way let's do this all right so we've got them all in position here there's the planet craft and another attack moon but now we're going to need to get 100 pops by decision uh let's let's just get this decision out of the way shall we where are you locate planetcraft gigastructure where is this that's all acod why decision where is this these are edicts i oh wait hold on i just realized something also uh this ui is now so broken i can't actually move anything anymore so actually you need to hit the m button to get anywhere i believe i got an ecumenopolis sitting around here uh there you are 192 pops that'll do okay superior contracts 200 all right cool let's do it let's uh it's gonna take us a little while a couple couple of days but uh then we're gonna move our our people over good times i actually hit the wrong button that was that was an a cut one i actually need to hit this button i cry acquire system craft crew system craft acquired let's see why it's so clunky all right well there it is 100 000 alloys required at last it is done with the last of this vessel's billions of inhabitants finally moved in in the last few a few constructional trusses installed the stellar system craft has been completed this gargantuan vessel of untold proportions dwarfs everything built before it and packs such an immense amount of firepower that its foes will not even be able to realize what just hit them its sheer size allowed us to incorporate no less than 20 shipyards into its hull as well as thrusters that have now been powered on the gigantic vessel is now ready for combat nobody can now oppose our might the system craft is warped to our home system in order to be available for use well let's take a look well that's uh definitely a big boy isn't it oh boy it's probably going to die instantly for us to fall in empire or something stupid like that because the awakened empires in this particular version of the game at least with these mods enabled are a little bit more powerful than usual but we will just have to see whether or not it's gonna work out or not let's uh let's put it to the test shall we i'd like to point out here that i'm moving at the game at fastest and um let's just put it this way uh the stellar system craft is not in a hurry to go anywhere anytime soon it's uh oh god it's gonna take a year to get where it needs to go it's a good thing it's got jump drive on orbitals so planet cracker so that's nice engaging hostile dear god it took a while so now let's take a look whether or not this here um planetary explosion beam actually works of course i'm not gonna use it in my own territory that would just be um you know unfortunate instead we're gonna use it on this fallen empire territory so let's have a quick look down here and see how it goes man can you imagine being down on that planet and all this oh god it's already going ah all right cool so the the beam comes out that's pretty standard and oh god oh that's quick are we gonna go in for the explosion well it seems to be coming straight from the star itself so oh boy yeah that's that's gonna cause some damage isn't it yeah um it's not the 4th of july last time i checked but um we're we're ramming that planet into submission apparently there's no kill like overkill is there not at all okay a year has gone by we can now actually move the ship a little quicker by using the jump drive instead now why am i moving all the way over here well this here fallen empire is a little bit more powerful than the average bear as you can see uh yeah they have they've got a couple of titans in here so that's nice they also have a planet craft for some reason which i think is is pretty cool so we'll just have to see how our planetary crevice our planetary uh craft does against that and now we'll find out whether or not our system craft is actually going to be capable of uh holding off a awakened fallen empire fleet in this mod my god could you please move a little bit faster oh this is ridiculous come on i know you can do it except they're aggressive attack old targets you can do it you're almost there oh look the fallen empires decided to join in with um three battle moons or something ridiculous like that how how fun oh my god it's got uh it's got a little bit of a little bit of fleet power there this is the craft could you please move a little bit faster 33 days 33 days and there's there's a little bit of enemy firepower over there in the other system we're about oh god here we go we're right on top of it boys let's see how this is gonna pan out shall we so i have no idea whether or not we're actually winning this fight because there's so much stuff going on with so much firepower i don't even know but there is a lot of dead ships on the field and they're not mine or at least not my single ship so that's at least positive i guess so i clicked on the ui element and i can't actually close it anymore so this this may be a problem well as you can see we're hitting quite a lot and um i guess we're now just bashing into the planet craft over there at 1.8 million fleet power and um well long story short they haven't even touched our shields or armor yet so yeah oh god there's a whole bunch of plastic there's a whole bunch of attack boots back there that i didn't even see let's go take a look at these eggs oh this is so dumb i love it oh what's going on over here what's going on over here is this just like a bunch of rockets that are stuck oh god i'm inside the planet craft or system craft that's a lot of missiles that's a lot of missiles being shut ella winnie you have done it again you absolute maniac oh boy well that was a fight we which we somehow managed to win and apparently uh we can just uh settle status quo right now if you want to but we're not going to because obviously uh we want to make sure that we win this let's make sure that we attack there we go um yeah we just basically destroyed one of their largest fleets the system craft everybody hello any has done it again um is it a lot of work to do to build yeah is it worth your while probably not is it amazing absolutely you could send this bad boy off and just do whatever it's it's it's kind of fun it's um extremely expensive well and that's the latest feature here within gigastructural engineering i hope you've enjoyed this little illustration on what's going on with this here mod there is quite a lot of stuff going on here in the future as well so more structural engineering stuff in the near future however the stellar system craft whilst it's slow boating slowly but steadily across the galaxy at a snail's pace it's still out there ready to ruin your day i hope this is this episode has been enlightening to you because it most definitely has been for me because i can't even my lord look at oh my god how how okay we we just jumped that's that was really bright well uh and i just claimed the system well thank you so much for watching until next time take a care of yourselves and as always each other
Channel: ASpec
Views: 255,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, ASpec, A_Spec, Mod, Gigastructures, Nivadalirr, Hyperforge, Planetcraft, Attack Moon, Stystemcraft, Birchworld, mod
Id: Wjw0m1kHxSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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