How to Play Stellaris 3.2 - The Basics

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welcome welcome to solaris if you have just picked up the game and you have no idea what on earth is going on and this is a great place to start my name is ace beck and today we're gonna be walking through the game and basically lay out some of the basic mechanics and the systems that are within the game itself now it could be that you've just picked this one up on a store somewhere you have just gotten it on a sale a friend send it to you or maybe it is afraid to play week but it doesn't mean that you can't learn because learning is fun and you may have just stumbled upon one of the best game experiences in space that is available now before we start i want to make one thing very very clear we will not be playing with any dlc enabled for this particular session this is a completely vanilla experience we'll be doing a separate more specific dlc orientated video in the future we're going to be talking about the basics as i've already mentioned and it doesn't get more basic than the default empires now once you start a new game it can be very very attractive to scroll all the way up and create a new empire i do not recommend this the creating new empire screen can be incredibly overwhelming there's a lot of stuff going on and there's a lot of different modifiers types of species etc that you can add and specifically the government the government and ethics system can be very overwhelming due to the crazy amount of impact it can have therefore in this particular session we are going to scroll all the way down and go for some of the prefab species now there is a bunch of them that you can play around with but i highly recommend starting off with the united nations of earth it is very standard it is very sci-fi it is a future version of earth and it has all the ideas that you would expect from a idyllic version of our homeworld if you want to get a little bit spicier you can always play around with the commonwealth of man which is a more authoritarian militaristic approach to things but for this particular case we're going to go ahead and play with this particular setup there's a bunch of modifiers on your screen you do not need to worry about this sort of stuff as of right now we will learn throughout the gameplay to understand what these things are and what they mean and how they impact your game you don't you don't need to know all of this in order to have fun but you need to go over the basics and remember before we dive in there is no wrong way of playing this game you will lose sooner or later this this is just part of the flow and ebb of things so let's dive right in let's select and just hit play it doesn't matter the galaxy size galaxy shape doesn't necessarily matter i would recommend turning the advanced ai empires to off because you may run into some empires that are stronger than you and will most likely try to murder you straight up or turn you into your prisoner with a job but yeah that's the only thing you really need to do and that is effectively it let's hit the play button and get underway in our very first game of stellaris now as we land we are given this screen it has a little bit of fluff on the screen saying what our origin is the origin itself it doesn't really matter it just gives us a bunch of additional bonuses and once you feel comfortable with the game you can start exploring different origins but yeah there is a bunch of stuff here a little bit of fluff it's not really all that impactful to the game it's just to fill your history and what you have done very nice if you want to go for a role play approach to the game and there is nothing wrong with that some people like to min max some people like to role play i'm a little bit in the middle of those so let's just hit the begin button and not start the game because we are not going to unpause um this is a grand strategy possible real time strategy game and what i mean by possible real time is that in the top right of the screen there is a date now every single date is set by a day now every single tick of a day stuff will happen at the end of the month we will get resources for instance that we'll be talking about shortly but we can unpause it any moment we like by clicking the top right or if you are playing on pc hitting the space bar so for instance if i hit the space bar we go to normal speed i hit it again it goes off it's extremely straightforward now there is a lot of information thrown at you right off the get-go we have this outliner over here we've got all of this stuff on the left side we've got all of this stuff on the top of the screen we've got a solar system with a whole slew of things and it may not be very straightforward on what is what because you've tried the tutorial most likely some of you may have not don't worry i got you and you may have gotten really confused because there is so much stuff going on and it's not necessarily straightforward on what you need to do so start a game what do you do well first of all you need to take a look at the resources that you have on the top of the screen this is your lifeblood these are the resources that you're going to be using within the game and they are differentiated in five particularly core items that you're going to be playing around with there's energy which is basically your money or you're also going to be spending it on some other things in terms of upkeep some species use energy in different ways but that's not something that we're going to be talking about in this video because it's a little bit more advanced minerals minerals are used to build buildings within the game or spend on special projects that you can use to grow your empire it's very much an infrastructural based resource then there is food i don't think food necessarily needs a very big introduction your pops that's your population eat this in order to stay alive or grow the more food you have the better then there are the more advanced resources there's consumer goods these are things like microwaves and dishwashers and basically things to keep your population happy on a day-to-day basis every single pop within your empire will be consuming a certain amount of consumer goods and you'll always have to make sure that this is in the plus because if they don't your pups will become unhappy and that will have knock-on effects in the rest of the game then there is alloys alloys are used to build your space infrastructure alloys is what you build your ships with alloys is what you expand with by building new stations basically territory indicators that we will go over a little bit later then finally there is influence influence is a more i want to say esoteric type of item it doesn't really have a physical standard within the world this is how you can use your influence you slowly build up over time to make decisions within your empire you can do things to improve your influence income or retroactively have a negative impact on set influence growth you always want to keep this in the plus because once again you use this to grow your empire and your standing within the universe and finally there is unity unity is a once again similar to influence a kind of not necessarily a physical thing but it's what you use to move your society forward to develop your own species in something unique and something that you can play with and basically stare into the direction that you want to go with and well we'll get to those a little bit more later on then there's a whole bunch of stuff here on the right that is not necessarily impactful right now they're more indicators of what is available we'll go quickly go over them there's our science income science is objectively the most important resource in the game because science means technology and technology is life if you can get ahead of everybody else with technology you are golden then there is the strategic resources we don't need to go into those right now because in the scope of this basics video we will not have to touch on those whatsoever but just to give a little bit of clarification these are special resources that you will have to use on special buildings down the line and you can also use them to build special components on your ships or on special buildings etc empire sprawl could be impactful depending on how far we go in this particular video but it really depends on how things go basically your empire has a certain administrative capacity you need to have enough pencil pushers in order to keep everything running and if you go over the number of pencil pushers in this particular case we have 52 of them then we will run into some problems in terms of negative modifiers finally there's some invoice don't need to worry about that and empire population don't need to worry about that either the amount of starbases that we have don't worry about it and naval capacity the amount of ships we currently have in space and the amount of ships that we can support good we've covered the top top bar in the game now let's move on to some of the more interesting stuff because you're probably very interested in to uh the game itself and start going so we got our first area over here this is our solar system we got our capital world over here it's earth of course it is earth it is nicely textured it even has all the continents on it even luna is here and if we click on the planet it will bring up a brand new menu which is the planetary menu basically this is where all of our stuff that goes on on planet goes on rather than clicking on the planet however we can also click on the outliner and hit earth to go to the same menu now there is a lot of stuff going on on this screen you not may necessarily know what is going on all you need to know here is that you don't need to worry about this at the start of the game whatsoever these are just the place where your people live and work now the people themselves are listed under the population tab this is where all your pups hang out and what they all do you don't need to worry about that we'll leave that one for the economy video but closing that screen and ignoring the shipyard ignoring a military fleet we get to the scion ship now the science ship is very much the the proverbial cow that pulls the plow that is your initial empire so what you do with the science ship as you may already imply is you will go out into the wild yonder to explore because solaris is all about exploration and finding yourself within the galaxy and seeing what is out there so that's exactly what we're going to be doing exploration is very much the very first thing that you're going to be doing in the game now we're going to go either hit this button down here or hit m in my particular case i will hit m and we will find ourselves on the galaxy map now we can zoom out and we'll see that there are a bunch of systems within the galaxy that we cannot access yet because it's way too early in the game and our ships are not that fast but we have a nice point-to-point system where we can go and send our scion ship all around now it's important to know that our normal ships as in our fleets uh cannot move to systems that we do not know anything about we can move them to say the systems where we have the name of the system etc we can do all of that but it is just not important we do not need to move our military ships anywhere whatsoever because as of right now they are not important quickly looping back to the sign ship however we can go ahead and say look there is a planet nearby it is an alpine world which means it's a type of planet that may or may not be interesting to us and we're just going to go ahead and right click on that particular system and then survey the system this will start up a queue of items within that system and we quickly go into it we will see there are all these lines this is the route that our sign ship will take in order to survey the system to see if there's anything interesting there whether it be resources whether it be science whether it be ancient anomalies that may or may not have some sort of mystery behind it because once again we are in it for the discovery side of things in addition to that we can also at the same time hit the shift key and then click on this button down here the survey button click again and then whilst holding the shift key continue clicking on systems nearby for us to survey this sets up a longer queue for us to not having to worry about about the science ship they'll go out into the wild yonder and basically continue doing their thing whilst we do other things within our empire there's a reasonable amount of automation within the game that allows you to set up cues for different type of things whether it be ships whether it be building structures etc and that is incredibly useful because you will have a lot of things to do and having all this stuff automated is an absolute life saver now that we've got our science ship set up it's a time it's time to take a look at our own solar system now as you see within our solar system there are a couple of worlds that have these little green icons on them that means that there is already a station a science station or a mining station in orbit and that basically means that these resources are already being mined by these particular types of stations and what we can do here is actually set up a construction ship and take a look at some of these other places and potentially put down another station you don't necessarily have to do this at the start of the game depending on how much income and resources you have but overall it is a good idea to get a large amount of these resources at the start of the game you always want to go for the highest possible number and if you can do individual constructions on some of the but for now we will forego that and then we'll leave the civilian ships behind us the construction ship and the science ship and take a look at the galactic market or specifically the resources that we talked about earlier if you click on one of these resources whether or not the energy minerals or food it will open up the market screen the first thing you're going to be doing is sell off all your food very straightforward you hit the minus 100 button for the food and you will see that we have a reasonable amount of energy coming in with that with that energy we can hire another scientist for another sign ship which is exactly what we're going to be doing so we're going to go into our shipyard go to the shipyard tab here and build ourselves a sign ship for 100 alloys don't you worry it's currently now sitting at zero alloys it's not the end of the world we will get more alloys over time as things progress but yeah that is that we have a science ship queued up we we can recruit a new scientist now it's time to take a look at our research now research uh if we click one of these buttons up here they are defined in physics sociology and engineering brings up us to this particular screen where we can basically select what kind of science we want to be working on in general um as a rule of thumb it's usually a good idea to go for any sort of bonus to scientists to scientists or researchers especially if you don't have any better options available basically this will have a knock-on effect into the late game and will make sure that resources and science in general are cheaper over time and it's usually a good idea to take these similar for our society research we're going to go for another one of these and then finally we got our engineering research but we also have the option to go for powered exoskeletons which could potentially be helpful because we're gonna get more minerals which basically means we could get uh cheaper buildings over time because we're gonna generate more minerals the buildings themselves are not gonna be cheaper but they're gonna be easier to get to due to the amount of materials that we have available however because i am a dirty min maxer this is of course not something that you have to do yourself i'm gonna go for nanomechanics because i like it like it when all of these three pictures are basically the same and i like long-term gains on bonuses now the one thing you need to keep your eye on on this particular screen is that this button uh this little icon over here if it's the same as this one i e the bonus that the scientist gives because yes the scientists themselves have specializations that they can use to get science they will get a bigger bonus out of things for instance this is a computing expert expert which means that if they're researching anything around computing they will get a bonus of 17 percent out of it however if we change this however by using the change research button and we go through something else say this one fusion power which is under the particle physics tree we will see that we get a much smaller bonus so actually uh trying to get the right scientists into the right uh science category is usually a good idea however at the start of the game you will simply not have the energy to do anything with that however we see that there is an industry scientist down here that we're missing instead we're getting a resilient scientist so we're going to click on their portrait and go to recruit now overall we have a couple of decent options here one of them is an expertise in propulsion which could be useful and it fits the engineering category so we're going to go ahead and recruit that particular scientist go back to our science screen as you can see the colors they are now matching it may not be a rocketry scientist that we're currently getting uh we actually cannot get a rocket scientist uh specialization at all but it doesn't matter as long as this is in the right category and maybe down the line we'll get a bonus on anything involving uh propulsion systems and that's usually things like uh spaceships or thrusters and that sort of things but we're gonna go and leave this alone because once again it's an automated system and it will clock keep on clocking whilst we are doing our other stuff and with that we are almost ready to unpause the game but we're not going to do that just yet because there is one thing that we're going to be doing first and this may sound incredibly counter-productive and i want you to pay attention because this is a bit more of an advanced thing but it's always a good idea to have the right habits at the start of your game career cool cool now i want to give one preface on this one you do not need to do this the thing that we're about to do you don't need to do it but if you want to have a lot of resources at the start of the game this would be a good idea so remember how we were talking earlier that we weren't going to be talking about our military fleet specifically our three little corvettes that are hanging out around here well we are going to be doing something with them we're going to strip them of all of their weapons propulsion systems and anything that makes them useful because overall at the start of the game there is no use for military fleets there are some very niche situations where military fleets are important but 99 of the time those will not occur now once again you don't need to do this however there's this little button over here we'll actually unlock the navigation bar and we will actually lock it over here actually we can't do that that's a new thing in 1.3.1 and as you can see there is this big old ship designer tab and we can also hit f9 to get to that particular menu and that's exactly what we will do we'll get to the ship designer and it's very sparse there's a nice star field over here and there's three ships designs here it's two actually now we're gonna go ahead and remove the auto generate ship design here because we don't want to do that uh once again if you're uncomfortable with ship's designs and all that stuff it's a bit more complicated we'll leave this one for a separate video then uh leave that one on but in the meantime we're gonna go ahead and clear this design go into the hyperdrive and then remove that as well as you can see we have basically now stripped this ship of all of its weapons all of its armor all of its shields as well as its ability to traverse to other systems we're gonna go ahead and save this design and then we are going to go to our ships and hit this tiny button over here it's the upgrade fleet button now considering we have just set the design of our fleet to something that is significantly more simplistic we're effectively mothballing our fleet we will get back about 145 alloys one of the intermediate resources that we talked about earlier and we're going to go ahead and upgrade that or in this particular case downgrade and now we will hit the space bar for the very first time in order to start the game in motion as you can see at the moment the ships are now being downgraded slowly but steadily there's a nice little indicator here that will pop up very shortly as well as the the our sign ship being on its way now you may have noticed the month just ticked over and that means that we have new resources available we have got plus 31 minerals we got plus 58 energy we got 24 food because we were zero before because we sold all of it of course and that is a good thing because we want to have all these resources to slowly but steadily trickle into our economy because that is what our empire is built upon so what is currently going on here well our science ship is on its way to our neighboring solar system and things are going a little bit slow it's not not necessarily the speediest of experiences in the universe and uh yeah it's just moving around it's going around to this other place and trying to figure out what is going on over here and that is fine uh yeah it's a little bit slow it's not really doing anything how can we speed up this process well you may have if you remember we built another sign ship earlier on and it's just finished we're gonna go ahead and select the sign ship that is there we're going to go to assign leader and remember that scientists from before that we quickly booted off of their tenure as a scientician within the research department we're going to go and go and put that scientist on that ship and is now equipped that ship is now equipped with a scientist we're going to go back to the uh galaxy map hit the survey button again and then once again cue up a bunch of these science operations and now this particular science ship will also go out there and i've put them on exactly the same route as this other ship which means that it will start helping out the initial ship in order to figure out things quicker for us now we can move things even further along by hitting the plus button this will increase the speed of our game and we'll get to this one shortly this will increase the speed of our game and basically will make the months and days tick over faster and also make things a lot more interesting in terms of speed because if you play the game at normal speed sure you'll have all the time in the world to completely min max and completely uh define your situation on your planet but right now it doesn't matter we're here to have fun we want to go ahead and see what the game actually does and as it is right now we've moved the game ahead by about eight months we got our first discovery of alien life now the one important thing about this game is that the galaxy is filled with mystery and wonders and i'm not going to spoil anything for you in this particular series there is other videos on my channel to go and check those out if you do make sure you go and subscribe for more of them in the future but we've got our first particular little thing over here and we've discovered alien life for the first time in existence our species has found alien life and a very very exciting endeavor we get a bunch of research for this uh this is just a single boost of research that we will get it's not a permanent boost as you can see uh we only have plus 21 we don't get plus 253 on the tally this is just a lump sum that we would get here so that's about half a year's worth of science that we get for free which will automatically get tallied into our society over here so yeah there you go it now goes down to 40 months instead of the 70 months that it was before in addition our other science ship has found themselves exotic gas now remember those strategic resources i was talking about before yeah we just found a source of them we can't do anything with them just yet because that's what the science is for but that is a good thing because it means that our science ships have found something for us that we can use in the late game well not too much the late game but the mid game he will be bombarded with um different events different anomalies but a bit of luck we might actually pop come in contact with one of these anomalies at some point first contact protocols don't worry about this it's always wise to be cautious but yeah as the as the science ships are moving back and forth and back and forth they can go ahead and find things out and those are really the initial basics of the game i have you know may have noticed that i haven't talked about this stuff on the left side of the screen it does not matter right now it's okay we don't need to worry about that there's maybe one thing and that's a situation but all of this other stuff it's just not important it's good to discover all this stuff on your own because there's just so many things going on here that i cannot explain to you however i will do so in a future video because we have just discovered the first league which is a precursor species and this video is now almost running 30 minutes long if you have enjoyed this particular introduction into stellaris these first few months of in-game time what to do how to set up your science ships how to do your initial survey how to make sense of the ui and things that are going on well you're in a good you're in a good place take my hand let's go and out there and discover more about the galaxy feel free to subscribe when more videos drop we've done these videos many times before and solaris is always evolving into something new and fresh and now would be a good time to come on board and find the first star on the left and go straight till morning my name is renee speck thank you for joining me this has been the basic on solaris until next time take a care of yourselves thank you to my patrons until next time take care of yourselves and as always each other
Channel: ASpec
Views: 368,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Tutorial, How To, Let's Play, Beginners, Basic, Start, ASpec, A_Spec, UI, Vanilla, 3.1, LEM, Overview, First years, Scienc, resources, Paradox Interactive, Paradox Development Stuiods, Space, Galaxy, Universe, Base Game, Changes, update
Id: Lit3ySU--Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 59sec (1679 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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