Stellaris - 6 Advanced Quality of Life Tips

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paradox games in general are rather notorious for having a steep learning curve and what is usually considered to be a relatively bad tutorial this means that a lot of features that are in the game aren't necessarily signaled to the player which means that there can be a lot of confusion out there now today we're gonna go and dive into some of these mechanics I've done this before in the past and it seems to be be received relatively well but today we're gonna be diving into some of the nitty-gritty air system we're gonna go into some of the more mechanical stuff and hopefully make your lives a little bit better let's dive in shall we here's a scenario you've probably bumped in at one time or another and that is the joys of having to deal with a massive overpopulation on all your planets or other orbitals that you may or may not have there is a good way around this though you don't really have to download a mod off the workshop to get around this no all you have to do is go into the galactic community and actually go into the resolutions and then specifically underneath greater good get to greater than ourselves not only does it ban a bunch of very interesting living standards like basic subsistence and stratified economy but it also removed chattel slavery livestock grid amalgamation from the allowed types of you know citizenship that you can have but this is not the big thing the big thing here is is eat it and it's not particularly clear on this particular screen that there is an edict all you can see is that there is a influenced costume effect underneath it and that effect is the most important part now I've set up for this little example a little Ringworld over here and as you can see this is all ready to go it's got some districts on it and the first of all what we're gonna do is we're gonna make sure that only the workers will fill up first and then later on the specialists normally pops will want to navigate themselves towards a specialist jobs first but in this particular case they will fill up the worker jobs first at least in this particular case the clerk jobs then we go into our influence and go to greater than ourselves now that we have unlocked it and click it all we're gonna do now is on pause and watch than go oh yes the rising unemployment yeah that will no longer be a problem very soon anymore as consumer goods will start to become a problem as we keep this one open you can see that pups will start to move over towards this ring world all by themselves we no longer have to go into the resettlement screen and make sure that we have the right amount of pups and in the right locations because that would just take forever especially when we want to fill up a ring world there we go it's 5 out of 20 not bad all the other segments as well yeah they're filling up nice and quickly and that is exactly what we want all these jobs are now being automatically filled up by our pops off from different locations void home for instance still has two pops available that's not a problem because well as you can see they are slowly but steadily making their way over to Ward's their location or at least their destination and now the workers jobs are filled up we can do this with the researchers as well and that's more popular therefore these will fill up a lot quicker so what does this mean it means that you can in the mid to late game deal with population controls a lot easier by just setting up planets with a lot of districts if especially if you have a lot of overpopulation on some of your other locations and all your pups will automatically start to move themselves to places that don't have any well that have any jobs available which means that you can get rid of overpopulation really easily without ever having to go into this horrible resettlement screen now that the population is starting to fill up in the system we need to go and take a look at how this is going to affect our factions factions by themselves is a screen that people don't necessarily look at all that often because there is just not a lot of stuff to do here there's no events attached to this or anything else which is sadly a thing in the game right now not a lot of internal politics but it doesn't mean that this is not an important screen because this is where you get all your influence from at least until you get will to power in the Unity ambitions so right now for instance this particular faction is giving us 1 point to influence per month which is a gigantic amount some of the other ones a lot lower mainly because we are suppressing them but we don't have a lot of factions why because we are keeping our factions under control by using government ethics attraction and government ethic attraction is a very nebulous subject within the game it's not particularly clear all the time what it does but it does in this particular case is making sure that your pops stay in the right well as in the right factions which means that you have an easier time controlling where your influence is coming from all of these factions will have to generate their own generate their own demands for instance these guys want free movement or these guys don't want robots etc so how do we control this well there is a really cool building in the game that a lot of people seem to be using and I do feel this is a big a big failure on the tutorial ization of the game because it's not really explained very well if we go into the star base over here this particular star hold we go to the building option we scroll down we see all the cool stuff like listening-posts or our trading companies or fleet academy stuff that is directly useful for your economy or your fleet however there is one building that is completely unique and that is the deep space black site what does the deep space black site do well it improves governing ethics attraction in the system which means that your pup's will naturally flow towards your governing ethics groups as in this particular case the wonders of xena files and materialists so if you have a system with a lot of pups inside of it it's always a good idea to build that deep space black site for those governing ethics attraction plus you get a bonus of +5 stability which means all your pops will generate more resources and who doesn't want to have that people there's black sites built them because the government will come for you and make sure that you follow the tenants of the factions so the next tip may be really straightforward to some of you but some others may not have really used this particular system but I do highly recommend you to use it because it will make your lives a lot easier if you go into our outliner we find ourselves a place let's say this refinery station over here we go to the planetary summary and we see that we have a building slump available building slots are of course useful because they use specialists and in most cases there we go there we will be presented with this giant list especially in the post mid-game the list will just get longer and longer and there will be so many buildings here for you to choose and pick and this can be a problem especially if you know what you want to do with a particular orbital or a planet I say you want to build a orbital completely up to be full of fortresses you have to scroll all the way down to the fortress option or the stronghold option and this is gonna take time it's just gonna take a lot of effort and it's just it's busy work for the sake of busy work however what you could instead do is use the quick buttons above the construction building menu he has the army button will take you straight there strongholds or if you need to build something in your economy commercial zones and the galactic stock exchanges are immediately here or labs now this is a great way to very quickly navigate between the different buildings that are available within your empire and you should definitely use this particular system this for instance this entire space station is all about alloys so we can just go and navigate to manufacturing build ourselves an alloy a foundry right off the get-go without having to scroll back and forth and that is incredibly useful and it will save you a lot of headache being able to navigate the UI quickly and efficiently is definitely there the buttons are there but you should know to learn them because it will make it life so much easier quality of life option there what a lot of you will know already is that pops are life and sometimes getting pops quickly is really important to get your economy up and running especially at the start of the game now in some scenarios what you can do is you can survey your planet over here this here arid world which is relatively straightforward but you can't colonize it over at the moment because we haven't cleaned this system that is a problem because if it would go in here if the system was colonized we would need to go and build the actual colony ship physically which basically means we need to wait until the colony ship is done which takes a year then for it to fly over which probably takes another year etc etc this is what the game presents you as the standard de-facto style of building colonies it takes a lot of time it's a very linear process but you can totally do it in a different so let's quickly pop over towards this system over here that I've set up next door as you can see we have ourselves a little construction ship getting ready to finish production on this here Space Station however what I've already done is build a colony ship way ahead of this particular system being claimed and send it over towards the planets to be colonized what you can do in the early game is really really simple when you once you have the ability to build yourself a colony ship you should probably go and build it because once you have found yourself a che planet that you can colonize your colony ship would already be ready and you can just send it over there as you wait for everything to be done as you can see this system is now online and ready to go so let's quickly go and colonize this world let's give it a cool name Nova counts an opal will do and colony started okay so relatively straightforward right okay fair enough now we have to wait for the colony to be done and that can take some time like this one is gonna take two years to colonize two years in the three months which is a long-ass time and we don't have time to wait for stuff to be developed on planet because obviously we want to get pops over here and make sure the planet grows as fast as possible and one of those things that we can avoid in terms of streaming streamlining our building structure is making sure there are no planetary blockers in this system already or at least on this planet because normally we would have some planet blockers here and then we would need to build some districts and then we need to remove those blockers and these things take time something that we usually don't have however in the colonization process we can go towards the planetary feature button and you will notice that we can already remove any blockers that we have the technology for to remove them and this means that during the colonization process we could automatically start removing these here tile blockers which is incredibly useful down the line because once it is time to expand your planet to the max we don't have those blockers there especially when you're trying to do something along the lines of getting blockers off of strategic resources Motz gas dust and that sort of thing then we can make sure that those blockers aren't there during the colonization process it is not a single button and waiting we can do multiple things on this screen and removing tile blockers is a really really big part of that make sure that you remove your table lockers once you can whilst you're still colonizing a planet you've just started a game you're ready to rock and roll to go out there into the wild yonder conquer the enemy and bring them asunder and this is definitely something that can happen you know some players just want to play for conquest someone play for economy what is however important data to start the game there is a chance and you should definitely check up on this that the initial ships are not the design that you would want and that is the following you do not want to have to pick a chip as your very first design always make sure you go into your ship designer before throwing yourselves at the enemy it's very important that you do picket designs are not good always make sure you have the auto-generate design off and then go into interceptor and just autocomplete just so you have a nice mix and match sure the firepower on paper may be a little bit lower but the point defense is just not good at all should you throw in maybe one Corvette with a Pickett design sure because basically any stations you will encounter will have a missile turret on it and the point defense will take down those missiles so you will have an easier time taking down enemies stations but your entire fleet should not consist of these types of ships always make sure that you have interceptors ready to deploy also the AI sometimes has a lot of point defense on their ships and you can counter this relatively easily by well not making sure that you making sure you don't have point defense on your ships and proper weapons instead so yeah there you go make sure you have the right weapons set up on your ships at the start of the game and one thing that I feel the game is not really signalling all that much is the importance of using the right type of scientists on the right type of technology but it goes a lot further than that it also applies to anomalies for instance give this anomaly over here we have this particular scientist over here and they are ready to go ahead and survey this planet now we can change the scientist and actually apply something a little bit more useful on this let's say that we want to get this scientist on there who is carefree carefree means that they will get more anomalies pop up in general this one for instance is maniacal do we want to level this maniacal scientist absolutely because my Nigel scientists potentially gives us access to psionics a lot earlier than normal so in this particular case what we can do is we can actually a some reassign this particular scientist to this particular anomaly and then they will start heading over there if I can quickly find the scientist in question it is this one they will now start to prioritize this particular this particular dig site which is really important to get levels on your scientists in addition having a lot of scientists is incredibly useful but only if those scientists are one of each category if you quickly go into our leader tab here you will notice that we have a lot of scientists but they all have different specialties and specialties are really really good to optimizing your research output for instance if we go into our technology window you will see that certain technologies are guided by certain principles for instance the colony development speed is controlled by computing and we currently have a adaptable scientist on there is that optimal absolutely not in a perfect world we would have a computing scientist on this particular build and we can do that because we have a scientist available of that particular type we now have a bonus of 32 percent whereas before if I quickly pop over if we can find said scientist I will just use this one yeah now we have 17 and that's a huge bonus because we want to make sure that we have optimal research speed and research progress on every single technology that we can get please make sure that you rotate your scientists in and out all the time but also make sure that you have the right scientists on the right mission for instance precursors the anomaly events take a lot of time because I they are usually a very high level you can use specific archaeologist scientists on those particular sites however if you need a certain type of scientist because an over one has died and you still need a specialist and you need a lot of levels on a certain scientists make sure you send them out to get trained up and may get room ready to be swapped in to the next science thing because doubling your research speed is a huge huge bonus and should not be underestimated optimize your scientists people it is the way they go because science wins you the game just like pops do so lorises is definitely a game with a relatively steep learning curve and I hope that today with these tips that you have managed to kind of skip part of said learning curve get ahead of the pack so to speak if you've learned something feel free to give it in the comments below and even if you haven't but there are things out there that you would like to cover or let people know feel free to leave a comment below I really looking forward to see what you have to say about some of the more undocumented features within the game I'm really really looking forward to that discussion I also want to thank my patrons for making this video possible and in the meantime here is some videos for you to enjoy here is some more tips for you to learn the game it covers some more quality of life stuff as well as a brand new playlist that covers all the new features within the game this is a tutorial playlist so please be aware of that it's never never a bad time to do some learning thank you so much for watching it until next time take good care of yourselves and as always each other
Channel: ASpec
Views: 219,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, ASpec, A_Spec, Tutorial, Mechanics, Help, Resettlement, Deepspace Blacksite, Apocalypse, Federations, Utopia, Scientists, Overview, Tips
Id: m6O-ugrRrw8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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