「Stellaris」 Fleet Design Guide - All Ship Builds!

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greetings Iran I'm Stefan and this is the ultimate guide to ship design install our today's video I'll be covering how to design a proper ships and we're not only gonna be showcasing and the best designs available in the game right now but I'll also be demonstrating some good designs that you can use with whatever technology you have at hand of course not everyone will have autocannons or Neutron launchers at the very start so of course we have to go with whatever technology you have at hand and today's guide is gonna be focused on letting you guys know what sort of designs are good and what sort of designs are bad and will fail horribly let's start today's coverage with the basics of ships so as you might know ships have three sort of hit point stats one of them being shields these get taken down first then its armor that is whole points at 50% or less whole points there's a thing called a disengagement chance which we'll be covering later on in the video but keep in mind the disengagement chance is actually a factor and should not be ignored when you're designing ships you can increase these values by using shield modules armor modules and of course whole point modules now of these three whole point modules are the cheapest but probably least effective as you might know as ships go down in health and they will actually start doing it less damage and so having a ship completely outfitted with hope is not gonna be a good idea because as soon as it starts getting hit they will start dealing reduced damage and you don't want that however if you can build up more ships with your whole points then with proper equipment like armor and shields you can just go for it because two ships is better than one and obviously more firepower will win your battles being a firepower you will have quite a few options for your weapons now medium weapons are just one of the many weapon slots available and really if you're playing any sort of ship you'll be able to choose what sort of weapon slots that you have by clicking on these three things though for example if you click on the broadside boat we have a few options to choose from we can choose from two medium weapons one large weapon or two small weapons and a guided weapon get our weapons our missiles and of course smaller and larger weapons are just the same weapon types except I have a slightly larger scale larger weapons will cost about twice as much as medium weapons and medium weapons cost about twice as much as small weapons so in terms of actual cost there's no difference in going with juice weapons as opposed to just one medium weapon what does matter is their accuracy and tracking accuracy will generally stay the same throughout three weapon types however tracking will change drastically as you can see here tracking and this large laser is only 5% and tracking and the smaller laser is a whopping 50% now if you're not familiar with tracking the way tracking works is it negates some of the enemy's evasion so for example if we were to fire at the same ship with this exact ship we would have to deal with 21% evasion normally without any sort of tracking this summation will be subtracted from the chance to hit chance to hit being initially just the accuracy of the weapons so in this situation it will be 90 because accuracy on this weapon is 90 minus 21 so the chance to hit a similar ship would only be about 69% however if we added some track into the equation and negated this evasion bonus we'll be able to hit all 90% of the time and that would increase the effective chance of hitting by like 25% because of course maths and stuff like that tracking will not affect you too much against larger ships such as cruisers our tracking is very important against smaller ships such as Corvettes and destroyers Koretz will easily reach an 80% evasion and if you don't have decent tracking you will have a very minimal chances of hitting you will still have a very small base chance of hitting I believe that base chance is around 5% or so but invasion invasion will kill you if you don't try to counter it so as a general rule of thumb you want smaller weapons against smaller ships and bigger weapons against bigger ships now the reason why I say that is because even though smaller and larger weapons do approximately proportional DPS with larger weapons slightly beating them out larger weapons have the advantage of having a much longer range and the longer you range the more hits you can get on your opponent before they come into range and start hitting you back of course you will not always know the fleet composition of your potential enemy but as a general rule of thumb the earlier it is in the game the better it is to use smaller weapons now but smaller weapons I also mean medium weapons medium weapons will serve as a pretty good compromise between larger and smaller weapons because they will deal sufficient DPS while also being able to track the opponents relatively well for example this laser will have 30 tracking and when combined with things like sensors and other modules you're gonna have a pretty decent chance to hit smaller ships while also retaining efficiency against larger ships in fact since Corvettes and the stories don't actually reach their 90% evasion cap early on you might be able to get away with just going with medium weapons as soon as possible this can be done with your destroyers because a single story can have up to two medium shots or it can be done with your cruisers and cruisers will have quite a bit more than two medium slots and actually they're quite effective as gunships early on of course once battleships come into play they'll be completely devastated but early on having medium weapons on ships such as these is gonna be a very good idea and no matter what sort of technology how having this sort of build a new cruisers is going to be able to win your battles now there have covered the offenses and the defenses of a ship let's talk a little bit about the core components the first component of a ship is the reactor it will affect how much power the ship generates but having too much power isn't gonna really help you out granted it will affect you a little bit for example having sixty five extra power molecules plus point something percent to our damage and will give us just a little bit to our evasion so going too much overboard with power isn't gonna affect you too much even who wanted with a very advanced reactor here it would affect us very very slightly the drive is pretty self-explanatory it will affect how long it takes for a ship to jump from one system to the next and of course the jump drive will allow you to jump ships from one system all the way to another system as long as you of course have been in the system before next we have thrusters now obviously these are more useful in a defensive war than in a defensive war but even in a defensive war and these provide a good chance to evade and you don't want to skip out on these if you're trying to run Corvette swarms next we have sensors you want to have at least two your two sensors that your ships can move ahead while also seeing where they're going because of course if they don't know where they're going they're not going to be able to reach that destination so having at least Tier two sensors is ideal otherwise having higher tier sensors will only increase their range of being able to sense targets and being able to track other ships and comma computers will of course affect how what sort of things that the ship doesn't combat the ship will move towards the range at designated by its common computer and it will stay at that range while doing various things big a chops for example will have a very high tracking lion ships will have a very high chance to hit which is not really too useful unless you're running a very inaccurate weapons artillery ships will have a higher range and carriers will have higher engagement range which means that for example if a fleet was here and the enemy was here with higher engagement range they'll be able to engage the enemy from quite a bit further so let's say the range of this hypothetical ship is this much having a higher engagement range would increase the range to like in this much and you'll be able to engage the fleet from further away that is especially useful if you try to catch an enemy fleet or if you're running carriers because carriers will release their stride craft the moment combat is engaged and so with carriers want as much engagement range as possible now as for these auxiliary components you will have a few options now obviously the fire control will increase your chances of hitting which is decent enough but afterburners are also very good option having good afterburners on a ship will allow it to move faster and in an offensive warp speed is everything you want to be able to defeat an enemy as quick as possible and having high speed on your ships is gonna help you out with that it will also help you out with any maneuvers and if you're getting chased around or chasing someone it will help out tremendously besides these two components the others are relatively niche you don't really want to be doing with any of these besides maybe a regenerative whole tissue which is useful in long-term campaigns and enigmatic decoders and encoders which are special event items which are granted by completing the enigmatic fortress event chain you will not always have that thing happen in your game so these things are very situational and quite exciting to use now before we move on to the different weapon types real quick if you're having trouble at generating your own designs you have to unclick this button in the bottom left if you don't click this button you'll not be able to save custom science yeah that may be a problem what are the hottest things right now in stellaris 2.6 is of course strike craft these things have a most massively but haven't have been buffed to become overpowered they are very powerful and smaller ships such as cruisers and destroyers but are not nearly as good against larger ships such as cruisers and battleships the problem with a strike craft versus battleships is that battleships will probably be equipped with someone like a neutral monitor Neutron launchers have a very high range and when they fire they get to the target immediately strike craft on the other hand will take some time to get to the target and they actually take quite a while to deploy completely for example this advanced drug craft unit will take about 18 seconds to fully deploy from the first to the last strike craft this means that by the time everyone has deployed and potentially is making their way to the other ship you'll be able to be hit by Neutron launchers twice that is not a good ratio to have and most the time carriers like this will fall prey to Neutron launchers in the late game however if the enemy is that not wielding weapons like these or potentially it's early on in the game and you have just discovered cruisers you'll be able to have quite a bit of fun and especially if you're tech crush and become the first one to gain cruisers you're gonna be in a very dominant spot because I'd strike craft you also have quite a few weapons options for example flak and point defense are two potential options for dealing with missiles and enemy strike craft but they're not really too good they have a very limited range and while they are good at defending against red craft if the enemy does not have strike craft or missiles you know you're basically wasting slots so potentially if you're even running a carrier like this you might want to avoid even using these two slots and just save a bit of resources and these thoughts dry craft will act as point defense anyways and so you don't really have to worry about missiles hitting your ships as for the guided weapon slots I had these things with wool fire missiles and as far as missiles go normal missiles aren't too good because most of the time the enemy will have some countermeasures and while missiles will have slightly more DPS than normal weapons they're not really too good like that that's the main issue with them they are decent but they are not good enough to justify using them over other sort of weapons especially considering how they actually take quite a while to get to the enemy target so for example this missile will have a speed of 18 a speed of 18 while Starcraft will have speed of 700 this means that the missile will take very long to get to the enemy ship and if the combat is like Cole's quarters you will be having a very bad time the only real option you have for getting weapons odds are torpedos your Peters will have slightly more dps than the other missile types and it will of course deal a lot of damage when striking a target in fact the average damage of torpedoes is extremely high and most of the dps will be released just at a very small burst of the opening of combat this means that your alpha strike which is the initial strike of your fleet is going to be very powerful and is gonna be able to eliminate quite a few enemy ships the more enemy ships you can eliminate with a first strike the better and you're gonna be very good off with torpedoes versus the other missile types of course if you have defeated the prather in scourge you could also be running to scrooge missiles but these things are really really endgame as for the other three well time slots I pretty much already covered them smaller weapons are gonna get smaller ships larger weapons are against against large ships and in fact they're quite a few often is exclusive to the smaller and larger rapid slots for example in the smaller slots you can mount outer cannons which are incredibly powerful and if you have access to autocannons and small slots I would definitely recommend using them but for larger weapon slots you come on things like lightning and neutron launchers as well as connector Torrey although to be completely honest kinetic artillery is it made obsolete by the existence of a neutron launchers these things are just so much better and unless you're facing an opponent with a very heavy focus on shields you're gonna be better off using Neutron launchers over kinetic artillery anyways with the basics of ships covered let's talk a little bit about two very important aspects of Fleet combat how am i disengaging returns and forces parity comma disengage returns effects the chance of a ship to disengage it and just completely remove itself from combat and come back at the end of combat for example right here this ship is a very low HP and if it were to disengage you would effectively leave combat and leave towards the Starbase it is much preferable for a ship to disengage than be destroyed in combat because of course you can repair a ship that is at very low HP and you know you that again but if it is destroyed completely he will not be able to use it and it will simply sink and die a higher disengage your chance would likely have allowed this ship to survive and that can be achieved as our variety of means one of the means is of course through an admiral you have an option to recruit a tricks or a Merle and if we're to get him right now and that'd be excellent so a truck sir Admiral will increase the cabin to the gamin chance by 25% that is excellent and you want to be going for tricksters as much as possible if you want to you know not sustain as many losses you also have to know what sort of ships are especially susceptible to being disengaged cruisers particularly are extremely survivable and will disengage a lot of the time if you have a trickster admiral on your cruisers they will disengage quite a bit and in fact if you combine it with the hit-and-run doctrine using um you know the supremacy tradition finisher effect you're gonna be able to increase this gauge Minh chance by quite a bit further with a hidden realm or doctrine we can increase combat desiccator chance by 33% combination of these three things can really help you dominate early on and in fact even later on the only problem with it this engagement chance is of course if the ship gets destroyed and completely skips the part where it's under 50% yeah it's just good at is really gonna die like there's no saving a ship that is completely doom would buy a particle beam or something over if a ship experiences a lot of smaller hits it will have a much higher likelihood of actually surviving of course they can be opposite of hit-and-run is no retreat would narrow retreat your ships will fire faster sure but you also stay in much greater losses and unless you're just fighting a single battle in the entirety of the war nor retreat is a really bad option you do not want to be going to retreat because well you're gonna be losing a lot of ships and you don't want to be losing a lot of ships to be disengaging as many ships from battle as possible and then repairing them for a future battle instead of just you know coming in and having have fiercely gone after a single engagement the other special feature that I have to mention is force disparity if a fleet is for example half of your innate capacity it will receive a 50% bonus to its fire rate that 50% bonus is now going to make the enemy fleet win unless of course they're extremely technologically advanced but instead will cause you to suffer a lot more losses it's more of a mechanic to induce loss on the attacker than a mechanic to allow the defender to win but a smaller fleet will still be a threat and this is especially noticeable if you are running no retreat normally you will be able to disengage some of your ships and you won't sustain too many losses from the increased fire rate but would not retreat yeah you're gonna suffer now that we've covered the basics of fleet design and all the things you should keep in mind while doing it let's cover some very good builds for events you have two top tier options one of those options is to mount a lot of autocannons and plasma cannons to have a very high shield damage as well as a very high hull and armor damage this combination is extremely devastating and these Corvettes are extremely powerful especially when used in combination with other ships the other good type of Corvette is of course the Tor FET now there are two primary variants of top FETs one with autocannons and ones with phase disruptors an autocannon is a good weapon to have and if you are running a combined fleet it will be a good combination to the fleet but if you are running a fleet of purely torpedo Corvettes you may want to go with a phase instructor because these guys will penetrate armor and shields and will really help you avoid shields entirely with autocannons and torpedoes that you'll be you know ignoring shields but those are Peters but attacking them with autocannons not really producing a good result but with this combination you're gonna be dealing a lot of damage to the armor and hope and that is going to be excellent the only problem with this setup is that of course you are running a pretty expensive build and phaser structures they have very low DPS so don't rely on them to kill anything moving up a class and we have destroyers these things are quite power well but aren't really good by themselves there is one build for the stories that that is quite decent that being at the high evasion Neutron destroyer but it only really works if you have a very high tier modules and if you are running in the sciatic Ascension as you may know sciatic ascension will grant you Admirals with x-ray evasion and that is particularly necessary for these guys because otherwise they're going to have a high issue Bayesian but not enough to effectively avoid enemy shells or these destroyers you want to be either using Neutron launchers and medium plasma cannons or you want to be using acid instead destroyers are decent for point defense but generally you want to have you know just a ship with some strike craft strike craft work has much better point defense and wasting medium sized 4pd is not a good idea now moving out to the beer ships you have two primary options you have Cruiser carriers and you have a cruisers with pure medium slots cruisers will appear medium plants can of course be you know fill it with whatever sort of armor you have you could have like tier 2 armor on them just slap whatever you have that is best on them and send them out into the battlefield if you have a very high this again your chance these things will absolutely wreck anyone on site and if you meet any sort of Corvettes destroyers or other cruisers these things will come out on top however cruiser carriers are also viable option and if you get them as early as possible yeah you're gonna be dominate a galaxy if you have just a few of these things running around they'll be able to defeat any station because they'll be able to sit outside of the range of any station and they'll be able to defeat pretty much any sort of fleet their same size as long as its Corvettes and destroyers anything bigger these ships will be ineffective against and yeah that's pretty much it you might want to run a couple of these later on just have some point defense but generally you want to avoid using these things or any sort of other carrier up into the late game you see it was battleships come into power cruisers are obsolete these things will absolutely over match an overkill in a sort of Cruiser that they see and competing against battleships with cruisers is that not gonna be a fun time you see if you fit out your battleships optimally that being with a single gauge cannon and for Neutron launchers having a very good time this sort of combination it will allow your ship to stay at a very long range and just pummel the target with shells and neutrons it's a very powerful combo especially against larger ships and you get smaller ships you probably want to be running perhaps you know a single battleship with some hangar base or something and having a fleet of majority these guys will be optimal and just spamming these in the late game is a very good option of course the game is not the only weapons option available to this ship because the focused argument is almost as good in fact if you have a fleet of just focused or committer ships with nothing else it is not that bad surprisingly so running focus are committers is a very good idea and especially later on with all the repeater walls increase shield and armor point significantly these things are gonna melt through a hole and being able to ignore all shields and armor is a very significant advantage because at some point you'll be ignoring about you know 80% of the enemy's health like that is incredible and focus our commanders are very strong as far as the bigger ships go you want to be using approximately the same style as the battleships for Titans you'll just want a spam of more neutral launchers and have a perdition beam instead of your Giga cannon the prediction beam is very strong and it's 250 range is very powerful as well especially combined with a carry our combat computer and this ship will be able to engage anyone from across the system and you'll be able to catch a fleet by just putting one of these Titans in your fleet putting it into your fleet will also allow you to buff your fleet or debuff the enemy fleet with some auras these oars are not too significant probably one of the best ones is that plus a tracking one but you do have some pretty powerful auras when you move on to juggernauts degra knots are pretty much the upgrade of times these things are incredible they come pretty late into the research tree and are quite expensive to build however these ships act as a shipyard and you'll be able to build ships on them which is incredible these things will also auto repair after combat because of course they have a shipyard on them and you'll be able to set other ships to have the juggernaut as their home base this means that when they retreat they'll retreat to the juggernaut which can then heal them and put them back into battle this serves as a sort of a mobile fortress and potentially can also serve as a mobile Raider this thing can easily jump into a system pump on a bunch of ships and jump into another system so as far as rating goes this thing is a perfect candidate for it you just want to be using as many straight craft as possible and you want to be using an appropriate or if you want to be just running around and dealing with enemies by yourself you of course want the strike craft damaged at speed or but otherwise you really want to plus weapons range plus 40 percent thing this aura will allow you to engage the fleet first and we absolutely have ik with your alpha strike there are of course other auras on the juggernaut including this aura which allows it to jump in and retreat into another system after only a hundred and twenty days and two others which are relatively met and I would never go for now while we're on the subject of big carriers we can talk about two modules that have been bought significantly into point six point three Mia flag Elia and swarm strikers have been buffed pretty substantially but are still quite bad in fact amiibo flag alia are worse than tiered two strike craft and swarm strikers are decent but they're really really really late game and by that point when everyone is running around with battleships strikers are virtually obsolete otherwise that I'll do it for today if you want more informative content like this please stick around the channel and yeah there's gonna be more guys coming anyways thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one bye bye
Channel: Stefan Anon
Views: 467,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, stellaris guide, stellaris gameplay, stellaris tutorial, stellaris builds, stellaris ship design, stellaris ships, stellaris fleet, stellaris fleet design, stellaris corvette, stellaris cruiser, stellaris battleship, stellaris juggernaut, stellaris titan, stellaris fleet guide, ship design, stellaris ship design guide, ship design guide, stellaris best ship design, stellaris corvette build, stellaris destroyer, ship design stellaris, stellaris ship
Id: jzUmDKpJ7FA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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