Even Rarer Events in Stellaris

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recently i did a video about some of the rarest events within solaris and soon after its release you dear viewer decided to fill out the comments section with many others that i missed so i collated all of these plus some of my own that i didn't think of at the time or at least till way later and came up with this list of some of the rarest things in the game now for the sake of clarity i've categorized them in different levels of rarity from uncommon to wtf the former being things that you see every 10 or so playthroughs and the latter being so rare that it's unlikely you'll see it more than once in your entire solaris career yes there are events like that rare and legendary on the other hand are just to cover the in-between categories but it should be relatively straightforward so anyway let's dive into some of the rarest events within the game starting off with the grand herald now the grand herald used to be one of those dick sites slash events that used to be so common you couldn't start a game without tripping over it within the first two years which by itself was not the biggest problem in the world it just meant that you would have a freaking titan in two years into the game which then subsequently completely crashed your economy and if you somehow managed to grab it you would steamroll over the enemy it's gotten to the point where if i do find it and when it is pretty rare i will try to be lined for for it whenever i can which means that i expend a lot of influence in ways that i don't need to in this particular case it's bond over in this particular system because yes the grand herald for some reason was nerfed into the ground together with some of the other events from distant stars now what does the grand herald actually do allow me to illuminate you in short it's one of the most powerful ships in the game that you can get extremely early on if you're super lucky but as i already mentioned and has been nerfed into the ground in terms of where it appears if once again we can't find it early on in the game make sure you go for it make sure you got enough energy in the bank but overall rare these days very rare i have not seen one of these in quite some time distant stars added two new precursors to the game and one of which was the ba'uul and the other is the rather elusive um zeroni yeah this is a precursor that doesn't spawn all that often and every single time that it does spawn it's usually rather useless to you because it spawns with quite a lot of zero so in order to get this to spawn you need to do a couple of rather specific things and if you don't know about these you're going to be running into some trouble allow me to illustrate now in order to get the zeroni to spawn you're neat going to need to jump through a couple of hoops and that basically has to do with serving planets in a very specific way all the other precursors whether or not it's the vanilla ones or even the bowl themselves all have their own triggers that they can spawn in certain planets they can spawn at sometimes they'll spawn at a normal planet and sometimes they'll spawn at say an asteroid however this roni is rather unique where it can only really spawn in a proper way unhabitable world so if you haven't seen this roni in quite some time it is most likely because your survey ships have been going out there and not focusing on habitable worlds and therefore not spawning this particular precursor but spawning something else which immediately despawns all the other ones which is obviously rather problematic now in this particular case i managed to finally get it after rerolling god knows how many times on this little world and of course what it does is it essentially gives you a dig site and it starts generating some zero nearby as well which is rather nice you know it gives you some resources which is always nice ignore all the mod stuff that i've got enabled here it is for reasons regardless though this will send you down a path a merry go-around path really to get you the zero stuff and essentially setting you up for early access to the shroud and if you're playing with utopia you will probably fairly um interested by that but yeah get the shronie by not surveying systems properly but going planet by planet and praying that it will trigger otherwise it is never going to happen let's say you've gotten yourself into a hypothetical pickle and one of the crisis has spawned this by itself is not the end of the world because you can fight them off pretty easily if you know what you're doing however there are special factions actually part of these crisis yes this is a combined group of rare events we're talking about the aberrant the vehement the cyprex and the sentinels yes these are four factions that are that can only spawn as part of these crises yes there are multiple groups for the crisis one of which is of course none other than the vehement yes it is a variation on the unbidden that spawns when uh the ability have effectively taken over 15 of the galaxy and then of course there is the aberrant as well who are probably somewhere on the map over here i believe they're over here yeah there they are uh with a slightly different color scheme but the same idea applies there as well when another percentage of the galaxy has been eaten they will spawn with this absolutely gorgeous little uh you know uh rift in space but it doesn't end there because if the um contingency which so ironically has spawned over here um takes over a certain chunk of the galaxy the cybrex will spawn with their own little ring world cyberx beta and on top of that they'll be super powerful and they'll be super cool because unlike the contingency they'll be blue instead of red there's also the sentinels that are who are probably the more complex of the three essentially if the pethorian scourge takes over a certain percentage of the galaxy they will spawn and they will essentially be a strike force against the discouraged they can give you ships it's a relatively rare thing i haven't seen it in forever mainly because these days i only get the unbidden or contingency because i deal with ai or with the joys of jump drives way too early so i never really get the fun that is discouraged anymore which is a bit of a shame because i do like them sentinels but you rarely see these factions because usually you crush the uh end game crisis before you get to that point and even then they tend to die pretty quickly because the unbidden variations fight each other and same goes for the cybrex it's a good it's a fun time pretty rare fallen empire worlds are a prize there are some of the best worlds that you can capture in the game you don't need a ring world all you need is a fallen empire world and all of the juicy resources that it brings with it things like the class 4 singularity that generates 250 energy for free the auto forge that just generates 25 alloys for free the sky dome which is not all that interesting but it just generates housing and stuff like that and a variety of other building as well still though there's only really one place in the game where you can get these which is on the fallen empire worlds or is it allow me to introduce you to the following screen a screen that allows you to reverse engineer arcane technologies now by itself that may not be seem too surprising except that you can get fallen empire buildings out of this and yes you can get those buildings in those categories and specifically the class 4 singularity building that essentially gives you a quarter of a dyson's form of materials as in energy for free is pretty high in the list of things that you really want to get now obviously this has a little bit of a cool down and you're not always going to get the buildings that you would like essentially what it boils down to is that there is a one percent chance that you will get a reverse engineering component at least one of the buildings out of it and even after that point it's still a question of am i going to get the building that i want the drop rate for these buildings is so incredibly low it makes perfect sense considering how expensive they are um valuable they are at least so yeah the otter four it's a sky dome the dimensional fabricator the affluent center if you are a standard species class four singularity and the nourishment center for all the insane production that you could ever want and let's be honest here they can get pretty darn crazy i would like to point out however that in the script files for these particular buildings that um the numbers don't actually add up to 100 they actually add up to 102 so you even have less than one percent chance of the one of these buildings dropping and once again you're not potentially going to get the best one in class which is of course the class for singularity the dimensional fabricator is also pretty darn nice and if you're a fallen entire empire you're even going to get more still though yeah if you have the chance and you can get them make sure you reverse engineer arcane technology as much as you can so that you can get access to these insanely powerful but oh so rare buildings and considering you can re-roll the dice as many times as you have minor artifacts the chances of getting one of these is higher than say the galatron the technosphere it has many secrets some of which involve a giant black hole called gargantua and for those of you who are vaguely familiar with literature you would also know that gargantua and pentagrul are the terms that you kinda usually see together but normally you don't really see pentagonal all that often because it's a relatively uncommon outcome of the infinity equation storyline essentially what can happen here is once you investigate the technosphere's black hole there are a multitude of things that can happen 50 chance you succeed you get a bunch of technology out of it uh a 25 chance uh the techno sphere dives into the black hole gets crushed or spaghettified and that is the end of that but also there is one outcome which is referred to in the script files as hashtag is secret awesome stuff uh at a chance of 25 that pentagrul will spawn now pentagonal is pretty awesome because it gives you 10 of every single science but that's not the biggest part of it you will get a plus 10 global bonus to science which is at the first glance not the biggest deal but on paper it's actually pretty darn good because a 10 bonus to all of your attack output is pretty amazing now we're starting to get to the events that are extremely rare as well as one that is completely batshit insane yeah the last two on the list are kinda weird one of which is wanderlust yeah wonderlust is a strange one because let's put it this way when the game starts when you're your very first day in the game it rolls a dice a 100 sided dice and when the dice lands you have the chance of getting an event chain you have sunlight probes which has a 10 chance of spawning and essentially what happens is you have to go out find some probes one of them has gone rogue one of them has been stolen by some aliens etc then we have radical cult where you essentially have to fight a cult that's part of your empire and they are on the go and you need to kill the shipyard in the original version of the game this was the best way to get destroyers with tachyon lances on it by year 15. no i'm not kidding and we've got mass extinction mass extinction essentially is an event chain where you scan some planets saying you get a bunch of resources at the end very exciting stuff it doesn't replace the livable planets event it's just a little add-on there's a 69 nice uh chance that nothing happens but there is also a one percent chance at the start of every single one of your games that you get the wonder lust event now wonderlust is rather curious because essentially at some point within the game one of your scientists will slip away into the wild yonder and will go places that nobody has ever even imagined before essentially they hide out in the shroud for a little bit and then comes out and what happens next is that there is a small percent chance um extra that the unbidden will spawn in the late game you don't get a lot out of it but wanderlust is one of those events that is extremely rare and increases the chance at the unbidden spawns which is not all that great but it's pretty much on par with say the crystal enclave which also has a one percent chance of spawning which is pretty crazy to begin with yeah extremely rare legendary almost almost impossible to get unless you re-roll your game many many times you see it just get ready for some unbidden on your doorstep because they're coming and they saw your scientists floating around in the shroud they know you're there time to be afraid let's talk about the rarest event in the game an event so incredibly difficult to get that it's unlikely that even in 1 000 hours of regular play time that you will get it sure you can boost your chances of of getting it ever so slightly by getting the correct uh type of habitable planet which in this particular case is the desert world but then again whoever starts off in a desert world and essentially what you'll need is is a very particular anomaly that has a one percent chance of generating the towel event yes the towel event the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy easter egg event that essentially gives you one of the best traits for a scientist within the game itself it is actually completely insane and on top of that it is just beyond ridiculously rare of the get because first of all you will need to find yourself a desert planet roll the dice in such a way that you are going to get the anomaly that you need then when you have the anomaly get once again a dice roll of one of a d100 and roll a perfect one to get the event it's completely insane it is wtf territory at how rare the toweled event is it is it is just completely ridiculous but then again in the end uh it's okay it's important to know that you should not panic and say goodbye and thanks for all the fish because as i mentioned this event is so unlikely for you to get that well if you've gotten it put down in the comments below because i don't believe you because i've i haven't had it myself and i've played this game for over four and a half thousand hours it's that rare i i'm not even kidding like if you've gotten this i i guess you never should buy any lottery tickets ever again because uh you've wasted all your luck on this one uh it it just you've peaked this this is where it's at and there you have it seven more of the rarest events within stellaris is any of the ones that you think are super rare in this list or even in the previous video and if you haven't checked that one out yet feel free to link a click on the link that will be popping up in your on your screen shortly then let me know down below because i am super curious and these videos are super fun to make because rare things are always fun to find even if they're just easter eggs in the end so yeah write down below were these rare enough for you what do you think if there's even something better out there we will see though thank you so much for coming and thank you so much for watching i want you to my patrons for making this video possible today and also to you dear viewer feel free to subscribe if you want to see more but in the meantime though we're going to go and wrap this video up here thank you so much watching it until next time take a good care of yourselves and make sure that you find some of those rare events because they can be pretty powerful
Channel: ASpec
Views: 159,128
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Stellaris, Stellaris Game, Rare, Events, Rare Events, Facts, Amazing, Technosphere, Infinity Machine, Easter Egg, Easter Eggs, Grand Herald, Wanderlust, Don't Panic, Crisis Factions, Zroni, Precursor, Pantagruel, Fallen Empire Buildings, hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, 42, anomaly, Exploration, Rarest, Sequel, Paradox Development Studio, Paradox Interactive, Levihatans
Id: uDFzVkvdxPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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