Stellaris 3.0 - Economy Mechanics (They changed it.... again)

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with the arrival of stellaris 3.0 new mechanics have been introduced into the game one of which is a overhauled economy system now it's not nearly as large as the le guin update which completely uprooted the old system and put something new in no this time around we've got something that streamlines the system a little bit more to cater to the new population mechanics we'll talk be talking about that at a later date but still it is important to know that the economies has changed and that's exactly what we're going to be talking about today let's dive right in to the new mechanics involving the economy so in order to properly illustrate things i've set up a little empire and specifically on this particular planet we have ourselves some energy districts we will get towards the industrial districts in well in good time but first the generator districts just to get the base resources properly illustrated a generator district at its base will generate two housing and two technician jobs and that will then generate a certain amount of energy per district there's a base value attached to this depending on your game and what kind of traits you've picked for your empire and what kind of technologies you've used this value may be different right now 25 is my specific example it may not be applicable to you but the overall back story does so right now we got two housing and two technician jobs relatively straightforward at its base if we go to our outliner here and we go to another planet specifically collador the first color door that is as you can see we have a similar amount of districts here however you can see that they will generally be generating a lot more energy per district 28 in this case that is because of a couple of things first of all this planet is generally pretty happy and it has a higher stability which means there is a higher output on the planet however what is however even more important is the fact that we've built a energy grid here the energy grid basically does the following it generates 15 additional energy credits from technicians relatively straightforward it doesn't really do all that much special compared to the old version of it it's a nice little boost and it will allow your um empire to do well generate more energy plus it will add an additional technician job which is really really nice and that hasn't really changed all that much however if we get to the next example on the other energy world we have right here you will see that we have a larger amount of energy districts available which is great and on top of that we have this special energy nexus building now the energy nexus building is a second tier of the energy grid building that we built before now the energy grid building is great the energy next build nexus building however is far far superior because it does something rather out of special and that is the following basically what it does is it takes the previous value it adds an additional technician job on top of the one that we've already had before and it will generate a extra technician job on every single district available that is a huge huge deal and it's something you want to keep in mind because it basically means that you are going to be specializing your planets especially if you're thinking by yourself okay this world over here it has a lot of energy districts i want to fill that up with energy you know tiles we want to fill that stuff up but on top of that we want to get an energy nexus to smooth things out because for every single one of our districts in this case seven and if we build a energy nexus we will get seven additional jobs so you can see here in the tooltip the housing is now plus two but technician jobs is plus three whereas before it was plus two if you go to our population here you will see that we now have space for 23 technician jobs that generate an absolutely insane amount of energy of course as everybody knows energy is what floats your economy and allows you to get ahead this means that you can get insane amounts of energy then finally on top of that you can use the uh generator world colony designation right here to get even more technicians output of 25 which is a huge deal now one thing that we want to keep in mind however is that the energy nexus does have an upkeep cost of one gas per month however you can only build one of these per planet which means if you have two energy worlds you only need one gas plant per planet on one of those two worlds to make sure that you have the upkeep for your energy worlds and in that way you can generate insane amounts of energy now for instance if i go over towards this world and i'm just like okay i want to upgrade this building because for every single job that we have available i want to get one more so we can just prioritize this in the list by hitting shift click and it will go up to the queue and in 400 days it will be done and the this particular place will all of a sudden have a significantly a larger amount of technicians on top of it which is awesome and of course we get a flat bonus of 25 on the value that they generate this way you can generate insane amounts of energy and you want to be you want to keep an eye on that in addition this also applies to some of our other planetary types let's say that we've got ourselves a mining world a mining world you want to build yourself a mineral purification hub because it does exactly the same thing as the energy building it will give you an additional job per district in this case however it requires modes for upkeep you kind of want to balance things in such a way that you have two of these at any moment in time so that you can build one mode or one crystal or one gas on a planet to make sure that everything is nice and balanced but the more districts you have on the planet and then plop down one of these buildings that improve the amount of workers you have on the planet the better because it basically means that there is more value by adding a purification hub or an energy nexus or a food generating facility onto a planet the more you have the better return of investment you will get on your worlds another example is of course is the food one which in this particular case is the food processing facility it will generate one farmer job but if we go to the second tier which also uses modes then basically it will add a farmer job for every single district which in this case would be seven additional jobs which then translates to the following uh let's take a quick look here these guys are generating 13 food times seven you get a general idea it becomes a huge huge bonus it cannot be underestimated how important this is now there are more complex versions of this as well because of course we have advanced resources too now advanced resources are a little bit more different uh what we can do here is is we can go to our capital system of tripist to prime it's a wonderful little continental world and as you can see in our planetary summary there is a brand new industrial district modifier or at least it's a modifier in a certain extent because no longer will you have to build alloy plants all over your worlds now instead you will have this district now the industrial district can do two things either it generates both alloys and consumer goods which is fine or if you set the forge world or the production world industrial world designation it will either be generating in consumer goods or alloys as you can see here i have a alloy world and a consumer good world now what is really important here is that you will want to build the specialization building for that world on that world as soon as you can and in this particular case that would be the alloy mega forge now the alloy mega megaforce in this particular case adds an additional metallurgist job to every single building however if we build an alloy nano plant it will add two so basically the advanced resources consumer goods as well as alloys have an additional layer on top of what you already had now the upkeep will be significantly higher an anion alloy nano plant will cost you four moats to upkeep which means you need to you need two moat plants in order to keep this up and running as the base production is actually for my apologies so you only need one but yeah basically if you are going to go ahead and build an alloy megaforge on a planet you always want to make sure that you have yourself a chemical plant on said world because then in that case you can crank out insane amounts of alloys or consumer goods depending on what you need at that time now there is a couple of things that you need to keep in mind whilst doing this if we go for instance to trapeze secundus which according to our outliner is our consumer good world you will see that we of course have a civilian fabricator on this planet now you cannot have a civilian fabricator or an alloy plant on one building on one planet at the same time so in order to boost your stuff properly you need to select your planets to make sure that you use your industrial districts where are relevant now there are of course always exception to this rule if you quickly pop over towards our echo monopolist on castor prime you will see that if we go in here a we do not have a governor and we should probably fix that so let's do that first we will see that we have both a alloy megaforge and a civilian fabricator on this planet and as such we are generating an insane amount of alloys on this world 217 is pretty decent we can always bump up those numbers because those are in fact rookie numbers the main problem you're gonna have is is to uh get enough pops in order to boost the population necessary to fill all those jobs however because of the new systems within the game it's a lot easier to move pops around you to the transit system but we will talk about that in some other time but yeah uh eki monopoly you can have both there on the arc arcologies factories as well as the foundry arcologies that's the exception here there are also exceptions for ring worlds as well as some of the hive minds and machine worlds so keep all of that stuff in mind and make sure you read things now you may be wondering aspect this is all nice and all but i'm struggling getting the right technologies if i go to a planet and i want to get the energy nexus building or i want to get the alloy refinery buildings or i want specifically these strategic resource buildings i'm just having trouble getting those well don't worry about that too much because there is something really simple that you can do to alleviate that issue it's not uncommon to wait decades to get the required technologies however what is a good way of expediating this process is by getting a materials researcher now normally they would get a research bonus to that particular thing if you're going for a technology that is in a materials category and in this particular case let's say the synthetic crystal plants or the exotic gas refineries which all fall under the materials version to be honest all of the important technology ones when it comes to economy fall under materials you can expediate that by just putting a materials researcher on that because it's not specified in the game but according to the scripts basically any scientist that has a certain modifier on it or specifically an expertise will get a technology from that category easier by 25 percent which is a very very large modifier basically you will want to run with a material scientist as early as you can so you can get those exotic technologies in order to get them running within your economy just go and do that as soon as you can and you should be golden so just to wrap things up the most important buildings for economy right now are the tier one and tier two of the specialist buildings that you can get in your economy these are of course the wondrous food processing facility the mineral purification plant the energy nexus and of course the joys of the alloy plants and the consumer good plants you will need a material scientist to get these guys quickly it's imperative that you do because it will allow you to specialize your industry in a way that was not really the case in the past in addition you will want to specialize your planets by having complete of district fulfillment you want to get as many pops on these worlds you want to set hey i want to get all these energy districts i want them filled up and then turn on the generator world um planetary specialization the designation for it you want to do all that stuff and if you do all these things everything will go well if you have mega corp i highly highly recommend you to get an eq monopolist as soon as possible because eki monopoly will allow you to build insane amounts of consumer goods and more importantly the alloys that you need in order to get the resources in order to go to space and build the fleets and build those outposts if you want to spice things up build yourself some habitats and make sure that you get even more technology rolling but in the end it is important you get your base technologies and base resources up and running by specializing your world make sure you always get two of them if you manage to lose one you will have one default background and you will be rolling in those resources don't be like a spec don't be like he was inside of the 3.0 release stream because he did not do that and aspect was a real real dum-dum so i want to thank you all so much for watching this video and of course my patrons as well if you watch this video all the way to this spot make sure that you put a little comment down below and say hmm yeah i understand the economy put that in a comment down there if you do and if you watch the video up to this point and it will be our little seeker and i'll know either you've watched the whole video but yeah thank you so much for watching and i hope this has cleared things up a little bit because the economy system can be a little bit convoluted and wrapping your head around things can be a frustrating endeavor thank you so much for watching and until next time take good care of yourselves and as always the spice must flow as well as the growth of the economy
Channel: ASpec
Views: 150,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Stellaris, Patch, Patch Review, 3.0., Philip K. Dick, Stellaris 3.0, Review, Nemesis, Expansion, Intel, Factory Districts, Districs, Espionage, Spying, SpyMaster, How to, Overview, Paradox Interactive, Paradox Development Studio, DLC, Facecam, bad key, Amazing, Update, 3.0 Update, pops, carrying capacity, Economy, Buildings, alloys, consumer goods
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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