Stellaris - 3.0 Dick Patch Review

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all right everybody it's time for the patch notes everybody's been waiting for this for quite some time and on the weekend with it's a little bit of streaming with facecam and i thought about myself tell you what we'll do it again today uh there's a little bit of an issue with the key as you can see here because nvidia broadcast tools are a little bit weird but we're gonna dive right into the joys that is the patch notes of three point oh dick yes that's right paradox is about to give us their dick it's uh it's a big one it's a massive patch and i would not be surprised that this video is going to be very very long indeed because a it is a very long set of patch notes and b this is the second time i'm recording this because the first time they only use the webcam mic so let's dive right in there's so much to talk about here and we're going to try to splice some stuff in here where it'll possible when it comes to a gameplay just to compare on what's going on so first contact rework we're going to go and skip this entire image because we want to get to the patch notes as far as fast as we can so nemesis expansion features not interesting to us we're gonna go straight towards the 3.0 dick free which features intel and first contact rework so for those of you who are not aware the 3.0 update adds the new uh first contact mechanics where basically you do the following you send out one of your envoys at the start of the game if you have a first contact scenario and then you do something similar to the article archaeological system where there is a chain you do some events you do some options and then you can get first contact no longer will you have to use your society science to figure out what on earth is going on with these here xenos and that's a really good improvement it also gives a little bit of use to the envoys at the start of the game in addition to that you will also get two envoys rather than just the one just to offset all of this stuff because of the espionage and spy networks yes that's right envoys will now be used as spy masters in addition to what they already have done in the past as the end voice to the galactic community towards the federation etc overall envoys are shaping up to be one of the more flexible leader types within the game which makes the fact that they don't have any traits or any sort of storyline attached to them really really frustrating paradox if you're watching this please add traits to end voice i want to be able to have my envoy go into the spy mastery business and then later on it becomes super high level so he's actually useful as a diplomat yes ethan putin started out in the kgb and now he is the leader of russia this is how things work he got the skills now he's the leader that's how these things work anyway first contact and all that stuff with spy networks it's a very very envoy heavy espionage in another respect what can you do with it well first of all you will not have information about an alien empire at the start of the game you will know nothing about them except where their capital roughly is there is a fog of war you don't know what the diplomatic status is you don't know what their fleet power is and you don't know how the economy on their side is rolling and you want to know this so you're gonna send me your spymaster you're gonna put in in some sleeper cells you're gonna get that intel and then slowly but steadily figure out what on earth is going on over there and that's something you can do with that we'll do a separate video about espionage in the very near future so keep an eye on that but it's one of the biggest things about this patch and ironically it's also one of the reasons that uh well we'll get into the expansion once it comes out shall we let's let's do that all right economic and population rework is a i i don't want to say the word massive again but it is massive it is so big it's not even funny let's actually dive into a little save file that i prepared here and uh actually showcase what i mean by these here changes so um stellar should be loading up shortly come on starlars uh primary there we go all right so as you can see we got our save file here and there's a whole bunch of stuff going on but overall it's uh it's it's pretty darn decent so one of the big changes here is building slots building slots will now not be unlocked through population as you can see right now we've got 145 pops so this world is probably not the best example let's get a smaller one that does not have here you go okay so we got all these building slots down here right well first of all they're going to be moving down in towards this particular area and no longer will building slots be unlocked through pops building slots will be unlocked through the wonders of the level of the planetary capital plus some technologies as well as traditions that you can unlock on the way this also has knock-on effects towards uh branch offices branch offices will have uh building slots uh unlocked based on the level of the actual capital if we go to the or at least of the capital building as you can see here this place has for instance two building slots unlocked and a whole bunch of other ones as well so you can see only 75 pops enabled but yeah you get a general idea um basically it's all based around infrastructure the higher level your capital uh your capital building is on your planet the better your buildings will work out and there's a good reason for this but we'll get into that shortly because there has been a massive change to some other things as well but we'll get into that shortly echi monopoly however if we uh look at rx monopolist right here uh in the 3.0 version every single building slot will automatically be unlocked that's a huge deal because it means that we can put in things like chemical plans we can put in gas refineries ministry of productions and stuff like that right off the get-go and really start to get those foundry arcologies and industrial archaeologists rolling except that we can't because there's changes there as well and that is of course the industrial districts basically the developers looked at the industrial archaeology and said hey uh the foundry arcology and the industrial arcology let's just slam them together and turn them into a single building and that basically translates to the following um or there is going to be an additional district called the industrial district which basically uh allows for alloys and consumer good production uh locally through those so no longer will they be coming in through buildings that you build such as the foundries or the consumer good factories no they will be running through the joys of um industrial districts which is a huge deal um now you may be thinking about yourself okay so the factory and the forge building are they have any use yes yes they are basically what they will do is they will add additional jobs to every single district that you have up and running so let's say hypothetically you got your district here it's a generator district but let's just pretend that it is a district for uh industrialism uh let's say you have a foundry building on the planet so this one right here it will add a single job to all of those districts so a single building the alloy nano plant rather than uh only adding one job or i don't know it's two jobs six jobs and eight jobs i believe uh instead they will just add up towards the uh the districts instead which is pretty big if you have a lot of industrial districts on the planet in addition to that you will only be allowed to build one alloy foundry on the planet or only one civilian consumer goods factory either um and that's a big knockout effect because it means you have all these other slots available for other things to use which is pretty pretty big deal the real breath thing is is that um consumer good factories and alloy foundries you can only build one of each um yeah on a planet and there are exclusive so it's either an alloy factory or a consumer good factory unless of course it's an ecumenopolis because then it is excluded you can build both of them there so yeah pretty big change there um how do i feel about this well i did play around with 3.0 uh a little bit yes i did to touch the dick and uh basically um it works pretty well as soon as you wrap your head around the system it's gonna take a little while to adjust to because everybody will be like okay i gotta build my foundries i gotta build my consumer good factories rather than the industrial districts on top of that you'll also need to put a designation on there let's say forge world so to destruct the in that particular case the district would only be building alloys or only be building uh consumer goods so you can still you can still really specialize your worlds and with the new districts will allow you to get a ton and ton of resources out there uh there's a really good reason for all this stuff because well um pops have changed pops have changed a lot and i will illustrate as such pop growth and assembly this is probably the biggest performance boost that the game has had in a while i'm not going to lie i've played around with this already you will have less pops in total they will still be producing the same amount due to the changes in the economy system but as i said you will have about 50 of the pops that you would have before thus improving game performance i've played several games already um on the uh 3.0 patch uh over the weekend we did 16 hours of streaming of it there will be there's a link probably in the sidebar if you want to go and check that out but performance was great overall i have no issues with that i was not hosting my machine is excessively powerful so it's not a good idea to use my machine as a bench but still performance has been exceptional and i think this in terms of gameplay um yeah it's been really really good anyway pop growth and assembly so basically pop growth whereas previously it would be like a linear a linear line whereas now it is more of a curve uh basically it's based around the carrying capacity of a planet if a planet is full it will no longer grow anymore however initially there will be a steady grow of uh i think it's a 3.0 pop growth rather than a 1.0 and then it will just shoot up into the sky and then level off again that's how the um the changes in pop growth are going to affect things and basically you won't have that many pops in total because the period of growth will be fairly short in the grand scheme of things and then it will start leveling off but due to the new districts you will have will never have the problems of resources again uh there's also a whole bunch of boosts for instance too um electricians not they're not called electricians i wish they were called electricians uh they are in fact called uh technicians of course and they generate energy and they have been boost significantly but yeah uh pop growth has been improved quite significantly and it's something you want to need to take a look at as you can see new pop new colonies will no longer have that pop growth issue uh planetary designations now grant stability amenities as well as happiness so there will be a lot more growth there um the amount of pop growth or assembly required to create a new pop is now increased by the total number of pups in the empire just to illustrate that um let's say that we got this place right so at this point in time it says pop growth progress 100 29 out of 100 right there in the middle of the screen based around how many pops you have in the empire the more you have the bigger that number that is currently 100 will be don't know the math behind it just yet we will figure it out eventually and we'll do a video on it once that is the case but carrying capacity is a huge huge deal and the uh growth of the empire will slowly start the peter off at the end of the game which means that your core planets are going to be a lot more important in general at least in my opinion unless of course you're moving stuff around hugging a mug it's good stuff it's good stuff right there um spawning pools cloning fats now will produce organic pop assembly rather than pop growth so what does this actually mean i quickly defined a planet that has i don't think we actually have any robots in this save file so let's quickly grab another safe file here this comet wealth should probably do it um let's take a look here it doesn't really matter basically what happens is that previously um spawning pools and cloning vats would add growth value to the to the growth indicator now they will add to the assembly indicator so basically uh you will be allowed to um produce organic pops rather than robots if you want to do so which is really really powerful because it allows you to uh dual your growth kind of how you would do with robots except it's no longer no longer added here the one thing you need to keep in mind this is that they are exclusive it's either you're growing a robot or you're growing a organic pop 90 percent 99 of the time building a synthetic is going to be arguably better in my opinion unless of course you've engineered the ever-loving crap out of uh these empires so yeah biological engineering objectively has had a little bit of a little bit of a boost which is incredibly powerful especially considering the additional growth that you can get in the late game let's go back towards the notes shall we um auto research quality of life so um right now if you are in the game you can just research something let's just grab some random stuff there's a new button added towards this particular part of the interface if you click it it will start auto researching it will just research whatever whatever the game wants it to do most like i don't know what it's doing probably the fastest one to research but unless you can set a research goal i don't see this having a lot of use because you always want to focus right let's say over here always want to go research here you always want to go growth here always want to go research here if you set on turn on auto there then it's just going to be like all right i'm just going to lose my tech advantage because i won't be able to say do some stuff in material research because a lot of technologies have now boosted income from space resources for instance in this particular example we are generating two and six uh two energy six minerals in the solar system and that has been improved quite a lot in 3.0 uh the game setup now allows you to pick an end game crisis this is now long it's still randomized and the code has been changed as well um so it's actually random to the point that you know random can be in the end it's still a computer uh and that's pretty much it um you can also yeah you can just pick which whether or not you want the unbidden the pethorian scourge or the contingency uh it's nice i haven't had the prethorian in like a year so yeah uh for added setting for turning off uh mouse edge screen panning my god this is such a big thing for me i hate i play in window mode for recording reasons it does may not make make a lot of sense to you but being able to you know move my mouse off the screen and not just be ejected out of the universe is a pretty big deal new fractions team's colony event chain called manifest destiny is there for non-gestalt empires it's not all that special not the other day it's it's it's a fun little uh diversion but yeah and out of 10 new envoy based random events so yeah that's the features as well as some of the quality of life stuff so let's go into the balance because there are so many different things here first of all home worlds now start with a size uh 18-21 instead of a 16-18 so you can see here on our capital world this is not a good example because it is a relic world so we should probably grab a save file that is a little bit more relevant like uh jeff for instance um probably not the yeah it's this one so no this is not a good one either now there you go so here's the jeff's system right and this is our former capital world uh this is an ocean world it's size uh 17. uh it's now going to be guaranteed bigger so yeah that's that's a big deal and empire starting resources have been changed as well but i don't know about the details there i haven't actually had the time to check um what else there's a lot more planet with sapient employed free pups now have a 10 chance per month to have one automatically migrate to other planets what does this translate to well well dear friends well it translates to that the greater than ourselves edict which is part of the galactic community specifically the greater good chain which is a pain in the ass to get to if i may um is now part of the base game like straight up straight up part of the base game and that right there is amazing i it's probably one of the best additions to this aside from maybe the economy changes but no longer will you have to toil in the migration window because you will now be able to do stuff there in addition you will be able to build a special new building in the starbase and that is basically a transit hub which allows you to boost that migration now it's a bit of a shame i did uh dabble with this a bit in the past i really wish that the transit hub system was integrated into the trade route map mode where you could set um destinations basically a sort of uh logistics network for pops so they were moved from position to position i guess it was a little bit too much of a hassle but i would have loved to see something like that so you could set up your migration routes for pops and stuff like that and also prioritize where uh people are going and take priorities and stuff like that i really would have loved that but it's not in here and maybe a modder can go and pick that up at some point who will know uh manual resettlement cost has been overhauled if you go into manual resettlement right now you'll see it has a cost of energy this is no longer the case this is now influenced and basically uh you will have to pay influence for uh basically almost every single pup that is not a prisoner who is in a work program which is unfortunate because uh paying for stuff with influence is not really the biggest fun thing in the game and whilst i do agree that the mid game needs an influence sync i don't think that resettlement is the best place of doing it but then again there has been some other changes to influence as well and my camera is still glitching out but this will be free if you have the corvae system or subsumed will ota ota upgrades uh in the uh in your empire civics we can actually take a look at that here uh so let's take a look here uh it was what did i say again corvae systems so yeah uh pop growth will change uh there so pop growth from immigration will say they are but resettlement costs will go down to um zero for those empires however please do be aware if you want to abandon the world say uh we got a bunch of pops here uh let's say that we all just move everybody around my god this interface is absolutely horrible if we move our last pop we will still get a pop-up here but will cost 200 influence which makes sense you know it's a it's a logistical investment to all do all this stuff so yeah um having that change i think is a good good idea um pops the motion with time has been half so basically whenever there is no job available for a specialist for instance let's say a specialist does not have a job right um and it will take him half as long to turn into a worker and same thing for rulers now this has knock-on effects as well to uh some of the other systems specifically uh the kinship in harmony chain we can actually go and take a look at that right now basically the time it takes for unemployment pop to demo to a lower stratum has been reduced by 50 will now be 25 just to offset that a little bit it's still a reasonable bonus i kind of wish they changed it to something else uh kinship that is to something a little bit more applicable in this case but still i think it's a soft nerf to the harmony tree and let's be honest here expansion is going to be the best tree after this because of the um the way the pop growth works but still there there's a lot of really interesting stuff to be had here when it comes to that sort of thing um ring worlds and shattered uh ring balances ring wheel segments will now provide half as many jobs so let's take a quick look here at a uh save file that i have or at least a um just an origin that i've got set up anyway uh did i set you up with a ring world already i do not know i probably did because i am a bit of a dumb ass so uh let's just uh quickly have that set up here there we go and let's just quickly uh load into a save file here and i'll show you what i mean so we got our ring world segment right so we got vran primus here we got our segments you get five segments right off the get-go it's super useful super powerful it generates 20 jobs and 20 housing these will now be slashed in half you will to get 10 segments in total per ring and there will be 10 jobs on each basically this is the balance ring worlds a little bit in terms of population growth uh no longer you no longer is a single investment on a um on a segment as big as it was before because you would need to wait quite a lot of time to um get those uh districts filled up with jobs and that was a problem uh even though uh shattered ring is already one of the most powerful starts in the game but of course in general when it comes to ring worlds it's uh it's a pretty big deal uh commercial ring segments now have more clerk jobs but no artisans so basically commercial segments uh if we can find one that is this should be one research agricultural live hive right so uh in the past um a commercial zone would generate consumer goods to make sure that you could actually have some on the planet but considering we now also have the industrial district on ring worlds you no longer need that instead it's just clerks but clerks generate more resources now i think up to 33 if they have the right uh type of um uh of living standard so yeah i got drones here so it's not really applicable but you get the general idea um shattering origin now conveys ring world habitability preference so basically they'll only want to live on ring worlds so you need migration treaties which is pretty big pretty big indeed so yeah shattered ring blockers now also provide -1 district so you need to get those blockers out of the way shattered ring will also no longer guarantee nearby habitable worlds because nobody would want to live there anyway which just makes sense uh but again you need to get those migration trainees up and running and of course there is the shattered ring origin lithoids notification because minerals are a problem on ring worlds habitat and void dweller so void dwellers have gotten some work on them let's put it that way uh let's take a quick look here at um at our good friends that are the uh the void dwellers i had a save file already there we go yep there we go and we can go ahead and do that one so um the void dwellers uh habitats are are more powerful now in general uh they got a lot more value out of them first of all uh the adoption trade for uh domination has been changed so and by default you would get the clear blocker costs for void dwellers minus 33 it's not all that useful for void dwellers so this has now been changed to a upkeep reduction what is this upkeep reduction a spec well as you can see uh this ring world over uh this uh orbital habitat has an upkeep cost of um of some uh five it has it has a five alloy upkeep cost because we have three of them and we've got -15 under alloys instead with their magnificence paradox has decided to change the upkeep from five to four from five to four that's a change to the upkeep bonus that is your tradition yeah all right so that is not all that great let's just say the least for those of you who are uh who agree with me there um feel free to put a comment down below saying uh f for void dwellers um because i don't know you've seen a video um traditions as well void dwellers uh have a new tradition uh they replace public worlds division uh which previously city districts provided one additional housing as far as i know and i quickly need to double check here yeah we got habitation districts here on uh on these bad boys so that does not really apply so uh instead they get i buildings uh a plus one building slot per habitat that's what it boils down to and overall you know you can get a lot of buildings and habitats to begin with and they are real powerhouses uh then there is uh a bunch of other stuff that is not really all that interesting uh franchising effects and all that stuff but this one right here this one planetary prospecting for void dwellers with adaptability tradition so planetary prospecting it has been changed to orbital surveying now this is uh i believe it's a prosperity thing or expansion i kind of need to take a look here where it actually is regardless uh planetary prospecting with the ability tree uh okay so what it does is you get it and all of a sudden you can build a single reactor district or an astro mining bay or a research district on any habitat that's pretty big because it means that you can specialize your habitats even more you could for instance squeeze in a mining bay if you if you're if you're jonesing for some for some additional minerals you can squeeze one in here and that's great that's a great addition uh whether or not the ui actually will catch up with that as a whole different case but we shall see and this is a big one i'm about to drop some bombs because void dwellers are going to get the biggest boost through expansion change the finishing effect of expansion traditions for void dwellers to reduce the alloy and influence cost of habitats by 20 20 reduction what does this mean a spec well this means whenever you are building a habitat instead of paying the 150 influence and and the 1500 alloy costs that you would normally get you get a 20 discount what does that translate to a 300 alloy discount as well as you know 30 uh 30 influence but we don't really bother with that it's the alloys the alloy income is massive basically for every single five of these habitats that you will build you will be able to build to build one for free as long as you have expansion because you're um well you don't really build for free but because of the discounts you've gotten on all the other habitats you will be able to build an extra one for the same price it's it's buy six get one buy five get one free basically huge huge huge huge for void dwellers i love it our robots have been simplified simple robots can do all the worker jobs that wasn't the case before droids can do all worker jobs and specialist jobs in the past they couldn't do science as far as i know and synthetics do everything but droids and they can also have ruler jobs so basically the idea there is is that robots can now do all three tiers of jobs so robot droid synthetic that's it it's streamlined it makes more sense and it's more user-friendly and don't need a giant diagram in order to figure out what on earth is going on authorities and ethics have once again been changed okay paradoxes okay paradox this is the third time you've done this authorities have changed again it happened in 2.8 it happened i think in 2.0 and now it's happened again in 3.0 sure why not democratic authority now increases automatic resettlement chance by 50 pretty big deal better resettlement except it's a base of a base of 10 so you only get 15. if this is adjective though then it will start adding up oligarchic authority will now increase influence from faction by 15 percent it's very similar in that case because i want to say autocracies let me have a quick look here at the ethics wheel uh that is a hive mind that definitely does not have an ethics wheel um monthly influence who is it is a xenophile no who which which one got a bonus from okay so fnatic egalitarian gets a faction influence bonus gain if you're also oligarchic at the same time i don't think you can be but we can have a look uh you can be somewhat elegant actually and then you can get a flat um 30 boost but if you're a fanatic egalitarian you can get everything so yeah it has no impact in general but of course i could be wrong um dictatorial authority now reduces empires for all penalties by 10 nobody cares you get administrators for that imperial authority uh retains its current one edict cap bonus so no change is there mussini machine intelligence now gets a plus one monthly pop assembly because of course robots didn't need to grow any faster than they already did and hive minds will now get two in plus two encryption which basically means they are more difficult to hack because they are a hive mind this applies to both aerobics as well as hive minds themselves and voice diplomacy and espionage as we already said there's no two invoices at the start of the game enigmatic engineering uh if you're trying to steal technology and somebody has enigmatic engineering through uh the espionage system uh you will not be able to um you know steal their check it will auto fail and you will lose your money so please think of that uh two encryption bonus there as well transcendence will now give you plus 10 base intel on all empires which basically means that you know if you're psionic you can read people's minds uh there's a bunch of other things here that are not necessarily irrelevant for this video because we will talk about those in the espionage video that will be coming up in the very near future what is however important is you can get a new edict for judgment corps as well as public trust officers where you can get the enhanced surveillance as a surveillance edict where basically you will get better encryption and code breaking you can get additional invoice with delegated functions shared destiny will give you two additional invoice which is huge uh by the way invoice uh paradox are making it rain this time around yes they are sprinkling envoys all over the place uh i've had like 12 of them at some point or 13. it's ridiculous universal compatibility tradition also gives you an additional envoy uh what do you even get right now from uh universal compa i can't even remember it's isn't it like a friendship one uh oh this is huge okay so influence costs for using favors in the galactic community has been reduced from 25 to 10. somebody up there has heard my prayers because my lord is the amount of resources the amount of influence that i had to spend on the friggin favors in the galactic community is absolutely insane and you would need to spend 250 influence to steer a vote into a direction now it's only 100 if you have 10 favors that is that's it's such a massive deal the influence is such a huge bonus autonomous agents in an uh embodied dynamism gives you yet another envoy long story short there is a bunch of additional envoys here all right um how much oh my lord okay um additional economic balance out of three new society technologies that upgrades your capital buildings and gives you more bonuses all right rural farming mining and generated colony designations have been boosted so that is pretty nice if we can quickly go into the game here we can actually take a look at what that actually translates to so for instance let's take a look here at this magnificent specimen uh mining worlds right now will give you a 25 bonus this has now been increased um the mining capacity and farming subsidies now will grant plus 50 production as well so right now it is uh technicians plus 20 percent uh and it's on top of that it will now turn your production into 50 so basically what it used to be so because the amount of resources that you can get is still the same but you have less pops i guess that's a balance but yeah minor output um technician output is now going to be just completely gone and it's going to be a flat bonus based on your total income so do be aware of that uh prosperity tradition uh tradition mining station output bonus prosperity adoption trade okay prosperity adoption so right now the prosperity adoption is 10 this is gonna be boosted to 20 so you will actually get more resources from space which is pretty massive especially if you're playing wide you get so many resources from space that is completely insane technology that boosts space-based resources gathering and research has now become significantly stronger as they advance which again is a boost to economy and this once again offsets the lack of population energy output of technicians and drone tax has been increased as well trade value generated by pops with decent or better living standards has now been increased by 25 to 30 are clerks good now are they any good probably not but they've been boosted by 25 to 33 percent as long as they got good living standards which basically means they'll eat up resources and continue to be useless fun uh effect on trades including criminals has been increased so you can get more resources or if you've got criminals less this is a big league one okay food processing mineral hot purification energy nexus building that also increased the amount of jobs added by the districts they affect so let's find ourselves a place that has one of these magnificent structures shall we so here is one right so jeff of course um has a lot of energy districts it's got uh seven of them it also has an energy nexus now with the update every single one of these districts will get additional jobs because there is a energy building here and basically that means that instead of getting this plus two tech jobs or a tech a bonus two technicians in general you will just get seven or 14 additional technicians that's crazy and that also applies of course to some of the other buildings as well so for instance the uh pum the food processing facility applies now to agricultural districts uh hydroponics farms are also affected by that ironically mineral purification hubs exactly the same deal so yeah a huge deal for that one i'm really really curious and how that is going to work out reduce the special resource upkeep from eki monopoly arcologies from to one ute from two okay so if we go to our capital world here on jeff as you can see our family arcology has a cost upkeep of two modes per month this is now going to go down to one this also means that if we build a moat uh a chemical plant it means that we can support two found uh foundry districts with one chemical plant whereas in the past we would need two of those because obviously they only produce two so yeah once again another streamlining of the economy there i kind of like it it's it's very nice data uplinks from discovery tradition that's not really all that important yes okay nebula refineries now produce a base of 10 minerals and one exotic gas if you have the technology to put this into perspective um if we go into the galaxy map here and we see this single nebula here right and we're in the system oh it looks so pretty oh paradox you just sugared up in this uh well it may look pretty but it's also an economic boon because the spice must flow if we build a station here and you know if if we had um we could build the nebula refinery and get 10 minerals but also one exotic gas this basically translates that to the fact that if you have significantly larger nebulae uh like over here where there are multiple systems inside of the nebulae you can get five six gas right off the get-go and just sell them on the market early on and get a massive economy boom that is a huge huge deal and you do not wanna underestimate that uh this also translates to something else um if we can find one over here where do i have a black hole um well there's already a thing in there so that's a bit unfortunate but the black holes for instance uh now the black hole observatories will get a similar bonus but with modes instead how that works why uh there is no um why black holes would shed modes i do not know but i guess it's to balance things but yeah if you have multiple black holes you put my camera just went completely crazy there uh yeah you can get crazy amounts of modes if you have enough black holes that is technology that boosts technician farmer or mining output are now also applied to energy food and mineral production starbases so yeah more resources just to offset the lack of population insider traditions will now give mega corpse five percent branch office value instead of one branch oh yeah that's right so megacorps in the past uh if they had uh trader uh insider trading tradition uh they would get an additional brand office slot on their own planet where they couldn't build a branch office that's good that's good stuff uh it is now possible for the endgame crisis to happen in the first 50 years of the end game in certain circumstances these are no living or fallen no living fallen empires or awakened empires okay a war in heaven has not happened concluded or started 15 years ago and this one i've been on the receiving end of already a country has researched jump drives or side jump drives only the unbidding can happen in the first 50 years in this case yeah i had to unbidden drop right on me because i decided to get side jump drives that was fun uh then there is some buffs for the galactic union which is the base um the base federation basically it just gives you some additional unity and a bit of additional trust growth it's not not the biggest deal uh it's not really all that impressive uh increased base colonization growth to three which means you no longer have problems getting colonization to start rolling bureaucrats uh now cost two additional two consumer goods rather than just the one so if we take a quick look here at our let's see if we can find some bureaucrats hanging out somewhere there's all planet of them if we go and take a look at our bureaucrats here they are yeah okay so we have a bureaucrat right now it uh has an upkeep of uh 1.5 in the base anyway it will now be two so it actually has an upkeep of one but it will now be two which means that you for every single bureaucrat in this particular case there's 60 of them instead of needing 60 consumer goods you will need 120 so please do be aware that that is a thing uh greatly increase the amount of research points that you get from our events medical workers now increase habitability by one percent each does that mean that gene labs are any good no they are still absolutely terrible um wink worth custodian planet modifier now restricts output from industrial mining or refining jobs instead its gardens provide a boost to output of cultural workers and researchers that was artisans in the past that has now been changed i guess it makes sense because just putting um putting nothing but consumer good factories on the planet on mass it's just hilarious and you know should not be a thing uh science federation election basically says uh if you have science uh you can become the leader so that changed buffed enclave stations a bit so they no longer get wiped out by passing amoeba all right uh base speed of purge is now set by the perch type on species okay so let's take a look here uh let's say i want to purge a species right uh you there bell macosa you seem to be ready for the virgin so let's say we turn them into undesirables and we see the purge type here uh we will be able to see how long a purge will take and that's that's not the case here yet so do please be aware of that that that has changed so you can keep an eye on how fast you want to clear out these uh these places uh it is now possible for pop growth assembly and perched overflow adding or removing multiple pops a month basically if you have a plus 15 growth capacity and you're 80 that will overflow into the next pop and that wasn't the case before very nice no wasted growth there care of veneers timing has been changed i guess they bought watches uh outpost another starbase is now grant one sensor range but basically means that at the start of the game you'll be able to find um you'll be able to see and observe your neighboring systems so yeah uh that's a pretty big deal okay let's take a look here uh subjects of the fallen car no longer gained vast knowledge of geography yeah if you joined the con you would see the entire galaxy that is no longer the case cloning vod snow costs 500 minerals as well as food and they also have a massive food upkeep because of course you need to put protein in those buildings necrophages can no longer assemble their pups a lot slower because spare body parts and all that stuff lithoids have been nerfed in terms of pop growth when it comes to the cloning vats unfortunate um planets that have been reduced to zero districts by terravores will now explode which is nice uh corporate embassy now requires a major capital building instead of 50 pops and will give a five percent economic diplo weight instead of 10. it was incredibly powerful and when it was just introduced in the mega corp you could spiral out of control in terms of diplo power so yeah um it's a it's a soft nerve to make a corpse basically the same thing applies to the disinformation center for the criminal corpse organic paradise building now has both artisan and maintenance drone shops this basically means that um pampered pops will make tvs that's what it boils down to and toasters yeah your robots will no longer have to have toasters so the you no longer need to build consumer goods for uh those guys so that's nice necrophage centers will produce the amount of necrophytes based on the pop growth speed so if it knows that in 10 years you're gonna have three pops it will generate three necrophights otherwise it won't have the jobs available so that's nice planetary unification homeworld modifier from prosperous unification origin now expires after 10 years and this actually requires a little bit of additional looking at um let's take a quick look here prosperous unification yes let's dive in and uh prosperous unification is a pretty big deal at the moment it's arguably one of the better origins basically with prosperous unification you get this bonus where happiness is boosted by 50 amenities by 25 and resources from pops by 10 in the past you would get that the entire game which was absolutely massive and overpowered as hell comparatively to some of the uh the other thing uh the other uh origins this will now dissipate after 10 years so make sure you build up your stuff i actually personally think 10 years is too soon i'd rather have to be 50 years but yeah planetarian sector automation has been tampered again with if it works it'll be a freaking miracle because they've been trying to get that system up and running for god knows how long uh let's just skip all this stuff you can go and uh you can go and read up about it yourself it's i don't really care about it to be honest myself uh stability and performance the game has had massive performance improvements i've had no outer sinks i've had no crashes it runs like a dream on 3.0 if you have any other experiences with that let me know please do be aware that my benchmarking is a little bit offset due to the fact that my pc is hilariously overpowered so that is a thing ui uh there's a bunch of cool things here uh um outliner option for showing calling designation instead of planetary icons so what does this translate to so let's take a quick save file here and let's go to you jeff um as you can see right now there is all these icons these these these little things in here that says generator world mining station yada yada uh there will be a new icon at the bottom here which will basically put the uh logos of set things uh set specialization in front of the planet so you can very quickly can see it so these so these little icons are over here so it makes things a little bit more visible and it's more pleasing to the eye it has a very sift feel to it i feel a little bit of civilization there you can now sort and reorder planets in the outliner my god it's finally here and uh that's pretty much all the important stuff when it comes to the ui ai it's just better overall it's a gradual process it's not much we can do modding will just skip if you are a modder and you want to read about it the link for the for the my god there's so much the link for the patch notes in the description and now it's time for everybody's favorite part it's the bug fixes yes that's right oh boy purifiers terminators and devourers will no longer be invited to the non-aligned league you know fallen empires go in the war all of a sudden the killers are here and they want to join no you're not allowed it's not happening uh these guys are too dangerous to be trusted yeah this is the thing right somebody else writes the bug fixes and just injects their own um you know uh own humor into it which i think is hilarious um awaken empires can will now properly be properly destroyed when they lose their last planet normally you would have holdouts with stations and stuff like that the oracle event dialogue now correctly referred to your camp to your capital of your species homeworld which is nice um nerf stapled pops can no longer have full military service because they lack the mental capacity to be generals or admirals yes yes indeed um you can only ask the president of a hedge enemy whether or not you may join it because only they are allowed to say yes um what else is here um percha care veneer corpse will no longer pops will no longer be pre-sapient so care veneers can send you or sell you pops sometimes and they will be random and in some very rare cases they can be pre-sapient they are literally selling you monkeys pre-uplifted animals that's been fixed um hidden worlds event it's not really all that impressive uh wank warf we already talked about that um the pathfinding on the care of veneers has been improved if you turn your capital system into a black hole with a horizon signal the game will properly treat it as a black hole so what this translates to let's say you have a planet uh let's say you have a black hole generated here by the horizon signal it will actually look like a black hole on the galaxy map rather than just this little icon over here so that is something as well um synthetic ascended empires can now successfully block the ghost signal uh okay there is a bunch of really cool stuff here i'm looking for something very specific because i read it before oh yes fixed terraforming leaving a giant planet on the galaxy map if you left the system too quickly so i actually do have a couple of planets that are being terraformed at the moment if i can find them they are in the jeff system from what i can remember if not we'll just terraform them right now so let's say we want to finish uh terraforming right so here comes the terraform the icon goes in the little animation and poof we've got ourselves the little uh the little things here so this will no longer be the case if you terraform a planet uh these uh things will no longer be there that was due to you leaving the system too quickly after the terraforming process uh let's take a look here uh earth is now consistently size 18 because of course it is a cross-breeding events will no longer happen if casino compatibility has been disabled that could happen with care veneers speak of the devil they are right there um fix one of the track locations of the cultist church of light chain being at the center of the galaxy that annoyed me beyond belief and i'm so glad i got fixed it only took four years um there was one thing in particular that i was looking for [Music] like i know what it is i can i can i can just there are so many of them i highly recommend oh there it is the first ruler when losing elections becomes a governor what does this translate to well let's quickly go ahead and just uh create a random empire here let's say that you start off and you have your leader up here right if if you have a democracy and this leader loses the election that leader is gone forever okay does that make any sense no of course it doesn't because it doesn't make any sense the character still exists but will become a governor and right now that is not the case so do please be aware of that and overall that is basically it if you want to read more about these and just look at the zayn of the um of the patch notes there's a link down in the description below for you to check them out uh there is it's a massive one this video is over 54 minutes long already and uh as you may have noticed we skipped over a few things here and there so yeah um next time actually we're gonna be talking about the nemesis expansion features because there is quite a lot of those so do please be aware of that but yeah overall it is a fascinating update a lot of really really really good additions here uh as part of the expansion of the patch the 3.0 dick update and i'm really looking forward for you guys to actually get your hands on it now before we leave i just want to thank you all for continuing to support the channel it's been a real pleasure uh if you have watched this video in its entirety uh make sure that you put a little comment down below saying um yeah patch notes are awesome and then you know just put that below and then i'll know that you've uh viewed the video in the meantime though i want to thank my patrons for making this video possible i wouldn't be able to do it without you it's always a real pleasure if you want to get involved in that process as well there is a link in the description below as is all the other stuff that i've been talking about so far but yeah um i'm gonna go and try to fix my key here as my chair has decided to glitch in and out of the matrix oh god there it went again but in the meantime thank you so much for watching until next time take a good care of yourselves and as always thank you for reading the patch notes actually i did it for you bye-bye
Channel: ASpec
Views: 98,457
Rating: 4.9519882 out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Stellaris, Patch, Patch Review, 3.0., Philip K. Dick, Stellaris 3.0, Review, Nemesis, Expansion, Intel, Factory Districts, Districs, Espionage, Spying, SpyMaster, How to, Overview, Paradox Interactive, Paradox Development Studio, DLC, Facecam, bad key, Amazing, Update, 3.0 Update, pops, carrying capacity
Id: BfVr5c9fesE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 28sec (3328 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 13 2021
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