Stellaris - 2.8.0 Patchnotes (The AI Fix We've Been Waiting For?)

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I am personally wondering if mods will still work

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/fuckahsmods 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies

Please don't break the mods. Please.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ZoneofEndless 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2020 🗫︎ replies
new expansion and or species pack in this particular case sally not an event pack but we can't have them all it's of course time for patch review oh boy yes it is we got ourselves a 2.8 patch and uh yeah the butler update it will be coming in our general direction on the 29th of october that is as of making this video seven days from now however of course if you're watching this in the future you still want to look at some patch notes well we are here last week we also had the unveiling of all the porter packs i saw they did not have the time to do a video on that one but still here's a couple of them on your screen to enjoy anyway the necroid species pack features is relatively straightforward we'll just highlight them here for your preference uh necroid's pre-scripted empire will be added then on top of that there's a new phenotype with 16 new portraits of which of course were on your screen and of course also one robot looking forward to see what that looks like of spooky scary gephoids necroids now i do want to point out that uh jeff is a forced meme by paradox but still hey that doesn't mean that we can't enjoy it then on top of that there's a new species a city set there is a new ship set new advisor voice we still haven't heard that one and three new civics the death called rehman area mandated armies reanimated armies language is difficult and of course memorialist of these i do feel that death cults and memorialists are probably the more interesting ones of the bunch but of course once the uh expansion drops we'll do doing separate videos on those guys and finally necrophage a new origin is out as well we'll be diving into that one soon at least once as the expansion drops 2.8 butler features apparently the gestalt empires will get themselves some new governor traits uh amplifier and mindfulness those those those will increase admin cap in relevant pop jobs so probably based on leaders or any something like that it's not particularly clear what it does specifically but i'm sure we'll dive into the details once the patch gets launched a system spawns spawn during the game like precursor empires or any other event based systems will now have two hyper lanes added to them instead of one so what have happened in the past was is that um if you had for instance one of the precursor empires say uthon or uh the first league world you would have a nice little pocket that you could build it into and of course there were problems in the past where it could just randomly spawn but since then that has been fixed and you will basically be able to uh get it within your empire but now we'll have two hyper lanes connecting to it which means it's not as defendable as it used to be which is an interesting choice i wonder why that is on top of that there is the new directx 11 support uh what it does i am not entirely sure will probably be focused on things like hyper threading and stuff like that basically for performance purposes uh then let's move on towards balance gestalt empires no longer built a hyper lane registrar star base building as they have no use for it uh from what i can remember it improves the trade value of systems that have it and of course gesheld empires don't have trade value to begin with so hive minds they don't have any of them which makes sense i do wish that they would rework it to make more sense for gestalt empires because it just means that there is less buildings for them to build they also don't have any trade value buildings they don't have any buildings for consumer goods uh so it's a bit of a shame but hey there is not much that we can do there the oracle which is a special event that can happen if you have i believe i want to say it's a dick site i don't i do want to say it's a dick site it now adds 10 admin cap rather than just plus 20 and of course if you get it late into the game it means it has more value because plus 10 percent does add up over time instead of just plus 20. if you have a lot of admin cap through your admin administration buildings then having that on top as a bonus is actually incredibly valuable if you want to remain underneath your empire sprawl so that's nice observation post indoctrination events uh now have 540 day cooldown before they can fire again it's a bit interesting it's uh just means it's just slower for it to uh do the indoctrination events just invade the primitives instead i guess that's probably another solution there terraforming candidates are now a little bit more common in the early game now the early game is very much focused on exploration and sometimes you can have a an event on a barren world and it can spawn this here terraforming candidate event which then later on you can turn that into another planet that you can terraform so that's interesting i know that um the une starts with mars as a terraforming candidate and being able to terraform later in the game is a little bit interesting because they don't really spawn all that often terminal orbit anomaly that is i believe a moon that is going to smash into a planet has been buffed slightly i believe you get a bunch of science points for it so that's interesting interesting balancing choice and you can now only resettle your primary species away from planets with culture shock now this acts actually a pretty big deal this last one especially considering how the necrophages work considering the necrophages will start out with having access to primitive worlds rather than their standard starting worlds it means that if you invade them you won't be able to resettle those pops with culture shock back to your home worlds which basically means that rather than invading these worlds it may be more interesting to kidnap the pops that are on the planet at least until a certain point and then invade them because then they don't have culture shock in general you move them back towards your home world and they may have a little bit more value there especially considering necrophage um primary pops species pops are good in leader roles the specialist roles but they have a massive well not a massive but they have a decent minus percentage when it comes to workers and workers are going to be a problem especially when if you want to fill up your districts when you're not trying to elevate these pops to your primary species so handling a lot of prisoners or jobs would be good so kidnapping actually may be a good idea here especially considering if you're spawning with a lot of these um primitive worlds as your nearby habitables and then of course later on you can always colonize them but it does mean that initially you can have quite a lot of pops on your initial world build up your economy and then move on to those primitive worlds later on i think that has a lot of value there stability a greatly improved startup and low times if you by the way if you're running a million mods don't expect an improvement on startup on load times because mods will screw you over in that regard but still in on the vanilla game plus the expansions having improvement on startup and load times is really really good and on top of that with the directx 11 support should be even better so having the load times reduced is nice we'll take a good analysis on that once we have the uh 2.8 patch uh available to us and we'll take a look at what that does at least on my system uh it's a relatively old system it's about five years old now only eight gigs of ram so once that uh drops we will do in a comparison there it's relatively standard but 16 gigs is starting to begin become more and more common in terms of the standard uh optimize the refugee system to perform fewer duplicate checks so the refugee system is basically any sort of empire that allows for refugees to be accepted whenever another empire is destroying or purging a population a certain chunk of that population will move to other empires so the refugee system should have less duplicate checks which means less calculations to be done which means improved performance fixed and out of sync out of syncs are there's a lot of other things here out of syncs are usually associated with multiplayer uh mainly because you want to connect to other players and if you're not synced to other players then out of things can happen so these are all out of sync so for those of you who are doing a lot of multiplayer stuff this will be irrelevant to you so uh armies uh hot joining planetary modifier from species cross breathing there's your xeno your xeno crossbreeding right there which is not necessarily something i'm always running but still as well as some stuff with federation fleet capacity out of syncs are incredibly annoying but seeing the team working on out of things consistently is good and of course in every single patch and every single update the r performance improvements as well as out of syncs changes um at least fixes to be expected so please be aware of that the the engine team is definitely not sitting idly on their hands there's always improvements to be done uh fixed a ctd which is a crash to desktop uh when transferring save files during hot joint once again a multiplayer one fixed ctd when outliner is updating certain elements when when borders are updating i've never seen this one before but having a ctd fix is always good fix a ccd when planets are removed active constructions another couple of ctds disabled alien fx light effects since it has reported to have issues now alien fx is only for those people that are running alienware computers uh basically what it does is if you have an alienware based rig it will basically give you light effects on your keyboard or on your mouse depending on how things are going so that has now been disabled it will only affect a very very very very small uh chunk of the player base uh added a heart oos i have no idea what a hard os is but apparently it's basically heart out of sync option that adds extra check shums to make it easier to catch causes for out of syncs i think this is more of a depth feature than anything else and tick time optimization more efficient parallelization game go vroom vroom so basically using more threading using more cores on your machine if they are available of course that's going to be different based on whether or not you're running an amd cpu or an intel cpu but that is all different ui uh not a lot of interesting stuff here some localization stuff within non-english languages empire modifiers on on on localization as well so basically if you're playing a non-english version say the spanish the italian german etc then you should have a lot less overlapping ui elements in terms of text which is rather useful curators could buy options not always play place at the bottom of the option list which is nice because then you means you can just disconnect from them whenever you need and envoys can no longer be reassigned to the same location now envoys i expect to be changed in the future because right now they don't do much aside from improving anything they don't have any traits they don't have anything attached to them except from a couple of small events and when they die you just send a new one they don't have any levels attached to them or anything like that so expect this to be a first step in a more expanded envoy system i would not be surprised if that is going to be the case now ai is a really big deal ai has had some issues in the past so we're going to go and dig in on that if we decide not to completely move down here the ai is now willing to lower federally federalized uh federation centralization if they are if there is a federation president if they are the federation president they now care if cohesion a monthly cohesion is negative so basically what happens is if your federal federation centralization is too high cohesion we may not maybe a bit of a problem so that basically means that you cannot get enough points so what happens there is that the ai can lower federation centralization to actually um get the points they need in order to get to the next tier of the federation at least that's how i'm reading this and it looks like the ai had some problems with this in the past with federations not leveling up to the points where they can become true powerhouses so yeah this is a nice little bonus a crisis ai which is a much maligned subject will now be more likely to seek honorable alternatives to doom stacks this means they will split their fleets up a lot more so what does this translate to it means that when you are encountering a one million doomsnack uh contingency fleet there is a bigger chance for them to start splitting up to take more territory that does not mean that they're still not locked behind taking systems by using uh their construction ships so if you can snipe those they will be slowed down quite significantly but still having the ability to fight multiple fleets and not just grinding your fleets to pulp slowly but steadily is nice and i do hope that they start expanding a little bit more as well uh ai will now refill starbase modules and buildings if they are destroyed interesting so basically modules and buildings can be destroyed i guess by the player uh whether or not they're talking about the actual station platforms here it doesn't specify platforms specifically but it looks like that uh the ai had problems in the past where starbase modules were simply not being built uh they will now do that which makes station a lot more useful especially when it comes to their economy etc etc etc it also means that stations will be a little bit more powerful if they have the right weapon modules ai now handles ftl inhibitors better new fleets will now try to reassign assign each feed to the closest most valuable objective so in the back end of the game the ai will basically set a bunch of objectives when it comes to wars they will assign numbers to certain things in your fleet in your empire whether it be fleets or strategic targets like planets now ftl inhibitors can be a bit of a problem for them because they will have pathfinding problems if they don't take out any ftl inhibitors especially if they're on planets so what happens here most likely is is that they will attack fdl inhibitors or try to take them over especially if there is a plant with a fortress on there and actually try to take it so they can actually move on in the war which is a very very useful i do feel this is a nice little adjustment ai will now handle colossi correctly again fear will keep the local systems in line well thank you grandma tarkin for making sure that this quote gets in there uh colossal is actually a good point i haven't seen colossi in a while from the ai and it looks like they were fixed they were broken a little for a little while but they have now been fixed correctly i wouldn't be surprised if that has to do with the um with the other colossus uh its spaceship just completely boggles the mind that i don't know what it is because i very rarely build them but still yeah um they were added in uh the latest update in federations still though having them being fixed is nice and being able to see the ai still destroying planets or bubbling planets is really really nice and make sure that uh in the late game the fallen empires in particular who like to use colossi are still a bigger problem all empires with void dweller origin are now more likely to choose the point ascension perk one would hope so void boringness avoidborn ascension is definitely the number one choice for void dwellers because it allows you to upgrade your stations and get more building slots so yeah that makes perfect sense uh thanks ai for making sure that is um a thing ai and mercantile stands are now less likely to close borders makes sense the spice must flow ai now builds branch offices where it can rather than trying again and again to go in a world where there's already a branch office that sounds like a performance thing as well especially when you already have a world with a branch office and the ai keeps on trying to start uh branch offices there it does impact things and it really depends of course how often the ai goes there whether or not it's a yearly thing or a monthly thing or every even every single tick even is actually a good question so having branch office updates here is nice and actually seeing oh there's a branch office over here i guess i will go somewhere else of course it has a list of branch office objectives and targets where it will go to because some planets are worthwhile more than others fleet ai should not abort orders for defensive fleets like emerging interesting so apparently fleet ai should not abort orders for defensive fleets like merging whether or not that's a typo because it's not really a flowing sentence but i guess there were problems with the ai not sending in groups of fleets rather than individual ships and it looks like the ai had a tendency to move ships around rather than merging them into a proper blob so that makes sense fixed fleet ai getting stuck in a regroup loop if some fleets cannot reach the system from regrouping so this is the ai fleet loop error this has now been fixed there's been quite a lot of people on the forums talking about this particular one it is a it was a pretty big deal and seeing the team focusing on this is really really nice so basically what it boils down to is that enemy fleets will try to engage you better because their ships will actually be available because they can regroup make sure ai fleets stop when issues orders to merge yeah that would be good so the ai once again will start merging fleets more efficiently which means that you'll be fighting larger fleets and everything will be become a bit more of a challenge modding for those of you who are modders out there uh here you go i will not be going over these maybe for a couple of interesting ones uh ones maybe added remove starbase building remove starbase module effects there's not a lot of interesting stuff here unless of course you are a modder set location now works on juggernauts added on colony 10-year pulse on action so basically any events that have pulses that can trigger on um on colonies uh you now have the ability to do that on action every 10 years so basically you've started a colony and within 10 years there is a pulse with a random chance of a event triggering so that's what that is so expect a lot more mods with focus on colony events something that i feel right now is really really missing so that's really nice uh bug fixes oh boy this is a long ass list okay let's take it from the top let's go over the main ones first of all zeroni precursor arc sites can no longer be taken over by other empires it's a pretty big deal basically what happened there is that shironi events or at least archaeological sites could be uncovered by other alien species that of course should not be possible it should be locked into your particular empire otherwise you cannot finish the precursor event and then you can use the gironi which is of course a problem they were added back in the archaeology update multiple curator scientists cannot be purchased any longer that is a shame that was a nice little a bug that you could exploit added checks to see if host has appropriate dlcs for the slave market orientated resolutions interesting so the slave market resolutions have to do with megacorp considering uh megacorp introduced the slave market if you the host does not have this particular expansion most likely will not have access to the galactic community slave market orientated resolutions now for those of you who don't know if you are playing multiplayer only the host needs all the expansions or the expansions you want to play with if you're playing with if you only have vanilla but the host has everything you will play be able to play with everything it's a nice little bonus for multiplayer it's also a good idea for you if you want to try out new expansions but you don't currently have the cash or you don't have the ability or want to try them out or can't buy them uh find a friend that hasn't uh has a um has everything or has the expansion you want and just play a multiplayer with them and uh try it out there's a whole bunch of communities out there that facilitate this sort of thing friday night stellaris group for instance is one of them so our weekend solaris group is one of them it's you can go check it out and find people on discord to play multiplayer with especially if you don't have a lot of expansions this is a good good way of trying out new things which i think is good uh out of missing localization that's not interesting fix leviton's tool tip okay uni now spawns as intended when playing as the common wealth of man so the commonwealth of man is one of the prefab empires that starts off with the origin that allows um an advanced version of the eu and e to spawn which is nice um localization on the oracle slave market resolutions are now properly locked without the megacorp dlc just as i expand uh just said so that's basically the same as i said here restoring megastructures will now only cause the rubble from their rune variants to be clear rather than all ambient objects in the system including nebulae wow okay so what happened there is if you if you're going into a system let's say you have any expansion that has mega structures if you go into a system that has a ruined mega structure which can spawn every once in a while basically what happens is is that it will be covered in rubble space debris etc however if you then rebuild it then it should all disappear however what also happened is that if there were any other ambient objects in that system whether or not it be trash or ships or nebulae in this particular case they would all disappear and this has now been fixed which is nice droids can now take colonist jobs oh no that's really fun so they can actually work so you can actually use droids on colonists that's nice subjects can no longer create vassals i would hope not because then we have a sort of mature scout doll situation of vassals in basils and basels and vassals pox bombardment no longer kills machine units so for those of you who don't know proxima barman is the jovarian pox sample that you can get from ancient relics it's one of the precursor bonuses from the jovarians i believe and basically it allows you to get a special bombardment stance called pox bombardment which will kill every single biological on the world but apparently also machine units before because i guess it would destroy their electronics anyway that's no longer going to be the case fix the case where a slave rights event would happen twice on the same day yeah that's bad because that's like what a minus 60 uh stability modifier if that would happen fix being able to build from mega shipyards that are not owned hmm yeah yeah that that sounds like a good idea okay uh ad and this is a localization we don't care hits geroni and shoulders of giants arcsights from countries illegible for completing them thus hiding unlocalized anti-stealing flags so this is the same thing as the geroni precursor site as from just now basically if you have those sights as well as the shoulder of giants origin which is part of federations other empires can't see these sites which means that you can continue to do them without other empires trying to steal them which is rather nice the attitude of country a to b now depends on a's opinion of b then rather than b is opinions of a this fixes fallen empires never declaring war oh that's so good finally fallen empires will finally start declaring war again this was a problem uh in the current patch in this 2.7 version where fallen empires would never declare war even if you were a um sitting next to a isil militant isolationist they would never declare war this has now been fixed that's a big deal surveyor relics can no longer find new resources on ring world or habitats yeah that's good being able to you know find new resources on worlds you build yourself well it's it's that sounds logical uh the floating value event text uh whatever that's not important russian localization is not uh it's just again it's a localization thing i'm not really interested in that again localization why is this not in the localization uh area changes to progression tracking variable and joint operation so this is for the marshall empires for the joint operations i've never done a video on this uh but basically there are special events for federations so yeah the one this is one of those genius calais that could also be from the research alliance or federation um fixed various typos and duplication a quiet stroll event is now different text for synthetic empires makes sense uh tree of life deposits are now properly cleared when planet changes owner okay that makes sense shielded plan on special projects now use plan correct planet name duplication into janky ship names uh system graphical effects are now removed from final contingency planet is destroyed okay velour space post storm will no longer manifest in nebula system which basically means that you would get a double nebulae in space storm a tool tip issues in atomic countdown atomic countdown is the one where you get a clock and within 47 something years an event happens this is part of i want to say distant stars shortened and rewrote overlapping vault of acquisitions technology okay fixed research costs for special projects investigate the loop temple and study the messenger that is part of the worm and waiting and i actually skipped one that's actually really really important fixed completion completed construction items for reinforcements not being re-properly removed from the fleet manager so basically in the past you would have situations where you go into the fleet manager and you would build reinforcements and they would just get stuck there they would still be built but they would be stuck in the fleet manager which of course is not all that great so now that should be fixed fleet manager in my opinion is probably the one um ui element that needs a little bit of loving and uh well there you go another step forward uh correct event description tool tips observation posts are now cleared if all primitives have been killed by orbital bombardment okay remove duplicate entry and alpha hub technology mining drones no longer display rare crystal icons in the job interface yeah they they did that they now show minerals i would guess change miner and technician building icons to be more consistent with other jobs sure that does not like sound like a bug that sounds more like um a ui thing fixed issue with some spiritualist responses were not always displayed remove diplo duplicate cohesion effects from tooltip and federation okay transparency backgrounds gestalts can no longer get the pre the debris gas giant category temp anomaly at all which as it should be i have no idea what debris gas giant category temp anomaly so i'm not entirely sure what they're talking about so it'd be nice if they were a little bit more specific about what it actually does unity should now always spawn as a continental world when playing as the une so basically unity is the commonwealth of man uh planet and there is a bunch of other planets in there in that particular system and if you play as the united nations of earth then the commonwealth of man system would spawn with unity in there cool uh star-crossed lovers taking refuge in the mutagen trade league yeah i would hope not because then they could never access them ever again because charlotte conquered regular empire star bases will no longer have trade hubs oh so good oh it's such a pain in the ass to fix this in the past do they also remove the trade values please so no longer trade hubs and off-world trading companies will be in stations that are conquered by gestalts so hive minds and robots that's nice fix some cases of species growing on planet disappearing and reappearing every other month that is strange fixed species of right showing has a breed of alright so um so there are some there were some problems with the uh galactic community specifically the breach of galactic law when it comes to species rights uh essentially some species rights would show up as hey this is this is in this is illegal to do well whilst they were not so there should be some flags here to now properly be able to manage your species rights which is good you can no longer get a random tomb world event on two worlds created through armageddon bombardment or similar causes also you can now only get one of each of them once so two worlds events are usually attached to two worlds that you can find it sinks like oh there's mutants inside of this bunker or you find yourself a destroyed district that you can reuse or easily reuse etc so those will no longer be part of worlds you've destroyed yourself which obviously makes sense however they will only now spawn once on tomb worlds in total so you can only get them once which is nice event primordial soup no longer worryingly assumes that the terminator species think that organic life is worthy of interest i would hope so space fauna resolutions can no longer be proposed if they are already active that makes perfect sense otherwise it'd be a waste of influence making sure clearing the blocker creates the correct species oh okay so this one is super super obscure unless you know what you're talking about so this is what happens um the clearing blocker creating the correct species has to do with the sprawling slums uh district on planets or at least a tile blocker and basically what it does is it you remove the slum it generates a pop on your planet so basically what it does is it will create the right pop that's what it boils down to additive breach icons and warnings in firm dialog boxes for policy that would cause breach of galactic law thank you that's a nice quality of life improvement and this is not bugs at all this is a combination of ui ai and quality of life stuff very interesting very interesting uh fixed a case where sector ai would spam luxury residences to deal with low amenities if there aren't any workers available for workers entertainers all right i guess having a ton of luxury residences on planets is probably a good thing i fix the bug where special projects to investigate space fauna would sometimes lose targets they were meant to investigate which would become investigate blank and do nothing on completion yeah wasting science and those sort of things would be nice fixing a bug where the project to investigate enclaves would talk about the system rather than the country i don't really care about that having comes established with you by enclaves no longer gives you influence dang it that was one of the best things getting getting uh getting influence quickly by uh researching the communications with other empires so useful especially in the early game and now the enclaves no longer do it anymore that's sad direct caravan ship ambient objects has now been removed by completing the project to research it i guess that has to do with somebody else's trash's event uh and saving species from the underground vault no shows the correct species will be enslaved cool fix some issues with special resources in the hive confluence building added science can now control their border access that's nice scions are part of the federation update fixed cases where sometimes galactic market would take a while to allow buying and selling of special resources i have noticed this as well a lot of the time you're not able to get special resources when you need them especially when you have the galactic market and they should be available but they're not and you don't you need to get the tech first or something like that so yeah gyreworld's no longer spawned with poor quality minerals yeah that makes sense even though guy worlds are usually focused on energy and food production and not as much minerals but still this is a cool one if you manage to create a species that is both psionic or cybernetic and eurodite resulting leaders now will get both psionic cybernetic portraits as well as the uridide traits that means they will be super smart that's nice that's uh that's something that has been in there for quite some time basically what happened is if you uh it would either pick one of them one of them would take priority over the other one i believe uh but that's now been fixed and it's been there for quite some time it's nice to see the the dev is actually jumping on that uh modified species to change species of a country will now also target the pops on colony ships thank god i never will have to run these projects double again which basically what what this means is is that if you would send a colony out whilst you were doing the modify uh pop event chain or at least project uh the pups in that ship would not be effective which means you would still end up with two groups of pops which obviously you don't want to do so that's now been fixed pops are now more likely to be maintenance drones if the planet lacks amenities i would hope so fix some spaghetti script in the first contact of fallen empire's event a closing several loopholes where you could see fallen empires without them establishing contact with you i've seen this before it's a huge pain in the ass it's nice that it's been fixed being able to see fallen empire's space and actually getting a good idea of what's going on there and i them actually being able to contact you is a nice little bonus fix the case where fallen empires requesting a long dead species could fire twice haven't seen that rewards for completing the techno sphere chain now take into account gestalts who cannot get sapient ia tech that's for leviathans nuba ul uh life seeding no longer removes the powell homeworld planetary features yeah yeah that makes perfect sense again uh this is an ancient relics um fix so that's nice upgraded versions of planetary unique buildings now correctly specified their number is capper planet keeping their special background frame yeah okay so there's planetary unique buildings and they will now correctly specify that they can only have one of those things like loop building some of the more specific ones that completely uh like the lab not the the research center the special one but also like the ministry of culture or that sort of thing fixed flags uh that's fixed flags not being set correctly on building upgrades which led to ai spamming upgrades it shouldn't have interesting a fixed number of packs not being visible in diplomatic windows at the game start as well as potential out of sync this should go into the outer sink setup fix the case where wicked marauders would conquer a planet with less than five pops killed all those pops and then spawn 12 pops on the planet which having been rendered uninhabited no longer counted as a colony now for marauders that's a big deal because the more colonies they have the more interesting their empire is going to be when they eventually will collapse so yeah fix the tooltip for utterly failing the enigmatic cash uplift chain that's nice how much more do we oh we're almost there it's not possible for your ruler to be randomly giving the charismatic trade during the rule rather than an i4 talent i would hope because that's what the one is um uh the one that's triggered at the moment events leading up to the responding of a relic rail's dick site of a relic rail's dick site may no longer fire multiple times at once may want to reread that one uh make sure that the relevant fallen empires actually exist in order for resolutions to be available yeah that's the galactic community being able to denounce the right fallen empire is very useful indeed uh fixed various golden rule challenges for federation leaderships particularly addressing scenarios in which the event may not fire at the end of the presidential term do not ping pong fleet groups that are on mission i feel that somebody did not finish writing these properly do do not think punk fleets groups that are on mission but the leader has jumped into the next system okay uh the tool tip for purchasing elgate insights from curators will now show i'm slightly slightly more precise on when you can buy a new one which is nice if you want to unlock the l gates you have the money for it but you don't want to go after the tech um that's for distant stars resolved late game piracy fleets losing their scripted target events this is a this one's huge this this would just make the game completely unplayable the euthon system star are now actually called yathon rather than uthon there you go they swapped the t and the h uh fix the straight question mark that's localization thing the governor uh the governor offered by the new monistic order is now the correct species opening the alien box will now change your dominant species then just modify your pops and leaders the alien box is the one that you can slow down you can get three vials and you can get things like charisma less pop housing and i think leader life span out of them the event has changed a couple times since it came out in distant stars but now basically it will apply to your dominant species and all sub-species rather than any other species in your empire which is nice uh forced to trade upon the event-created species that stopped them from counting as bio trophies interesting bio trophies are of course part of the uh servitor race uh tooltips in the diplomacy screen and not really interested in that machine empires with resource consolidation origin now correctly adopt a rogue servitor civic when the galactic resolution of defined purpose is passed though they will have to reset to the default origin to the process so resource consolidation are the robots that have been added in synthetic dawn basically it starts off at a machine world and the defined purpose basically forces other species to turn into rogue servitors which is interesting uh rather than just being a standard empire but i don't know how that would really work if you just have a machine empire or at least a machine world so yeah mainly because normal pops cannot live on machine worlds so yeah fix some cases where empires would be created during the game with random and inappropriate origins doomsday create country now creates countries with the prosperous unification by default so you can go into the console and just type in create country and it will generate a random country and they will no longer have doomsday and then die within 50 years implemented an option triggered to stop unnecessary irrational options in an event again that should gone under the under the modding setup players will no longer receive alert about war goals they cannot set anymore yeah that makes fun it makes sense fix the case where marauder daidachi would spawn without any planets breaking various things that also ties in to the uh thing that we talked about earlier with them purging any sort of pops dot she only applies when there is multiple empires that spawn out of the con so yeah i think it has to do with uh the more planets it has so yeah fixed issues where space monster sometimes being uncontactable okay uh event experience award is now assigned to the correct leader that's useful system spawned during the game will no longer spawn on top of other systems unless there is really no space for them elsewhere yeah i've had problems with that in the past as well which is a nice little quality of light thing fixed cases where you'd get refugees from a country that you have no communications with i've had this i've had this happen where you have a empire and you have not found anybody you haven't even gotten first contact and all of a sudden you get refugees because of course stop certain arc sites from disappearing from the situation log after completion sure fixed possible error with the event spawn wormhole in subterranean nation chain you get an invasion by them they will actually work the god of death no longer has an eyeball popping tooltip whatever that means fix confusing tool tip mentioning rivaling members when inviting a federation the conclusion of the rage virus event chain will no longer give invalid technologies for gestalts yeah fix the case where multiple architects could be spawned on one colony also the sentinels will no longer spawn as soon as you fulfill the conditions but now with a bit more more random what do these two have to do with anything with each other fix the case for multiple arc sites with spawn on one colony and oh by the way the sentinels that only spawn if the galaxy is invaded by effectively uh you know the monsters from outer space like why is this here why is this lying here that's so weird uh new auto-generated ship design now have auto upgrade check by default forces proclamation are actually increases defend build speed yeah that's nice and fix some misspellings now there will be a probably another patch there as well we intend to deploy in addition to what you've seen in these patch notes we've also been working on some stuff that we deemed too risky or we didn't finish in time for it to be released together with 2.8 and there will be a beta patch in the near future we also have other larger changes that will not be released until the next big update but we will start we'll be starting to talk about these changes very very soon and there you have it the patch nodes for 2.8 could the team balance uh you know list these out a little bit better probably maybe by expansion maybe actually have the right things in the right place but hey who am i the same if you have any feedback on these and you're just like wow some of these event information changes are absolutely huge and why didn't you talk about the mod triggers well yeah sure go and leave a comment about that below in the meantime though i hope you've enjoyed this video and until next time take a good care of yourselves and thank you to my patrons
Channel: ASpec
Views: 81,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Necroids, ASpec, A_Spec, Expansion, Pack, DLC, Patch Notes, Mechanics
Id: zzid37lo3WY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 6sec (2646 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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