Stellaris 3.0.3 Patch Notes (Clerks are Kinda Okay Now Edition)

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solaris wouldn't be solaris if patchnotes were a thing especially after the 3.0 update which some people would consider to be slightly polarizing let's dive into the new patch notes yes the 3.0.3 because uh we are actually looking quite good here with the amount of patch notes that we have we're actually gonna go ahead today and take a look at all of this stuff and take a look at what is possible here anyway there's been a couple of updates already that you may or may not may or may not have seen i have of course a game in the background here which you can see everything is ready to go we're gonna go and take a look at the patch notes and illustrate where necessary anyway let's dive back in into uh the setup over here uh the patch notes 3.3.0 or 3.3 basically there's been a bunch of things here uh first of all increased the minimal growth rate of planets near the top of the logistics curve to 10 from 1 what does this translate to well if we go into our game over here and ignore this over here this is currently broken it's the patch it's on the test version of the game so don't be too worried about that anyway if we look at a planet for instance one that is reasonably full like this one over here it's got a current population of 48. i like how this is clickable even though it doesn't do anything always fun when that happens uh however as you can see if we go to the population curve here we can see that we have 5.44 pop growth on this planet as our planet fills up and we get less and less planetary capacity compared to our population this curve will no longer slow to one percent growth on top of what the base is so basically previously you will get a growth rate of zero point i want to say three or something along those lines that will no longer be the case that it will now be slightly better so pop growth in general will be pretty darn decent uh then we have a significantly reduced effect of empire pops on the required growth of new pops from 0 25 from 0.5 to 0 25 that's right here so this already got changed in the 3.0.1 version of the game if we go up here to our growth you'll see here that our growth progress is 34.8 to 146.5 and this is based around the bonuses that we get from our population growth now at the launch of 3.0 this number would have been 186 so basically we would have a higher number in terms of our pop growth however considering it's now a 0.25 modifier we actually get a less of a of a malice on pop growth would actually be uh yeah this is a quarter of what it would be the base is 100 on pop growth so this would be a 286 on the base and is now a quarter of that so that's something for us to keep in mind because there's a lot of really interesting things that are going on here and this is still being played around of course in the current uh beta version of the game you can of course once again try that out on steam so a pretty decent change here of course if your system cannot handle this then you may want to scale that back but we can talk about that in a pre in a upcoming item that we can talk about right here so then we have the uh the reduced number of pops required to upgrade your capital to 10 25 50 from 10 40 80. what does this translate to well if we go back into our game you will see that our capital world already has a planetary capital on it if we want to upgrade this we will require 50 pops that's the highest possible building type that we can get however if we for instance go to one of our colonies over here you see that we only need 10 to upgrade this to our second tier of building that's a pretty darn decent uh change uh 10 was already the the difference there to begin with but now it has changed to uh 40 from what it was so yeah planetary administration is level is 10 pops then we get the planetary capital uh that is uh that now 25 i believe if i quickly need to check here uh yes should have b25 yeah and then of course the next tier as we've already mentioned is the system capital complex and the empire capital complex which require 80. so yeah there's a there's a couple changes here that are actually quite fascinating then there's a couple of other things that i sadly don't really have an example for because of the way actually we actually can do this so we will just do it like this oh that's the wrong button um i'll actually quickly set up a a quick empire over here just to illustrate this uh because uh this one is regarding to hive worlds so hive worlds for those of you who don't know is a type of planet that um come with hive minds so what we can quickly do here uh let me quickly set up a different origin for us to properly illustrate this so um actually we can probably do this with resource consolidation because it's probably a better choice in terms of our government and ethics so let's just do it like this i think that this will be a better way of of dealing with things so let me just quickly remove all of this and then governing and ethics yada yada that is all fine traits we do not need to deal with either and we just go back into the game so we're loading back in and as you can see we are starting off with the artificial network of course with resource consolidation now one of the big things here with resource consolidation is obviously we start off with a machine world it's very pretty look at that it's uh it's very machine like however if we go to our population tab over here and we look at our um at our pups we will get a additional plus one replicator job normally this would have been two uh in the current release version of the game but this has been increased to three now here for this particular version of the game effectively making robots grow significant significantly faster due to their pop assembly a pop assembly by itself can be pretty powerful especially if it gets a second tier of machine assembly plants and it can go pretty ham uh but then again you kind of need to watch out for this and make sure your pop growth is in check and you want to get those additional replicators to get that up and running the same applies to hype worlds as well they will get another bonus of an additional spawning drone job that is uh being added there as well so that's a it's a pretty exciting change right there in order to in order to see that um in addition though there is a whole slew of other things that we need to take a look at so for instance constructor bot civic now adds an additional building slot what does that translate to well the building slots of course uh can be gained here in the main thing and the building slots are attached to the capital building as well as technologies traditions etc so keep that in mind that uh robots especially contract constructor about civic grants an additional building slot which is pretty nice it's a nice little addition and uh yeah it's a it kind of boosts robot robots a little bit which i think i haven't played too much with robots yet in 3.0 but i hear they're quite powerful so it's something to keep an eye on uh then there is a very fascinating one i think this one is actually really really cool and should have a little bit more attention paid to it because it's something that people have been asking for and it wasn't particularly clear before on how the system actually worked in terms of moving your slaves around so slave processing plants which is a special building which we can set up here um is a special building that previously improved slave production as well as reduced their political output basically they would be less inclined to go to factions however in the 3.0.1 version of the game this has now been changed so if we go to the slave processing plants i hope that they have them in there we go i had a safe processing facility in this particular case and i will move the thing because i'm clearly in the way uh slave processing output is increased by five percent which is standard uh the political power reduced by 25 that's also exactly the same however there is now a automatic resettlement chance of minus 50 percent what that means is that that slaves will automatically resettle it's just less likely that it happens you can of course offset this by building the transfer hub down here the transfer hub of course increases that bonus to uh by 100 so effectively doubling it which is uh rather nice and it um it does give a nice a little a bonus uh then we have uh the increased duration of the prosperous unification planet modifier to 20 years uh it was 10 years before so prosperous unification uh do i actually have it running here no i do not uh prosperous unification is the default origin for any empire essentially and basically it allows you to get massive bonuses on planet this is now reduced to 10 years what i'm kind of surprised about however is they actually haven't done this with something else which is the colonial spirit which is very similar to prosperous unification as that as it gives you a bunch of bonuses in this case happiness amenities resources from jobs which is a huge deal habitability plus 10 percent effectively making your capital world completely perfect uh but that's not been changed here maybe later on in the patch notes we will get a bonus there uh espionage related edicts at lower operation difficulty now have an increase in code breaking so stuff will still be difficult but you will have other benefits so how does cold break code breaking actually work if we go into our code breaking setup over here in espionage uh do i actually have a spy nerd work up and running somewhere i would hope so let's just attach a uh an envoy here quickly and basically what it means here is that uh we can code break a lot easier so it's a lot easier for us to infiltrate and do our operations of course operations are only available if you have the most recent update with uh the mana system as well as the uh imperial system etc so keep that in mind there's a there's a couple of things that have changed when this comes out uh ceramos steel infrastructure and duracell infrastructure technologies now gain a 25 colony development speed the colonies will develop quicker in general i do think that is an interesting little change uh we can probably take a look here uh on what that actually translates to that would be under engineering i really wish that they would put a search function in here uh dura seal materials of course is here and uh basically it gives us a bunch of additional bonuses so yeah we get a bunch of technologies here i don't think it's part of this particular chain but still uh it gives you an additional bonus in terms of growing your colonies and you can boost that by 12 by 50 in total by using ceramicil infrastructure and dura steel infrastructure um replace plus 10 maximum infiltration on ruthless competition and shadow council with code breaking so more boosts to spying basically so keep that in mind as well criminal syndicate civic now gives you more another code breaking bonus reduce the alloy discount of gdf ships to 25 but added an additional 10 uh if the resolution is expanded to gdf so the gdf uh it's not something that i think i can show in this particular example i will try over here if we can quickly dig one up as the emperor or custodian custodian does it as well uh the custodian and the emperor have the ability to add these little um these little bonuses through the galactic community right so if we are in the galactic community right now and we are currently the galactic custodian we are can go into resolutions now previously in the past uh what you could do here under custodian reforms you could do the uh galactic where is it galactic defense force so the galactic defense for ship alloy cost was reduced all ship alloy cost by i think 50 or 33 percent one of the two but it was now it will now be reduced at 25 however it synergizes uh if you expand to the gdf so you can even if you are an emperor you can uh increase that bonus by another 10 percent so it boosts it up to 35 which is still pretty decent you know the galactic institutions are very very powerful and you should always try to push those hell we're going to push this right now and just push it through because we can if it's uh if it's here yeah well we can't do an emergency measure so that's a little bit unfortunate but still it's something we want to keep in mind oh my god is that a new icon for prematuring the thing that is very very very nice uh then there is um you can no longer permanently lose your ethero a facing engine so one thing that happened before is that if you conquered an enemy system that had a uh etherophasic engine in it they would lose the engine uh it would be gone and that is obviously a problem uh you can still lose it but it will just be reset um previously it would just be wiped and it would be bugged forever and you would no longer be able to do anything with it uh slowed down purging by about 50 as we had significantly fewer pops in the game and now the exception is neutering which is increased at speed from 500 months per pup to 10 months per pup so neutering is the slow change in population of through changing uh basically neutering them so yeah uh but purging has been slowed by about 50 because of the changes obviously in pop growth uh we can take a quick look at that we kind of touched upon that earlier as well pop growth has been increased in general which means that uh there are more pops available which means purging is a lot less powerful in general especially well now especially with the changes of 50 slow down but still it's something we want to keep in our the back of our head if you are becoming the menace or something along those lines then obviously that is no longer the case uh you now get four months worth of their purge output every single time a pop is purged through forced labor uh processing or chemical processing so that's a nice little bonus you can get here as a as an empire purging gives you more bonuses otherwise of course they will just go through forced labor processing chemical processing and will just generate their resources slow down first contact investigations by about 50 so for those of you are not aware we are can quickly take a look here at some of the first contact stuff that we have up and running in this here save file i would hope that we've got one right here let's not call it a clown fiesta all right let's blame martin but that save file hasn't worked since niven 2.1.0 so let's not dive too much into that yeah let's just grab this one so let's hope the save file actually works it's uh it's a fairly heavy one basically what i'm trying to illustrate here is the slowdowns in first contact i don't think the save file ah there we go it's a big one apparently but yeah uh first contact investigations will know take a lot longer so effectively you will have to work a lot longer more to get stuff up and running oh i see it why it doesn't work because it was under the star wars mod yeah that will that will that will break things quite significantly uh ion cannons british and beams and titan lasers now are now considered energy weapons and benefit from repeatable technologies that's a huge deal repeatables on to the xl weapons is a massive massive deal that's something you want to keep in mind of course that applies to the following things if we quickly go to our titan which we currently don't have up and running in this file there we go so we for instance go to prediction beam and we've got repeatables up and running on energy weapons we will get stack on bonuses on that effectively making titan lasers and ion cannons in particular a lot more powerful so ion cannons of course uh are not here they are of course under the titan laser the ion cannon is part of the of the defenses so the iron cannon of course so uh static defenses titans and and uh perdition beams in general are just a lot more powerful prediction beams and titan lasers titan lasers titan lasers are now more cons are now considered energy weapons titan lasers um titan lasers are prediction beams as far as i know not entirely sure what they're uh referring to with titan lasers in this particular case but it's something that we can explore a reduction of criminal jobs effective on trade is now down to uh five instead of minus 10. so it's a slight nerf to mega uh to criminal megacorps they are not as effective anymore as they do rely on criminal jobs so that's something i want to keep in mind rogue servitor's biotrophy buildings now also increase increased planetary capacity so that's nice uh i think it's one of the few buildings sites from the uh standard living buildings actually that will give you this a bonus like that so normally you could build a luxury luxury residence which would increase housing but housing for rogue servitors is now counted towards the planetary capacity which zapani wasn't something that was there before which is a little bit curious you would think they would think to do that biotrophies now provide one unity once again another soft nerve to our good friends the rogue servitors as previously they had two one percent complex drone output instead of 0.25 so instead of getting a lot of unity here double the unity of what you would get before instead you get four times the output of complex drones now complex drones for those of you who don't know are effectively the same thing as specialists for um standard empires so it's your entertainers your metallurgist your roboticist etc but also your leaders there's no leader cast for robots and that's why robots are so easy to play because a they don't use consumer goods but of course rogue observatories do as well as a whole whole slew of other things that they don't know don't really need so uh on one hand the unity game for bio trophies is still pretty strong because of the plus one bonus but still it's it's it's a it's a bit of a nerf but there will be a more a bigger powerhouse in uh drone output bonus so getting more science getting more alloys getting more consumer goods it's reasonable i wonder why they did this i think it may have something to do with the pop changes once again with the curve and uh it the unity just got out of control i think it would be something like that i would not be surprised about that oh but it only provides any benefits if you're above 50 happiness that is actually a really big deal so you will need to keep your pops super happy as a rogue server tour and it just reminds me of some of the older systems really because the older systems really had something in place where um uh drones would work better the more biotrophies that were within the system uh at least for rogue servitors from what i can remember from when synthetic dawn initially came out um yeah that's a pretty big deal i do think that's a very interesting one right there i don't know if that was the case before i very rarely play as hero observatory i've been i've been on a um on a binge recently with the terravores so yeah increase the effect of observatory expanding breeding program to 20 20 percent from 10 so rogue servators basically generate uh their pops a lot faster and that's of course their bio trophies terminal egress is now a black hole which cannot be cracked for those of you who don't know what terminal egress is if we take a quick look here at the map it doesn't look like any l-gates have opened up but terminal egress is in the l-cluster it's the entry system previously it was a standard solar system with star in it with a bunch of nanite worlds and it's now a black hole i don't know whether or not anything has changed there in terms of its layout uh so yeah oh i understand why they did it okay i guess that kind of makes sense um i'm not entirely sure if star crackers or star eaters destroy gates i would think they do because the system does not really allow for anything to survive within the solar system so it could be that it disables gates as well which makes sense that they've turned terminal egress into a black hole because it's the only entryway into the l cluster and if you destroy that gateway it's all over you won't be able to do anything with the l cluster anymore anybody anything that's in there is effectively stranded so yeah i guess that makes sense if if the system works the way i think it does but yeah here's that uh first contact stuff that we talked about earlier by the way where i which i went through a star wars mod thing resolution extra dimensional exploration is now again a dangerous resolution which lets you get the uh unbidden a little bit early so for those of you who don't know if we go into resolutions here specifically unchained knowledge expert x-dimensional experimentation is here as an item and basically allows you to consume zero to get additional research and it also means that um the um bennett can show up easier of course you can also use jump drives and stuff like that but now there's a nice little red text at the bottom isn't that great just a little bit of red text just to illustrate that yes this is in fact a bit of dangerous medical work has now increased organic pop assembly by five percent oh okay interesting wasn't that a lot lower before and happenability by 2.5 percent okay so all right so for those of you who may have noticed so far i haven't actually read through these notes g-clinics generate medical workers now if we build a gene clinic and we get medical workers we can actually instant build this right now uh let's just instant build this one right now and uh we will be able to get the right amount of of course i lose the building pretty much instantly uh so medical workers where are you you're under specialists yeah medical workers so they increase uh amenities pub growth speed plus 10 percent i'm not gonna lie it's pretty good and then uh it it also uh increases um organic pop assembly cost uh speed by ten percent which is also really good if you got cloning this is really really nice uh and then on top of that increases habitability by five percent now if we increase this to the next tier to the cyto revitalization centers we get two additional ones which means that we can get a bonus of 10 habitability which has serious knock-on effects in terms of happiness but also increases pop growth speed to 20 percent but also organic pop assembly speed to 20 as well i can see lithoids really being helped by this to a certain degree especially with cloning this it feels like a soft boost to the joys of bioengineering especially the i kind of want to go over here and take a look here at uh engineered evolution yeah it does feel like a soft boost to cloning vats because it it does help quite a lot and it's kind of nice and synthetic it's synthetic evolution is objectively one of the most powerful ones in the game but uh yeah this is this is pretty pretty nice i am kind of happy by that um significantly reduced upfront energy cost of n of spy operations so this is actually a really really big deal and i kind of will i want to illustrate this wherever possible if we can do some spying here dear neighbors of ours i'm sure this is going to be possible at this moment in time yes so let's say that we want to do an operation right if you have the nemesis expansion you've got all of these toys available and they in the past were very very expensive i believe our privateers were was like 14 uh 4 600 energy before or something like that as an upfront cost it's now down to 1800 which is pretty massive a lot of these have been rebalanced to make them cheaper and more interesting because the spice must flow and you're generally spending energy just to use it because in the end it's a it's a resource pool right and you want to use your resources efficiently but you also want to make sure it never maxes out you want to keep on using things especially if you're playing on higher difficulties or in multiplayer you want to crack you want to you re you want to use your resources as fast as possible so you can use them on things to get even more resources that's usually how that works so yeah uh having the upfront cost of our espn house operations being reduced is actually a really big deal increase the power of starbase reactors fully upgrade bastions should be better to actually use all their weapon slots oh that's awkward so if we go to our system here and we look at our star base and we look at our details uh well in this case i got dark matter reactors but the power generation on these is now a lot higher which means they will always use their slots citadels have problems where they would never really use all their slots before and i'm kind of weirded out by the fact this has finally been fixed now but still it's nice this is the case because this is not something that you can change this is not something that you can edit which is a bit of a shame in the game that's all about uh you know doing your own thing and building your own story uh their paradox if you are watching please make this a modifiable layout uh maybe in the designer or something like that but having an additional energy in those buildings is a really really big deal pups will not automatically resettle away from newly founded colonies until five years have passed so your habitats will no longer have only one worker flea before you can give them something to do good point especially if you have the ability to fill up a lot of jobs very early on whether or not you have the a new life bonus or the youth core which is one of the relics or any sort of bonuses that gives you additional pops at the start of colonization they won't flee especially with habitats that's a really big deal because habitats don't really have jobs in them by default like one job and they can spawn with up to three pops if you do it well so this is something you want to keep in the back of your head so no longer will this be this be a problem anymore because you should probably build a district or two within five years if even if it's only to move pops back and forth and may have something for your pops to do so that is pretty darn uh interesting there's a whole bunch of stuff here um regarding operations and how maximum infiltration levels introduce uh goes in and stuff like that uh gathering information operation now gives you plus five maximum infiltration so how that works is uh we have to go back into here into espionage so gathering information will actually give us additional level which is up here if we do this uh four times in a row we get a snack of 20 which means this will increase to i want to say 115 and then of course the spy network can slowly grow over time of course if we assign a nice little spymaster to that so pretty big deal there a pretty big deal indeed um made menace rewards scaled the number of empires within the game another big deal here if we could become the crisis uh and if we uh go to the crisis menu which is so nicely hidden uh these numbers will actually scale based around under the rewards will scale so the more empires there are in the game the less points you will get the least the less empire you get in the game uh the more points you will get for doing all these things of course the jumps from level the level is still there but if there is not that much to you know purge assimilate or destroy then uh this process will take a lot longer so there's a l if there's less empires in the game uh this game by itself is pretty big actually reasonably it's a mid-sized game then you will no longer have that problem uh reduce the number of clerk jobs providing buildings and districts by 40 ladies and gentlemen boys and girls this is the clerk nerf the clerk nerf is here everybody oh boy the clerk nerf is here so city districts one clerk job instead of four i want to say oh it's two obviously but because it's by 40 and if we go into a building that generates clerks say the commercial zone now plus three instead of plus five so yeah not only have clerks been significantly been reduced from the game uh they do however generate more resources so if we add a clerk here if we can oh my god we got rising unemployment we can actually prioritize this they will actually generate more amenities and more trade value which makes clerks inherently a lot stronger and this could be a soft boost to mega corporations in general considering they do kind of float on that trade value and especially on the special trade policies that mega corporations get that could be a huge huge bonus of courses from the trade federation uh not from the wealth gathering system crime lords deal will now also add additional criminal jobs so for those of you who don't know i need to find a nice place here which has crime if at all possible do i even have any crime anyway no i've got a completely crimeless empire so there's a decision which adds a stability uh it's getting a deal with crime crime lords and it's really really good but now it also adds criminal jobs which of course increases crime which means that pops will be less happy uh in the past doing a cri a caramel or deal would be uh would be like it's like uh adding a uh a black uh a black site to your station basically so essentially you would could just add a deep six black site and it would give you plus five stability i think the crime lord deal would do the same thing and basically it translated to you always want to have at least one tick of crime on your worlds in order to get a little bit of crime so you could get the uh crime lord to deal uh that was a little bit of a meta game thing that had been changed there manufacturing let's take a quick look here manufacturing both focus buildings are no longer exclusive from one another wow okay whoa okay i was not aware of that okay so let's take a quick look here so let's take a look at this planet here so we've got ourselves industrial in districts in 3.0.3 we can build both buildings here civilian industries and alloy industries that was not the case in 3.0 before you could only build one of these on a planet so let's have those in instantly build up so right now it gives us a bonus of two artisan jobs right so if we upgrade this to the next tier we get plus one job increases the base production yes yes that's all fine let's actually let's give myself a bunch of resources here uh i need strategic resources in this case give me a second or we should have enough resources our planetary capital okay so if we upgrade this increases the base production of alloys producing jobs by two with a corresponding increase in upkeep so no longer will industrial districts get a default bonus from get and gain additional jobs by building one of these you can of course only build one of those that's actually that's a huge step in an opposite direction it does really feel then that 3.0 was very much a experiment in this in a certain way because i really like that change i i really i really felt that added a lot more so there's this thing in in game design right and it's called meaningful decision making and making rolling back to only having this building these two buildings and being able to run them at the same time kind of takes away a meaningful decision from the player uh if you switch the forge world here do we still have yeah we still have consumer good production so all of your um manufacture industrial districts will always generate alloys or consumer goods you no longer have to specialize your buildings or at least your planets that's a huge deal and i feel it's a step in the wrong direction i don't think this is a good idea because i really like the specialization part like i also love the fact that clerks actually have some value now but i i don't agree with this change i'm sure there's a good reason for it probably because of the additional jobs that need to be filled but then just the clerics filled up those roles though i don't understand are players running without consumer goods or something because everybody's always focused on alloys is is that the deal here because it gives us additional artisan jobs and and stuff like that increases the base production of alloys producing producing jobs by two okay so it just adds additional an additional output which by itself is decent but the amount of workers is not necessarily increased i don't agree with this change not not by a long shot i don't think that's a good idea anyway let's uh move on back to this one over here buildings that increase basic resource production out of jobs same story again this is such polarizing change i am not sure if i like this at all again so as i mentioned there there is there is a principle in game design it's it's called depth versus complexity and it it kind of translates to something there's an expression in the english language which me it's it's it's basically as as white as an ocean as deep as a puddle and the whole idea is is they give players the agency to get um to make meaningful choices through gameplay now i can understand that for some people it may have been a little bit too complex because it's not very well communicated to in any way shape or form in the game how these systems work it's only in a single tool tip so it's only in this tool tip it was at least in 3.0 and all the way up to 3.0.2 but wow they actually rolled it back that is staggering that is actually staggering that they did that i'm actually dumbfounded i they they effectively they simplified a meaningful choice and this could have been done so like i'm going to need to have a chat with the devs about this because i don't understand the reasoning behind this at all like that i would have made it a completely different change in terms of to signal things better because like sure objectively it's it's complex and uh well it's not really complex it's just hidden let's move on uh we're gonna go we're gonna we're gonna loop back on this and uh actually have a chat with the developers about this because i'm really curious about what the reasoning was uh because from my perspective it goes against pretty much anything uh game design related i'll reduce base automatic resettlement for a chance to five percent per month okay that means there's a 50 chance per year per planet per year to resettle so let's say that you have an unemployed pop on the planet so core over here has got four unemployed pops every single year there's a 50 chance accumulatively or at least predictively that one of these unemployed pops at the bottom we'll move to another planet somewhere else in the list of course if we build a transit hub somewhere then that number gets doubled so it's uh it's 92 percent so it's basically 100 chance that a pop will move it also means that there is then uh within four years the unemployed will then move back and forth but it does mean that jobs will stay empty for a longer period of time so something to keep in mind and you really want to then increase your transit hub speeds or at least your unemployment moving speeds reduce logistics growth ceiling from 2.0 1.5 i don't know what that means ah sliders have been added in neglect okay so i actually am going to need to go back to the main menu for this so uh let's quickly go back into the game uh let's just grab a random empire if we go all the way down here there is a couple of interesting things here called logistic growth ceiling it now has a little tool pit tip that actually says what it does this controls how large the pop growth bonuses are when planets are in the middle of the logistics curve that doesn't tell me anything as a player but thank you paradox anyway because i know what it means but joe gamer won't know what this means at all so this doesn't communicate very well basically what it means is pop grove will go faster and uh popcorf will go and uh if you have a crappy pc then performance is going to be hampered same thing for pop growth for quiet scaling is basically of how many pops you have in your empire as we said before it's gone down to 0.5 no 0.25 actually and uh basically this scale is up so the base is at 0.25 and we can we can crack this all the way up to one or the zero if we want to play pre 3.0 effectively but we can also set it to 1. so there's a lot of a lot of integers here on this [Music] this right here is probably the only way they could have done this and make everybody happy only way they could have done it in my opinion because because of the new pop growth system they would have never been able to balance it properly with so many people and so many different machines and so many performance things uh your your system runs slow on late game just lower your growth scaling that's what that's going to be the default that's going to be the default answer so yeah um it's it's it's not a perfect solution but i do feel it's the only solution to make everybody happy because no longer will people be able to go on to like reddit or forums or any socials you'll be like ah my game is running so slow it's like did you lower your growth ceiling or your growth required scaling no then you've got nothing to complain about what i would like however is to we can see that's the default what i would like however is to have a button here that actually optimizes this based on your system settings or system specifications now of course that requires a lot of code a lot of games do have something like this um built in of like uh setting your preferred uh stuff in terms of video games etc so it's something that may be possible and would be an interesting thing to be rolling out to other games as well especially on the cloud switch engine i don't think it actually exists but yeah uh having the the ability to auto detect this or at least you know go over something and then auto detect it's like oh no this is not a good idea it would be nice so yeah that that's that's a thing uh let's continue on here shall we um performance and stability it's just stability stuff so basically performance increases every single patch has this stuff uh ui uh tooltips not nearly enough stuff here regarding tooltips at all uh this this should be a gigantic freaking list every single time because paradox ui in general is unless it's crusader kings 3 and has nista tooltips no more tool tips clear communication on what's going on in the game i know ux design is hard but please just explain to people what is going on in your game ai um it's ai you know what are you gonna do do skip files modding files bug fixes organic pop assembly yeah error messages uh script validation stuff impossible to repeal the pax galactica it's forever peaceful now boys and girls um overall it's not there doesn't seem to be all that much here from what i'm sure there will be people down in the in the comments below it'll be like a spec you've missed like a huge bug fix here so yeah a fixed contingency world be a world is wiped out by star eaters not counting as destroyed that was a problem with the uh they probably just took the code there from the colossi because that was a problem before as well so yeah it's a it's a whole thing if two countries reach level crisis level five the galactic community will now correct correctly declarable war on both uh i've been in crisis portals will now be destroyed by star eaters yeah this is a lot a lot of quality of life stuff so yeah um it's it's it's interesting so yeah but yeah if you want to try this out and i highly recommend that you do um go into your is that food that is food have i had on camera the entire time with food on my shirt my god aspect you're such a professional um if you've been um playing stellaris you want to go and try this out i do recommend to do so and also always give feedback on the forums and anything you that you disagree with um you can go ahead and click on your stellar's game this is of course only in steam go to settings go to i think it is betas i'm not entirely sure here let me quickly double check on how to actually get to it yeah go to properties after right clicking go to betas and then on the drop down there should be stolar's test version 3.0.3 you click on that and then the game should be updated and you can give this a go of course betas will be betas final numbers are will be final a number well are not final numbers so anything can change though but 3.0.3 is man i am not agreeing with this economy changed at all that like if people were polarized about the whole growth curve thing daddy acebeck polarized about this friggin economy change i'm gonna need to talk to some people about this because oh boy anyway we're gonna go wrap things up here if you've watched this video all the way down the end here all 46 minutes of here you are a hero and uh you should probably do so uh comment so down in the comments below saying that patch notes are awesome and uh yeah just type that down there patch notes are awesome i'm counting on you guys thank you to my patrons as well for making this video possible it is a pleasure as always for making this sort of content to you guys and uh it does really in the end it's just a dude reading out a page but it does you know i get some feedback out of it and stuff like that so let me know what kind of changes you like and what kind of changes you don't like and then we can take it from there thank you so much for watching and until next time take care of yourselves and as always each other
Channel: ASpec
Views: 53,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Stellaris, Patch, Patch Notes, 3.0.3, Nemesis, Clerks, Economy, Changes, Update, Review, How To, Overview, Reading, Star Eater, Menance, Custodian, Emperor, Galactic Emperor, Galactic Custodian, GalCom, More Stuff, Clerks Are now Okay, Stellaris 3.0, Paradox Development Studio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Wed May 12 2021
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