「Stellaris」 Everything New in Nemesis Explained - 3.0 & 3.0.1 Patch Notes

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greetings everyone i'm stefan and today we're going to be covering the patch notes for stallers 3.0 and 3.0.1 as you might know we are going straight into uh 3.0.1 upon release on april the 15th and so i wanted to combine both of these patch notes into a single video and a single document on screen before i begin i do want to encourage you to pause at any point in the video to read through any of the patch notes and or my annotations which are going to be in parentheses and in all caps i've had my hands on the game for about two weeks now and i've learned quite a bit from playing during this time so let's begin by covering the nemesis expansion you got a few main uh points here you got spy networks and spy missions spying gives you access to a lot of operations that you can do on other empires and the way they work is basically like relic dick sites you go ahead lodge an operation and then eventually you will get it there are random events that can pop up throughout but most of the time if you go ahead and do something no matter how hard it is you'll get it eventually can boost this with assets and stuff like that but honestly a lot of this is relatively weak as far as i can see right now the only things that can potentially help you out is extort favors if you for whatever reason are in a multiplayer game and cannot trade favors with another player and you really want to influence something in the council you can steal technology which gives you 30 research in a technology upon completion uh but it does have a 10-year cooldown it is also quite expensive uh just like a lot of these other missions so uh the only empire you'd reasonably be conducting these operations with is a mega corporation otherwise sabotaging a starbase or armoring privateers is a nice way to mess with another empire however they are both relatively weak and relatively uh easy to deal with like sabotaging the star base will destroy a module or a building like yeah that's great but for 2 500 energy credits uh you'd rather just build up more ships to deal with the starbase i would imagine these get a rework sometime in the future because as they are right now they are relatively weak another top feature of nemesis is becoming the crisis uh now this is quite involved you take an essentia perk which is easy enough but then you have to deal with menace research projects and once you get through it you have to build up an atherophagic engine to try to destroy the galaxy while the galaxy tries to destroy you if you want to check out what becoming the crisis is like i have done a stream where i have become the crisis and that is going to be linked in the description now if you don't want to be the bad guy you could be a good guy kind of you can become the custodian of the galaxy and eventually you can become the emperor as well this does add a whole bunch of features to the galactic community which i will certainly cover in a separate video undoubtedly though the best part of this is that you get to speed along the process and get resolutions passed quite a bit faster so that is quite nice otherwise you get an imperial chipset which you can choose at the beginning of the game or if you become the galactic emperor or custodian you get some new music tracks and new achievements which i have personally never uh i've personally never gotten a single achievement in stellaris now as far as the actual 3.0 free update goes uh we do get quite a lot of stuff so first of all intel and first contact if you tuned in to the nemesis cold war stream i'm sure you saw a lot of that but uh when meeting a new species it's a bit more involved than just going ahead and researching a project whenever you're contacting something for the first time such as a spaceborne creature or an enemy empire you can go ahead and assign an envoy to research them and see who they are this is basically a mini event chain that happens every time you meet someone new and you can get a variety of outcomes from it you can be friendly you could be evil you can dissect the creatures or you can just let them go ultimately this process is relatively unintrusive on gameplay you assign an envoy and see them discover this alien who you eventually get more intel on over time and at the end when you actually speak to them your dialogue makes a difference alongside the first contact thing there is also the intel system which uh the dlc really builds off of the intel system makes it so that you don't actually know a lot about another empire and uh for example when you just beat an empire on the other side of the galaxy you won't know there's ethics you won't know their civics you won't know what sort of pops they have and uh was there a diplomacy they're doing you can genuinely be secretive about stuff and uh it's definitely a nice system especially with something like an indoor perfection empire which wants to just stay away from the galaxy and have nothing to do with them being able to hide your stats is quite a nice mechanic as far as the economy rework goes there are three main things building slots industrial districts and pop growth and assembly building slots have experienced a pretty simple change instead of requiring you to have more pops on a planet to unlock more building slots you unlock building slots by doing various things such as for example building more city districts this is going to be your primary way of getting more building slots i could also get two building slots from researching technologies uh potentially one from a tradition tree and potentially one from a civic that is available to normal empires and machine empires because there are so many ways to get building slots building buildings is relatively easy and a lot of them do things a bit differently than in 2.8 for example uh alloy plants and consumer goods factories are planted unique and serve only to boost industrial districts which i'll talk about later they basically give more jobs and such a thing as possible for stuff like mineral purification hubs and energy grids they give more jobs from your districts and honestly this is really nice for boosting your planets and really specializing any buildings that give you more jobs upon leveling them up have also been changed for example research labs go up by two jobs per tier so you can go from two jobs at level one four jobs at level two and six jobs at level three uh overall i'd say spamming research labs and just uh filling up billing slots is probably gonna be more efficient uh than upgrading them especially early on billing slots are going to be a lot more readily accessible and so doing stuff like that is going to be pretty efficient and stuff like managing special resources is going to be a lot easier you could just build a few extra city districts and plop down refineries without having to worry about losing out on a bunch of research or ally output speaking of output as well as cg output that is handled by industrial districts now as a hive mind you will only produce alloys because you have no need for consumer goods but as a normal empire you will have industrial districts give one consumer goods job and one alloy job you will be able to use a planet designation to make that planet more focused on alloys or on consumer goods or alternatively you're just going to go ahead and you know just restrict certain jobs because of the industrial districts you will have even more building slots open on your planets to do whatever you want with them because of the way this whole thing is gonna work uh what i started doing is actually specializing my planets as soon as possible because you do have extra building slots and it's very easy to you know plop down an energy nexus and get extra energy out of your technicians planetary designations as a whole are also more powerful in 3.0 and the bonuses are just straight up better so specializing is really the key here if you're new to the game i still would recommend just building whatever you need on your planets but if you really want to squeeze stuff out of your planets specializing them early is the way to go this becomes especially relevant when you consider the pop growth mechanics there's actually two main things at play here there is a planetary growth and empire growth empire growth will mean that over time you will get less population growth in your empire for example on this pop the growth progress is 396.8 out of 634 because we have a lot of population it takes more to grow a single pop and this actually also applies to assembly so assembling and growing pops is going to get significantly slower in the late game which means you're going to have less pops which means that having better pops is going to be better for your economy as a whole this is somewhat counter balanced by the increased growth you can get on your planets first of all planets will now have an s-curve as far as the growth goes it's basically how populations work irl if you have a low population you won't really get a lot of pop growth but as your population increases as long as there is carrying capacity in an environment having more pops breeding will produce more population growth and so for example here we're getting an additional 1.58 base growth on this planet we have more pop rating uh we can see the number go up and for example on this planet growth is doubled because we have a lot of population and we do have the planetary capacity for it in order to maximize your pop growth you want to make sure your population stays at below half the planetary capacity so for example we have 99 planetary capacity we want at most 50 pops on this planet for optimum growth of course you won't necessarily have a lot of space on your planets and eventually they will get filled up on a planet where you're reaching your planetary capacity you're gonna start to have decreased growth and eventually a platys population will level out over time although i do have to mention that pop assembly will continue as usual this means that normally over time your planets will fill up and you will no longer have to worry about them so for example uh in this scenario right here i have 46 planets in uh a pretty late game scenario and uh i'm honestly not doing a lot of planetary micromanagement because i have so much population in the empire already uh the total population growth is severely reduced and i'm really managing the growth of about six planets worth of pops considering the new migration mechanics where free pops i can potentially just move to another planet with a 10 chance every month uh managing planets really isn't that bad especially when it comes to the late game now having an average of one pop migrate per year is not a whole lot uh you can increase this rate through an edict such as greater than ourselves uh your government such as with a democracy or you can increase it by having a star based module such as the transit hub this will increase the chances of prop resettlement dramatically and if you just spam transit hubs across all your stations you basically will never have to worry about migration and resettlement at all a lot of the late game in 2.8 is having to manage population and resettlement and in 3.0 the automatic migration takes care of it all and in this game for example i only had to touch the resettlement button once when i wanted to evacuate the population of a fallen empire over to my own space otherwise there are a few quality of life features for example manually resettling will actually have your unemployed pops at the top which is extremely convenient you want to just shuffle pops around you also get an auto research feature so that when you're in the late game you can just click a button and have auto research and then text will get selected at random out of your pool to be researched this is extremely convenient and is unlocked uh via positronic uh ai well it's one of those late game techs that give you plus five percent uh research speed otherwise there are a lot of changes balance wise first of all nice uh quality feature your homeworlds are bigger now and uh so you get an 18 to 21 size instead of a 16 to 18. and earth by the way is going to be a size 18 now uh we already covered resettlement but there is actually one thing to mention uh if you do resettle pops it does cost influence uh not a whole lot but it does cost inflows nonetheless there are certain civics to change that to cost nothing but either way if you decolonize a planet it will actually cost 200 influence this could not be reduced by any means and heavily nerfs any bills that rely on resettlement uh in order to achieve a lot of pop growth otherwise there's a nice quality of life of pop demotion time being halved uh although if you're already playing with a build that reduces popup motion significantly such as shared burdens you actually will not experience as much of benefit from it so in a way this actually is kind of a shared burdens nerf you won't get pops to almost instantly demote anymore which is a bit of a shame as far as ringworld and shattered rings go there's been a pretty significant balance change in fact the balance changes are so significant i would rank shattered ring pretty low on the tier list now uh there's multiple things that happened the first big change is that the size of the ring world has been doubled but all the districts have been halved in their power commercial districts in particular become nowhere near as good because they now only provide two merchant jobs per district and just a bunch of clerks otherwise and all the industrial stuff is moved to the industrial segment otherwise the research segment and the agriculture segment only have half as many jobs this means that if you are playing with shattered ring and are relying on the arcane generator to upkeep your districts keep in mind that you will only have a free upkeep or half as many jobs additionally if you're playing ring world you will not be getting any guaranteed habitable worlds near you and combined with a previous change of having ring world preference on your pops uh you really start off in a situation where you're kind of like void dweller and that you can't really expand to planets because you don't have any uh but you also can't rapidly expand it to other habitats so your growth is pretty significantly nerfed uh if you're playing with ring world and your economy as a whole is nowhere near as good you will also certainly have problems with minerals and energy there are no energy jobs available on a ring world and actually that is a pretty significant loss in 3.0 the thing is in 3.0 uh farming for your food and then selling it on the market is nowhere near as potent ignitions actually produce six space food per job just like agricultural workers which means that selling food on the market is no longer an efficient thing to do it is instead much better to have technicians produce a whole bunch of energy credits and honestly this change is probably due to the new spying mechanics because you do need a whole bunch of energy to try to interact and really make use of that also as you have already noticed when it comes to ring world and any special planet type such as for example euka monopolist a hive world or machine world you actually start with all the building slots unlocked which is very nice and you can actually compensate somewhat for the lack of resources from districts by just spamming a whole bunch of buildings and getting resources that way as far as habitats and void dwellers go generally you won't have as many pops on habitats considering the new planet capacity mechanic and how habitats really don't have a lot of planetary capacity you don't want a lot of pops per habitat on this habitat i'm having to have four habitation districts in order to make sure our population is under half capacity and is producing a good amount of extra growth from pops now if we were just playing a normal void developer we probably would be so concerned with maximizing pop growth and instead we just make use of our habitats as much as possible but even in that case uh if you're in a situation where you normally would be fine on housing and jobs in 3.0 you'd be filling up your planetary capacity and uh you will have severely reduced pop growth on your planets the most you can really get is seven building slots uh this empire in particular does not have the voidborn essentia perk but with voidborn and with adaptability you should be able to get seven slots which is less than you would normally be able to get if you're playing 2.8 this does mean that even though void dwellers do get a bunch of bonuses for their habitats considering the small amount of population you really want on a habitat playing voyage ballers is going to be a little weird i have not personally played void dwellers in 3.0 i will and i will report uh how it goes but i don't think void dwellers will be as good as they are right now in 3.0 we are also going to be getting a very nice uh quality of life change to robots uh simple robots can work all worker tier jobs droids can work all specialist jobs and synthetics can work all ruler jobs if you have played around with robots in 2.8 you know that uh having simple robots not able to do a technician work is extremely annoying another big change that you're going to see in 3.0 are the changes to authorities and ethics democratic will increase your automatic resettlement chance by fifty percent oligarchic will increase your faction influence gain by fifteen percent the tutorial is going to reduce your empire's penalty and imperial is gonna increase your eating capacity out of all these imperial is just straight up the best one uh increasing automatic resettlement chance is nice but democratic still sucks oligarchic is going to get slightly more influence but intervals from factions is not really all that big and uh having a reduced empire sprawl penalty uh paradox you could come up with a better bonus than that 10 is so insignificant it's not even funny on the upside the machine intelligence authority is actually getting a nice buff they're getting plus one monthly pop assembly uh that is base that is going to be added to uh all of what they do i've checked it out and uh you don't actually get reduced roboticists or anything like that you straight up just get extra growth which is very nice granted organics now have more means to grow their empire faster and as machine intelligence you will not be subject to the growth curve but overall having that extra pop assembly is gonna help you out significantly and as a gestalt consciousness in general you're also gonna get plus to encryption not too significant but always nice to have uh speaking of encryption this leads us into uh envoys and espionage overall you're gonna get a lot more envoys like getting 10 envoys as an empire is not going to be all that difficult to achieve it is a bit of a shame that spying operations aren't all that powerful but it is nice that you have a lot more envoys to do stuff with we also get some more economic changes for example you have texts that increase uh pop production by 10 but increase their upkeep by 10 as well these techs don't actually apply to your whole population and only come into effect as you upgrade your capital for example your starting capital will only get plus 10 resources in exchange for plus 10 upkeep while your more upgraded capitals will get a plus 30 in exchange for another plus 30. i think this has been added to sort of counterbalance the fact that you have less pops in the late game because of the growth mechanics and because of how it's so much more difficult to grow pops in the late game uh production wise your subsidies are actually going to be significantly improved capacity mining and farming subsidies give a plus 50 output bonus so for example unlike before uh work capacity subsidies were basically a break even edict uh now they're really good getting capacity subsidies will give you an effective 2.5 energy per technician and uh running it alongside the other subsidies is quite effective honestly if you have a lot of influence in the early game uh getting these edicts and going over your edit cap would not be that bad of an idea early on you can cover the extra cost to empire sprawl relatively easily by just having a few pops extra dedicated to bureaucracy and in exchange getting these bonuses is extremely good space resources are also going to scale a bit better in the late game and you're going to be getting a bit more production from that in addition your star base modules are going to be a bit better as well for example hydroponics bays produce a base of 10 food instead of 3 now and they are actually affected by technologies which is very nice here we're getting 18 food out of a module with basically no upkeep and overall i would recommend spamming and getting as much star bases as you have capacity just to get access to these hydroponics bays and solar panel arrays solar panels produce 6 energy each and are quite significant however if you are playing a normal empire you are out of luck they did nothing to both off-world trading companies and trade hubs so keep dreaming otherwise the most significant miscellaneous change uh is the whole uh endgame crisis thing now at the start of the game you can choose what crisis you want to fight or have a random crisis and this random crisis is no longer going to be influenced by what sort of text you get and instead just going to be purely random otherwise there's quite a few more extra changes you can pause the video and read through some of them but the most significant of them all is clone vats loan bats are quite expensive now and have a pretty ridiculous 2 energy and 30 food upkeep now they are quite good at giving you extra population with a plus 3 monthly pop assembly but the insane cost is going to be something to consider i do have to mention that this does stack with spawning pools if you're playing as a hive mind and are actually mutually exclusive with robot assembly so you can't have cloning vats and robot assemblies produce pops at once it's a bit of a dichotomy either you go for normal pops or you go for robots and so if you're going for a biological essential path you will not be able to have a lot of robots in your empire which is honestly a bit of a nerf considering how good robots tend to be granted your pop growth is going to be increased and in fact a fully biologically ascended empire does have more pop growth than a fully synthetically ascetic empire with uh unorganic species growing alongside the robots but it's a pretty insignificant difference i think it's like what one pop growth per month and uh you also have to consider that late game pop growth is significantly reduced and having more efficient pops is just so much better in 3.0 synthetic ascension is still going to be the go-to ascension uh because of the sheer amount of resources that you get from having all your pops be robots otherwise there's been a pretty significant change to the prosperous certification origin the insane bonus of extra production extra amenities and extra happiness only lasts 10 years the bonus is still the same and you still do get the districts and pops but considering this 10 year expiration date a lot of other origins that are very similar in effect to planetary unification are going to be quite competitive for example machine world normally you would never want to use machine world because yeah planetary unification is just plain better but now it's a pretty competitive alternative as far as 3.0.1 balancing changes go it's mostly just fixing whatever they didn't get in 3.0 the 3.0.1 update is pretty big especially when it comes to bug fixes so i think what paradox wanted to do was you know hammer out all the features in 3.0 and then they realized they had extra time and so they worked on uh fixing a bunch of stuff in 3.0.1 as far as automation goes uh secure ai is supposedly better i would never trust my planets to be managed by an ai but it is nice to know though that it's no longer going to spam uh precinct houses whenever you have a crime or deal on a planet i had to try to get rid of all that evil nasty crime now as far as performance and stability goes uh i have noticed that uh doing multiplayer in 3.0 is a bit more stable when it comes to hot joins like for example in the nemeziz cold war game we had a dozen hot joints and none of them desynced and we even had people do stuff while the game was paused and uh upon on pausing the game doesn't desync so pretty impressed as far as ui there has been two very significant options added in the outliner like previously where you just uh had new planets pop up in your outliner you could actually sort planets for example if i want uh my mining world to be on top i can make it go there and i can have it customized or sorted for example if i have pops by population pops will go in descending or ascending order by population this is very nice and i am very happy that they finally added this feature otherwise there is an extra option in outliner options which you get by clicking this little gear icon to show colony designation icons it is extremely nice when you're managing 50 planets to know exactly what they're specialized as and this also means that you don't have to name your planets minerals a or minerals b in all caps and can actually have proper planetary names it's a small quantity of light fix but honestly if they just introduced this in a dlc i would buy the dlc immediately i've been waiting for this sort of functionality for a very long time an initial quality of life feature is if someone pauses the game in multiplayer they actually get a paused icon by their name so you can immediately tell who actually paused the game so you can bully them and call them names because pausing the game in multiplayer is a very naughty thing to do otherwise as usual you have plenty of small ui tweaks uh you also have plenty of ai tweaks ai is a bit better they do field bigger fleets now uh but you know i played a few games and even on grand ambrel ai still stands no chance against a proper empire however i am extremely interested in seeing what an ai with a better economy could do with a mod like starnut which makes it aggressive and makes it build up its fleets quite a bit more another big feature of 3.0 is the different modding options you have a lot of stuff to mod and uh while i am not personally a programmer uh this certainly looks impressive that's all i can say uh now let's get to another juicy part of this update and that is a bug fixes now just like the modding options there's a whole bunch of bug fixes i have only encountered a few of those and i will refer to you the ones that i think are important and those that i've met before for example the bug were synthetically ascended empires can't actually block the ghost signal uh well now they can and how terraformation can sometimes leave a visual glitch on your map where there be a half terraformed planet just loading about in space i'm very glad this is no longer a thing and if there is any animation in progress when you're in a system jumping out of the system will not cause massive visual errors across your galaxy map the developers also fixed what i used to lovingly call operation barbarossa where if you rival someone in a non-aggression pact there would be no truth and so you'll be able to just go ahead and attack them just like what happened in 1941 otherwise decent quality of life you will no longer get as much notifications pam when the galactic community is formed and you meet a whole bunch of vampires very nice feature i noticed the uh absurd lack of empire spam when i got to that point in multiple games there are a lot of bug fixes in 3.0.1 but the most significant among them is that slaves working specialist jobs will no longer get worker bonuses this used to be extremely powerful with slaver guilds you'd have uh slavers with a lot of modifiers to worker jobs and in the end they produced a whole bunch of science when working as researchers that is no longer the case and because of that slaver guilds is uh gonna be experiencing a pretty significant nerf otherwise there's been one bug fix that gave me a very very good and healthy idea here it says that there was a fixed for star eaters not actually giving the relevant armor technologies to the user the thing with star eaters is that you get them when you go ahead and go down the crisis path and reach level five of crisis it is relatively difficult to achieve this level i need ten thousand metas and you need to do a bunch of special projects to become the crisis but once you do and you get to level five you get two star eaters which are heavily advanced in theory you can achieve the status of a level five crisis relatively early you can get the ascension perk for becoming the crisis as your third one and if you rush down menace and you know either reassembly pops or do some other shenanigans with this and get to level fire crisis you're gonna be able to get a lot of good technologies out of it now granted this will not be easy and you will have to spend a lot of research trying to go through all these special crisis projects but if you manage to pull it off and get the engine and the two star eaters you will also have researched all the technologies that go along with it which actually amounts to a pretty significant chunk of tech this deck includes all the different uh variants of ships strike craft thrusters armor shields jump drives and actually dark matter reactors as well dark matter reactors are something that you generally will not have access to unless you go ahead and blow up a fallen empire which in our case and uh in the case of a few of my single player games we didn't do anyways that's gonna do it for the patch notes uh this is a very very long list of patch notes uh far more than the usual update and uh hopefully you guys enjoyed me covering the most important bits and demonstrating them in game anyways thank you all for watching i'll be covering a lot of these topics again in separate dedicated videos soon so please stay tuned subscribe to the channel and i'll see you guys later bye
Channel: Stefan Anon
Views: 75,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, stellaris guide, stellaris ethics, stefan anon, stefan stellaris, stellaris gameplay, stellaris minmaxing, patch, paradox interactive, stellaris update, stellaris necroids, stellaris 3.0, stellaris 3.0 gameplay, stellaris nemesis, stellaris nemesis gameplay, stellaris 3.0.1, xumans, stellaris dick, stellaris hive mind, stellaris dev diary, dev diary 208, dev diary 209, patchnotes, stellaris 3.0 patchnotes, stellaris 3.0 guide, stellaris changes, 208, 209, update
Id: 0qTFpNsKRY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 1sec (1981 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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