Stellaris Nemesis Patch Notes - 3.0 - 'Dick' Update

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Hi all,

Paradox dropped a monster patch notes earlier today. I've gone through 'everything' and tried to go through it an highlight the most important bits that will be changing up the game with the release of 'Dick' next week. It ended up being almost an hout long, but I've split it into chapters (following the patch notes segmentation). Hope you enjoy!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ruphone 📅︎︎ Apr 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi there we are now only one week away from the release of nemesis and this afternoon paradox dropped the patch notes for the new 3.0 update the dick update which as they keep emphasizing to all of us is lovingly named after the author philip k dick now 3.0 has some massive changes they've reworked the economy the ai automation and then on top of that there are all of the paid features being released for the nemesis dlc so so wow such a lot of content uh let's dive into the patch notes and have a look at all the changes we can look forward to starting next week so starting with the nemesis expansion features we have the spy networks we've all heard about we can put our envoys into other empires perform covert operations such as steering technologies acquiring assa assets sabotaging star bases and a lot more we've also all heard about becoming the crisis we can set our empire down the path of destruction with a new ascension perk as they say to become the crisis we can become the galactic custodian or the emperor a whole host of new fleshed-out options for the custodian of the galactic community which can end up forming into the first galactic empire and i think we'll all be really enjoying becoming the senate and uh and watching democracy die with thunderous applause now something else is getting added to as they're pointing out here is a new ship set and some of those ships are quite fantastic we're also getting three new music tracks that's cool a bunch of achievements i think there's ten new achievements yep ten achievements and and that's that's that's kind of the overall breakdown that we're looking at so looking into the uh free features the first thing we're going to see here is the the first contact and the intel uh changes now that's been covered quite a lot we've seen we've seen that um paradox have covered this already that's quite interesting uh we've seen the changes to spy networks and espionage obviously we'll have to come to grips with how exactly that will work in the minutia when we when we get to play the game itself now we're gonna go next into the economic and population rework so building slots have changed we are now getting a new district which is the what's it called the industrial district fantastic now this industrial district will allow a single district to have alloy producing jobs and consumer producing jobs instead of producing them at the factories and forges that we are used to and we are still going to get the specialized districts remaining on a humanopolises though which is good factory and forged buildings are now going to add consumer good or ally producing jobs to industrial districts and both are going to be exclusive and planet unique so what we're going to have is these new industrial districts and we can build forges as we used to we'll only be able to build one and what that will do will increase the number of alloy jobs that our industrial districts create also by designating the world as forge worlds or foundry worlds so for consumer goods and for alloys what we're going to get is a shift of jobs one job shifting per um per industrial district between the consumer good job and the alloy job or vice versa which is what they've said here now jumping back to building slots something that's also been covered quite extensively out there is that building slots are going to be changing we're no longer going to get building slots based on population they are instead going to be based on the city hive or nexus districts that we have built and upgrading the capital building of the planet now city districts are have a purpose before they created housing which was unless you were suffering massively from overcrowding that was killing your pop growth that really wasn't that big of an issue unless you really didn't like the the red minus three or minus four it had a minimal effect on stability but the main thing is it gave you some really strange really strange bonuses and that you got clerks that you didn't really want to have working and you got some housing you didn't really need and it increased your empire sprawl which is negative and it had upkeep so city districts they used to be pretty rubbish suddenly they're essential which i think that's a very cool change um we're also going to be seeing acumenopoli ring worlds hive worlds and machine world start with all building slots available for development which is that's definitely another cool one branch office building slots are unlocked by upgrading the capital building now as well uh so that's that's pretty cool we're all going to have this it's all going to be locked into the same kind of thing now here's a big change pop growth and assembly so biological pop growth now follows a curve based on the number of pops in the planet and the theoretical carrying capacity of the planet so that sounds very straightforward but but actually there's a bit of ambiguity here and i've not really managed to find out exactly what they mean so so i hope to find out when they get one when i get my hands on the update but it could either be that the game works out the maximum number of pops you could have on the planet if you built the maximum number of districts given the planet's size and that will be the theoretical carrying capacity or alternatively what could be happening and could be quite interesting is that it might be based on the districts you have built so as before well before you you didn't want to build access districts because they cost upkeep you couldn't employ the job there was no need to have extra excess housing and jobs unless you were trying to go for some sort of immigration build suddenly now it might be that you really should build an extra three generator districts because having six empty jobs and having six empty uh housing slots well that's going to increase the carrying capacity of your planet and thereby increase your pop growth which as we all know pop growth is essential to getting getting your economy going so so this is going to be interesting another interesting thing to note here is that this model where we're going to see exponential pop growth uh in the beginning we'll be seeing exponential pop growth as the number of pops go up until we get this s curve where it balances off as we get to a point where the the pops reach their theoretical capacity where they've you know whether they're kind of they've reached the limits of their environment this is interesting because kind of aside from the game here it's interesting because it's actually built on on the mathematics of how we model population growth not just human populations but but um the populations of for instance bacteria and things like that this is how we model it this is how we model it mathematically uh try and speak properly um so so i think it's really cool that they're modeling it based on the real world maths that's that's actually pretty awesome especially if you're into the role play aspect of things so it's it's definitely getting more of a simulator as much as a a science fiction space game can be a similarity to the of the real world so base assembly values have been adjusted the expected number of pops in the late game will now be significantly lower this is going to be great this is going to really help the late game lag that we've all been experiencing even with fantastic rigs if you're running a huge galaxy and there are 50 000 pops it takes the end of month and each tick can take a lot longer than it did at the start of the game uh some little things to note spawning pools and cloning vats will now produce organic pop assembly rather than modifying pop growth brilliant now robots aren't the easy ticket into pop growth because cloning vats and spawning pools are now going to be hopefully giving you the same amount of extra pop growth as a a robot assembly plant used to because a robot assembly plant used to be great because you get flat pop growth to robot assembly well now you'll be getting flat pop growth to cloning vats that's awesome and then overpopulated planets will stop generating pops at lower levels of overpopulation that's cool so some other little changes they've noted in the in the uh in the free features so we are getting a manual resettlement ui they've updated that well they've updated how resettlement works actually so i think it's good they've done that also a quality of life update for auto research i mean that's that's actually really useful when you're in a war sometimes you don't have the time especially playing a multiplayer at a fast speed to be spending the even 20 or 30 seconds checking out your research because you've got four or five fleets it's really important you keep watching them you're doing a little bit of micro management with them so that's i think going to be really useful new diplomacy messages when an empire's destroying war that's cool notifications when a member joins or leaves the galactic community that's that's cool uh and some some other features in there too um 10 new envoy based brand event so that's awesome we never used to have many envoy based random events so i really am looking forward to that and sorry another thing to note in the game setup you can now pick the end game crisis finally for those of us that haven't managed to actually meet all the end game crisis is crises what's the plural of crisis like i've suddenly forgotten but for those of us that haven't managed to meet the correct end game crisis there might be one that you're missing for the achievement finally we can play a game and be sure that the five 10 20 hours of play we we put in to get to the end game is not going to mean we suddenly get the same crisis as ever i mean it's really common i find that i get the contingency a lot um or the void borne i very rarely get the prethorian scourge so that's that's going to be quite cool now balance changes and this is this is really where we're going to get into some of the interesting kind of meat of of this new update so homeworld are now going to be size 18 to 21 instead of 16 to 18. that's going to be reflecting the fact that we need more districts districts now are going to be really much more crucial than they have been before i mean they were always important but districts are now going to be what you need for all of your buildings so you can't just you know build one district and then wait on pop growth i think if what i was saying before is true about needing to build extra districts to maximize your pop growth if that brings up your theoretical maximum for your pops then building your extra districts will be essential they've changed resettlement so planets with sapient unemployed free pops so that means our slaves won't be going and our employed pops won't be going i now have a 10 chance per month for one to automatically migrate to other planets with appropriate jobs housing and decent habitability migration controls can prevent this auto resettlement having multiple unemployed pops on a planet will increase the chance of one of the moon this is really cool finally we're going to see proper pop migration pop migration i mean back in in the original release of stellaris i remember uh maybe not the original maybe it was a few updates in but we did have pops physical pops migrating that was back when you know you could have a maximum of up to only 25 pops on a single planet because we had this tile system and and now we're getting back to that kind of idea where the pops can automatically migrate and actual physical pops are moving around whereas before this 3.0 update in 2.8 and before now we've had migration was it was just another number affecting pop growth and it didn't really it didn't feel like things were moving so i think i think it's going to be quite cool obviously they've changed greater than ourselves to reflect this they've added a new star based module transit hub that's going to increase i think i think it's a 50 increase i read in a patch note somewhere in a dev diary but it's going to increase the auto resettlement from all planets within its system so now transit hubs are probably going to be pretty essential manual resettlement costs have been increased and now there's an influence cost this means the influence cost means we're not going to be we're not going to be uh resettling pops especially in the early game in the early game i think it's 25 uh influence for a worker it might be 10 influence and then 25 i think it's 25 15 100 or it might be 10 25 50 for workers specialists uh and then leaders or not leaders what are they called um the top tier job but i think it's definitely going to be quite interesting to have to pay this influence because suddenly it means if you're in a war and you want to evacuate a planet on the front line because you've got say 30 pops there and you want to move 20 out of the way to a safe planet you can't do that anymore you're not going to have well if you do have you know two or three hundred influence saved up that's pretty expensive it's it's hard to come by influence in the especially in the early game um so so that's going to be quite quite interesting the corvae system will wave it though which suddenly means the corvae system or corvae uh will that's a civic that suddenly i'm interested in like let's say i'm playing an authoritarian empire and i want to be able to move my pops around i want to move my slaves around not having to pay influence that's pretty awesome that's that's really awesome i mean the thing here is though you kind of you're going to be losing the fact that you're not getting automatic pop migration from uh you're not going to be getting this automatic pop migration that you would be getting if they weren't slaves so i'm not sure that it's really going to balance out i mean looking through these patch notes i think that authoritarian dictatorial empires are really taking the the short end in terms of this update uh but but i could be wrong i could be wrong you know so also subsume will and ota updates they're going to reduce the wave the influence cost that's kind of cool i suppose manually resettling the last pop on the planet now has significant influence surcharge wow so we can no longer abandon planets i mean we can but it's going to be hella expensive i can imagine two 250 300 influence to abandon a planet that's a big deal that no longer means we can just strip our front worlds if we're in some sort of defensive wall that we think we're going to lose yeah unemployed pop pop demotion time has been hard base of five years for a ruler strapped and two and a half years for specialists this is a great update in my opinion it's a pain in the ass when uh when you upgrade your planetary capital and suddenly you don't have you don't have anything you're expecting you upgrade you update your planet through capital and you've got these unemployed specialists that then take time to come down you have to build a building for them and it's really annoying when that happens unemployed pops now provide greater immigration push i mean that's fine kinship tradition in harmony reduces demotion time by 25 instead of 50. okay i mean i was never a big fan of harmony personally some people might be annoyed by that so okay uh ring world segments provide half as many jobs as they used to but the size of the ring would have been increased to 10 so ring worlds now are going to be slightly and i say slightly less overpowered i hope they keep the mineral costs the same to be quite honest i hope that these districts like the research district you only get 10 researcher jobs but it still costs the 2 000 uh the 2000 minerals commercial ring worlds now have no clerk jobs have more clerk jobs but no artisan jobs wow that's a big change that's going to mean that if you're playing a ring world you're going to have to build industrial segments i assume they'll have the ability to build industrial segments actually it doesn't it doesn't actually say here that they will but but i assume they're getting a new district um that means you can't just build a research segment and a commercial segment to balance out your economy that's not going to work anymore so we're going to have to change our play style on ringworlds a little bit and you could still take the commercial segment get your merchants and then change your policy to have uh to change it up into the into the trade good policy we get trade goods i mean that would still be fine uh the shattered ring origin is no longer guaranteed near habitable planets okay that's actually i mean that's not really a big deal so that's only a big deal when when you got the uh oh wait no that is a big deal sorry i take it all back yes they've added um the shatter ring origin now gives you ring world habitability preference and you get more blockers on the whole world wow okay so this is big so this makes shattered rings which are less powerful than um the habitat it's much less powerful than the habitat one uh the habitat uh start the origin uh voidborn void dweller it's pat it's always been less powerful now you can't colonize planets [Music] boom that's you know they this is a nerf right in the ground for shattered ring starts i mean there are ways around this you could go xenophile get a load of pops in but first of all you're not going to be guaranteed to habitable planets anymore yeah i mean you're going to take void dweller of a ring world every time now if you have have a choice here because you know with void dweller you're going to get some of the bonuses you would get with this with with ring world you can get the research districts on a void on a habitat and that's kind of equivalent to the research segments on your ring but now you're not going to be you know you know now you can build more planets with a ringworld start you're only going to have your one ring world and then you're going to take ages before you can repair your other two segments so you're stuck on this one planet for a long time that's that's basically they've turned it into um a guy world kind of start i think i think that's i think that's kind of fair to be quite honest habitat capital buildings now moving on to habitat and void dwellers habitat capital buildings now grant a maintenance drone job for machine employees this is really important habitats are really annoying in that you didn't get any maintenance drone jobs from the habitat capital building so this is a good up this is a good change they've changed the adoption effects for domination traditions for void dwellers that's good too um and they basically made a load of little changes here which where they've all the benefits that were benefiting your regular capitals and now going to capital buildings are now going to benefit the habitat capital buildings as well and the habitat trade districts and that's that's i mean that's good for habitats but all of this is adding up to is that void dweller is now even more powerful i mean when you change when you finish the expansion tradition for void dwellers it reduces the alloy and influence cost of habitats by 20 wow you know that's a 300 alloy reduction on a habitat that means that means actually i want to spec into expansion as i have as void dweller first i used to i used to think that with void dwellers you wanted to go the research uh the research tradition first because you're not going to be building your extra habitats but now it's like you want to go expansion expansion and then you want to start building new habit the expansion a couple of alloy buildings or the alloy districts get your production up to something like 30 or 40 per month go with the the habitat uh the void dweller perk and then finish our expansion tradition get the void dweller perk now you're looking at habitats that cost you 1300 1200 alloys each yeah that void dweller that's just gonna steamroll i mean that's that's that's insane simplify the rules regarding what robots are different tiers can work this is massive simple no robots can now work all tier jobs i'll say that again simple robots can now work all tier jobs honestly wow i mean wow that's that's crazy i mean before we were stuck with the with the energy district jobs we couldn't work with the generated district jobs and the clerk jobs which meant you know i think that was balanced but it was fiddly it was definitely fiddly don't get me wrong now there's no reason not to build a robot production plant because they can work any job fantastic for robots well for for materialist empires i mean later on we're going to look at what they've done to uh planetary unification origin or prosperous unification even which spoiler alert it's it's if you're into that origin i'm very sorry but now it looks like mechanist is gonna be a really good pick to start with i mean really really good and it's going to keep being good into the mid game and the late game droids can now work all work on specialist jobs wow so droids can now work your science jobs they can work science jobs and they work entertaining jobs they can work administrative jobs before droids couldn't work science and administrative jobs now they can boom and then synthetics follow the same rule as droids unless you have full ai rights and they can work ruler jobs that's that's the same as before so i don't actually think that's a change correct me if i'm wrong in the comments guys but i'm pretty sure that's the same now they've changed the authorities and the ethics the democratic authority now increases the automatic resettlement chance by 50 percent that's amazing you know democratic is now probably going to be pretty much i think the best pick because that resettlement is going to be really useful really useful um especially if you can get some migration packs with other empires wow that's going to be good uh oligarchic now increases influence from factions by 50 that's pretty fine you know i'm not gonna complain about that they've always had kind of good bonuses in their agendas i usually think that oligarchic is pretty much the best authority i usually play with that one it's slightly better than diplomatic in that or democratic even in that you can choose your bonuses are you sorry you can choose your leader for 200 and then they get a 20-year bonus and hopefully you get the research one there's some other good ones in there um but yeah so this is this is definitely good for oligarchies dictatorial now reduces empire sprawl penalties but by 10 percent that's crap i yeah there's nothing really to say about that empty sprawl is not really that big an issue i mean as we'll see a bit later i think i think because i i i skimmed through these before starting uh starting to talk about them just to kind of get the broad strokes the the general thrust and empass brawl will be a slightly more of an issue not necessarily for the reasons you think but but it's yeah but still this 10 is kind of crap imperial retaining plus on edict that's fine machine intelligence now grants plus one monthly pop assembly wow a base plus one monthly pop assembly that's good for machines i mean machines were behind in my opinion behind organic empires before unless you were running um unless you were running the rogue caretakers you which could really compete with organic empires you were to be quite frank behind in terms of how your economy was this was built now though extra month extra pop growth hopefully that does something to offset it and there's some encryption for just out consciousness ethic great we don't really know how important encryption is going to be yet so that's just plus two is just a number it doesn't really mean anything to us so envoys diplomacy in espionage the base number of envoys is now two great that's really good because we're going to need to use envoys for doing everything for doing our first contact we're gonna need envoys for you know for improving relationship foot for for spies for all of this stuff we need envoys so i think it's great that they've doubled it up i think we're actually gonna find even though we've got twice as many to start with we're going to find that we really feel like we've got less because instead of just sending one to the galactic community and forgetting about it or want to enable to improve relations now you're going to be constantly trying to move them around to build spy networks and do espionage and and first contact and all these things so that's pretty cool now we've got a load of bonuses here to to network growth and things like that that's to encryption decryption these numbers are great they don't really mean much to us yet you're gonna get some bonuses from some different things transcendence now gives you base intel plus ten on all empires i don't know how big plus ten is so i couldn't you know it's just a number at the moment that could be great that could be this something it could be plus 10 out of possible 100 which would be good it could be plus 10 out of a possible 1 000 which is not so good so you know plus 2 encryption plus 2 co-breaking that's cool but it's nice to see that transcendence which is kind of arguably the worst of the three ascension paths you could go down is is now is now doing it's now got a little buff so that's cool and then we've got some other bonuses here uh universal compatibility tradition now gives you one extra envoy and shared destiny now grants two envoys so if you want to be running a diplomatic run if you want to be the the ruler of the galaxy shared destiny suddenly uh a perk which i would never consider before suddenly became good plus two envoys you know that's that could be worth it for a perk maybe not but but possibly in the mid game you're gonna you know you're you're an extra 20 to your diplomatic weight in the galactic community can be the difference between being on the galactic council or not you know that that's a big buff so i think that's very cool uh establish embassy diplomatic action exists again great and increases increases intel between the two empires triple the effectiveness of improved relations that's pretty cool uh we get some bass intel from some things sentry array megastructure now increases base intel that that's pretty cool we don't with a century array we're not going to automatically know everything i think that's pretty good now we've had some additional economic balance so they've added three new society techs that give upgraded capital buildings progressively larger bonuses to production but they also increase your job upkeep that's really cool we haven't seen anything like this before that's great i mean society is definitely the research area that's lacking the most so for society to get extra tax you know i'm a big fan of that i think it's good to have balance across the three different tech trees as to the importance rural farming mining and generator colony designation bonuses increased brilliant as well as bonuses from five-year plans urban worlds now get a trade bonus wow suddenly urban worlds are actually useful you know we're going to get bonus to trade if you're running a um mega corp and you're running a clerk build urban wheels are now going to boost your trade bonus that's fantastic you know i can't can't complain about that it's nice that designations you know urban world before it was useless so it's good that they've changed it around so there's actually a purpose to things i'd still say that rural is pretty crap you want to specialize your planet and then pick farming on mining a generator but maybe someone could figure out a useful rule if you do put it in the comments let me know about it mining capacity and farming subsidy edicts now grant plus 50 percent production brilliant they're actually now really useful so so that's good prosperity edition uh prosperity adoption sorry traditions mining station output bonus increased to 20 wow i already thought it was good at 10 that's even better technologies that boost space based resource gathering and research are now significantly stronger as they advance in tier so before we were kind of capped out of plus 50 now this means that you're going to be getting a lot of resources from from the m from the space you have in the late game as your technology goes up that is going to mean that playing wide is now even better it was good before tall was kind of lacking because you could offset your impasse brawl with your with admin building so playing wide just got even better some people are not going to like that but yeah energy output of technicians and tech drones have been significantly increased well that's another good thing until now i've seen people do the maths and producing food and selling it can be more efficient especially as a robot than just generating energy which is ludicrous that shouldn't make sense unless you're producing food to have the the the matrix whatever the i can't remember what it's called there's there's a species right for biologicals when you're a machine empire where you can basically plug them into the matrix and generate an injury with them i can't what it's called if you remember please send me write it in the comments i'd love to know what it is i've never actually done it i think it's cool i've only i've only heard someone talk about it maybe it doesn't actually exist maybe there's a dream i had but um but yeah unless you're doing that kind of drifted off topic here unless you're doing that energy districts are actually kind of worse so it's good that they've boosted the output of technicians and tech drones trade value degenerated by pops with decent or better living standards has been increased by 25 to 35 percent this is another really cool thing this means that not only you're going to get a bonus to happiness from better living standards but you're also going to get better trade out but i think that's pretty relevant i mean people that are happy and aren't worried about their their you know whether or not they're going to eat next week tend to be more productive in terms of uh producing things i mean i'd make these videos if i was terrified where my next meal was going to be coming from i couldn't we wouldn't really i don't think i have the time patience or compassion to be making some of these videos or playing these games so i think i think it's a pretty reasonable bit of an off topic again but yeah so effect on trade from most jobs including criminals has been increased so you know i think this is saying clerks got better i think that's what they're subtly saying here food processing mineral purification energy nexus buildings now increase the number of jobs added by their districts so what we're seeing here basically is a big change up across all these buildings everything's kind of producing more we're getting less pops and each pop is gonna be making more stuff so you know hopefully that's gonna i think that's what they're going for is gonna balance out here but but i think what we're gonna actually see is in the early in the mid game the early game as our empires get to their mid-stage when they're kind of in that in the exponential phase of population growth because there's going to be an s-curve like like a traditional population growth model what we're going to see is actually i think more pops producing more resources than we would at an equivalent stage in the past you know i'm talking about 2220 here something like that but then later on we're going to plateau out or quite quickly even we're going to plateau out and stop increasing our production so so it's gonna be an interesting change now uh reduce the special resource upkeep of a humanopolis arcologies to one unit from two that's great that halves the number of special resource buildings we need to make so that's pretty cool uh a change to discovery tradition cool now starbase hydroponics produce 10 food boom hydroponic hydroponics just became a useful building before it produced three i think useless not only that technologies that boost technician farmer and minor output now also apply to energy food or mineral producing starbase buildings and modules so a plus 20 bonus to your pharma output will add two food to your hydroponic space you know that this is good before we had buildings that were useless and you just didn't build this is adding depth and that's great you know it's good to have more options in this game so there's not a single meta you know it's crap when it's like this is the only way you want to play i mean i've been making videos and i've been showing off some very specific ways you can go and i've most of the time i've kind of focused on the fact that um certain buildings are rubbish and you don't even want a building and that that's build them and that's my opinion but but it kind of i think backed up by the numbers here we're seeing that they're kind of changing what's good and what's bad by by kind of bringing the good stuff down a bit but also making the crap stuff worthwhile so next ones we're looking at our nebula refineries are going to make 10 minerals up from 6 i think it was before that's good and also making one exotic gas wow that's fantastic and then black hole observatory is also going to make a volatile moat well you don't usually build many of them but that's still good they've made a change to how the endgame crisis is going to happen that's pretty cool so in the first 50 years of the end game in certain circumstances which are no living fallen empire so you've killed all the fallen empires crisis can happen in the first 50 years of end game that now suddenly means maybe you don't want to kill that fallen empire i mean you could kill them maybe you don't want to but by not killing them you're increasing the chance they turn into an awakened empire so you know suddenly there's risk involved there's risk now in not doing things and that's great i mean a lot of these changes i'm seeing here sound they seem really good as long as the war in heaven is not happening or conclude concluded or started 15 years ago i mean i'm a bit neft if it started 15 years ago it's 15 years of war in heaven you're on a huge galaxy it's probably barely just begun you know the crisis starts then you're pretty screwed ouch a country has researched jump drives or side drunk drives well i mean most of us probably do that before the end game starts so that's going to be so now probably going to increase the chance of getting the unbidden uh they've apparently nuked the old script to randomize which crisis shows up now it's simply purely a random choice that is random brilliant i mean i have to say great they've changed they've buffed the perks for galactic union and to be honest i think galactic union needed some perks it was in a lot of ways the worst one you could pick unless the only other one you could really get was the research one i mean there are some cases where the research federation is good don't get me wrong but but otherwise galactic union was was uh was pretty low down there now what have we got next just stealth capital buildings now provide more amenities and or maintenance or sign up during jobs good before we usually had to build the first building on most worlds or not the first building the first district would be the nexus district you could kind of put off to the second one you'd be running at minus two or three amenities which would put you on like 30 stability which would be a minus 20 to the output of your workers so you kind of had to go nexus first to get that extra maintenance job or sorry next to second even and it was just really annoying now we won't have to do that brilliant bureaucrat upkeep raised to two consumer goods coordinator upkeep raised to six energy i'm going to say that one again bureaucrat upkeep raised to two consumer goods boom they've just doubled the upkeep cost of bureaucrats and i haven't read anywhere that they've changed what the planetary designation of a bureaucratic world does i think it's still just it doesn't decrease the maintenance of your bureaucrats so that now means that there's twice the cost for reducing your admin cap that's pretty crucial um that's that yeah a doubling of cost there while in the early game you know you only have a few of these guys out because you're not really going to mind about being over your admin cap but in the late game that's when you know when you're running something like 50 bureaucrats across your empire that's an extra 50 consumer goals that's 100 energy worth of product coming out of your economy in the mid game that can be quite important um now the next one as well so a big change bureaucrats big change to medical workers medical workers now increase planet habitability by one percent each that is something now i think so when i first read this actually i think i must have thought it was something different in my head i went off one percent each and that means they can get up to five you'll only get to five percent change when you upgrade the building so that's that's good one percent is good i mean that's going to give you a 0.5 increase increase your resource output reduce your upkeep reduce your amenities usage that kind of stuff which i can't fault um but yeah a two percent increase to your habitability it's not something you'd usually care about um you know there's a video somewhere i've gone through the maths of building a and i think i think some of the big youtubers as well have gone through the maths of building a habit not the habitat of building a gene clinic and basically the general consensus i think in the community is that you shouldn't do it it's not worth it because what you'll be doing as i said before you're gonna be taking uh these these two jobs you could be working say an alloy plant instead you're gonna be working on increasing your pop growth by five percent or that five percent pop growth that is equivalent to 0.15 plus 0.15 extra pop growth that means it's going to take you somewhere in the region of 55 years to produce one pop with your plus 1.1 say again fell over my tongue there 55 years to produce one pop at plus 0.15 pop growth so if you just worked an alloy job for 55 years you'd have all the output of that otherwise you could have the medical job and wait 55 years with no alloy output and then get a pop you could put in an alloy job it's not you know it's not worth it i mean i still i i'm not convinced the extra bonus to habitability is going to make it worth it maybe if no i just it's good it's better but i don't think it's there yet still not greatly increase the amount of research points your reward and events now that's big because events actually they gave you little bonuses a few hundred research and that usually equates to a month or two of um of research which is not that big a deal they've changed wet work which is interesting science for uh just some minor changes science federation election challenge now takes each participating country's level of scientific progress into account to a far greater degree than previously good change before if you could be miles ahead of another empire in your federation and you could have massive bonuses to your science but if they're ahead of you you got you know if not they're ahead of you if the numbers rolled you could have some idiot that hasn't even discovered proton launches apparently becoming the leader due to their scientific expertise of the federation you're in and that was just kind of crap from a thematic standpoint at least and it bummed me out as well when i was playing as it i i thought that i was kind of guaranteed it because i had overwhelming science compared to the members of my science federation and that just wasn't the case uh buffed enclaves that's cool speed of purge is now set in the purge type on species rights interesting it's now possible for pop growth assembly and post overflow adding or removing multiple pots per month i think what they're elaborating on here is that when you get to the exponential phase and the planet's big enough and you've got big enough bonuses you could end up having you know adding two pops a month wow that would be insane change timing for caravaneers i can only hope that this means they won't spam us with deals i like getting the caravans i like them in the beginning but they wear you down with a number of deals that come in so yeah honestly interesting outposts and other starbases now grant one sensor range this is really good this now means that you can build uh you can build your starbase and you're actually going to get visibility on the the systems that border you're going to know there's a fleet there adjacent to you which is good before now you had to build up your um you had to build up your sensor technology you had to research the first level essential technology just to know if someone was next to you which is stupid and i really like this change some changes to uh hyperlink detection of uh sense a range of sensors and science chips has been reduced cool clone vats now cost 500 minerals and cost food to build and have minor energy but significant food upkeep i think that's good thematically then there's some changes here to necrophages you can't now have an assembly speed penalty so you can't just build them out of spare body parts so this means you can't build a clone lab and then just build them which is good i'll grow extra of them because uh before there was a negative modifier and the clone lab the clone lab would give you a positive modifier but you know that would kind of offset a bit in the 975 percent didn't really make up for the plus 33. now that you're going to get say plus one or plus two to pop growth from clone lab that might have been better but um now they've they've changed it so that won't be a thing lithoids also have minus 25 organic pop assembly so the clone vat and spawning pool processes lose efficiency turning food into rocks so that kind of nerfs you from being lithoids with uh with papa with your um with your pop uh assembly stuff so that's that's interesting hopefully these two together will mean that necrophase the necrophage lithoid build which which i've seen people talk about which is really quite overpowered um hopefully that means that's kind of dead in the water now other empires can compete on a similar level with the changes uh a corporate embassy now requires major capital building that's pretty normal but it only gets five percent economic diplomatic wage instead of ten cool disinformation center now requires major capital these changes because they've changed the way that buildings are built so that's yeah makes sense organic paradise building now has both artisan and maintenance drone jobs finally that means we don't have to build factories as a robot thank god it was the stupidest thing ever and i hated it when you had to build all these goddamn consumer factories um it's good now it's just a little bit of bookkeeping they tidied it up into the organic paradise which is good um necrophage centered elevation now produce one two or three necrophite jobs depending on how many organic pops grow in 10 years pretty cool and that means you're unlikely to run out of necrophyte pops even with a new pop system pretty cool upgraded health of apotheosis gives a flat six so that's that's that could still be dangerous now the big one here planetary unification homeworld modifier from prosperous unification origin expires after 10 years so they've nerfed planetary unification arguably it was vanilla but it was definitely one of the better origins they have nerfed it into the ground so hard it's now useless after 10 years it doesn't do anything for you you know that's it's a bonus at the beginning maybe it'll be good if you want to try and rush into something but i mean i don't think i'll be taking anymore it used to be kind of i used to play that one when i wanted to take a bonus that wasn't completely overpowered like void dweller but was still useful so so that's good i mean sorry that's interesting um i liked it before how it was so the good thing about this i suppose is when you conquer another home world you're not going to have multiple planets with planetary unification on and it kind of means some of the other things like relic world and things like that suddenly become a bit more appealing uh you know planet communication bonus in the mid early game relic world you're going to get bonus in the mid game when you turn it into an accumulation ecumenopolis so now we've got some more things automation significant updates been made to planetary and sector automation fantastic planetary automation build list and behavior have been heavily revised thank god hopefully now we can actually leave the automation on for our world and it won't make stupid choices like building clone vats as our second building and then building a load of random buildings we don't want need or care about i remember listening to an interview with one of the the lead creator and he was saying they got in some players to work through and work out the uh the the boolean logic or the the the ai if you want to call it it's basically from when i'm wearing a load of boolean logic statements on uh how this planetary automation build list and behavior has should be revised and that's great hopefully this is good and this is also mean now that the ai builds better buildings so the next bit planetary automation will now only upgrade non-capital buildings if it will not cause a monthly deficit and if at least one job in the upgraded building would be filled hallelujah you know hallelujah we when we we hopefully are getting towards an ai makes reasonable decisions both for us and for the empires we're against you know it was kind of crap having to play on maximum difficulty giving the airload of random bonuses because they were like herpted derp i built gene clinic you know and uh and that's good so sector ai now prioritizes districts buildings upgrades in that order rather than vice verde versa sector ai now knows when to stop building amazing sector ai now knows how empire sprawl actually works thank god they're not going to build a billion administration districts i mean i've seen this happen before they build a load of extra administration districts and you just don't even need them it was stupid sector ai now knows the crime law deal makes anti-crime buildings superfluous i mean i'm i'm not sure about that you know i kind of disagree crime law building's actually really important so anti-crime buildings if you use the crime lord are really important because that 50 bonus 100 bonus to crime whatever it is only applies after the modifiers so anti-crime buildings reduce the total so maybe they don't actually realize how their crime lord deal works you know that doesn't sound good fixed a bug where the sector ai would not really care about its designated speciality great and they've renamed automatic exploration to automatic survey pretty cool i mean that i guess maybe some people are having some issues with it but okay so performance and stability so let's look at those now so performance and stability they fixed many inefficiencies in the scripts deciding which species rights you could pick as a bonus the scripts are also infinitely more readable now that's pretty cool that's really cool a hot join.os save is created on gamestart2 now that's cool hopefully that's going to fix some of the issues we have with desyncs and hot join added a new checksum system flags only used in hardwoods fine sorry hard os even uh fixed an os update when modifying a species there's an os happening when modifying species so fixing os due to um which is out of sync due to robotic pops getting happiness fixed os issue arising due to incorrect order of updating caches fixed desync that can happen to empires pick the same start good you know good i like changes to stability i like play multiplayer that's good then some ui changes so the mp games now show an icon in front of the player that is paused that's pretty cool now we can know who's paused the game new lock text for golden rule federation challenge that's pretty cool improvement to golden rule challenge outcome message cool added a menace console commands good some things uh let's see anything interesting icon for a resolution is now shown in the pop window for proposing it that's interesting and just some helpful changes to the ui good so ai now the ai should now better understand what a building that gives a percentage bonus for a resource does i can only hope they've they've worked it out better than before because this is going to be another good thing uh you know i can't see an issue with this they've also fixed cases where a weakened fleet would get stuck trying to return to its home base when it's which is unreachable great you know these these are really good changes um i only i i don't think i see here but there's also a bug that i've seen quite a few times with the invincible fleet maybe this has something to do with that and we'll fix it i don't know um maybe made the ai use the caravan here to buy loot boxes and play the slots finally the caravanier sorry the ai can get a reliquary and also uh hopefully um get the galatron because i've never actually seen the ai get the galatronin game maybe they've just been unlucky but i suspect not i suspect actually maybe they've not been buying it cost is now properly withdrawn from the ai budget when proposing a resolution good before now i'm pretty sure the i could just propose resolutions in the galactic community willy-nilly and there would be no fee because they would always be proposing all these resolutions you'd be like how have you got the influence all of you got the influence all the time genocidal ais will now attack any unknown science ships that enter their system thematic good great change the ai will now take better consideration of which ships already exist in federation fleets before building new ones that's good i mean to be honest i'd prefer they just built battleships it were up to me that would be my uh that would be my my two cents the ai will now build a better distribution of different ship types of federation fleets i mean in the late game i only want them to build battleships i get very annoyed when they don't actually delete the non-battleships try and increase my the number of battlefield ships i've got maybe i keep some of the corvettes if i want to call that spam fleet but yeah fixed a bug that stopped the ai from ever proposing federation laws that's good i've seen games where the ai federations basically don't change their laws the whole game and it's kind of like why you're level four and you're still decentralized uh especially centralization they said here so yeah that that's actually gonna be a really good change that i mean if you're coming into an ai federation they've already you've got to make some good changes and the ai federations in the game around you are going to get better that you know can't be understated the ai perform getter is a good thing we want harder ai you know we want to have a better range of possible difficulty levels it fixed the ai not starting fresh research while currently researching a special project with no science cause i had no idea they were doing that that's nonsense wow okay so that's pretty good then um yeah nothing bad to say about that the ai will now prioritize spending on fleet a bit better if it recently lost the war i didn't know they weren't doing that either that's pretty good reduce the ai's need for passing sanctions upon sanctions in the galactic community good i know when you've passed quite a lot of laws it gets to a point where the ai stops wanting to pass new laws when most of the laws are at level two or three and they suddenly all they care about is going sanctions sanctioning everybody so so that's good they made quite a few changes to modding i'm not going to go through those i mean this is this is already getting on quite a way so um i'm not going to go through those then there's a big list of bug fixes a nerf stapled parts can no longer have military service that's a good one that i uh can never have full military service that's a good one i was annoyed when they could do that didn't make that sense that's something that jumps out to me uh what else is there the great khan will no longer try and fail to form a democratic federation of condom if they lack inhabited planets that's another good thing too they fixed the wet work uh problem that could happen i've seen that happen before and they will better start text the war in heaven there's some just some good little bugs they found them fixed here uplift button now works instead of just giving you the sad button noise i mean that's a good fix too i definitely run into enough uplift problems they fix the tool tip when we upgrade all of our defense platforms that's another great thing it's been really annoying when they haven't done that gateways in enemy systems cannot be used by the occupying side let's just check that i'm not sure which way around they've done that but i think before you couldn't now they're making it so you can if they are that's kind of good that gives strategic advantage to coming in uh with your um with your fleet and grabbing a gateway and and there's more i mean you know if if you want to go through the complete list of them i do recommend you head over to paradox the forum i'm going to leave the uh the link to the patch notes in the in the description down below so so check that out wow that has been a monster of a patch notes thanks for sticking with me through to the end uh i'm i hope you enjoyed the video i hope you've found something useful in me going through it and giving you my opinion on on what kind of what these patch notes mean and and how they're going to affect the game coming in next week now i'm just going to briefly uh talk about something before wrapping up here so a couple of a couple of you have gotten in touch with me to ask if uh if i have a patreon or if there's any way of supporting this channel so until recently no i didn't have a patreon but i decided to look into it and set it up so what i'm gonna be doing because i really um i really don't believe in segregating my viewers i don't want to have one group of viewers that get to see a bunch of videos and then another smaller group that due to the fact they can you know support my channel through financial contributions which as i'm going to talk about in a minute would be really helpful um you know i don't i don't want to discriminate between those of you that could do that and want to do that and those of you that don't so so what i've kind of done i've only set one tier uh one tier reward up on my patreon which is a general supporter so uh i've only i've started this channel a couple of months ago i started in the middle of january if you go to my patreon there's a little description in there and i talked about you know the reasons why i set this channel up and and how i came about doing it but but in essence i don't have much equipment i bought um i bought a microphone to do this and uh that's what i'm speaking to to you through now and otherwise i've got some kind of oh it was free open source off-the-shelf software for recording and editing everything and i'm really kind of new to all of this and i i'm glad that some of you have kind of stuck with me as i've improved definitely there's a i think you'll agree a big change between my first video and my latest video and um and what i really like to do is improve uh the quality of the content that i can provide because i actually really enjoy making these videos and i found it really rewarding to kind of give something back to a game that i've i've loved and followed since the beginning i mean i i was watching the the twitch streams back in 2016 when they were first showing off the game i was watching the blog and all of that and i just thought it was fantastic i waited all of my childhood and through into my adult some adult years for a game like this to pop up and then finally it did and you know i think you'll all agree with me that it's a great game we love this game uh and it's definitely a game that's got a good learning curve steep learning curve and really requires you to to to sort of uh take a lot of time to understand what's going on that's that's why i've set the channel up really to help people get more out of the game by being able to understand what it is they could be doing um and so you know if you want to support me on patreon and i've set the minimum donation to to one euro i live in europe so so i've set it to euros but i think you pay in whatever local currency you've got any any amount of of money that someone wants to help to support my channel with would be you know i'd be deeply grateful to have a patron and i want to have patrons plural you know i'd happily be the leonardo to your medici and i you know i'd like to use that to to improve the quality so something that first thing i need to get is uh i don't even know what it's called you see it's a special shield that goes in front of the microphone so when i when i talk into it like this you don't get the big spoofs i apologize for that i probably should have given you a warning but um yeah so that's the next thing i need to buy you know i also want to improve the graphics i want to get some proper software so i can edit the videos in a better way at the moment it is quite rudimentary so any amount that anyone would want to give to support my channel would would definitely be deeply appreciated so i'll i'll pop a link to that down below in the description if you'd like to support me please feel free to but but as i said i will never be giving out special um well i won't be you know discriminating between those of you that can afford to support the channel and want to and people that really enjoy the videos really like the content but you know can't afford to to support it it's not something that's possible for them so so i'm never going to do that but i mean if you do become a patreon something that is definitely going to happen is that i am going to be looking for feedback you know i'm a very new channel i'm very new to all of this youtube stuff and i'll definitely looking to that community i'm hoping to kind of build a bit of a community there and get feedback from uh my supporters to to kind of see what they liked what i could improve how i could change something up and do something better uh that that's definitely something to me i'm going to be looking at in into doing that so so you know there are definite benefits in terms of you're gonna get access to kind of talking to me i mean i i do still i like to engage in the comments quite a lot i hope that uh you you've noticed that i um i like to talk to people that talk to me definitely a talk if you ask anyone i know so that's my bit about patreon i probably won't bring it up again maybe i'll mention it at the end of a video or two in future just that it exists uh but um but thank you for watching this video thank you for sticking around this long well this has been i think the longest video i've created so far i hope you enjoyed it as always if you have please leave a like if you've got any feedback please leave a comment and if you'd like to see more content like this please subscribe thank you for watching
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 3,366
Rating: 4.9245281 out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, stellaris 3.0, stellaris patch notes 3.0, stellaris 3.0 patch notes, stellaris patch notes, stellaris nemesis, stellaris nemesis patch notes, stellaris 3.0 update, stellaris 3.0 changes, stellaris 3.0 notes, stellaris patch 3.0, Stellaris Nemesis
Id: T3zOXkb1B2g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 33sec (3573 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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