Stealth Camping in Severe Storm - Hammock Camping

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yeah definitely wind's picking up I hear it blowing through the trees above us I think we're going to get hammered [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Tony here random Benes 2.0 where are we at and what are we doing well where we're at I'll show you here in a second but what are we doing we're going to be stealth camping uh behind that right there so you can see I just pulled up to the Walmart and we got the home and pharmacy side so I'm parked well let me show you the Google Earth right here oh come on spin spin spin all right so you can see me sitting in the parking lot right here and then the dirt road that's right there there's a it's a different property it goes up and kind of swings behind it so my idea is to get up there looks like there's some Pines and stuff up there so I want to take a walk up there and see what kind of location we can get right up there we should be able to look down on Walmart all night long so we better get out of the car and start going all right here we go okay so we're just going to leave the car here we're going to lock it up just got to make sure I got everything oh got to get my I don't think I need need these just yet uh but we're going to let that close then we're going to give it a lock and then we're going to start making our way over there along the woods I don't want to look too suspicious right yeah if this looks a little familiar about a year and a half ago well maybe it's oh it's been two almost two years ago I came to this Walmart and I parked pretty much in the same spot and we camped right back in here so I did a a stealth Camp right just inside of there and while I was here I noticed this road that goes up right there and so that's what we're going to take get up there we're heading to them Woods right behind Walmart yeah I don't think any body really noticed us walking towards this little dirt road here but this wraps up and around and we just got to get up to the top yeah we're kind of hidden right now so looking back you see we just just made the turn our car is over in that direction and we're headed up there yeah I think I'm going to go ahead and get these trekking poles put out because I think it's going to be useful to help me get up to this hill it's not that much of a grade but it's [Applause] enough yeah you can just start making out Walmart's parking lot there all right so let's keep going [Applause] up oh so in the satellite image these rocks weren't here so it looked like you just drive right up oh from this point you can actually see the uh top of the roof we just a little bit higher than oh there's a garden center right down there there somebody shopping for plants all right let's keep [Applause] going yeah now that we're in this flat area so yeah this has uh changed a lot since that satellite image but these are the Pines right here that I wanted to look at they're smaller than I thought maybe we'll work away back that way a little bit more and then uh find a place to hang or hammock yeah but the sky you know it looks there's some clouds or a lot of clouds some but some breaks in the clouds uh it's what time is it so it's uh yeah 3:00 I worked my way over this way these are like scrub Pines it's not what I expected looking at the uh image but there's some uh big oak trees over in that direction let's walk over there and check that out but just looking down here look at that we got a big right there big deer hoof print yeah oh they're all over here yeah oh and they're heading in that direction too yeah so let's work our way back this way see what we can find oh there's some scat right there it's got a lot of hair in it so that could be uh coyote maybe I'm not sure there's some more of it right there oh another game up in this area all right let's get back in through this stuff here yeah so there's a lot of the these are just scrub Pines but man look at the blueberries oh my goodness these are all wild blueberries look at that oh it looks like it goes completely up through that way all right well let's work our way down this looks like a little Trail and where the game was kind of going too yeah see that Big Oak all right let's make our way around the back of the building and there's wild strawberries all kinds of stuff wild iselia I think that's what that is oh may not be that's pretty cool but look at all them blueberries yeah they're not in season yet uh but they look like they flowered already so yeah the fruit will be coming soon all right so we're just working our way around here we're starting to see some dark clouds it's about 3:30 right now so I want to get set up because check this out I just looked at the radar that's at about 610 so maybe about quarter to 6 we're going to have a lot of storms but they look like they're going to be north and south of us all right oh there's okay I think I found my spot oh work my way through these blueberry bushes oh there's Myrtle great Myrtle ground cover oh okay so it's either going to be that tree or that tree and that tree oh my goodness I think we it's got a little clearing right here as well oh that looks like a little bit of a trail all right oh okay yeah let me get this backpack off and get situated this is actually a pretty good spot cuz I can see the whole parking lot there the whole top of the building and I'm protected by those Pines but you we got a straight shot right down there that parking lot but not the main Park L lot the actual side of the building oh this is getting hot on my back oh so this Pine looks like it's got a lot of holes in it so yeah oh I see some black ants so we're not going to tie to that one we're going to go ahead and tie to this other one right over here that's an old oak tree yeah all right so I got to get stuff together and get moving cuz it's going to rain so I'm probably going to leave the uh hammock and the Snak skin for now like I said it's supposed to rain it's going to be above us and below us but it's going to I think it's going to be just enough that it's going to be I got to get it covered so we're going to go ahead and put out our tarp now this is the uh one wind tarp and you can see I've got that in the snake skin we'll just pull it all back there we go so that's good now we just got to get the staks out and get it all staked out you can see what I do there with the guidelines I tie them all up together so that when I unfurl it they're not all tangled up all right let me get the stakes out and get this thing put up all right you can see I got the one end of the tarp I use my trekking Pole right there and I just pulled the plug and you know stuck it through the eyet there and then we've got it going down to little steak in the ground and that's just a trucker hitch that lets me loosen it and tighten it back up but yeah we're going to set it up on porch mode because this is what we want to see all right so I just got one more to do I'm just going to pull that off stick it through this eyelet here on the tarp and then I got to get a steak in the ground ooh steak not that kind of steak ah come on get in there all right set that on the ground get our top back on there and I got to figure out where I'm going to put a steak and I think I think we'll come out this way a little bit yeah it'll work out good so for the for well let me put this in the ground first ground's not too Rocky which is good so I'm push that down in there okay so I always just do a trucker hitch so we want to twist it pull it through the hole then we have it then we're going to run it around our steak and then we're going to just bring it up and this is that trucker hitch that we made we're just going to slide the guy line right through it and this gives you the ability to put tension and then you just want to finish it off with a just I don't know what this Knot's called slippery half knot or something I don't know it's just like that so you can just pull this one and be done all right well that's up in porch mode so only thing we had to do yet is put these flaps out so this is the door for the tarp both sides but I actually extended it out tonight so we're not going to use it as a door so I just want to get these pulled out and then we can uncoil the hammock next all right so we're just got that one gu lined out right there so that's the flap so these are the doors if I were to go more of an A-frame uh straight down then I can close the ends like doors but this is the first time I put uh the doors out like that usually I just let them hang but all right let's get this uh snake skin opened up and get our hammock ready cuz I want to sit in this and see what kind of adjustments I've got to make uh so this is that one wind snake skin that I just added CU I can keep it all all together really makes it nice for packing it away and stuff socket this one slid out open that up and then push it back oh that's so nice all right okay so we're going to have to give this a sit and see what kind of adjustments we got with our Buckle straps well I know I think we got to go up on that side but let me unsnap my top quilt so it is getting down well it's like 71° right now but it is getting down to 53 tonight so I still need the under the top quilt and the under quilt um yeah I think I might give that one a pull get it up off the ground just a little bit higher oh yeah I think that's perfect yeah it is give it another set so I always sit and then I slide it to my knees that way I get the edge of the hammock all the way out to my knees because I don't want to go flipping over backwards right I've done that a couple times I'm going to un snap this one at the top all right so we are looking good give it a quick leg get my legs swung up oh I think I'm uh I'm going to be liking this tonight yeah I that's perfect so you don't want your guy line too tight I don't know if you can see that so you want to be able to have some give in it uh but you want it a little little taunt and so a lot of y'all um will lay in a hammock completely with your feet at that end and your head at this end um but you want to be say 12:00 was here 6:00 p.m. or 6:00 down there so you want to be 104 is what I like to call it it gets you to lay nice and flat ah and just relax just a so winging yeah we are okay I wonder if I should put the ridge line light up I think I'm low enough H I don't think anybody's going to come around that edge but yeah love the porch mode so we should be good if it rains too hard and it's blowing in we can always drop that down but I looking good yeah it is all right oh I got other stuff to do hey we got a game cam to put out also so uh let's finish getting organized and then we'll we'll go set that game cam for overnight yeah it's looking pretty good I check the time here real quick H looks like we're at 409 all right we're beating the rain that's cool yeah it is so we're going to want to take this game cam and work our way back over where we saw those tracks but this is all tracks through here they must be coming up this area and just Milling around but there's a lot of evidence of wild life and right down there's Walmart oh there's a car going yeah nobody's going to look up here I think we found a great spot all right let's keep walking this way I want to investigate this area a little bit more so right over there is the field that we were at that's where we came up and we walked in that way and then back behind us but I noticed these rocks up here so let's just walk through here lot of scrub Pines that looks like an opening of huh so we got rocks here so I got to navigate and get around these oh this looks like a Old Logging Road or something hm it's looking pretty good well they're probably coming out to that field maybe down this Trail here we're going to walk out this way a little bit just see what we can find oh that looks like a little turn here H they might be running through there to get out to the field well I'm going to keep making my way down this way and then I'll show you where we finally uh figure out where we're going to put it I want to get away from Camp so they're not smelling me all right that's coming down from the mountain right over there there is a looks like a kind of a used trail right there and it gets out onto this little Logging Road and then swinging over this way is where the field is and there's this pine tree group of Pines right there but looks like they come along here and then follow that trail right out and around them Pines so I'm going to look for a spot I I saw a tree I want to get back far enough just in case they come from this direction there's that Pine right over there uh let's go check that one out okay there we have it on that tree now you can see the side sensor right there so it's got two side sensors and then a front sensor um the front one is pointed right at the mouth of that little what I believe is a trail so it looks like if anything's walking down the road here and wants to get to the field they'll come and go right along there looks like it wraps around that tree well we can only hope all right all right I got to go get this thing set up and turn it on and get it recording start all right we got 24 seconds to get out or get out of its way all right straighten that out ah that looks good yeah hopefully we get something all right we got to get back to Camp it's getting late yeah but you can see the field right through there but all these are blueberries so I figured I'd look for any path that went through the blueberries and that was the one spot that I did see there's another couple down through here but that one looks like the most used ah it's a shot there's that other one too bad we didn't try that one we had two game cams ah we'd have twice the chances let's see how long that took this ah only 30 minutes yeah oh it looks like it's 66° you can see that up there in the top and I show you something else about this watch I don't know if you seen the review yet uh but it should have come out a couple days ago um this is a smartwatch and there's some features on it that I thought would be really really beneficial for us I'll show you that maybe we'll do that next yeah I didn't walk out that way but I just walked down this road and right there's our camp so we're going to enter in on the back side of our camp there's Walmart down there and looking at the security cameras they're all pointed at the parking lot so there's none pointed up in this direction plus I don't believe that they own this part of it this little stretch I'm not sure I think the field which is right over there um I think a b Bank owns that they had purchased it years ago and never developed it that is a nice spot I keep saying that all right let's get in in under our tarp okay we're back under our tarp so we're getting some gusts of wind it did say that it was going to be uh 10 m 10 to 15 mph winds it's been Breezy off and on you can hear the tarp flapping at different times but I tell you it's even though it's you know 66° it's nice it really is with the sun being out very very nice so what about this watch so oh there it is so this is the C cplay I think that's how you pronounce it um Smartwatch so they asked me to do a review on it and I was like N I don't wear watches and uh they're like oh it's really nice it's a smartwatch and uh so I read about it and things like that and one of the features it's the only reason I said yes because it can track your hikes oh I should have done that see I'm not used to it yet um but it has a built-in Compass so I figured if my headlamp goes out you know I don't have that anymore but uh just to be orientated in the woods um what direction is the car so obviously I'll be able to see Walmart but let's say I'm further up in the woods um I just get the compass on here so right over in that direction that's where we're parked uh so we came up and around and got here so I've got the compass already set up so Walmart is Southwest 232° Southwest so worst case scenario if we get stuck or anything like that up in the woods we just know we got to head in that direction all right so let's remember that Southwest no I can see I can see Walmart we're not that far I'm just checking myself I just pulled a tick off that was crawling up my pants and then I felt one back here so we when we walked on that road over there to get that game cam set up I know there was that grass and stuff tell you what ticks are bad this year uh the other week I found 18 on my pant leg so I treated my pants um with Permethrin so that one that was on my pant leg he was slowing down uh but I don't know one must have dropped out of a tree or something like that and I just scratching the back of my neck felt something crawling on it and I pulled like that and had it under my fingernail so we'll have to be diligent yeah we will Ah that's why I like sleeping up off the ground yeah all right well oh I'm getting hungry I don't know about you but let me show you what I got yeah at the other end of the parking lot when I pulled in they got a Taco Bell and I thought hm I did bring some stuff but since I started the carnivore diet I was thinking I wonder if Taco Bell has if they can make me something uh that's carnivore and I didn't want taco shells and the burrito shells and all that stuff so I believe her name was Courtney so I confused her a little bit but then she came up with this yeah let me show you steak and cheese so and this is five servings of their dollar sides of steak and then I had him put cheese on it and a little squirt of sour cream so I'm going to eat that uh right now because I'm getting hungry it was actually cheaper than getting their bowl ah they hooked me up good yeah they did all right so this is what it looks like I know I didn't cook it but it's still going to be good right yeah it is oh that's tender so a side of steak is only a dollar so I got five so that was $5 then I added cheese cheaper than the whole Bowl so at least I know if I go out to eat I can go to Taco Bell yeah can yeah that was great oh my goodness is this good and I didn't have to do any cooking nope but we do have stuff for later M yum so I'm going to finish this kind of let the day go on because we got that storm coming after a little bit uh it might miss us I don't know we'll see when it comes or if it comes I think I'll sit down on the hammock and eat this all right it's about 5:45 so according to that radar we should be getting hit soon so the sky is all dark over that way the wind's picking up we do still have some Blue Skies over on the other side of Walmart so we're looking West right now yeah trees are blowing uh I think it's a little bit of Calm before the storm we'll see what happens hopefully it passes by yeah it's looking pretty bad over there it's getting dark quick it's only supposed to last till about maybe 6:30 so maybe we'll have a half an hour of it but I hear thunder in the distance uh should I drop it from porch mode nah yeah uh there's Thunder yeah it's a little ways away yet it may not go right over top of us but we definitely got the clouds we might see some lightning uh wind's definitely picking up I love storms yeah I do as long as it's okay and I'm safe you're right yeah Thunders are rolling yeah definitely winds picking up I hear it blown through the trees above us I think we're going to get hammered yeah we just had the wind gust that just U took off the uh steaks I got to get this steak down quick yeah I don't know if we're going to stay in Fork mode for this oh man everyy wind it's full my gar oh that's like a sail it's pulling me over yeah ground's kind of soft right here I'm going to get sued at this Bo yeah I think that's just going to pull back out oh we just got to try to stay as dry as possible yeah I might have to hold these down yeah that thunder and lightning yeah that's that's really blown hard all right what am I going to do yeah oh where this steak blow to oh there it is ground's too soft there's first lightning yeah here it's coming like I said the than the worst of it further up from us that's I definitely got to tighten this one up oh don't pull out it's just the gusts that are coming through yep it's po out again yeah I might have to do something a little different I just don't have anything else oh yeah that one popped out too all right I think I'll put this down and then get it a little lower grounds not hopefully the wind is just uh during as it's approaching and not the whole time here comes the I got hurry rain just good time yeah it's coming down now yeah we got that tarp back together just in time I wish I had my doors closed a little bit on this side but I think this this snake skin now that it's on that end it is waterproof as well so I think that should help us well for now the only thing we can do is uh sit down and hunker down under this and just kind of wait it out I think the worst of the wind is over we'll see yeah that thunder and lightning is right behind us oh good thing we ate yeah she's old that thunder lightning was right over there so it's moving the heaviest of the rain is pretty much it's slowing down still coming down but it's slowing down it's 609 so like I said H about 6 625 it should be done and I don't see anything else coming for the rest of the evening or all night good sign no lightning right now or thunder like I said it was down just a little bit behind us just a second ago yeah it looks like way off in the distance there you can see it's starting to clear up yeah woo that was exciting right it was well I have to say I'm glad that didn't happen in the pitch dark you know that would have made it a little rough but the most of the wind all came right before the downpour and the Thunder and the lightning like I said that clearing it's coming this way but there's still those waves of rain a little bit of a breeze but according to the weather report it should uh calm down with wind I think it's only supposed to be um 4 M hour winds later tonight wonder if all them rain drops and you one thing setting the game cam up there was a blueberry bush that was pretty close and I'm thinking we might trigger stuff just from the wind blowing leaves in front of it I tried to push him out of the way a little bit but we'll know tomorrow morning I keep looking for tiex even though my pants are treated with Permethrin once you find one it's like feel like they're crawling on you yeah a good all right the worst of it's over and we're clearing up over there still sprinkling a little bit but let's assess the damage so we were able to get our guy lines put back in the ground they held up that second time but you can see we got a lot a lot of rain so because it was coming from the West that way um like I said we're dry all all through our hammock and stuff the only thing that was uh got wet is our snake skin right here well and our tarp steak bag got wet and our strap uh you hear the rain still coming but this side we were completely dry so not a problem at all because the wind wind was uh blowing from the other direction going west east all right so I don't think uh I don't think we're going to have much more so yeah all right well let's get on with the evening so I did bring the puffy jacket I'll tell you what it did it cool it's cooled off it is it's it's down about 8° but with that moisture in the air and stuff it's getting a little chilly so I'm going to go ahead and put the puffy on for a little while ah just to stay warm cuz it is a little damp now that it rained I'm showing you oh look he can put a puffy jacket on all right H well I got to get the bag put up there uh yeah I pulled it under the hammock here just while it was raining just keep it out of the way yeah oh the sun's starting to come out again good yeah it's definitely getting dark I did a little bit of a time lapse on the sunset you can see it here pretty awesome so this is our camp tonight you can see Walmart down here they've already got their parking lot lights on sky looks a little Bluer Than it actually is I was just sitting here enjoying the birds and stuff there was one bird I couldn't get the recording on it was loud and it was right behind me I don't know if I was in its nest or what but it was a loud bird man I wish I caught that but ah flew away yeah beautiful sun sunset there the trees that's that big oak tree right above us I don't have to worry about any limbs coming down because if they were going to come down they' already been down with all that wind we had yeah I got to get the ridge line up I think I'm going to put that uh light up there's a plane going over yeah what a beautiful sun set so instead of putting the ridg line lights on here because I notice that washes me out on the videos um so I actually have it uh right up there uh on the between on the porch mode so I've got it just strung across there I'm looking uh nobody's down there in the parking lot on the side of the building they're all out front we're hidden in plain sight in the back ah yeah getting late yeah it is oh that's right I wanted to eat something else that I brought so I'm going to go ahead and get that out of the bag not that I'm hungry that that Taco Bell was very very good but hey I I brought these on two camping trips and I haven't eaten them yet so I think it's about time to eat them I'll show you what it is okay I just opened them and put the fork in them so we've got the pickle bites this is the hot and spicy pickle bites so these are seven from 7-Eleven I've actually had these before uh yeah I I've had them before and we're going to see if they're still like they forgot the hot and spicy I got a fork hard to jab them it's probably easier just to grab one out there oh y i jabbed it oh I jabbed a couple oh that's a either that or it's a real big one yep add a nice thick one there so we'll pick them F I don't know what that was almost sound like a deer snorted in the ran yeah all right pickle bike very crunchy nope not hot and spicy M maybe a little spicy but not hot and spicy no all right well I'm going to sit here and finish my pickle bites ah yeah just enjoy the sounds of not much traffic it's not like we've been sleeping next to a highway but I'm hearing noises coming from that way I keep hearing it I can't tell what it isuh I don't know if you can see it can Ste my breath so it'sin definitely temperature is dropping yeah it is okay I'm bringing back later yeah I keep hearing noises and it's weird because it's not like it's coming from the building down there the back of the building it's up in the woods but it's odd odd noises is it doesn't sound like an animal well I'm all done with my pickle bites yeah so I have a Ziploc bag that's where where you're putting all of our trash sealing it up and then keeping it away from Camp so this is our trash I'm just going to walk it out there and lay it over there away from us all right well yeah it's weird I I just I can't even describe the sound it's like a thud every once in a while like a a I don't know like tree knocking I don't know maybe Bigfoot yeah you can see the parking lot down there it's pretty much emptied out yeah I don't see any cars at all yeah so all the cars all the employees are parked around the front you can see the lights they're stocking in there that's the only employees that are in there right now it's stocking because it's after 11: it's about 11:20 right now I'm just going to walk out a little bit and spin us around so we can see our hammock and our Ridge line lights there we go well I am probably going to head into the hammock here in a minute and I'll talk to you when I'm in there uh but just a quick look up uh you probably won't be able to see them but there's a bunch of stars out now hard to believe that we just had a huge storm yeah I don't think you can see oh maybe you can see a couple stars all right well I'll see you in the hammock well I'm all in for the night yeah still looking at Walmart down there up turn the ridge line lights Ridge line lights off a getting tongue twisted all right well I am I am more than ready to go to bed well get a little closer to you all right well I will see you in the morning you know what we say lights out well good morning H where's my hat oh there it is don't you see my hammock hair in the morning yeah oh look at the sun right there oh it's 7:31 all right well good morning yeah oh that was a great nice sleep last night I slept I didn't wake up once all night so what was that 11:30 to 7 oh I had a lot of sleep last night yeah our tarps still wet so it's going to take a while for that to dry off so what we should do I'm going to go ahead and get up uh probably go grab the game cam quick maybe get out there before the ticks find me yeah I don't see any I did keep the puffy jacket on all night long like I said it got down to 53 it's 57 57° right now all right so well let's get this day started all righty all righty here we go all right we're back so we got the gamecam one of the nice things that I just figured out the app for this which I have on my phone because because it's Bluetooth and also Wi-Fi connected we could have been looking at this all through the night and captured the pictures off of here uh but nothing hit it all night long so wouldn't have made a difference anyhow uh but I would have seen that we did capture something at 8819 last night uh this dough as she was uh just standing there almost like a Target you know one of those fake targets but then her head moves and she's looking around but didn't walk around or anything but just stood there for the whole 45 seconds that it recorded um so we had a little visitor it's good we got something all right well that was awesome all right so from now on on I can uh actually check it uh throughout the night let see if we got anything so I just learn something new you do every day right all right well I think it's time for me to make a cup of coffee and then I got to dry this down off and everything and get everything put away I going to put the bug net the one one bug net back on before I put it away because I know it's going to start getting buggy here real quick it is just well still 57° so I will make a cup of coffee then say goodbye cuz we're going going to break Camp down a little bit later I got to dry it dry this tarp out all right well talk to you in a bit Yeah the parking lot's filling up down there all right so I got my coffee made and this is the uh cup that uh J DB Jason uh uh designs had sent me oh look at that it's got my picture on it yeah does in the hammock all right oh I don't know if you saw the picture uh but got to get the camp broke down but I'm not going to do that till a little bit later but I don't want to hang you on this whole time I do want to give a a shout out to stitch who is now part of the uh the 2.0 crew all right so that's the subscription on um YouTube All right well I think all we got to do is cue the music and then I'm going to hang out for a while let this tarp dry and then stick it all back in there oh I got to get that bug net on there too well how about we cue the music there it is all right so hey I want to say I appreciate you coming along on these random adventures and it's random and that what a storm we had last night if you like like this content why don't you go ahead and hit that subscribe button right there and then well maybe the like button too and then if you really want to know what we're doing from week to week hit the notification Bell and that way you we'll never miss out on a venture that we do and hey you never know what we're going to be doing but until next time you have an awesome and amazing week and uh well Tony 2.0 out all right I got to get this all broke down now yeah I do [Music] [Music]
Channel: Random Adventures 2.0
Views: 24,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stealth camping, severe weather, severe thunderstorm, camping severe thunderstorm, camping severe weather, camping severe storm, hammock camping setup, hammock in severe weather, camping thunderstorm, camping thunderstorm sounds, heavy rain camping, walmart stealth camping, stealth camping walmart, camping wind gust, camping severe weather, camping, camping in heavy rain, walmart camping, solo camping, random adventures 2.0, camping in the rain, hammock camping, rain camping
Id: PrKSW9DhWwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 54sec (3294 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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