Luxury Stealth Camping & Gaming in Parking Lot

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[Music] sit sit good girl good job [Music] hi everyone good to see you again I am currently traveling off to my next destination and I've been driving all day long and I'm pretty exhausted so I figured I'd find a place to camp for the night get some rest before I do some more driving tomorrow and ironically enough the town that I stopped in today is called Travelers Rest it's a town here in South Carolina is a small town so there's not really much outdoorsy nature places that I can camp at for the tonight but what they do have is a Walmart and most Walmarts allow overnight parking in their parking lots this one specifically does so I'm going to call this parking lot home for the night get some rest make some good food do some gaming and just rejuvenate before I do some more driving tomorrow and uh this weekend I've got some fun adventures planned ahead so I want to make sure I'm well rested and rejuvenated good girl Millie good job J all right Millie I'll be back going to go get some groceries I'll see you soon love you hold down the fort so for those of you guys that don't know this is how I get my fresh drinking water in my van I come to these water fill stations they have them all in Walmarts and many other grocery stores but this is purified Premium [Music] Water couple days ago uh someone with the username Mega Mandy 1967 commented on one of my videos and said Millie is literally everything she makes my soul smile please use this donation to buy some treats for you and Millie keep on making these wonderful videos and she donated $50 so Mandy thank you so much for your very generous donation and your support for my channel it means a lot and that donation is going straight towards Millie I'm going to get her some fun toys to play with since we're going to be C up in the van tonight and uh all thanks to you Mandy I appreciate you all right what do we get um I definitely think Millie would love this and I'm thinking she loves ropes she freaking loves these it's one of her favorite toys oh my gosh a banana heck yeah okay let's see if we can find her some snacks boom right here some Bully Sticks she freaking loves loves [Applause] these oh Millie I got you some toys oh what's that what's that oh yeah isn't that awesome it's a cute little monkey and then Millie you got this and this one's your favorite you love this one look at this oh yeah I feel like a dad on Christmas morning right now she's happy I'm happy life is good oh by the way this video is brought to you guys by the brand new soundcore speaker boom 2 soundcore sent me this speaker a couple of weeks ago and I've been using it non-stop because it sounds so freaking good considering how small and compact it is this thing is loud and Punchy and sounds fantastic and that's mainly because of the racetrack subwoofer and dual tweeters that they have inside of this small little speaker and what's really cool about this thing is if you press this button right here that says base it'll increase the speaker's power output from 60 watts to 80 Watts which is really great if you want to fully utilize the loud and deep sound experience that the speaker offers and on top of that this speaker is just all around perfect for people like me who are always on the go who love playing music outside of headphones out loud because this thing is not only lightweight and compact but it's got this nice comfy little handle on it it's got these cool LED lights that move with the music and this thing is fully waterproof meaning you can fully submerse it underwater and it'll be just fine plus with the 24-hour battery life on this thing and the built-in power bank allowing you to charge your phone while you're playing music out of this thing for an extended period of time this thing is basically a portable full-on Concert Experience but all of that for under $200 for a speaker like this is a hot deal in my opinion so if you want to pick up a soundcore speaker boom Tu for yourself you can do so by tapping the link in the description of this video and by doing so you'll be supporting me and my channel which will be greatly appreciated soundcore thank you for sponsoring this video now I think I'm going to start making some dinner cuz I'm getting hungry and then relax for the rest of the night so I am dealing with a small predicament that I am currently trying to work around right now I am trying to make dinner and I'm trying to make a meal that uses as little dishes as possible because I don't want to have to wash dishes and that's mainly because a couple weeks ago right before I flew out on a trip to Colorado which by the way on that trip I hiked to an abandoned Ghost Town went to a really cool hot springs and did some really cool stuff in Colorado and you guys can get access to that video by subscribing to Me On patreon by doing so you'll be supporting me in my travels which would be greatly appreciated but anyway uh right before I left for that trip I was dropping off my van at my friend's place to get shuttled to the airport to fly out and right as I was packing up getting ready to leave I noticed a really bad leak in the back of my van which is no good but long story short turns out my water pump was faulty so I had to take it out and I'm in the process of replacing that water pump but I haven't had the chance to fully do that because it's been raining constantly so I am without a running water system in my van so I don't really have a good way of washing dishes so the meal that I came up with today is pizza and I almost got a pre-made pizza to just heat up in the oven but I wanted to have some fun tonight so I've got this pre-made dough and I'm just going to top it with some sauce some cheese and some veggies and call it a meal I think it'll be pretty good we'll see all right check it out so pre-made pizza dough some pizza sauce with some mozzarella cheese red onion green bell pepper and just some spinach sprinkled on top you know it's nothing fancy but I think it's going to be delicious all right oh yeah she's done she is done look at that oh my goodness I cannot believe I just made this in my van this looks Gourmet looks delicious you know what I was going to put it on a plate but this is my house it's my life I don't have to use a plate I'm going to eat right off the cutting board oh I can't wait to sink my teeth into this it's a good night I'm very very thankful to have the opportunity to have a place to sleep tonight I'm thankful for my wonderful puppy I'm thankful for you guys let's give this a taste test wow nice crispy crust that's freaking delicious all right so the new season of Love is Blind just came out so I'm going to binge watch that while I Feast on this pizza and play some OverWatch it's going to be a good night now I'd be thrilled to call her man and been single two years now and she's been nothing but what I've been looking for this entire time I am they love you know so yeah can I have a huggie of course any love and affection I feel like I'm giving you as much as I possibly can give all right folks I think I'm ready to call it a night it's been a really good day but I'm going to crash and I will see you guys early in the morning Millie you want to go outside well good morning folks I slept great but I woke up early today because I've got some big plans this morning so I'm going to pack up the van and hit the [Music] road little cold brew for the road and now it's off to the next destination [Applause] hi Millie you having fun out here yeah hey everyone tonight I have found myself van life camping here in the Pisa National Forest up in North North Carolina I found this spot on eye Overlander it's a free spot I can stay here for up to 14 days before I have to move and this place is cozy we got me a nice fire going Millie's playing with her toy Millie come here give me the toy give me that give it to me she's really loving her new toys and she's having a blast out here being able to roam free be as loud as we want it's freaking great I spent a good amount of time Gathering a bunch of firewood but I suspect it's not going to last me that long because this wood is so dead so dry and it's burning so quick already but I've been aching for A Night in the Woods alone with a nice cozy fire for a really long time and believe it or not I actually don't make fires that often as much as I want to and that's mainly because I don't always have that option some places just don't allow you to have fires with fire bands and stuff like that and a lot of times I'm camping in parking lots so but tonight we've got the forest all to ourselves baby and it feels good [Music] woo [Music] [Music] oh hi Millie you having fun yeah me too whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa don't make me spill my hot tea on me it's hot you're really cute give me a kiss there we go [Music] oh you know folks I have been on the Eastern side of the states for quite some time now um for a good part of the year and I'll be honest I have been itching to go back out west um don't get me wrong I love the Eastern side of the states I love the trees how Lush and green well not during the winter time but how Lush the Eastern side of the states is to be honest it feels the most like home more than any place but uh I've been here for a while and I have been itching to get back out and I'm even toying with the idea of going up to Alaska this summer just an idea I don't know for sure but it's been ruminating in my head you know I think it would be really neat to visit some states I haven't been to yet places like North and South Dakota and Montana and stuff like that so I don't know we'll see but also I want to go back to the desert so I'm I'm I can't I can't choose I can't choose where I want to go so if there's a place that you guys want to see me visit let me know in the comments down below but even though I've been to all these states there are still places within those states that I haven't been to yet so that's my goal explore some new places see some new faces and uh create some new memories I hope the microphone picked that up that was an owl that was awesome let's see if we can get him to call back okay that actually sounded really good okay no not that one what you want me to play with you you want me to play with you go get a stick go get where's the stick at where's your toy at better yet look at the stick all right I think it's about dinner time how's the how's the hat does this work for me hat forward does it look good I don't know trying something new here but it's dinner time and I am still trying not to use dishes because my water system is still out of whack so what's on the menu I'm going do a little Camp meal but I'm not like super duper hungry so what I'm going to do is I've got some bread I've got this mozzarella cheese from that pizza and some turkey breast so we're going to make some turkey and cheese sandwiches and I'm going to cook it right over the fire ah here we go let there be light that is much much better all right there we go that's looking good now I can see a little bit all right I'm just clearing out get a bed of coals here I'm going to place this right on those coals right there just to toast a little bit and I'll leave it there for a few minutes let it toast up get a little crispy melt that cheese should be pretty good this is the pure essence of Van life right here folks having the ability to you know have options where you want to stay if you want to be in the city sleep in a parking lot or a public place you have that option but if you want to Escape be alone in the forest you have that option [Music] too uh okay so this did not work out as planned um I was hoping it would toast the bread but uh it kind of just made it soggy and it's sticking to the tin foil but certainly smells really good so I'm going to go ahead and sink my teeth into this I mean for what it is it's pretty banging it looks disgusting though like absolutely rancid but like look at this monstrosity that I've concocted like what even is this my brain can't even process whatever I just made I mean it tastes good that's all that matters you know doesn't need to look good I'm not a chef come right here come here good girl hi Millie how you doing all right what do you want to watch tonight Millie do you want to watch the new season of Survivor [Music] yeah can't wait to have this place try and break me for the first time on a 10 WS only going to get harder the longer you stay out here folks I am struggling to get up it's raining outside and it's just too darn cozy in here right Millie the rain came down all night and I slept like a king but it's time to get up we got some work to do you ready to go Millie woo it is chilly this morning but I love it [Music] okay what a beautiful day Dang if I would have known it was going to rain I would have put my chair up and put all that wood up under my van so it could keep dry but uh I had no idea it was going to rain tonight but I love rainy days in the van only for like 1 or 2 days any more than that I start getting cabin fever and I hate it because I have to start being conscious of how much power I'm using and I want to go outside and play but it's too wet you know but one or two days is fine ready to go inside Millie the rain's starting to come down Millie I got to dry you off before you get back on the bed hold on dry that paw dry this paw give me that paw so I can dry that paw yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go this is cozy folks like this this is cozy I decided to set up my laptop here because I wanted to change it up a little bit I often work at my desk right there but uh I don't know because of the rain and the co cozy Vibes I wanted to try something new you know and honestly I like this got a nice little spot to put my tea right here the rain is coming down providing some nice therapeutic White Noise for me so I'm going to use this opportunity to be really productive today I've got a lot of work to catch up on so I'm going to sit here for a couple of hours do some work knock it out before I do a little camping trip with some friends this weekend but with that being said I think that's it for today's video I'm going to get to work and I will see you guys in the next one
Channel: Trent The Traveler
Views: 4,543,341
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanlife, van life, ttthefineprinttt, stealth camping, camping, van life camping, camping in van, gaming in a van, luxury camping, vanlife gaming, van life gaming, night routine, stealth camping van, steve wallis, truck camping, camping cooking, camping in forest, van stealth camping, van life stealth, van camping asmr
Id: BXr-w8cj0Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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