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Welcome to the boat cabin. This is my brand new camper. And I am so excited to not only be sharing it with you guys for the first time, but to be taking it out on its very first camp. I've had this idea for a while now, but have been really taking my time with the design to make sure that it is practical and safe, and I think I have it dialed in pretty well with a couple of things that I can already see that I need to tweak. So before we get into the specifics of the cabin here, I'll give you the big picture. So this is a 16ft aluminum fishing boat. As for the interior here, we've got just two main elements. We've got the couch which is also our bed on this side. And then we've got shelving on the other. And then on top of that, I've got the fun little details that I like to add to all my cabins. We've got the cafe lights, which will be nice, and I got this little fake plant, which just adds a little bit of fun and ambiance. And then we also have our captain's wheel hanging over there. We've got big openings on the stern as well as the bow. those are there for safety, to allow, you know, us to be able to get in and out of the boat whenever we need to, especially if something was going wrong. I do have screens on there, those Velcro on, and they have magnetic strips down the middle. Those were custom made to fit these specific openings up on the bow. Here we have these windshields which are able to be opened or closed. And as you can tell by the duct tape, I am having issues with these windshields. I made them myself. it was a good first idea, but I'm definitely going to replace these with the Velcro on windows that we have on the inside. And then you can close down our back wall there with this piece of canvas. Again, it has Velcro. And so what this allows us to do is be able to completely seal off the cabin. Now, of course, I didn't want to have the whole boat be inside. I wanted to be able to come out and enjoy the sun, obviously do some fishing, maybe some swimming. That's why I made sure to leave this, bow completely open like this. And then, as you can see, we do have our signature lanterns on the front here, and I cannot wait to fire those up later tonight. Now, we're going to get out and explore this lake. I've actually been here before, and if you've been watching this channel for a while, so have you. But before we do, I want to show you our Anker power station. Anker is the sponsor of today's video. And, we're very grateful for that. All right, so we've got here the Anker SOLIC C1000 portable power station. It's brand new to us, and I'm really excited to have it here inside our boat cabin. So it makes the C1000 a great fit for this space is how compact it is. While also still packing a big punch. It offers 1800 watts of power with 11 different ports including AC outlets, USB, A and C ports, and of course, a 12 volt outlet as well. And this thing has a super fast recharging time. It only takes about 58 minutes, and it also has 2400W of surge pad power. Oh yeah, and you can also add to the capacity by tethering in an expansion battery if you need to. It also supports 600W of solar input. And I would love to utilize that sometime down the line with this cabin. So I'm going to be using it in here to not only power our lights, but we've also got a bug zapper in here if we need it later. I also use it to charge all of my camera equipment when I'm out here filming. I go through battery life like that with my camera, GoPro, drone, even my phone. And so it's going to be nice to be able to have a lot of power to be able to recharge those things up. And I also love how it has the ambient light in front, which is just going to be perfect to use as a nightlight in here for just a little bit of quick light in the middle of the night. So if you would like to check out the Anker SOLIX C1000 You can do so by following the link in the description of this video. All right, so I've got a jig here, and I'm using leeches. We're in a very deep part of the lake, so, I'm going to try to drop this thing down to the bottom of the lake and see if we can't get a walleye. I'm not a good fisherman. Very, very inexperienced. So bear with me. Well, unfortunately, I didn't get any bites. and, we've been out here for a little bit at this point, so I figured we might as well head to shore and, let Ellie stretch your legs a little bit. Maybe get out on a hike or something as well. And the mosquitoes are back. Back with a vengeance. Well, I'm glad we made it to the little lake. I think it's going to be important to do hikes like this. When we take the boat cabin out for Ellie because she just thrives being out on the trail. But due to these bugs, I think it's time to get back to the boat. It's so nice being out on the water. Hearing the waves lap up against the boat. Staring out our massive windows. It's pretty awesome. We’re supposed to get some rain in the next couple hours, and it's supposed to continue until well after dark. So I figure it might be time to head to one of these islands. So we can get off and have a little fire and figure out where we're going to tie off and spend the night. My windshields are going to be absolutely disintegrated by the end of this trip. Man... We're learning the hard way, but this is a trial run. I guess we're here. Well, this is going to be home for the night. It's a pretty sweet little island here. this is a nice little campsite. We've got the boat nestled in here. I've got it tied off to that tree, but it's also being blocked from the downed tree, which is in the lake, as well as anchored from the bow. It is a little windy out. but I feel okay having this fire because we're surrounded by water. I can easily put it out if, something were to get out of hand. But also, we're about to get a ton of rain as well, so, figured we might as well take the warmth and, and enjoy being outside while we can. Wel, the rain is supposed to start any minute. So I think it's time to get in the cabin, Batten down the hatches and, cozy up, and then I can make some dinner. Dear God, thank you for this day, help us to be safe overnight out here on the water. Amen. To call this meal basic and janky would be an understatement, but I'm excited. I think it's going to taste really good. I had to buy my groceries at a gas station because I was up too early, and, by the time I got up north, there were no more grocery stores. And so I had to get what I could. I definitely plan to cook better meals in here, but, this has to do for today. Well, the rain has stopped for now. It's kind of been coming and going for a little while, but, Man, it's so peaceful outside. You can just hear all the sounds. You can hear loons and insects, and it's just like. Hypnotic. It's also incredibly cozy here in the cabin. All right. Well, as you can hear, the rain has picked up again. it's going to be perfect ambiance for falling asleep. I'm going to, get some shut eye and, see you bright and early in the morning. Good night. Good morning. It's about 5 a.m.. you know, I just get up early these days, but definitely could keep sleeping. Well, guys, we, we do have some weather that's moving in, so unfortunately, I think it's time to head back to shore. Get this thing up on the trailer. But, man, it feels good being out on the water. I just I love it. All right, guys, that's going to do it for the very first camp out in the boat cabin. I hope it didn't disappoint. It certainly didn't. for me, you know, Minnesota is known as the land of 10,000 lakes. And in fact, we have basically double that. And so I just think it's awesome that we now have a camper that we can take out and, explore these lakes and even be able to stay out there on the water. I just think it's great. A couple quick takeaways, some things I need to improve on the cabin. Number one, we're getting rid of those windshields and we're going to replace it with one of those clear vinyl tarps that have Velcro around it. It'll just be so much easier. And, it won't shatter on us. So that's number one. Next, I need to put a floor with some carpet on the ground inside the cabin. because sleeping with Allie up on the bed was really, really, cramped. And it would just be so much nicer for her to be able to sleep on the floor while still having water, be able to drain out underneath, that floorboard. I also need to come up with some better options for storage. our shelf got pretty, overcrowded there. And, there's got to be a better way to store all my gear in there without it just becoming cluttered. All in all, though, it was a massive success. I had a blast. I hope you guys did too. I want to give a special shout out to our patrons who donate to this channel. Thank you so much for that. I think it's time for me to, get this thing prepped to the highway. We'll see you next week.
Channel: Tiny Cabin Life
Views: 216,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: micro shelter, travel trailer, tiny house, tiny cabin, camper, tiny house ideas, micro cabin, cabin life, travel cabin, jack steward, solo cabin build, cabin living, rustic living, tiny cabin life, famly vlog, off grid, thunderstorm, hailstrom, lightning strike, thunderstorm sounds for sleeping, thunderstorm sounds, thunderstorm for sleeping, fishing, boat camping, boat cabin, island hopping, remote lake, national forest, solo camping, nature sounds, mobile shelter
Id: oJ89KZo1HoE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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