Stealth Camping Along Train Tracks - Railroad Stealth Camp

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey Tony here Rand Adventures 2.0 where are we at and what are we doing well where we're at is we're at a different spot I went to a spot earlier today but all the trees were cut down in the area that I was going to go to so we had to change plans and I looked at this spot in the winter and there wasn't any cover so we're going to check it out see if it's good I want to find a spot maybe a little deeper back but we're going to hammock Camp all right well I got the car stashed I think I'm good right here CU I don't think you can see it from the road so we're going to get our backpack and start heading in that direction all right here we go all right I just stepped out of the car and I found a leg bone right there yeah we did there's a looks like maybe part of a hip and then right over here we got some vertebraes yeah let's walk over there and see that cuz I just saw this stuff laying here yeah some vertebraes and ribs oh that's interesting it's all old yet kind of disintegrating so just behind these pine trees here you can see that's where we got our car tucked in and all those bones are right in that area uh but walking over here you can see this building here now I'm back behind the building and I just saw a red fox run across that intersection and then right up into the woods on the other side of that railroad track so there's a railroad track that runs down along here so we're going to be between the railroad track and a little creek that's right back here oh the sun's going down so we're going to have to get busy yeah we are oh let's get the backpack and start walking over there yeah right behind the car and before I got the backpack I thought I would just look around in this area here cuz you can hear the stream right over here so let's get I want to show you that quick but I am seeing all kinds of tracks in the in this dirt here you they're all old though but maybe has to be a spot yeah like right here look at all them tracks right there so there's something coming down here to this Creek now there's a bank right here I don't know if you can see it very good but right through there is all the water is right down there we'll probably see it better down the road uh down the trail but we're got to head that way like I said Sun's going down it's about 6:00 we got about about 2 and 1/2 hours of light yet H yeah there's tracks all over here this whole area maybe I'll set the game cam up right in this area cuz I see tracks going all over trying to probably get to that Creek yeah let me get that out of the car I think we're going to set that up and then we'll find our spot that we're going to sleep all right let me get it out of the car [Applause] yeah there's tracks all over this yeah I got to find a good spot to put it yeah I'll have to pull it out of my backpack and then set that up and then we'll get going got to kind of watch that intersection over there but I don't think anybody can see me it doesn't look like a very busy one all right let me pull that out of here okay I think we're all loaded up do I need in here uh no I don't okay that's good all right oh close the door okay so there's a spot right over here that I was looking at but I don't think that one's the one that's going to work so I want to push a little bit back further and I think it it'll be better the further we go in yeah looking back you can't even see the car from here but that that building is for sale and then like I said the creek runs down along here which we're going to see in a minute and just on the other side of the creek you can see right through the trees there's a business right there and then the highway so oh man I walk through this all this tall stuff and I did treat treat my pants with Permethrin my shoes uh cuz I don't want any ticks at all and you can see right there's the railroad tracks all right right yeah it kind of Narrows right down here oh there's a plane going over I hear it I don't see it oh right through the trees I just saw it for a second but yeah look at that Creek now that Creek it's really uh got a lot of iron in it from the mines well that's pretty cool back here like I said I found a spot but it was that way further but I'm looking at right in here cuz once you go to the end of this let's see it doesn't look like there's any more Woods on this side and if there is Woods yeah it's all right along the bank yeah I can't tie hammock anywhere along there but yeah nice creek and like I said there's a garage where they work on cars right there yeah all right let's get back in here we'll look at the railroad track in a little while first I got to find me two trees yeah I think this one here is going to be at least one of them that we use ah those are too steep on the bank and these are pretty small I might have to do something a little different uh these are kind of in the way if I come over here uh I think I got an idea yeah I do yeah real small trees I mean you can hook your hammock to it but they'll just bend over so I might I got an extra strap in here I think I might strap a couple of them to make it a little tighter that's another airplane I don't know if that's the same one or not all right I got to get this backpack [Applause] off so it is going to rain tomorrow tomorrow afternoon I didn't see any rain for tonight into tomorrow but I am going to string up the uh Ridge line I'll put the tarp out I just won't um deploy it so we'll have that up there just in case because the weather man can be wrong so this is our one wind Ridge line so I'll probably use the smaller of the two n maybe the other one get that around it and clip it like I said it's not really supposed to rain but just in case cuz there is is sometimes that you got a storm that just comes flying up on you you can see back there I've got a bigger tree right there and you can see I just ran an extra strap over to this tree because this is the tree I'm going to tie on to and then I am going to use the supp Port of that back tree to help this one from leaning in too much all right well we'll see if it works I think it [Applause] will all right there we have it so we're all attached to the tree you see we got the tarp the one one tarp up there and it runs over to that tree and then we also got our hammock right there and comes back this way now I didn't worry about getting the tarp up too high cuz like I said it's just there in case it rains uh but you can see I've got it adjusted so I've got to deploy it it's right in position right over hammock now this is the bug net I stuck that on the other night uh when we left that last Camp I put it on before I packed up but that's the big snake skin that's what our our whole setup's in all right let me peel that back so this snake skin it just has uh some cords here that you just loosen up and like I said I put the bug net on I don't know if we'll need it ah it's a it's not really buggy but then again bugs don't like me nope all right so we'll just slide it back so you're going to see the bug net in there and then it'll all drop down get the other side slid back having this uh snake skin here is just so much easier cuz these stealth spots you know you just want to get somewhere strap up and just deploy uh but this is the uh over the head bug nut I got to get that strap up a little higher it looks like it's kind of leaning yeah I mean you want your feet higher than your head but I got to get this end up here little a little bit and it's just a matter of pulling lifting and pushing oh get up there just a little bit cuz we're a little further than what we were the other day on the straps little tension another snug all right so this is a bottom entry bug net so I'm going to give it a Sit see how it is so they got little drawrings on the bottom I'm going to loosen them up here so there's one on either side flip this over my head oo I like this actually it it it keeps a little heat in as well yeah oh I'm I got to get that up off the ground look I'm way down that's because that tree just leaned in yeah I don't want to be sitting on on the ground and no I'm going to give it a little make it a little tighter because to compensate for that lean but it would really be leaning in if we didn't have that strap there helping yeah I made I'm going to make this strap tighter there we go and then I don't maybe it's just a little tighter there all right let's give it another sit get under the screen no bugs allowed all right so I'm just going to sit right on the top quilt it's leaning in a little bit more still but that's not too bad I might work on that a little bit it just it's just bending that tree in there's no bigger tree behind it that I can go to so I'm kind of going on the side so it's keeping it from bending too much but H maybe I'm pull it tighter we'll see yeah oh the sun's definitely going down all right I think we got it all set up I want to take a walk over to the uh railroad track kind of look at that for a minute and before the sun goes too far down yeah it looks like just one of the tracks is used uh down there at the intersection down that way this track right here there's a big rock and it looks like it ends um so if they're using it they're using just this side right there and then I'll look up the other way so there's nowhere to go on this side unless you go up but you can see right there kind of there's a split in the track so then it just continues one all the way out yeah it's been a long time since I walked on railroad tracks yeah it is ah good we got some some wood and stuff because we're going to need that for what we do here in a little while and look at all the egg corns yeah has a lot of oak trees up there yeah some water dripping right there yeah oh look at all that oh that's a mosquito breeding ground right there but yeah look at that the track continues to go that way and kind of Narrows into one or splits into one and there's the little changer there to change the tracks yeah it looks like it definitely takes it all this way so any train that comes down through here oh wow look at that Creek it's too bad it's uh that color that's coming from the mines from the coal mines and stuff makes the water that color ah probably doubt there's any fish in there just because of the acidity I think it's would be in the water yeah that's a shame a look at that down there at the intersection there's a deer standing in the road ah go by our game gam yeah he's just standing there huh oh there he's moving ah it looks like he's coming going into the woods huh but at least we know there's deer around all right hopefully we catch something on our game cam yeah he's gone yeah oh look at all the Lykan that's on these rocks these are pretty awesome cutout here when they made the railroad tracks They had to cut into this rock [Applause] wall if I can see back in there at all oh a step over there that looks like it goes back a little bit but I I don't see any movement of animals so probably nothing's using that but yeah that's a lot of liking right there yeah from from that hole right there I'm going to swing around that's down the track and right in the woods right there is our camp so I tell you what the hammock right there it Blends so good good I love that OD green and looks like we got a lot of logs right there just pushed out of the way from the tracks but like I said Sun's going down I got to get some uh firewood gathered up because I think we're going to make a fire to cook some hot dogs Black Angus hot dogs I got so yeah let's get back to camp and then I'll go get some firewood we're just going to do twigs and stuff nothing big oh but there there's a big old log right there yeah that' be we can't have a big fire cuz there's traffic just on the other side of that Creek yeah we'll get some sticks and stuff I saw some more back there oh this grass right here this stuff actually will work good for a little bit of kindling get our fire going so I'll get some of that make a little bundle but I got the Bushcraft uh fire starters but a nice little handful of that'll work out [Applause] good so we got our fire starting little stuff that grass goes up very fast then I just grabbed some sticks that we can put on top and then a couple couple bigger ones as well so we'll just get all those laid out and then I'll show you what we're cooking on and cooking in so I did bring the uh little stool so we're going to use that we'll probably set that up right in here so we'll probably cook right over here that way I can grab all the sticks and stuff and I still got to find a branch to put our hot dogs on H there is a great though uh we'll see I get this stool out oh that stream is nice though all right and we'll set up right here so what are we cooking on so I have the fire Maple now this is the backpacking griddle and so you've seen that before this is from fire Maple I've used it a couple times well if you're new to the channel you haven't seen it yet what's that get out of here we ain't ready to talk about subscribing yet we're going to wait till the end all right we want to see if you like it or not but you can see how thin this is it's pretty thin uh so this fits right down in the backpack but it makes for a nice um grill grill top uh fire pit so I like it I like using it so we've got the great right here so we're going to lay that aside then we got the four sections plus the part that catches all the ashes in here you can see they're right in there but this is made by fire Maple I'll go ahead and get all this put together and I think we're going to just set it up right here voila so the only thing we got to put on is the grate and we'll wait uh till we get the fire going but that just sits right on top like this and then we're going to cook right on top of there there you have it fire maple packable Grill so we're going to go ahead and use our Bigfoot Bushcraft fire starters and then that grass that we got so these are the um comes in a little tin here like this but this is Bigfoot Bushcraft uh fire starters the little plugs and then we're going to use our our feral Rod that also we got it the same time when we uh ordered these here so there's a link down in the description I keep looking over that way cuz I hear that traffic traffic's over there but there is that road that goes up that way yeah so we're going to go ahead and get one of those out and we're going to give a little plug so these are good they they'll burn for 5 minutes so what you want to do oh they smell good too yeah they do I like the smell of them things all right so we're just going to pull one out and then you want to just break the seal cuz they're it's protected by like um Airplane Fuel and wax and stuff like that so we're just going to twist it and break all those fibers out and then we're going to set it down there get our grass on there and then start adding our sticks cuz I'm getting hungry so we're just going to set our fire plug right in there and then give it a good strike with the feral Rod hopefully I got it set up right oh let me get this right there we go two strike Tony all right then we're just going to put our grass get some of that Lit oh that stuff takes off fast yeah it does and start stacking our sticks so it's got the little uh feeding holes right on the side there yeah that grass will goes up fast but our little fire plug it'll keep burning so we'll just get some of our Twigs to catch and then we got fire yeah we do there she's burning burning pretty good so we're going to get some coals on there and then we'll stick our grate on and then we can feed it from the bottom uh from the little holes that are down there put a couple more in there and maybe another couple yeah last year or in the winter when I came there was none of that vegetation you could see straight through to the road so we're we're actually pretty hidden back here now here we are it's a nice clean burning fire too no smoke very nice well I want to save some of that but there's plenty of it around because I want to do this a little bit later too but first thing I want to do is eat right so we're going to let that burn down just a little bit more and then we'll get our food ready yeah hear vehicles but we're good we are definitely good so what's in the Food Bag I think I told you over at the railroad track so but I put them in here Frozen so I got to see if they're thought out at all all enough to cook yeah oh I hope I'll put them in here yeah there they are yep so we got our food bag and then we got this Ziploc bag here with all of our other food in it them dogs in there yeah they are oh they feel like they thought out enough too all right so we're going to go ahead and put our grate on I'll get the dogs out and then we got some other stuff here too but we're going to start with the dogs oh these are those big black angus hot dogs they are huge these are the juiciest hot dogs I've ever eaten I've given them to a couple people like my daughter and son-in-law and they they couldn't believe even Lisa she was like oh my goodness they're so good so we get our great on there and then we're ready to pop the dogs on as soon as that burns down just a little bit more so hopefully I got this level enough that it doesn't roll off looks like I do oo that's hot we're going to get some charred dogs wood was really really dry that we got those Twigs so it's burning quick it's got some hot ashes down there though which is good but I'm just going to feed it a little bit more from the end cuz I want some Flames flying up in the air nice thing is that's got that um that ash catcher on there oh that dog's looking good oh nice and charred hear him sizzling I don't want to poke it and let all the juice Out ooh I think our dogs are done I got them crispy very crispy I push that one to the side I me just jab it all right there's our dog look at that I got it blackened oh the juice is running down the knife all right well give this a taste it's going to be hot oh that's very hot yeah oh but good Char dog yeah let's drip that juice is over the fire yum oh there's nothing like a big old black angus hot dog next to a stream with a highway on the other side but railroad tracks that way doesn't get any better than this does it nope m yeah we're just going to let that fire burn down the rest of the way you know we if we're going to have a fire later on I'll just get it started again but I'm eating my second dog yeah I am ooh that one looks good tastes good too yeah it does yum yeah I'm just sitting here got the stream right there going you can see the light on that garage it's like a utility night light to light up the uh building on that end but I hear a deer snorting at me and I can't tell if it's down in that direction or on the other side of the creek but it is almost 9:00 and soon it will be pitch black except for that light over there right here we go I got a little wo band light there there it is this is how small this thing is it's teeny yeah but that's Camp that's us hanging in the hammock like I said I got the uh rid line light hanging from the tripod there but this is the creek right over here can't even see it nope yeah all right oh hey Mr moth all right well I think we're going to have a fire in a little while yeah I gathered up some more Twigs you can see our fire little pit there and all of our Twigs but that's our hammock I I got the puffy jacket right there I don't know if I'll wear it but I got a couple big bugs oh look at that one there what is that one hey that looks that looks disgusting stay out of my hammock all right well let's get a fire going here in a little bit all right we're going to get another fire going here I got that Bigfoot Bushcraft uh fire plug we're just going to stack our little sticks on one so we're just building a little stick pyramid and I just got I just got a little bit of sticks here like I said I just want to have another fire here in the evening when it's pitch black and it's not casting too much up into the TR trees so I don't think I've got to worry about it being seen by the road we'll just keep it under an inferno yeah nothing like having a fire we don't get to do this too often no we don't but this is a pretty good spot here I'm far enough away from anything to be noticed and I don't I don't know now that that vegetation grew up on the other side of the stream there I'm really not worried about it at all plus it is 11:30 so it's late I don't expect anybody to know where I'm at nope all right all right now I can start putting some of this bigger stuff on and then we're just going to let this burn down and then we'll crawl into the hamic for the night that's a crackling little fire there yeah yeah this this little fire Maple thing's pretty good because you know I Can Build It Up Above oh that's getting hot Build It Up Above the unit uh but then when all those ashes cook down I could have it just as a a little stove but if I don't want it as a grill I can use it as a fire pit well it's just about done yeah it is it's getting late that those sticks burn pretty quick because they're so dry yeah so I'm going to make sure this goes out and then I'm probably going to crawl in the hammock and then uh we'll do lights out from in there like I said this is a really cool spot I'm I'm glad we came here not glad those other trees were cut down at that last spot we were going to go back to well not go back to I I scouted it out about 4 weeks ago yeah it's like it just wasn't right yet because there wasn't leaves on the trees uh very much cover I was going to go back when it got a little bit more cover but now there's no cover they cut the trees down yeah oh well when you see a spot you almost got to do it right then and there cuz I found if you wait too long everything changes about it so you almost got to do a scouting before you decide to go all right well I'm going stop jabbering all right I'll see you in Hammock I can hear all the Crickets yeah you can probably only hear the stream it's sh right all right well I am in the hammock and I'm ready for bed it's a little after midnight I stayed up way too late yeah I did all right well I guess gu it's lights out right all right I don't know I it's not cold out I'm actually going to stay on my t-shirt if I get cold I'll get underneath the um top quilt but for now I'm just laying on top of it cuz this bug that holds a little bit of heat in like I feel a little breeze coming by and it feels good so all right well my eyes are going closed all right well I will see you in the morning all righty all right ready lights out well good morning yeah oh that was a good night's sleep I actually slept all night again didn't get up once no I didn't and I actually didn't use uh the top quilt either it was just it got cool but not cold I like it cool for sleeping all right oh it's 8:06 uh time to get up cuz it's supposed to rain a little bit later I don't know if there's a storm going to come in at 11: or 11:30 but it's a little bit later so I'm going to go ahead and get up and make some coffee and get out of here oh oh I can't sit up I think that's the first time I ever slept like 8 in off the ground but no no bugs snuck in no they didn't all right wello yes well here we go let's get the day started here you can see I hung the backpack up there off the ridge line along side of my puffy jacket that I did not need and there's our food bag too well let me get the coffee going and oh we got to get our game cam too huh I wonder if we got anything we'll have to check that out after coffee and you know what I don't know if I'm going to eat breakfast or not uh I'll see I'm not really that hungry but ah I'm going to check the bag [Music] um I don't know if you see it all that steam that didn't take long oh it didn't take long oh I'm going to have to add some cold water to that cuz I don't want to burn my tongue like normal yeah all right well what kind of coffee we having well we're going to have the main stay I got to get it out of the bag and I think I'm going to have it's a toss up between a Chomps which is a zero sugar beef stick or you know what since we're next to water why not have Salon all right well let me get this stuff out and I'll show you what we're eating a a sound of water let me show you what I caught yeah so this is the wild for Sam and I showed this on our uh Sunday Night Live and we do a Sunday Night Live every Sunday so there'll be one this Sunday if you're watching the videos in consecutive order it's uh beginning of June uh but we do that live at 8:00 pm. every Sunday and talk about the videos that we did during the week uh but wild for salmon I stopped there that's in Bloomsberg and this is a travel pack so there's a piece of salmon in here and it says wild Cod Alaskan smoked Sakai salmon lightly smoked and ready to eat a convenient natural source of omega-3 fatty acids and proteins so we're going to go ahead and eat that yeah we are and have our main stay coffee now this is the Mainstay um blend all right so this is uh out of Lancaster Pennsylvania uh down that way or maybe that way yeah but not too far away great coffee that's the instant coffee I drink so let me make my coffee and get the salmon open yeah so there's the coffee you can see how fine it is it's fine coffee good but finally ground it's not even ground it's the way that they make their instant coffee um it's yum it melts really fast even in cold water so we're going to go ahead and pour that in there and then I'll add my water to it and make some cold water too all right well here's the salmon like I said I'm going to open it up I figured I would do this I've had this now on three camping trips but I didn't want to open it in the middle of uh night and then have to deal with bears yeah uh so I figured oh why not eat for breakfast breakfast and champions right ohy that's going to be too hot to drink going have to let that cool down a little bit there we are oh that smell the smell of coffee in the morning put my li on and then I might have to temper that with a little bit of cold water I'm beating around the bush opening that salmon I don't see any bear so we're going to go ahead and do it all right not that there's any Grizzlies but I know they like salmon so do I all right let me open this up and see what it looks [Applause] like okay it's at that end I don't want to drip it on my pants nope so looks like it's got a little pull tab here we're just going to pull it off I don't know if there's oils that can spray all over the [Applause] place ooh I just saw how pink it was in there look at that I just poured juice all over my all over my tripod uh oh yeah I [Applause] did that's pretty good so I just drank the juice out kind of sa her ever drop save saver every drop I can't talk all right H that's good it doesn't look like it oh yeah it does so it's got some of the some of the skin on it it's a nice little portion there all right let me see if I can just take a bite of it this way leave it in the [Applause] bag H wow very very [Applause] good M it's not fishy at all when they say smoked Sakai I would say it's lightly lightly smoked that's very very good yum well I'll be getting these again that's only um I think this was $8 for the pack it's a lot in there yum very good very very good well I got to get the camp broke down we got to get our game cam hopefully we got something we'll see all right we got to get Camp broke down and get out of here uh but I did want to say that I think the coffee's cooled down enough that we can taste it all right well good morning cheers and [Applause] salute now that's a good cup of coffee yeah it is all right well did we get anything on the game cam yeah we did all right yeah we did so uh right here it is we had this dough that walked up and she was standing like right next to the camera and uh she moves around and then we get a shot she is standing there and then kind of walks off a little bit and then you can see her come back through uh going I guess that's heading back towards the road but that was a perfect shot ah boy she was so close to the camera so this was a great great great Camp I really enjoyed it I hope you did too um so the only thing we got to do yet is cue the music all right how about cuter music there it is all right so hey thanks a lot for coming along on these Adventures I really do appreciate it and I appreciate all the support of the 2.0 crew uh that's hit the join buttons we're sharing some things over there on the membership only uh but nothing's going to change on the Channel I want to thank everybody that's done buy me a coffees uh just so many of y'all have just watched the videos and and commented and I really do appreciate that every time and remember if you can't get out and have your own adventure keep coming along with me all right come on back in subscribe button all right just came halfway through the video I don't know what he was doing all right but if you haven't subscribed yet to the channel why don't you think about subscribing all right go away but at least give me a like right a thumbs up all right well you can go too we'll see you next video right you guys doing good all right Perfect all right but maybe hit the notification Bell if you never want to miss an adventure like this uh because we do all sorts of things car camping hammock camping stealth camping this was a great spot all right well until next time Tony 2.0 out you have an amazing week all right we see you [Music] n [Music]
Channel: Random Adventures 2.0
Views: 7,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stealth camping, steve wallis, train tracks, stealth camp, camping with steve, hammock camping, hammock stealth camping, hammock stealth camping outdoor boys, stealth hammock, random adventures 2.0, stealth camtrain track, stealth camping railroad, railroad camping, stealth camping reddit, camping, wild camping, game camera, game camera footage, game camera footage, trail camera, trail cam, trail cam footage
Id: 5mzyvgdeIis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 6sec (2766 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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