Hurricane Ian Camp Out - 6+ Inches of Rain and Storms

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] my friends welcome to this episode of the outdoor good review I hope you all are doing well welcome to Lone Wolf Mountain everyone we have a hurricane coming in by the time it gets here it should be I think a tropical depression I believe but hurricane Ian is on the way it's already hit Florida and it's on its way the last thing that I heard is that there were hundreds dead down in Florida I'm sure that number is to grow the damage that was done down there is catastrophic where the hurricane came in at Lee County I used to live right in there I was born here in the mountains of North Carolina but I lived Everglades Fort Myers that entire area down there so here in Western North Carolina the eye of the storm is supposed to come right over the top of us so right now the forecast is up to one foot of rain wind gusts around 60 miles an hour it's going to be an interesting storm there's no doubt about it with weather systems like this you can never predict what's going to happen exactly trees may come down there may be some flooding we may have some rock slides landslides all of that is a possibility my father and my wife will be taking care of our home I'll be out here at Lone Wolf Mountain taking care of this place it's one of those things where you have to stay up you have to stay with the storm check the culverts check the ditches and keep them open relaxing for just one minute could be the difference between having no issues and having a problem that costs ten thousand dollars the road here at Lone Wolf Mountain is over half a mile long and it's going to require my full attention to keep it from being destroyed luckily this road is covered with quite a bit of grass all of that grass The Roots it holds the road together even in heavy heavy rain so oftentimes we could have these massive rain events and the road will be fun while that aspect does help us quite a bit we have to control the flow of moisture we have to keep these ditches open the culverts open you all may remember but last year we had a hurricane come through it was a fight to save Wolf Mountain it took us all day all night battling some crazy storms lots of flooding but we saved this place and my intention is to do it again I started on top of the mountain clearing the ditch all the way down I'm going to continue this and for now I'll say goodbye I will see you all tomorrow that's when the storm is coming in rain is supposed to begin by tomorrow afternoon tomorrow night heavy all night long heavy by Saturday it should calm down some but it's not going to quit but hopefully the heaviest rain will have moved out take a look at this tree here folks this is one that I'm concerned about it has a lot of lean to it and it's still loaded with leaves so that's quite a bit of weight oftentimes I say let it rain let it rain but not here not now this is one of those cases where I say Don't Let It Rain don't let it ring [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign folks the storm has arrived or at least the outer bands have we've been receiving rain for the last hour or so the winds are picking up just a little bit not much this is the thing folks hurricane Ian is just now making its second landfall it is going in some place in South Carolina so as it stands right now the storm's about 400 500 miles away something like that that's how big this storm is it's that far away and yet we're getting rain from it with the latest forecast the storm is going to come up through North Carolina we're going to be on its west side which is the side that you do not want to be on that's the side of the storm that's going to have the most moisture how much rain are we going to get who knows it's anyone's guess the forecasts are all over the place I don't know honestly it's my hope that this storm is far enough away that the winds aren't too strong here again that's one of the things that we'll just have to wait and see what happens so uh let the adventure begin folks let the adventure begin with this trip I'm not going to film this like a typical Adventure because I don't want it to I don't want it to seem like a typical Adventure because I don't want to encourage anyone to do anything dumb I'm not out here for fun I'm out here to take care of Lone Wolf Mountain I'm out here because the conditions are going to Warrant me taking care of this road so I don't lose it you have to be smart when it comes to going out into the weather going out into storms you have to play it smart you have to calculate the risks but again I definitely do not encourage people to go out camping in storm systems like this I'm doing this out of necessity plain and simple I haven't had enough time to follow the news so I don't know what the death count is up to the last I heard was in the hundreds my thoughts are with those families and everyone affected by this storm this hurricane has absolutely devastated some areas catastrophic levels of Destruction with the power grid down there some of the repairs are going to take weeks months Florida light and power I believe that's the name of it they said that like it's not a matter of repairing it it's a matter of replacing all of it that's how bad the damage was so that's that's pretty crazy pretty crazy for sure for now it's all about just sitting and waiting the rain has just begun as of right now it's no big deal but it's coming the heavy rain is coming the winds are going to pick up later tonight by morning it should be moving out of here but as you all can hear it's raining now it's not terribly windy it's a little Breezy it is quite cold though well I should let me clarify it's chilly right now it's about 45 degrees it is very cool up here in the mountains in fact that's one of the triggers for the rain that we're getting right now because of this cold air think of this you have the hurricane which has that warm tropical air it's coming up through North Carolina and it's coming into contact with that cool air here in the mountains that's one of the reasons why we're receiving rain so early with this storm and it's also one of the reasons why the flood risk is so high here according to the National Weather Service the flood risk here is over 40 percent which is pretty high you may not know this folks but I am a trained Skywarn spotter for the National Weather Service and I have been for roughly the last 12 years and when it comes to spotters like myself there's about 400 thousand of us in the United States which is pretty cool and if you want to become one you can all you have to do is just take a couple classes the training is really simple and it's a good thing it really does help the National Weather Service in your area with reports data and so on this is without a doubt not my first rodeo as the saying goes over the years I've supplied quite a bit of information reports from the ground to the National Weather Service while I wish it wasn't a hurricane that was coming this way it is nice to be out in the rain I have a pretty nice setup here with the truck the tarps speaking of which a massive tarp overhead it's a 20 foot by 13 foot I have a 10 by 10 over here that's acting basically as a Wind Block because of the direction of this storm the winds are coming this direction from the East to the West which is uncommon to say the least basically I just have this set up here it's blocking the wind so far it's been a nice day unfortunately from this point on the conditions are only going to get worse and worse no matter what is heading our way I am prepared for it I have a bunch of tools in the back of the truck here shovels pickaxes so on and so forth I also have a couple of chainsaws I'm definitely hoping for the best but I'm prepared for the worst I also have some sand and some gravel that may seem a little bit odd to some but you would be amazed at what a simple bag of sand and gravel can do in a situation like this foreign as you can see right there I have my trusty steel chainsaw that thing is a Workhorse I've had that thing forever and it starts up every single time every chainsaw brand is different when it comes to the startup procedure if you don't know it you're gonna fiddle you're gonna pull forever if you know it you'll be able to get that thing going in no time it's kind of funny watching individuals using chainsaws on YouTube sometimes they know what they're doing sometimes they don't there's guys who just pull and Pull and pull either the chainsaw has a problem or they don't know what they're doing it's that simple I'll tell you what everyone I'll show you what I'm talking about I'm going to throw start this now the instructions tell you not to but that's because the company basically has to say that so that you stay safe but if you don't want to do it this way you don't have to the chain is locked so there's no issue of getting hurt plus this is a very small chainsaw so check this out wait for the burp all right oh just like that everybody [Music] it's that easy folks it's that easy with the still you put it in the cold start you wait for the burp then you move it to the warm start and continue do not pull on that a single time more after that burp otherwise you'll flood it it really is that simple and that chainsaw has it been ran hmm for almost a year actually the last thing that I did with this chainsaw I cut down a cherry tree at my house in fact over the last couple of years that's something that I've done I've spent some time and I've cut down all of the trees surrounding my house because they were ancient they were ancient and their cores were rotten so they had to go cheers everyone cheers foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign thank you thank you all right everyone it is now dinner time hopefully you all can hear me it's raining quite hard at the moment and it is getting windy things are about to get interesting that's why I went ahead and I made dinner so what I have here is butter and garlic mashed potatoes with beef tips with a peppercorn gravy it looks awesome so here we go let's give it a shot oh yeah that peppercorn gravy is fantastic as I've been sitting here I can't help but think about this storm it's interesting how something like this can give you like mixed emotions and feelings for an example like there's a part of me that wants to see a really really nasty storm but at the same time I don't want the destruction at least most men they feel that way there's something Primal about it and it might be true with women I don't know I can't speak for ladies but it's kind of funny talking to my friends most of them were like Luke I can't wait for the storm to come I hope it doesn't come though thank you it is getting windy I just went and checked on the road there there's quite a bit of water going down the road but luckily it's all going into the ditch that I dug yesterday just in case you don't know here at Lone Wolf Mountain the driveway the road here is half a mile long this road we have numerous ditches numerous culverts I've cleaned all of them out I've dug tons of ditches this place is in pretty good shape as the road begins to go downhill I dug a pretty long ditch yesterday and that's a pretty good indicator of how much water how much rain has fallen so far I'm able to keep an eye on it and I can Gauge by it by the flow how the other culverts are doing as it stands right now maybe an inch of rain has fallen that's not bad Lone Wolf Mountain is accustomed to rain the area receives over 100 inches of rain per year it's going to take quite a bit more than this to make it flood here thank you foreign foreign everyone it is now 7 30. still raining not very heavily it is getting windier but so far nothing really to write about I hope that I can end this episode saying like it could have been so much worse as I was talking earlier there's a part of me that wants it to get really bad really exciting but then again that's definitely not what I want hopefully I can end this episode as a wet weather Breezy truck Camp instead of lots and lots of Destruction let's see I'll take a look here at the radar I brought the cell phone booster with me this time so I do have service up here so the hurricane is still down at the coast it's outside of Myrtle Beach foreign something's down here oh it's a deer all in all this storm has been pretty much no big deal so far I'd say the biggest issue right now is that I'm just getting cold the temps are in the low 40s right now and it's uh it's pretty windy out there I'd say sustained 20 miles an hour for this area that's not that big of a deal I have to admit that I didn't expect a hurricane with 40 degree temperatures that's a little bit unusual foreign [Applause] [Applause] I don't think I've mentioned this already everyone but as soon as the rain moves out I will be leaving Lone Wolf Mountain so it may be in the morning like at six seven a.m or it might be one two tonight I don't know when you look at the radar this storm is so big it's almost impossible to figure out exactly when the rain is going to stop there's so many different bands and it's also wrapping around in some places I just simply do not know as soon as the rain ends I will go home that way I can take care of things at home speaking of which my dad's at home my wife's at home so things are taken care of I did do some preemptive work before I left I got out some flood mats and I cordoned off part of the creek that usually floods should be good to go there hopefully here in a few moments I might get the back of the truck get my sleeping pad out make myself a comfortable place to sit and just wait sit and wait when you're on storm watch like I am there really isn't much you could do besides sit down and just wait luckily listening to the Rain talking to my friends it's not too bad it's not too bad looks like I did a good job with this ditch here this enters a larger ditch down here everyone so it is doing exactly what it was designed to do good deal a local weather station in the area is reporting about three and a half inches of rain so far which is pretty good we could use it rain like this man or gals it's perfect there's one Culvert specifically that I want to check on it's probably the most important here at Lone Wolf Mountain soaking this freaking Okay so this is the most important culvert there's some water running into it but it's not that big of a deal you can see here all of the leaves that I pulled out of this just the other day so far so good everybody so far so good we're making it through this storm with ease hopefully I could say that once it moves out foreign it is so incredibly soupy here comes a strong wind yes right now we're in a dry portion of this storm the next wave is coming and it looks rather strong so we have about 20 minutes before it really begins to pick up again foreign cheers everyone cheers I've been sitting here for a while looking at the radar planning my next move and this is what I've come up with so as it stands right now this looks to be the final big wave of moisture coming from Hurricane Ian at this time it is absolutely coming down but it is definitely not enough to flood this area while it's going to rain on and off all night long and also tomorrow we are outside of the flood risk it may get windier later on tonight and that's okay if a tree comes down here that's fine my primary concern with this hurricane was flooding not wind this area is rated a 140 mile an hour wind zone so 60 mile an hour winds it's not that big of a deal now that I can see that it's not going to flood here might as well wrap it up and go home just in case the power goes out there I can take care of it just in case a tree comes down at my dad's place we can take care of it together I want to make sure that I'm there for them instead of just camping out in my truck as I mentioned earlier today this is not a typical campout I'm not here because I necessarily want to be even though I'm having a ton of fun don't get me wrong my concerns are definitely the flooding here and at home as soon as the rain slacks off I'm going to break all of this down throw it in the back of the truck and just call this done that's why I need the coffee cheers my friends cheers right now it's raining so hard I'll wait till later and we'll talk for now I'm going to drink the coffee watch the rain listen to the rain and I'll bring you all back in just a little bit [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] of this entire storm it is absolutely coming down right now we're talking about inches of rain per hour the ditches they're running pretty good the culverts they're running it's Breezy but it's not really all that windy and that's a good thing with how soft the ground is getting that's a good thing underneath this giant tarp here the ground here is absolutely flooded it's just sopping wet there's a river of water just everywhere I was going to tell you all about the cabin and why I didn't stay inside of it and that's because it's sealed up for the storm here as it is I don't have an awning over the front door so as I was going in and out I was afraid that everything in there would get wet and because it's supposed to rain for the next couple of days drying it out would be difficult so that's why we're underneath this tarp that's why we're here at the truck foreign just about to come out of bounds here you wouldn't think it but something that simple can wash out your road completely foreign there's a lot of water coming off of this mountain foreign it is 11 30 P.M and the storm is pretty much over there's going to be more showers and stuff like that but nothing is super super heavy as it stands right now we're looking at six and a half inches of rain here for the mountain of Lone Wolf it could have been much much worse we were spared luckily the hurricane shifted East instead of West and we were spared folks thank you all so much for joining me for this episode I really do appreciate it I will see you all in the next adventure everybody stay safe take care strengthen on her bye for now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: TheOutdoorGearReview
Views: 254,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outdoors, camp, camping, hiking gear, camping gear, camping adventure, backpacking, bushcraft camping, mountain camping, forest camping, wilderness camping, backcountry camping, storm camping, rain camping, camping in a thunderstorms, violent storm camping, tarp camping, tarp storm campoing, tarp rain camping, tarp camp, lightning camping, lightning, hurricane, hurricane ian, surviving hurricane ian, topical storm ian, north carolina, truck camping, overlanding in a storm
Id: pOeGryoecxU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 1sec (2401 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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