Abandoned Hotel - Stealth Camp - Closed Down For Years I found the Perfect Spot

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foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so Riley my son dropped us off so where are we at hey oh before we even get started random Ventures 2.0 yes so where are we at well I'll tell you where we're at we're at a place called the pine Burr and it's got a sign right over there along the road so like I said I had my son drop me off I do not have a place picked out here to Camp uh directly behind the building it goes straight up so the the bank comes right to the back of this old Motel so it comes right down to the back now I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to walk along the front I don't want to be too obvious though so that's going to be our tricky part all right let's find a spot very very active road yeah and you can see the sign right there along the road we're losing daylight I gotta find a place um I want to look up there I can see a little bit up up there and it looks like there's a wooden fence that maybe if it's unlocked maybe we can get to the back side of the building let's go check it out yeah so we're or just came through that little door all right there's another little door back here now this one's open oh okay all their ceilings tore down and stuff I don't see no place to hang a hammock and you can get back to the out the other door there but like I was saying you can see that bank is right here yeah all right so oh there's a holly tree an old pet carrier some shingles down here all right there's a lot of garbage especially in this room here but where can I tie that hammock there's a couple trees over there but I don't want to go down off this patio I don't want to climb underneath those got an old tree here might be able to string something up from that to right over one of those posts right there that might work if we can make that work that would be good yes it would all right well let me get the backpack down I'm going to close this wooden door I don't want anybody to get suspicious seeing it that open and maybe Wander over here all right foreign thinking I gotta find a place to put this backpack down do it right over here [Music] so you know what one of the first things we always do is we get our camp paddle yep so let's get that on and then we'll get to work Good Hat all right so let's get camping so alrighty so as you know I'm a hammock camper uh eventually I hope to get a tent but because I'm a hammock camper we're gonna get our straps set up so I got two sets of straps here and like I said I'm gonna put one on that post over there and then one on this tree yeah now we're using our Kim jams so that's that's what we're using that cam Jam to hang our hammock alrighty let's get the hammock so we got to get the hammock and that's down in the bag I've got some other stuff that I brought along you know I brought that trekology table um that Don got us sent to us so I got that and I'll get that unpacked oh I got a food bag right on top a food bag right on top we got a lot of good food in there and I've got other stuff oh I got these gloves these uh just in case gets gold these are those heated gloves I am going to use those tonight if I get a chance all right I'm gonna unpack this and get down to the to our hammocks so I'd get that set up next so this is that trekology table that we took a look at on mail Monday so we just did that last Monday so we've got it out for camping so we're gonna use this today I'm gonna set it down over here with the other stuff [Applause] this is that debut uh heated jacket so we're gonna need that site supposed to get down in the 30s we're going to use that oh we got our cook stove we got our pot because I got something special planned for dinner tonight that's for sure and we got our camp chair all right I'm starting to see the hammock in there all right let's get that out so I'm gonna carry the backpack right over to the uh first cam Jam so I can just hook it right up from there take the hammock with me in the whole backpack all right so we got the other end here we go alrighty we got it all up okay good deal all right it is getting dark really quick you can't see me I'm in this little area but let's step out on that where there's a little bit more light so back in there's where we're at so we're behind this little wooden door now there is houses right across the street sneak along here [Applause] the sun setting all right so that's the old restaurant right there so you can see this jungle in the back looks like at one point they were replacing the railing because this all looks like a new railing up here uh but like I said it's people haven't been uh working on this for years and years and years it used to be a pretty popular spot in the day yes it was so I think it was built back in the 60s [Applause] cars driving by down there so that is a very popular Road all right and we are right back there and look at that two picnic tables I don't know if I'll attempt to eat out here they're pretty dirty they got stuff on no I don't think so but it is dark back in that hole back there yeah but this is where we're gonna stay all right it is the end of October here so pretty scary time of the year um Halloween but I don't believe there's any trick-or-treaters coming around that's for sure all right I'm gonna slip back in here get that table and chair set up there we go so that's putting some light on the situation aluminum metal all right yeah I got that hook um but I don't have a place to hang it right at the second that door will do good for right now yeah you can hear the cars going by constantly but if you hear speaker noises that is um down at the football field in town so you can hear the big intercom I don't know how long that's going to go on but not all night that's for sure all right so I'm getting this chair set up I just got the frame I'm gonna put the shell on then we're gonna get to cooking oh I gotta get that table out all right so we've got our chair we're gonna grab our table next and like I said this is that trekology table that uh don sent us uh so that was on mail Monday like I said that was really cool I did show you how that went together but really easy this Frame just comes out you got two little arms see him there's an arm there's an arm you just pull it and then you put these little arms in here like I said really really simple top and then I'll get that snapped on there and then then we'll get our meal going and I can't wait to show you what we're having we're just gonna give our table a little snap in here [Music] all right so that's our little table that's what we're cooking dinner on a good deal so I got our our table all set up and I've started laying stuff out here let me show you what's on the table how well you're gonna be able to see this but I'll throw pictures up too but this is uh rice and easy so that's a pretty cool name uh rice land rice and easy this is Thai curry coconut rice so we are gonna put that in the pan and then we're gonna add to it a little bit of chicken of the sea which is wild caught pink salmon so I think we're gonna do those two together then I got this here which looks pretty good uh this is a throw a picture up but this is a tie sweet chili sauce so we're gonna have that and then we're gonna try to put it in some wraps so I bought wraps along as well um I'm gonna lay those down here next to me on this concrete and get our stove fired up get that turned down a little bit all right so let's get our rice and easy opened and get that poured in the pan so I it says to crinkle it like break it up a little bit so that's what I've been doing been breaking it up and then I'm gonna put pour this right into the pan oh that's a lot of rice it says it's only one serving so it's all out of the bag put that right on there and start working it around a little bit and then I got to get that salmon open and get that poured in here next boy this is smelling good already and I just put it on there so we're gonna make sure that we get this salmon and that package and we're gonna put that away like I said before I don't want some bear coming up and licking me in the middle of night because I'll be laying in that hammock I'll be a bear burrito you know I think it did say add two teaspoons of water so let me get that done because that will help it Steam and boil a little bit and kind of get some moisture into it yeah that's gonna be good that's simmering now yes that's looking good so it's not sticking at all because this is a non-stick pan you can see that right there it's going to push it to the one side a little bit make sure it's all mixed up in there but it's getting really steamy and hot all right I'm gonna grab them tortilla shells two of them but I'm gonna do one at a time and I'm just gonna smooth this out a little bit and I'm gonna put that one right on top like a little lid we're just gonna throw that right in these wraps here like I say only heat it up one the other one I still got in the bag but I'll get that thrown on here while we're eating this one so I'm just piling on the rice and the uh and the salmon just putting that right in there if we have any left um and we don't have enough to make another one I mean we can always eat that right out of the pan that's for sure so all right so I'm gonna give this Thai Chili sweet chili sauce a squeeze in there oh boy um so look at that running down in there I want some more of that ah that smells great really really does all right so I gotta get this rolled up so we'll give the sides a fold in pull up the one end just start rolling oh yeah so the moment of truth right all right so we got her all rolled up take a bite I hear your m I was taking too big of a bite then I can't talk right away but look at that rice and that salmon and that that's Thai sweet chili sauce is good yeah that is really really good um all right so we got our hammock all hung we got dinner cooking and we're eating and uh we got dessert a little bit and it's pitch black I can see out there ah man this time of the year sun goes down really really quick I'm gonna have to start earlier in the day but it was kind of hard because when I drove by earlier when we drove by there was two cars in the parking lot so we circled around for a while waiting for them to leave uh before Raleigh could drop me off so wow is that good um very good all right I'm gonna get this other wrap on the skillet and then fill it and then I am gonna have another one yep and then I'll show you what we got next so I grabbed the puffy I have the heated jacket but that's I'm not ready for that that's gonna be why I jump into the hammock but that sun going down it gotta got cold quick so I'm gonna put the lid on that I'm not gonna be eating any more of this I'm all done so like I said we're gonna clean up our trash get things situated here and I am going to give it a break for a minute before I make dessert uh because that was a lot I know it said one serving but whoo that was a lot of rice in there all right so I'm putting that in a Ziploc bag this is my trash bag so that the odors from the food don't Loft into the side of this hill and and we get um animals that come down loving it all right I'll bring you back on in a bit so before we make dessert I just kind of wanted to get in here and check out this room pretty pretty junked up I would say a muffler hanging from the ceiling yeah they always say you know when you're in a scary movie that guy always or the people always go towards these areas and you're like don't go in there and so I mean this is one of those uh one of those times looks like old car parts and stuff yeah I still want us see anybody in here that's for sure so yeah it's pretty roof was all coming down well not roof but ceiling I got a box there and some insulation this looks like an old gas tank that Christmas tree stand so that must have been for the office oh look at that Christmas balls all right not Christmas yet but hey let's look out this door pretty dark that's the back side now that is a bank that goes all the way up that hill foreign blocked by a old air conditioner frame but this will be the back side of the rooms on the second floor all right let's Bend this back around get back through our door on the other side back to where we're staying so we're sleeping right in the back of this a little hotel having trouble stepping over there so this is the area that must be that air conditioner for that frame so you can see that's a bank and it goes all the way up so this is our little table where we were eating dinner and that hose doesn't work that little Outlet car is still going by it's got some jacket hanging there but this is where we're gonna sleep I don't want to shine a light in there too much because that's open to the road all right so I'm thinking we'll walk out on this second floor balcony that runs down along all the rooms so you see the houses across the street so I'm gonna walk down here a little bit further oh there goes car down there I don't know how visible I am and it's pretty dark I'm just watching where I'm walking right now so the bright bright lights way down here that's the football field and I don't think it's a football game it's not Friday night so I don't know what they're doing down there but this is the back of the hotel or restaurant yeah you can hear the announcer down there yeah I've been sitting out here for a little while I'm using that red light right now just because I'm so exposed but it's crazy just vehicles constant up and down the road up and down up and down all right so I think I'm gonna go work my way back into the spot where we're standing and it's time for a Louisiana crunch cake dessert and I got a new dessert recipe that I want to give a try all right see you back in the back this is a little wooden door that we're behind I'm so nervous nobody comes up and shuts it and throws this lock but I think we can bust through that thing so let's get back into our switch over to a brighter light for when we make dessert there's a chair uh chair fell over so what time is it it's a Louisiana crunch time all right crunch cake time and but it's not pineapples it's not pears it's not peaches that we've done several times something different I'm gonna try it and see how it is I'm not quite sure how it's gonna do but I put I get my titanium spoon out because we're gonna need that one to mix this so what did I do so I've got powdered milk up I'll throw the pictures of this stuff up here because I put it all in this jar all right with this little cool little clasp metal clasp and a top on it so I put that in there so that's what we did I'm gonna give us an open so I've got that milk man powdered milk in here I've got brown sugar now I don't have a picture for that you know Brown sugars a little bit of butter um so I I'm gonna say I put probably two tablespoons of powdered milked in here and then I took a whole little box of raisins and threw in here so my idea is to make did you ever have um raisin bread like putting like a raisin hot warm bread with raisins and milk and just goodness so that's that's what I'm gonna try and make all right so I'm gonna take this all these ingredients and I'm gonna put them in a cup and then we're gonna put the Louisiana crunch cake on top but I also need a little bit of water because to reconstitute the powdered milk because I didn't want to put milk in here because I gotta haul it and so even though it would have sealed the top um milk would go bad if it was real hot it's not it's not hot that's for sure so I am gonna put put some water in here actually I'm going to do it right in the cup let me get this um stove fired up again and then we will get to cooking so like I said I've got the cup we're gonna take the cup and we're gonna stick it right on top and then I am going to take all of those ingredients the powdered milk the brown sugar the butter and the raisins and we're gonna stand in there and I am going to turn this down a little bit because I already that's already cooking in there already cooking and but I want to put some water in here before I throw that up on there just to reconstitute that powdered milk and also soften up those raisins so I'm gonna say ah that was about two tablespoons of water now we'll get that back on there if I can put my headlamp on here we go look at that well maybe so that's seeing down inside of there all right so oh and I also got cinnamon in there give that a stir and then we are going to take that and we are gonna drop that right down in there more like that just like that and then push it down oh we're gonna make that real soggy in there oh yeah and then we're gonna put the top on and we're going to boil that a little bit let that just cook all right looking good smelling good that's for sure that's sounding like it's bubbling in there oh yes it is you can see it bubbling down in there [Music] yummy yummy yummy oh yes all right I think we're gonna now you can see I got the burner like next to nothing um so I'm gonna go ahead and turn that off set that back on there all right um good good good all right I'm gonna get things cleaned up all right and enjoy that dessert certain ambulance or a emergency vehicle just went by and and stopped not too far away all right just getting cleaned up here so that was actually good bread pudding bread pudding that's what it's called that's what I was trying to make so the Louisiana crunch cake probably wasn't the best choice for that recipe with the raisins and everything I think they have a cinnamon cake that one might have been a little better for that recipe but it was still good and that's for sure all right so I'm almost all cleaned up here I get my spoon put away I was gonna have a cup of coffee but I don't think so I'm pretty tired and I think I want to hit the hit the hammock early um that's for sure so I had a busy week my son who's in the Army uh well not anymore because uh he's now just got sworn in to the new space force all right so he just uh just did that the other day so missed 2.0 and I and uh our son Riley uh we drove down to where Jonathan was at and he wanted to do it in front of my dad's uh uh grave site where his ashes are which is Arlington Cemetery I'll show you that right here so so we went down and Jonathan got sworn in to the space force so now he's part of space force uh I I don't remember what he said the title was uh but that was awesome that was about a three and a half hour drive down for us and then we got in traffic and then we ended up driving home too it actually took four and a half hours to get home so that was a long day and that just took place the other day uh so uh that was an awesome time really exciting uh so congratulations Jonathan definitely okay all righty already so I've been laying in the hammock here for I would say roughly about 30 minutes or so um so just listening to The Crickets so that dinner and dessert was great so this is not the hotel the abandoned hotel that had the dead body at that I mentioned the other week that was at the Days Inn this is Pine Burr um no dead bodies here that's good uh but I don't think I'm gonna go to that other one anytime soon all right so lights out I am gonna see you in the morning already it's 43 degrees 11 29 so soon going to be 11 30 but already 43 degrees it's going to get down to 39 right around seven o'clock in the morning just valid sunrise all right so let's see yeah so Sunrise 725 in the morning all righty we'll see you then alrighty guys I uh I got the schmog on it's really keep me really warm around my neck and stuff so it's pretty late see my breath so it's down around 41 degrees I'll check the weather here in a second uh but I got up because I had to use the facility I thought you know what I'm gonna see if I can go down front of the hotel and see if I can get some pictures of the stars I did it turned out pretty cool here they are all right so I'm gonna climb back in the hammock I am going to put the heated jacket on next so far I've just been using the puffy it's been okay I've been pretty warm but I am going to put the gloves on for a little while as well all right talk to you in a couple hours okay it's uh 4 47 37 degrees I thought it was like in the lower 40s like 42 or 41 but 37 oh my gosh it's colder than I thought it was so I'm not really that cold so here we go [Applause] foreign thinking is I'm going to keep my back up against this wall use a table right here the picnic table I wanted to get broke down with Kent uh early just in case I'm a little nervous here but I wanted to use this table hey our pack is all packed we're done back there it's all closed up so all we got to do is make coffee I gotta eat some breakfast and then uh we gotta wait for our ride to get here and we're out of here but we're all packed up so hey we might have just stopped just to have coffee and wait right all right so I'm going to use this table right here to make that happen all right thank you yeah we want to boil enough for our oatmeal and also four hour coffee yeah while our coffee's boiling there I didn't forget my hot lips so I got those for the cup once we're done I'm gonna set that down here but yeah that that was a pretty good spot there last night [Applause] [Music] um yeah that was that was okay I I liked it um it's I don't like it as much as sleeping out in the woods doing other stealth camps like uh out in nature the ones the urban ones I'm not as thrilled about uh but I still like to do it um and this was a great spot uh very hidden very stealthy um got a town right there we're gonna have this uh Maple Brown Sugar by Alpine Warrior who sent this to us so our water is boiling I'm gonna take it off turn this off so I'll just give that a quick pour just take it up to that line all right yeah I made plenty and so now I can have my coffee too you see how fine that powder is yeah that's a um got the four herbs in it as well watch my very first video I ever made I talk about that coffee that Sizzle cafe coffee uh Panama bouquet gisha Bean all righty alrighty so we got our coffee made so we're gonna watch this sun rise a little bit more we're gonna wait for our ride which our ride should be here in about 20 minutes so that's plenty of time to enjoy this coffee eat our oatmeal our oatmeal is almost done but I want to say hey thanks a lot for coming along on these adventures and you know like I talked about on Sunday this past Sunday Night Live um you know without me having short-term disability any longer uh because of the stroke uh anything you can do as far as sharing my content with your friends family co-workers anybody who can it'll really help me grow and get to the point where I love to do this all the time and make this my career uh and uh it's just I just really enjoy doing it now I'm not saying that so that you'll send me money or anything like that no I don't want you to do that um but if you want to buy me a cup of coffee greatly appreciate it or go on and become I'm a patreon member you know like we talked about on Sunday all right so hey uh I'm gonna eat this missed 2.0 should be here in about 20 minutes and I want to say you have an awesome week and uh man that was a great spot now that I think about it that was really really cool all right so hey salute and cheers uh we'll see you you have an awesome week and uh hey you tell someone you love them this week all right all right well take care and we will see you on the next random Adventure Tony 2.0 [Music] all right salute day [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Random Adventures 2.0
Views: 67,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stealth camping, abandoned places, abandoned, abandoned places, abandoned places explored, urbex, exploring, stealth camping, camping, steve wallis, camping with steve, old hotel, abandoned hotel, stealth camping alliance, stealth camping abandoned, random adventures 2.0, hotel, urban camping, urban exploration, exploring abandoned, solo overnight camping, hammock camping, stealth camp, urban stealth camping, solo stealth camping, hammock stealth camping, solo overnight
Id: P3kFpZnOGXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 43sec (2563 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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