Parking Garage Stealth Camping

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hey guys welcome to camping with Steve I'm in a parking garage or a parade as they're known in Canada and I'm going to stealth Camp here tonight um I have to get my passport done in the morning and this is connected through a series of tunnels that connect all these buildings downtown little walkways and tunnels I can get there and beat the lineup I hope if I can get up early enough but this looks like a good spot to me I just got to pay for some parking it looks like it's $36 for 24 hours that'll work just fine let's uh get some parking and I'll show you around [Music] [Music] it is $38 for 24 hours I'm going to do that I can't do it an hour at a time not a contractor and I don't know how long it'll take in that passport office one day I hope it doesn't take longer than that camping fees have been paid security is stationed right there I'll assess things very close I can hear him on his phone I can actually see him walking around now we're going to we're going to see how that works I haven't set anything up yet cuz this is obvious what's going to happen I got this landscaping fabric to put up and I decided I'd do that here um was maybe not a wise IA idea but this is obvious what's happening if anybody goes to their car they're going to see that before I get started on this I'm just going to do a quick walk around show you guys what's down here in this parking garage I've switched to GoPro uh for a little more stealthiness here and it's a a big open parcade or parking garage I don't want to park out in the open like this I'm trying to get as close to that wall as I can so that nobody can actually get around me let's see we got all these uh various Towers we can get into Stant so I'm sure there are washrooms in one of these okay emergency exit nope going to hunt around and see what exactly I can find I'm sure there must be washroom somewhere that's the first thing to find what do we have here a big Cheeto and if I haven't found my washrooms hand sanitizer stations that's great do they close it at night I kind of got that feeling but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it now I got to set up that car this place is crawling literally crawling with security everywhere I go I don't like down towns anywhere security is definitely pacing around out there we're pretty close to him but this is the spot that has a wall against it so I'm not completely surrounded by observers I've just crawled into this back seat here I left this one down this looks less bad I'm not just hanging up side of a car looking like I'm robbing it um I should have done this before I showed up but I figured uh it's a little boring if I just show up and sit in a car I got to do something oh I wish this guy would take a break or something I can just see him his head's poking like right over the vanan there he's just looking at me there he is yeah he's parked like right there he's got a chair there and everything picked an interesting spot it should be fun though little more tape here then I'm going to give this a break and go for uh a step two I'm sure there's a pub close by another problem it's going to be hot down there these are the overhead walkways the pedway they call it awful name um they connect all the buildings and then there's underground tunnels that do it too and'll connect that big building there with uh that one there is in there too that that big one that one of course you go way up there I don't like downtowns but that'll get me to the passport office where I need to go so I'll have a pint I'll compose myself and I might move the car away from the security guard when it's less busy in that one spot cuz I really want to be parked right up against that wall where people can't walk all the way around the car all right that was a nice refreshing break now back to business I'm absolutely certain that security guard was asleep when I walked by okay that bodess very well for me uh the rest of it still got to get set up I'll switch to the different camera that'll show some better light but the Parade's hot down here it's like the second level underground and it's closer to the Earth's core or something because it is scorching down here stretch out and relax a little bit um we got that that main part covered I'm using landscaping fabric because I can see out but they they really can't see in unless I have a lot of light in here which I won't crawl into the back nice and Casual there's like nothing's going on at all going to have to crack some windows because again we're close to the Center of the Earth and that heat is radiating its way up here up the front here I'm keeping the lights off but uh you can see this window is still not covered I just got this draped over the front here it's not attached in any serious way moving right around these things um are a pretty good cover I think I got all the stuff on that to the bed for now but I we'll uh get that set up here and I'm just kind of crouched on this seat here trying to film and keeping close eye on our security friend turn on the light quickly to show you my plan there's this little holy crap handle and then there is something for hanging your laundry that's going up there right in time cuz there's a car coming by but uh punched a hole in it here I'm just going to flip that down tie it on like a curtain and then I can get in and out um quick as a bug if I need to minimal resources so this side here covering that window comes up just like a curtain oh shouldn't have done that so he's going right by there okay doesn't matter um I'm going to get out of here and do the infamous stall test dust going to walk around it real quick with this camera uh before I come back in crack the windows and figure out what um we're going to have for dinner just waiting for a passing vehicle there and I think the coast is clear definitely time for a breath of fresh air give the whole stealth test [Applause] [Music] okay that's good that is good um I can always tell if somebody's sleeping in a vehicle and I broke one rule I did not wash this thing beforehand because if it's dirty that's like one of the first things is a dirty junky rusty old thing have it nice and clean wash the tires make it look like off the showroom floor then people don't really look around but like this right here there's nothing you can really do to keep the front separated from the back um those back windows that's perfect no nobody's going to see anything even the people go into their cars on either side not going to see a thing make it look a little less obvious than this but I think this is a pretty good setup the cracking all four Windows as much as possible without making them look too cracked front ones it should do everything's set up back there I should be able to just swoop in and go to bed got the windows cracked that'll provide me decent ventilation although I might be sweltering down here the camera was actually giving me an overheat warning so that's a first for that had to look it up what that meant but uh yeah I'm sitting up front cuz I'm allowed to be up front uh you know I paid for parking perhaps I'm waiting for somebody to come back from a show or a concert and I'm giving them a ride so um no problem with me being here until later when I crawl back in for the old sleep aroo so I'm going to order um some food to pick up uh and I do have to be up fairly early to go get my passport so I will place my food order I'm thinking there's a Japanese place here called EO and I can just meet them on the street outside I'll just uh order it through Uber e or something and that's the plan so let's uh I don't know what this video is going to be like but it's fun so sit around and do nothing in a sweltering hot car oh and here comes the security guard walking around right behind me as I mentioned about all these interconnecting passageways through the whole downtown core I'm debating on if I actually want to use that tomorrow to try and get to where I need to that I could obviously just walk down the street downtowns to me seem to be a bit much uh it's for people that need like a constant stimulation and noise and crowds uh that's not exactly my speed but if I could casually slink through tunnels and passageways to get to where I need to um that might be good so I'm down around uh the ice District in parking lot there quite simple on map I just have to go from here to the stanch Tower to the JW Marriott across to the Edmonton Tower down to the Bell Annex across to the bell tower to the Sandman Signature take the thing across to the Edmonton City Center um jump on down into the subway uh at church stop uh go let's see into the Parkade at library into the Citadel theater then into Canada Place um sounds pretty straightforward hey food is on the way fresh brisk air and my food is just about here in a couple minutes thanks got food back to the car as stealthy as possible then I'm in there for the night unless I need to use the washer up in those bort bodies [Music] just keeping a real good eye on him he is he's still walking around he's on his walkie-talkie or something just going to try and ignore that situation and show down on some food there we go see Yaky beef with uh some of these dumplings I could eat a whole meal of these dumplings but you know there's beef and some cabbage and mixed up stuff but this is oh so good okay the coast seemed clear that's good kind of hard to get organized in such a cramped space being as quiet as possible in the dark but I can do this [Music] well he's pacing back and forth definitely got to be quiet I think the best thing to do is fall asleep and try not to snore whatever I do all right I've got my alarm set for A4 after 7 this is not a situation where I want to sleep in and I also have to be first in line at that passport office so see you guys in the morning unless something interesting happens overnight um and we all pray it doesn't see you guys in the morning so a little more excitement I don't know if there was a shift change or something another security guard walked by then it seems like they switch spots maybe they're doing their around coming right here okay it's just the person in the car beside me nothing to worry about there now there's no vehicles on either side so a direct view to the security guard's chair there I'm going to try to sleep and forget about where I am and what what I'm doing this time uh good night for real good morning guys stealth mission accomplished uh it actually cooled off in here pretty good last night I was really uncomfortable at first buckets of sweat buckets of sweat uh but I went pretty smoothly some of these curtains kind of fell down last night so I tucked them into the molding there around the doors that's okay um alarm is set at 7:15 passport place opens at 8:30 so I'm going to find washroom get uh get all cleaned up get my teeth brushed get my uh I'll find somewhere better than a porta poty cuz there's some stores open now which is great um my passport photos better be good because um I'm in no condition to get another set of passport photos taken after sleep in the back of my car a little bit more activity here this morning um two vehicles vehicle on each side pulled up while I was asleep and and parked uh it didn't wake me up so and as usual I was just getting a good sleep right uh as the alarm went off so all I'm going to get up that's about that time the Perfect Crime beautiful day but I'm walking I'm not taking these tunnels [Applause] passageways well half an hour before they open and yeah there's a line so going to get in line and see you guys in a few hours 1 hour and 12 minutes we're good this whole system is like a Maze of parkades and tunnels of s if you know what you're doing it can be efficient but there's kind of these markers here this has nothing to do whatsoever with camping but uh let's find out uh how to get back to the car hey guys thank you for watching whatever that was uh just uh was fun to get out and uh do another stealthers even better I could tie it in with getting my passport so that all looks like it went pretty smoothly and I should get that in 10 business days uh so I'm excited about that and with this passport comes adventure of course um so that'll open up some new opportunities for me thanks for watching please consider subscribing if you can tolerate this type of nonsense and uh we'll see you guys on the next one um it won't be long until I'm in some new places so cheers everyone
Channel: Steve Wallis
Views: 967,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hBnlPd__Vg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 2sec (1322 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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