Steve Wallis Tribute - Camping With Steve - Stealth Camping Alliance - August Challenge

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[Music] do [Music] alrighty alrighty so here we are random adventures 2.0 all right so what are we doing well this was going to be a little bit different of a video and as you saw in the title uh but i'm part of a group called stealth camping alliance and every month we do a challenge now you can participate in if you want or not but because steve wallace was having a birthday coming up in september this month's challenge is to camp like steve all right but there's been a change and part of that change i'll talk about in a few minutes it's going to be tough but let me talk about that in a few minutes let me go ahead and get set up but let me tell you about this spot and as you can see i found a good parking spot okay so this building that's behind me um that i believe i don't think it's occupied so that's a good thing but we're in the middle of an industrial park and just uh that way uh is a large well amazon distribution center and then right next to it is um american eagle and then right over this way to the left of me is hershey chocolate and who doesn't love chocolate right so all right so we're in the middle of this industrial park i found a great spot i don't know if there's going to be much traffic running around on this road the way that this parking lot is set up is there's a road that runs up and down this way but you just snake right around this into this parking lot so there is no exit out of this parking lot except for over there so there's no chance i don't believe that anybody will come down this into this parking lot you might be able to see my car i don't believe uh from the road but like i said here we go all right let's get set up hey i'm gonna change my shirt i'll show you what i'm changing into in a second all right all right so like i said i had to change shirts so this is another shirt in the store staying stealthy all right uh so i i already hang up hung up the uh cam jams uh from my hammock i'm getting ready to pull the hammock out but like i said i wanted to change shirts now this is going to be like i said a way different video um than i usually do because i'm not showing you all the close-ups of me unzipping the the bag and you want to see that check out some of my other videos but some things i am going to keep is i'm going to get my cap hat on ah feeling so much better all right so i'm gonna go ahead and finish setting this up and while i'm doing that hey i went to walmart and got the louisiana crunch cake so why don't you take a look at that while i'm setting up the hammock all right all righty all right so where are we at well we are at walmart we're gonna go in here and get a few supplies uh for our stealth camp but hey check out the shirt louisiana crunch cake if that says anything that's what we're headed for so my shirts are up on the merch shop for this shirt the louisiana crunch cake random adventures 2.0 shirt so go on over there if you like those crunch cakes so you should like the shirt too all right so let's get it on into the store all righty all righty so here we are so i'm gonna grab a few of these so that's gonna be breakfast at least tomorrow morning and then i'm gonna take a couple for the house all righty so uh we're down to the two nile so we're gonna have the jalapeno so we're gonna have that in the ramen noodle already let's go get the ramen noodles all righty already so we're down to the ramen noodles we're gonna grab because like a couple last couple times i was a little shy on some food so we're gonna go ahead and eat that so i'm gonna put two ramen noodles in it tonight already we're all done in walmart and now we're gonna head out and try to find a spot just out yeah already so yeah that was uh the louisiana crunch cake and like i said i have that t-shirt now but i've got the hammock hung and i've got the chair set up right now i'm going to set up the bigfoot bushcraft mini grill so that we can go ahead and heat up some water and get some dinner made all right there's a big old squirrel over there climbing up a tree all right so we took this on its voyage journey the other night for that stealth camp so we're going to let this burn down this is the grate that goes on top and that's what we cook that steak on you want to see that video go over here's the thumbnail for it so that's what that looks like all right so one of the things i did not get to show you um and how i heated the water up in the morning so i got this fire maple kettle all right so this is a really neat piece of equipment and gear that i'm going to start carrying so thank you darlene for for contributing and doing that gift as well so that i could get this greatly appreciate it so it is not going to take long for that to boil that water so let's get our meal ready so so when you saw that i went to walmart to get that louisiana crunch cake i also picked up that other stuff but how are we gonna cook it all right so i don't like to cook in the cup so what i did is i heat up all my mats that squirrel scaring the death out of me so so i heat everything up in a ziploc bag all right so my ramen noodles and you're probably wondering what that is i pre-made this ziploc bag with peanut butter all right so we are going to have that ramen noodle with the uh jalapeno tuna and peanut butter all right so i'm gonna go ahead and get that crushed up and add it all in there so here we go all right let's pour in our hot water so i like to give that bag a spin like this and then i take my cup because i don't like cooking in my cup because i don't like to clean it and a lot of times you don't have water to clean it with or extra water so i just set the whole bag right down there in my cup like that and then we let that sit and we marinade that for a little bit so we're going gonna wait on that to cook a little bit and rehydrate those noodles all right so like i had said earlier um stealth camping alliance we were gonna all i mean and steve was okay with it um and some guys may still do it uh we wanted to do a camp like steve and uh like do a similar video to one that he's done in the past cook a meal that he's cooked before now i don't know if he ever cooked ramen noodle and tuna and peanut butter that's a 2.0 thing so steve if you want to try it go ahead i think you'll like it so so i was all set to do that until thursday night this past thursday um i look forward to steve's videos and how did i come to know steve um as a fellow youtuber so back in march i had a a major stroke where i couldn't move my right arm or my right leg so if you're just watching this for the first time um that's kind of why i limp along so because i'm still in recovery it's only 140 days i believe so during that time i had just joined stealth camping alliance and did the march bridge challenge where i slept under the bridge now i did not know that uh steve had a channel and i didn't know anything about him uh that he did camping with steve on youtube so when i was in the hospital room though and then in my early days of recovery his channel popped up as a recommended watch so i started watching i was like oh my goodness this this guy's doing been doing it for quite some time and i went all the way back to the beginning when he started making videos and he was doing gold panning a lot of you may not know that but steve was doing gold panning and part of my channel before i had stroke i was doing gold panning as well now then he the channel grew his channel grew so like i said i started watching him and i subscribed to his channel and was supporting him uh and watching and every thursday he came out with a video i saw us all set and i got the notification that he had a new video this past thursday and here's where things kind of for me just really hit me like a sledgehammer all right so the video opens up with a chair in the middle of the woods a property that he has and he walked up and i could tell that he was distressed and just from the title um this is the hardest video i've ever had to film so i'm just going to take my time and um a little bit here he began to share that beautiful wife and that's how he refers to his wife jess that they had gone gone to sleep on saturday night and he only woke up on sunday so at that point i thought you know i'm not going to do the challenge i'm just not going to be a part of it but the more i thought about it and the more i prayed about it i thought you know what i'm going to honor him and his wife i know he's going through a lot right now and i want to support him so this stealth camp steve is for you it's not any big thing but i want you to know that i'm i'm praying for you and i know you've got a lot of support and a lot of people i mean you just several weeks ago had a million subscribers what an achievement so you've got a fan base and those there that that love you and and love what you do but are also concerned for you that you take the time that you need to grieve and we all understand i mean it's a process right i don't know what you're going through first hand because miss 2.0 and are still here you know uh but when i had the stroke man um there was a lot of fear and so forth i didn't experience a loss but i have experienced loss and we all have um so i'm gonna just take a couple minutes and just while my dinner's heating up just pray for you and and that you have somebody and you lean on those around you and and are willing to be there for a shoulder to cry on i mean i i wish i lived in canada man i'd be there for you but i can't uh because we're distance apart um but know that many many many people's thoughts and prayers are going out to you and you will get through this it's going to be a lifelong battle the grieving process but one thing that comforted me when i lost my dad several years back was uh in scripture there's a verse and it talks about this life is butter vapor and when you think of that if this life is butter vapor we'll be with her we'll be with her loved ones again for eternity so though we go through some time and trial now just know that it's gonna get better and uh so thoughts and prayers all right well i'm going to take some time and just pray for you dear heavenly father i just pray right now that you would comfort my brother steve that you would comfort him in this time of need in jesus name amen all right brother well i don't know if you're a believer or not but i know that he hears us all right so and he knows what you're going through all right hang in there buddy all right so i'm gonna get to eating this uh i gotta grab my spoon all right all righty y'all ready so there it is it's all cooked like i said i got it in my bag oh uh usually after steve gets set up somewhere if you're familiar with camping with steve he does a step two now i don't have a step two with me and that's uh and what a step two is if you're not familiar with camping with steve's channel is step two is uh he usually cracks open a beer and has a beer um before he gets doing anything else after he gets camp set up all right so i don't have a step two but along with me but the thought is there all right so here's the noodles and jalapeno and peanut butter so i did a double batch of the uh ramen noodles i'm really hungry tonight [Music] oh man that's good so there you have it wow wow wow wow a lot of times i'll add um a little bit of honey and also mayonnaise if you can believe it or not but if you just do these three ingredients you know if you try it which everybody should try just once but put a comment go ahead and uh down in the comments section say hey i tried it give it the thumbs up or the thumbs down like no way i'd ever eaten that again all right so i have this stay in stealthy uh t-shirt that i designed so that's on the shop steve has hunkered down which is pretty cool uh because he'll get to an area and say all right we're gonna hunker down so he has hunkered down very cool very very cool so we're gonna when it gets darker we're gonna have um a little bit of another fire here all right so i'm gonna go ahead and finish this i just keep hearing voices over through the woods here it's got to be a shipping dock or something over there but it's saturday night so i'm not thinking there's going to be a lot of a lot going on all right let me get this finished all right all right so here's one of the reasons why i like using a ziploc bag because then it becomes my trash bag so i just stick all the trash right in it and then zip it up and then get rid of get rid of it and pack it out already so the sun is going down so i believe i'm gonna go ahead and start working on getting another fire going all right already so it's getting pretty dark you can see out there is the parking lot so there was a parking lot lights that came on so they're pretty bright they're they're leds uh so we're gonna sit back down here in a minute and uh get another fire going but i wanted to walk out to the parking lot area real quick all right i'll bring it back on alrighty already so right over here is that building so in the parking lot right to the left of me this is the woods that we're in and we got the building this parking lot here and you see all the led uh pull lights are on so they're pretty not i don't want to say they're extremely bright but they're pretty bright they don't shine into the woods too far i think i'm still going to be stealthy back there but right over there in that direction that is the entrance to this parking lot into the building to the front of the building so like i said there's the building right over there all right so let's get back into the woods all right so here we go all righty so right there is our hammock we're back to camp right off the parking lot like i said a little pan around here so this is where we're at all the woods and stuff so there's a warehouse right over there there's a light and then there is one over in this direction here too you can kind of make it out through the woods a little hard for you to see it but i can see it so we're going to go ahead and get our fire started so let's get that done so there we go we got our fire going our little ambience going so that's good and i've got plenty of twigs and sticks here to feed the fire because i'm just gonna sit here relax and you know one of the uh videos that i can remember i'll tell you what let me get my old light oh bulb out just so you can see me a little better ah there we go so there we go i know we got the fire going but so one of the things that i i enjoyed watching with steve was just his his character his nature uh you can really tell he's a down-to-earth guy uh really appreciated that about him and uh yeah i one of the videos that i can remember first seeing was the one in the culvert that he stayed overnight in the culvert and the car came and stopped with four ways on and he was down in that culvert sleeping on a cot and had a couple tarps up so go to his playlist and find that one i really enjoyed that one uh one of the most recent ones he did after the million subscribers is the one on the border with crazy neighbor so so steve i know you've got a lot of people around you and yeah i'm glad you do i really really am all right so i'm gonna stop talking and uh just enjoy the moment and i want to thank you again steve um for you know taking me on adventures as i was recovering and i couldn't get out um and you know i was you know getting out through you and through your channel so thank you for that all right so i'm gonna sit here work this fire and uh enjoy this time and then i'm gonna crawl into the hammock and hit the hay ah you can hear them crickets all right so very relaxing alrighty alrighty so sat out by the fire for quite a while all the ashes are burned down and i'm not worried about it now because it's not even a glow any longer so i went ahead and climbed in the hammock and i'm getting pretty tired so those crickets are just rolling me to sleep all right so hey i will catch you in the morning i am going to go uh have some jedi here all right just this is a great spot really really good liking it a lot all right we'll see you in the morning all righty well good morning so we had a great night very very nice very nice all right so that was a very enjoyable night uh here in the hammock uh yeah this is a great area i think i'm definitely going to come back well hey i think it's time for coffee so we got to make coughing drink coffee and then hike on so get packed up and uh get on out of here so let's get that done so i've got to get up i've got to change shirts because i want to put that louisiana crunch cake shirt back on because you know what time it is it's coffee time and louisiana crunch time all right here we go all righty so that's definitely boiling all righty already so here we go so there's the louisiana crunch cake all right so we've got our coffee we just gotta mix that up yet but man what a day this is gonna be this is you know i slept in that puffy jacket is all i didn't get the quilt the top quilt out at all you know it was uh 62 degrees was the lowest it was last night so that was good weather good sleeping weather all right so what do i got i got the sizzle cafe coffee as you guys know that's my go-to if you're new to the channel this coffee is uh it's got four herbs in it go to cola bacopa chaga and organic ganoderma so uh mixed into the coffee so it's not only the best tasting coffee it's panama bouquet gisha bean uh but it's also the best tasting and healthiest coffee you can drink according to their sight and i would agree i would agree all right so let's get that hot water from our brand new kettle pour it into there so we can eat all right almost too hot to drink i'm gonna let that cool off so we're gonna go ahead and take a bite of this louisiana crunch cake all right so there it is all right very good if you haven't had one hey you don't know what you're missing so go on out and get one that's good so thanks for coming along i really appreciate you yeah allowing me to share like i did uh last night about steve and and steve like i said hang in there uh we're all uh praying for you and thinking about you during this time and our heart goes out to you it really does and just know that you're loved and you're thought about uh and you stay stealthy and we can't wait when you cut get back uh we can't wait to watch uh your videos and just know that you've got a lot of fans and a lot of people that love you and support you and and want to see the best for you all right so remember it's just one adventure at a time all right we'll see you on the next random adventure already 2.0 out all right see ya i'm gonna finish this cake [Music] you
Channel: Random Adventures 2.0
Views: 167,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve wallis, camping with steve, stealth camping steve wallis, stealth camping, stealth camping alliance, stealth camping adventures, stealth camping at walmart, random adventures 2.0, steve wallis, steve wallis wife jessica audrey, steve wallis wife, steve wallis stealth camping, steve wallis jess wallis, steve wallis youtube camping wife, camping, step 2
Id: GTYsanKUQ80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 28 2022
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