CAMPING in a SNOWSTORM - Winter Blizzard - The Calm Before the Storm

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the winds are really picking up now look at all this ice just shooting through the campsite this is crazy hey everybody welcome back to the channel it's officially the first Winter Camp of the year it's freezing cold up here I'm in the mountains there's snow on the Peaks and I'm sweating it's been a hard walk up fully loaded pack slog up the mountain about an hour and a half but I'm almost here and it's glorious there's going to be some rough weather coming through tomorrow snow wind probably rain but I'll be all sit up by then should be cozy and nice but got to get to Camp got to get the fire going the tent up and shelter made but it's just glorious up here I'll catch up with you guys once I'm all set up but sit back and relax and enjoy the first Winter Camp of 2024 the Nemo Cooney I love this tent it brings me joy I've turned it around so I can get it orientated right for the TP I got get the fly on all the pegs in and then all the stuff into the tent but look at this thing it's quite a cool unique little tent this one [Music] a oh what a mission to get set up should I do the T now or not I probably should get it sorted here is my stick that I prepared [Music] earlier I used a stick here to prop this side up to give me some nice views I'll put it down in the evening but for now look at this it's quite a nice shelter the base is all nicely set up now I've got to head over to the the filthy old tar and fill up my water bottles and then we got to get the fire going you can see down here here's my water source not ideal this water's freezing cold putting my hands in there it hurts it's quite clear but it's pretty stagnant so if I boil it heaps make Cups of Tea hot chocolate should be okay right on Queue the Wicker turns up as soon as I'm about to have a cup of tea and a biscuit they're Relentless I'm going to get this on warm myself up a bit have a little bisket and then I eat the fire guy and get wood ah cheers everybody I made it up here it's a bit later in the day than I usually get to Camp but I'm set up and it's extremely beautiful light coming down over the mountains snow clouds it's just so nice I smashed my camera screen so I'm feeling a little bit sad right now I can't articulate it around to face me so I'm not going to be able to set my shots up properly or film myself as good as I usually do so it's rather upsetting I'm going to have to I don't know get a new camera or get it fixed again or something so it's a bit of a bummer and it's kind of expensive to replace so you know it is what it is it's part of being out here and you know filming in these conditions but I'll get it sorted and we'll carry on camping the silky Zubat time to go get some wood forest is pretty dense so I think I'll cut some pieces I'll bring them back out to Camp then I'll process it all up cuz I don't think I can get the camera in there when it's like this right man it's getting dark so fast I got to organize this wood pile this is some existing stuff from a previous Camp I move all my new stuff here I got to get this fire going quick sweet it's a pretty good stack pretty happy with that time to get this fire going if River out in the bush and you need to light a fire in a survival setting make sure you always have some of these you know if you gone out for dinner or if you're going to the pub for a beer just make sure you got fire starters with you just in case cuz you never know man that fire is nice and warm I might have to baton a few pieces to get it going but hopefully I can get enough heat in there and the logs just take I did bring my knife just in case oh no I broke my knife too it snapped that'll help it burn way better okay the fire's going really good now it's putting out some Mega Heat the big logs that I put on it seems like they're starting to burn so the ideal scenario there's also wind like pushing the smoke and Embers that way away from the tent so for once we have success with the fire despite everything else that's going wrong on this Camp broken knife broken camera makes you a little bit sad but I do have a six-pack of hot dogs and that's definitely going to cheer me up so it's going to chill by the fire for a bit get myself warm relaxed take a deep breath and I think I'll come back to you guys for an absolute Feast of a [Music] dinner these are absolutely delicious [Music] six-pack I think the hot dogs are done smells absolutely delicious up here on the mountain so I'm going to get these off get them into the buns and then I'm going to ladder them up with frenches mustard and I've got some I think it's watties which is a New Zealand sweet kind of mustardy ketchup not mustardy tomato sauce so I'll get those done then we'll consume them one of my hot dog buns ripped apart as I was inserting the wiener check out this guys I'm not sure off my camera it's focusing or not cuz it's broken but I think who almost tripped up thanks everyone for coming along this Camp's been difficult so far and the storm's coming in the morning which will make it even worse but these are going to cheer me up big time so I'm going to indulge all six of them oh here instantly better sweet fluffy Brios Tangy mustard oh jalapeno hot dogs and the new Burgers I don't know how it's so good move on to Hot Dog number two it's even bit that's two down on to number three they're getting better as I eat more six hot dogs you know I think it's quite a lot a lot of people commented in my cabin video when it was when I was in the big red Shack they thought it was strange that I ate six hot dogs but I'm a big guy and look at these little wieners they just evaporate inside of me three down four five six we got to be delicate when placing the sausage into the bun a lot of people were like oh sacrilege putting ketchup on a hot dog like a baby I am a big baby and it tastes so so good so I'm going to do it anyway now that is epic number four cheers everyone oh my goodness number four is the best so far I'll be honest I came out to do this Camp just to eat the hot dogs I could never do this at home it's still just as good if not better than the first one anyway I want to finish eating these and sit by the fire and have a hot chocolate or something later but that was epic well it is epic oh man I love Hot talks all six are gone and I feel full now finally massive Brew of tea I chose to have this over the hot chocolate seeing as my stomach is so full right now that the sweetness and richness of the hot chocolate just doesn't seem as good as some quenching tea so this is a map of New Zealand and I'm up the top there and this is a weather forecast the colored stuff is rain and snow coming in so you can see that big bit hitting me D in the morning so right now it's clear and that's what's coming in bang so that's the weather situation the snow's coming in at around about 6: a.m. so hopefully it hits me and it's all on tomorrow snow hail thunder everything wake up to that you know I'm a bit of a weirdo so that'll be exciting for me but on the finish's tea I'm so full the tea is fing me up even more enjoy the rest of the fire and then get into the tent it's starting to look super inviting behind me and I've got the Zin Bevy and it's just going to be you know glorious in there so I get the boots off get all changed into my nice sleep clothes and I'll come back to you guys for the tin Tour all right I'm inside the tent and I love it look at the space that I've got in here I think it's definitely high enough I can sit up move around got all my lights in here it's like being in a little another dimension it's cozy and white it's just big full Fabric in there heaps of pockets can store everything I love this tent I haven't slept in it yet with the Zen bivy so it's going to be quite quite a cool night I think I'm all tucked up and it's cold in here the air temperature inside the tent feels rather freezing but inside the quilt it's like a summer's day nice and warm I'm going to be toasty cozy I've got all my um vents slightly open in the tent so there should be some good air flow there's a massive one just above my head here so yeah this tent vents extremely well and um you can also zip it up and it gets really warm to it's quite versati tent the Nemo Cooney I love it but yeah I'm going to probably go to sleep and as soon as the storm hits I'll turn the camera on we can begin filming that but it's been pretty fun despite the challenges and I'm in a pretty good mood actually so hopefully I get a good sleep and I'll see you guys in the morning for coffee and storm good morning everybody I just woke up to some real loud wind gust I'm not sure if you can hear those and I opened up the tent door and it's actually snowing outside and I checked the rain radar and it looks like Mo's on the way so this might turn out to be pretty awesome I slept amazing in the Zen bivy even though it's freezing cold in the tent I was just so toasty warm I only woke up like once or twice to like loud wind you can kind of hear it gushing but yeah like almost no condensation in here tent vented awesome with all these big vents open and I'm just going to chill out and then we're just going to have heaps of coffees and wait for the [Music] snow I felt like something sweet so I had a makona mocka mixed with a cappuccino for my double morning snow Brew can you hear that that's ice hitting the fly I just opened up the tent door and it's like a blizzard out there the snow's coming in temperatures plummeted sideways snow it's coming in oh man it's coming in thick now the current situation is there's pretty much a full-on blizzard outside and the temperature is plummeted right before the dawn this coldest time you can see the ice kind of coming in sideways and I'm going to have to get up into the this cuz that's what I do camp in the storms but the tops kind of starting to collapse in with the weight of all the snow and the whole ground's coated um it's very very cold but this is what I wanted and it's awesome it's brutal out here I got to try to get a fire going quick okay try to get the fire going I don't even know if I can because there's just snow everywhere and it's pretty windy and I don't have many twigs it's all covered in ice I might need to use the stove it's like a blizzard this is a Bushcraft technique you use the stove to light the fire see that get these going I don't have enough sticks really to get a good fire so this is going to be a tricky one and everything's covered in snow and we right I don't have very high expectations the snow's still coming in pretty good and I feel like another coffee soon the wind's really helping stoke the fire up but I don't have enough small pieces in there so I'm not sure if these big weight bits are going to catch properly [Music] the winds are really picking up now look at all this ice just shooting through the campsite this is crazy winter storm going like a blizzard it appears as though the fire is going kind of so that's good the winds are very high so it's very difficult to film and there's this ice and snow and water going everywhere but I'm quite warm and cozy um I warmed my hands up on the fire and dried the gloves off a bit so it's all good so I'm going to wait for the sun to come up make sure this fire is under control and I think I'll get another coffee on the water from the T tastes so disgusting it's like bitter and oily and like rancid so I might try and colle uh collect some snow melt that down and have a nice clean tasting coffee I got this gross taste in my mouth from that dirty time water w man these weather conditions are brutal wa far out a fullon blizzard I got my cup of coffee and have some biscuits with it this is getting pretty crazy though the winds are picking up even more it's freaking me out oh that's a good bro that's delicious oh man nothing B than coffee biscuits there's a wer circling the campsite might let it into my tent it looks cold this is just brutal snow flying everywhere these winds was forast for 100 km winds gale force it's just crazy man so cold man thankfully I'm in this little sheltered spot the wind's just gushing so fast right out on the the edge of the rge over there wow what a change from last night the Cal before the storm backup is going to be absolutely miserable oh thanks for coming everyone hope you're enjoying it look at this man it's like I'm in Antarctica or something this is the brutal New Zealand weather conditions up in the mountains oh it's glorious this is so good I didn't expect it to be this brutal but it's a great Taste of winter another snow Brew then I think I'm going to try pack up which is going to be absolutely uh hard work I would say it's just low in a gale and freezing I can just see snow drifts like spin drifts shooting around everywhere and you know there's a bit of light in the sky now this fire though it's been a lifesaver it's really keeping me warm oh yeah man that's good coffee in the snow nothing better oh all right oh well broke the camera on the camp but got the snow I would say overall it's a success if you've liked the video smash the Thumbs Up And subscribe to the channel cuz there going to be plenty more snow storms this winter I think so it should be pretty fun so follow along if you can watch this crazy New Zealander battle the element waa man I've got him back into the tent I'm going to pack everything up in here and get everything back into the backpack but it looks like more storm's coming in got to keep myself warm get packed down then I'll do the tent and the tarp it's going to be horrible all right I'm going to get the bed camera put it in the pack and I'll come back to you guys on the GoPro for the walk out that was a pretty rough pack down but I'm overheating with the down it on actually so I'm going to get that off I'll get walking everything's packed up put some water on the fire and I think I have all my stuff this is going to be a a pretty tricky walk out cuz it's going to be slippery a and it's freezing icy and it's a very steep descent so I've got to be real careful here not to hurt myself don't want to break a leg as well as my camera but man this is magical look at this up into the mountains there you can hardly see across the valley oh the windchill it's amazing oh ice hitting the face man okay I got to get moving without the puffer jacket on can really feel that cold the beautiful squeak of freshly fallen snow I'm walking through the winter wonderland finally man it looks cold in here it's like a freezing Forest I just love it when it's like this it's incredible look at these trees oh it's magical getting some ice down the back of my neck o that's fresh all right right hopefully I get a bit of a view down the reservoir when I break out of the Bush but man that was a good camp hope you guys enjoyed that one it was pretty tough it was challenging and it was a good first taste of Ls to come this winter the um Zen bivy ultral light bed I was so warm and comfortable in that thing honestly it's a game changer I'll put a link in the description you guys go check it out honestly it's worth it it's such a good sleep system oh that was warm even when it was freezing like this and cozy but I'm going to car on heading down and I'll come back to you guys when I'm at the car I think and Say Goodbye oh it's rough out here it's very slpr there's chunks of ice and snow hitting me in the face oh man look at this icy rocks W I've made it down that was a treacherous descent but no slips back at the wagon safely you can see on the Hills up there the snow that's where I was but man that was an epic Camp guys thanks for coming along on that trip I'm tired as you can probably tell oh so got to get home probably buy a new camera it's expensive but I want to keep doing this so got that to do edit this video and dry all my stuff out but man what an experience and thank you for coming and taking your time to watch really appreciate it and special thanks to the members you guys are awesome I want to get back in the wagon and get on home but yeah thanks everyone and I'll see you in the next snowstorm hopefully bye-bye
Channel: Abel & Victoria
Views: 98,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rain, heavy rain, rainstorm, tent, camping, deluge, ultralight, hikinh, nature, tentcamping, campong in the rain, heavyrainstrom, storm, water, wildcamping, wilderness, zpacks, offsetduo, solo, camp, abelandvoctoria, wet, tenting, campfire, outdoor, cabin, bushcaft, fire
Id: fNs7xYkCB7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 39sec (2319 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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