First Night in the Cabin (I Bailed…)

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for for for [Music] [Music] [Music] all for well I'm back in the woods and this time I'm going to be sleeping in the cabin behind me just made a burger very simple one we had a barbecue yesterday with the family just bought some of the leftover uh meat that we didn't cook I didn't really bring any trimmings or veg or anything like that but I'm quite happy with just two burgers and a beer it's a lovely evening it really is so so nice you can hear the Lambs and uh the Sheep to my left the guys have just been in the in the field and they've just been shearing them getting all the wool off because they're getting into summer now and um it was nice to see it was a real English scene of the sheep dog hurting up the the sheep and the Lambs it was really good really good nice to see got the fire going I've just put some more wood on and the cabin has been a Dumping Ground it's been so bad I've left it in a bit inside that is I've left it for just dumping tools and everything like that which is what it's for it's storage but I uh yeah I just haven't cleaned it tidied it it's been very neglected if I'm honest so what I'm actually here for is I'm with the other Woodland owners earlier today and tomorrow is we're repairing the main track that comes into to the Woodlands it's a big track it's really boggy clay at the moment and none of us can drive up it even with the four-wheel drives on the The Defenders and Land Rovers it just the Reps get so big they just Bott them out so that's kind of the job I'm up here working it's kind of a a working trip really but I thought I'd bring you guys along on the journey and the adventure while we uh we camp out for tonight back on the machines tomorrow we've got uh a trencher a digger and a dumper truck as well as manual labor tools and things like that um I'll show you those in a bit but yeah I'm going to have my burger I've I've poured everything out of the cabin uh tents tools brooms brushes bits of wood all sorts and I'm going to I put my just set my bed up and I'm going to put the tools and everything back in it's just in a lot more of a tidy fashion but it's going to be a nice evening hopefully thanks for joining me turn the lights off for this one because I need the other Main's plug but plug her in and I'll show you press it on look at that that's really cool so this is an external cabin light and this a vintage light we actually installed it with uh with my dad it's one of his collections from I think it was 30 40 years ago he was saying uh it draws a fair bit of power about 48 watts which compared to my indoor light which only draw I think 14 or seven it basically draws a lot of power from the battery but I wonder if I change the bulb to a more efficient bulb if I can with that fitting it's an old light then um yeah maybe we'll get a bit more uh more battery life from it but it's brilliant for especially when it's pitch black for just being able to see the entire cabin area out the front and um we installed this relatively quickly uh just the bracket we screwed in and we had to put wedge a piece of wood behind the bracket because of the angles of the slats of the ash on the front we needed to get that bracket as straight as possible so we just wedged a piece of wood in screwed that in and then we had to take the plug uh apart take the wire out drill a hole through the corner of the cabin feed that wire through that hole just a small one and then pull the Main's cable back through then rewire it back into the plug and then it worked and I kind of tacked it in a little bit around the the roof of the inside of the cabin and now we have an exterior light that really matches and goes with a kind of look and authenticness of the cabin really really pleased with that it's a good War it's about 2 m it comes out I think it's nearly yeah nearly 2 m just get the leg out legs out easier uh with two people but we'll try and make this work okay yeah that's 2 and 1/2 M that comes out it doesn't look it that's not even the best bit watch this there is a small cable here and inside the cabin is an attachment for that cable to get it lined up it's all wired up here BC plug that in there this just lit up and if you watch we have brightness levels on and off we can go dimmer that's as dim as it goes this as bright as it goes and watch this boom orange light for the bugs and that's a mixture of both hands down that is is my new favorite addition to the cabin and it can just roll away it can keep the rain off us when it's raining I found on a really hot days it's a lovely place to cast some shade especially when I'm out here with Jackson he's getting a bit hot this just throws some shade over the front of the cabin Jack can sit under there I can sit under there or dad or anyone in my family and we can just enjoy some time in the shade under the cover protected from rain but also at night with the orange excuse me Mr lamb with the orange light which apparently attracts bugs a lot less than white light does so that's ideal because we're coming into summer such a lovely evening that's two last week as well was a really nice Camp not so much the nicest night I've had but it was a nice Camp interesting shelter if you haven't seen last week's video you want to check it out uh on my channel just go back a video very interesting shelter very uncomfortable but it was fun and I think there's going to be some more additions I'm going to just add to it just to make life a bit more comfortable when I need to uh either duck under for when it's stormy or I'm cooking lunch and it's raining and things uh and just when I'm doing General management at the Woodland it's just handy it's nice to have the addition the addition of the porch but without it being permanent I know that sounds strange I love porches and Verandas that look really nice uh but it's just in in terms of footprint it just keeps the footprint quite small uh when it's not in use but obviously when it when you go to use it you get two two and a half M of coverage a lot of people have have said oh yeah but it doesn't you know go over the door um well the thing is is we've got an overhang of 2 and 1/2 ft nearly of this of the cabin over the front of the door anyway like that if you imagine the door here the outside's here we've got that much overhang anyway so I can stand under the door in the pouring rain or stand on the doorway and still not get soaked so it doesn't really matter that it's not over the door cuz I'll just step out turn right one step and then I'm underneath it and if I did put it over the door I'd lose this corner and then someone who was sat on the end here would get wet it just worked it fit anyway earlier I was uh I I said I'd talk to about what we're doing on the track I'm going to roll that footage now so you can see some of the machines we're using is going to get dark in the next half an hour so uh when it does we'll be back inside in fact I might turn that light off let's turn this off and just conserve a bit of the battery cuz it does drain it that one so these lights the inside cabin lights and this this awning light is drawing 30 WS so not really a lot at all cuz there more modern LED lights so this is the trencher that we've been using it's very narrow so it's almost like a giant chainsaw except the bits the blades aren't sharp they just move the clay to the side so it spins around like that goes down into the ground pulls the clay towards it and then there's an or giant kind of or the other side that spits the clay out away from the trench pretty cool little tool actually I've never seen it before you stand on the back plate there and then you drive it up the top so this is the org that spins as this Clay comes around here from the teeth this or then pushes it out away from where it rotates down here these white lines are cross drains and we're making them around about 40 cm deep and that way any water that flows down the track is going to hit these cross drains and then go into the main drainage ditches which we there's one huge one on this side we're digging a narrow drainage ditch on that side as well and that yeah water doesn't sit and pull because that's the problem that's happening the water's sitting on top of the clay it's pulling and then we're just getting total mush there's no drainage so that gets filled with gravel uh well a membrane gets put down first and then gravel on top and then it can be driven over this is the Digger we're using it's a little I think it's 2 and a half or maybe 3 ton um and this is essentially digging out we're digging out the wheel ruts where the ruts have been made from the the vehicles and then we're going to fill in the ruts only and pack it down with a whacker that way it saves on a bit of costs rather than rather than putting hardcore on the whole track the whole width we're just doing the rots only and the vehicles can just stay on those rots as they go to their various Woodlands I think there's a 40 cm bucket on that at the moment or 18 in I can't remember smaller bucket and then right down there in a distance is the 3ton dumper truck which we're using to Ferry the hardcore up here into the woodlands we're about kilometer into the woodlands where I'm based now so that's been really handy and you can see on the left of the screen there the white membrane here's a perfect example of the Cross drain This is 40 cm deep it's got a white membrane first around the outside or the inside of it and then there's this gravel going all all the way along and then it's going to go down there as well except in that section we've got a pipe about probably 8 cm diameter pipe and that's going to help drain water all the way down the bottom of the hill so we don't get any pulling or puddling you can actually see the white membrane in the distance there's the drain pipe again about 8 cm 10 cm diameter probably membrane underneath and then the gravel and then the membrane gets folded on itself like that and we put more gravel in which is what you can see there the reason we use the membrane is because it stops any small dirt particles getting into the pipe and clogging it up so it's the the water is essentially filtered through the gravel then through the membrane then into little holes in the pipe by which time it should just be water that runs through and it just encourages that runoff a lot better so our first time doing this one of the wooden owners has done lots of kind of research into it so we've had a good tidy up I've put my bed out there for now against that back wall that was just it was just a total mess hung up most of the tools that were that were on the floor opened up that window that's my view outside the back window by the way it's darker than it is on the camera camera's Ed and then turn around here I've sorted this corner I've still got some flooring to put in this is the old kitchen Flo old flooring from my kitchen at home it's this plastic type flooring uh vinyl sorry hard plastic vinyl click flooring type thing I've still got to finish it along there that's the messy corner which I've tried to tidy then we've got the power unit which Powers all the lights which are all pinned in and the outside lights as well with the awning and then my little shelf here and my window which I need to open back up again it's not much I know but built it with Dad really proud of it it's using all the ash from the giant asht tree in my woodlands and it it serves a purpose that's all we need it to do right it's pretty much dark uh but it's going to rain overnight and I'd rather just not get the awning soaked and then have to put it away so I'm going away for for a week to the Bushcraft show so I'm going to put the awning away I've enjoyed a few hours underneath it and then start setting up inside is it's cozy in here you don't feel any the wind obviously and things like that way less bugs too might even be my first night I've ever slept in it I don't normally sleep in there well it's halfast 9 at night I'm going to save some camera battery and footage uh and say good night and I will catch up with you guys tomorrow where we get out into the woods and get on the machines hopefully I'll see you then for well you joined me a few days later uh it's been a bit of a crazy couple of days I've not been in the cabin for those few days this is the first time I think ever on in my YouTube career that I've actually bailed on an overnight and and had to go home uh so I just looked back at the footage cuz I actually left all my camera gear behind but basically uh as I did that close out to you I think it was 9:30 or something like that when I was going to bed and I laid down and then at about 10:00ish or just before 10: I started to feel quite rough quite poorly um and I was thinking oh maybe maybe it's this burger that I've just eaten which was probably 9:00 or something about half an hour before I was going to bed uh and I was like oh this is this is touch and go here how how rough I was feeling so I I basically made the decision to go home as I was in the car things really started to turn and uh I I felt very sick very quite like I was going to be sick really quickly uh this was about about 15 yeah I was probably about 25 minutes into the journey when I started to really feel this anyway I managed to get home get to bed I thought I've got to lie down here so I laid down in bed and within five not even 5 minutes of laying down I was running to the toilet violently sick it was actually really painful on my stomach um I it was like my stomach just wanted everything out I couldn't get anything I know it sounds gruesome but honestly it's like my stomach was coming inside out uh I put it down to the Burger I think what had happened was that that meat was we'd had a family Barbecue um on the Sunday on the day before and I'd left some meat out next to the barbecue as I was cooking and normally that's fine especially with the burgers I wouldn't do it with chicken but you know is in direct sunlight it's about 22 de 23° C and normally I'd leave it out for I don't know half an hour and I could put it back in the fridge I think this time I left it out for well over an hour and then I put it back in the fridge and then I put it in a cool cool bag with an ice block and brought it out in here to the woods but I was working with the other Woodland owners for the full day so it had defrosted and and you know it was cool when I cooked it it wasn't warm but I think that's what's happened and it basically it got to a point where it had thought got cooked in the sun put it in the fridge bacteria had probably grown on it and then I ingested that was violently sick I'm glad I made the right cool and went home and then yeah I've come out I took over a day to recover for that I was pretty much bed bound for about a day and then yeah the next day we are now I was that was Monday night and it's now Thursday so yeah uh my wife's now feeling pretty poorly so we don't know if it's a bug or what but I still am convinced it's the burger but either way I'm back in the woods um I didn't want to pretend that I'd done the overnight uh and then come back and say everything was normal because it was wasn't that's just the way it went sometimes these these things happen um but yeah I'm back out dad's actually going to join me in a bit with Jack um I'm obviously the other Woodland owners have been cracking on with the with the track so um I've got the Bushcraft show in in a day or so so I really need to be preparing for that so it's been a bit of a a spanner in the works but I feel a lot better which is the main thing and it's a beautiful day in the woods the sun's coming through I think that might be the now actually anyway what a crazy few days well apologies it's not quite been the episode I thought it would be uh obviously I was going to hopefully get out more help with the machinery and things uh it's just been one of those weeks the timing's been really quite bad of when I was feeling sick to getting prepared for the show this weekend as well it is what it is uh you got to take these things as they come but thank you for watching I do appreciate it uh if you're interested in this type of video and how we built the cabin and everything there's a whole series on it called my wooden life I'll link to that in the description below I will come back and actually do a full night in it at some point um but there's there's actually things I need to sort out in there in terms of storage I don't want it to be just a Dumping Ground I want to actually put some shelves in there for things some cupboards for things cuz everything at the moment is just all over the floor so we're going to sort that out a lot more over the coming months the wind is picked up now and it's a little bit colder than when I last came that's for sure but thank you for watching uh don't forget to check out my other YouTube channel life of Mike I'll put a link link in the description below and my dad's channel ta fishing thank you all for watching and I'll see you in the next video well Dad that was a disaster night for me yeah GL I didn't have any uh input in the cooking there there's not much one with my scrambled eggs really the pulverized egg is actually more appealing now your trees dad you've been into investigate as you came I've been investigate with the dog he's helped dig up uh roots and stuff like that as he is now um yeah really pleased with him I'm really pleased with him I mean considering when you get a conquer seed you plant it you grow it now I've got one 3 years old these are three years old that we planted with Mike I'm trying to think the one is four years old honest to God we were film it it's here and every time I look at it it is so satisfying to think it's coming from a conquer to that in 4 years and I can see how people get satisfaction from planting trees not when the little things but when they start to grow I want a day almost put a third on each year when they're young but listen you see the leaves out look at the canopy so it's going to be tough and they show one of these big boys yeah that's the thing is Light and Water cuz these big trees will take a lot of water we're going to have to water them a lot I think this yeah I think I think cuz we' had so much rain this winter and spring I think that's the result that's what we've done but you can see out yeah red oak has come right back it absolutely come right back really I we saved it by putting the wire That's Heavy shade that one isn't it yeah but if you look at the leaves there all Jack dig it up yeah they're quite lighter color but the one over here in the sun got more is it chor mean it hasn't got that yellowness about the leaves it look much fresher much stronger that's good well well please that yeah so we'll ring these with some uh yeah they need the mesh and the one's in the mesh down here but that was dead in the winter with two tiny shoots that's it look there now it's come up again that's come that's the leaf of the red oak so I know yeah kind of like a maple sort yes it does look and this one's do really well part light Part Shade that's going really well yeah look at that pop a tree conquer trees that' be interesting there's no conquer trees here so that would be interesting might get some sweet Chestnut next we need to sort the uh the ring yeah the ring out there yeah right
Channel: TA Outdoors
Views: 149,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overnight, cabin, overnight in the cabin, solo overnight, off grid cabin, log cabin, building a log cabin, building a cabin, had to bail, bailed, camping, survival, bushcraft, forest, nature, asmr, rain, stay the night, camp, bushcraft camp, cabin in the woods, off grid cabin in the woods, homestead, ta outdoors, ta outdoors cabin
Id: kI98UfdqBaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 19sec (1879 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2024
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