Was Storm Camping with ASDA / Walmart a Mistake?

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[Music] Jesus do not let this glorious weather lure you into a full sense of security there's a storm on the way just happens to be on the day I was going to get out filming we've um got rain wind which you know I'd rather not be in the woods in wind but this is England sometimes it just works out that way got a fun one for you though we have got an Asda Walmart Ozark uh kind of set up today um I'll go through the different bits as I get them out and set them up so before we begin here I should really explain everything today is from Asda Asda is a supermarket here in the UK it used to be owned by Walmart it's now only part owned by Walmart but all of their camping gear is um the Ozark brand which is the Walmart brand so it's kind of Walmart camping Asda camping whatever you want to call it um check it out so this is Numero Uno this is the popup tent I went with I thought I'd go with a popup one it's something a bit different for the channel really um they do have other tents that are cheaper probably more practical as well obviously this can't fit in a backpack but um could be convenient let's see what it's [Applause] like beautiful out here today the blue bells coming up and the wooden enemies bit of greenery coming back to the trees and uh yeah all in time for a storm tonight so look at our pegs I think I know what I'm going to get pretty fin Shepherd hook ones yeah they're they should do if you guys lines there as well which I might actually put on even though I'm in a woodland says up to 50 mph wind so better safe than sorry quite weird for Loops but uh I'm sure these will do the job okay so I've got it pegged out here it seems to want to lift on the ends to kind of go back into its collapsed shape um but uh I guess the ground is quite soft because of all the rain we've had recently now we've got a door here at the uh front I'm guessing yep the front cuz it has a porch and a door around the back here and the inner goes all the way to the back so there's no porch area but you could get out this way by the looks of things I'm not too sure if that window opens looks like we got vents either side here so I guess we got some hooks if we want to put that out I'll just roll it up for now I've got this Branch here going to cut that down and um kind of make this a little bit of an awning it wouldn't be very good in the rain but uh might do for a a little bit before it gets heavy cuz it will just pull on top otherwise well they could have gone with better and nicer cordage I mean the tens of loads of orange on it why put in yellow cordage it's also very stretchy I think when it rains it's going to get very stretched out but uh that's the awning up um I guess more of a sun Awning or light rain awning which brings me to the point it says on the listing for this tent recommended for spring and summer use in light winds and rain well I believe it's pouring down tonight and up to 50 mph winds so definitely be a good test for it it wasn't the plan but it's just how the weather's been so that's the tent all set up we'll go inside it in a minute but this popup tent which is listed as two person is £70 I think it's like 40 or 50 for the same sort of size tent but you know normally put up um yeah so I mean it's 5.4 kg seems a lot well it is bulky you're not going to be pack backpacking it either way so this tiny backpack you saw me walking in with basically has the Sleep System in it but um this is 25 L and it was uh 15 now they do another one which is 17 L which is10 but neither of them really great for proper camping back packing like day trips have your water bottle and that in so I did have to bring in my proper kind of Bergen backpack um yeah so that was £5 and guess I got to get the Sleep System done you can very clearly see some of the hooks have been Come Undone here uh there's one at the back here oh God they're all undone back there and they're really f you can see here there are big Hooks and tiny tiny little Loops right so in here I've got the cook set we'll go over that in a bit I've thought the mat in here but just the uh Sleeping Bag I'll have to go get that so we got one of these you know the kind of flocked air beds um it was this or a yoga mat I'm too old for that so we've all seen these before they're dead cheap this one was £12 and you get a double for £6 um you know they're not the best and they are pretty heavy but for this experiment it'll do they do air pumps in ASDA and Walmart I guess as well but um they're like the 12vt you know oldfashioned ones got my Flex tail Gear with me sleeping bag they had a few actually this is a 300 GSM one which is 22b which is probably overkill for the summer and that they got 200 250 other ones as well which are cheaper um but I thought if I'm going to get one those will be comfy especially with the bad weather for tonight so we'll have a little look at that it's a mummy style one what does it say 6° to 2° comfort uh 0° transitional m 13 is a risk yeah it probably is feels all right in fact it might be a bit warm we see how cool it gets later and you can see here why the water would collect and then leak down and in through the door had that before on a tent might have been the teu one or the sheen one I don't know you see that you see how it's all seeping through oh right on the oh suddenly getting quite overcast and I can feel the breeze picking up I think that storms on its way I thought I had more time I'm probably going to put up a top just for filming under and stuff not over the tent but uh just behind it there maybe have a fire or something so this is my camp chair um Ozark as with everything else um yeah this was £8 I think you can get two of these for £15 it's not as big as some but um certainly easier to carry yeah feels fine maybe a little narrow here can go under the top it got pretty dark there for a minute and I thought the rain was coming early but I think I've still got an hour doesn't matter I've got my top up the tents up the beds in there we're all good next up is going to be the lantern this is a pretty big Lantern and I did see cuz I went back to Asda after buying this that um they've got a smaller one and it's the exact same one I got off of teu or somewhere I think it was a t-u one which did absolutely fine um it stayed you know working after rain and stuff um but yeah this is the one I saw at the time takes big old diesel batteries but it did come with them and it was £18 I can't remember how much cheaper one was if I know I'll put it on the screen but um this should do under here good for a group Camp I think let's get that bad boy out oh there's all the batteries they've come out of it this goes on a very particular way and we got a hanger small one and a big one on both sides should do do my best to try and avoid the blue bells but uh one or two will get squashed they're pretty hard wearing blue bells as long as you don't mess with the bulb they'll be fine they'll just come back again but uh yeah quite a lot of them in a natural Woodland like this lucky I got this clearing well it's saying the uh rain should start around 5 30% chance at 5:00 um definitely by 700 it's going to be raining pretty hard so I've got a little bit of time to get some wood together I don't think I'm having a full- on fire I've got my outdoor gear Essentials xfire fire pit lightweight one so I might just cut some wood that'll fit in there and um we'll just use that [Music] good chilling hydrate for a couple of minutes and processed down that wood and I'm all ready got a few more bits to show you um but I'll show you as I get them out and go through the price of them bits but uh so far so good she looking forward to getting in there I didn't realize it was a double skinn tent didn't realize it had the inner in there so that's a plus for sure might keep hold of it just for really convenient camping when haven't got far to walk and just pops up looks like an armadillo doesn't it maybe a Cheesy buug Woodhouse got my little grandfather's hack with me today cuz got a bit further to walk also going to need some uh quite small bits of kindling love this little ax I think that's enough for a stove there I've got some longer bits and shorter bits so I can put some in while it's actually got a pan on yeah that will do let's get a few things done and ready before they need to be such as putting these flaps down they got hooks before the rain starts can already see a bug in there so I suppose I should get this zipped [Applause] up so I managed to find a headlamp pin there as well again Ozark Trail of course so this will be Asda and um Walmart uh free triaa batteries it's good stuff everything that requires batteries comes with them so that's pretty handy they may not be the best batteries ever but you know it's enough to get you started so as you can see here it's uh the free battery slot in here it's got the red lights flashing lights and stuff so it's got everything you need not bad for six quid and if I have a chair I put my headlamp in there so I know where it is when it gets dark had a couple of these coolers um this one is the smaller one it's nine can one and it cost1 122 um pretty good for one person maybe two depending on what you're doing uh have a little look inside it's got pocket on the front and on the sides and just velc and this kind of slots in on the lid there you've got this little shelf holes in as well if something's melting and I was just going to have a little snack want to wait for that rain to come in oh it also has shoulder strap as well which is adjustable not bad actually I'll uh keep hold of that all in size order starting to get a few gusts of wind and uh Sun keeps going behind the clouds so uh the temperature is starting to drop a little bit get excited when I feel like the bad weather's on this way uh I think the last thing I've got to show you is the stainless steel cutlery set Ozark again of course and uh it's a knife FK spoon it's held in a bottle opener and can opener Gizmo but I won't be using that till breakfast cuz uh finger food for dinner this see what I've got here for putting a brew on oh comes in a little baggie I don't think that would last long okay so we got like pan pot smaller pot a little plate stroke lid what's in here ow cery so I bought two six calorie well I do do lots of camping maybe I'll use that okay so I'll uh stick some spirits on there get on the X boil get that Lit get that on well the handles are hot I just tested oh yeah it's uh starting to chill a bit but uh rain's not here yet it did say just 30% chance so goes up and up towards 7:00 so it should be raining before it gets dark as the clocks have changed now which always takes a little bit of getting used to doesn't it but uh everything is all set up and good got my jacket behind me here so I can run from the top to the tent if I need to but um yeah should be a good test of everything tonight and uh looking forward to it really had a missed last week's so it's nice to get out and just the difference that kind of week makes with all the blue bells and everything just spring just going beautiful love it there we go bit more work surface area now I quite like this pretty good idea to get this lowered it's just going to let that water run off I've just felt the first few drops of rain go right that's done that's just going to let any rain wash off of here and um I can get in and out to get gear and stuff as well [Applause] rain is just starting now I think it's time to celebrate i' got some poly beers they're from Wows they've sent a few over this one's called rosebird Rose bird India parallel 5.9% oh that's quite strong actually got three different ones with me today to try out so cheers everybody very nice almost a tiny bit floral I don't know if that's just the uh label putting me off let's see Citra Galaxy Mosaic and Simco very nice indeed just blinded myself with that Lantern all I can see are all the LEDs put it on this lowest setting for now I mean it's still some light but we get it on and try it out them sort of batteries are not cheap are they so we's see I have broke it I had dropped it and the um the bottom doesn't really want to screw on properly cuz some plastic plastic is broken out but uh it's it's on it's on it's going [Music] that was some good funer I want more I want more the rain is still only very light [Music] I don't think the pheasants like it going to use the X5 fire pit let me see it's that isn't it the rain's picking up pace now so I'm just going to get this going stick a couple of fire lighters in there [Applause] and I actually got some sticks while I was wandering around earlier that should help get it going and some of that Kindle in I broke down ooh it's raining properly I can feel that rain coming in the side must be a bit of wind [Applause] already [Applause] [Applause] how is my chair that wet already [Applause] [Applause] get literal sideways spray here this is a 3X3 tar but nowhere is dry under it can literally see the wow monsoon season Jesus I need to really be standing in the middle of the top but I can still see the rain coming inside sideways oh no the Lantern's filling up with water oh dear I'm going to drink a beer another one with Citra Cascade and mosaic hops another poies of course it's nice this can like fire and water Fire and Ice just two bodies 5.5% must calm down a tiny bit again seems to be coming in waves [Applause] wow just want to come and have a quick look while it's calm and uh wow the puddles yeah chilling down a bit I think it's time for a hat change watched this recently and being wless going all tight again it's nice snug cheers again everyone this is a nice one I like this I may have to get some more of these I got a bit of warmth coming off the fire pit here love this little fire pit such convenient little one but holds quite a lot of wood we're going to do some burgers in a bit with our new cook set be interesting and a spatula that I got in ASDA got their barbecue stuff as well at the moment I could have got some of that bits and bobs for this but didn't really fit they even got fire pits it's going to be hard to see but it's quite the puddle in here so I'm just using a couple of wet wipes and just squeezing them out should have zipped it up right it's locked down and there's a uh velcro tab there could do with a uh Peg point there got the biggest pan here with a tiny bit of oil in there just to uh make sure nothing sticks or Burns just warm that up and uh put the burger in well they're quite big burgers but we'll do one at a time well if I want more than one we'll see [Music] plumbe just slide some bits of wood down here keep that flame going right get this burger out of the pan and onto the bun obviously I've added the cheese there and some ketchup to the bun boom boom boom buer number one bug on my plate this um head torch is doing okay it's fine um the button is quite hard to press h yeah it's quite indented but uh it's working so yeah nice and simple for this Camp cuz I knew it was going to be raining I didn't know if it was going to be under a top or on an warning or whatever you can't really cook in that because you've got a floor um outside of the inner if you get me what would normally be a porch and that awning is not going to be very good in the rain like I said and well like I showed I always say I don't do Burgers enough just feels a bit simple to do on a camp especially when I'm filming it obviously but uh always delicious you can't beat a burger well you can you could have a [Music] steak put another Burger on here I'm not sure if I'll going eat it all but it's worth me doing oh an owl one more beer it's um another one uh P patternist it's another India parallel uh also from Wells obviously and here we got I can't see right now what the Hops are we'll just try it shall we probably hear my burger going wow this one's 6.6 it tastes it too it's nice though you can have strong beers a bit too much but uh yeah they tastes quite nice good one poy I did bring some onions to go these Burgers but couldn't be bothered could not be bothered to slice them and fry them in this tin fry tiny frying pan these pans are good for someone not really for me with the things I do but yeah like to do some sausages bacon burgers that would be fine I'm sure there we go little bit burnt in there oh I did it you can uh no doubt tell that the rain has stopped for now slowed down and down and down but um yeah we got some really bad weather coming in the night got then really high winds coming in about 2: 3:00 a.m. with a load of rain as well and um then again in the morning well all through till the morning I guess so that's going to be interesting but uh may take the top down cuz if the winds are getting that strong then yeah it could be a pain in the morning little think about it just boiling up some water in the pan to clean it should be good as new soon well I think I should do um clean enough to do breakfast on anyway and oh I've still got about a third of my beer the owl's going off you might hear them in the background guess they're making the most of uh it not raining yeah be back in a couple of hours I thought there would be more to be honest it was just a lot within an hour rather than a bit over 3 hours but um noisy Burgers yeah don't know if I'm going to have a hot chocolate or not before I get in the tent I'm undecided finish this beer and we'll see it's quite nice just having this little fire pit right next to me on Miss stump don't think I said how much the camp cook set was that's uh £16 so that's kind of pot two pans plate and um your cutlery that other Cutlery was like £4 so yeah it's not a bad price um it is stainless it's quite thin not like Stanley stuff um maybe you might prefer something that's nonstick if you're occasional camping I don't know it is what it is they are small pans they don't really need to be that small yeah I don't think it's great to be honest you're not going to be using that many small pans just get one bigger one you can get like um the trer one with a folding handle or something the Lantern's dried out a bit it's just a bit foggy at least the water's drained out who in the tent pretty cozy be very cozy for two but that's the way they are cuz it's kind of rounded at the end there but uh I guess this is quite a big mat really but plenty of room for me my gear and my dirtier gear in the porch it's not really a porch cuz it's got a floor so yeah I had to use my kneeling pad to put my boots on so they don't get wet outside got uh lots of ventilation so we're pretty good there and it's all very dry in here so it didn't leak during that downpour so we should be good for the rest of the rain we got some pockets as well a [Laughter] pocket right I'm going to chill out and uh get some sleep you'll uh probably come back for some rain in a bit but uh insect we'll see how we get through the night yeah it's windy wasn't cold in the uh tent but um the wind is really cold got my jacket on though it blew down the pole I guess where the top was just flying around last night could hear it could hear that wind as well rushing through the trees it's always hard to to uh sleep when there's lots of wind but um everything was cozy in there yeah I liked it um sleeping bag's really long so if you're a tall person don't worry about a Ozark sleeping bag uh what else it was warm enough plenty warm enough probably maybe a three season bag depending on where you are um not comfy the only worry with them is them going down usually the valve and things but uh yeah was comfy just didn't sleep particularly well cuz of the uh wind that's the stove lit take the chill off the morning little bit of comfort by the fire the longer I stay here today the more chance of very heavy rain again so uh we see how it goes still getting the odd spot in that there's a couple of showers in the night but uh hopefully we'll be okay for the next hour or so and I'll pack up and all will be good he says I was just thinking I've actually got an Ozark Trail sleeping bag already that it's actually my summer bag that I use regularly I bought a couple of them cuz I quite liked them years ago now they don't seem to do that one now the wind seems to be drying off the tent which is nice it's definitely raining very dark looks very different from yesterday doesn't it when I arrived the difference to day makes got some sausages here I've got a bit of bacon and uh egg with me as well um was just going to do it and put it in a plate but uh I've actually got them Brios buns there was a pack of four and I only used two so I might just put them in a bun these pans are thin that wind is really picking up just going to take these sausages off don't know what the egg's going to do in here I'm skipping the bacon B worried about the weather dear think that's going to stick blo originally said it was getting up to 50 m hour I think it's mid 40s this morning obviously there's a bit of shielding with the uh Woodland but this fell down again just now just lifting the TP up above it all right it sausage and egg oh God the the yol's going everywhere at least exploded before I bit into it sausages are lovely right time to see what this like to uh collapse quite a lot of mud up this uh from the rain for right that's meal done and in the nick of time I think it's not started raining yet hopefully it won't on my way out with this gear I've got two runs to make probably right thank you guys for watching um none of that kit was particular bad probably wouldn't get out big Lantern anyway but it did let in water so there's a note um yeah the cooking kit not great just get yourself a proper pan like a folding one or something but uh tent held up and everything else was okay if you're on a budget um I'll try and put up the uh pricing of things we'll see how that goes in editing and uh I'll see you on the next one see you later goodbye
Channel: Kent Survival
Views: 373,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solo, camping, storm, bad weather, rain, wind
Id: b1mqCSz98rk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 35sec (2855 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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