10 Rare & Obscure Elder Scrolls Creatures You Probably Didn't Know Existed

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[Music] [Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the elder scrolls my name is camel and today i have for you a list of 10 strange weird secretive and obscure creatures that you may not have known existed within the elder scrolls universe there are of course hundreds upon hundreds of fantastical beasts and fiends that fill the fantasy world that we know and love but there are some however that slip most players by existing out of sight or only in the deep lore of these more esoteric entries i have compiled a catalogue of what i find to be the 10 most obscure and little known creatures within the elder scrolls universe now if like me you find this kind of stuff interesting be sure to check out my other elder scrolls videos via the playlist link down in the description where we explore all kinds of strange and interesting topics my social media links can also be found down there be sure to follow me on instagram and twitter after this video of course i am also very interested to hear which of these creatures you'd never heard of or any that you wish were on this list too and before we get started i'd like to thank ryan cooper and victoria hofferson for their voice acting in the video and to katie who has done three amazing artworks for creatures never before seen in the eldest girls universe that you will be seeing throughout this video you can find all of their contact links down below in the description if you enjoy their work that you experience here with that said and done let's take a look at the seldom red lines in the colossal bestiary of the elder scrolls our first creature of interest calls the swampish and rather beautiful hellscape of black marsh its home these are the rarely whispered of beasts known as root worms they are a very strange and rather unique worm funnily enough that are actually used as a means of transport by argonians and other scarce travelers lucky enough to be introduced to them as you'd probably expect throughout black marsh lie large pools of viscous mud and one may prod and poke around until a certain area of interest is disturbed beneath which lies one of a rootworm's breathing holes large oily bubbles will begin to conjure up through the thick marsh bog muck and if one is to then stand on this effervescent spot they will sink down through the mud and into the rootworm itself through one of the rootworm's breathing holes which are used to both enter and exit a rootworm now while at first mention you may fear the concept due to the apparent impending digestion it is actually said that you can live inside the stomach of a rootworm for months although i couldn't imagine anyone who would want to the interior of these queerly oversized worms is said to be comfortingly warm and filled with a translucent goo root worms ride the great root systems of the trees beneath the heavy peat and sludge that is the terrestrial floor of black marsh their movements are described as gliding hastily and effortlessly like a bird through the night sky passengers can apparently feel the weight of the earth around them while still remaining safe and protected the argonians refer to this method of transport believe it or not as the underground express rather like a train doing so is known as writing the roots and while it may seem very strange and obscure at this point rootworms are actually a much faster choice of transport compared to most excluding of course those methods that lie in the realm of arcana such as teleportation rootworms are said to be able to travel from hexanoag in the northwest to gideon in the central west in merely a matter of hours i don't know how long that trip is normally meant to take but given their boasting about its speed this underground express must be a real time saver now physically the rootworms are described as large worms who knew said to be nearly shapeless to be armless boneless eyeless colorless rather like a freshly hatched maggot from the exterior passengers inside the rootworm can be spied by their silhouettes through the jellied sour milk transparency of the rootworm's flesh a fantastically unique and obscure means of transport but icky nonetheless so you probably wouldn't want to wear your extravagant rope or silk slippers although of course not to dismiss that it is a very curious traversal method and i do hope that we get to experience it one day in game when and if ever we get to explore the province of black marsh to its fullest in a true main series elder scrolls title i'd be very upset if these root worms didn't manage to worm their way into that game the next creature we'll be setting our interest upon is her personal favorite of mine hidden within an already occult location within and already obscure game i speak of the mock turtle this colossal otherworldly reptile appears in the elder scrolls legend battle spire and is missed by most as at the end of the first level the weir gate against all instincts the player can jump down off of this final bridge which at a first analysis is certain death to be sure but there is actually a little ledge that will save us at the top of which is a teleporter which takes us to a secret room wherein lies the mythical and fabled mock turtle as we approach its mighty yet friendly spiked turtle head will come into sight sticking through an opening in the wall behind which rests its massive shell and body when we toggle over the mock turtle a dialogue window will appear which reads the mock turtle introduces himself as a member of the rare species of great turtle from which is made the famous mock turtle soup the soup of kings sit down and don't say a word until i've finished once i was a real turtle said the mock turtle with a deep sigh the mock turtle relates a tragic and lengthy tale about going to school in the sea and about his studies in the obscure disciplines of the quadriva arithmetia ambition distraction uglification and derision and the courses of instruction in mystery ancient and modern with geography drawling stretching fainting in coils laughing and grief at last when it becomes clear that his story has no point you become restless oh dear i'm afraid i've bored you you've been so kind to listen to the wanderings of an ancient reptile please say my name backwards where it will do the most good except as a token of my gratitude a product of my researches in the field of speculative ontology now this encounter is clearly very strange and for good reason the mock turtle here in battle spire is in reference to a character of the same name from alice in wonderland however as we know what is in the games is canon and the mock turtle shalt be brushed off as a mere joke curiously his species the great turtle has not been seen nor mentioned until recently which we'll get onto in a minute in fact within the elder scrolls we've never seen any turtle of any kind apart from of course this mock turtle there is a creature called the hajj motor that appears to be an elder scrolls version of a turtle but with that said there are some items within the elder scrolls universe that are described as being made from turtle shell despite us never actually seeing an actual turtle apart from of course this guy here but there is however one further canonization of the mock turtle and that is an item that is found within the 583rd year of the second era called the scoot of the mock turtle scoot meaning shell in this instance it comes with this text most scholars dismiss tales of a massive turtle dwelling beyond the weir gate as pure nonsense but this shell is really big i end quote this is of course making reference to the mock turtle found here in battle spire which is beyond the weir gate interestingly though this mock turtle shell that we find in the elder scrolls online is found over 700 years before we meet the mock turtle here in battlespire so it couldn't belong to the same mock turtle we meet here suggesting there is or was more of these great turtles the adorable likes of which i do so dearly hope to see again in future elder scrolls games i just cannot wait to taste that mock turtle soup ah yes the next topic of interest is a creature known as a sessile crab they come from a place beyond known and even the plane of mundus the cessal crab calls the infernal floating city of umbriel its home umbriel is said to come from a bubble of oblivion whatever that means which is also believed to be the original home of the hist the hist of course being the sentient race of trees that grow in black marsh and are highly venerated by the argonians in the 48th year of the fourth era umbriel was summoned and ripped through the outer plains into nirn its ghastly shadow swallowed cities as a literary and literal foreshadower of the genocides to come as umbriel slowly swept across the land each city it reached was massacred and the souls of the populace were harvested you can learn more about this topic in the video i have already done on the sleeping tree found in whiterun in the elder scrolls 5 skyrim as the plateaued crown of umbriel is covered in a forest of hist-like trees thought to be the hist's original ancestors legend has it this sleeping tree we find in skyrim fell from a floating city as a seed and has since grown into this now quite literal otherworldly tree but back to the sacile crab at the center of umbriel is a vast conical valley with a huge and eerily deep lake known as the sump in these waters many strange and alien lifeforms dwell of which the strangest i find is of course the sessile crab they are described to have short squat bodies coated in an offensive armament of long thorny spikes but these already uninviting features are dwarfed by the heinously proportioned tentacles that protrude and dance deathly from the sessile crabs shell tentacles that are 20 feet in length and hypnotizing with their yellow and viridian colours but there is even more to fear with the sessile crab as at the tentacles tips are jagged barbed hook claws which weep a venom of unknown lethality and i do not plan on being the one to shed more light on the exact wracking ferocity of this poisonous concoction that seeps from an already horrifying sessile crap we do know however that any who find themselves submerged within the sump and detect a cessal crab lurking in the depths nearby actively avoid it suggesting that they are in fact extremely dangerous they are known to primarily feed upon nick fish which are a silver coloured fish that populate the lock known as the sump now given the word sessile is a real word and refers specifically to an organism plant or animal being stuck in one place like a barnacle for example from this we can deduce that these sessile crabs take after their namesake and stick to one spot this is not confirmed of course merely an educated deduction of their name either way the sessile crab is not something i would suggest going near with anything shorter than a 21 foot pole the next creature on our list is an interesting beast with potentially very curious origins this is a creature known as the gehenoth which has only appeared in the elder scrolls travels dawn star a game i am sure that most people have not played physically the gehinov are quite terrifyingly strange indeed with the head resembling me in the morning jagged fangs and horns emit from their gruesome faces with a skin that resembles scaly leather that dons their muscular bodies almost like armor their thick hands are equipped with brutal claws even their elbows are dangerous the gehenov appears to have huge toenails that have begun to merge into hooves an all-round menacing and unfamiliar creature with general tones of a bats a reptile a troll a bodybuilder and an off-putting ichthyok stench that wafts through their general motif certainly a beast a traveler does not wish to cross paths with even more unsettling the gehenoth is said to only appear when one makes camp for the night awaking their prey to a true living nightmare or haunting beast to the likes of which follow the footsteps of local folk fables whispered to children at bedtime to make certain they don't wander off in the night magnifying one's fear of the gehenoth is a quote from the resident healer of dawnstar's camp eustacia who says i must also warn you that outside these walls is a fearsome creature that has slaughtered any who fight it it appears when you rest do not fight it you are not ready run truly a warning to discourage any from camping in the wilds and not that i planned on sleeping outside in the frostbitten wilderness surrounding dawnstar but now i really truly shall not be participating in such activities interestingly there is a unique gehinov called ginoth thresborne who has a slightly different appearance it is not known how it received this name or if it is in fact thrice born now while at first glance the gehenov may look like some form of frost troll or perhaps a distant relative of the feared arafite the gehenoth's relation to tamrielic species is currently unknown and that might be for good reason as there is a rather titillating deep law concept about the gehenna's potential origins to the far east of tamriel lies a continent known as akavir a place i'm sure we have all heard of at one point or another one of the races of akavir is the kamal otherwise known as snow demons in the 572nd year of the second era the kamal came from akavir and invaded some of tamriel in search of a person or object known as the ordained receptacle or at least that is the best translation scholars could get from the kamal now some speculate this ordained receptacle to actually be the eye of magnus and if that kind of stuff interests you i'd be sure to check out the video above my three hour epic about the augur of dunlain and his ascendants to non-corporeality anyway when the kamal came across the sea they landed in northern skyrim the same region that dawnstar has found dawn star being the name and setting of the very game the gehenov appears in of course the elder scrolls travels dawnstar which also does not have a canon timeline date so it may have taken place during the kamal invasion or if it was set afterwards these gehenof could be surviving kamal which is not unheard of as for a few hundred years following their invasion kamal were found in various pockets of tamriel if the ginoth is indeed the kamal of akavir it would explain their rarity and unfamiliarity too having no clear relation to any existing species on nirn that is of course a theory but a damn good one at that just remember folks stay wary when camping out and about near dawnstar and if you do run across one of these use this knowledge the only thing that can beat a gerhinov into submission is a geschinoth ah the seas and oceans of nirn are seldom explored and not much is known of their full range of wildlife as none of the elder scrolls games have had vast details and heavily designed aquatic areas for us to explore and experience so there are of course many mysterious and obscure creatures of legend that allegedly lurk in the darkest brides there is one such creature we do know exists however and that is the monstrous beast known as the sea drake they are described as a type of gargantuan fish looking eerily similar in shape to a crocodile although and i quote much much bigger in place of legs however they bear massive paddles making them hasty apex predators in their oceanic kingdoms we also know that despite their maritime nature and jurassic reptilian appearance sea drakes have feathers rather like an argonian these feathers have been known to be harvested and collected as an item of interest although whether a siege rakes feathers purpose is decorative collectible alchemical magical or ritualistic what purpose they would actually serve to anyone seeking them is currently unknown while we do not know the full span of their territories sea drakes have been spotted and encountered in the padomeic ocean off of the southeastern shores of blackmarsh specifically out to sea directly from the docks of lilmoth naturally sea drakes serve as a great deterrent for anyone planning to jump ship in these waters they are so terrifying in fact that the argonian merglim and his breton friend anna egg hoenard seek the safety of a shark-infested reef in the parameg sea just to escape and further evade the monstrous dreaded sea drake that hunted them after they jumped ship as the sea drake's sheer size prevented it from entering the reef after them so if ever in black marsh think strongly about taking a refreshing dip off of the coasts lest you be the next meal for an ancient and horrifying beast reigning supreme in the deeps the sea drake but if you are unfortunate enough to run across one try this simply close your eyes because then you can't see drake yes our next creature of interest is a strange and stygian one to be sure it is a being known as umbra keth the shadow of conflict it was seemingly created by the ongoing bloodshed in the ceaseless war of the bendermark in the 397th year of the third era this was a war between hammerfell high rock and skyrim during this time an undead shadow mage named pergan asul fed umbroketh as it was locked behind a shadow gate within the twilight temple in hammerfell where it appeared as a statue if one interacts with umbra keth in this state a message will say the statue before you is not stone but shaped darkness as you look at it you sense it is looking back calmly waiting now it is not known if pergan asul was the creator of umbra keth or simply it's feeder it seems more likely some cosmic force spawned umbracath which conjures the curious thought of why have other conflicts throughout tamriel not spawned a similar beast anyway later when umbra keth had grown in strength due to the conflict of the aforementioned war it found residents in the crypt of hearts in rivenspire in high rock when encountered for the final time by the player in 2004's elder scrolls travels shadow key it says the this of conflict welcome you you hero are the soul of conflict i the shadow of conflict welcome the soul of conflict for with your soul [Music] i shall be complete clearly highlighting it has some form of sentience and intelligence despite being a dark creature forged of suffering shadow and conflict physically umbracef is tall and quite haunting in figure it is bipedal and its skin is sickly grey in tone it seems to be some catholic amalgamation of hellish visions from the cthulhu mythos with its elephantish head and squiddish form shambling through the darkness umbra keth sure is a sight to ignite your darkest fears it has a central trunk tentacle that is forked at the end accompanied by two lesser trunk tentacles on either side its mouth appears to be circular like that of an octopus with mammalian fangs umbraketh's arms are too long for natural comfort tipped with two spiny fingers it stands on well-shaped legs firmly postured on two demonic orange webbed feet now the true size and scale of amber keth is hard to gauge as it seems to increase in size the longer the conflict of the bender mark war rages it also never reached its final form as umbraketh is encountered in its penultimate form as it required the soul of conflict to complete its cycle but it is slain by that very soul before this ultimate transmogrification could be completed as we can see in the concept posters for the elder scrolls travels shadow key umbra keth lurks in the backgrounds quite fittingly in the shadows and boy oh boy is it big towering above the human-sized characters in the foreground although this might be a visual metaphor of the looming doom bearing down on tamriel rather than being the literal size of umbra keth although it could also be the literal size of umbra kath who knows but when it is encountered for the final time we can see that umbra keth is several times larger than the player character so given that it's actually incomplete here when we find it yet still monstrous in scale one can only imagine how gigantic umbra keth would grow if it did in fact complete its evolution and as horrific as umbra keth is i do hope that we get to experience it or a creature of similar concept again in a future elder scrolls game ah our next creature is one of the most unique within the elder scrolls an almost undefinable entity known as voreplasm fittingly these mucilaginous monsters hail from the gloomy marshes and deepest mysterious mires of black marsh home of the argonians they are remarkable and curious creatures especially when viewed through the lens of zoology as physically voroplasm are amorphous blobbish oozes toxic green in color rather puzzlingly they have no observable internal organs or sensory apparatus so in regards to how they function well it is truly a mystery attempts to dissect the creature have not been met with success very curiously each vory plasm is actually part of a greater whole entity the likes of which i dearly hope to never witness fully reform while at first glance avoriplasm will appear as a mere algae covered puddle admits to the endless bogs and glades of black marsh if watched this green puddle will actually be observed moving in a most disturbing undulating manner they are able to travel on lands but they are also able to travel across the surface of water at much greater haste and this my friends is the point in which the voroplasm's curious aspects turn from scholarly chin rubbing trivia to horrifying fear-filling facts not for the faint of hearts as voroplasm are hunters lurking and stalking in the musicity of merck and mire alike rushing to their prey at unprecedented speeds capturing their victims before the hunted could even know it was in danger voroplasm can strip meat from bone in a matter of seconds dissolving flesh and fat leaving behind only the skeleton of their prey who stood whole and healthy only moments before as the agasef argonian chess once said glory plasm big word it will strip you to the bone by the second syllable not something you want to hear as you approach a voroplasm in a little wooden canoe but the voroplasm's arsenal of heinous traits do not cease here as these green globulous gluttons can also spew puddles of highly acidic slime from a distance sometimes they even spawn their own smaller voroplasm but most terrifyingly of all there are shambling figures known as voryplasmic corpses which are the skeletal remains of avoroplasm's feast which the voroplasm then clings to and uses as a support system to puppeteer the digested boney remains to their will i would like to make clear this is no form of necromancy or sorcery of any school this is much more naturalistic in the same way a hermit crab will occupy a shell the voryplasm is simply occupying the skeleton as its green sludgy being takes place of the muscle and flesh so if you are damned enough to lose a friend to a voroplasm you might just find yourself fighting against your companions viridescent corpse within seconds of them perishing at this point i think we can all agree that the voroplasm is a potently convincing public service announcement in making certain that one avoids delving too deep into the foul and in inhospitable swamps of black marsh our next creature is a monstrous and ancient one a colossal crustacean known as the emperor crab thought to now be extinct sadly not much is known of the emperor crap their origins and their ending the only depiction we have of a living emperor crab is concept art from the elder scrolls iii morrowind's development and as we can see the emperor crabs were humongous towering above the elven armies below their legs and even dwarfing murr standing hundreds of yards away the emperor crabs were native to vadenfell and lived on the island with the early chimera settlers although this was not a peaceful sharing of territory as the emperor krabs relentlessly terrorized the velothi the greatest and deadliest of them was an emperor crab known as scar its chitin was impervious to the ashlanders assault its shell is described as stone hard that could not be damaged cracked dented nor scratched but there was one who slew the beast a hero of the ancient house claren a man named dranoth claren he raised his mighty and now legendary spear calderas and with one resounding war cry he drove an ultimate thrust that defeated the mighty emperor crab scar now given that scar was apparently impervious to damage it is not specifically known how or where this final blow struck regardless his spear calderas was kept as a vardhan fellain relic and stored in the clarin ancestral tomb but more interestingly along with the spear so too kept was the remains of scar as the mighty dunmer city of alderun the home of the great house rhetorian has used the carapace carcass of scar as the skeleton of its mana district known also as underscar inside is a labyrinthine congregation of mana-like abodes for the higher echelon of the city's population apparently when scar was finally slain the ashlanders lived off its meat for many many years and as we can see from the exterior when compared to the rest of the city and we can even see the dunmer walking around the chiton remains of scar are absolutely colossal considering this was once an actual living crab not something you would want to fight or have to kill with a spear now it is not known if any emperor crabs still live to this day as none have been encountered nor reported of in millennia however maique the liar does say this when queried on the topic of emperor krabs maik sees lots of them in the ocean maike knows you'll see one too if you swim far enough now part of me well let's be honest most of me wants to believe him but the other little part of me knows that it's my eek the liar talking you know the clue's kind of in the name he's a liar allegedly allegedly i'm going off the name don't hurt me so it would seem the ever grand emperor crab of tamriel is truly extinct sad news i know but please try not to let that ruin your day don't get crabby for our next curious creature we'll have to go back as these boys have only appeared in the elder scrolls 1 arena but i am sure this next utterance will peak the ears of any warhammer fans as we will be taking a look at the lizardmen yes that's right lizard men now i'm sure you were thinking as i did oh must be you know some kind of argonian but no while they were thought to be a distant cousin of the argonians or perhaps even one of the several variants of argonian it is clearly stated that while the lizardmen may have men in their name and somewhat resemble an argonian in figure these are animals and have no relation to men argonians nor any of nirn's civilized races they are a unique standalone race of carnivorous reptiles whose use of language stretches just far enough as so they can communicate the location of their prey to the rest of the hunting party so they may swarm in and feast upon fresh flesh interestingly the lizardmen are commonly known to possess and wield primitive weaponry and shields in combat it is unclear if the lizardmen themselves produce these items or if they are stolen plunder and they just pick it up and use it much like how a chimpanzee could theoretically pick up and use a sword if it were to find one the lizardmen seem to be fulfilling this same hypothetical now lizard men primarily reside in dungeons and caves finding dark dens and natural home although they are also known to wander through the wilderness during the night so if you do run across a lizard man don't fret as they are said to be harder to fight than a goblin but easier to handle than a wolf only posing a threat to the novice adventurer like myself so the lizard man is a beast that will likely be my demise our next creature to wrap its frosty grips around our attention is one that may seem familiar i'm sure we all know of the giants classic in skyrim and the frost giants and the rothgarian giants and perhaps the even half giants but have you ever heard of the sea giants they are so rarely seen that sea giants are widely considered more fanciful than realistic but rest assured they do exist physically sea giants tower at a similar height to three nords standing on one another's shoulders their skin is a frosty tone described as being the same blue as a frostbitten toe sea giants wear what appears to be crude barbaric armor at first but upon closer inspection it actually consists of a rather complex intricacy that is often laden with an ice-like material appearing similar to if not identical to starframe they wield equally well-crafted weapons and shields in combat to crush the landfish a phrase they used to refer to the humanoid races of tamriel but unlike their land loving mammoth herding cousins sea giants are smart cunning and cruel in regards to their fury it is said that sharks have a kinder disposition than a sea giant and what makes them a force to truly be feared is this rage combined with their smarts sea giants have been observed speaking their own language along with common tamrielic dialects they are intelligent enough to build ships weapons armor and tools such as harpoon guns and harpoons which have a head carved of solid bone and a shaft thicker than a nord's thigh and with some of the nord women i've seen that's thick with strategic precision sea giants use these mighty weapons to hunt and maim whales which lurk beneath the sea ice once wounded the sea giants plunge into the icy abyss and wrestle the injured whale before carving it up alive the sea giants enjoy the sport of killing and the entertainment of torture toying with their prey prolonging death for nothing more than their own amusement in nord legend sea giants are said to only make landfall in the coldest of winters never staying for long they slaughter and pillage and then vanish into the ice fox of the sea of ghosts on their colossal vessels folk tales tell of sea giant great ships the size of islands spotted traversing the isolated waters of the north while such an account does appear to be the artistic license of myth the actual sea giant ships that we can find are massive especially considering they are shallow longboats with a single deck and not multi-storied galleons truly a figure you do not want to see coming towards your boats or the shores in which you call home now along with their intellect they are also magically inclined unlike other giants sea giants are shamanistic in nature with their storm callers harnessing the power of the elements to conjure and twist weaponized water ice wind and lightning much like the weather magic we discuss in the video i mentioned earlier about the auger of dunlain and his true nature the sea giants can conjure totems infused with elemental magic and can beckon the aid of wildlife similar to a wood elf their origin is unknown although a few educated deductions can lead us to the answer the sea giants come from the north via the sea of ghosts and there are only two substantial land masses beyond the northern shores of skyrim firstly is roscria an island said to be inhabited by oddly pale humans that are seven feet or taller suspected to be the result of human and giant breeding while it's closer to the mark there is no mention of sea giants but north of russ korea is of course the frozen continent of atmora the original homeland of the atmorins who settled in skyrim and whose descendants are the nords we know today and while there is also no mention of sea giants in atmora their names are eerily similar to atmoran names notable sea giant names such as avrol yandir and ismgar are linguistically sibling-like to atmoran names such as inglar ingol and ysgramor suggesting they have the same place of origin and although we cannot be certain atmora does seem to be the most likely candidate for the sea giant's homeland so if you are ever out and about in the sea of ghosts and see something giant it's probably just that sea giant and with that we have now delved deep into the mysteries of 10 mysterious odd obscure weird and rare elder scrolls creatures that you probably didn't know existed i do hope that you thoroughly enjoyed the video and as always i'm very interested to hear which creatures on this list you hadn't heard of and which other obscure elder scrolls creatures you think should be covered in a video just like this the elder scrolls is a big and weird world and there are most certainly more creatures to explore i would like to thank again katie ryan and victoria for providing their services in this video again their contact information can be found down below if you enjoyed what they did in this video and if you did enjoy this video altogether please feel free to check out my other eldest girls videos you can find them via the playlist link down in the description and while you're down there be sure to check out my social media links follow me on instagram and twitter and if you'd like to support my channel in a more personal way you can become a member right here on youtube or a patreon on patreon as i'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making videos like this for you to enjoy so your support is most genuinely appreciated in any and all forms leave a like comment subscribe become a member whatever it is i appreciate all of it greatly so thank you very much for watching i've been camel and i will see you very shortly in the next video i'll see you there soon [Music] you
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 225,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, scrolls V, three, four, five, six, arena, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, bethesda, studios, softworks, secrets, mysteries, detective, hidden, legends, stories, theories, top, 10, list, most, interesting, facts, best, weapons, easter, eggs, unique, camel, works, camelworks, mackenzie, rowles, eso, tes, online, lore, canon, tales, locations, dragonborn, who, truth, quest, curiosities, kill, mysterious, mystery, character, exposed, explained, theory, rare, obscure, weird, creatures, monsters, secret, odd, deep, beasts, named, enemies
Id: ryjNBM09CgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 46sec (2566 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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