All Fishing Unique Items Lore & Guide - Skyrim Anniversary Edition

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[Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the elder scrolls 5 skyrim's anniversary edition update for skyrim special edition my name is camel and today we are going to be taking a look at every single unique rare and notable item that you can acquire with the new fishing that came with the skyrim anniversary edition it's a free update at least the fishing bit is i'll show you how to get each and every single one of them will talk about their law and how they function in game and how they can best be used in total there are 18 items that we will be covering which alphabetically are as follows the alikiri fishing rod the argonian fishing rod then stagma's ring the dwarf and fishing rod the fang of heineken the oaken thanned war axe of fire the oakenthand waraxx are freezing the lucky fishing hat la nia's amulet of dybala the mentor's ring the ring of the khajiit the ring of kynareth the ring of finaster the ring of surroundings the ring of the wind the vampiric ring various charm and the warlocks ring so there is a lot to cover as no doubt you have seen with the length of this video and we will be covering them in the order that i got them as most of them come from two quest lines that are linear but certain quests are locked behind a progression gate based on the other quest line so you might be able to get these items in a different order than i do all i can say is that the sequence we follow in this video is the one that worked for me but no big deal the quests aren't going anywhere do them in whatever order you can slash want and there are a few pieces that can be fished up very small chance that will happen but that's the only way to get them and we'll cover those at the end as their acquisition is just totally random now timestamps for each item and section can be found down in the description along with links to all of my social media be sure to follow me on instagram and twitter to keep up to date with what i'm up to and do you have some christmas septums just burning a hole in your pocket well look no further head over to my merch store and pick up something cool like this elder scrolls blankets or even maybe this brand new daedric smoke schoomer worship camel long-sleeve shirt there are blankets cushions hoodies beanies hats stickers all kinds of stuff so be sure to check it out help the channel out and you'll also get something cool in return so while we do have a lot to cover in this video before we actually get started i have one major suggestion as to finish all these quests we will need to catch at least one of every single new fish in the game which will take hours and hours of your precious time to complete with a fishing rod but luckily for you i do have a video that shows you how to get all 21 of the new fish within minutes without a fishing rod in which i also cover how to breed the fish so that you have an endless supply of them and honestly it will save you hours and hours of your precious life so 100 watch that video it is linked above and it will allow you to get all of the items on this list probably 80 to 90 faster than you would if you used a fishing rod to catch all the fish for the quests so now without further ado let's get fishing so the first time we pick up a fishing rod and start fishing at any of the fishing spots around skyrim we will get a quest called angler acquaintances for which we'll need to head to the rift and fishery there are two npcs to give fishing quests swims in deep water and viria we'll start with swims in deep water the first quest he will give us is called catch of the day in which we need to collect four specific fish a carp a glass fish a goldfish and a pogfish because you know twitch again see my quick fish video to get them all in minutes and save yourself hours i'm not kidding some of these fish take hours to catch with a fishing rod but anyway finish that quest the next quest swims in deep water will give us is called caught in the rain from which we actually get two items on this list the first thing we need to do is head to the fishing supplies east of germans hall where here we will actually have to fish with a rod now the first time you cast out the first thing you will catch is the lucky fishing hat which we needed to do for the quest but before we take a look at it we'll finish the rest of the quest first as there is something specific we need to do to actually keep the fishing hat so now on with the quest and like the previous quest we will need to collect four specific fish the catfish the pearl fish the pygmy sunfish that little bastard and the spade fish again see my quick fish guide to collect all of them faster than ulfric killed hiking tauric once we've got those pesky rainy weather flappers let's head back to swims in deep water now when we talk to him he will say hey did you find my lucky fishing hat and you need to say no no i didn't just lie to him this is the only way you can keep the lucky fishing hat for yourself as it cannot be pickpocketed off him later and if you kill him he's not carrying it so say no to finding the fishing hat then you keep it and then also when you finish the quest regardless of which option you chose he will give you an argonian fishing rod which isn't technically unique but we will look at this also in a minute but first let's check out the lucky fishing hat it is a clothing item and therefore provides no protection and has an armor rating of zero it of course goes in your head because it's a hat strange that it has a weight of 0.5 so much like the sun it is quite light it has a value of 1 so like dogecoin it's basically worthless and it can not be upgraded at all and it's enchantment when worn rainstorms will occur while you are fishing at temperate lakes and streams so it will not create rainstorms if you are fishing in frozen waters or in caves or if you are just not fishing at all only at tempered lakes and streams now i will say that further into this video there is a ring on the list that has the same enchantment it has the same effect as this hat so if you have already turned in the lucky fishing hat to swim in deep water don't worry you're pretty little head it's fine although you will never need to fish in the rain if you watch my quick fish guide because my fast collection method does not rely on weather conditions unlike doing it the standard way fishing with a rod which is about 100 times slower now there isn't much to say about the lucky fishing hat other than it is probably the ugliest hat ever made and it does share the same appearance with the standard fishing hat added into the game with the same fishing update for me it's much more of a unique collectible piece than a practical piece it's straight into my player home never to be seen again and in regards to law i can find absolutely no law about a lucky fishing hat the closest thing i can find is fisher folk workwear costume from eso that was a daily login reward from the 21st of july 2019 although in appearance this does not resemble the lucky fishing hat in skyrim at all and it also has no effects let alone one that conjures precipitation so it would seem this lucky fishing hat is fairly alone and unique within the elder scrolls universe and come to think of it swims in deep water probably threw it in the lake because it's trash but it's ours now on to the next reward for this same quest which is the argonian fishing rod before we take a look at it it's worth mentioning that this item isn't technically unique as while this quest is the only way to be given one or find one once you do complete the quest you can actually make them at a forge with blacksmithing so technically you can make as many as you want but with that said let's check out its stats the argonian fishing rod it is actually labeled as a one-handed sword which plays a part in some of all of its stats basically so it has an abysmal base damage of four and given the iron sword has a base damage of seven this is considerably worse than the lowest form of sword although it does outrank the meme base damage of the wooden sword which sets it too along with the weaponized knife and fork which are even worse with the base damage of one so along with those kind of items the argonian fishing rod is not really meant to be used as an actual weapon it has a swing speed of 1 along with all other one-handed swords now its base damage at its swing speed combine to give us a base damage per second of 4. now despite it looking longer than all other one-handed swords it actually has a reach of one which again is the same as all other one-handed swords it has a weight of 3.5 which is incredibly light for its weapon class but then again it's not exactly a classic example of a sword it has a value of 55 and it cannot be upgraded now it's enchantment it greatly improves the chance of catching large fish when fishing now large fish are any fish that are considered food so that would be the angler the vampire fish the pogfish the dire fish the catfish the carp the brook bass the tripod spy to fish the glass catfish the scorpion fish the cod the arctic grayling and the arctic charr so if you want to suffer and actually catch these fish with a rod then this is the rod for you now aesthetically the rod has a very unique argonian motif to it the end of the handle appears to be a four pronged spear head so the rod may also be used for spear fishing it seams while the top of the handle bears the classic aztec lizard art style seen in argonian culture throughout black marsh primarily experienced through the elder scrolls online now the reel is engraved with a circle comprised of tiny little fish and there are three red feathers hanging off of it as well possibly argonian feathers or maybe the feathers of the dreaded sea drake which you can learn more about in my 10 rare elder scrolls creatures video rather interestingly the end of the fishing rod has a jagged metal tip once again suggesting that it is to be used for spear fishing at both ends as well as a conventional fishing rod much like a sushi merchant this rod appears to be a fish's worst enemy overall a lovely design now in regards to lore i was unable to find anything about an argonian fishing rod i even went to black marsh in the elder scrolls online and the argonians there used the same fishing rod that everyone else does the plain old boring bamboo stick which is actually the same aesthetic as another rod that we will be seeing in this video but we'll save that for later obviously so it would seem that this argonian fishing rod is truly a special gift from swims in deep water that isn't seen anywhere else within the observable elder scrolls universe for now swims in deep water won't give us any more quests until we have progressed further with various fishing questline so naturally given these circumstances we will now need to head to viria and see what she has for us we can find her walking around the docks of the rifton fishery during the day the first quest that she will give us is called in a pinch for which we will need to get a juvenile mud crab that can be fished up with a rod and also found in a few places throughout skyrim again see my quick fish video for a full guide for those they are quite small so be sure to keep your eyes like a banana peeled and your ankles armored once you've finished that mission the next quest viria will give us is called clear headed from which we will get a unique item on this list so first thing we need to do is get a glass fish again see my quick fish video to save hours of your life getting it once we have the glass catfish we need to head to valkyrie and hand it over to the alchemist of the city zarya she will then request that we hand over an invisibility potion to one of the city's guard and tell them that it is skooma this particular guard has been up to no good and drinking all of the skooma in the city that has been seized from citizens and criminals so naturally he will think it's skooma take a big swig turn him invisible and then he freaks out kind of like that show's scared straight or whatever it was called once this is done all we need to do is head back to zarya and she will thank us by handing over a unique artifact called the ring of surroundings now that we have it let's check it out the ring of surroundings it is of course a ring so it goes in your finger who would have thought it has a weight of 0.25 which is entirely standard for the weight of a ring and skyrim it has a value of 1554 which is exceptionally high although of course given it is an ancient artifact i doubt you will want to be selling it and it's enchantment sneaking is 20 better quite a simple yet powerful little ring for you sneaky folk out there now all this enchantment means is that you are 20 harder to detect while sneaking which has very obvious uses if you want to sneak around slap this on and you'll have well a 20 easier time doing so what is particularly appealing about this ring is that the enchantment is quite potent yet the ring can be acquired really early on in the game which i actually love it's very akin to morrowinds you know where to find an artifact you can go and grab it whenever you'll probably get killed on the way but you can go and grab it now not only can you get this thing early on but it is super easy to get making its acquisition a great starting point for any sneak builds aka all builds now let's talk about the law of the ring of surroundings little is known of this prize its origins undetermined and its associations unknown in law it is said to lend its wearer the ability to blend in with their surroundings now it first appeared within the elder scrolls iii morrowind in which rather interestingly two of them can actually be acquired one as a reward from larry's avaro at moon moth legion fort as a reward for wiping out the kamona tong's presence in balmora and the second one can be found in a small locked chest at the dren plantation which is the headquarters of the kimono tong kingpin or the stran so it would seem there are at least two of these in existence now in the elder scrolls 3 morrowind the ring of surroundings would grant the wearer 20 to 30 chameleon for 30 seconds now interestingly chameleon in the elder scrolls 3 was just like invisibility but the effect would not end when you interacted with objects or attacked someone or something so essentially what it did is make your character 20 to 30 percent harder to detect for 30 seconds which is exactly what it does here in the elder scrolls 5 skyrim however here now it is a constant effect i really would have loved it if they added a chameleon effect as well just to really hammer down the morrowind nostalgia but honestly the items in this list does enough of that nonetheless it is still an interesting item with great and simple utility now as we can see the appearance of the ring across the two games isn't very similar apart from a yellow coloring in the gemstones not the best job of physical consistency but it could definitely be worse overall a really cool item to add to your collection now we will be heading back to viria to continue on our journey the next mission she will give us is called heart of gold it's quite simple we just need to collect a goldfish again see my quick fish guide to save yourself an abundance of pain once you do get a goldfish we'll need to take it to mila valentia in whiterun then just follow her to the trough of water in which she places her new best friends then back to viria upon talking to her she will give us our next quest called no contest which involves our next unique item we'll need to head to morthal and find this old ass fisherman called brutius who apparently wants to compete with us in a fishing contest after speaking to him we'll need to head into the deep marshes of jalmark and wait for brutis to arrive at the fishing supplies once he does though it is all the ruse and he will attack us along with two of his pals that ambush us from behind smash these buffoons into the besotted soil of the rotting maya and be done with their fake fishing contest once they have been felled we'll need to read brutus's journal in which we will discover that he was fishing here and lost his ring sounds like he wasn't fishing but he was fish ring so naturally we'll need to cast out a line and see if we can pull it up ourselves and of course we can nice and quick the warlocks ring yet another classic from elder scrolls lore so now that we have this ancient artifact let's check it out the warlocks ring it of course goes on your finger it has a weight of 0.25 which is totally normal for rings within skyrim it has a value of 1392 which once again is quite high and mighty within skyrim but this ring is most certainly not for selling and it's extremely beefy enchantment blocking creates a ward against spells for 25 points your health regenerates 30 percent faster and you also move 5 faster now the increased movement speed is self-explanatory your character literally runs five percent faster and your health regenerating 30 faster is huge it won't shine in specific moments as it's a slow burn effect but it could make a huge difference across your entire playthrough if you were to use such a ring now the third enchantment blocking creates a ward for 25 points this is very interesting indeed as when you wear a ring and block it creates a ward which will protect you from all types of incoming damaging magic including dragon shouts and this works when you have a shield and when you block just using a weapon too it is the same effect of spell breaker but now you can use whatever shield you want or not use a shield at all although the ward created by the warlock's ring is half as powerful as the one that spell breaker creates but if you want an even beefier shield use spellbreaker and the warlocks ring double ward see what your spell chucking foes have to say about that now let's briefly talk about its lore and its past appearances in other elder scrolls games while the origin of the warlocks ring is unknown it may have been created by the old mary god ancestor siribane also known as the warlocks god the apprentice's god and the youngest of the eight which is in reference to the ultimary pantheon of eight divines legend has it that cerebene used the warlocks ring in aiding bendu olo in the fall of the sload it is said that through judicious use of the warlock's ring cerebane saved many lives from the scourge of the sload-created thoracian plague cerebane is notable for other feeds like the discovery of an alchemy alloy called frogmetal which sounds like a genre of music created by daniele's sister gali frog nation bullish on time wonderland now this frog metal could be forged into armor that would prevent its wearer from sinking and drowning if they found themselves fallen overboard and into the sea it is also believed that he taught the ultima to thread silver extremely thin and lustrous for use in jewelry and magical pendants but most importantly for this video it is said that the warlocks ring will always truly belong to cerebane so while throughout the ages it has changed many hands and helped many heroes and villains it never stays within their possession for long this mythological ownership of the warlocks ring is what makes me believe it may have been crafted or carolistically created by cerebene but that is of course pure speculation on my part also rather intriguingly on the sigic orders island of artem a statue of cerebene can be found which is what you've been seeing for the last few minutes but if we look very closely at his hand he is in fact wearing the warlock's ring and presenting it proudly in this depiction the wallach's ring bears the same physicality it did in the elder scrolls 3 morrowind which at the time of this statue's creation within the elder scrolls online the elder scrolls 3 morrowind was the most recent depiction of the warlocks ring but we will see more of that very soon as now let's talk about the warlocks ring appearances in previous elder scrolls games amazingly the warlocks ring first appeared within the elder scrolls arena which is sometimes referred to as the elder scrolls 1 arena but at the time of its release it was just elder scrolls arena because they didn't know there was going to be a second one a game so old that its items didn't even have images within the inventory so therefore there's literally no art asset that was ever created for the warlocks ring within the elder scrolls arena so guess what i can't show you what it looks like because it doesn't look like anything in that game now in arena it can be discovered in either morrowind or elsewhere which is a vague description i know but having just played a few hours of arena yesterday i don't even know how to get to morrowind or elsewhere so i cannot enlighten you further unfortunately interestingly all the way back in the elder scrolls arena the warlock's ring would increase your run speed heal you passively and reflect spells back at their caster almost exactly the same way it performs here in the elder scrolls 5 skyrim now the warlock's ring then appeared within the elder scrolls 2 daggerfall physically it looks very different to what we see here today appearing to have a gold band studded with red gems and a devilish pale green skull face the exact method of obtaining the warlock string in the elder scrolls 2 daggerfall is a bit all over the place as it can be offered as a reward for many unrelated quests and also has several bugs that prevent it from being obtained sometimes so you know it's good to know that bethesda's always been bethesda but given its random nature i'll spare you from that law irrelevant list of acquisition methods just random quests basically now staying true to its enchantment previously when worn in daggerfall it will increase your run speed and when used it heals the wearer and also casts shalador's mirror which is of course a spell reflection effect so so far so good in regards to consistency the next game that the warlocks ring was seen in was the elder scrolls iii morrowind it can be found in the possession of a rogue done with sorcerer vindemia drethan who hides in a remote cave called ashira badon found in the azura's coast region now within the elder scrolls 3 morrowind the warlocks ring has a cast when used enchantment so it slots like a spell and you actively have to use it it will provide a 10 to 20 spell reflect barrier for 30 seconds and increases your speed by 10 to 20 for 30 seconds as well notably missing its health regeneration effect and the fact that the effects that it does have aren't constant effects well it makes it less interesting than the other games that it is seen in now physically the warlocks ring has taken a more stern and rigid appearance taking on its now prominent red and dark metal coloring this is the same appearance that the warlocks ring has on the statue of siribane from the elder scrolls online that we saw earlier but that was the last time that this artifact had been seen in any previous game when this elder scrolls online content came out when the statue appeared so that makes sense that it looks like the one from morrowinds now interestingly the next game this ring appeared in was actually the elder scrolls blades which i am still waiting to come to pc as was promised in 2018. as of right this second when i'm recording this it has been 1 304 days since the 2018 bethesda e3 showcase where they showed the elder scrolls blades and said it was coming to pc it's been over three and a half years and here i sit todd i am waiting patiently now rather uninterestingly the warlocks ring can be acquired by sheer luck as treasure from legendary chests which as i'm sure you can imagine are primarily acquired by purchasing them in the game store with real money so instead of doing that go to my merch store and pick up some cool stuff that's real however within the elder scrolls blades the warlocks ring is a rather powerful ring and bears similar enchantments to morrowind increasing the wearer's attack speed by 19 percent which in a competitive multiplayer game like blades that is insane and it also reflects a portion of harmful spells of all schools back at their caster again hugely powerful now much like morrowind it does not restore health to the wearer now physically in the elder scrolls blades it appears to have been modified modernized re-envisioned from the morrowind stylization giving it some more character and making it look a bit less blocky now this new appearance in blades seems to be the one and very same that has been used right here within the elder scrolls 5 skyrim although the metal coloration has gone from gold seen in blades back to a more grey alloy as previously seen in morrowind which i personally prefer so the warhawk spring there's quite a lot of stuff going on with it there and it's good to see that it has almost fully sustained its enchantment or at least the general gist of its powers throughout 27 years of gaming all the way back from the elder scrolls arena to now in the elder scrolls 5 skyrim so that's pretty dang neat unlike my tax filing system that is not neat now on to our next item once we return to virio she will give us a quest called crustacean extermination for this mission we will need to head to a fishing shack found on the coast to the northwest of dawnstar and once here we need to take out about one billion or so angry jumping mud crabs once that whole situation has been dealt with we will head back to viria and complete the quest upon doing so she will give us an ali kiri fishing rod before we take a look at it it's worth noting that much like the argonian fishing rod this can be crafted at a blacksmith's forge so it's technically not unique but the production of more is in your hands so this quest is the only way to find one slash be given one in game by forces beyond yourself so now let's take a look at its stats the alikiri fishing rod has a base damage of four which is the same as the argonian fishing rod which as we discussed in depth is absolutely terrible it has a swing speed of 1 like all one-handed swords which it is classed as for some reason these two stats give us a base damage per second of 4. it has a reach of 1 which is the same as a normal one-headed sword it has a weight of two so it is lighter than the argonian fishing rod which isn't surprising given it's literally just a stick now for whatever reason it is worth 20 gold more than the argonian fishing rod with a total value of 75 and it cannot be upgraded and finally its enchantment it greatly improves the chance of catching small fish when used for fishing so the alakiri fishing rod's enchantment lies in the same vein as the argonian fishing rod however that is for big fish and this one is for small fish which in my opinion is much more useful as big fish are used for food i mean honestly no one really eats food in skyrim while the small fish are used for alchemy so they have much more practical value in game both in terms of potions and making potions just for money so the small fish include angel fish angler larvae glass fish goldfish layer tail antheas pearl fish pygmy sunfish spade fish so if you do want to catch some fish to be ground up and used in a potion this ali kiri rod is the one for you or once again you can watch my quick fish video and never have to fish again while also having an infinite supply of all fish yeah you know the choice is yours now in regards to aesthetic this really isn't impressive at all it's a super primitive rod with no real so i assume it is meant for some kind of like fly fishing rod where you just yank it back when the fish bites on the bait which i guess would make sense if you're catching small fish it is quite simply and literally a piece of bamboo which as we saw earlier is the fishing rods that everyone including you the player use within the elder scrolls online now in regards to law i was unable to find any reference to the ali kiri people those being the red guards having any special type of fishing rod there's no such thing as an ali kiri fishing rod in any previous law there is literally no reference to them anywhere within the elder scrolls apart from here in the elder scrolls 5 skyrim so much like the argonian fishing rod this appears to be an invention made up for this piece of anniversary content for now though we will be moving on to our next item and just to mix it up and get this out of the way we'll be heading back to swims in deep water for now he will give us the remaining quests of which there are three they are more fishing challenges like before so again and as always see my quick fish guide to get all the fish within like five ten minutes and save yourself hours of faffing around with a fishing rod trying to catch a stupid pygmy sunfish or whatever so the first mission of which we get is called frozen fish for which we will need to acquire four specific fish only found in freezing cold areas those being the angler larvae the arctic charm the arctic grayling and the cod the next quest is called the darkest depths for which we need to catch four specific fish only found within caves those being the dire fish the glass catfish the tripod spider fish and the vampire fish and the final quest swims in deep water will give us is called fishing legend in which we need to catch four specific and rather rare fish those being the angelfish the angler the liar tale antheus and the scorpion fish once we return to him and hand in this final collection of fish for his fifth and final fishing challenge he will reward us with the fang of hey nekhet namet oh yes i've practiced saying that so now that we have this ancient unique artifact let's take a look at it shall we the fang of heineken it has a base damage of 13 which is actually the highest base damage of any dagger in the game including all of the dlcs and the anniversary edition content so we are off to a good start it has a swing speed of 1.3 which is standard for dagger now this base damage and swing speed come together to deliver a staggering or daggering in this case base damage per second of 16.9 to no surprise this is the highest base dps of any and all daggers within the game it has a reach of 0.7 again standard for a dagger within skyrim it has a weight of 6.5 which makes it one of the heaviest daggers in the game as it is on par with the dragon bone dagger but being the heaviest dagger in skyrim doesn't really mean much as it's still super light when compared to most other weapons it's like being the heaviest feather oh no how am i gonna carry it ah now it also has a value of 1446 but you will not want to be selling this especially after we discuss its law which is actually really cool now it can be upgraded with a dragon bone which requires the arcane blacksmithing perk to do so and its enchantment the target takes 25 points of shock damage and half as much magicka damage the enchantment is actually quite powerful of course you can always make stronger ones as the player but as far as set enchantments go within the game this one is up there handy against those magically inclined enemies of course with the damage to magicka and well just its general high damage all around the dagger also has an exceedingly unusual amount of enchantment uses being able to strike 750 times before it requires recharging easily making its enchantment 20 30 or even 50 times more durable and long lasting than most other enchanted weapons so all rounds as far as unique items go especially in the case of daggers this is one of the most powerful and useful items within the game and it's not that hard to get if you watch my quick fish guide now physically it most certainly has that argonian motif that we see in the elder scrolls online applied to it which of course was heavily influenced by a native central and southern american cultures like the aztecs inca and maya it also appears to be made of bone which spoiler alert it is i think is a tooth or bone let's just say yes but we'll learn all about that in a minute when we get onto its law now this will also reveal its argonian stylizations in fact you know what let's get to the law right now the fang of heineken is shrouded in fabled legend it is the literal fang of a beast known as a nekhetnamet that has been fashioned into a dagger deep within the bowels and dankest mires of shadowfen and blackmarsh there are great reptilian beasts known as wamasu they are feared for their ferocity and are said to have lightning for blood in combat this mythos becomes very real as wamasu unleash a wide array of offensive strikes and abilities soaked in deathly electricity dealing crippling shock damage to any they hit well it is said that once a score of nords encountered a mythical wamasu named heineken these nords believed it to be a dragon and so they fought heineken the battle raged tirelessly for seven days and seven nights until the beast was finally slain one of the surviving nords took one of heinekenmetz fangs as a trophy which was later fashioned into a dagger that mysteriously retains the fabled lightning powers of the mythical wamasu it is also thought that heineken met is a name given to various wamasu throughout history rather than it being a singular beast the thought being that heineken is a title kind of like the king of england the king of england dies and then there's a new king of england while the same concept with the wamasu and heineken because of this there are potentially more than one weapon fashioned from the potential fangs of heineken although this lore diversion is due to the elder scrolls online in which one may encounter a wamasu named heineken who when killed drops a weapon called the swamp raiders fang of heineken resulting in there being a potentially endless source of these weapons although the version within the elder scrolls online is heavily befelled and causes disease damage to anyone struck by it missing that legendary lightning power of the wamasu so clearly it's not as cool or on track or perhaps even a completely different weapon altogether i personally like to believe that the story of heineken and the nords is true and there is only one real fang of hey nekhetenamet and then stemming from this legendary tale any you know big dick wamasu was given the title of heinekenmetz in reference to the original but that is of course my head canon so now let's talk about this artifact in previous games the fang of heineken met first appeared within the elder scrolls iii morrowind in which it can be found lying in an altered trough in the shrine of pitted dreams within the sixth house base mammalia it is one of the best short blades within the game in regards to base damage while also being enchanted with the highest shock damage enchantment of any weapon within the game including all of the official plugins and expansions making it the ultimate weapon for thieves and mages being super lightweight and very powerful now physically it just shares the same skin with the kite and daggers so nothing special there although the weapon itself in terms of practicality is special it's also worth noting that here in the elder scrolls 3 morrowinds it holds that legendary lightning within it it does shock damage now the next game that it appeared in was the elder scrolls online but we've already spoken of that and it seems to be a different item altogether as it doesn't deal shock damage which makes me think it's not actually the same thing that we see in morrowind and skyrim and then of course we see it here within the elder scrolls 5 skyrim so across all three games it bears a very different appearance in morrowind it just borrowed the kite and dagger model and texture in the elder scrolls online it appears to be the standard argonian style dagger which looks like some kind of kukri and then here within the elder scrolls 5 skyrim it's my personal favorite as it is unique and bears a rather lore fitting look assuming that the nord who took the fang from heineke nemet gave it to an argonian to fashion it into a dagger given it bears a classically argonian cultural motif or it could be that the nord crafted it himself with a traditional argonian art style as a nod to the region and the beast that the fang came from so overall the fang of heineken is a super cool weapon with a nice backstory potentially lessened by its mass production in the elder scrolls online but rectified with my head canon which sadly isn't actually canon but you know i do my best and with that we can all pray and hope that i and you never have to say hey nakhet met ever again now on to our next item for this we will be heading back to viria and finishing off the rest of her quest line the next quest she will give us is called tasked terror for this we'll need to head to fangtusk's feeding grounds found to the north east of windhelm at the mouth of the white river once here all we need do is place an arctic grayling on the feeding grounds and this will summon the tusked terror fang tusk from the icy northern waters slay him as quickly as you can as he is pretty feisty and has the ability to drain its foes life during combat and well during this fight we are its foe the reason that it has this ability well we'll learn that in a second so once fang tusk has been defeated on his corpse we can find the artifact known as the vampiric ring along with some vampire dust and vampire clothes now it turns out that fang tusk here ate a vampire who wore this ring leading to fang tusk gaining the magical life absorbing properties of the vampiric ring so once we've collected our new unique item we need to head to windhelm and fully complete the quest by speaking to the steward of windhelm who will also give us a reward with the golden bounty for the deed we just need to finish that off so we can continue on the questline later so now that we have the vampiric ring and we finished the quest let's take a look at it the vampiric ring it of course goes on your finger it has a weight of 0.25 completely standard ring weight it has a rather oddly low value of 400 but that is fairly irrelevant as you won't want to sell this beautiful artifact regardless of its value and its enchantment it allows you to cast the spell drain life now this spell drain life sadly isn't very impressive absorbing three points of health from your target every second it can be dual wielded and might have some perks that increase its damage but even then it's still not great it could be somewhat useful early on in the game you know when you have a low amount of health your enemies have a low amount of health but i mean even like late early game mid game and especially late game absorbing three points of health from your opponent every second it really isn't going to do much at all your enemy might feel a bit of a tickle but that's about it this spell drain life is not to be confused with the vampire ability vampiric drain drain life while it sounds super basic and vanilla is in fact a completely new spell specific to the vampiric ring you can also give this ring to your companions which will give them the ability to use this spell also so now let's touch on its lore and previous game appearances both of which will be rather brief in yegram began's tamrielic lore the vampiric ring is described as one of the more deadly and rare artifacts in tamriel said to have the power to steal its victim's life force and bestow it to the wearer the origins of the vampiric ring are not known although it is believed to be very old as many elders speak of its nefarious creation in morrowind long long ago by a cult of vampire followers sightings of the vampiric ring are extremely rare and is only seen every few hundred cycles of the moons masa and secunda and of course i guess the dark moon the third moon but you know let's not get into that now now the vampiric ring first appeared within the elder scrolls three morrowinds being carried by the living dead a unique enemy known as the skeleton war wizard how's that for a title in morrowind the ring's enchantment seemed to be stronger absorbing 20 to 30 points of both health and stamina although this effect was over 10 seconds so even then it's not too far off from what we see here in skyrim although i think this enchantment in morrowind is better because you only have to cast it once and then you can do other stuff with your hands for 10 seconds whereas here in skyrim you need to just constantly cast the spell but even with that the vampiric ring is one of the most damaging rings in the game of morrowinds even more damaging than the xbox 360 red ring of death although i managed to completely avoid getting one of those now physically the vampiric ring has the same classic morrowind look the long rectangular face comprised of different shades of crimson its appearance within the elder scrolls 5 skyrim is the same reimagining of this morrowind shape that the warlocks ring underwent looking very similar in colour too although the vampiric ring is notably darker with a cursed black metal bands with glimmers of dark blood red within it all in all it's always nice to see an old artifact come back it's got a cool effect but the lackluster magnitude makes it fairly asinine for gameplay uses beyond the very early stages of the game nonetheless it's definitely going into my ring collection now once we return to our beloved viria for yet another fishing mission she will hand us a quest called private lessons for which we will need to head to makaf the capital city of the reach once here we need to locate a woman named lania who can be found within the silver blood inn once located we just need to talk to her about her private fishing lessons and then meet her down by the warrens where on a petite pier we can find some fishing supplies all we need do is fish a few times while she's standing next to us and this somehow transfers our amazing fishing skills onto this lania who is apparently a sponge for knowledge once this objective is complete she will thank us and hand us our next unique item linear's amulet of so now that we have it let's take a look at it linear's amulet of dybala it is of course a necklace so it goes on your neck it has a weight of one which is the same as a normal amulet of dibella or any amulet to a divine for that matter it has a value of 475 which is significantly higher than the standard amulet of dybella which has a value of 20 gold and its enchantment increases your speech craft by 15 points along with increasing your stamina by 40 points now this enchantment has the same 15 plus two speech craft that the normal amulet of dybala has but this unique version adds 40 stamina which is unique to this piece now this enchantment as a whole isn't awful by any means and the 40 plus 2 stamina is quite hefty but if you want a good stamina boost there are most certainly better options like the locket of saint jib which increases your stamina by 50 points along with increasing your carry weight by 50 points and it also has an armor rating if you've never heard of the locket of saint jib i'm not surprised but be sure to check out my guide for it as it's really hard to get but of course will be really easy if you watch my video it'll either be linked above i don't know i've run out of cards yet or you can just search my channel for the locket of saint jib anyway point being la nia's amulet of dybala is better than the standard version but even then it's nothing too special and there are better necklaces out there for you now there is also no law and no previous game appearances for this item so we'll skip over that like me skipping over my emails from my accountants but before we move on though it is kind of funny as dybella is the goddess of love and you know love making so the fact that la nia's amulet of dybala boosts one's stamina well it means you can last longer in the sack so haha good one now on to our next item of course we'll head back to veria and ask her about more fishing missions the next quest she will give us is called spirits away for this we'll need to head into the reach and fish up risad's three lost bottles of aged flynn just head to the quest marker where we'll find fishing supplies within a minute or two we will fish up these lost aged flynn bottles once we get them all we need do now is track down resud and hand them back to him now this can actually be quite difficult because he's part of the travelling kijiti caravan so if you fast travel near where he is on the map by the time you get there he's on the other side of skyrim so my suggestion is to just do it the old-fashioned way and run directly to him this might take a minute or two but it is by far the simplest and most reliable way to find him now there also seems to be some kind of issue where risad walks in the ground the first time i did this quest he was actually completely under the road and i had to use console commands to get to him so i don't know if he's had too much skooma i don't know if he's not aging well like he's flynn something's up but just keep that in mind so once you do manage to find this plane walking reesad give him the missing age flynn and he will reward us with an ancient artifact known as the ring of khajiit so now that we have it let's take a look at it the ring of khajiit it of course goes on your finger with it being a ring and all it has a weight of 0.25 which is pretty normal for a ring it has a value of 650 which is a fairly substandard price especially for an artifact but this will be added to your collection and i highly doubt you will want to sell it and it's enchantment you move 10 faster and it also allows you to cast the spell hide now the moving 10 faster is pretty self-explanatory but the spell hide that we can now cast is an ultra low cost invisibility spell that lasts for 15 seconds normally invisibility lasts twice as long but it costs 10 times as much magicka so this hide spell is 5 times more cost effective for the time that you get to be invisible for that sentence kind of evolved as i spoke it so it is pretty handy especially for low-level characters now rather interestingly the item model for the ring of khajiit has actually been in skyrim's game files since its initial release in 2011. that's why you might notice that the model and texture quality of the ring seem notably lesser than the other items in this video well the reason being that yeah it was made a decade ago whereas all the other items have been made much more recently why they never ended up putting it in the game in the first place well who knows now let's talk about the law behind this ring and also its appearances in other elder scrolls games interestingly the ring of the khajiit is a daedric artifact associated with both the daedric prince mephala and the daedric prince meridia now the exact purpose and time of its creation are not known but it was made famous when the purring liar the trickster god the footpath the cat who waltz the cat king of thieves rajin stole the ring from mephala's arm in the same way rajin made the ring of khajiit famous the ring of khajiit made rajin famous as he used and abused its power to become the most renowned burglar of all time later becoming the thief god of the kajiti people it is even said that rajin the purring liar stole a tattoo from the neck of empress kintera as she slept of course abusing its power all too freely eventually the ring of khajiit abandoned rajin and left him exposed to his enemies leading to his demise across the many years after this the ring of khajiit has found its way into the possession of many heroes and villains it first appeared within the elder scrolls arena a game in which rings didn't even have a model or inventory icon so i can't show it to you because it physically does not exist within the game apart from being like a piece of code now like all artifacts in arena it is just found randomly within either hammerfell hyroc or valenwood in this game it would make the wearer invisible it would cast a spell called sanctuary which makes enemies less likely to notice you while sneaking and it also fortified the speed attribute of course making your character move faster very similar to what it does here in skyrim after this it then appeared within the elder scrolls 2 daggerfall in which it can be acquired by completing meridia's daedric quest when used it makes the wearer invisible and has a constant effect known as the feat of notorgo which fortifies speed again carrying on its traditional magical themes physically it is a prismatic band the likes of which change dramatically in future games the ring of khajiit then appeared within the elder scrolls 3 morrowind in which it can be acquired by completing myphala's quest as you may have noticed this is when the items seemed to go from meridia's artifact to mafala's artifact the reason for this is unknown now in morrowind the ring of khajiit would make you invisible for 30 seconds and fortify your speed by 10 to 20 points for 30 seconds as well when used holding true to its original magical nature now the appearance of the ring changed drastically and took on a more classic morrowind artifact ring shape the big long rectangle not only did the shape change but the coloration also diverges heavily as well taking on a more white alloy well actually an almost purely white alloy with a massive greenish yellow gemstone the ring then appeared within the elder scrolls iv oblivion where it could be obtained by a completing meridius quest which is interesting because now it's gone back to being an artifact of meridia as i think it should be unlike in the elder scrolls 3 morrowind where for some reason it was an artifact belonging to mephala although in the law it was stolen from mephala but maybe mephala stole it from iridius orhunos now in oblivion the ring gave a constant effect of 35 chameleon which just made you 35 more invisible and therefore harder to detect if you think of invisibility as a scale 0 being you normally and 100 being you are completely invisible chameleon was a spell that played with that range in between 0 and 100 so it made you 35 invisible and therefore 35 harder to detect and along with this it also fortifies the speed attribute by 10 points naturally making your character run faster once again keeping to its traditional lore friendly magical properties and boons now physically in oblivion the ring of khajiit has had quite the glow up bearing a golden band a huge pink purple gemstone cased beneath a massive amber gemstone at the front becoming quite the bedazzled ornament to wield on one's finger and of course here within the elder scrolls 5 skyrim the ring of khajiit looks like this notable as being i guess you could say downgraded in terms of its visual ostentatiousness bearing a weathered silver band and the same yellow or amber gemstone set on the forefront we saw in oblivion now before we move on it is worth noting that sometimes in ancient texts the ring of khajiit is referred to as the ring of kijiti while the item itself never bears this name in game for whatever reason it is sometime referenced by this ring of khajiiti title overall a very cool item and a great piece for any scaredy cats who don't want to be detected now onto our next collection of items we will once again be returning to our beloved viria for yet another mission once we talk to her the next quest she will give us is called the ultimate feast for which we just need to cook up some specific meals and feed them to some hungry woman in solitude nothing difficult nothing interesting once we head back to viria the next mission she will give us is called beneath bronze waters from which we will be getting three items that we will be taking a look at for this we will need to head to bronze water cave which can be found in the heart of the pale once here we will find a journal on the ground upon reading it we'll learn that these unfortunate adventures before us were in search of the dwarven fishing rod schematics which apparently can be found in alftans so naturally we'll need to make our jolly old way over there once here we will need to head into the ruined tower then on the middle floor we can find exactly what was said to be here the dwarven fishing rod schematics although be wary of enemies in here as there are many so now that we have these schematics we'll need to head to the city of markov and speak to the court wizard calcemo after we give him the dwarven fishing rod schematics we will need to wait for 24 hours before talking to him again once one in-game day has passed we can speak to cal selmo again and now he's had time to craft a dwarven fishing rod for us which he will give to us for free and while we are not done with a mission yet we will take a look at the dwarven fishing rod now that we have it so the dwarven fishing rod it is classed as a one-handed sword like the other fishing rods it has a base damage of five which is one point higher than the other two rods that we have seen so far it has a swing speed of one which is on par with all other one-handed swords now these two stats come together to provide a base damage per second of 5 which is an abysmal dps for a one-handed sword but it's no different to the other fishing rods well i mean it's one damage better but it's still awful it has a reach of one which is again standard it has a weight of six which makes it the heaviest fishing rod out of the lot it has a value of 110 which also makes it the most valuable fishing rod and it cannot be upgraded now its enchantment greatly improves the chance of catching items when fishing now this effect is actually super useful and we will be using this very fishing rod for this very effect later on in the video now it can also be used to simply fish up more items if you wish to do this for gold or something like that also the more items you can fish up faster the more money you'll make from fishing up items although i would imagine this is a very effective or fun method regardless of how many items you can come away with now like other fishing rods we get from fishing quests the dwarven fishing rod can be crafted at a blacksmith's forge so it's not actually a unique item but the only way to actually get one from external game sources is through the quest that we just did physically it is made up of that classic dwemer metal as you'd expect the rod appears to be segmented as if it is telescopic which to be fair is a pretty good idea provided of course that that does not jeopardize the structural integrity of the rod itself probably a bad idea in real life although this is fantasy so doesn't matter it is also equipped with a simple reel and the whole unit is visually garnished with a familiar art deco dwemer design now i trudged through the lore high and low and i could find absolutely no reference to the dwemer fishing let alone constructing a fishing rod so it would seem that just as with the other rods this fishing update has added this dwarven fishing rod is a new addition to the lore with it being a fresh piece of content within the elder scrolls universe it has of course not appeared within any previous elder scrolls games but now that we have the dwarven fishing rod well we'll be using it to finish off the quest and get our next two items so once we have the rod in hand we will need to head back to bronze water cave and use the dwarven fishing rod at the fishing spot here where we will fish up the two ethereum dynamo cores once we have this pair of blue balls in our hands we need to place one into each of the two ethereum dynamo actuators upon doing so a disturbance will trigger within the waters not too far from us and from the bubbling surface will arise a set of stairs with a chest atop it within this chest we can find the urchin fanned war axe of freezing and the oakenthanned war axe of fire two items of rather nostalgic interest that we will harp back on soon but for now let's touch on their stats firstly the oaken than war axe of fire it has a base damage of 13 which is the same as a honed thalma war axe which sits between an elven war axe and a glass war axe in base damage so it's nothing amazing although it is two whole base damage above that of the standard dwarven war axes it has a swing speed of 0.9 which is completely normal for a war axe its base damage and swing speed come together to create a base damage per second of 11.7 which lands it in the same spot as the base damage did it's okay it has a weight of 16 which is the same as the staltrim and glass bore axes so its damage to weight ratio is actually bad it weighs as much as axes that do more damage than it it has a value of 699 which is a very funny number with a 9 added on the end it can be upgraded with a dwarven metal ingot which will require that you have the arcane blacksmithing perk and its enchantment burns the target for 20 points of fire damage targets on fire take extra damage and it's twin the oakenthand war axe of freezing it has all the exact same stats except for its value which is 43 gold higher than its flaming brethren for whatever reason and of course its enchantment is different targets take 20 points of frost damage to both health and stamina now it's worth noting that these items are technically not unique as once you retrieve them you will be able to craft unenchanted versions of the oakenthand war axes at any blacksmithing forge so long as you have the dwarven smithing perk so much like the fishing rods that we covered in the video while you can make more of them the method i showed you through the quest is the only way to get them from the game itself without you crafting them yourself so these two axes they are decent they aren't amazing they are both certainly nowhere near the best war axes in the game but they are cool and sometimes clout is better for your character than stats but what is particularly interesting about these axes is their physical appearance within skyrim these skins are unique and vary completely from the standard dwarven war axes within the game however this design might be ringing a bell to any of you lucky sods who played the elder scrolls 3 morrowind as the model of these axes is almost an exact carbon copy of the dwarven battle axe from morrowinds which interestingly is the two-handed axe in morrowinds and not the one hand it acts like it is here in skyrim now i have doug and doug and was unable to find any real references to this style of acts within the law or as to why arkansan would be home to weapons with the exact same design of those from vardenfell although with that said arkenthan is believed to have belonged to the rokken clan who famously made the mass exodus from morrowind after the formation of the first council legend has it they took their artifact volundrong which is actually a dwarven artifact by the way not a daedric artifact and they threw it as far as they could and they would call its landing place their new home volandrong allegedly flew across all of tamriel and landed in what is now known as hammerfell and where does hammerfell get its name from volandrong landing there that's literally where the hammer fell but back to the point if the working clan did rule urchenfan then this might explain why a morrowind style of acts can be found here the thought being they left the now done mary province and brought their designs with them across tamriel as they headed for hammerfell so as far as lore goes that is the only tangible connection that i can make between morrowind and arkenthund but regardless of the reason the return of a rather cool looking weapon is always welcome now once we've finished this quest the beloved viria will no longer be in riften she's vanished but do not fret as at some point while we're running around skyrim the fabled courier will appear and hand us a hastily written letter from veria upon reading it we will gain the quest wavebreaker for which we will need to head back to that abandoned fishing shack to the northwest of dawnstar once here we will need to mow through waves and waves of frenzied jumping mud crabs just as before and then we have to battle it out against the emperor crab guardian spirit using the siege weapons to shatter his shell i mean all they really needed to bring was one furious dunmer and a spear to finish the fight but apparently they couldn't find any but let's not harp on it too long as this quest doesn't give any items so kill the big snippy boy and then talk to the isle of dawn star to finish the quest now some days later the fabled courier will return before our very eyes once more and hand us a letter from viria when we read it we will begin the quest called end of the line get it it's the end of the quest line and it's a you know fishing line pun now for this quest we will need to collect some basic building materials the quantity and materials are noted in the quest objectives so once you get them all take them to viria who will have returned to rifton once we speak to her she will thank us and ask us to meet her in the rifton plaza a day later so just wait an in-game day or two and then head over to the rifton plaza where we can find viria who has set up her very own stall selling all things crabbish minus the pubic hair infestation she will thank us kindly and give us a reward various charm so now that we have it let's take a look at it various charm it is an amulet so of course it goes on your neck it has a weight of 0.5 like most other amulets in skyrim it has a value of 944 which is lovely but this item is most certainly not for selling because of this next part its enchantment gives you constant water breathing and increases both the light armor skill and the heavy armor skill by 22 points now this necklace has obvious uses namely the water breathing which is usually an ephemeral effect given by spells scrolls and potions but this charm grants it permanently so long as you keep it equipped now as far as i am aware there is only one other guaranteed item in the game that does this and that is the unique circlet of water breathing i do have a guide for that if you want to check it out but on top of the water breathing various charm fortifies both the light armor skill and the heavy armor skill by 22 points what does that actually mean well there are two other amulets in the game that provide armor the locket of saint jib which provides five light armor and the amulet of articulation which provides between two and eight light armor this is a leveled item so the armor value depends on what level you acquire it at now these are cool and all but various charm is cooler as it fortifies it increases both armor skills by 22 points so whatever armor type you use you'll get more armor rating from your already equipped armor your gear because this amulet boosts the skills themselves it's a very handy and extremely powerful enchantment especially those seeking to max out their damage reduction now physically virious charm is a whittled piece of driftwood with a crab motif carved into its face and painted with a kind of rustic off blue the same an old fishing shack or old fishing boat might be but do not let its clunky and weathered appearance fool you this item is as big as the emperor crab guardian spirits also when you equip various charm this i do believe unique animation appears around your character a kind of swarm of bubbles so that's pretty cool and finally there is no law for various charm it has no appearances in previous elder scrolls games but it sure is a welcome addition to the series and it is opie so now that we have finished all of the fishing quests that give unique or notable items we will move on to the remaining five unique rings that all have a random and very small chance of being fished up anytime you fish with a fishing rod sadly now of course if you are using my super best quick fish guy to get all your fish within minutes instead of hours you won't actually be doing much fishing with a fishing rod but for these items you will have to i would also highly recommend using the dwarven fishing rod for this as it greatly increases your chance of fishing up items instead of fish well we don't want to catch fish we want to catch some artifacts now i caught two of these rings just by chance while fishing randomly and then fished up the remaining three with the dwarven fishing rod while actively trying to get these items i will say that it took several hours of dedicated fishing to get them all even with the dwarven fishing rod so be prepared to replace the sinker on your line with a time sinker so given they are random let's just go in alphabetical order to start off we will be looking at den stagma's ring it of course goes on your finger it has a weight of 0.25 which is entirely standard for a ring it has a value of 1254 which is lovely but do not dare sell it not after the effort you will endure to retrieve it and its enchantment grants a 20 resistance to fire frost and shock magic enchantments effects abilities all that stuff now this enchantment has no hidden mechanics it's a very simple and rather potent arcane defensive effect and makes it a handy finger ornament to keep in your pocket for when you find yourself facing off against those filthy spell chuckers or dragons even now physically den stagma's ring has a very squared and blocky design forged of a dark grey alloy with a huge red rectangular stone set on the face with a smaller oval gem beneath it surrounded by a kind of sunburst etching on either front side of the bands there are also smaller rectangular stones mimicking the large one on the face now the den stagmas ring has appeared only once in a previous game and that would be the elder scrolls three morrowinds in which it could be found within the phallus ancestral tomb within an urn along with the ashes of d bryant now this d bryant is actually an easter egg and a reference to d bryant who was a long time elder scrolls forums member who sadly passed away during the game's development so the lore of the ring is a mystery literally nothing is known about its origin or story even the name den stagma is a mystery as jagram bagan states in his book on tamrielic law although i do believe that den stagma could be an alias that d bryant used and of course denstagma would stand for the d part of d bryant now in morrowind denstagma's ring provided a 30 resistance to frostfire and shock one and a half times more powerful than the version in skyrim so it would seem that the enchantment has weakened over the years physically the ring has the classic morrowind artifact look made of a white alloy with red gems but what is cool is that this same appearance has been replicated within the elder scrolls 5 skyrim although the color of the metal band has changed the overall design rings rather true but overall it's a very welcome addition to skyrim and has some pretty basic and broad use against all array of magical abilities really and if you don't want to use it just add it to your artifact collection the next ring that we can fish up is called the mentor's ring of course best of luck catching it so the mentor's ring it goes in your finger as it is a ring it has a weight of 0.25 as with pretty much every other ring in the game it has a nice big value of 2092 golds but of course don't you dare sell it and it's enchantment all spells cost 10 percent less magicka to cast now this enchantment is actually huge very powerful and just generally useful for anyone who plans on using magic in their playthrough i mean the benefits speak for themselves it is yet another handy and very simple enchantment that could make a big difference for your sorcerer builds being able to last ten percent longer in battle before needing to take a big swig from one of them blue bottles some folk call restore magical potions now physically the ring follows suit from dense stagma's ring with the exact same model and shape but has purple gemstones while still carrying that dark gray alloy color the law for the mentor's ring is quite brief with its only factual mention or mention at all coming from yagrambagan's book on artifacts tamrielic lore and i quote this ring is a prized possession of any apprentice to magic it lends the wearer the ability to increase their intelligence and wisdom thus making their use of magic more effective the high wizard karni azron is said to be the creator of the ring it was a construct for his young apprentices while studying under his guidance aka he let his apprentices use it to help them in their magical training after azeron's death the ring along with several other of his possessions vanished and have been circulated throughout tamriel so it seems to have a humble and rather kind concept behind it now the mental's ring's first appearance was within the elder scrolls 3 morrowinds and it could be found inside the samaras ancestral tomb within an urn labelled lord brin along with the ashes of lord brin now this lord brin is actually an easter egg and reference to long-time elder scrolls forum's member named bill eiberg who went by the name lord brin online sadly he passed away during the game's development lord brin was active and admired in other gaming communities as well and is referenced within might and magic 8 with a dungeon called the tomb of lord brin he was also referenced within deus ex where a tombstone can be found in his memory and he was also referenced within ultimate nine ascension where a grave can be found in his remembrance although i couldn't find a photo of this in-game grave but i did strangely find a photo of his actual grave which rather sweetly has lord brian inscribed at the top so he was clearly widely admired and perhaps seen as a mentor and that is why the mentor's ring can be found with his ashes within morrowind now in the elder scrolls 3 morrowinds the mentor's ring fortifies both intelligence and willpower by 10 points essentially giving you a better chance of casting spells and also giving you a bigger magical pull while taking a completely different path it does act in a very similar way to how it does here within skyrim physically the mental's ring once again it has that classic morrowind ring style big bold and beautifully ugly after this the mentor's ring then appeared within the now discontinued elder scrolls legends where it was would you believe it just a card that you could get from opening card packs it was an item card that basically buffed the minion that you put it on nothing too interesting and of course it has now appeared right here within the elder scrolls 5 skyrim and has appeared to hold true to its original design which is a marvel in and of itself now the next item that we can acquire from fishing randomly is the ring of kynareth it of course goes on your finger it has a weight of 0.25 which is to be expected it has a rather mega value of 320 and its enchantment rainstorms occur while fishing at temperate lakes and streams now this is the ring i mentioned much earlier on in the video and it has the exact same enchantment as the lucky fishing hat that we looked at earlier so if you did hand the lucky fishing hat back to swims in deep water well fret no longer as this piece plays the exact same role it's just smaller and lighter of course if you want to actually fish with a fishing rod and catch fish that only appear during rainstorms then this item will come in great use if not then this thing is as useless as a chocolate kettle interestingly while the ring does seem super vanilla and basic in its appearance it is actually unique physically as while it does share the same model with the rest of the jeweled rings within the game there are no silver coloured rings with a blue gem there are gold rings with blue gems and there are silver rings with different coloured gems none of which are blue though but here we have a silver band with a blue gem and this is actually unique within the elder scrolls 5 skyrim so there's something also the blue gem appears to be in reference to the fact that the shrines and amulets of kynareth have a blue gemstone set within them so given this is the ring of kinereth it seems to be carrying on that aesthetic i was also unable to find any reference to a ring of kynareth anywhere within the law and therefore of course within any previous elder scrolls game so this item appears to be a new addition the next item we can fish up after hours of standing around is the ring of finaster it goes on your finger it has a weight of 0.25 which is normal and it has a value of 1 347 and its enchantment 20 percent resistance to magic shock and poison now if you are looking for resistances then this ring paired with the ring of densitagma seems to be a pretty nice combo while of course you could make something better yourself if your enchanting level is high enough but for a free ring that you pull out of the creek it's not too bad at all what is slightly more interesting though is its lore the ring was created by the hero god of the somerset isles finaster the guardian he taught to the ultimate people to extend their lives by hundreds of years by simply shortening their stride when they walk while the ring of finaster helped finaster himself prolong his own life with its protective abilities it may have also been his undoing as he was killed by a gang of vagabonds known as the wolf rats who killed him purely to gain possession of his ring now the ring of finaster first appeared within the elder scrolls arena in which it provided a shield along with resistance to poison shock and a spell shield aka it protected against magical abilities so its effects seem to be the same here in skyrim and as we know consistency is good now in arena the ring is found randomly in either elsewhere or morrowind and of course with all jewelry in arena it doesn't have any physical art asset that i can show you it then appeared within the elder scrolls iii morrowind where it can be found within the cenom ancestral tomb on an altar along with the remains of pop g this pop g is an easter egg and reference to one of morrowind's developers gary noonan's father who sadly passed away during the game's developments in morrowind the ring provides a 20 resistance to poison shock and magicka which is not only almost exactly what it is in arena but it is actually exactly the same as it is here in skyrim now physically the ring would you believe it carries that classic big dick morrowind ring model with a bright white band and a vibrant red gemstone on its face along with smaller gems on the sides and a pinkish oval gem at the bottom of its face so it is nice to see the return of this ring created by someone who is now an ultimate deity of magic it is also very nice to see the mechanics and magics of the ring carried on through the games while its appearance has differed somewhat it's not too big of a deal as both the old and new designs are pretty cool although i must say the older morrowind design is my personal favorite and finally we have one more item to take a look at and that is the ring of the wind which can of course be randomly fished up along with the others so the ring of the wind it goes on your finger surprise surprise it has a weight of 0.25 but you probably could have guessed that at this point it has a value of 650 which is surprisingly low and its enchantment it increases your movement speed by 15 percent now this ring is cool it has a simple effect and it will get you places 15 faster but it also helps you get away from enemies or two enemies 15 faster as well so it can actually be quite handy in combat you know something to keep in your pocket when you just need to get away from that frenzied frost troll as fast as possible before it kills you slap this on and you might just make it out alive unlike lydia actually you know what you should give it to lydia when you go up to a high hrothgar so she doesn't die now physically the ring is the same as the previous ring we looked at but has blue gems while still holding that dark grey alloy now the lore of the ring is brief said to have belonged to the nimble acrobat kisimba spring snow who was said to always land on her feet except for when she chose to land on the feet of others not too sure what that means like is she running around playing tootsies in tamriel but it is believed to be a legendary artifact of elsewhere and sacred to kynareth which might explain its blue coloring now in yagrum bagan's book on tamrielic lore the ring of the wind is said to grant the wearer added speed which is interesting because ugram began's book on tamrielic law was introduced in the elder scrolls three morrowinds and in the elder scrolls three morrowinds the ring of the wind appeared here but it didn't grant increased speed so in morrowind it can be found in the possession of one dalmas dren a dunmer battle mage located within the cave known as namu interestingly the ring of the wind within morrowind fortifies the attribute agility by 30 points which by the way is huge strangely though in morrowind there is a speed attribute so despite your granbagon's description it does not actually increase your speed in game i mean sure it increases your agility 30 points which has a wide array of great uses but it doesn't make you faster anyway physically the ring of the wind is very similar to all of the other artifact rings in morrowind but it does have a slightly different design with the blue white alloy and the face consisting of one large and one smaller rectangular stone the only real takeaway from morrowind's design to the skyrim design is the blue gems apart from that the new version appears as a much simpler less high fantasy ring despite its name it hasn't exactly blown me away and with that i do believe that we have covered absolutely everything you need to know to get your hands on all of the unique rare and notable items that can be acquired within the skyrim anniversary edition update for fishing i'd love to know if you have any other tips or tricks or information or anything that i've missed about any of these items if you come up with any cool build ideas or way to use any of the things we covered in this video i'd love to hear about them in the comments also let me know what other anniversary edition content you would like me to make videos about to help you out be sure to check out all my social media links down in the description follow me on instagram and twitter along with checking out the merch store it's a great way to support the channel and get something cool at the same time if you enjoyed this video do me a kindness leave a like and subscribe for more useful and interesting hopefully elder scrolls content as i'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that i create for you to enjoy so if you would like to support the channel in a more personal way feel free to become a patron on patreon or become a member right here on youtube your support is most welcomed and appreciated in any and all forms so thank you very much for watching thank you for supporting the channel thanks for buying all of my merch i've been camel and i will see you very shortly in the next video i'll see you there soon [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 480,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, elder, scrolls, five, VI, six, scrolls 6, lets, play, through, how, to, Curating, Curious, Curiosities, curate, CCC, unmarked, location, exploration, hidden, secret, treasure, easter, egg, bonus, dlc, expansions, eso, online, camel, works, camelworks, channel, video, find, mackenzie, rowles, facts, lore, puns, legends, stories, series, bethesda, games, studios, softworks, zenimax, theories, crazy, canon, mystery, theory, detective, 10, tiny, details, special, edition, anniversary, mod, quest, best, highest, fishing, ring, update, artifact, all, rod, fish
Id: BiXgax2v1ps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 42sec (5142 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 03 2022
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