Easter Eggs - Skyrim - Elder Scrolls V

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welcome ladies and gentlemen to the elder scrolls 5 skyrims special edition my name is camel and today we will be taking a look at all of the easter eggs that can be found within the game in case you are wondering i did make an easter egg video for skyrim about three years ago essentially in hindsight it's garbage and is missing most the easter eggs in the game hence this new and improved version with literally over 100 easter eggs this video contains just the easter eggs found within the base version of the game meaning nothing from the dlcs is included in this video but i do have videos covering those that you can check out i am aware that this is a very long video so i do have time stamps for each of the easter eggs that can be found down in the description along with links to my other easter egg videos and my social media apologies if i mispronounce any of the foreign words throughout the video and for the uninitiated an easter egg is an unexpected or undocumented feature in a piece of computer software or on a dvd included as a joke or bonus so while easter eggs often are references to something by definition they do not have to be and finally a friendly spoiler warning but if you haven't played skyrim by this point a spoiler is the least of your worries starting out with a classic found just to the south of the shrine of period is a small crevice created by the separation of two rocks in here we can find a skeleton accompanied by a sabre cat which has been slain this is a reference to one of the opening scenes in 2006's movie 300 where leonidas leads a wolf to a narrow passage then stabs it through the mouth with a spear now because bethesda game studios cut speeds from the elder scrolls the spear has been substituted with an axe unfortunately for this leonidas this is not sparta but skyrim and he couldn't handle it now you're probably familiar with alveon the world eater of course the main antagonist of skyrim but did you know that alduin is based off of a dragon from norse mythology named the nitsoku often anglicized to nidhogg thank the divines it was a dragon of nilfime that almost solely feast upon the dead and chewed away at the roots of the world tree yggdrasil in turn attempting to destroy the world nidhogg was a symbol of death and destruction trying to destroy what we all hold so dear much like alduin in skyrim if we head to riften we can find the honour hall orphanage when we head inside we will hear this now what do you all say we love you thank you for your kindness for your kindness which is a reference to the musical annie in which the orphans were frequently asked what do you say and the response was always we love you miss hannigan except that grelod here in skyrim has a torture chamber for the children don't remember that in annie just outside the opening of rebels can there is a pile of stones which is called a can and thrust within its crown is a sword of course making reference to the arthurian sword in the stone from a page of the same book north east of bleequen basin we can find a small pond marking the termination of the attached brook from the midst of which an arm is penetrating the water grasping a sword high above the surface of the pond this symbolizes the famous lady in the lake and the legendary sword excalibur sadly this sword bears no excalibur traits and all the water will probably rust the blade and following straight from the pond to the lake we have another reference to our aquatic maiden the lake found within the hold of falcreef lake ilinata has a small island in the middle of it on this island we can find the lady stone literally rendering it the lady in the lake and finally for the arthurian law during the quest ill met by moonlight we must hunt down a white stag this is also found throughout many arthurian stories the white stag symbolizes adventure and the hunt similarly to its symbolism in skyrim you see my name is barbus and i have a problem i think you can help sort out we all know and love barbara's the talking dog but did you know he is named after one of the 72 demons listed in the ars geoder barbus is described as the great president of hell governing 36 legions of demons he who takes the form of a lion and answers honestly while barbers in skyrim takes the form of a dog rather than a lion he does ants honestly making up for clavicus vile's lack thereof barbus's name may also reference a dog from a 1977 ussr tv showed cartoon in which there is a stray dog named barbus or barbosa much like we encounter barbers in game as a stray dog now again he might also be a reference to barnabas a talking dog who makes an appearance in the dc sandman comic book series of the 1990s this barnabas makes snarky comments to his owner and companion destruction of the endless so it turns out old barbus here is much more interesting than a talking dog as interesting as a talking dog is ain't that right barbus oof save yourselves boys look we've all heard of bearded ladies but have you heard of bearded lady draga don't get too excited everything about it is as feminine as a rotted corpse can be but then there is a beard on top of that very very rarely you can run into one of these in skyrim i must say it's a rather thick and luscious beard admittedly and ashamedly better than my own ah yes now inside the falcreath dark brotherhood sanctuary there is a spider named lisz this has its own little spider pit where we can find the skeletal remains of a couple of the victims however the really interesting part of this is the skeletal remains found within the pond as we can see this person was called gaston belfort now this name is actually a three-way reference to the characters gaston bell and fort from the classic beauty and the beast which while it was popularized by disney is in fact a classic french fairy tale first published in 1740 now the home of the grey beards hai hrothgar is named after prathgar the real-life king of denmark who was also a character in the epic parlour beowulf this character hrothgar also had a me-haul of his own named hai herot combining the two names one is left with haihorovga exactly what we have here at skyrim in a similar fashion one of the greybeards who resides at high hrothgar in skyrim is named wolfgar he takes his name from the beowulf character wolfgang who travels to hrothgar the king of denmark in the beowulf story instead skyrim's wolfgang is living in haiharothgar the very building named after the king in which beowulf's wolfgang travel to it's as simple as that now we'll be heading to the nordic afterlife sovereign guard for a time so did you ever notice in your skills menu behind each category of skills there is a constellation reflecting them behind the magic based skills is a blue constellation making up a wizard behind the combat based skills there is a red warrior constellation and behind the more vagabond skills there is a green thief constellation well did you ever notice that in sovereign guard if you look up to the heavens these very same ethereal figures can be seen they are slightly harder to make out as they are shrouded in ephemeral astral waves but they are watching over you now sovereign guard the nordic afterlife has many similarities to asgard the home of the gods in norse mythology and just as valhalla can be found within asgard within sovereign guard we can find the hall of valor which like valhalla is a mead hall where the slain nord and norse heroes and brave warriors drink their fill and feast eternally and while we're up here did you ever stop to look at the statues within sovereign god there's something just not quite right about them would you be made uneasy if i told you that the statues actually turn to face you while you're not looking at them that's why no matter where you go in sovereign guard it always seems like the statues are staring at you that's because they are for example we're at the bottom of this staircase we can see that all of the statues are facing us they're all facing down the stairs well if we head to the top of the staircase and sit around there for about 20 seconds by the time we turn around the statue's either in the process of turning around or have fully turned around to be looking at us as we can see they're all facing up the stairs whereas a few seconds ago they were facing down the stairs and they will only turn when you're not looking this is likely a homage to the infamous weeping angels from doctor who which are solid stone statues while you stare at them but as soon as you look away they can move freely and come after you which they do while these statues in sovereign guard can't move positions it doesn't change their unforeseen rotations to face directly at us as any less haunting next we have probably one of the strangest easter eggs in skyrim which can be found within dawnstar's museum of the mythic dawn in here amongst various other artifacts and bits and bobs we can find a ruined page from the mysterium zarzas a tool of the main antagonist from the elder scrolls for oblivion but we can actually open the casing and while we can't interact with a page at all if we apply any physical damage to it well this it turns into a bugget why this happens no one really knows and while there are some theories they don't hold water ironically regardless an amazing easter egg that most others pale in comparison to now before we get out of here the guy that owns the museum of the mythic dawn celius vesuvius is likely a reference to fallout new vegas's scillus a captured member of caesar's legion both of them wear red uniforms both of them have the same name both of them unfortunately die for a cause that didn't care for them and they also kind of look similar and of course while bethesda game studios didn't make fallout new vegas fallout is still bethesda's softworks ip there is a book in game called colb and the dragon it has been written in the distinctive style of choose your own adventure story instead of giving you a linear story it gives you two options so in a sense you can carve your own path making different choices and determining your ultimate fate well i mean they had to put that element of the game somewhere now in the dark brotherhood questline we will encounter an assassin named cicero i'm sure you're all familiar with him but did you know that he is named after the roman philosopher and statesman cicero who was a close friend of cassius one of the completing the arena questline and becoming the grand champion of the arena one will be cursed with the bosman known as the adoring fan an ever annoying little sh wood elf with no social awareness who actually lived on to become a meme within the gaming community well check this out in one of cicero's journals he states that he posed as a starstruck fan to the grand champion during the and i quote arena contract and then cicero killed the champion while in the forest this is of course a reference to the adoring fan from the elder scrolls for oblivion however i do believe this is the developers having a laugh rather than cicero actually being the adoring fan from the elder scrolls iv as he would have to be over 200 years old and also change race from bosma as the adoring fan was too imperial as cicero is so was cicero the adoring fan no but his channel contains a little joke for the keen eye to spot now in game we can find a book called songs of the return volume 7. in here we can find that one of ysgramor's 500 champions was called chloe who went by lot when hiding his face this is actually a reference to ex-minnesota vikings punter chris chloe who played world of warcraft for several years as a troll rogue named lot famously rogues have the ability of stealth in world of warcraft turning invisible that's why it says the champion's name is chloe as chris chloe except he went by the name of lot when hiding his face as in when he was invisible in world of warcraft he was playing his rogue lote now within the thieves guild there is a member named durge his name is actually a reference to gambit from the x-men as gambit used an alias which was nothing other than durge this x-men character dirge or gambit was also a member of a new orleans-based thieves guild just as durge in skyrim is a member of the thieves guild now something i'm sure that all of you have experienced in game is the very first dragon you actually get to fight the one that is found at the watchtower of whiterun well his name is actually murmuni which is derived from mjolnir thor's hammer backtracking and retracing your steps back to riverwood near here we can find a cave called amber shard mine now this actually refers to the popular dungeons and dragons podcast which mike crowlich jerry hulkins scott kurtz and will wheaton played in to showcase the new fourth edition of the game in it scott kurtz's character bin win bronze bottom refers to how his dwarf and father had to stop drinking because the amber shard family of dwarves stole their mind now within ambershard mine in skyrim we can actually find a skeleton that has a note on it which references this character was going to stop drinking because embershard mine was going to collapse just as been when bronzebottom's father was going to stop drinking because the embershard family stole their mind in a completely similar fashion in fact that even leaving the podcast in the cave liar's retreat you will find a breton named rod dead on an altar he is also referred to at one point as long hammer and he also carries a weapon of the exact same name longhammer now this is actually a reference to the fourth session of the dungeons and dragons group acquisition incorporated played by the members of penny arcade pvp and will wheaton in which wheaton's character is rescued from hell along with an npc named rad longhammer again this character here in skyrim is called rad sometimes called long hammer with a hammer called long hammer unfortunately rather in skyrim doesn't get saved from hell or saved at all you might love him you might hate him but we all know him the east empire company now they are actually a reference to the east india company which was an english and later british joint stock company that ended up trading mainly with queen china and seizing control of the indian subcontinent much like the east empire company in skyrim has taken control of areas rather than simply trading with them ah yes this one's actually quite sad or happy depends how you look at it there is a character in rorick's dead called eric you can help him become an adventurer as a side quest once he has become this long-awaited adventurer he will adopt the name eric the slayer father says i should pick a name that describes what i really am but nobody's going to hire eric green thumb or eric hoe pusher no i need a name that will put some fear in the hearts of my enemies when i have some enemies that is his name is derived from eric west whose internet alias was immok the slayer he was a visitor to bethesda's hq during skyrim's development now the reason he got a special trip to bethesda's hq was because he didn't have long left to live but bethesda was so impressed with eric's knowledge of the elder scrolls for oblivion that they gave him an in-depth tour of bethesda's studio and decided to create a character named eric in his honor as sadly eric west died of cancer six months before the release of skyrim hence bethesda immortalizing him in the form of eric the slayer so eric rests eternally in peace in skyrim moving along in the right way underneath the city of rifton the first two enemies you meet are a sneaky looking fellow named drought and a barbarian fellow named hunon blackskeva now these two are actually references to the adventures of fritz liebers faffrider and the grey mouser giraffe here in skyrim is an anagram of hefriday and black skeever is a play on grey mouser and hunon is an anagram of nerwon the world in which fafridir and the grey master live so there is a dunk brotherhood member festus crex he may take his name from the fallout new vegas character called festus the robot found within the sunset sarsaparilla headquarters now while bethesda game studios did not make fallout new vegas they worked closely with obsidian entertainment during its creation and of course fallout is bethesda's ip also during the quest death incarnate festus cracks can be found like this looks like he's a bit uh pinned up at the moment in all seriousness festus is pinned to the tree via a number of arrows lodged through him this imagery is a reference to saint sebastian who was tied to a tree and filled with arrows during roman emperor diocletian's persecution of christians so just as the roman legion did this to saint sebastian while wiping out christians the imperial legion has done this to festus cracks while wiping out the dark brotherhood in skyrim as you would imagine someone has written a book about trolls more specifically killing trolls this literary work is called troll slaying now as we can see troll slaying's author's name is finn so if we take finn and troll we end up with fintrol the same name as a finnish folk metal band fintrol many of their songs also contain lyrics involving the fighting of trolls which is of course the crux of the book in question ah now here's a damn good one the quest titled promises to keep is a line taken from the poem titled stopping by the woods on a snowy evening written by robert frost fittingly the horse you receive once the quest has been finished is named frost after the author of the poem that the quest name was taken from even better though during this quest you were able to get a birth certificate for the horse frost this mentions a horse named sleep near as the grandfather of frost now sleep near is the name of the legendary eight-legged horse in norse mythology which famously belonged to odin father of thor well in norse mythology he was the all father so a really cool easter egg there in fact it's as cool as the horse you get frost ah yes next we have a classic gag within fort dunstan we can find a room that can only be described as the acting bathroom next to which is a potion of true shot a potion that increases one's aim for all of you out there who manage to still hit the toilet seat well this will make your accuracy better and the lives of everyone you live with better now in a similar pipeline in a familiar fashion within the castle of falda's tooth where they're doing well you know what to the dogs one of the lower levels we can find another bathroom type setup funnily enough though we can find multiple chuckle-worthy potions such as a fortified stamina potion there's a potion of the warrior to help you fight that number two there's even a bottle of scuba if that helps and my favorite of all if you had something spicy the night before there is even a resist fire potion handy to mitigate that ring sting now when we first enter the frozen hearth found in the city of winterhold the innkeeper will say this i'm sorry could you describe the smell like some horrible monster was turned inside out and then exploded what did you do now this is a reference to the cult 1999 movie galaxy quest in which jason netsmith says did i just hear that animal turned inside out and then exploded very similar to the one we just heard in regards to nelka's experiments ah yes a classic now after escaping sydne mine in favor of thonar's silver blood he will reward the dragonborn and say this the silver bloods pay their debts you have my thanks which is a reference to the infamous lannister family from game of thrones both families are rich political powers that own minds and share a catchphrase and while the tv series game of thrones had not released during skyrim's release a song of ice and fire which game of thrones is based off was first published in 1996 giving bethesda game studios plenty of time to absorb influences forthwith now we'll be heading to the dwarven kingdom of black reach while giant mushrooms aren't uncommon down here we can actually find the game's largest glowing mushroom the alchemical ingredient next to alftan's elevator there is a glowing mushroom that is a whopping 20 times the size of a standard glowing mushroom for scale here is the player character standing next to this gigantic fungi now don't be mistaken that giant fungal spore isn't my personality that is in fact a giant glowing mushroom it is also harvestable like a normal glowing mushroom however it's too high up to be reached just like my dreams and aspirations and while not giant in the cave of pure water run we can find the only known route in game that is double the size of a normal one and while we did cover the giant known roots in the dragonborn easter egg video this one is unique to the vanilla game and the largest found in the base game of skyrim now in solitude there is a brother and a sister gizly and erika it is likely that they are named after two of the three brothers from an old icelandic tale named isley erico and helgi it's possible that gizly and erica were named in their memory and there may have originally supposed to have been a third sibling helgi unfortunately this heli doesn't make an appearance in game oh now this one's cool in charlotte's maze found within labyrinthine opening one of the shutters within the maze reveals a severed head with a gold coin in its mouth this is actually making reference to sharon's obal the ancient greek and roman custom of placing a coin in the mouth of the deceased prior to burial this was done so the dead had payment for the ferryman at the river styx as sharon was the ferryman and an oboe was the coin coming together for sharon's oboe labyrinths are also famously used in greek mythology as the home of the feared minotaur so a fitting location to find such a historical greek reference you probably figured this one out but the daedric quest and night to remember is a homage to the 2009 movie the hangover for this quest you participate in a drinking competition with sam guavin who turns out to be the daedric prince sanguine but when you wake up you must retrace your steps of the night before in a wake of drunken tomfoolery searching for your drinking buddy sam a plot relatively identical to the movie the hangover now during this quest you marry the hagraven moira it was rumored that when you ask for the wedding ring back she will refer to the ring as my precious and attack you mimicking dialogue physical attributes and actions of gollum from lord of the rings hate to break it to you all trust me i am as upset as you but sadly none of this is true i even went as far as to extract and sift through the game audio files only to discover that this easter egg is fake and does not exist that line of dialogue does not exist in the game however when you do ask for the ring back from moira she will say this what you want it for that fussy esmerelda with the dark feathers don't you i won't let her have you this esmeralda with dark feathers doesn't exist in the game but she is a reference to esmeralda from the hunchback of notre dame as esmeralda from the hunchback of notre dame was a love interest of multiple male characters in a sense a heartthrob she also had noteworthy raven black hair much like esmerelda the hagraven has black raven feathers esmeralda was also trialled to be hanged for being a witch just like esmeralda in skyrim would be a witch and finally the hagraven that you do marry moira is actually a nod but more importantly an absolute laugh at the fallout 3 character moira brown the reason for this is because moira brown and fallout 3 while not a fan favorite all round those that were a fan of her were obsessed with her they were upset at bethesda game studios for not letting them be able to marry her in some sense they wanted their character to be with her character moira brown well guess what moira fans you got it in skyrim you got to marry moira not what you expected was it just like my first actually don't worry oh now between moons on dark nights a spectral figure that you have to wait for out to turn up can be observed riding on the road through white run terminating at hamvier's rest this is the headless horseman and while explained in the game as ragnar the red the concept of the headless horseman comes from the book the legend of sleepy hollow published in 1820 by author washington irving in which of course is the infamous headless horseman and again in game this particular headless horseman is believed to be ragnar the red a character in popular folk songs around skyrim now in riften you can run into an argonian called from deepest fathoms she will hand over to you an object that has brought her great suffering this is a dwemer lexicon as we can see the lexicon is based off of the lament configuration or lamikan's box from the hell razor series both boxes share similar patterns and physical attributes and both boxes also curse the wielders with hellish experiences and if you haven't already you should definitely watch hellraiser ah yes now there is a miscellaneous and unlisted quest objective to become the thing of a certain or all holds in the game files the quest is labeled as making friends and influencing people this is a reference to dale carnegie's best-selling self-help book titled how to win friends and influence people first published in 1936 within the silver blood inn found within the city of markov there is a man named friend who will say this my father clapper is the one you want to talk to i just clean up now this is particularly ironic because in icelandic his name means clean which is exactly what he does within the inn he cleans and speaking of ends if we head to the winking skiva in skyrim's capital city of solitude in here we can find a cell sword named bellarand which you can hire as a follower sometimes when exploring caves he can be heard saying this when i was a boy my friends and i used to play seek the wampus in caves much like this which is a reference to the classic computer game hunt the wampus which first released back in 1972 while hunt the wampus received later and updated releases its original version is so old in fact that the game was purely text based with nothing on screen but text and i mean people say morrowind had bad graphics if we head to the home of the companions found in whiterun and speak to atheists about why he joined the companions he will respond as such fortune and glory friend fortune and glory this is of course a famous line from the indiana jones and the temple of doom in which indy drops the famous line fortune and glory kid fortune and glory going back to the dark brotherhood sanctuary there is a vampire named babette she's a homage to anne rice's 1976 novel interview with a vampire as in that book babette is the name of the protagonist's first love interest however skyrim's babette being trapped in the body of a young girl is actually a reference to another character from the book called claudia the protagonist's daughter who is actually over 70 years old but is trapped in the body of a five-year-old just like babette here in skyrim taking the phrase ankle biter to a whole new level the leader of the thieves guild the rascally racketeer himself mercer frey says then the dye is cast and once again my blade will taste nightingale blood before he engages you in combat during the quest blind sighted this is a reference to julius caesar's quote when he crossed the rubicon and started a civil war similarly to what mercer is doing in game but before we go this scene that we see the second we walk in has been modeled off the player's handbook of advanced dungeons and dragons the cover features two thief like characters that are attempting to remove a large gemstone in the right eye socket of a large humanoid statue essentially identical to what we see here in skyrim ah more metal during the quest darkness returns you may find a book titled nidstrom's journal detailing a plot by two individuals to try and infiltrate the dungeon and its priests the two characters in question are niceram and anders a reference to anders nystrom the guitarist and songwriter from swedish metal bands catatonia in the last paragraph of nedstrom's journal we have he mumbled some nonsensical phrases like night is the new day and how he was the ghost of the sun i have no idea what these cryptic sentiments mean but hopefully during tomorrow's ritual anders and i put everything we've learned to the test in here are multiple references to catatonia's albums and songs and while i'm completely unfamiliar with the work i'm sure one of you out there is thoroughly enjoying this and it's making you catatonic climbing on through the list in the town of ivarstead there is a chap named klimek his name refers to the german verb erklemen which means to climb up in something and also the dutch verb clement which means to climb entirely fitting as clemeck here in skyrim does just that he climbs up the high hrothgar to deliver goods to the greybeards another poor soul in skyrim named after what they do in my next life i will be called awful pun but in a similar namely fashion the leader of the companions the circle and the old wise werewolf kodlak white mane he takes his name from the word vodka lac or vloko black which means werewolf in many slavic languages bosnian croatian czech serbian slovak slovenian montenegrin etc the suffix de lac is also used in czech as a suffix for another shape-shifting fantasy creature just as the case with codlak whitemane as he is a werewolf two other members of the companions have similar names as farcas means wolf in hungarian and his brother's name vilkas also means wolf in lithuanian entirely appropriate given they are both werewolves ah fan favorite jumping on forward there is location known as bard's leap summit one can walk out onto the planks and leap off the edge into a pool of water and be met by a ghost of a bird this bad's leap is thought to be a reference to the assassin's creed leap of faith which is a leap made from a dangerously high location and often off protruding planks of wood greatly resembling the very ones found here now the stone structure at the top is also said to resemble the assassin's creed logo i've never been entirely convinced of this but then again it is up to each of us to decide what is and is not an easter egg and i do know that this is definitely a fan favorite oh yes get excited because now we're moving into lord of the rings territory firstly the city of whiterun greatly resembles heteros the capital city of rohan both cities are built atop a bluff with the palace at the top of the hill whiterun also bears a horse on its banner the same as rohan's within this very same city whiterun there is a legendary tree named the guild green this is modeled off of the white tree of gondor both trees also share a similar fate in the return of the king a conversation transpires in which eowyn and eomir while discussing mary a hobbit say the lion it is not his heart that i doubt only the reach of his arm this is intentionally referenced when you the player are trying to join the companions while vilkas and kodlak discuss the player's worthiness as you'll hear here it makes no difference what matters is their heart and their arm a lovely nod to lord of the rings undoubtedly something that greatly influenced skyrim and once again in whiterun after the battle of whiterun hadvar or raldoff depending on which side you chose one of them will be there but if you speak to them after the battle they will say this i'm pretty sure i killed more than you i was counting now i mean come on we all know what this is this is a direct reference to the ongoing competition between gimli the dwarf and legolas the elf throughout the lord of the rings series where of course both of them count and compare how many enemies each of them has slain during any given battle ah back down underground within the ancient subterranean dwemer city of blackreach there is an interior cell named the war quarters in here we can find seven small beds filling a room quite nicely up the stairs we can also find one larger bed by itself so first off some people believe that this is a reference to the seven dwarf kings who were given rings of power in the lord of the rings of course with the seven beds representing one of the seven dwarfs and the singular bed representing the one ring to rule them all this is entirely plausible given that we are inside a dwarven city another likely reference lies within snow white and the seven dwarfs of course the seven smaller beds representing the seven dwarfs and the single larger bed representing the human snow white and as we know she likes to have a snooze and again backing this up it's found within a dwarven city the third less common theory is based on the arrangement of these smaller beds as they mimic the layout of the sacrificial altars seen in the movie alien vs predator and while i feel like this reference is unlikely and i find the other two much more likely i cannot deny that these bads in here definitely do resemble the formation of the sacrificial altars in alien vs predator but of course it is open to each of our interpretations and of course one of my favorites in the ancient underground metropolis of black reach there are many things to catch your eye but one thing that you can see from pretty much anywhere in black reach is the giant orb hanging from the ceiling this can be spotted easily by its huge size and its contrasting orange glow compared to the blue theme of black reach and while you may know that the orb exists did you know this what right amazingly if one uses the fusro da shout on the orb a dragon named vulthuyo will be summoned from where who knows this fellow is a reference to smaug from tolkien's book the hobbits published in 1937 and the reason i referenced the book is because the hobbit movies had not been made at skyrim's release both smaug and vulthyal are dragons now ruling over empty dwarven cities and i mean even if a developer came out tomorrow and said that fulfill is not a reference to smaug i would still consider him a great easter egg i mean who thinks to shout at the orb that would be completely out of the ordinary and finally for the lord of the rings inside the nordic room in anger wound before heading down the secret staircase if we take a moment and look behind the pillar we'll find an open treasure chest now already this is strange how often do we see an open treasure chest inside it we can find a severed hand a broken sword and a golden ring this references or even recreates the opening scene from the 2001 lord of the rings film the fellowship of the ring in which izzle dear son of eliden takes up his father's broken sword narcill and cuts off saron's fingers along with the one ring to rule them all they went with what they could here in skyrim but they got pretty close to making a perfect recreation and it's obvious once you know it's here the broken sword is narcill the golden ring is the one ring to rule them all and the severed skeletal hand is the severed fingers of sauron and also found within this dungeon down in the catacombs we can find four giant canis roots now normally a cannon's fruit is a small shrub about ankle high but these fellows have grown to the full size of the player character what it is about this catacomb that's making them grow so tall i don't know and back to whiterun during the quest sold for arcadia you will have to deliver some frost salts to white runs alchemist arcadia she comments on the salts as such ah splendid splendid it's for a special brew i'm working on a love elixir like none other maybe i'll test it on foreign first this is a nod to the 1992 movie love potion number nine where the love potion turned out to be concentrated salt the exact same ingredient used in arcadia's love potion i'm sure you've all run into this guy my equal liar the reoccurring character whose comments are references to events and features of the game both new and removed jokes easter eggs while i must admit he has become less 4th wall breaking here in skyrim classically like in morrowind mayhek acts as a direct conduit between the developers and the player addressing issues such as multiplayer however skyrim's version of maek is much more tame he's been house trained he would just throw out funny little lions from now and then most of which are based off old elder scrolls memes now there is a woman that can randomly be encountered while out and about provided you have finished shio gorath's daedric quest as this mad woman is a follower of shiogorath and will even ask you to use the wabber jack on her however interestingly she carries a pair of tongs this is actually a reference to the elder scrolls for oblivion's dlc shivering isles as there is a quest in which tov the unrestful asks the hero to find calipers and tongs it would appear that this mad woman was sent on a similar quest in the name of the mad god shiogorath however calipers do not exist in skyrim so she's probably been looking for quite some time let's be honest she probably wants arduin to end the world and finally finish her quest for calipers now east of frost flow lighthouse frozen into the side of a glacier we can find a mammoth likely making reference to the very rare real-life occurrence in which a frozen mammoth is found but this mammoth in game is actually filled with arrows and ballista bolts which appear to be of dwarven origin hinting that the dwemer may have killed this very beast the last thing this mammoth knew was the fury of the dwemer and speaking of mammoths have you ever just taken a couple minutes out of your day to inspect the back of a mammoth skull no well we're about to only after a few seconds of inspection we will notice that the back of a mammoth skull sure looks similar to darth vader's helmet from the star wars franchise and to be completely honest i have no idea if this was intentional however it is undeniable while it is probably just what the back of a mammoth skull looks like it really does look like it's going to tell me it's my father star wars easter egg me coincidence i don't know although i do feel a disturbance in the force our classic found to the north of sleeping tree camp which i've made an extensive video on by the way we can find the skeleton of a mammoth but if we take a closer look we'll spot that there is actually a human skeleton inside it this is likely a reference to either the futurama episode less than hero in which an elephant eats a tour guide or a nod to moby dick the whale which notoriously destroyed ships and in the process swallowed humans either or it's a pretty cool little find i am sure that you are familiar with a mask of clavicus vile but did you know that the mask of clavicus vile was based off the horned helmet crafted for a young king henry viii by master armor craftsman conrad suersenhofer he was crafted in the year 1511 and was commissioned by the holy roman emperor henry was known to wear it on occasion in public to inspire his people with his ever charming helmet oh the irony at the peak of tamriel the throat of the world the highest mountain in all of skyrim and all of tamriel right near its peak we can find a pick ax lodged firmly into the stone it is titled the notched pickaxe now there are two completely feasible explanations behind this firstly it is named the notched pickaxe in reference to the creator of minecraft marcus pearson better known as notch the game minecraft also has a very iconic pickaxe that is used throughout the game todd howard the executive producer of skyrim also states in an interview that he and the entire team are massive fans of minecraft so finding a notched pickaxe lines up perfectly with minecraft and its creator skyrim and minecraft also had planned to be officially released on the exact same date 11 11 11. however minecraft's official release date was pushed back a week marcus notch pearson and his company mojang and bethesda had some lawsuits back and forth basically the crux of it is there's a lot of history between notch the creative minecraft and the skyrim guys now the second explanation behind the notched pickaxe is the english mountaineers george mallory and andrew sandy irvine who disappeared while climbing mount everest in june 1924. while recently mallory's body was found the only discovery made for 75 years and several search attempts was a marked pickaxe likely belonging to irvine a few hundred yards from the top so just as a marked pickaxe was found near the top of the world's highest mountain mount everest in skyrim we can find a notched pickaxe near the top of tamriel's highest mountain the throat of the world both theories are completely viable and it's likely the notched pickaxe is a combined easter egg rather than being exclusive to either one of the theories omayosamora has a daedric artifact called the augma infinium it is a book within which elaborate and esoteric symbols can be found now here on the right page we can actually find the ancient icelandic symbol known as the vegvizier a magical stave intended to help the bearer find their way through rough weather why it's in the augma infinium probably because it looks cool however on the other page of the book we have this symbol which some have likened to the top-down view of the college of winterhold and while i must admit they do look quite similar it's not as similar as this would you look at that the ogma infinium and the top-down view of the imperial city in cyrodiil match up perfectly whether either of these similarities was intentional who knows but they are undeniable especially the imperial city one but for now we'll want to head to the ancient dwemer city of markov once here inside endon's house we can find a shelf at the back of his bedroom on the bottom shelf sliced goat cheese a slaughterfish egg a row of garlic and some glow dust are arranged to look like a scene from pac-man in this case the goat's cheese and slaughterfish egg are pac-man the garlics are pack dots or pellets and the glow dust is either a power pellet fruit or a ghost but regardless of specifics it's an awesome easter egg while also in markov during the daedric quest the house of horrors at one point the house will appear to become possessed with the power of molag bao similarly to the 1982 movie poltergeist the chairs on the table will take on a haunting formation letting you know the supernatural have been present this chair formation has of course been influenced from the chair formation found within the movie tooting our flute all the way through the easter egg list during the quest dampen spirits we will encounter a man named hamelin who has a trained army of skeevers at his disposal now hamelin is likely a reference to the rat man's notebook a story that inspired the 1971 movie willard where a social outcast befriends and trains rats to exact revenge against his colleagues however the name hamelin is an allusion to the pied piper of hamelin who famously removed all of the rats from the town of hamelin but after not being paid the pied piper then let the children away just like the rats he got rid of so this hamelin is a double easter egg tied into one with common themes running through both rodent nests south of windhelm there is a tavern called the braidwood inn its name is an easter egg and refers to a motel in braidwood illinois from the comedy movie planes trains and automobiles starring steve martin and john candy in skyrim's capital city solitude along with gorgeous views we can find the bards college a school for buds where they learn the instruments and songs of skyrim now there is a collection of texts sought after and revered by the bard's college called the poetic edda this name actually comes directly from norse mythology or not even mythology but in old norse culture as in real life there is a mass collective of norse legends and tales that together are called the poetic edda or poetic editors exactly the same as what we find here in skyrim now also here in the bard's college there is a character named aya arya her name is a play on the musical term arya which means melody or tune specifically in operas it is an elaborate melody accompanied by one single voice bards of skyrim seem to only perform as a solo act with one instrument so given she's a bard in skyrim she actually does exactly what her name means ascending on through to skyrim's main quest will be sent to the nordic ruin of skull defend to gain access to the portal leading to sovereign guard the nordic afterlife now the name skel defend is a reference to skuld the norn in norse mythology the norns dictated the destinies of gods and men just like me in poems skuld is also referred to as valkyrie one who chooses who will die and who will live in battle these valkyrie then take the slain warriors to valhalla which is very similar to the hall of valor in skyrim that we explored earlier on in the video it's entirely fitting as this nordic ruin of skeletophan acts in the same way as a valkyrie does in norse mythology taking people to the afterlife with its portal speaking of portals and speaking of skull defend this may be my favorite easter egg in skyrim except the last easter egg in this video so in skuldephen just before you exit and go through the portal to sovereign guard there is a room off to the right that no one would ever walk into in this room there is a fireplace and just like in game of thrones and the lord of light if you stare into the flames long enough you will see something a wiggles song perhaps hot potato hot potato hot potato a potato a boiled cream tart and five pieces of charcoal hidden at the back of the glowing embers of this fire in the fireplace in a room that no one would ever walk into what a strange thing well with a bit of research one would discover that this potato and its accompanying parts resemble portal 2's character glados in her potato battery form i personally am thoroughly impressed with this easter egg it's well hidden it's got a lot of effort put into it and it's an awesome reference who made this or even who found this to be honest you would need a portal to find it undoubtedly an amazing easter egg viewed by so few well hopefully this video will change that during combat one may hear brunioff exclaim this so it's to the pain then this is a reference to westley's famous threat to prince humpadink in the princess bride i won't go into too much detail but prince harperdink says let's fight to the death and wesley says no let's fight to the pain and then goes on to explain that the pain is much worse than death an absolute classic if you've seen the movie now up in the mountains behind helgen there is a cave named south fringe sanctum here we can find a red fox in a cage or not in a cage as often is the case this little fella is called pumpkin now pumpkin here is actually a reference to pumpkin a pet mole rat that can be found in fallout 3 who by the way was a reference to the dog found in the elder scrolls for oblivion called pumpkin who for some reason is listed as an honorary knight of the knights of the thorn in a strangely similar fashion pumpkin here in skyrim is listed under the necromancer's faction is this a halloween easter egg a necromancer fox called pumpkin nonetheless it's cool to see pumpkin live on through bethesda game studios games now something you may have never come across lies hidden within the well that can be found in the center of whiterun's marketplace the reason you've probably never seen it is because you have to use console commands to clip through the well to discover that there is in fact a ring down here this ring in the well is likely a reference to the mages guild quest shade and hull recommendation found in the elder scrolls for oblivion in which the player character is tasked with retrieving a ring that has been lost down the guildhall's well and to be honest this one in skyrim is about as much as a pain to get to ah now sometimes during a fight or a brawl any character that uses the drunken male voice will say this remember hit the one in the middle this is the advice given by paulie in rocky iv to help rocky overcome double vision which of course if you've been clocked in the head is a side effect of a fight now right below the very first easter egg of this video tucked away under a rock shelf we can find a totem of periyed which is an unmarked location to the south east of perite's shrine now this location actually bears a reference to romeo and juliet as we can find two people dead alongside poison and a dagger just as romeo poisoned himself and juliet believing him dead killed herself with a dagger we find the same here romeo and juliet were also considered and i quote applaud to both your houses fitting as peryite is the daedric prince of plagues and pestilence and keeping with the romeo and juliet theme in whiterun there are two prominent and rivaling houses house greymane and house battleborn john battleborn and alfina greymane actually have a romantic relationship one that of course their opposing houses do not agree upon mimicking the relationship that romeo and juliet had galloping on through during the dunk brotherhood quest a cure for madness there is a stage in which the fan favorite shadow mirror resurrects from the pool of murky water not that you'd ever know this but in the game's scripts the quest objective stage for this event is labeled as objective 6 6 six this particularly stands out given the above and below objectives are 19 and 25. 666 doesn't really fit in the number sequence now this triple six is referencing the number of the beast in modern culture this represents or symbolizes evil or more specifically the devil of course 666 being a fitting number for the immortal and evil horse shadow mere now at the college of winterhold there is a bosma named anthea he's a bit of a sneaky character who can get you things that you shouldn't be allowed to get if you know what i'm saying when you talk to him you have a speech option that says i understand you're an elf who knows how to get things this speech choice is a reference to the 1994 film adaptation of stephen king's the shore shank redemption in which adam says to red i understand you're a man who knows how to get things but i must admit enthea here and skyrim sells more than toothbrushes and rock hammers ah prepare to go a little bit mad because during the quest the mind of madness we will encounter shiogorath the daedric prince of madness he can be found having a tea party in the middle of a forest this is a reference to lewis carroll's alice's adventures in wonderland in which the mad hatter is encountered in an identical manner although the mad hatter had some friends now during this same quest we may hear shiogora say this yes stanley we're talking grapefruit from password now while passwell is an actual place that we experience in the elder scrolls for oblivion's dlc the shivering isles they're talking grapefruit what's that about well stanley the talking grapefruit is actually a reference to stanley the watermelon from adventure time a popular cartoon also popular amongst adults as it has rather obscure qualities like a watermelon named stanley now stanley the talking grapefruit could also be a reference to stanley and the talking pineapple a video in which a man named stanley meets a talking pineapple pretty self-explanatory title regardless hopefully one day we get to meet stanley the talking grapefruit of passwell now if we stand in sheogorath too long we might hear him say this do you mind i'm busy doing the fish stick it's a very delicate state of mind this is a reference to the fishy stick meme which began on bethesda's official forums and went on to become a running gag in the elder scrolls games we can even see it referenced in morrowind's easter egg video and while in this mind of madness we will witness plagueis confidence and anger manifest as actual beings which will fight each other this conflict of emotions symbolized as physical beings is actually a reference to the red dwarf episode confidence and paranoia in which dave lister's confidence and paranoia are manifest into human form due to a mutated space disease during which time his confidence and paranoia strive to undermine each other and eventually end up destroying one another much like pelagius's confidence and anger are doing here in skyrim within the frozen dwemer city of alftan to nitty entrance we can find a cat named the jiddar upon spotting the dragonborn he will say this who is this brother another of the smooth skins looking for food he will call you the player character a smooth skin even if you're argonian and even if you are a khajiit now this is a reference to bethesda's fallout games in which the irradiated hideously mutated humans called ghouls refer to normal humans as smooth skins just like jadaar does here in skyrim now lucy and le chance does make a return in skyrim in the form of the spectral assassin and he can be heard saying this i live again which is a direct reference to the 1992 film army of darkness in which the evil ash is resurrected and says the exact same line in the exact same ominous fashion he also says something else star wars related which we'll get onto in a minute but for now star trek in the village of ivarstead there is a woman named timber wide arm her name is a reference to the star trek the next generation episode darmok where one of the often repeated phrases throughout the episode is timber his arms wide this phrase has been reduced down to timber wide arm the character's name here in skyrim we can also find a book called great harbingers siroc the lofty is listed as the first harbinger of the companions to be an outsider this name alludes to cyric lofton the actor that played jake sisko in the television series star trek deep space nine which is actually a damn good show and following along at the college of winterhold specifically inside the arcanium if we speak to the osmo librarian erag grow shub he can be heard saying this but at the same time all of it is true even the falsehoods especially the falsehoods it's a bit complex but this is a homage to an exchange between garak and bashir in star trek deep space nine in which bashir asks which stories were true and which ones weren't to which garrick responds my dear doctor they're all true even the lies especially the lies while not an exact quote urag groshap definitely goes suspiciously out of his way to make it sound like that line of dialogue coast cave there is a skeleton hanging upside down from the ceiling below the skeleton is a glowing sword this is of course a reference a classic reference to star wars episode 5 the empire strikes back when luke skywalker was caught on off and hung from the cavern's ceiling there is also a frost troll that roams these halls which takes place of the infamous womba and of course the glowing blue sword takes place of luke's lightsaber sadly it looks like this version of luke got cold feet didn't use the force or have their handy telekinesis spell a severe case of the cold shoulder as mentioned a minute ago if you travel with the ghost of lucy and lachance in the form of the spectral assassin he will sometimes say this there is a disturbance in the void which is very similar to the phrase i feel a great disturbance in the force of course from the star wars movies which is often said by force wielders inside of frost fruit inn found in the township of rorikstead that same chap that we met earlier on in the video eric before becoming an adventurer we can hear him begging his father please please let me be an adventurer to which his father replies with this the only thing i'm afraid of is wasting my life on this farm yes that's your mother's side of the family talking just stay on for one more season that's all i ask now this line of dialogue is a reference to uncle owen's conversation with luke in star wars episode 4 a new hope and grabbing this next one by the horns when we come across this bridge within the reach if it is your first time visiting the location we will notice two goats on the bridge and if we get a bit closer we can witness them running off the bridge and then a third goat will join them from a path leading down to the water if we have a look where that third goat came from we can see something strange underneath the bridge it is in fact the dead body of a troll a bridge three goats a dead troll this is of course a reference to the fairy tale three billy goat scruff where a troll is defeated by a trio of goats as under the very same bridge we can find the dead troll a similar easter egg was found in my elder scrolls 4 oblivions easter egg video with a suicidal troll but you'll know what i'm talking about if you've seen it now back to sovereign god real quick the towering bridge guard of sovereign god soon his character is based off of modgod from norse mythology who guards the realm of hell which is the underworld much like sun and the whalebone bridge in sovereign guard mulgut is similarly stationed at the yala brew which translates to gerol bridge back down to tamriel here in the ancient city of windhelm not only do we have beautiful atmoran architecture we have something else atmorin that many miss next to windhelm's graveyard there is what is known as the memorial wall of wintel if you take a closer look each brick boasts the name of one of the first 500 companions that came from admiral to skyrim with yusuf gamor during the marethic era an awesome detail that i absolutely love and i'm glad i get shared with you but it's just another brick in the wall we gotta move on also here in windhelm there is an interesting museum known as calixto's house of curiosities which is home to an array of interesting items among them is the legendary book of fate that when read is completely blank proving my point that fate doesn't exist there is also the mythological cutlery the soup spoon of the atmoran hero yiskamor and it's actually a four what's next vivx soup chopsticks and written in a similar ink to the book of fate just inside the location white river watch all for the blind sits reading his favorite book again that's all for the blind so given he's blind his book not only lacks pictures but lacks words too i mean a book without pictures is something but a book without words come on i guess he's trying to figure out what his fate is oh now this is a good one the blacksmith in whiterun i'm sure we're all familiar with him we've been here a billion times off birthed war bear well he actually takes his name from the olf bert swords these were a high quality you could call it brand of sword men in scandinavia during the viking age swords dating between the 9th and 11th century were found stamped with this name likely the name of the smith that made them so in an ever fitting fashion the smith of whiterun ulfberth has taken his name from a famous ancient viking blacksmith brand alphabet oh another good one that no one knows while you learn the first whirlwind sprint shout from the greybeards when you encounter the word wall containing the second well when sprint shout word there is a hidden easter egg in the dragon text which reads as nonvul lebron daman da rot duffin for dis boma oblivion lust nid named to english this translates to noble nord remember these words of the [ __ ] father oblivion hath no fury like a shield maiden scorned this is a play on the adage hell hath no fury like a woman scorned which was coined by william congreve in his play the morning bride first published all the way back in 1703 i will also add that this hell hathner fury like a woman scorned is actually a misquote as the line from the original text reads as heaven has no rage like love turned to hatred nor hella fury like a woman scorned so while the popular quote is actually a misquote the gist remains the same along with the word wall easter egg and speaking of williams when we enter the first hall of swindler's den there is a practice dummy with a red apple perched atop its head this is a reference to the swiss story of william tell who had to shoot an apple off of his own son's head risky business well i suppose it depends where your son's like it would be tough if he was the apple of your eye pen ultimately during the quest proving honor the companion farkas says this not everyone but all the circle are it's a secret to everybody while it makes perfect sense within the context of what just happened it's a secret to everybody is a phrase popularized by the legend of zelda video games and it is now used widely within gaming communities though few know of its origin funnily enough originally this line came from the secret moblin from 1986's the legend of zelda and this last one's gonna bug you finally because you've all been so good in watching this video a special treat for you it may bring relief to some and frustration to others regardless it is the truth the infamous bugs in jars just to get everyone caught up to speed here around skyrim one can find five different bugs in jars while these are cool and collectible the inside of each jar lid has several letters or symbols on them that's it no explanation no quests attached just a mystery because of this there are entire websites devoted to cracking the bug codes of skyrim theories range from well anything you can think of people have sent themselves mad trying to translate the hidden message from the symbols on the bug jars translating decoding decrypting well over the last four months i have finally got an official answer as to the story behind the bugs in the jars i was sick of the speculation and decided to go straight to the source i spent quite some time tracking down all of skyrim's level designers and eventually i heard back from one of them hey ryan can you please help me shed some light on the letters on jar lids in skyrim or at least point me the right way much love amazingly ryan one of skyrim's level designers replied camel you're going to be really disappointed when i tell you they don't mean anything i think the artist wanted the design team to put in a ton of work for some half-baked idea they had with it a typical occurrence in bethesda game studios and the art never changed after we said no relief frustration what do you feel the bugs in jars and the symbols on their lids are nothing more than a scraps quest idea the art team had a grand idea for the bugs in jars the rest of the team said no no no no and thus the beginning stages of their quest remain in game with the bugs and jars and the symbols on the lids that is it nothing more no grand design no illuminati confirmed it's nothing more than a scrapped quest i have a great sense of completion and also a great sense of sadness again this news will bring relief to summon great frustration to others it's nothing more than an idea that was never finished or that's what they want us to believe but make it for what you will i believe ryan jenkins skyrim and fallout 4's level designer he's the man with the knowledge and with that it's time to bug off and there you have it ladies and gentlemen i've been camel and this has been my final easter egg video for skyrim i do hope you thoroughly enjoyed it and learnt something new about the game that we all love and cherish please share this video with your friends so they can experience the full depth of skyrim's easter eggs please leave a like leave a comment if you'd like to see more videos like this one and subscribe it helps me know that people are interested in these kind of videos and in the long run will result in more of them other easter egg video links can be found in the description down there are also links to my social media be sure to follow me on twitter and if you'd like to support the channel in a more personal way you can become a heroic patron on patreon as i'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that i create for you to enjoy so your support is most appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms so feel free to check out the playlist on screen thank you very much for watching thank you for supporting the channel and i will see you very shortly in the next video i'll see you there soon
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 2,294,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, Special, Edition, SE, Elder, Scrolls, five, scrolls V, scrolls 5, scrolls 6, scrolls VI, Bethesda, Zenimax, Game, Studios, Softworks, Easter, Egg, Hidden, Reference, Secret, Legend, Lore, History, location, spell, shout, all, guide, mods, pc, ps4, xbox, one, build, camel, camelworks, works, mackenzie, rowles, lord, of, the, rings, star, wars, trek, daedric, god, dragon, unique, artifact, artefact, dawn, guard, born, movie, cultural, amazing, 300, companions, morrowind, mages, guild, college, Disney, dungeons, dragons, norse, mythology, zelda
Id: GXtnadj2PYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 11sec (4271 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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