Sovngarde - Skyrim - Curating Curious Curiosities

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[Music] [Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to Skyrim my name is camel but more importantly welcome back to the curating curious curiosity series for an unexpected new episode in this video today I will be curating to you the curious curiosities that can be found within the pocket of a furious known as sovereign guard now before we get cracking time stamps for each of the curiosities in this video can be found down in the description and in the comments now down there in the description you can also find links to my other curating curious curiosities videos and to all of my social media be sure to follow me on instagram twitter and to join our new discord server after this video so sovereign guard it is an unusual place that we find ourselves as it is part of a serious a plain beyond that of both mundis and oblivion somewhere we do not get to experience all that often within the Elder Scrolls games now as our little sojourn to sovereign guard is shrouded in prophecy finality and is rather short-lived most players don't really get to look around and see what it has to offer and to be quite frank it's not too much but there are some very interesting sites to be seen and curious questions to be asked and then hopefully answered and I do believe I have uncovered one of the most interesting secrets within skyrim that I haven't really seen anyone speak of but we'll save that one for the end because it's quite special our sovereign guard is the admin and Nordic afterlife created by shor sure being the Nordic representation of one of the original spirits the atado or the god lok on who also goes by the names law qaj sepp schauer Shi or and of course sure which in this video is what we shall be referring to this entity as given that it's all about the Nordic pantheon sure you would have guessed that anyway now as mentioned sovereign guard lies within Aetherius which is a plane of existence separate to that of mundus the mortal plane and oblivion the danger plane a furious being the a direct plane belonging to the Divine's now in regards to sovereign guard only at morn and Nordic heroes who died fighting bravely in battle may enter and test their might against son the bridge keeper as so they may enter the whole of Vella and battle drink eat and sing in eternal merriment and revelry within the blessed Hall yes I'm sorry but that's right the different races have differed after lives only norms and at morons allowed in here we won't be catching any of those key sheet cuties today now despite being a realm for the dead mortals can enter sovereign guards just as we do they just need a means to get here which is basically impossible but of course for us there is a way via a portal that we the last dragon born find a top the ancient temple of Skull d'avin this portal has been opened by the dragon priest McLin to allow Alduin to go between a furious and Mundus interestingly McLin also actually bears a hidden unique dragon staff that we can actually acquire however it's quite difficult and kind of secretive but if you want to learn how to get that I'll suggest watching this video here where I show you just how to do that but back to the portal this is the only way and the only time that we ever get to enter sovereign guard and once we return back to mundus from our quest in sovereign guard we may never return there in-game for this reason some guard remains primarily unexplored with its mysteries unpretty isn't anything near what we would come to expect from say another region of skyrim that would find itself subject to one of these videos but what is here we will curate and ponder curiously over before that though geographically sovereign guard or at least the explorable sovereign guard is heavily blanketed in an unnatural Myst created by Alduin as so he may hunt and reap the souls of lost and wandering Nordic heroes that now find themselves here in this pocket of a furious trying to find their way to shores Hall of Valor now speaking of finding one's self in sovereign guard after plain shifting through knock Lin's portal at scold ofin when we enter sovereign guard we find ourselves at the top of a narrow Valley that twists through a verdant gully which then runs out into a basin at the heart of this fog heavy lowland rising up at a rather forgiving gradient and piercing through the ground-dwelling cloud cover is a bluff known as alderman spurge which we'll get back to later now the steep sides of the dáil climb up into snowy slopes which begin to melt the lower it descends into the warmer dense air of the gulch creating these gentle trickles and streams of water babbling and fumbling down lazily collecting into tepid pools and petite Brooks leaving the edges of the explorable area weeping away privately like a lonely soul curled in bed in the dead of night beyond this at the furthest end the rivulets meet to form headwaters which gush over the edge of the cliffs in heavy turgid waterfalls that vanish into the abyss below and of course above all of this is the divine structure known as the Hall of Valor resting atop a floating island of rock the stars above shine bright in ba'd dazzlingly as we've never seen before chromatic colors shift and dance through the timeless waking hours dusk and dawn both at once night and day combined timelessness is a strange thing we'll get back to the stars a little later on as they hide something special the air and sovereign guard is filled with strands and goals of an unknown white ethereal gossamer falling like Ashford shining like enchanted snowflakes never seeming to gather on the ground just passing by like we are through the section of the aedra plain of furious I did also spend actual hours exploring the vast and almost endless nothingness beyond the explorable boundaries of some regard and rest assured there is absolutely nothing of interest out here so let's head back to the divine Dale actually worth exploring now in regards to fauna we have a situation much similar to that which we encountered within the plane of oblivion known as the soul can the dead realm ruled by the esoteric ideal masters sovereign guard mirrors a similar fate when it comes to wildlife there is actually not one single animal at all of some regard no birds no reptiles no mammals and win sex no arachnids no mythical creatures nothing only the infrequent soul of a lost and wandering dead Nord hero now this lack of life which to be honest is entirely appropriate for an afterlife you know having no life presents regardless this lack of life it applies a very strange and dreamlike oddness to the atmosphere of suffering guard especially to our mortal experience like his subconscious screw tightening into our underlying sense of quite simply just not belonging here nothing is particularly unpleasant but there is an undeniable air of on earth leanness which again is entirely appropriate as we are in an afterlife now in regards to flora we have an interesting mixture of biomes on our hands in the high reaches and frosted edges of sovereign guard the tall and proud snow and crusted pine trees linger like memories from a dark past the likes of which we would expect to find within an area such as the hold of Skyrim the pale or any mountainous region really so high and cold the woods would be gilded in pure porcelain wines these trees are accompanied by snowed Knowles and full frost banks descending lower into the heart of the valley the plant life begins to shift into a color filled ecosystem with Kern Laden evergreen pines lushly populating the curving mounds and grass carpeted grows an abundance of wildflowers spring from the rich soil painting the area with a bright and vibrant assortment of petals and chromatic chlorophyll filled springs twigs bouquets and bushels of baby Bosque's it's much like the wonderful and curious plant life that we see in the hold of factories which is a very beautiful place in sky rent worth taking a walk through with me if you would so please as we stroll further down into the lowest plains of the valley will find the grounds beneath our feet burning with an autumn color the foliage that covers the loam is the same Tundra undergrowth we find in the boreal hold of Whiterun curious to have such a diverse mixture of bios stacked on top of one another like a fun Friday night the great bluff in the middle also bears this Whiterun like plant cover and along with the nameless and mention 'less flowers plants and mushrooms throughout sovereign guard we can also find an abundance of mountain flowers which come in red blue and of course the purple variants the much rarer yellow mountain flower however even the heavenly sovereign guard but all these mountain flowers don't leave mushroom for other alchemical ingredients to grow as on a number of rotten logs and tree stumps we can find clusters of more at a panella the basis of all good restore magical potions or as the artists and alchemists will tell you a vital component of a fortify illusion elixir but that's neither here nor there which is a lie because it is here we're here right now but before we devolve into madness there is also one Tundra cotton plants that we'll get back to later on as it's an interesting thread of thought and with that rather odd introduction to a rather strange place I think it is now time to curate to you the curious curiosities that can be found within shores pocket of a theories known as sovereign guard so once we bravely plunge into no clintons portal at the top of skull defend ruins we'll find ourselves spat out of the plain shift where we will now stand at the beginning of a long and winding set of stairs that lead down is the valley below with numerous towering stone statues staring at us which we'll get onto in a minutes as for now though I am interested in the large bones that decorate and infrequently lie on the side of the smooth and ancient stone steps that spilled down the hillside into the gully beneath the frigid slopes at first glance I didn't have a single bones big with them as I thought they were just mammoth tusks but upon a closer inspection both ends of these huge bones are rounded unlike a mammoth tusk or tusk of any other creature so what ensures named could these be well it turns out they are actually whale bones that have been pried from the great whale bone bridge that spans the void between sovereign guards gardens and the levitating fortress of shores Hall of Valor why they have been removed from the primary skeleton is unknown perhaps they just fell off perhaps they are from a second whale but I do find it interesting that the developers went to the trouble of making a separate world model for a singular whale rip as so that they could place them on these steps when they could have quite simply and easily used a tusk and achieved basically the same results but we'll get back to that whale later on as there are some very interesting tidings washing up on the shores of that bridge as for now much like a hunk of ambergris we'll move on from the whale and on to these very eerie statues that I have spoken about in my Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Easter Egg video now these towering columns of archaic rocks stand with a haunting gaze watching with Moore's motif carved into their figures like a racial branding it's so creepy how they all have been placed as so that they are staring directly at us when we enter suffer guard not exactly a welcome sight at all but as we make our way down the stairs before we trudge on through to our journey if we stop a moment and turn around will notice that the statues will have followed suit every single cloaked pillar will have pivoted so that they now each face directly at the Dragonborn constantly keeping guard silently keeping watch now these statues all throughout the valley within sovereign guard will turn to face the Dragonborn wherever they are and wherever the Dragonborn is but only when the player-character is not looking at them now given you cannot witness this rotation it sometimes makes it hard to believe that this has happened and you'll begin to double guess yourself and even double doubt yourself and while we cannot see the statues moving directly I was able to stand in one of their shadows and catch that little sonny jim shifting around behind my back if you look here the ground of the great shadow being cast over and in front of the Dragonborn as I move my character from side to side will see the shadows snap into slightly different positions as the great statue behind us rotates to face directly at us creepy now these moving statues that only shift when you are not looking are thought to be a reference to the infamous weeping angels from Doctor Who which are famously or infamously statues that only move when you are not looking at them luckily despite them being rather unnerving the ones here in sovereign guard are harmless but think about this break down the word statue stare at you stare at you the statues stare at you good luck sleeping tonight while that information rattles around in your noggin there but as far as this curiosity goes I think we've reached the the statue of limitations for now though let's stroll on down into the fog late and Dale as we wander aimlessly through this dream state we'll notice that like toadstools dotted through a damped spring would looming sentinels glow warmly within our Devon's mists that swill and swirl timeless through the shallow ever gulches of the veil these stone pillars crowned with braziers throwing out an extremely and aptly appropriate ethereal pale yellow light marking our path to salvation holding our hand to the Hall of Valor that lies at the end of this simple yet disguised causeway interestingly these stone Flint's that the flames crown are of a unique motif and design that I do not recall seeing anywhere else in Skyrim while yes they do tread heavily in the shadows of other Nordic structures and patterns perhaps even those are the Giants do not match them and sit on their own no love aesthetic so rare and unique to this zone in fact that even the 200 or so texture overhaul mods that I have active have not touched these archaic stones while truly unseen by the player they're subtle Nordic or even at Morin designs still conjure a sense of home and familiarity to our ever overexposed Skyrim eyes they are a welcome sight through this trying task that we in do up and speaking of unique assets within sovereign guard here is a strange one at the base of the bluff at the center of the valley and sovereign guard marking the starting point of the stairs that lead up to Al Devin's perch we can find sitting on either side these animal totems that's I want to make very clear we do not see anywhere else in Skyrim while we do see similar Atmore in architecture in windhelm those are of Eagle heads whereas these seem to be of some other kind of bird I'm not too sure which I rather squarely stylized um perhaps maybe even a duck although such a suggestion would only be made by a quack but much like a duck my interests are peeking someone has specifically designed these dark or bird totems for sovereign guard now this specific motif we also find outside the Hall of Valor and standing proudly on the rooftop as well clearly these bird totems are of some significance to shore also inside the Hall of Valor we can find these huge and different hawk-like motifs proudly displayed on all of the walls within the heavenly holds now within the Nordic Pantheon each god has an animal totem associated with them this is why we find animals symbol puzzles with in Nordic ruins now the interesting thing about sure is his animal totem is the Fox not the bird so this does not explain at all why Shores realm in a serious sovereign guard or shores very own Hall of Valor is decorated with these bird totem of these bird motifs these bird --is-- designs it's a tough egg to crack but sure is believed to be married to keine otherwise known as kynareth within the Imperial Pantheon now kinds animal totem within the Nordic Pantheon is nothing other than the hawk so it would seem that sure has decorated his realm with his wife's animal totem as a tribute to their love so that is actually quite very sweet and sets a very high standard for the rest of us gonna have to put cats and ponies all over my house but I don't know about you for me personally it's definitely the kind of detail that I sure find interesting now we'll wander up to the bluff at the center of sovereign god known as al Devon's perch as we ascend to the worn olden steps will soon breach the mists and be met by clear skies and a palatial tour helpfully peppered with plants mountain flowers brightened the area along with their lesser floral friends a calming and tranquil walk up the hill will soon provide us with a familiar and beaten site near the crest buried in stone at the top of this hill is a word wall this is al Devon's perch where he sits and plans his next soul of duction as he preys on the lost heroes in the mists sadly this word wall appears to have long been deactivated if it ever was active and if we use some console commands and get onto the ground we will in fact see that this word wall is blank much like the secret barry word wall that we found within the ccc video for the soul can now it is unknown if this word wall once provided the heroes of sovereign guard with a welcomed teaching of Dover's a dragon tom and if it once did there is certainly no one in here that shouts about it now before we leave this bluff there is one more fluffy point I want to make note of and that is at the end of the pathway that leads to the actual crest of the jagged peak there is something not that amazing but I at least found interesting there is a single Tundra cotton plant softly and subtly sitting as king at the height of the mounds the reason I find this interesting is because it's the only Tundra cotton plant in all of southern guard and it seems to have been placed in a rather regal spot right at the top of the most notable Natural Landmark within sovereign guard Sitz King the tundra cotton plants I love that a developer made the decision but what someone god really needed too soft in the site's was a cotton bush it reminds me of the random group of berry bushes at the very edge of Valkyries hold within the highest and most unexplored corner of Skyrim and while a developer may have thought that such a decision would go unnoticed and most players would simply shrug it off I for one have cut and done before we make our way across the whalebone bridge and into the Hall of Valor there is one thing that I would like to show you when we level up in Skyrim we are taken to this skill tree menu stylized with stars and constellations as I'm sure most of you have noticed behind all of the combat based skills there is a red Stella cloud in the shape of the warrior birth sign behind all of the magic based skills there is a blue a Stella cloud in the shape of the mage birth sign and behind all of the sneaky and subterfuge based skills is a green Stella cloud in the shape of the thief births it's a lovely little touch and it makes the skills menu rather aesthetic well beyond this within sovereign guard if we simply look up to the ethereal Maelstrom above we can actually see these very same three stellar cloud formations spinning through the sky the warrior birth sign in red the mage birth sign in blue and the thief's birth sign in green they blaze proudly through the cosmic firmament above watching over the pocket of a serious sovereign guard in which we stand a lovely detail that is easily missed but definitely worth taking a minute to look up and soak in the astral artwork and as cool as that is these birth signs are not the star of the show for that we'll have to continue on our journey now we must cross the whalebone bridge to reach shores honored Hall of Valor however we first must pass suna the bridge Kiba what brings you way far grinning wonder here in suddenly Seoul's end Shores gift to honor dead I seek entrance to the whole of valo no shade are you as usually here passes living you dare the land by what right do you request entry by the right of birth as I am Dragonborn it's been too long since last I faced a doom driven hero of the Dragon now what Sun says there is dismissible at first but this means that soon has faced a dragon born previously and none of the known dragonborns reside within the whole of béla at detail we must keep in mind for later for now though we must pass over the whalebone bridge and while we're at it let's check it out cuz things get a little bit strange now whales do exist within the Elder Scrolls universe we hear accounts of such creatures and texts and recounts by the many sailors and seafarers through Tamriel and Tamriel's history we never actually see one in-game though until now or at least this skeleton is as close as we've got and going back to the animal puzzles that we find all throughout Nordic ruins in Skyrim the whale is an animal that we see displayed which means it is the totem of one of the gods within the Nordic pantheon although it's never specified which now many people believe soon to be the totem bearer of the whale as within the Nordic pantheon he is the god of trials against adversity he's also very large towering above the player-character in a sense he is whale like in stature soon also guards the whale bone bridge again associating him further with the whale now sons brother stern the Nordic god of ransom much like his brother does not have a confirmed animal totem associated to him either because of this some speculate that this whale bone bridge is in fact sternum sewins brother and that he bares the totem of well this to me at least is much less viable than son being the whale but it is plausible we simply just don't know now there is another theory that these whale bones are actually those of Shore but as we know it Shaw's totem is the Fox not the whale however as I'm sure we've all heard many times throughout Skyrim NPCs will often say by shores bones now the only bones that we can associate with Shore and all are these bones here that form the whale bone bridge and even if Shaw isn't this whale I do believe it to be entirely plausible that this line by Shores bones is in reference to the whale bone bridge as sovereign guard belongs to Shore and these bones are within some regard and holds great importance as they grant access to shores Hall of Valor now with all that said and done this skeleton could also be the remains of a mythical creature known as a snow whale now a snow whale is a mystical entity said to fly above the highest mountains of Skyrim there are also said to be sand whales that soul through the skies of the deserts of elsewhere and sky mammoths that graze over the city of Sentinel and Hammerfell but given we're in Skyrim dealing with the Nordic pantheon in a nordic afterlife i think it's safe to say that out of the - this would be a snow whale if either and not a-- said well now the thing about these snow wales sand whales and sky mammoths is they allegedly can only be witnessed after consuming an unspecific concoction now these claims are made by a nordic alchemist from the second era called vegan al watcher which is silly surely she should have been vegan whale watcher but without this concoction that she proclaims to know how to make these elusive sand whales and snow whales are invisible and undetectable now what I believe is likely to mean is that you need to be high as a kite or in this case high as a flying whale and are therefore probably hallucinating after consuming this cracked woman's magic elixir but as cooked as this sounds stranger things take place in the elder scrolls so magical flying whales that can only be seen after drinking a mad alchemists brew it is plausible and if anyone's upset or wants to dispute or disagree with this theory just stop it just don't be a dick and stop being mopey or in this case stop being a mopey dick but before you harpoon me for that one all in all it is not known where this whale bone bridge came from it is also not known which Nordic god within the pantheon bears the totem of the whale but I think the most likely conclusion is it is son as he guards the whale bone bridge and his large in stature or whale like if you will he also appears to be having a whale of a time a simple observation that you counts blow holes in Fanaa though we must pass over the bridge and through to the divine doors and into shores hall of tower inside the Citadel we'll find it named and unnamed Nordic heroes at more and heroes drinking day and night feasting upon the plentiful bounds of platters vibrant selections of meats cheeses fruits vegetables breads and desserts to whole cows or oxen spin over a spit first at the center of the hall making the whole setting not only divine but also bovine huge kegs of mead lined the walls dripping with the golden nectar drink wine bottles litter the tables and plenty a tankard clink minstrels and bars strum and drum singing their song and O's of ancient Nordic heroes to none other than those very Nordic heroes in question warriors fighting friendly battle to their strength and worth before clashing cups as they did weapons to sit and dine and wield nothing more than a knife and fork to scuff down endless banquets to then join the hearty Nordic merriment now easily missed amidst all of this food and drink are three pieces of rather rare and even unique culinary interest firstly on the table that sits nearest to the entrance there is a large golden platter bearing a gourd two apples and a huge piece of meat that is actually unseen by the player-character up until this point this is one of only two roasted ox legs within the game a huge haunch fitting for any nordic hero of old to wield like a greater meaty mace and mash into their hungry bearded face but I would suggest that you take it as a rather special souvenir of sovereign Gard now there is a second roasted ox leg that can be found in the eastern wing of the whole of our along with the armoury of made cakes again while not unique it is one of only two in the game and worth keeping over-consuming plus if I ate all of this to myself I would feel absolutely sick I'll need to head outside and get some oxygen now accompanying the roasted ox legs there is also a unique piece of food at the high table in chores Hall of Valor rather fittingly placed at the head of the table there is the unique mythical marinated mystical roasted ox head I understand it's meant to be like the king of meals but honestly I wouldn't want a bloody ox head on my plate although it could be an aphrodisiac as it certainly looks horny I know it's a week that joke was just a load of the bull now despite me telling you to not eat these rare or roasted ox parts but instead keep them as a souvenir of sovereign guard well you don't really have a choice they are actually miscellaneous items that cannot be eaten anyway so there's nothing other to do then collect them and lug them back to Skyrim to plunk down on your homes I mean it's about time you gave Lydia Sami and they aren't even worth selling as collectively all three pieces of the Ox have a combined value of five goals so yeah definitely not cash cows ah yes now this grand seat that sits at the heart of the highest table at the center of the whole of valor is no standard bar stool or mead hall pew this is nothing other than shows Thorin which will notice is empty it seems like the king of the castle isn't here but the heroes of southern guard have an explanation shores high seed stands empty his Mian is too bright for mortal otters while I guess sure that makes sense there is another theory as to why the throne sits empty and it all begins when we the Dragonborn attempt to sit in the throne well we can we not sure can sit a professorial Dragonborn buttock into the throne of a god well there is a theory and a well supported theory that we the last Dragonborn are actually the Shazzer read the shez arene is a mortal incarnation of the missing god of creation lo khan or sure as i explained earlier the same thing now the name says rain comes from the serie Dilek name of the missing god that being schism much like how the player-character and the eldest girls three morrowind is the naira vireem a reincarnation of inderal mara bah it's thought that we the last dragon born here in the eldest cross v skyrim are actually this legendary mortal incarnation of sure the shez arena many of humanity's greatest heroes leave to have benches erine such as Pellinore whitestrake Zirin Octus healty early beard and high king wool father of Skyrim with shez Arino Versalles believed to have been Tiber Septim the under King and the mortal tell us it's without question that the player-character the last dragon born is a hero of great power and prophecy equaling those of the great heroes or the great shez arenas that came before this coupled with the fact that we turn up to the Hall of ala sure isn't present along with the fact that we can simply sit in the throne of a God all leads us to believe that we are in fact a mortal incarnation of Shore we are shez arene and while unlike the college of winterhold this theory does have very strong foundations supporting it unlike our player character we cannot be entirely sure ah and now we move on to the final curiosity for sovereign God and what I believe to be hands-down the most interesting find in this video or perhaps even the entirety of the curating curious curiosities series quite a claim I know but strap yourselves in and decide for yourselves as there is a secret hidden in plain sight that I'm sure some of you have noticed but probably overlooked as I haven't seen anyone talk about this so let's go back of it back to soon the bridge keeper when we tell him that we are Dragonborn he says this it's been too long since last I faced a doom driven hero of the dragon what this means is that son here has fought a dragon born before but out of all known dragon bones and none of them are in sovereign guard we cannot find in Iraq the first dragon born we cannot find a Lesh slave Queen Saint Alicia we can't find Emperor remin cyrodiil we find Tiber Septim we also do not find anyone from the Septon bloodline and along with not being able to find any known Dragonborns in sovereign guard we can also find neither of the only two suspected dragon bones hiking you smear wolf Arthur Skyrim and man Kirk Cameron so pay close attention all known dragon bones and all known suspected dragon bones are not present here in sovereign guard so how could it be that soon has fought a dragon born before us when or more pressingly who could be the dovakin that came before us and faced off against sun they'd have to be here in Suffern garden the whole of valor now while there are a number of names ancient Nordic heroes and at morin heroes within the halls of valor none of them are the dragonborns mentioned previously and the Dragonborns mentioned previously are all known Dragonborns and while there are a number of unnamed generic heroes of sovereign guard they all share the same pool of dialogue revealing nothing of interest until we reach this man again simply and generically named hero of sovereign guard along with the other twenty or so heroes of sovereign guard but this man he wears ancient Nordic armor likely coming from at Mora or the early eras of Skyrim settlements but he has one line of dialogue that none of the other residents of sovereign guard have hail Dragon Ball that owner is also mine so our shared bath right you no glory he too is Dragonborn this is the dovahkiin that soon references now at first I was like oh cool another Dragonborn but if we really think about this this is incredibly significant besides Tiber Septim and the Septon bloodline there have been four or five dragonborns throughout all of eldest girls history and though is not of the septum bloodline only have their dragon blood and soul because akatosh has specifically blessed it unto them for a great purpose and this guy here is not of the Septon bloodline nor is he any of the known existing Dragonborns nor does he even fit their descriptions you feel me we on the same page this is mythically rare there isn't a dragon born in every city there isn't even a dragon born in every lifetime there are whole eras thousands of years throughout Tamriel's history where a dragon born is not seen is not born where a dragon born does not exist for millennia being dovakin this ain't something like being left-handed and this is mythically rare and all the dragon bones are named and branded deep into the history books none of them simply passed the world by they only exist because akatosh wished it and for a great purpose a dragon born being born is like Jesus returning it's a very significant event and there have only been a handful ever to exist so who the hell is this guy I mean there are no accounts of an unknown dragon born there's no history books that tell tales of a great warrior turning up and using the strength of a dovakin to best two great adversaries there's no mysterious socket to the jaw but we have this gem this guy is the feet but there are no shoes to fill this mysterious unnamed dovakin has completely flown under all known history and recounts there are no unaccounted for dragon bones yet here he stands an unknown and unnamed ancient Nordic possibly add more and Dragonborn blessed by akatosh he has utterly entirely and completely gone unnoticed by all of Tamriel people paid less attention to this guy than my rage Easter Egg video so who unknown is this man quite simply we don't know there is nothing in legend or history that can be associated with him so legit my dudes who the hell is this guy now I will say that I talk to every other hero of sovereign guard until they repeated every line of dialogue three times I did this to every single one of them including this unknown dragon board guy now the only one to say this dragon born line was this bloke that we've been talking about for the last few minutes none of the other heroes a sovereign guard ever said that they were also dragon boy I also tested this on three different characters and each three times only this same guy said that he too was dragon board hail dragon board that honor is also mine so our shared birthright you will bring new glory so as far as my testing can conclude this line of dialogue is unique to this unnamed hero of southern guard and it's not a random throwaway line which they all share making this guy in fact a specific and uniquely unknown ancient dovakin and I would love to hear your theories on this guy now with that hidden and confusing gift bestowed upon us by akatosh in two different senses we have now fully explored and curated the curious curiosities for Sovereign Guard found within a furious I do hope you have enjoyed this oddly unique area with its celestial Valley but dazzling stars and Shores Hall of Valor we're a select few very law obscure and unexplainable oddities lay in wait for the keen explorer to discover and question so whether they were new finds or old friends I do hope that you have enjoyed the curious curiosities of sovngarde [Music] and there you have it ladies and gentlemen I've been camel I'd like to thank you very much for watching and I do hope you have thoroughly enjoyed the curating curious curiosities episode for the ethereal and heavenly plane of a serious sovereign guard if you did enjoy this video and you would like to see more these type of videos please consider subscribing it helps me know that you were interested in this kind of content and will result in more of it in the long run and if you do enjoy these CCC videos please feel free to check out the links in the description these of course will lead you directly to the curating curious curiosities videos that I've already done the forced Skyrim if you did learn something new in this video please leave a like I'd appreciate it greatly if you do have any theories back stories imaginings or explanations for any of these curious curiosities please leave a detailed rundown of what your thoughts are in the form of a comment down below I'm very interested in hearing what you have to say in regards to these ever so strange and curious finds within the suffering guard especially that last one the community's collective mind power will be much greater than mine I hope so together we can come up with all of the backstories for these curious curiosities now down there in the description you can also find links to all of my social media be sure to follow me on Instagram Twitter and join our brand new discord server if you'd like to support the channel in a more personal way you can do so on patreon or sponsor the channel right here on YouTube as I'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that I create for you to enjoy so your support is most genuinely appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms so thank you very much for watching thank you very much for supporting the channel I've been Kamel and I will see you very shortly in the next video I'll see you there soon or to keep in the theme of sovereign guard I'll see you there soon [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 268,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, elder, scrolls, five, VI, six, scrolls 6, news, lets, play, through, how, to, Curating, Curious, Curiosities, curate, CCC, unmarked, location, exploration, hidden, secret, treasure, easter, egg, bonus, dlc, expansions, eso, online, camel, works, camelworks, gaming, channel, video, find, mackenzie, rowles, facts, lore, puns, legends, stories, series, bethesda, games, studios, softworks, zenimax, theories, crazy, canon, mystery, theory, detective, 10, tiny, details, magic, ghost, oblivion, sovngarde, shor, lorkhan, shezzarine, whale, bone, valor, heaven
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 26sec (2546 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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