Skyrim: 5 Things They Never Told You About The Thalmor

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hey how's it going guys it's Nate here and the Skyrim is well we've already said it before but Skyrim is indeed a humongous game one with no shortage of quests items locations and of course villains and among Skyrim is most prominent antagonists are the Thalmor a corrupt yet highly efficient organization of High Elves who seemingly have the Empire and indeed all of Skyrim wrapped under their yellow little thumbs during the events of the Elder Scrolls 5 these Somerset supremacists serve as secondary antagonists throughout the game's main quest line as they desperately seek to root out the last of the blades and play a key role in keeping the Civil War alive but there's more to this shady Society of secretive Murrah then Skyrim makes obvious and indeed after so many years there's still likely quite a bit you missed about the rulers of the Aldmeri Dominion so sit back and relax as we take a look at five things you probably never knew about the Thalmor of the elderscrolls v skyrim starting off the Great War was the massive military conflict between the Meade Empire and the old amuri Dominion roughly 25 years prior to the events of Skyrim most agree it resulted in a pretty blatant Thalmor victory with the Empire agreeing to cede hammerfell pay massive tribute and of course infamously outlaw the worship of Talos however despite clearly losing the war there's some very strong evidence that the struggle could have gone much worse for the Empire had the Thalmor successfully executed a secret plan of theirs let me explain so the final stages of the great war centered around the struggle to control the imperial city the Empire's capital the Thalmor through absolutely everything they had at capturing the settlement and they succeeded in the year 174 of the fourth era Emperor himself much of the Imperial government and many civilians were forced to flee their own home as the Thalmor over and the capital interestingly though after their victory the massive Elvin army just decided to stay there idly they didn't continue to push their advantage they didn't go on to harass the retreating armies or capture more land they just took the capital and kept hundreds of thousands of their soldiers there The Imperials capitalized on this with some particularly quick thinking and were able to rapidly form another army within weeks and soon enough they were able to counter-attack launching the battle to retake the imperial city the occupying High Elves were just so overconfident in their numbers they failed to plan any real effective defense and when the Empire struck back the Dominion army was just slaughtered nearly the entirety of all Thalmor forces in the province were annihilated seriously all of the ordinary soldiers in serie dela were either killed or captured by the time the battle was over there were still of course other Thalmor armies and Hammerfell and back in their homeland of the summerset isles but this defeat was just so shocking it forced the old Murray Dominion who originally wanted to conquer the entirety of the empire to just settle for some concessions and only a few weeks after the Battle of the red ring as it would be known a truce was signed okay so with that history out of the way one has to ask why did the elves keep so many of their forces tied out in the Imperial City after they captured it why not as we said press their advantage instead they let the Empire regroup and paid dearly for it it just seems like a really stupid strategy so what were they thinking whoa for a while no one really knew the answer to this question many people just assumed it was dumb however the elderscrolls legends seems to have revealed the truth it turns out that while they controlled the city the Thalmor were sacrifice seen innocent civilians to the Daedra in the hopes that the evil overlords of oblivion would reward them by joining their war against the empire yep it's pretty horrible you see the imperial city is home to the white gold tower a structure of particular divine significance the Thalmor believed that by sacrificing innocents close to that tower they would be able to convince the Daedra to unleash hordes of monsters upon the empire effectively creating a second mini oblivion crisis which the elves hoped would allow them to win the war much faster the Thalmor referred to this prophecy as the culling yeah pretty creepy and just before they were able to totally fulfill it the Empire struck back right in the nick of time and retook the city this is why the Thalmor kept so many men at the single settlement they believed that as long as they could hold it their victory was a sure thing and soon they'd be joined by armies of monsters of course when the Empire finally did strike back the occupying forces were just so surprised they realized they didn't have a plan and giving 200,000 soldiers impromptu orders just wasn't logistically feasible so they ultimately suffered a grave defeat fun fact after the Empire retook their home they hung the Thalmor general commanding the army a man called Lourdes narro Finn who was secretly directing the whole human sacrifices thing from the top of the white gold tower and it said that around after a month of him just dangling there a flying Daedra swooped in and flew off with him to this day Lourdes narro Finn's whereabouts are unknown but regardless of that crazy man's fate it seems safe to say that while the Empire didn't exactly win the great war it could have gone much much worse for them had they not acted quickly next on our list what's the Thalmor Zend game and what are they ultimately hoping slash trying to do are they just after world domination the intent with the status quo or perhaps are they after something more this is a question that has long been debated by the community and sadly Skyrim itself doesn't offer a whole lot of answers in fact it doesn't tell us much about the Thalmor history and objectives but thankfully the elder scrolls books the infernal City and Lord of souls which released in 2009 and 2011 respectively are set between the events of the Elder Scrolls for oblivion and the elderscrolls v skyrim just as the Thalmor are rising in power and they offer us a huge amount of insight on the faction the Thalmor are by no means the subject of either book but in both novels we consistently hear about their rise and various schemes and power plays there's a sort of cold war going on between elite Thalmor agents and the pentas oculus basically the Empire's spy organization ironically enough while we in Skyrim largely view the penet s oculata s-- as antagonists through the lens of the dark brotherhood storyline in the elder scrolls books they're mostly portrayed as the good guys the only real entity trying to stop the Thalmor and save the world and we constantly read about the organization's various tactics and operations to try and curtail the Thalmor z' gaining of power throughout the books the oculata says conclusion is that what the Thalmor are trying to achieve is largely just to drive mankind into extinction or slavery in the infernal city inspector collins an imperial practice oculata s-- agent says this about the Thalmor skulls quote I may not well be privy to many details but their goal is clear the pacification and purification of all of Tamriel WA to bring about a new Maratha era end quote for those who don't know the MER epic era which took place before the first era was a period of time in which Tamriel was almost exclusively populated by elves no humans hence the name myrrh ethic era eventually in the waning years of this era humans began to pop up on the coasts and many found their way into elven slavery but it seems this is what the pentas oculata sphere the Thalmor are trying to restore they want to bring that time back furthermore Michael Kirkbride a former writer for Bethesda Game Studios said this in a reddit AMA when asked about the old amuri dominions leadership quote the Thalmor is easily the most dangerous organization in the u Burress more so than Talos they cannot be understood they are the other and they hate everything that even smells like mortality and they're going to win in the end end quote now despite how horrifyingly ominous this sounds it's important to note that Kirkbride didn't work for Bethesda anymore by the time of that AMA and had it for a bit so what he said it can't necessarily be taken as a 100% canon but it's still certainly worth considering he seems to suggest the Thalmor don't just hate mankind but the very concept of mortality in general and Michael's convinced that these bad guys are poised to succeed whatever they're after it seems this secretive coalition of High Elves is far from finished in whatever their ultimate goal of theirs really is coming in at number 3 the Thalmor embassy serves as the Dominions headquarters in skyrim and it can be visited during the quest and only during the quest diplomatic immunity were were sent by Delfina to infiltrate a party being hosted on the compound in order to search for what the Thalmor know about the recent rise of dragon attacks spoiler alert they know nothing less than we do even anyway during the mission there will be a point in which we must break away from the party in order to investigate different sections of the embassy trouble is were not allowed to leave the party so as soon as we do all found more soldiers and mages we see will be hostile towards us they know we ain't supposed to be snooping well if the player decides to dawn a full set of thalmor roads during this mission something interesting will happen throughout most of it you'll be able to walk in full view of the Thalmor soldiers and they'll just ignore you sort of suggesting that your entire options have convinced them that you too are a fellow Dominion asset now I should point out that how effective this disguise works that being how cloaks you can get to thalmor soldiers without them calling your bluff and a growing varies based on your player race so our Dhoni ins trying to run around and pretend they're thalmor soldiers aren't gonna fool very many people up close but if you're a high elf yourself you can put these clothes on and get right up in people's faces furthermore there's a section of the quest that requires us to walk across a large courtyard within the embassies compound in order to get to Ellyn wind solar normally you'll have to fight your way through set a courtyard but if you're in the robe disguise you can just walk right up to the dude guarding the door and convince him to leave his post with some unique dialogue take a listen why aren't you at your post Justus yeah why didn't you say so take over my post make sure nobody enters the solar it's neat that bethesda allowed us an alternative approach to this high elf theme in omission and it's just as neat that they never bothered to tell us about it directly so what are you waiting for through on these rags and get ready to fool some baddies for fourth spot I know we just described the diplomatic immunity quest and in it I mentioned that our search of the Thalmor embassy reveals that the Aldmeri Dominion doesn't seem to know a whole lot about the recent rise of the Dragons that said there is some evidence in the game though not at the Thalmor embassy that suggests the Thalmor may know quite a bit that we don't Captain Val Muir is an undercover thalmor agent camped right outside of Ferrell Hoss an ancient Nord ruin housing the remains of the dragon priest regards when we first meet him captain Val Mir will be dressed in the armor of whatever factions side you took in Skyrim Civil War he'll claim to be one of your superiors and will order you to venture inside a ferrell hast and recover the mask that regard is wearing and bring it back to him claiming that either general Tullius or Ulfric Stormcloak respectively once it badly for their civil war efforts or something of course after we accept this challenge venture into the ruins and recover the mask when we bring it back to him he'll reveal his true intentions and turn hostile after winning the ensuing battle and the killing captain vol mere we can find a note on his body revealing him to be a thalmor agent and containing his orders this note reads as follows quote you will proceed to the ruins of pharrell hast to retrieve the mask of the dragon colt there if you are discovered impersonate an officer it is unlikely that anyone from skyrim it will be clever enough to see through the disguise once you have obtained the mask bring it back to labyrinth Ian end quote so what does this mean what's the significance behind this note and why did Valle near want that mask so bad for the Thalmor well head over to the labyrinthian and you'll get your answer kind of the labyrinthian is a large ancient nord ruin formerly the capital of the dragon cult which once ruled all of skyrim now it's little more than some rubble but here we can find a small room that most players refer to as the dragon priest sanctuary within this room we can find a small altar and at its base the skeletal remains of an unnamed human with a dagger through his chest and a wooden mask in his hand put that wooden mask on and you'll be teleported back in time to when this small room was still functional and well maintained while in this alternative dimension you'll be able to put each of Skyrim's dragon priests masks on that altar and once they're all there a mechanism will be triggered and a new dragon priest mask will be revealed called condor ik which you can take for yourself now it's important to note players had to figure this whole thing out for themselves there is no quest line directing you to the labyrinth Ian there is no series of objective markers telling you to put the dragon priest masks there you just have to kind of do it on your own and if you do you get this cool reward considering captain volmers orders it would seem the Thalmor were privy to this fact as well they knew about this sanctuary and possibly about the Canora Kumasi furthermore a note we can find in the sanctuary reveals that that skeleton we can find was a mysterious breton scholar who was hired by an unknown organization intent possibly the Thalmor to study that wooden mask and bring it here so it's very likely that the old amore dominion had some considerable knowledge about the dragon cults that not even we nor the blades do even today many players wonder what the significance behind the canonic mask really is perhaps the Aldmeri Dominion are the only ones who really know the truth and finally last on our list throughout Skyrim's main questline the Thalmor are relentlessly pursuing two individuals by the name of Delphine and Esbern the reason both these characters tell us the Thalmor after them is simple they're former members of the blades an ancient Knightly order that prior to the great war was constantly harassing and at odds with a Thalmor after the conclusion of the war one of the Thalmor terms for the Empire surrender was the demand that the blades be outlawed and their members sent to the Dominion since then the elves have been relentlessly hunting down any surviving members of the organization Delphine and Esbern included but something you may not have known is that these characters in particular have been major thorns in the Thalmor side for quite some time now neither Delphine nor Esbern will tell you this but during that mission when you infiltrate the Thalmor embassy you can find dossiers written by the thalmor on both of these individuals and in both the dossiers they make it sound like des burn and elfine were quite the badasses for one they claim that Esbern an elderly man is quite possibly one of their biggest threats having previously been the blade's is Lord Astor he was responsible for something to foul morkul the disaster at fallon st a city in Velen would we don't necessarily know what the disaster at balan st was but presumably it ended quite poorly for the Thalmor and Esbern was evidently part of orchestrating that furthermore he was highly involved in planning something called the blue river prison breach in which presumably blades agents stormed a Thalmor prison and possibly freed many of the inmates Delphine for her part is cited with much less specific achievements it's claimed that she's been a high priority target since the start of the Great War apparently being heavily involved in operations against the Thalmor and evidently just before the Dominion declared war on the Empire Delphine was apparently operating within their territory and they tried to assassinate her but she got out just in the nick of time since then they've dispatched assassination squad after assassination squad to try and hunt her down and they've all ended in failure with some of the entire teams getting killed by her so yeah well throughout Skyrim's main storyline Esbern and Delphine may seem a little bit slow and at times incompetent it appears that at least back in the day both of these individuals were anything but that and they possibly provided the Thalmor with some of their greatest headaches ever and with that we are going to wrap up five things you probably didn't know about the old Marie Dominion of the elderscrolls v Skyrim thanks for stopping by everybody real quick I must apologize I do still have the flu and may or may not sound a little bit sick I'm pretty sure I'm towards my final days now though so bye next video I should be totally better and hopefully my voice will be back to normal anyway again thanks so much for watching and hope to catch you all in my next video peace out everyone
Channel: TheEpicNate315
Views: 782,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, Skyrim Special Edition, The Elder Scrolls 5, Skyrim Top 5, Skyrim Rare Items, Skyrim Secrets, Skyrim Facts, Skyrim Tiny Details, Things You Didn't Know You Could Do In Skyrim, Skyrim Top 10, Skyrim Thalmor, Skyrim Factions, Skyrim Empire, Skyrim Imperials, Skyrim Lore, Elder Scrolls Lore, Skyrim Mods, Skyrim Mod, TheEpicNate315
Id: 9kv_031f_2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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