Skyrim GeoGuesser - Match My Game With Your Screen Shot In Under 3 Minutes

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the elder scrolls five skyrim my name is camel and today we're going to be playing skyrim geo guest so well i'm going to be playing it if you don't know what geo guesser is it's like it's a website it's kind of like a game where it shows you an image from google street view and then you have to try and figure out where that image was taken from on the map on google maps it's a lot of fun and my roommate matt and i have been playing it recently so i thought it would be cool to do a similar thing in skyrim so i asked you guys to send through your screenshots on twitter i have not looked at any of them yet my roommate matt has put the images on this laptop which is what i'm going to be seeing the images for the first time on he selected 61 i think he said he said 60 is serious and there's a bonus meme one in there sure there was apparently like 200 plus images that you guys sent through so thank you very much for that but we can't get through all of them so we've chosen max one per person and even then we couldn't get through all the people that sent through screenshots so i'm gonna look at your screenshot for the first time and then within three minutes a three minute timer i have to get my character to where your character's standing and make my in-game screen match your screenshot um hopefully that's enough time i have no idea once it's all done i'll post all the original screenshots on twitter with my in-game screenshot trying to match it so basically i'm going to stop the timer as soon as you know my screen roughly matches your screenshot and then i'll take a bit of time after that to make it perfectly match and i'll put that on twitter so it's pretty simple if i don't get it in three minutes i don't get the point if i do get it within three minutes i get the point so let me know if you enjoy this we can do more of it later on and let me know what you think i'm gonna get out of 60 let's go out of 60 because apparently there's a meme one i don't know if women count that or not i'm also going to be using every tool at my disposal to get my character to the position that your screenshot was taken from you know console commands save files fast travel whatever i can do to get there within three minutes we'll be done so hopefully this is fun for me hopefully this is fun for you and uh if it is fun we can do it again in the future but anyway let's get to it okie dokie we're loaded into skyrim and gonna go into god mode and turn combat off so nothing attacks me while i'm trying to do this okay this first one's from essen jar i'm gonna click the diamond now okay where are we that looks like falcreath uh it looks like the place where the bugling elk is which i'm pretty sure is east east of this evergreen grove hopefully is this the place no damn it's not the place let me change the game hour to daytime okay dude it's where all this friggins it's next to that place where all the spriggans are god damn it valkyrie's so thick it's so hard to know where i'm going dude it's down the river from half moon mill right oh good i've got well in sprint where the hell is half moon mill okay we're going completely wrong direction that's a good start now we're a minute down god i just hope my sense of direction is correct with this one i know it's roughly near there it's actually the only place in the game where an elk bugles come on dude here we go here we go okay let's uh clear the weather real quick in a bugle there's a bear in the way let's get rid of the bear that didn't work disable blair please disable elk okay okay this is 100 the spot all right i'm gonna stop the timer stop okay under two minutes i don't know if the phone time is gonna match exactly with uh on screen timer but hopefully it does anyway got one point so far dude let me just try and line this up so it's it looks pretty pretty good whatever i can just change the game now so it looks a bit better all right that's the best i can line that one up eh under two minutes we did that one okay what's the next one the next one is from zero period zero period productions georgie boy i'm gonna start the timer then look at the image okay oh that looks like that the place where the headless horseman runs to hopefully there's no enemies around me something can can ham via's rest or boy there's gonna be a quick one unless i'm mistaken no impossible now which stone is it next to okay cool got it stop that was like under 30 seconds all right all the skeletons are dead let me just line this up perfectly how's that hot stuff that was quick that was a quick one maybe three minutes is too long i don't know i don't so far i've known where both of them are if i don't know where one is i'm dead i'm finished okay the next one is from six paths five rings and the time is done okay so that looks where is that uh let me bring this bit closer i don't recognize that building in the bottom left no where is that what building is next to a waterfall like that okay that kind of that looks like the ruin next to falcrate the city and i think it is because of that ruin on top of the hill there let's see let's see let's see the thing is i don't want to go there because this shot was taken from a ways away away way aways okay let's go here let's hope i mean the hell is that that's cool god damn it oh damn we're a minute down okay come on dude we need to find the open cliff and then we should be able to stand in a spot and get that shot there's a dragon attacking helpful as ever okay it's gonna be along this cliff somewhere it needs to be more open though we do have the rocks in the shot so that might oh dude that looks promising that looks promising i don't know if that's also in the shot there like that something like that let's just clear the weather okay let's set the game hour to 10. that looks right yeah 100 that's it all right stop okay good under two minutes oh this is an olympic sport let me tell you okay just gonna line this up so it's smang on there we go that looks perfect let's take a screenshot [Music] whoo that was stressful if that wasn't there i would have been finished absolutely finished okay okay this next one is from uh address demon and let's start the toimer okay oh where is that looks kind of like river waters no no it's the graveyard that's the graveyard and foul creed funnily enough right where we are um i don't recognize that there must be a mod or something adding that statue from southern garden to the graveyard unless that's just something i've literally never noticed but i don't think i would have missed that okay let's get down to the graveyard they're only 30 seconds in we're nearly there it's the fastest way down there over the fence now i just need to figure out where exactly oh my god is there a night shade or something death bell sorry death bell not nightshade what am i talking about guess it's here in like a crouch position i don't know mime i've got too many mods oh she's got too many mods something like this let me kill all these guys thank you very much for getting out of the way appreciate it greatly sadly i don't know this is from the character's point of view it looks too low all right i'm gonna stop the timer because i've clearly found where this is set game hour to 18 i want that sunset look that too sunsetty maybe it's sunrise that looks better much of a mod called simply bigger trees that makes the trees simply bigger i think that's as good as we're gonna get i think between the two of us our mods are too different like that plant's not there for me the trees are different sizes but we got it the main issue with that one was the uh you can't see that building there through the trees on my screen which makes it hard to recognize that it's actually the same spot oh my god why is there a dragon on top of me oh man i don't think i've ever filmed like skyrim live like this before and look what happens 10 minutes in dead dragons dropping out of the sky it's probably because i use the kill all commands dude this is making me hot i need a drink from my skuma mug which you can find on my merch store link down below oh that's good stuff okay this next one is from aomi armster and go okay where is that now that i feel like could be so many places unless is that next up up the river from riverwood i hope so that'd be nice and easy and it also means i won't have to sprint around skyrim frantically for two minutes trying to find the right spot okay let's get down here as fast as i can something down there it's gonna be down there is the road wrap back down yes good perfect oh i think that might where is this there's a big rock this is down here the hell this is uh it's difficult to like gauge the proper depth and stuff okay no it's like this yep what the hell is that oh it's serrano all right stop timer good got it okay let's make the game out what 14 16 13. 13 looks good might be from a bit further back because they got the top of the rock in yeah there we go there it is perfectly lined up all right on to the next one this next one is from oxborne and the time is going and let's look at the image where is that that could be is that just riverwood i don't recognize that that covered bridge in the bottom right i don't remember that being there but i'm pretty sure that's riverwood it's actually pretty handy so apparently these images are just in alphabetical order of the users names on twitter that uploaded them but so far they just happen to be lining up pretty neatly in terms of like transitioning from near falcreath to valkyrie then near riverwood to riverwood these are the tougher ones the ones that have something you know in it but they're from really far away so then you have to scrabble to figure out where the hell the picture was actually taken from oh yeah that thing is there how funny i just don't remember that that damn it is this where it's from is it from higher from over here is it here yeah that looks pretty schmick to me all right timer unfortunately i have a giant tree mod that is putting a lot of trees in the way but you can see the the mountain peaks and stuff line up real nice cool that was nice and easy that could have been hard though that could have been the end so far on a winning spree [Music] okay the next one is from a scot in england and the time is going let's look at the image god it's really small on my screen here um we oh is that that that shrine of talos oh where the hell is that thing it is whoa is it here mars i pond or is it in this one luckily they're close together so we should be able to get between them pretty quick okay we're only 30 seconds in don't remember okay it's not this one must be the other one is it south no which way am i going i need to go this way to go west come on dude casey wondering i am in god mode that's why i can just shout back to back like that bro okay we're halfway and if it's not this one no big trouble come on where is it where is it [Music] cool set game hour to ten where is that's next to the river is there a log around here oh it's over here okay something like that for the back maybe and then up it's a bit scented okay cool stop the timer yeah sweet okay let me get the game hour up to a better hour then we can clear the weather god damn it's stressing me out i wonder if all the easy ones are the front for some reason [Music] okay the next one is from asiatic clams start the timer and whoa man these mountain ones are so difficult but i do see two bridges i think that is what happened there is my game paused the game's frozen why is it frozen whoa okay the console command works why is it it's literally just frozen nothing's happening oh okay good in case you wondering what watches i typed in clc whiterun which is center on cell and then the cell id of whiterun which takes you right there to that crossroads i'm pretty sure that's where this image was taken i don't know where the hell they're standing though like this cool stop that camera wow i'm surprised i got that well i got it so quick anything that's like just mountains like that so i mean so much for skyrim looks like that if you just look up randomly there's like no landmarks or anything look what are you doing get out of my shot dude it's like playing eso people just walking in frame constantly come on get over here god i had that perfectly lined up too serrata can you believe people wanted to marry serrana she sucks she's only following me because i'm up to that part in the quests where the hell was this person standing how do they get all the things in the shot is that a bigger field of view field of view 90. anyway that is good stuff bloody good stuff [Music] okay the next one is from alex shepski and go oh okay judging by the trees it's in rifton and there's a river that's got rapids it's probably downstream from ivar's dead where there is a river that turns into rapids right pine creek cabin if it's not there there's a few rivers in the rift it's a big lake that turns into a few rivers to go for the edge into is that the spot yes we just need to get over there come on dude now the other issue is figuring out where exactly it was taken from up back up like this does that look right that too far we need to go forward a little bit okay stop the timer cool just under half time half time half the time whatever oh i wish those textures would load in but whatever clear the skies there we go perfect perfect screenshot now the next one is from blake rosalin and the timer's going so that is in the forgotten veil somewhere god this is going to be harder to get to because i don't know if i even have a low uh save file there oh forgotten vail which part of the forgotten veil oh man can i just go off the edge of this i hope so i can just bail over the edge of the inner sanctum it's clearly the forgotten veil let me turn ai off okay we're 30 seconds deep down there somewhere just clip through this yeah i can't shut i can't well when sprint maybe i don't have it equipped why can't i go i can't do anything can't pull up my weapons i can sprint i can't go to the menu menu doesn't work maybe because there's like some essential dialogue happening up there with arch kirit birther but i'm really yeah okay that looks that looks good that looks promising there are the two pillars it was either going to be down here or up the top but i wouldn't i don't think there's a full arch ah yeah arch and i think there's a full thalma arch up at the top so it had to be here you got a really tight field of view let's try ffv70 all right stop that timer maybe that's too tight but we've clearly found the spot ffv 80 maybe it's just normal 80 was that not what i was on i don't know there we go that's perfect that is the perfect lining up edge [Music] i am very glad i had to say file in the forgotten vale if not i don't know the center on cell commands for the forgotten veil off by heart they're all like dlc 0-1 vampire temple 0-3 dlc two just like anyway the next one is from bliss hughes and the time is going and that is standards beacon i think that's my first guess let's just go here and then we can fast travel to standard standards beacon i'm pretty sure it's a location that has a fast travel point and having said that i really hope it is a fast travel point standards beacon okay cool the sun which way is that facing uh this that oh like that east okay so the sun's rising oh i've got we have no clipping turned on serrano let me tell you when you're just trying to ai is turned off dude get over here i'm gonna do something sacrilegious and disable serrano bye that's what you get for standing in my way all the time dude that's what i do to my friends to get in my way i literally delete them from existence huh anyway that is that shot i think they have a slightly what's the normal field of view 80 i'm literally backed up against the rock looks pretty pretty pretty good now all i need to do is make make the sun come up that happens at about 7.5 hours the hell have i just forgotten console commands right now let me just set set game hour to 10. okay good so 7.5 and we'll clear the sky fwt what why fw 10 e1 f2 where's that sun where's the sun eight cool look at that that is picture perfect [Music] look at that man oh man this is pretty knackering stressful it's not actually that stressful it's a lie i'm trying to create drama anyway this next one is from bring cursed tom timer's going god that's so small on my screen wow that's vague there's so much in it and so little information it's a massive waterfall coming down some cliffs where are there massive waterfalls like that coming off of the throat of the world into east march is that where that is where that that fallen tree is with the bandits sitting on it see that tree stump with the chest if that is a chest in that tree stump i'm pretty sure i know where that is where am i now okay like i know the location but i don't know exactly where it is if it's the right place okay we're a little we're a minute in god oh what was that that tree was glowing fox tell you what that that key light ring light thing is not helping it's helping you see me but i can't see set game hour to ten oh dude this is it this is the spot that's so lucky is that rock in the shot no no no the tree stumps like right up against the bottom of the of the picture there all right stop the timer wow even though i knew exactly where that was that still took just over two minutes um so i feel the view still off the default field of view is 80. some people change it i usually have it at 100 so depending on what my field of view is it might make the image look slightly different so i'm trying to set it to 80 for all of these shots because most people play at 80 because that's the default setting so now we just need to make sure this is all lined up as nice as it can be that looks pretty hot that looks pretty good because that second waterfall is right next to the tree trunk thing so that's my screenshot oh i remember this place when i did the i think it was it might have been the wide run curating curious curiosities video because funnily even though you feel like this is east march maybe it was the rift even this area here is technically white run hold even though it's it's like between the tundra of whiterun the snow of high herathgar and the throat of the world snow here the volcanic stuff in east march and the uh autonomous forests of the rift you have this weird super dense rain foresty pocket here good place to take screenshots from because that that took me a hot minute to figure out where that was anyway on to the next one this next one is from bug collecting and the time is going and oh wait a minute isn't that is that right near the other shot we took just down the river from ivarsted before i hope so i know that there are two waterfalls that meet at the headwaters there what what the hell are the guards doing how are we already 30 seconds jesus okay it better be this or i'm gonna run out of time okay go go go son yes yes look at this this is already looking perfect okay we got that rock there just gonna make sure everything's there before i stop the timer got that bit of wood down there yeah this is spot on spot on all right timer pretty happy with that i wish there was more sun on it there we go perfect that is some good stuff all right the next one is from carrot cake baby and the time is going okay that is the college of winterhold uh that is going to be to the east of the college of winterhold underneath it just given on the positioning of the bridge we know that we are to the east of it because the bridge goes south from the college this might actually be really difficult to line up i'm in god mode so i can jump off this cliff 30 seconds deep but i have to find this exact rubble this must be over here somewhere i have to find this rubble is that rubble the rubble that's framing the shot i'm not too sure about this i don't know if the field of view is crazy or oh it's not rubble it's cliffs dude i thought those stones on the side were the rubble that had fallen down oh wow we even got the the aurora to match the shot okay all right stop the timer that's we got it we got this that is almost perfect instantly yeah we can see that bit of the bridge it's lined up really nicely awesome that was quick that was i was worried that i wasn't going to be able to find the exact bits of rock and rubble and stuff that framed a bit worked out beautifully [Music] we're only at c don't forget there's 61 images one of which is a meme but i feel like i've done like 50 so far we're at c the next one is from caffex dragon and the time's going okay that's oh that is vague super vague there's a goat on that little island there in the foreground what i can see is the college of winterhold over on the left um and there's a nordic ruin behind it so this is somewhere way north of the culture wind hold okay we're 30 seconds in we need to get going far out man where is there two ruins behind it or just what just the one um this might be the first loss how did another 30 seconds vanish like that oh dear dude there's a freaking driver update on the screen i can't see the picture i needed a little dirt spit with a goat on it okay bro all right set game hour to 10 fw 10 e1 f2 let's go tcl no tcl i freaking hope it's over here is that a little what's that there's a little bit of dirt is this looking right oh oh okay we got just over a minute oh bro there's some dirt with some goats on it now we just need to figure out where where is this taken from oh my god it's taken from this bit of ice i guess oh okay stop the timer thank god for that wow wow that was that could have been bad hey the goats ran away here we go here we go look at that dude that was lucky there's so much dirt around here too hey look the goats in the water anyway actually we can make that look better let's get the game hour to sunsetish set game out to what's 16 [Music] 18. ah i mean the colors are totally off but we've got the sunset in the same spot look at that [Music] okay resetting the timer this next one is from ching x 1999 time it is going oh dear okay that's in white run in the tundra of white run but where where in the tundra of whiterun there is a cave and a landmark on the mini map and they're facing north i'm hoping it's this bit of road right there this is tough because it's clearly white run and we're on a road but all the road in wine run looks exactly like the screenshot okay wait wait where's the okay so we're at the cave let us pray let us pray that it's this bit of road here yes there's spiky rock bro the power of deduction down here like this where's the stone wall stone walls there i'd have a bigger field of view all right stop the timer wow if he didn't have the mini map up i don't know about that that was actually very helpful it's going to figure out exactly where this guy is even further take it to 17. there we go look at that beautiful beautiful in the the colors like right on the horizon in the sky almost match perfectly too the next one is from curl jaden and the time's going um wow that's so gray i feel like that could be a lot of places okay i can see a fort on the hill or a tower rather tower on the hill then we have snow up there but there's grass down the bottom is that man i'm hoping that's right next to whatever that tower is outside of bleak falls barrow next riverwood or almost a minute down it's not this one i do appreciate everyone taking um the screenshots from from like next to riverwood it's making it a lot easier god as i said before that ring light i need sunglasses for the ring light but then i can't see the screen either oh god damn it my freaking tree mods can't see the tower the tower even then check this out indoors okay the tower is there that's the tower i'm i've got to go off different landmarks now because all the trees are in the way all right we got a minute left who the hell is this guy dude the courier what are you doing set game hour two ten okay now i can see a bit better bro i can't see a damn thing okay that's in the bottom of the shot right there just need a river in the bottom okay that peak that peak okay cool this is really hard to tell where this is so the landmarks we have the two mountain peaks we also have the other mountain on the left which the tower is next to which we can see the left side of unfortunately those trees are right in the way if i let me just take a screenshot there we go into free cam mode and go up you can see that the tower is right at the base of that peak on the left so we know that that is the right spot unfortunately the simply bigger trees mod has made the trees simply too big for this little game but we also have the river in the bottom right hand corner yeah it's just a matter of lining it up perfectly especially without the tower it's making it really difficult to get an accurate shot here but anyway that was the harder one it's harder to prove even next one is dovahkiin ii the bunch of numbers and stuff and let's go that is on soul stein because we have tell me three in the background i just need to find a save file on soul stein soul time uh abandoned house no that's that's the one in blood skull barrow the abandoned house is one in mark i was thinking of the one cyrano's back the one on soulstone that has the unique torching at the cast shadows okay so bandits out here okay so we tell mithrin is in the distance this fort is also in the distance so it's got to be like here oh roloff's house that's the one i was just talking about one minute deep let's get down to the water's edge and really hope we're in the right spot oh it's gonna depend on where the waves what the waves are doing okay so we have the fort there the mushroom is there oh the other thing is this is taken from like a wide-angle monitor or something what are they called widescreen mono i don't even know let's press the tower up there yeah okay i'm stopping the timer i don't know what i've east okay so we need the sunrise which is what's happening in the picture so we're gonna set the game hour to 7.5 which is generally comes up between like seven point five and eight usually nine what the hell okay it was just the weather being funny thought looks different in this guy's screenshot it's missing that tower and the ship doesn't seem to be there either it might be a loading distance problem we just need to make sure the mushroom's roughly in the right spot okay where's the next one the next one is from next one's from drew from fudge muppet so let's start the timer and is this the mean one do we try and do this anyway it's clearly in whiterun oh no god i'm gonna have to find a freaking safe i can't save right now not that i want to but it's weird that i can't okay why run i don't know if i'm gonna be able to recreate all the nazims in it hopefully i can find his character id okay that is which way is this even facing it's facing up towards dragon's reach because we can see it in the background there something like this i've got a stupid candlelight spell almost what the hell is that on or off damn it i did turn it off okay help nazim npc player dot place at me zero zero zero one three bbf maybe like 20 nazims do you get to the cloud return artificial intelligence off so they stop walking everywhere okay then we need to set the game hour to 10 then we can figure out exactly where drew's standing here must be over here where the hell did he take this shot from how did he get the bridge like that there's a house in the way just feel the view huge he must have a huge field of view oh yeah look you can see the nose of the dragon on the front of the house there okay maybe we need set the game hour to i don't know 13 14 i think that's it i think we moved further back we got the shot and we got the nazims stop that time i did my best within the the same step that's not bad considering all the stuff we had to do okay thanks for that drew appreciate it making my life interesting next is from dungeon run 3r and let's go oh god where the hell is that i can see hi hrothgar in the distance but is that snow or is that east march uh is that on a road over here there's that big waterfall i hope it's over here not over here i am storms the hell is this okay god is there not a road over here oh dear dude there better be a road over here i swear to god god is it like that is that what i'm looking at no no gotta get drastic measures here oh yes i think it's there i think that's the waterfall okay okay we gotta go we gotta get get going it's a fair way away do i have well one sprint nope damn it not on this save file uh okay we're halfway through the time probably should have just fast traveled to a location nearer if there is one god i haven't been around here for so long okay okay where's the waterfall god it's still so far away still over a minute the other issue is where exactly is that shot taken it's up high must be over here hey there's uh windhelm bro okay there's the waterfall we have to get higher higher higher it's like this where's that road the road's over there must be from this rock oh my god we got 30 seconds it doesn't feel that high i'm gonna stop the time with one second left so let's go on to the next one e cheyenne he's shane i don't know what that is let's start the timer and oh dear okay um i recognize that waterfall actually but the chest is there a chest i thought that just went straight into a river i don't remember there being a bunch of lands in front of the world where is that it's on the eastern side of the reach yeah it's at the bottom of barsley sleep summit oh unless that's the one with the island with the chest i can't remember i remember it from the reach ccc video but i mean i haven't been around here in years well i mean i have but i haven't been poking around looking for curiosities in years in this area so hopefully it is just down here there's the yeah there's the waterfall coming off the ruins the aqueduct now we okay perfect okay let's set the game hour to 10 as always and then we just need to i mean it's hard to line this up perfectly because the the image is a bit funky okay stop the timeout i can't even tell where the center is guessing the chest is kind of in the center the water falls right behind the chest so i do have a mod that changes the look of juniper bushes that's why my juniper bushes do not look like what's in the image i'm gonna say that's it i'm gonna say we found it [Music] but we got it we got that one that's a funny screenshot it's literally a photograph of a screen very literal screenshot okay the next one is from em and blind and blin and the time is going and that is that is the place in valkyrie where there's the dead alchemist on an altar and there's spriggans everywhere and that runs downstream from the the known root river thing which is downstream from half moon mill which is right here so we just go downstream from here we're going to find this in like the next 30 seconds half a mil down the stream that is upstream okay good start come on go swim faster dude we're over here earlier right at the start actually when we went to find the bugling elk nordic head thing there's a nern root stream and then we have whatever i call this in the valkyrie curating curious curiosities video we need to find the rock or something that they're standing on they're not they're standing right here yeah okay stop the timer it's gonna get the game hour looking a bit better we can make it look even better even clear the sky that is almost perfectly lined up straight out of the gate look at that isn't that nice when things just line up properly all right the next one is from fox gam x and the time is going oh some some mods there that make make it hard to figure out where that is i think that's just next to riverwood i think i hope so if we go downstream from lake ilonalta and then face westich yeah yeah right here ish let's get the game out a bit nicer okay dude this is almost perfectly lined up straight away unless this is further back because of those rocks maybe it's taken from up on this thing no because it's got it's all beach maybe up here yeah i think it's taken from this rock here okay we just need to make that stuff line up those rocks look pretty schmick i think the field of view is higher though yeah that looks that is the one stop that timer look at that let's just clear the weather look at that that is that is some good stuff consider that a win yeah i think they have a really high field of view it's interesting how many people are lots of people that really mod the game do that it's funny because it stresses your system even more hippo 2002 or just hippo 2002 okay time is going where is that that's a real question where is that oh man i'm not good with dragon mounds where the hell is that oh i i have i have no idea where this is oh this could be i don't know there's a dragon mount surrounded by snow facing a mountain i'm not sure if that's high hrothgar at the top of the mountain on the left i think we can rule out the rift this is tough i can see a fort way down in the middle of the bottom of the valley but i'm not a clue where that is [Music] okay i am really hoping that it's over here and the fault we can see is that fort there okay we're literally half of the time it's gone this is a wild stab and if it's not right i'm finished um oh god it's always night time okay go into free cam mode hopefully i can just find this dragon mountains please be over here the hell are these x's the bushes oh wait yes dude this is it go get down there oh my god freaking trees there it is the dude oh my god that's so lucky just have to figure out where that's taken from eh i can't see shhh stupid weather there's the fort ford is on this side okay it's taken from here all right stop that timer oh my god there's like 15 seconds left on that thing it's gonna line it up properly i think my field of view is too high turn it to 80 which is normal yeah okay that's much better let's just see if we can match the weather so that's sun setting in the west so the game hour must be like 17 oh dude that's almost exactly the same shot look at that [Music] that was so lucky that was tough that one that fort the only fort i remember that looks like that was the one near windhelm and you can see like just above the dragon mound there's like a windy road that goes up the snow which goes up into the pale which is what the only thing that looked like and thank god that was it that was that was tough that was a tough one that was a good one hippo the next one is from israel underscore off and we're going that is the forgotten veil again we have to get to the unveil as fast as possible because i think that's leading up the stairs that goes to that thelma playground thing plot's called barrow oh man i should have made a save file there before in a sanctum here okay here we go 30 seconds down i just hope i can get there quick enough excuse you the hell tcl let's turn artificial intelligence no no off off i don't well when sprint so over here there's a set of stairs and archways that lead up to like this big falmer city and i'm hoping i do i think that's it right there there's two pills behind that arch and from memory from the curating curious curiosities video there is a skeleton on the stairs just there and there's a skeleton in the shot on the stairs just there i think we got this one let me just get rid of that the pillar the mountain is just like that maybe it's from further back all right well we've obviously found where it is so we can stop the timer trying to get everything in the right spot bring that up a tad a little bit more and there we have it perfectly lined up that was stressful okay i'm gonna make a save file here so we have to come back here let me just get it quick okay let's reset the timer what's the next one urand shade fur yes that's right okay time is going okay that is in the rift that is in the rift do i have a save in riften okay oh there's a grove with like a cave and a spriggan with like a bear and it's to the east of that i'm pretty sure i don't remember what i called it in the rift ccc video but let's see so this place it's to the east of this place unless i'm misremembering in which case okay let's set the game hour to 10. now let's hope that it's this way i think it's up a hill though i don't remember that put candlelight on get candlelight off that turn off no turn off i can't turn it off because of the some reason candle light is attached to the artificial intelligence of the npc's this isn't working it's over here there it is hello help inc i think it was over here yes okay okay good we just went halfway through the time ah we need to figure out which way this is facing which is this way instantly wow the hell sure that's that okay that makes a lot more sense but from over here like this stop that timer okay i need to turn artificial intelligence back on dude we almost have this completely excuse you okay let me get rid of this woman just disable now that artificial intelligence is back on i can turn candlelight off is that weird how long it took me to figure that out before my game was broken anyway now the sun needs to be behind us more more less less again that looks let me just change the field of view to 80 which it's at perfect that looks perfect okay the next one is from kt please no and we're going where the hell is that and i'm gonna make this full screen because it cuts the bottom off sometimes wow okay i don't know where that is that is clearly in white run somewhere it's gonna be at the western end of whiterun it's not roarick's dead though there's a fence it's not lund's huts where is there a random house in in whiterun okay it is it's looking i can see high roth got way in the distance so where in white run looking that way it must be rorick's dead i guess i don't remember that little shed with haystacks and stuff in it it must must be over here right looking up the road looking up that road maybe it's not here no it is the road bends this is weird we have to get higher or something do not god this is going to be like that other one where i cannot make it make sense got that hill yeah they must have a mod or something that changes the the houses okay i'm stopping the timer because it's it's definitely here if we look at the the brick wall thing god this is so hard to explain i don't know where they've taken this shot because that house doesn't exist in a normal save file so trying to figure out exactly where this was taken given one of the reference points isn't in the normal game it's very difficult it's definitely from here ish so it's going to be something like this if i set the game hour to 10 turn that off we have the peaks yeah and the peaks cut off on the right like that exactly it's gonna be higher though so yeah there's some mod that adds a little house there for this person's particular loadout which made it pretty tough but we got it we got it um if we want to make it even more picture perfect we can make the sunrise nine and nine looks good [Music] dude that one was tough that house threw me off so much i mean there aren't that many buildings in the you know a tundra of white run so when there's one added that's not in the game it's like where is that anyway we got it okay this next one's from lady nerevar the mother of elder scrolls lore wife of michael kirkbride has sent an image in and we're gonna start the timer right now oh lady nerevar what have you done okay it's in a giants camp it's in the snow there aren't too many of those so it's gonna be okay apparently there's four that i just saw straight away 30 seconds down not great we just need to find that chest that chest oh man it's going to be tough flying around okay unless oh man this is a chest up here is there a boss level loot chest up here no no it's a rib cage okay okay that's not it next i'm hoping it's in this valley because of the trees oh god we're a minute down please be a big fat chest is this the right chest yes yes it is yes it is then the rocks there actually take this like this we have the thing up there all right stop that timer thank god if if we had to go through all of them i don't think it would be not to do it fast enough set the game out to something a bit less crap pretty sure that's basically okay so we have the ball thing on the left in the right spot base the chest the tusks on the top the pillow and the rock are in the right spot then we have the mammoth cheese i'm going to try and disable the giant just so we can get serrano serrano why would you do that i can't select her that's really annoying oh my god oh why is she flying okay thanks to the giant surround i had to re uh now have to realign the shot properly mama cheese there we've got the bowl there the chest snowberry bush in the way but i think that's good all right that looks pretty nicely lined up there it is thanks for uh sending that in lady narrower that's really sweet and the next one is from micaldo xavier time is gone that is on soulstone that little island grasshopper island or something i can't remember what a name i gave it something stupid probably is there a flying barrel in the distance oh no of course it's the hawks the fly arounds what the felsar turns actually so there's the islands when you get on the other side yeah okay good because that's spacing that monument thing that the gun we're building so we just need to figure out where there's a bunch of scathe claw skate claw skate crawl okay we're only a minute down and i'm pretty sure we're almost the right spot we just need to the more skate throw no hmm unless it's over here it must be closer no that's too close it's like from here but the wrong plants less of course it's from here then we can't see the monument thing okay it is it's from here it is from here it's got a really tight field of view or something all right stop that timer because we found the place okay that makes a bit more sense i just set it to 80 which is the normal field view there isn't much distance between this great scathe crore bottom of the screen i need to go a little bit further back though that rock is right there but there's more space let's make the field of view a little bit bigger because for whatever reason i can't line this up in the normal field of view the dragon in the distance ruining everything but that looks almost spot on whereas that actually looks spot on that is uh i think the time of day is actually the same right now it's just that the weather's slightly different or something yeah anyway all right this next one's from major matt zero one or just one time is going and let's have a look that wow that's actually tough i think that's lake illinault but i don't know where that that boat is there's a boat over in the corner but i don't remember being tied to a wooden thing whatever the hell that thing is and i think i can see the island where the the lady stone is in the distance okay let's get there so we're gonna go straight to the lady stone now the sun is either setting or rising must be setting because east of lake illinois does not look like that so god damn it let's get the game hour to what something just day time so it must be so this is in the distance it must be from way over there on that island is there a boat on that island maybe it's that island um oh god why'd i swim swimming slow this could be bad i'm gonna go for this island because it looks big okay there's a camp there oh it's the island with the bees yeah i remember that i always whenever i need footage of bees i get it from this island it's the boat there is a boat and it's tied up let's hope that this lines up really perfectly i think we got the shot bro that is so lucky yeah oh okay so if we make the sun set set game out to 17 oh my god serana we just need to what the hell is she doing dude there's only so many times you can disable her i think she's disabled in the head okay we get rid of that elk lovely i'm not going to be able to get the dragon in the shot too just to figure out where they were standing exactly so the fire is right in the corner the boats that's the right distance we have that rock keeps going up to the distance from the boats to the edge of the screen looks right like that that looks actually perfect [Music] good stuff oh dear oh my god i forgot that thing's behind me also if you want a blanket that looks like that merch store down below what else have i got that i can shell nothing at hand luckily for you okay on to the next one this is from malcolm 9 1 7 1 0 9 6 8. time is going that is castle valkyrie in the distance so just got to find a shipwreck to the east of it because castle volky is right on the west it's gonna be this place then it has to be something to the east because there's nothing to the west that we can get to um okay so standing on the deck bandits right oh how are they the mast is not in the shot that looks basically perfect maybe a bit further back and then up all right stop that timer wow that was quick that is literally the shot i just need to get the game hour to something a bit more similar to what they have 13 12 maybe i can't get the i don't know what the console command for stormy skies is that is pretty bang on nice i don't know about all that woods doing flotsam is what it's called stuff that floats away from shipwrecks is flotsam and there's lots of it in the shot right now get out of here this next one is from michael from fudge muppet and what's he got what time is going dude i have no idea that is the only thing to go off is a tree stump a tree stump and it's snowing but it's also in a forest oh could be over here i am just going to hope that it's over here somewhere can't travel because enemies are nearby so let's kill everyone god that's really this is so tough bro why would you do this michael this is so hard and it's not nighttime it's close oh it is night time okay let's get it to day time go or a minute deep i might just go into free cam mode and scan the area god there's got to be something i remember there was a spriggan or something that lived down here um this is just my best educated guess oh bro what is this sir is that it no i don't think that's it there's a problem so many mods on both of our games who knows this thing doesn't have any mushrooms on it wait there are mushrooms on it it's gonna be facing that way though that is that it do if that tree wasn't affected by the mod that could that could be here i i honestly don't know there's not enough information to confirm anything and he's got a different tree mod than i do so we're never going to get anything to line up when the only reference points are trees let me just have a quick zip around see if there's any other tree stumps don't think so not that common okay so that's where the spriggan lives bro okay michael let me know in the comments is this the spot is this the spot i feel like it is like that oh that's the timer legit is that actually the shot i have no idea let's just go with that for now i honestly cannot think where else it would be wow my game is lagging yeah dude i i have no idea nah the terrain's all going the wrong way yeah these this simply bigger trees mod it looks great but um it's not healthy that could be the shot also i mean it's just that's impossible that is impossible i mean it's harder even if our games were identical that would be super hot my wild stab in the dark is it's this one that's just too hard to say isn't it oh i don't know i don't know if i got the spot kind of i'm way off only michael knows so you'll have to hound michael until he answers it in the comments all right what's this next one this is from meek fram and the time's going oh this is skyrim vr look at the hands where the weapon is in the hands like that is uh what's on the sign helgen that way either stood that way and then rift in that way so rift in him i was where's that that would have to be here somewhere helgen's here iva said and rift in it this way that does look like the path that leads up where you find that khajiit caravan that's been massacred by bandits um oh wow wait is that it bro is that it let's find that instantly oh i've got two minutes left there might be another sign up the road oh oh dude dude that's the one okay good let's go okay we still got more than half the time left we're gonna do is get up the hill it's gonna be hard to line up because of the resolution ratios and also like the fisheye effect that happens in vr okay let's set the game hour to 12 14 15. let me just make sure this all makes sense boom boom we've got the phones yeah okay stopping that timer we got it surprisingly quickly it's gonna make sure we'll line it up as best we can so there's a tree stump right on the left that's just getting cut off that ridge ends basically in the middle of the screen on the left you can bring it in again it's going to be hard to line up because the ratios are different so i'm going to call that a job well done i don't know why i'm happy with that one over the other ones but i guess because it was vr i was like oh dear it's just another variable that could make it harder on to the next one mr mcfin cough time is going mr nakanov cough oh my god uh okay that's in white run i can see the thread of the world and high rock are way in the distance so it must be on the western side of whiterun somewhere so let's just head over here and let me just look at this close to look at this real close i can see a house the only okay we've still got time the only house i can think of is is there a house a bunch of bandits living around here land's hot it could be landsat okay it is hart because there's a little gorge and if you follow that you can see the tops of roofs in roarik's dead um okay it's fine finding landmarks but i have to find the spot where the shot was actually taken from that's going to be really difficult that hill is there god i can't see anything okay it's way over here god we're almost halfway through the time ah there's trees down below in front of there's a rock it's probably on top of this thing trees aren't that far away though maybe it's over here maybe the trees are that far away they are the right trees okay is he further back though he's further back ah shizzle my nizzle must be from on top of that thing okay we got not too much time left okay it's gotta be up here somewhere up on this no because you can't see the the trees dude it must have been from down here with like a big field of view god damn it this rock is in the shots maybe it's this rock oh okay let's change the field of view to a hundred and that is not the shot fov90 got that thing there i'm stopping the timer that is the only problem is the field of i guess it's like this yeah okay found the spot where it is exactly from about the right time of day too that's fine yeah look the ice way in the distance is in the exact right spot the mountain peaks on the right are in the exact right spot trees are in the right spot there's a rock before the trees in the right spot there's a rock in the bottom left the top of the ridge that's in the right spot the rocks on the right hand side of the screen are in the right spot this is the spot and this is lined up perfectly i think it's the right time of day too [Music] it threw me a bit because the simply bigger trees mod makes the trees twice the size so the trees in the shot look like they're way further away when in fact they're the same distance it's just my trees are double the size oh man that was a tough one genuine tough one you know what guys it's it's winter here in australia and it's pretty cold luckily i have this daedric beanie that you can also own if you go to my merch store you know the problem is though i washed my hair today and it's super slippery i also have a giant head my giant head plus slippery hair the beanie's like all right chaps onto the next one the tasha pap 2 has sent this one in and let's start the timer that is outs or ins it's inside the outside of southall so we just need to find south always south of there this might be the fastest one yet thanks natasha pretty sure yeah oh my god what is happening goodbye just gonna run down the hill jump into this pit then turn around and make sure the ramp and stuff all lines up and then we're gg that is a hundred percent where this was taken from we can stop that timer okay how cool does the sky look by the way we need to make this the same daytime e is my field of view really high yes my field of view is really high look at that that was quick to line up look at that well that was a quick one cheers natasha the next one is from the conical one two three and we'll start the timer and let's look wow okay it's really small where the hell is there it must be on the western edge of white round that looks over into this region here oh boy oh boy what's going the distance there's a mountain way in the distance i'm hoping it's the one with solitude at the bottom of it i'm gonna go here and then tfc and fly around and try and find this spot i haven't been out exploring this kind of area for a very very long time so let's just make the sun come out let's just try and find this i think that is it right there yeah that rock looks right that looks okay we got it we just need to get my character over there real quick a minute down okay wait what where'd it go shot was taken from over near this tower up the hill we need to go we still got time up the hill that dead tree needs to be just beyond the other trees what the hell are those rocks it's looking like that is there something above me not really okay so it is from here it's from right here stop that timer just need to line it up get it all neat i think the field of view might be a bit higher than normal and then down the hill a bit just making sure everything in the distance and stuff lines up properly i think that's it i think we got that [Music] i mean we got it it's whether we got it lined up it's actually not cold by the way it is winter but it's not cold let's have a hot head nice that was quick i'm glad i got that it could have very well have not been where i thought it was and we would have died but it turns out i know a thing or two about skyrim okay this next one is from nina val vallo valo time is going we are right outside white run so we need to it might be faster i do the csc white run console commands i mean you run up the hill now it's clear what's in the shot where the shots taken from that's different come on load dude okay good okay so it's obviously up here somewhere but where that's the trick that is going it's gonna be over to the left somewhere there were like 40 seconds 45 seconds deep if this washes me away i'm just going okay good it's fine we made it we made it it's all good where in the habit where is it up there somewhere look at the bridge it's the height how how nina get this height um okay this is odd turn clipping off we gotta run up here somewhere i think this is a freak is this a free cam shot there's nothing up here maybe yeah i think it's from this rock who don't end up sliding off the mountain okay if that tree wasn't there we'll be able to see the river more bridges there let's make the field of view 80 which is normal that looks like the shot okay i'm going to stop the timer because i'm pretty certain this is where the shot is taken from it's got to make sure we have all the bits and pieces yeah i'm pretty sure that is the shot and where it was taken from was on top of this rock which is hard to get to so it might be a free cam shot but i'm not too sure but what i am sure of is this looks pretty well lined up that is the shot everything all the little rocks and ledges and stuff are lined up perfect even the rock at the base of the waterfall that was tough that was tough there isn't like a obvious spot that it's taken from so it's like it's like the one we had a little bit earlier with lun's heart in the distance okay the next one is our robo wreck a rubric time is going and that looks like la brynthea labyrinthia labyrinthine can never remember the name of that stupid place or where it's located that brings the inn i'm pretty sure that's it up ahead yeah that looks correct there's another giant archway like that near winter holds but it's only one and windshield doesn't have all that vegetation and trees damn it i don't have whirlwind sprint on this save either okay we're coming up to the archways now who's standing underneath unlike that a bit further back maxing out there walking into a wall or something all right that's the shot timer stop just gonna figure out exactly where he's standing it's always hard lining up like corners of pillars piles of snow got some ground in the shot it's kind of like that how far back is this guy weird i don't quite this is crouching no because then it gets rid of the grounds in the corner this is hard to line up i think that that's basically as perfect as we're gonna get it let me just change the weather to clear nope fw10 e1 f2 uh set game hour to 12 14. yeah there we go very bright that's snow but we got it okay on to the next one this is from our gan trail okay and here's the timer starting and that's oh that is that is a classic shot we need to get to white run quickly we need to get where's white run there fastest way to that side of white runs probably going with the wide watch tower then from there we're going to have to run south i think west south south westich i think we're going to run into the same challenge that we have previously where it's obvious what's in the shot but where the shot's taken from is going to be tough where's the road is it not a road see the road in the okay what the hell what oh my god i'm on complete oh my god it was from oh shizzle damn it it was from white watch tower higher earth guys on totally the wrong side if i go that way so that's looking straight into the back of the castle yep okay god damn it uh we need reference points tree dead tree that tree in rubble is that in rubble no it's here it's this one it's this dead tree that dead tree it's like right under the castle okay that's it stop the timer just need to get it lined up properly you know what my field of view was too high what the f i was a butterfly [Laughter] all right that looks like it's good as we're gonna get there let me just clear the sky because there's not that many clouds in that shot there we go look at that gorgeous dude the elk the elk there is an elk in the exact same spot in the in the screenshot and in the game right now that's crazy that's uh 400 bonus points that one was surprisingly hard to do anyway let's get on to the next one this is from two nine one ravenc3302913 three classic catchy and the time is going oh this is like michael's one oh okay that's gotta be falcreath just judging by the vegetation that's gotta be man there's a bunch of like open grassy bits in falcreath god where the hell am i in the reach um oh i think if we go here and then just go south i think we're gonna run into hopefully this area this is just a guess and the other problem is once again the uh tree mod i have it's gonna make reference points very difficult once again i'm just searching for a stump i'm searching for a tree stump oh god okay time for the free camp okay there's the lake that is not the right direction i swear there's a bit of grass that just goes downhill and it's kind of open here here this spot is this the spot that is the spot um okay wait where am i half moon mill's there okay half a mil it's right there so we need to go this way this is it oh god that's the lake okay across the road oh come on dude it's one thing finding the spot but i gotta get my character there here here here it is let me just kill all to get rid of those trolls okay then the rock is right there we have those two trees maybe from further back though okay got it i just got to make sure my field of view is normal which it is now the other thing i need to do perfect look at that look at that that's what you get for spending like six weeks exploring far create for one video [Music] okay the next one rebels eyes rebelzies kyle rubble the sky oblivion lead good man good man anyway tommy's going what's he got oh what does he have what is this the dwemer ruin with a shrine tamara in it in the snow that could be in the reach see this see this snowy thing here i think that's from memory i made the reach ccc video like six years ago or something i vaguely oh no maybe that's not it damn it hang on god damn it where's the snowy hill oh no it's the wrong dwarma ruin shrine tomorrow it must be in the pale or something oh dear oops i think kyle's got me i don't know where that is i don't know whether it is and i don't think i'm gonna have time to explore skyrim until i find it shrine tomorrow in the snow in a dwarven ruin it's not there man i mean there's so much it must be in the pail or something god i honestly don't remember this i think i'm gonna have to fall for for this one i mean i've got another 70 seconds to look but i don't know where to look i honestly don't remember that because that's weird to have a dwarven ruin with a shrine to a divine because they were not uh they weren't atheists but they were anti-theist they acknowledged the existence of gods but just didn't acknowledge or didn't worship them i'll see them as gods basically 18 seconds okay i'm going to punch it here and hope that it's around the corner yeah i honestly do not remember where that is not only that i don't remember it i do not remember it there it is kyle got me [Music] damn dude where the hell is that i'm gonna look it up real quick shrine of mara the pale border dude i said the pale i said the pale because it's snowy well there's a lot of snow in the pale good god where is that volunt it's near volunteer it's there basically the end of the road yeah i just don't remember this i wonder if this is in whiterun or the pale maybe i do remember this well there it is the hell was that it's a rabbit a reboot can't go anywhere because clippings off i don't know if i'm starting to remember it or i'm just inventing memories the snowberry bush rings a bell definitely covered it in either the white run video or the or whatever hold it's in it's in the pale border anyway good one kyle you got me man he got me now the next one is from red mask cosplay time is gone okay that's looks like um what is it called the twilight sepulcher where is it there it is i hope this is it it's the only one i remember with the pillars leading up to the ruin with a little river in the middle which is right here which is exactly what we're seeing we turn clipping back on then it's going to line these rocks up or make sure they do line up oh i mean they are it's obviously here trying to figure out how they got so much space next to the pillar on the right interesting anyway stop that timer because we got that i think it's even the right time of day too let's just check that everything is actually lined up properly yeah there we go that's the shot oh that was a nice easy one after kyle stabbed me in the back okay this next one's from r silva walker we can start the timer what is this is that that same rapids downstream from ivor's ted that we've been to twice already i hope so because that's where i'm going that's further down though i think i guess we'll find out oh my clipping on yes okay yeah we need to go further down oh dear oh dear okay okay let's go i need to get to where it like turns into all the little the boulders and turns into the rapids proper oh is it is it here is that the rock no it has to be down further right what does that just turn into a waterfall um but it has to be down further doesn't it damn it there we go that's the spot that is actually the spot like almost instantly perfectly lined up timer is stopped come a little bit more that way yeah look at that perfect there we go look at that that is that's it that's the shot [Music] nice thankfully it was in the same spot as a few of them and looked really damn familiar so this next one is from rupert ruppert time is going it looks like helgen is that not helgen who's that okay there's a dead dude it's a dead dude that doesn't look like anyone who was founded helgen so if is that helgen where's helgen i guess we can check it real quick we're only 30 seconds in actually i have a drink after this my throat's parched um it's gonna be locked yes okay let's clip through that change the game hour oh it's not helgen because there's a tree stump on the top of the one in helgen and there's snow okay uh another building that's on fire and ruined with a priest mage uh the stand uh hall dude okay we're still we're not even halfway yet oh god where the where is that hole what is it even called all of the vigilant oh i'm not sure it's going to be this i don't know if i'm okay it is destroyed yes okay good good good this is the one wow there is some weird texture bugging happening but that's fine we just need to get this shot okay yeah all right stop in the timer because this is clearly the spot i guess i have a mod that slightly changes the shape of the house because the one in the screenshot has like a balcony thing that's been ripped open smoke coming out of it on the right on top of the roof but this one doesn't so i guess i have a mod that changes it so that's good as we're gonna get yeah that looks pretty good oh dude i was so so certain that was helgen but it wasn't okay on to the next one salty salt salt one time is going what do you got for me salty salty oh god where the hell is that i don't know somewhere in east march i guess is there a giants camp this waterfall i think there's a oh oh that might be the oh dear oh my god what okay okay it's not that it's the dragon's peak i think it's got the nordic ruins it's got the all the skeletons because you know dragon's gotta eat goddamn it i've already met it down i really hope it's up here it's not up here i have no idea and if it is up there i hope i can get there quick enough okay that's good we have the nordic eagle head pillar thing that is exactly what we're looking for which direction is that facing though oh god damn it okay i gotta get clipping off and get in there as fast as possible i'm hoping it's facing this way because the that mountain matches yes okay okay here we go okay we can do that no we can't okay we're only halfway through the time we're only halfway through the time jesus christ give me the time of day change okay all right time is stopping we got it it's gonna line this up properly that looks whoa that looks lined up got the right gap behind that pillow we've got the right gap behind that pillar and then the other little pillar thing poking in on the side maybe we can just go that way a little bit get that there yeah that looks spot on screenshot time that is literally lined up perfectly almost instantly okay the next one is from shirley curry skyrim grandma i miss her dearly um we got to hang out a little bit last year at uh pax east in boston it was a pleasure what's also pleasurable are her screenshots that she posts every day on twitter and this is one of them time is going okay skyrim grandma what do you got that's not no no no that's not the that's not the one in the rift i thought it was the one that rift again that is okay i'm surrounded by enemies that's annoying kill all that looks is that that were the alchemist is and the spriggans no it's too rocky that's oh is that dude i used to go there all the time when i did uh weapon guides because there's a bandit camp at the bottom of the waterfall okay two minutes uh i don't remember where it is where is it yeah dude at the top of the waterfall there's a burn house this bone house there's a note like i saw a dragon the other day and then the whole house has burned down at the bottom of that little stream thing is the pond you go to to kill the great white elk whatever it is for the hurricane quest oh dude where the hell is this thing oh oh yes there's the house the burnt house the birdhouse then the waterfall go down down down then there's the waterfall you can see the back of the shot here then there's a bandit camp yeah so we need to go down that little stream there and find where the shot was taken from let me just do the kill all so the banners don't get in the shot okay is this the spot this is the spot so we're gonna have something like that okay timer is stopping we have got the shot and the spot just gonna line it up properly make sure everything's in order that looks like we have everything lined up properly we can come that way just a tad and bring that around then that tree gets in oh yeah that's it there we go that's it lined up well okay oh god why'd i do that why would i do that at rocks in the right spot that rocks in the right spot that tree's in the right spot everything looks to be in order and there's a corundum or vein or something anyway let's just get the sun in a better spot the sun a better spot that is not a better spot that's how that is a better spot and that is my best efforts to copy shirley curry [Music] i think that's spot on thanks charlie tell you what this is hungry work i'm hungry but i must push on all right on to the next one this is from silvax p and the time is going okay where is that that is dayspring canyon i think i have a save file there oh what the hell save file dayspring canyon there we go okay i know that because it has the rift trees but also the like glacial ice waterfall ice fall glacial iceball i guess so okay we still got two and a half minutes how are you doing just gonna wait while we run there i guess the challenge once again is going to be figuring out exactly where this was shot from there's a vampire walking goal as a rabbit let me just kill all get out of my way please thank you okay we need to find that log where is that log there's that log um okay i'm stopping the timer because we found the spot i think it's from further back but this tree is in the way so i'm just gonna make my field of view higher so we get more stuff in the shot without having to move back that's not bad considering i can't actually get in the right position [Music] on to the next one oh squiggle bug squiggle bug yeah okay squiggle bug go what do you got except bleak falls barrow bleak falls barrow there the lake so we're in valkyrie looking north um somewhere else barrow's there so we're kind of like here so let's go here oh and we can see the the sunken nordic ruin thing on the other side that helps that's a good reference point let's look at daytime so i can see sarana's back apparently okay let's get up to the water's edge figuring out exactly where this is from okay we need to go further this way you can see bleak falls barrow but it's at the wrong angle it's still a far out it's way over here oh good i have one sprint come on dude go got it oh okay i think that rock is right on the left side of the shot it looks like there's a fallen tree or something a bra oh my god to say okay stopping the timer because we've found the spots it's the matter of is that camera really that high oh yeah the tree's in the right spot in the top corner some could not have grown i think it's a little bit more like that i don't know because we need that rock over there yeah that's it blinkfall's barrow is exactly the right angle same as in the shot noise one yeah that looks good oh what the hell was that you little mother oh actually there was something more powerful than disabled just delete file okay i'm not lining that back up again you saw it you saw how it looked reset the timer and we are going to calyx steve time to go oh my god wait is that foul create again one sec oh god that's tough man i think it is i think it's over here we just need to find a cut down tree stump pretty sure that's the lake we can see way in the distance a tree stump maybe next to half moon mill or something these are all just guesses though i think we can see that island way in the distance of the screenshot oh okay we're a minute deep there's a tree act like a treestand's been cut cut in half oh god damn it this one might get me it's a rock but a cut tree cut tree unless it's up next to pine watch oh man oh more than halfway through oh this isn't getting me anywhere fast so that is there another rock is that it [Music] oh i really don't know about that oh god we've got 44 seconds left i don't think i'm going to get this one i just don't know where that is it's like foul the no i i don't know whether it is too many tree stumps here it's got one it's got that rock which i can't match up with any of these rocks guess you could say he stumped me i can't find this i really do wonder where that is though i [Music] yeah got me dude what a funny one to not get i kind of want to look for this just so i can be like oh there it is part of the problem again mostly in valkyrie this is an issue is the simply bigger trees mode because it makes the trees so big suddenly distant landmarks and stuff just i i can't see even with that said the landmarks aren't that helpful i think those mountains in the distance are the same mountains that have lethal sparrow in it but yeah i just don't know where that is it's like slightly uphill looking down over a single cut tree stump and in the distance you can see the lake with like an island with a tree on it might be that might be that island that would get the distance right that just doesn't look right though it's mountains i mean there is half moon mill over here so there's you know having a cut down tree would make sense bruh no because the tree stumps so far away from the water it could be like that but further up here yeah i really don't know where that is i'm certain it's in valkyrie though i just can't figure out where within the view or the waters within the view of it but it's not near the water there's a rock no because if it was that one you'd be able to see the houses i'm really not sure i've truly been got with that one i don't have a clue where that is well done italic steve you got me i've i'm not a clue where that is i have one maybe idea which would be on the riverwood side of this lake looking back west something like this something around here is there a cut tree stump though i think i found it i think uh um yep there it is there's the rock oh god i've never been out of get that though damn giant trees in the way i was beat by the timer so i don't get the point but did find it after like five minutes of looking that was a good one that was hard that was hard all right what's the next one we're getting close to the end now i think that scarlet moth scarlet moth has sent through an image now we're gonna start the timer now what do you got what do you got what the hell is this um is this in valkyrie again i think it's i can see the throat of the world i can i think i can see high herrothgar which means that mountain on the left is the one with blinkfall's barrow i don't know if it has a name car remember and i think i can see lenata's deep on the edge of the lake on the far side on the left so illinois deep is there so that would mean this is half moon mill which would make sense in regards to there being a building there the boat is there a boat there i don't remember there being a boat maybe she has a mod or something that adds a boat god it's always the wrong time of day yeah okay must be some uh boat mod look at that tower there it's hard to tell how much at the ground because of the boats in it something hey let me turn clipping back on that rock basically the same edge as that rock get that to the edge of the house okay i'm stopping the timer because we've clearly got the right spot maybe a step forward a little bit um bring that up where should i put the sun what time of day is it all right i'm gonna call that a win got it in pretty good time actually all right what's the next one treble rebel treble rebel go what oh my god that's so vague oh actually wait that ruin way in the distance is the one just above falcoreth which means this shot is taken from up here in the snowy area really high up we'll test ancestors glade first yeah you can see lake illinois behind the mountain that the ruin is on um oh oh god we have to line up like a cliff edge oh can't see anything no these stupid trees i mean i love the bigger simply bigotry mod because it looks cool but stuff like this it's a nightmare is see that high up god it looks like it's from over there somewhere it looks like it's higher it could be even higher like on the next thing up oh i think that's i think it's here looking down like that and all the rocks line up oh that's so hard to prove it's like no reference points except for the rock line yeah that's that's this is exactly where the shots taken from okay i'm stopping the timer really wish there was a way to get rid of those damn trees and no turning the mod off doesn't get rid of the trees it bakes i don't know what it does there's some witchcraft stuff okay i'm gonna say that is exactly where the shot is taken from then i mean the proof is the rock line matches perfectly and the mountain's in the distance too then what i'm going to do is just go into tfc we're going to fly straight up so we can see over the trees and you'll see that nordic ruin behind the trees right there and valkyrie's right down there which you can see in the in the screenshot too so is this the right spot yes it is that was tough though and i'm really glad it was this spot and not like a ledge up or something because that would have been impossible [Music] okay the next one is from tyler12 will start the timer oh oh that's hot that looks like it's in valkyrie just because of the vegetation and the only it's going downhill very softly it reminds me of that spot outside the fallen tower or broken tower or whatever the hell name i gave it oh god where was that thing i think it's like here i don't know about 40 seconds that we've just got to give it a crack damn it amount of skooma um fallen tower broken tower this time of day thing is so annoying fallen tower is there there it is um you can have the same problem where all the trees are too big okay there is a way is that it no surely not how much time's left okay we're halfway god damn it it's probably not here um let's do this just pray but is that it yeah it is wait serious dude the rocks line up where was it was it over here please pee over here no okay tcl that's is that it bro bruh ruh that is the stop the timer that's it i have to check one thing see that big rock in the distance i can't see it if it is there because of the stupid trees so we're gonna fly straight up and if that mountain is there it is there dude that's the spot what oh my god i should make skyrim my job or something bloody hell okay i just need to line it up properly dude this is crazy i cannot believe i found that at a hunch it was here now it's really hard to tell this is the same spot because of my mods and their mods okay the next one is from unpotent malton i think and the time is going what you got okay purely on the foliage that is the rift it's an island in the lake in the rift um oh wow okay there's a few islands actually but i can see a bridge in the distance but i think that's the throat of the world which means oh god it could be this island i guess we just gotta look around at the islands and i feel like if this was closer to the throat of the world the throat of the world would be massive and you would be able to see the top of it in that shot so we need to get this way wait is that no it's got a dead tree and more rocks on the island once again the time of day is totally booked okay good we've got this what's that nope that is not the island oh oh is that the bridge there's a bridge in the left side of the shot right around this corner yes dude that's the island come on get out of there okay where's this shot from freaking out we're nearly halfway through the time where is this shot from it is shot from over here because that rock right down by the water we have how far back is that from i guess it's more in the water okay stop the timeout that is almost perfectly lined up like straight away do i feel the view funky oh i think it's further back maybe their field of view is tighter okay that that's perfect there we go that's the one there it is look at that gorgeous oh okay we must be getting towards the end now because we're at you get that ready okay what is the next one the next one is from up is not jump up is not jump let's see what he's got in store first timer is going what all right i thought drew's one was the main one with all the nazims but i think this this is the main one i'm going to attempt to recreate this after i finish this um they will be in the video i don't have a cat and it's basically illegal to go outside right now in australia and it doesn't snow in sydney i'll try and i'll do my best see what i can do with that alright guys i definitely found the location the shot was taken from let's just try and line it up perfectly okay so the next one is usually jd jd and chatty time's gone what do you got day spring canyon again is that correct that is where that is the real problem is finding a spot looks pretty far back um oh is there another log base let's over this hill oh god oh man okay this is must be what the hell where is that shot taken from dude this is going to be impossible because of these trees how what the hell i don't even know what the hell what log is in the shot does she have a massive field of view i can't even find the rock this rock ah time is like halfway through do i i am uncertain must be from back here though what the hell they have a mod that changes the way this looks oops i don't think i'm gonna be able to figure this out where there's only one log but the back of the log is like in the shot from way back here because they have the top of that rock is it over here how do they have so many peaks in this over here it's that log oh god freaking 49 seconds or something oh buddy got those mountains those mountains i think it's another big tree issue okay i'm gonna stop the timer because we got the shot most of the shot i don't know if they have a high field of view they're really ah these big trees it's getting a lot of yeah it must be from where this tree is which is unfortunate what i can do i'll make the field of view what the hell my field of view slightly bigger so instead of having to move back we just get more on the shot from the same position there's another really hard one to line up because i can't actually get in the proper position without a tree getting in the way but with that said i reckon that's it yeah that is it [Music] that is it got it god i was worried about that one for a second though okay on to the next one please v tuber rico go wonder where that is oh my god ends up not getting there because i can't console come in properly i just need to find a save file near there actually isn't that a fast travel point just fast travel there yeah guardian stones um change the game time [Music] what the okay game time has changed serrano dude now's not the time all right you're just gonna get disabled again okay we gotta get that rock on the edge of the shot like that's get closer we need to cut that one off on the left let's bring it around a little bit mountain is in the right place we need less road okay i'm stopping the timer because we've clearly found the spot yeah that's actually like spot on we just need to get the sun going the sun going down okay we can make that a bit less that's a bit bit much look at that look at that these shots they look like they're taken from the same place maybe that's the one okay what is up next what's left w and f why do i look this way other timer oh of course time is going uh where is this like am i like next to this right now people just love valkyrie i mean it's fair enough it is i mean look look at the screen it's gorgeous it's a good place to take screenshots from pretty sure we're on this side no i think we're on the other side there's those rocks god damn it yeah those rocks are there get out of there okay good huffman mill i can see lanata's deep and there's a bunch of rocks poking out of the lake which are to the west of it what the hell i don't know it looks like the river keeps going but it doesn't [Music] oh oh brother this this gotta be they crouching what is happening okay wait ten yes dude this is this is there more rock somewhere i don't know how they got got the rock going all the way to the top of the screen like that it's definitely from here okay i'm stopping the timer because it's definitely from here oh that's that's literally the shot okay yeah that's the shot i don't know why i was crouching for some reason trying to figure out how they got to where they were and that's that is the shot if that tree on the left was the size it normally is you'd be able to see that log on the other side of the river that was tough it's confusing trying to get like the right spot the rock and the trees being different sizes now we need to go on to the next one she's from uh wasteland doverkin let's hope her screenshots aren't as spicy as her content that's but wait is that riverwood or like it looks and feels like riverwood right but i don't think it is the mills on an island which that isn't and i think it's facing the wrong way also the mountains behind it are too far away we'll see in riverwood like the mountains are literally touching the the town yeah that's not it uh base of a giant mountain but with some distance it's gonna be this one a mill this mill whatever this little mill town is i literally know nothing about this place oh god damn it i hope it's this place because if you're not turning off it i'm pretty sure there is a little island you're a little island yes dude it's gonna be over here oh god damn it's this stupid big trees oh actually yeah yeah okay timer stop figure out how much land is meant to be in this shot okay well i've definitely found the spot i just cannot seem to like line it up how she took the photo in the first place like the land needs to be like here then that rock isn't in the shot on the right how the i can't get like the rock pretty much in the right spot mill's in the right spot it has to be 90 max but i just can't get the land right oh my god yeah whatever let's go with what i did before that's my best effort well done on confusing me next one is from will berger will burger the re-kishid if you don't know will burger look up world burger we'll wiggle this great anyway time is going now [Laughter] he's got the i don't even know if he has a name wilburg the the uh the the khajiit that reads all the time i'm pretty sure that's the throat of the world right actually you can see the map marker for the landmark um i don't know if i can get path and acts in the shot too and when i say i don't know i mean i know that i can't get pathetic in the shot too where oh there we go um okay so the shot's like this maybe it's more this way yeah it is more that way okay let's stop the timer because we've clearly found the spot um i can't get his character in the shot or the dragon but i can do my best to line up the terrain and actually i think that's pretty much on the money i feel like that needs to come out that way a little bit in that way oh unless this is still high from wasteland doverkins field of view [Music] all right there we go that is will burger's shot minus his character and pathetics okay well we're at w now so we must be towards the end next one we have x 7 l and the timer is going that is looks like valkyrie oh dude that's the the dead the one we did before island with the bees it was facing the other way remember the boat was tied to the post and i couldn't figure out where it was pretty sure that's the spot unless it's in our finger i don't think so oh where's the island okay we've got whirlwind sprint go dude there it is there it is that's got the chick i think before there was a male fisherman okay okay yeah dude that's the shot there's like straight away the shot that is pretty much perfect even the npc's in the same spot same pose it's a little bit funny about the um the wooden corner and the fish yeah that is i don't even stop the timer stop the timer found it got it to make sure the seat and that fish is cut in half a fourth fish to the right height yeah there we go that's that's the shot that is the shot yeah that is to the t the shot [Music] okay what is the next one the next one is from x slim b we're gonna start the timer now the image oh my god it's in the plains of white rhine oh is that the fortress we can see or is it this fortress no it's it's this one and we can see we can see the western watchtower way in the distance i think not too sure what that is because it's there's a road no we've got the throat of the world and high hrothgar and white run we can see the westwatch tower what the hell where oh it can't be that side let's be on the other side of that this hill right it must be around here doesn't feel right uh okay there yeah okay we're getting close we need to get way way over here please tell me the road is over here too no okay i'm gonna have to change the game hour oh god the free cam speed is really low okay that's the road that is the road so let's get back this way this way go dude okay where the f one looks pretty close let's go up a hill though oh man wait is this that's further back oh my god ah it's 49 seconds no it's like next to road though must be here here up here somewhere oh that's looking good might run in the distance oh we do have those rocks there all right stop the time oh my god we have found the spot that the shot is taken from oh yeah look we even have that little rock down there just make sure all these rocks and stuff line up properly and grab the edge of that then we have that little hill it's really hard to figure out exactly where on this stupid hill this guy's standing i swear to god trying to line this up exactly is so difficult it's got such different lighting mod that it makes it really hard i mean the mountains barely stand out at all it makes me think this might have been taken earlier on in the morning if we go to eight there we go i'll take it like that just because we i think that's better just so we get the silhouette of the mountain a bit more oh god that was bloody difficult that one [Music] okay all right on to the next one oh that's it that is the lot let me just check that that's the lot yup that is it wow wow let me tell you doing uh 61 of those was exhausting but did i think better than i expected i was expecting to not get like five like five to ten i think there was like three maybe that i didn't get or just got stumped by maybe four i don't really remember but i think for the most part well i mean definitely for the most part i got most of them firstly i would like to thank everyone who submitted their screenshots and made you know some content for this video that was very very helpful let me know if you enjoyed this video and then if you did maybe we can do it in the future i think i'll do less than 60 next time because that's a lot so far this recording's been going for four hours and 30 minutes that's a long time to record for but be sure to follow me on twitter and also subscribe here on youtube uh twitter is where i will ask for the images to be posted and i will also post about it in the youtube community tab and let you know about the next one of these coming up and also have a link to the tweet that you need to post the images to so with that i would like to thank you very much for watching i've been camel of course and hopefully i'll see you in another one of these videos but even sooner than that i'll see you in the next video see ya [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 369,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, scrolls V, three, four, five, six, arena, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, bethesda, studios, softworks, secrets, mysteries, detective, hidden, legends, stories, theories, top, 10, list, most, interesting, facts, best, weapons, easter, eggs, unique, camel, works, camelworks, eso, tes, online, lore, canon, tales, locations, dragonborn, dawnguard, secret, match, screen, shot, screenshot, geo, guess, guesser, geoguesser, game, community, landscape, photography, photo, image, find, that, spot, face, timer, time, score, perfect, merch, your
Id: I27GOPaG5mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 13sec (6553 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 15 2021
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