MORROWIND - 10 Most HIDDEN Unique Items

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the elder scrolls 3 morrowind my name is camel and today we're going to be taking a look at the 10 most hidden unique items in marwan's now by most hidden I mean items that most players would likely never find during a normal playthrough and would never know they existed without watching a video like this or reading about it online somewhere now morrowind was and still is the most transformative game that I have ever played introducing me to RPGs and a completely alien and adult realm of the fantasy genre carrying that theme on morrowind has actual secrets tucked away for 1 in thousands to find making later titles look laughable and I would love to share some of those secrets with you today if you've never had the chance to play the game or even if you have played the game you will undoubtedly learn something new and be impressed at the level of detail in morrowind and if you are into this kind of stuff my other video links and social media links can be found down in the description be sure to check that out after this video there are also more than 10 items on this list due to multiple items being found in the exact same place or in the exact same way and all of the items on this list you will need to find all by yourself or randomly and you will not be guided by information from NPCs or quest markers because they don't exist in morrowind they also in no particular order apart from the last one which is the most ridiculous item acquisition in any Elder Scrolls game so let's start off with a favorite hidden item of mine it's not my favorite item but the way it's been tucked away for so few to discover sure gets my waba jack full of magic Oh even finding the entrance to this place is a pain in the tail Danny Tower on a small atoll in the middle of the western sector of the SK Thien Isles region to the northwest of tell bran Ora and to the east of Bal fel we will find the Marv Varney ancestral tomb the entrance peppered with native wildflowers and the Sun slowly rising over zeros coast to the east this place doesn't seem all that mysterious so in we go there are only a few undead skulking through the cobwebbed of this done merry burial chamber but apart from the cluttering of urns and random objects on altars it doesn't seem to be much in here but there must be and there is at what we presume to be the final chamber of the tomb is a trapped door with a lock level of 80 an obstacle that can only be bypassed by a security expert after opening it we aren't met by a final chamber at all but instead a nine tiered stairwell leading deep into the mother stone the earth bones the marrow of Mundus at the base of the final run we are met by yet another trapped door with a lock level of 80 although this one that leads us somewhere else to a cavern known as too cool chappal once in here will be met by a unique sight looking like something from an old fantasy movie an epically scaled stone chamber with hissing magma vents comprised of twisting a black natural stone tamed from floor to ceiling with earth structured clay texture in the motif of traditional Dunmurry culture a literal labyrinth of old to be solved by the brave adventurer the floor is laced with a layer of water be wary though as this maze is patrolled by ancient skeletal guardians at the center of this wash stone scheme lies yet another locked door this leads to the two Cuccia pile Sepulcher the final chamber the door is trapped and has a lock level of 90 but once we prick back the ancient pins and align the mechanism we can enter and wow oh wow is this a sight to behold looking like something from a Spielberg movie this is what adventuring is all about a narrow chasm filled with deep water and a high ceiling the centerpiece is of course this literal wooden ship in the heart of nirn it is quite breathtaking to discover like something that only belongs in mythology this is the burial location of legendary own the applo son of Harald hand-free who was a thirst era king of Skyrim surrounded by many pillage treasures and hoards of plunder that own geared and managed to harvest through his years of raiding rare alchemical ingredients like fire and frost salts a Dragon Scale helmet shield and queries potions of great strength and a value urns filled with scrolls and magical items chests overflowing with wealth and heirlooms and of course his unique axe storm strike the item that we didn't come here for actually but if not for this great treasure tucked in such a strange place than why are we here well the keen ear adventurer in here might hear the faint song of the giant purple crystal we find rarely in vardin fell but this chamber has no purple crystals a riddle it would seem once again to be solved by the clever adventurer for this we must look to the heavens and use my favorite mechanic for marwan's levitation and float our way up to the now the volcanic ceiling of this narrow and forgotten chamber where we will spot the arcane glow of the very crystals we could here to find a sky-high occult alcove hiding from even the most hidden of rooms like the two Cuccia palace época up here we can find a chest a Daedric Warhammer but more importantly the unique helmets the Daedric face of God not to be confused with the non unique although rare Daedric faces of inspiration and Daedric faces of terror as this is much more special the Daedric face of God hidden in the most ridiculous place in an already ridiculously unfindable cavern inside and already hard to find ancestral tomb in the middle of nowhere in the ass Caelian Isles this is the kind of content that makes the fire in my explorers hath rage with passion for discovery but now we have its let's talk about it the Daedric face of God an ancient piece whose visit represents Veck the V of almsivi the tribunal warrior-poet god of the dunmer vivec although i've personally never seen vivec in such a mood as the one presented on the helmet needless to say its appearance is completely unique despite not being classed as an artifact now this isn't only just unique is not just collectible it's actually an amazing piece of armor - and has the highest armor rating of any unenchanted helmet in the game its base armor rating is 80 with a maximum armor rating of 266 on par with artifacts such as the mask of clavicus vile and only to be beaten by the helm of arraign a bear claw even and the other two Daedric faces of inspiration and terror have armor ratings of 65 and 75 respectively not matching the strength of the Daedric face of god and with it being unenchanted you can of course enchant it with whatever you want but yeah there it is the Daedric face of God hopefully in the next Elder Scrolls game will see the Daedric face of Todd so this next one is very strange and likely the most unique item on this list or in any Elder Scrolls game for that matter it's also very easy to acquire but laying your eyes upon it is stupendously rare to get this item all we need to do is finish the main questline of the Blood Moon DLC it sounds simple but this was a proper DLC with you know a 20 hour main questline so it's not really something you punch out in the afternoon but most people who get the Blood Moon DLC will finish it and have fun doing it fulfilling prophecies uncovering dark magics exploring souls time fighting werewolves and rubbing shoulders with the Herzing so once all that good stuff has been finished true what now well what we'll need to do is make our way to the Scala village here we will need to enter the Great Hall of the scale village where we can find some locals standing bathing in the warmth of the fire Thorin out from the chlorine cold winds outside but there is one decoration in here that stands out the centerpiece of the room the stuffed cliff racer hanging from the ceiling but if we stare at it for too long we'll get a glimpse notice a glimmer spy a gleam a sparkling enchanted in the mouth of the foul beast this is an enchanted ring called the blue devs ring of viewing and will only appear after the Blood Moon DLC main questline has been complete so this is all well and good but what is this thing and why does it have such a strange name what does it actually do well once we pick it up it will appear in our inventory as expected but it's got no enchantment however we can equip it and something very strange will happen a list of options will pop up each labelled with a unique name referencing the different cutscenes to play throughout the Blood Moon DLC main questline at certain stages as you may expect clicking any of the options will play the relevant cutscene you can do this as many times as you want and it will always stay in your inventory for you to use whenever you so wish this is the kind of item that traditionally you would only be able to find with console commands or in a developer room still lingering in the deep dark guts of the game but to have something like this actually in the game and obtainable is superb Lee unique and something we definitely do not see anymore the name of the ring the blue devs ring of viewing comes from Mark Nelson one of marwan's writers and quest designers in short he was one of marwan's developers his username on the Elder Scrolls forum and on Twitter was blue death stemming from his passionate following of the Duke Blue Devils basketball team Blue Devils blue dev and Mark Nelson was also a dev Blu dev and remember that information because Mark Nelson will be making a return later on in this video but for now the blue devs ring of viewing grab it stick your finger in it and have fun while doing it next we'll need to head to the harrowing north of the Ashland's region of morrowind northwest where ash storms and Hayes's of sulphur blur the air shrouding our exploration with a wondrous sense of discovery and danger on the gray shores to the north there is a Daedric ruin known as assure an abbot Ashby from here will need to head southwest we're in a depression like me slumped against some rocks is a dilapidated wooden door the portal to a cave system known as a bard add a dungeon holding a hidden secret also curiously inside we can find these huge purple gems which again we find rarely through our mora winds but the ones here in a bar dad are unique in that they contain skulls with daggers wedged into the top of them strange anyway a short way through we'll come out into a larger open room where we can find a hostile dunmer archeologist madama and Eris she is accompanied by a few scamp's then behind wooden door there is a room home to an Ultima sorceress and archaeologist Atlanta she is also hostile and worth killing so we can plunder her bountiful booty this is all well and good but where's the secrets well back near the top of the dungeon before heading down to the to archaeologists there is a pile of rocks over to the left that we can actually jump over gaining access to a secret area of the cave that leads down to water and Daedric ruins winding further and further through we'll enter a large chamber becoming more dense with ruins and even darker and more powerful Daedra namely a day draw at this point if we plunge ourselves into the ebony waters we can find a sump leading to unfamiliar and ancient depths of aiya bedad eventually as we begin to run out of breath after twisting and winding through these submerged passageways will spawn a welcome sight the mirrored surface of water in which we will pierce we can now breathe and make our way up via this fallen Daedric row and pillar up here there is a doorless doorway leading to an antechamber where to dream more allured stands guarding an ancient Daedric door to enemies not to be taken lightly once they have been defeated we need to get through this door it has a lock level of 70 and is trapped requiring the abilities of a skilled thief to gain entry once we pry open the ancient vaults a room of Wonders awaits guarded by the impending golden Saint one of the most powerful Daedra in the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind once we can manage to defeat this obstacle of oblivion where do we even begin with this room it's lined with treasure chests each containing stockpiles of lutes ancient Daedric weapons just lying around the room ripe for the picking there are ancient done Mary irons packed to the brim with powerful Scrolls lines of ancient skulls each crane early punctured with an ancient silver dagger much like the skulls we saw inside the crystals earlier on in the cave at the back of the room is a skeleton believed to be that of Mordor and Hanan not much is known about him apart from the fact that at his wake he had the drinks poisoned so his acolytes would perish and keep him company in the next life which is interesting as if we pick up any of the daggers from the skulls a hostile ancestral ghost will be summoned anyway more Juran Hannan is surrounded by astonishing loot Daedric shields weapons and even one of the few existing Daedric faces of inspiration none of which is what we're here for we must aim higher and quite literally look higher hanging high above the ceremonial burial Crom lack of mortar and Hanan hanging right near the ceiling is the legendary artifact tower shield Allianz Ward this is what we came here for this is why we sought secret plunged Blackwater Slough Daedra and pillaged - it's an item of Breton legend and is actually the best shield in the entire game now it found its way into the tomb of a questionable Mordor in Hanan is unknown its base armor rating is 100 which makes its maximum armor rating 333 which again is the highest of any shield in the game and there are only a few other items that actually match this rating like two or three other items so its worthiness is unquestionable now much like its protective capabilities the enchantment is also amazing when cast it will heal you for between 50 and 100 points of health obviously allowing you to mend your wounds in battle now physically it is rather unique with a strange animal-like motif perhaps depicting the front of an eagle or a Griffin it's hard to tell but it seems familiar and beastly all carved into a strange material of dust whites with flirtatiously ephemeral hints of pink and indigo flickering across the ancient Britannian shield a fitting aesthetic for an artifact we can learn more about aliens Ward from your Grom baganz book on Tamriel a claw Aladdin was a holy night of legend in Breton history he was a sought-after man for his courage and determination to set old wrongs right in one story it is said that he rescued a barons daughter from sure death at the hands of an evil warlord for his reward the Baron spent all of his riches to have an enchanted shield built for a lead on the shield granted a lead on the opportunity to heal his wounds and that is how the legendary artifact came to be which is pretty funny how is actually a shield because after I heard about its name I spent all that time in hospitals looking for a lead on to ward next we have a total of four different unique items all founds in the exact same place which is a bit ridiculous but that's why we are covering all four so to get our hands on this hoarded bounty we'll need to come to the island of salt I'm at once again here on the eastern side of the islands we have the fell sod coast right about in the middle we have the thirsty Mead whole just up the hill from the eastern shores of Lake Fielding it is exactly what you'd expect it to be a made whole kind of oddly placed in the middle of nowhere making it a welcome path to stumble upon for any weary travelers now to find what we're here to find we'll need to head around to the back of the thirsty mead hall pass the hut and smithy and here we have all of our unique items right here just here can't you see them right here inside this hollow tree stump now before we get to the items I need to clarify that only one other hollow tree stump like this exists in the game and it is part of a quest therefore it isn't all that secretive because of this no one would think to walk around inspecting tree stumps for no reason well most people anyway so finding this stump and therefore the items within it is not a natural progression of exploration that you'd have to be very lucky to just happen to inspect and click on a one-in-a-million tree-stump anyway inside it we can find all the items in question and a blood-stained note that oddly reads s here is the equipment I told you about remember the weak deserve no mercy II well that's cute but no idea who wrote it and place the items in here or who the note or items were meant for but now they are Al's there are also five arrows here that aren't unique because there are five of them but they are worth mentioning as their enchantment is to deal 5000 points of damage so they are kind of one shot one to arrow but now on to the four unique items that we got from this stump firstly let's take a look at shadow sting a personal favorite of mine this is an absolute beast of a weapon sadly it has the generic skin of a standard ebony long blade which of course still looks cool and all but it's just not as unique as it could be now it's damage output is quite high with a maximum damage of 50 with a thrust which leaves it with a maximum DPS of 67 point 5 which is fairly high overtaking any Daedric based weapons and being almost double that of the standard evany blade it's enchantment is also strange and unique dealing 5 points of poison damage every second for 20 seconds which will deal 100 damage provided the full 20 second effect is allowed to complete but the other part of the enchantment is an application of 200 to 100 points of chameleons for 20 seconds on the enemy now firstly the reason I'm laughing I don't know why but it says 200 to 100 rather than 100 to 200 so I do believe that's numerically incorrect but applying points of chameleons to the enemy what so what this means is that when you hit the enemy they for the most part become invisible which is not handy for you at all although you'll be able to see them still because of the poison cloud around them it's a very strange effect but overall can deal some decent damage and when combined with the oddly high damage of the weapon itself it makes shadow sting a great choice for low-level players given it's relatively easy to get the second item found in this tree stump is the ring of Raven I I absolutely love this ring and usually end up wearing it for the entire game it fortifies the marksman skill by 20 points but more importantly it grants night.i for 20 points these are both constant effects as well which means you put the ring on and it stays that way forever until you take it off it's like marriage now what night.i does is makes everything brighter which in Morrowind is important as there are a lot of caves that are genuinely super dark and either require torches or magical effects and abilities to illuminate the darkened depths honestly every playthrough this ring goes on my finger and never comes off and even if you don't want to wear it all the time because you want to use some other rings having it in your inventory for those dungeons or situations where you do need to see a bit more particularly in areas ruled by house a dig off of the tribe and morn's having the ring of Raven a handy is a welcomed option to all players and again super easy to get now the last two items are a pair of gloves treachery and deceit deceit is the left-handed glove that fortifies snake by 20 points as a constant effect and treachery is a matching right-handed glove that fortifies security by 20 points as a constant effect now sadly they're both a clothing item and provided no protection from incoming damage as they boast no armor ratings so you'll need a high unarmored skill or just don't get hit now the skills they fortify are a little more niche when compared to the broad usability of the Ring of Raven I that we just spoke about but every now and then I mean everyone needs to sneak and even more so everyone needs to open lock things in Morrowind so the usefulness of having these gloves in your back pocket well outweighs the burden they will bring to your carry capacity next we have two items that we get at the exact same time so we'll cover them together in the hazy afternoon light of the West - through thick brush and rugged countryside just to the southeast of nieces across the shallow river samtcy will stumble upon Miranda's one of the few ancient Dunmurry strongholds from a brighter time for the Donmar and my my has Brandis become so dark while it looks inviting enough these ancient strongholds never are as soon as we enter the top level of the keep will be met by a foreshadowing of what's to come the following hallways are filled with drew mora ready and waiting for their next victims these holes are littered with them but like a trap in avoiding them we wriggle our way down deeper and deeper down we go into the keeps lower levels the Daedra become more varied and dangerous ranging from scamp - golden Saint - patron arts of all elements a dungeon of a conjurors dream but where no Kandra and this is no dream we will go deeper into the area simply known as the underground is where we will enter a portal through the wall that's been knocked out and it might as well be a portal to Hell because we can find hungers Daedra food Remora lords tortured and trapped Souls like this skeleton pinned to the mighty grace stalactite by a Daedric spear and a Daedric dagger hanging over a fire to be burned alive as the drum aura watches with lustful satisfaction at the abused bones buds we can go even deeper you can always go deeper into the final mega chamber a huge room filled with sulphur and scorching fumes spewed from volcanic vents in the middle stands - what winged twilight's thou beasts of oblivion that'll snatch men up breed with them and toy with them until they perish then feed on their flesh once they have been used for breeding between them lies a character simply known as dead hero on his corpse we can find an artifact of all things the boots of the apostle a very powerful item that allows the wearer to levitate for a time again like of the Ring of Raven eye or shadow sting this is always an item that I come and get for myself as it's a great item for any player to have however the boots of the apostle are not why we came here so if not the boots then for what well in a flash of deja vu we'll need to look up to the dizzying ceiling of the magma chamber of course we'll use our newly acquired boots of the apostle and their levitation and chant meant to make our way up once we pass the huge slab of stone in the gullet we'll see two Rock shelves dotted with various mushrooms bones the feeding nests of the winged Twilight's but there is also a lone Breton healer up here named Alma nin who turns out is actually an apparition of the Divine Mara and she doesn't exist at all however we don't know this right now and when we speak to her she will ask for a scroll of divine intervention so that she can teleport out of this help it now for us the player to be carrying a scroll of divine intervention isn't actually that common I personally use an amulet of divine intervention or you can get a spell to do the same thing these are both much more reliable than carrying around a single-use scroll so most people wouldn't be carrying the scroll in the first place point being to come here and then get all the way down to the bottom then for no reason levitate to the ceiling of the cave and then to also happen to be carrying a scroll of divine intervention to give to a man in is a very unlikely situation just a reference for this video specifically it took me about 60 minutes of searching different vendors before I found one even selling a scroll of divine intervention so again very unlikely set of circumstances but once we hands Amma nin the scroll of divine intervention gone butts Maura skirt has been added to our inventory as well as Mara's blouse I wouldn't mind seeing Maura right about now but these are the two unique items that we came here for hidden from just about every player and blessed upon us by Mara herself now Mara's blouse is incredibly powerful it is one of only five unique shirts in marwan's and it is the only shirt in the game to have a constant effect enchantment which gives you a 10 percent resistance to all magic types again again very powerful and this should definitely be sought after by all players Mara's skirt on the other hands well it is the only unique skirt in the game and the only enchanted skirt of the game and also then enchantment is a constant effect but it is far overshadowed by its matching blouse as Mara's skirt only provides a constant effect of fortify health by five points look everything counts and there is no other skirt in the game to consider swapping this one with so I will take the free five points of health Thank You Mara also worth mentioning that in Morrowind you can wear a shirt a belt pants and the skirt and a robe and all at the same time a full set of armor so wearing Mara's shirt and Mara's skirt will detract from the other pieces you want to wear 0% so of course any player going for a meta bill that should get and wear both of these items at all times anyway that is the long and the skirt of it next on the list we have two items that have found the exact same way so I've included them both so for this first one we'll need to go to Sal steam of course added with the Blood Moon DLC we'll need to head to the western side of the island to the Moe's ring mountains in the northern ice glades of Thor Moors watch to the west of the waters here we will find an ancient forest of wind-carved sentinels standing whitewashed and frozen next to the sea and an ice-covered river leading to the salt shores at the fork in the water we can see a few openings in the frigid crust formed onto the water's surface if we dare plunge down into the icy depths we will soon spot an object lying on the riverbed this is the unique recling Lance named frost Gor a crudely wide short blade with the handle completely concealed with the skimmed fur of an ice wolf's head it's also shiny so we know it's enchanted as you might imagine it has been blessed with a magical ability to deal frost damage with each strike more specifically ten to thirty points of frost damage per hit sadly its maximum damage is 24 where the thrusts which when taking it speed into accounts only allows it to deal a maximum base damage per second of 31.2 and then the maximum and chadman damage is 30 which is quite high but when we combine the two totals it can only deal a maximum a total damage per second of 60 1.2 which might sound good but there's so many variables that it can often deal like a third of that damage so it's not really that good also the enchantment only has enough charge for five uses which is just embarrassing whoa five swings into a fire and you run out of enchantment so yeah frost Gor more like frost a bore because it's boring but before you perish from that pun along with me let's take a look at the other item found this exact same way also on sulston so in the north eastern section of the island we have the fell sod Coast region in which can be found the biggest lake on the island lake fielding this lake is massive which makes locating this item a real pain especially weather being so many openings in the water even once you find it you probably won't know it for example the item that we want is in this shot right now can you see it yeah neither can I anyway after northern edge of the lake against the shore is a shattered portal to the frigid waters below if we jump in here and swim down to the stone floor we'll see a long straight object glowing magically this is the item we came here looking for Hawkins lucky break a unique silver stuff buried at the bottom of a lake almost impossibly difficult to spot I came here looking for it for this video I knew exactly where it was located and it took me ages to find it it's also worth noting that the name Hakan is spelled differently to the hearken we know from the Dawnguard DLC from Skyrim this staff Harkin is spelt with two A's and no R however in the base game of marwan's there is a Nord found in the Asha are e AG mine named harken spelled the exact same way as the stuff with two A's now this guy is not to be confused with another character in Mara winds called Hakan spelled with one a and no R and that guy isn't to be confused with Hakan one I who was another character also spelled with one a and no R but the one character in morrowind Hakan who is spelled with two A's and lo are the exact same way as the staff appears to have no relation to the staff archons lucky break although hack on the character is a Nord so he may have originally come from sulston and this could very well be his staff now with that strangeness aside halcones lucky break is your standard silver staff in appearance with its serpent-like motif or the head and also matches with a standard variant of the weapon in stats which I will save you of the particulars off instead we'll boil it down to this stinks and you should never consider it seriously as a weapon of choice now the enchantment however is very strange and could be rather useful but also rather not useful as its effect is when cast it will fortify the wielders luck attribute by between 1 and 50 points for 30 seconds now luck in morrowind dictates how lucky you are with every dice roll in the game whether you block an incoming attack whether you land an attack on an enemy whether you unlock that chest how good a loot you get how much gold you get all that stuff which you know in big enough quantities luck can make a massive impact on your gameplay but the sad irony is the range of effectiveness on this stuff from 1 to 50 I mean again it's irony you have to be lucky to get a good effect from Hawkins lucky break which will then make you more lucky for 30 seconds it is or at least it can be powerful but it's kind of like when exactly do I use this am I meant to use this before I open every lockpick to my duel before I loot every box I mean most situations in the game have luck play a part in one way or another but do you really want to lug this thing around with you so you can get between 1 and 50 luck boost for 30 seconds probably not and you sure as hell - I want to carry this thing to be used for its dare I say it melee capabilities so it looks like Hawkins lucky break might have been losing this thing now we must head south so far south beyond the veil of fog and swim out into the inner sea off the coast of the US carrion Isle the best place to do this is the Imperial port and headquarters of Evan Hart next to the city of vivec from here we can see some small islands in the ocean thanks to mods but in the original game you would have to swim aimlessly into the sea before they would peep through the haze of the 2002 draw distance but at these distance schulz if we peer beneath the lapping water line we will see a drowned wooden door leading down into the Old Stone sea belly this is a place known as mudan grotto we must enter it where we will be plunged into a dark subterranean brine with seek help tangling around us like hermaeus mora's embrace as we force our way into tight slippery holes and worm our way through the swollen tidal cabin some parts are even so tight our character will get wedged between the ceiling and the floor twisting voids and fading shafts making navigating this salted hellhole all the more deadly not to mention we need air or we will begin to die quickly and painfully a dray awaits us in the penultimate hydro chasm a worthy challenge for the seasoned adventurer beyond him through a thicket of sea grass we'll spot something foreign something ancient a sealed metal portal to a Dwemer citadel of a Vardhan fell yin clan long-forgotten this is known as mood on the lost Dwemer checkpoint inside will not be met with air but more stale salted sea water not even the tonal architecture of the doís marian fortress could keep it Out's well I guess 3,500 years of abandonment will do that there are a few pesky little slaughter fish to slay before we can finally breach the surface and breathe in some air although not fresh at all stale and leaving a bit of metallic taste in our gullets but air nonetheless just while we're here in the mood on a right tower is where the easter egg remains of peacott achoo a lying next to his note and of course the poison that killed him you can check more out about that in my Easter Egg video for morrowind but so what we need to do for this video is heads through another trapdoor into the mood on central vault it has a lock level of 100 and is also trapped so we need to be a master of security to even attempt to open this thing inside we can find a lone sentience a dwarven steam guardian amongst other treasures and hoarded heirlooms there is a steel Dwemer chest which is also locked with a level of 100 and trapped now we can bypass this however by killing the Dwarven steam Guardian where on its remains we can find the Dwemer guardian key which we can use to unlock the archaic chest we're inside will find one item one single item and it's what we came here for the legendary artifact the dragon bone queries one of my favorite items in the game we can learn more about it from Yaga Rama Baggins book on Tamriel ik lore this query is one of the greatest artifacts any collector or hero could earn it is constructed of a real dragon bone and was enchanted by the first Imperial battle mage ziran Octus in the early years of the third era it is a truly exquisite piece of work and many have sought to possess it the properties of the queerest allowed the wearer to completely resist fire and to damage an enemy with a blast of fire this isn't actually true it's just the book and it's a lie little is known about the involvement of Zira noctus in the enchantment of the queerest but an old tale speaks of a depth that he owed to a travelling warrior and like the worry of the dragon burn male never stays put for long two things wrong there it's referenced as the dragon bone male even though it's not cold that it's called the dragon bone queerest and it also does not have the ability to deal a blast of fire damage however it does grant the wearer a 100% resistance to fire damage which as someone who plays as a Nord who have the racial passives of 100% resistance to frost magic and a 50% resistance to shock magic wearing this chest piece and having the 100% resistance to fire magic as well I mean that's just unbeatable it also has the highest armor rating of any item in the game along with male and alia Dawn's Ward with a base frating of 100 and a maximum rating of 333 aesthetically it has a completely unique skin along with all artifacts in the game with a fittingly bone color and texture and I do believe it is the only item in the game made from a dragon bone I know there are some dragon scale pieces but no other dragon bone pieces so the best armor rating in the game complete immunity to all fire damage and you get to slide yourself inside a dragon like donkey and Shrek now we actually have two different items one leads to the other so we'll have to have a look at both I guess now to get our hands on these pieces we'll need to come to the southwest and most isle of the zafar Bell Bay in the mid East of Vaadin fell a region unwelcoming to most and ruled by the exalted health stell vani mainly comprised of highly egocentric and ambitious mages now while he isn't the arch magister or even a council member one of their elite is a man named devatha fear will need to visit him at his mushroom tower known as tell fear here along with deva fear and his four daughter wife sisters that actually female clones of himself that he made Alfea fear biet fear Delta fear and oopsie fear lives yeah Grum began the last living Dwemer and master crafter to the chief tunnel architect lord kagrenac but that's not why we're here it's just interesting tidbit for you all so after entering tell fear we need to make our way through the fungi padded vestibules and exit the onyx hall into the tower of fear now like old tell vani towers to actually get anywhere important we'll need to have mastered the arcane arts enough to teleport up through the central column and into the upper levels up here we can find the man himself debate fear possibly the oldest living mortal in Tamriel he's so old he was once Kaymer before Asura's curse turns them all - dan ma save for am the mother of Mercy almalexia butts back to DV fear a powerful and ancient wizard harboring many treasures and daughters but we are here for one in particular that will lead us to the other item so on one of his bookshelves on the bottom shelf there is a small ornate lockbox that is trapped and has a lock level of 100 the hardest in the game now given David fear is arguably one of the most powerful mortals in existence and the fact he is standing right next to us means that few players dare attempt to open this ornate lock box in fear of the fear if you catch my drift David fear is also required to complete the main quests so angering him by stealing his stuff you'll probably end up in a fight with him would have to kill him and this would be a terrible turn of events because it would have to load a savefile so that he's alive again so we can actually finish the main quests therefore no one ever opens this 2m box but what most players don't know is that he doesn't care if you take his stuff so you can unlock this small ornate lockbox provided you are the required master lock picker and debate for you won't kick off so once we do slip our hand and sign the little box we will find hmm a seemingly uninteresting item the the Daedric sanctuary amulet we'll need to take a brief look at it I guess as it has a healthy value of 3100 gold or there was nothing special for morrowind and it has no Machamp and either seems meaningless I guess but it's kind of cool but this item is just a means to an end it's a key to a door it's the ionized particle trace to a portal so prepare yourself and once you have equipped the Daedric sanctuary amulet we will be teleported torn from Mundus to a Daedric shrine existing in an unknown location called Magus of Allah where we will face off against Lord Drago's Valar a battle of the fates will ensue he is quite tough and should be dealt with quickly once he is killed be sure to loot his remains and as soon as we do magic we will be teleported back to the safety of Telfair tower with this message you have defeated Lord Drago's volar the Daedric amulet that brought you to this place disappears from your inventory but is replaced by volas own weapon you now wield the Crescent blade even though it's called the Daedric present anyway we can learn more about the a Daedric present from you grumble Gunn's book on Tammy Alec lore probably the most rare and even outlawed item of all the great prizes is the Daedric Crescent blade the blade was used by mehrunes dagon Daedric forces in the capture of the imperial battlespire these extremely unique blades were gathered up and destroyed after the battle spire was recaptured by the Empire all but one it seems though the empire believes them all to be destroyed it is rumoured that one still remains in existence somewhere in Tamriel though none have ever seen it the blade lends its wielder the ability to do great damage on an enemy and allows him to paralyze and put heavy wear on his enemy's armor quite the prize for any mighty warrior if it does indeed exist so while the Daedric resin has been talked up quite a lot there and to be fair it is a powerful item its maximum damage is with a slash cap of 50 and a maximum damage per second of 62.5 which again is really good but when compared to other artifact blades it might just fall short of it it still lands and you know about the top 10 melee weapons in the game but there are others especially in the expansions that have far more powerful effects and damages now its enchantment paralyzed for 10 seconds this is absolutely brutal for obvious reasons of course being able to paralyze an enemy for 10 seconds basically lets you have your way with them and they can do nothing it's just like the Australian Tax Office and my money now the other half of the enchantment is great for killing enemies but not great for looting enemies it disintegrates their Armour five to thirty points on touch so smashing your paralyzed enemy and destroying their armor rapidly while doing so with each thrust it digs deeper and deeper into their flashes their Armour fades to dust again great for killing but if you plan on looting them and selling their Armour well you might find yourself with a massive repair bill before you can sell that stuff so I think it's a great weapon against enemies you need to kill but for your average Swit or n wha I'd be using something else now aesthetically it is 100% unique no other weapon in the game is shaped even close to this with devilish motifs and a uniquely silver blade for a weapon of Daedric material it also appears to be the same weapon as the Crescent blade depicted on the cover art for the Elder Scrolls legend battlespire and as we learnt about the Daedric present from the ax grumbo guards book on Tamriel ik lure the battle spire is exactly where these crescents came from and this is likely the last one in existence but besides all that it is a must-have for collectors and even if you don't want it it would make a great gift you can give it away it's like a birthday present or something now this next one between you and me isn't that hidden I mean it is but not compared to some of the other items on this list but it is acquired by so few players due to a silly little buck so we'll need to head out into the absolute middle of nowhere the charred pyroclastic spire lands of the Malaga Amur region set solid into the side of an ashen hill we can find the Marin ancestral tomb we must enter it inside we will be greeted by all manner of foul undead from common skeleton to burn Lord but in the final chamber we will find a strange man standing at the ancestral altar at norwood barbarian and crazy Berto he wears a full set of burn mold armor with a pair of the rarer are moon and bone mold pauldrons save for of courses helmets which we'll get into a second but living up to his name he will attack the player on sites he's not a particularly challenging enemy but when we kill him we get the famous now meme message only displayed when you kill an essential character such as Vivek or debate fear with this character's death the thread of prophecy is severed restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate or persist in the doomed world that you have created a big dumb drunk oh so of course we get this message we got all damned this guy must have been important and imperative to the main questline I'll reload a save file so I can finish the game therefore not killing him or getting his loot now the thing is at no point in the game do we ever get sent here at no point is his character mentioned this location and crazy Berto who are connected to no quests in the game but what happened was it just turns out that crazy Berto who has been incorrectly labeled as an essential character so when he is killed players revert to a previous safe expecting him to come into the fold later on in the game so while he is easily killed and easily looted so few players actually end up with the loot which is what we came here for the blood worm helm an artifact that is mentioned in a Graham Baggins book on Tamriel ik lore the king of worms was said to have left behind one of his prized possessions the blood worm helm the helm is a construct of magically formed bones the helm allows the user to summon skeletons and control undead it would be a prized artifact to the necromancer which I expose explains how this Nord barbarian ended up in a tomb in charge of a bunch of undead he didn't use his magic capabilities he used the magic capabilities of the helmet so the blood worm helmet is an evil and cursed troll bone helmet created by the king of worms better known by his actual name mana Marco sadly this helmet is pretty bad especially for heavy armor it's got an armor rating of 18 and a max armor rating of 6 which is like 20% their protection of the top tier heavy armor helmets yeah you can literally get things five times better now it's enchantment however could come in handy cos when used turn undead twenty to thirty points in a twenty foot radius for thirty seconds and also it summons a skeletal minion for thirty Seconds to fight for you of course now for me personally these are all effects where it gets too fiddly for too little return I'm very much with her thought just get a big sword and smash the undead instead of carrying around a crusty old troll bone helmet so you can make them run away for 30 seconds although it is an artifact of mana mark oh the king of worms so it should be able to worm its way into any collectors vault and finally we have the most ridiculous item acquisition in Elder Scrolls history so first we'll need to come to the sleepy seaside town of slop boat tucked away in the southern Myers of the bitter coast on the western side of Aden film just to the northwest of here is the Daedric shrine known as a sure and a BB I am not kidding as mascot from here we need to swim west out into the inner sea seems to be a fruitless effort at first but soon we'll spot a massive structure beneath the water as we dive down it would seem we have discovered the Elder Scrolls equivalent of Atlantis an ancient city lost to the sea and ages but admits the brine and a mecca to ruins is a shattered shrine to boethiah if we speak to the head we'll be given a quest to find a mason or sculptor to rebuild a new shrine for boethiah so now we must head back to land in search of such a craftsman or craftswoman and where to go with no direction or help we must just simply find one well luckily I'm here to guide you so we'll need to head to the bustling imperial mining town of caldera slaughtered quietly into the back hills of the bitter coast flirting with the Ashland's once here we'll need to head to gorac manor a large house famous for the various orcs that live within it and of course the talking scamp merchant creeper who we later discover in the for oblivion to actually be clavicus vile's servant and companion barbers but upstairs in the highest room we can find an orc named Duma grow lag and this is the man we are after a master sculptor who is currently working on a piece called untitled rock from here we will tell him that we wish for him to recreate the shrine boethiah he will accept however he will also require 2000 gold and a unique book he simply calls statue book ok so now we need to hunt down a statue book again with no hint of where to find it but we must find it ok so from here we need to go to the Mages Guild in caldera then upstairs to Amelia darunia the guilds teleportation mistress we need to tell her that we want to go to the mages guild in four vex City and that will teleport us there once here we'll already be in the canton we require the foreign quarter so all we need to do is head down to the waste works where we can find Joe bushes rare books a place for all things book related naturally here there are many books and the Khajiit rare book salesman himself Joe Basha from him will want to buy the unique book called boethius glory this contains the appropriate schematics and sketches for Duma grow leg to rebuild the statue so once we buy it we'll need to head back upstairs of the Vivek City foreign Quarter Canton to the Vivek City majors guild and speak to Fleck Asia for serious for guilds teleportation mistress we need to tell her we're traveling to the caldera mages guild and once back in caldera we'll need to go back to the gorak Manor and then back upstairs to Duma grow lag now we'll need to give him 2000 gold and the book we just bought Boethius glory then he tells us he's going to rebuild at a place called car tag point on the bitter coast we will now also have it marked on our map as a new point of interest now sculpting a statue from a giant rock of course takes so we'll need to wait for 21 in-game days to pass fastest way to do this is of course resting sleeping or waiting once that is done we'll want to head to car tag point fastest way to do this from caldera just walk over a few hills through a few swamps and with them and sure enough now we have a giant statue of boethiah here if we speak to Duma grow like he'll just tell us that it's done thanks Duma I wasn't sure but if we speak to the new statue or shrine to boethiah we will be rewarded by boethiah with the legendary artifact gold brand a really powerful sword that makes appearance through Tamriel ik law and is quite the weapon to wield however that's just the start of obtaining what we're here to get so now that we have gold brown let's get these other ridiculous wheels in motion the next stage is to become a vampire now this might sound cool the being a vampire and morrowind was really really bad it made your characters super overpowered but you could not go outside during the day or you would take deadly sun damage and every NPC in the game won't talk to you save a few so it makes finishing any quests of faction storylines impossible so we'll have to find one of three layers belonging to one of the three vampire clans the shadows of the burn the mages of onday all the Warriors of Quora once inside one of these lands we'll need to try and become infected which is harder than it sounds now we can become infected by participating in melee combat with a vampire or by looting of vampire's corpse now I spent about 40 minutes standing around breaking armories worth of armor trying to stay alive while being batted bashed and bitten by a gang of blood sucking parasites or what I like to call a good Friday night now during this time at some point I became infected despite me not getting a message that I became infected now you can tell that your character is infected by going to your active effects tab where there should be a restore fatigue symbol and under that there will be a restore fatigue one point due to poor phoric hemophilia this is the early stages of vampirism now to fully become a vampire we must sleep for three in-game days after which time will be woken by this I dreamt of a blonde maiden I drew near and so she was crying but her tears were red as blood I touched her tears and tasted them and they were wonderfully salty sharp with spice and savor but the maidens face had changed her skin gray white and red tears dripped from her lips and her head turned black and wreathed around her head like twining snakes I was afraid but I could not run I screamed and then I work heart pounding cramped and aching now this is our dream dealt certificate fulfilling transforming into a vampire now one will need to do is head to the vivec mages guild annoyingly thanks to vampirism no one will talk to us including all of the transport masters and mistresses so we will need to run there at night time of course because at a time we will die so across the map we go walking running jogging whatever we're doing until we eventually get to Vivek city's foreign Quarter once here we need to go to the very top to the major skilled the very same one we were in earlier in here upstairs there is an ultimate night blade named Cyril ennui who despite us being a vampire will still talk to us though she finds us abhorrent she does have a task for us to have a man named Tchaikovsky killed allegedly he can be found inside the alt scar in in out roon we will of course accept this reasonable request and need to make our way to Alderaan now for those of you who aren't geographers of Vardhan fel Alduin isn't close to vivek city and because we're a vampire we'll have to make our own way there at night of course I will be burnt alive this will take some time but at least the scenery is nice eventually over Hill and through forests we'll be in the Ashland's and at the gates of Alda Rouen once here we'll need two heads the outskirt in where we'll need to head down sure chef sure chef can be found downstairs and he's easy to spot because he's in a bright purple robe luckily as soon as we talk to him he will become hostile towards us because we are a vampire which is very much not a good thing in the elder scrolls three more Owens once he's dead we need to loot his corpse and take his key the one that Cyril on we wanted she shoves key now we'll need to head back to the VEX city on foot of course I have my time of course because no transport master or mistress will offer the goods to us because we are a foul beast of a bow this will take again some time but hey at least morrowind is pretty eventually and four pairs of shoes later we will reach Vivek city's foreign quarter canton once again and yep you guess it's straight back up to the majors guild and back to Cyril Anhui but but save the game before talking to her before talking to Cyril Anhui we must do a few things I repeat we must save the game so we have a backup file in case something goes wrong we must be carrying she shoves key just as she asked we must be carrying gold brand the sword we got from boethiah and we must be carrying exactly to the septum eleven thousand one hundred and seventy one gold exactly once all of those checks have been met then we can speak to Cyril on me and click on the topic of someone killed and there it is your journal has been updated sure chef's key has been removed from your inventory gold brand has been removed from your inventory Elton Brand has been added to your inventory go to hell Carolina what alright and that my friends is how we acquire Elton Brant needless to say this is by far the most hidden and almost impossible to acquire item in any of the Elder Scrolls games I would not be surprised if this item was discovered by someone going through the game's scripting and coding rather than it being discovered by someone actually playing the game if that's even happened ever so before we get to the item itself and its uses in game it does need some explaining quite clearly so Elton Brand otherwise known as blue brands is an easter egg that was implemented by mark nelson one of marwan's developers this is the same guy responsible for the blue dev of viewing from earlier on in the video so mark Nelson's nickname is blue dev which stems from the Duke Blue Devils his favorite basketball team blue dev is also the object ID for Elton Brand and of course Mark Nelson is a developer otherwise known as a dev blue dev okay so one of the players on this team the Duke Blue Devils was a man named Elton Brand which is of course the name of the sword now the longtime coach of the Blue Devils is Mike a chef ski and for this quest we had to kill a chef and get his key we had to get Tchaikovsky now the Blue Devils were bitter rivals with the North Carolina Tar Heels that's why we get the message go to hell Carolina also the Duke Blue Devils best victory at this time against the North Carolina Tar Heels was a hundred and eleven to seventy one one one one seven one the exact number of gold we needed in our inventory for the script to activate to replace gold brand with elton brands equally as relevant is the fact that mark Nelson's date of birth is November the 1st 1971 11 1 71 again the exact amount of gold required for this scripting to work and for us to get our hands Elton Brand so there you have the full backstory and explanation for why Elton Brand even exists in the game so now that's out of the way let's take a look at the actual weapon in game it has a maximum base damage of 60 with a chop and a maximum base damage per second of 90 which overpowers that of gold brand which was a maximum at damage per second of 75 now this tells made gold brand one of the most powerful weapons in the game matched with the mace of a virus tone singer only outweighed by almalexia hope fire and the profane tools sundar however its enchantment changes this the enchantment is fire damage 10 to 30 points on touch fortify attack 30 points for 30 seconds on self and restore fatigue 10 points on self so once this is added into the maximum base DPS Elton Brand surpasses both the mace of a bar stone singer and the profane tool thunder by over 20 points of damage per second and is only four and a half points of maximum base DPS shy of almalexia 'he's very own hopesfire but it's enchantment charge is 500 and only consumes 5 per strike leaving it with one of the largest enchantment poles of any item in the game funnily terrassa Arum the dunmer Noble and curator of the Museum of artifacts in marwan's capital city Mon hold does not recognize Elton Brand as an artifact and will not buy it from the player perhaps rendering the weapon on cannon so Elton Brand I would come up with a joke normally but I honestly think this whole weapon is a big enough joke by itself actually I do have a joke but you're not carrying the right amount of gold sorry better reload a save file and try again you ain't getting your hands on camel brand baby and there you have it ladies and gentlemen I've been camel and I do hope you have enjoyed the video and learned something new about the Elder Scrolls 3 morrowind and all the crazy things that can be found within it let me know which other items you think should have made it to this list of most hidden unique items in the game if you've watched up until now you'll be very interested in checking the other elder scrolls videos that I've already done that links to them can be found down in the description now down there in the old description you can find all of my social media links be sure to follow me on Twitter and Instagram and if you'd like to support the channel in a more personal way patreon and YouTube sponsorships are available as I'm sure you know all of my time and energy goes into making these videos that I create for you to enjoy so your support is most appreciated and welcomed in any and all forms so thank you very much for watching thank you for supporting the channel and I will see you very shortly in the next video I'll see you there soon [Music]
Channel: Camelworks
Views: 1,042,165
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elder, scrolls, VI, scrolls V, one, two, three, four, five, six, arena, daggerfall, morrowind, oblivion, skyrim, bethesda, game, studios, softworks, secrets, mysteries, detective, hidden, legends, stories, theories, top, 10, list, most, interesting, facts, best, easter, eggs, unique, camel, works, camelworks, mackenzie, rowles, eso, tes, online, crazy, lore, canon, tales, locations, confirmed, details, tiny, things, you, didn't, need, to, know, zenimax, media, trivia, tips, tricks, daedric, artifacts, items, prince, cyberpunk, secret
Id: qewLfzpDpGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 45sec (4005 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2019
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